Assistant Architect

Chapter 110: Townhouse

Chapter 110: Townhouse

At work on Thursday, Zhang Siyi shook out his cramped arm then continued to collect background information on the X-City hotel project in Yunnan province. Its just two more days left until he moves!

In the evening, Zhang Siyi and Gu Yu went out to dinner together. After thinking about his living situation, he wanted to discuss it with Gu Yu: “Boss, I’ve thought about it. I’m going to move in with you but I still have to pay you rent.”

Even before Zhang Siyi realized the truth about who Gu Yu liked, he thought about paying rent. Due to the emotional rollercoaster he experienced from the last few days events, his mind was mush. When Gu Yu asked him to live together, he felt so happy that he forgot all else, including asking him about rent.

Knowing that Gu Yu liked him, Zhang Siyi didn’t want to take advantage of his feelings to deliberately ignore paying rent. In some ways, after studying in the UK for many years, Zhang Siyi adopted some westernized concepts. In particular, the sentiment is true towards the importance of the mutual economic independence of a couple.

Although Gu Yu lived in a friend’s house without the need to pay rent in exchange for architectural favors, the two decided to live together and thus, they should bear the expenses together.

Zhang Siyi couldn’t think of anything else to offer other than paying rent. He scratched his head in embarrassment: “I don’t have much money now so I can only afford the same as I’ve been paying. Four-thousand a month. What do you think?”

Now that Zhang Siyi has been looking at housing options for the last two weeks, he is well versed in the various areas of the city and its current prices. Inferring the rent of Yuanshan Garden from experience, he can guess that the villa is at least twenty-thousand a month. What’s more, the significance of Zhang Siyi’s improved quality of life is greater than the value of the house itself. For these reasons, Zhang Siyi is embarrassed to mention “4,000 bucks.”

Gu Yu listened to Zhang Siyi’s words and carefully examined his expression. Knowing Zhang Siyi’s personality and upbringing, he didn’t want to dismiss Zhang Siyi’s thoughtful proposal.

“Alright, but I didn’t intend to collect your money. Since this is what you insist on, I will accept it.” In order for them to live comfortably together, Gu Yu respected Zhang Siyi’s wishes. Gu Yu continued: “However, neither will I take this money for myself, nor will my friend who provides this house agree to it.” After a moment of deliberation, Gu Yu looked up and said: “How about we use the money towards our common expenses and if there isn’t enough, I will pay for the remainder and if you do other chores to improve our living arrangements, I can award you a bonus based on my own judgment.”

Zhang Siyi: “......”

Zhang Siyi understood the first part, but the second part sounded strange. That is to say, when they buy food or go out to eat or watch a movie, Gu Yu does not need to pay. As a result, it is more like Zhang Siyi is “supporting” Gu Yu. Not only does Gu Yu’s proposal take care of Zhang Siyi’s self-respect, but it also gives him the chance to feel like he is contributing!

Zhang Siyi nodded enthusiastically and felt it was very reasonable than asked: “What are the other things I can do to improve the quality of living together?”

“For example, if you took the initiative to do various chores, or something like buying fresh flowers to decorate...” Gu Yu lifted his eyebrows and paused. Than continued: “Well, if it is something that makes me feel happy, I feel its only appropriate to return the rest of the money to you.”

Is there such a good thing as earning money back through housework? “All right!” Zhang Siyi said full of gratitude and joy. After the consensus, Zhang Siyi could finally look forward to living together without any burden.

That night, the pair moved more of luggage over to Gu Yu’s house. The only stuff left in the apartment, was Zhang Siyi bedding, his violin and the dog.

Gu Yu looked at the bare apartment and the restless Golden Retriever. He asked: “What is the dog’s name?”

Zhang Siyi: “Cheer-Up”

Gu Yu: “Cheer-Up? Why does he have an odd name? Is there any special meaning?”

Zhang Siyi eye’s twitched and with some resentment explained the origin on the dog’s name then complained: “This is the dog of doom. Nothing but bad things have happened since getting this dog. First, Fu Xinhui’s family was attacked by the mob, then his sister was imprisoned for a few weeks and then his family went bankrupt. Since the dog was entrusted to me, I lost 5000 on the sale of used speakers, my project fell through, and I couldn’t find an apartment even though I looked for a month. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have a place to live!”

Gu Yu: “......”

There were other instances of bad luck like his fight with Gu Yu, but Zhang Siyi didn’t want to complain about his list grievances anymore. Now, Zhang Siyi is a little fearful of the dog: “I usually call him Stupid-Dog. There is no way I am calling the dog Cheer-Up. He’s just going to bring us bad luck.”

Hearing Zhang Siyi talk about “us”, Gu Yu smiled. He went over to the dog, crouched down and pet his head. Wagging his tail and responding to Gu Yu’s touch, Cheer-Up moved closer and stuck his tongue out panting.

Gu Yu: “When I get back home, I’ll research the dog’s aura and calculate the best name.”

Zhang Siyi’s: “Oh? What are you going to do?”

Gu Yu explained: “Since some architectural design requests want to utilize Feng Shui, I have read a few books relating to the subject. Inevitably, there are things that come up every now and then that are very difficult to explain with common sense. Since you said the dog incurs bad luck, then you will always have negative feelings. Whether luck has anything to do with it or not, it is best to dispel any doubts. Then you will feel more comfortable and at ease.”

With stars glittering in his eye, Zhang Siyi looked at Gu Yu full of worship: “Well, hurry up and calculate it!”

Ah, for the sake of the future! Gu Yu is so powerful! (☆_☆)

Gu Yu: “......”

After Gu Yu went home, Zhang Siyi took time to practice playing the violin. Later, while getting ready for bed, he noticed some messages from Gu Yu on WeChat.

Gu Yu: “I completed my research and discovered that the original name was hastily made. Is it alright if we change it?”

While thinking whether or not he needs to get Fu Xinhui’s consent to rename he dog, Zhang Siyi turned and looked at Cheer-Up. Since he was abroad, Fu Xinhui won’t be seeing him for at least three years. The son and the mother are going to remarry.

Zhang Siyi: “All right! Chang it!”

Gu Yu: “Ok. Hold on, I’m going to figure out a new name.”

Zhang Siyi: “Hmm.”

In less than half an hour, Gu Yu replied: ” In order to ward away the evil spirits, how about we change the dog’s name to Townhouse?”

Zhang Siyi: “...” Eh? Townhouse? (=_=)

Zhang Siyi thought the new name was as stupid as ‘Cheer-Up’. They might as well name the dog ‘Prosperous-Wealth’ however, he was eager to agree with Gu Yu’s suggestion.

Zhang Siyi said: “It’s a good name!” As he said the new name out loud, he realized the name was also a homonym for ‘Secure Residence’. Ah! Very smooth!” ~\(≧▽≦)/~

Gu Yu: “OK, tomorrow we will hold a formal ceremony to change his name.”

Gu Yu: “[Little Fox Drinks Tea]”

Zhang Siyi: “......” There is such a thing?

Since Zhang Siyi assumed the dog’s presence would cause problems, he was surprised at how much consideration Gu Yu had for the dog. Zhang Siyi was both moved and felt warm at heart. He really wished he could leave his apartment with the dog and move into the stepfather’s house now!

The next evening on Friday, Gu Yu drove with Zhang Siyi to pick up the dog. When they arrived at the villa, Gu Yu gently coaxed the dog inside. In a very serious tone, he spoke to the dog: “Townhouse, this is your new home and I am your new master.”

Townhouse: “......”

Zhang Siyi: “......” You’re the new owner? So, what am I?

Ignoring Zhang Siyi, Gu Yu lite three incense sticks and then with Townhouse, he walked the dog in a circle tapping his head three times chanting “Townhouse”.

Incredibly like magic, when the ceremony was completed, the dog barked in response to Gu Yu as if he understood. Indicating that he was very satisfied, Gu Yu narrowed his eyes and nodded at Townhouse. Witnessing the scene in front of him, Zhang Siyi stared wide-eyed and open mouthed. He felt so useless!

Even on the last night, Zhang Siyi insisted on going back to his old apartment. Although he wanted to practice one last time, he didn’t stress it too much in fear of causing fatigue. In his anticipation for playing Summer for Gu Yu tomorrow, he couldn’t settle his mind.

Lying in bed feeling restless, Zhang Siyi searched for one of the films Gu Yao had mentioned previously, “Spring Fever”.

Since the movie had a love scene between two men at the beginning of the film, Zhang Siyi felt uncomfortable. Having been brought up with straight values, it wasn’t easy to change his thinking right away.

He took a deep breath and imagined himself and Gu Yu as the couple in the movie doing the things, he saw on screen.... pressed together, kissing, moaning, thrusting,..... Wait, wait!

The nosebleed is going to flow out ... Zhang Siyi was crimson and looked at the sudden excitement of the little brother between his legs... You’re not! (t////t)

After the little bit of thunder, the story began with a flow of consciousness and the plot confused Zhang Siyi. Even so, he became engrossed in the characters especially the feelings of loss and loneliness of the male lead. Zhang Siyi imagined himself as the male lead losing Gu Yu and it made him feel very upset.

After watching the film, Zhang Siyi looked up film reviews on the internet to gain a better grasp of the themes that the film wanted to express. Confirming his guess, the film was about the feelings between people. Whether those two people were two men or a man and a woman, all couples flirt, love, and fight with one another. It is as Gu Yu said; true feelings are gender-neutral.

Zhang Siyi was suddenly very glad that he saw such a film at this time because he never considered that two men could have real emotional feelings. Previously, with a straight man mentality, he would never have taken any step towards another man.

However, when he saw the pain and loneliness of male couple in the film, Zhang Siyi suddenly felt that his previous thoughts were too irresponsible. He was absolutely reluctant to let Gu Yu suffer the same emotional pain, so once they are together, they will never separate. Now that Zhang Siyi was resolute in his decision, he clenched his fist. Like his lifetime commitment to architecture, Zhang Siyi would spend the rest of his life with Gu Yu!

Feeling moved by the tone of the film, Zhang Siyi reached out and grabbed his phone. Even though it was past midnight, he sent a message to Gu Yu: “Are you asleep?”

Gu Yu: “Why aren’t you asleep?”

Zhang Siyi: “Did you have any problems with Cheer ... Oh, I mean Townhouse?”

Gu Yu: “He is very well behaved and sleeping in the living room.”

Zhang Siyi: “Oh ...”

Gu Yu: “What else is the matter? Why are you still awake?”

Zhang Siyi stared at the screen for a long time and on impulse, he wrote three words: “I miss you.”

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