Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 295: 294 entities

Chapter 295: 294 entities

Chapter 295 294. Entity

The next day, just like in Oriden, Lan woke up from the village elder's house.

But unlike Oriden where there are just water ghosts, there are evil beings in this village that can attract ghost dogs. Lan En didn't allow himself to perform [Memory Diving] as usual when he went to bed last night.

Early in the morning, before the sun was still high, Lan En had already packed up his equipment and walked onto the field that had been abandoned for two years.

This field is not far from the village. Even if you turn your head, you can still see the smoke coming from the village's chimney, at most 700 to 800 meters.

The presence of daytime demons at this distance can really scare the whole village out of their wits.

About half a kilometer away in the opposite direction of the village, you are already at the edge of the Blockleon Forest.

Okay, let me see

Lan Ens boots with external plate armor stepped on the dry and cracked field without any hesitation.

It makes the sound of dry soil being crushed.

The field has been abandoned for two years. No one dared to cultivate it because of the monsters, but it has not developed into an overgrown state.

There is obviously no shortage of water here, and there is even a large forest not far away. But the fields seemed to be in constant drought.

Supernatural, no doubt about it.

Lan En murmured, first squatting down and pinching a handful of hardened soil, then stood up and looked around.

Beyond the field ridges is lush weed ground.

He walked for a while and came to the corpse in the field.

This was the only victim, the widower. He died two years ago when the demon spirit first appeared, and until now no one dared to take the risk to collect his bones.

The body has been exposed in the wilderness for two years. Logically speaking, only the bones should be left.

But now, the dry muscles and skin that had lost water clung to his frame, and the clothes and body tissues were in a state more like weathering than biodegradation.

Let Lan En describe it, it's like it was just dug out of the pyramid.

The dehydration technology of pharaoh mummies is not as good as this.

With a calm expression, Lan En took out the dragon bone dagger and began to make caracara signs on the dry and crispy corpse.

"Myolysis occurred before death. He was forced to perform excessive exercise, causing the muscle fibers to collapse. Did he dance to death?"

The tip of Valyrian steel seemed to lift off parchment, exposing the remains of muscle inside.

Lanns biochemical knowledge easily recognized the traces of muscle dissolution.

Various signs made Lan En certain that the type of demon spirit entrenched here was the day demon spirit.

"Mentos, retrieve the monster information. I remember that the demon spirit will not be far away from his corpse during the day?"

Lan En half-crouched in front of the corpse, but his eyes began to search for traces on the surrounding ground.

"Sir, day demons are not trapped around their own corpses. According to the data, what keeps them lingering is the resentment left in the place of death. This is not necessarily a burial ground, but it must be a crime scene. Discovery scene.

Thanks for the correction.

Lan En was satisfied with Mentos' correction in his mind. On the other hand, he was trying hard to use his extraordinary senses to see if he could grasp the clues from two years ago.

Although this is a bit unrealistic, you have to try it.

While Lan En lowered his head to search, the temperature in the field began to rise, like boiling a frog in warm water.

The heat evaporated from the ground is entangled with the cold air in winter, causing the refraction of light to become distorted and blurred.

Lan En's eyes that were originally looking down, the vertical pupils of the cat's eyes began to narrow.


There was a sharp sound of the blade being unsheathed. That was the sound of Lan En suddenly pulling out the Sword of the Lake Lady from his waist, and then slashing horizontally towards the back!

There was a sound of rags flying in the air.

The figure floating in mid-air was slashed across the chest by the Lake Lady's Sword in Lan En's hand, but because it was not in physical form, it caused no effective damage at all. So even though his reaction couldn't keep up with the speed of the knife and he was hit a bit, he still drifted away on his own.

After Lan En made a horizontal slash, he turned his body around and faced the 'floating object' head-on.

Like a half-burnt corpse pulled out from the fire, with tattered clothes and tattered body.

Hair is floating as if floating in water, the entire chin has completely disappeared, and a long, ulcerated tongue hangs out from the throat.

Daytime demon!

After it fully appeared, Lan En actually felt that his mouth was starting to go dry in the windy winter.

Its not that it cant be cut at all, otherwise it wouldnt have been able to hide just now.

If you are an ordinary demon hunter who sees the daytime demon for the first time, and sees that his attack has no effect, he will probably start to panic and then lose his calm.

But Lan En's eyes narrowed slightly and he always remained calm.

Mentos combined with his own observation ability and quickly noticed details that were easily overlooked.

The day demon seems to be incompatible with the material world. On the edge of its silhouette, the color of the surrounding scenery will turn into a vague gray-white.

Its like a conflict of painting styles.

But when Alondette slashed across the chest, although the day demon seemed not to care at all, the gray and white color suddenly disappeared in the path of the long knife.

It has not been restored to its original state until now.

The [Evil-Destroying] attribute of the Sword of the Lady of the Lake is not given in vain. It is just that it cannot be touched on the material level, so its performance is a bit weak now.

It can be hurt by a flat cut, but the efficiency is worrisome.

Lan quickly clarified the situation.

The day demon, which had already lost its mind, was screaming and rushing towards the demon hunter.

Stepping sideways, Lan En nimbly dodged and avoided the direct attack.

Along the way, he quickly corrected his direction after moving sideways, holding Arondette in both hands and raising it above his head.

[Real celebrity, a word cut]!

There was a loud sound of "Bang!", which was the roar caused by the violent flow of air driven by the blade through swordsmanship skills.

However, when it hit the demon spirit, it didn't feel like hitting an entity at all. Instead, it made a whistling sound like a weapon being swung in the air.

The rotten female corpse floating in the air screamed with her throat missing her jaw, and her helpless rotten tongue flicked in the air.

A circle of sound waves that almost turned into a transparent sphere centered on it and spread to a radius of three meters.

Within three meters, sound waves of this intensity can even cause physical damage. Three meters away, ordinary people would feel dizzy even if they just heard it.

And demon hunters are not ordinary people, they are created to deal with monsters.

[Adens Seal]!

Lan En stood outside the substantial sound wave, calmly sheathed his sword, and made a series of handprints on the ground with one hand.

Then runes exuding violet magical aura emerged from the ground and formed a circle.

Yarden Seal, its effect is similar to a magic barrier or trap, which can cause enemies in the circle to receive a stagnant effect, and force demon enemies to materialize.

The scream of the demon spirit has come to an end, and the [Aden Seal] just happens to trap it inside.

The body that originally looked like a poor TV signal reception now appears as a 'high-definition' entity.

The demon hunter has already lowered his center of gravity, holding the scabbard with his left hand and the hilt with his right hand.

The cat's eyes were nailed on the demon spirit's body, and with a smooth sliding step on his feet, he maintained the ready posture of Iai Slash and got close to it.

Ashi MingrenSpecial SkillsAshi Ming Cross Slash!

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