Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 296: 295 Manipulation of emotions

Chapter 296: 295 Manipulation of emotions

Chapter 296 295. Manipulation of emotions

The shrill sound of breaking through the air is different from the past. This is a technique that can leave a substantial lethal air blade in the air!

The first knife of the cross cut passed through the chest of the day demon spirit.

Finally there was no light and weak touch this time. Arondette's extraordinary blade cut through the blackened rotten flesh and the feel of chopping crisp bones was very clear.

The blade chopped into pieces the third and fourth pairs of ribs, and the middle thoracic vertebrae was also shattered into dregs.

The body of the demon spirit, which was already in tatters, could not bring any sluggishness.

The second vertical chop went from the demon spirit's left shoulder all the way into its shoulder blades and ribs. Finally, because its abdomen became completely hollow, it was hacked out of the body.

After the damage from the two steel blades, the air blade began to work, making the broken bone stubble even more thin. Stir the tattered cloth on the demon spirit into flying crumbs.

Even the demon spirit cannot bear this level of substantial damage.

It was even about to be cut into four parts by Lan Ens two knives!

Immediately, the demon spirit turned its back to the sky and screamed as if it was being punished. Then green flames enveloped it from bottom to top, and finally nothing was left.

In addition to the purple magic runes on the ground, there was also a layer of floating soil blown away by the sword wind, as if nothing had happened.

On the surface, it seems that Lan En has completely solved this twisted soul full of resentment, but in fact

Cant be killed.

Lan En put the long elven sword back on his waist and looked around with a frown. The cold and humid winter air outside the ridges still has no way to flow in.

It's like hitting a wall.

The power of the day demon is still affecting this field, it has only been temporarily repulsed.

Shaking his head, the young man cautiously exited the deserted land and walked towards the village.

Master! Master Witcher!

As soon as the nearly two-meter-tall witcher approached the gate of the village fence, the villagers gathered at the gate cheered at the signal raised by the village elder.

Mutt approached with a smile on his face and asked Lan En.

Master, that scream just now made us all feel tight in our chests and make us vomit in the village. My dog was so frightened that he peed! You dont think anything is wrong. Has it been resolved?

Lan En looked at Mutt who was smiling calmly, knowing very well in his heart.

Now he calls "you", but after confirming that the problem has been solved, they will no longer speak so politely to the witcher.

Not even close.

The witcher waved his hand and said something, causing the village elder's expression to freeze suddenly, and the villagers' laughter and laughter as well.

Mutt hurriedly followed up and asked: "'Not even close'? What does this mean? The monsters have stopped screaming now, and you are back. Wouldn't it be over if you were killed?"

Lan En's eyes quickly glanced at the villagers gathered around him. Each of their faces was filled with the fear of being targeted by monsters.

This is a good occasion.

A good occasion to discourage the village elders from lying.

As long as he ties what he wants to know to the safety of the villagers, the villagers will force out the elder's information themselves.

Then Ill just say it, everyone.

The witcher suddenly turned around and faced most of the villagers, ensuring that they could receive his serious expression and solemn tone.

As the Emperor's son, he was familiar with this.

"In that field in this village, a woman who was about to get married died two years ago. Murder! There is a demon that won't leave outside, which is the woman's resentment."

"He is mad with pain or rage, wandering the farmland looking for his unfaithful lover, his love rival who stabbed him behind his back, or simply the murderer who stabbed him the night before he was to be married, but even if it wasn't Anyone who is related to the above, and anyone who does not avoid it in time, will be killed by it."

"It can't be killed! Silver swords, spells, witch doctors' herbs... none of them can kill it! I just cut it into four parts, but at most it will come back tomorrow, as if nothing happened."

Professional tone and determined expression bring great persuasion.

The detailed explanation of the dangers of daytime demons gave the villagers who had previously only vaguely "feared monsters" a more concrete and real fear.

They began to whisper, grabbed the hands of people around them in panic, and then quickly let go as if they were frightened, looking around nervously.

These reactions were all expected by Lan En.

But when fear prevailed among the crowd, and even Mutt's mouth trembled, Lan En changed his subject.

But there are ways to deal with it, everyone.

Under the suspension bridge effect, the crowd looked at the witcher with expectation and pleading, as if looking at a life-saving straw. The amber cat eyes turned around and looked at everyone. Firm yet gentle.

Everyone felt they had gained courage and confidence.

Even Mutter is like this.

"My lord! My good lord! What can you do? Please tell me quickly!"

At this moment, he is not even called Master, but Sir.

It's like a mutant freak has a noble identity at this moment.

Finally, the amber cat's eyes were fixed on the village elder.

I need something from that woman, Mutt.

In the plain words, the village elder's originally hopeful expression suddenly solidified.

He began to feel cold.

What are you talking about?

"I need something belonging to that woman, the woman who died in the field two years ago. She was kept with special care, representing something of emotional concern! Without that thing, the day demon cannot be killed! You understand. ?"

Before the village elder could start to quibble, Lan interrupted him directly.

The choking tone and urgent emphasis made Mutt break out in a cold sweat in the middle of winter.

Without intending to wait for the village elders to respond, the demon hunter announced directly to all the villagers.

I know that the womans death was abnormal and could give birth to monsters like day demons. She must have been very resentful before she died.

I also know that we all live in the same village and meet each other without looking up. You shouldnt betray your neighbors for a dead foreign woman, right?

But gentlemen and ladies!

"This is no longer the time to maintain harmony in the neighborhood without talking. Now the day demon outside is waiting to rush into the village and take your lives! Do you still want to hide it at this time? Do you still want to say that you don't know anything? "

The crowd began to commotion, and many people's hidden eyes began to focus on Mutt.

Lan Ens eyebrows raised inadvertently, and then he laughed dumbly. Isnt that really stupid? !

He originally thought that the village elder was someone who helped cover up the traces, so that there would not be a shortage of strong laborers in his village.

But now it seems that he himself has a problem.

Under the sense of crisis and incitement created by Lan En, a middle-aged man took the lead in hugging his wife and children and walked up to Mutt, who had his head lowered.

The three of them said nothing, they just stared at him.

With the leader in hand, the remaining villagers walked over one by one and stared at the village elder who was sweating more and more.

They didnt speak, but they had expressed their stance.

No matter what happened two years ago, Mutt has to put an end to this matter now!

Take those **** belongings! Leave it to the **** witcher!

The village elder looked up with an ugly expression and looked at the outsider in his village.

At this time, the outsider crossed his arms as if it had nothing to do with him, and just stretched out his fingers to point to the villagers surrounding him.

That means: This is a private matter within your village. You can handle it yourself. Im just waiting for the things to be in hand to start working.

Muts teeth were almost broken.

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