Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Edited by Squid

There were a few more fruits left and he could return, but Shu Hanyu felt abnormally panicked, and couldnt calm down no matter what. Shu Hanyu did not have the heart to continue looking for fruits, and carried a large assortment of food and ran back.

The small ingredients couldnt be wound up in his snake tail, so Shu Hanyu did not turn into his beast form and urgently rushed through the forest in his human form. However, his speed was on par with his Spiritual Snake form. In the forest with green filling the eyes, a human figure flitted past like a phantom and soon disappeared, leaving behind nothing more than a shadow.

Shu Hanyu emerged from the forest and was about to reach their cave. Imagining Tiantian right inside, waiting for his food, Shu Hanyus heart eased somewhat.

A light gust blew by, brushing past Shu Hanyus nose. His footsteps paused, and the food in his arms fell to the ground with a clatter. Shu Hanyu panicked and he dashed to the cave.

Tiantian! Shu Hanyu shouted, but there was no response.

The air had a heavy scent of blood, and Tiantians blood was also mixed among it. What the heck happened? Where was Tiantian?

It was just an instant, but Shu Hanyu had run to the outside of the cavern. The side of the cave that originally was tidied up cleanly by Shu Jintian without a single weed was now covered in blood. Fresh blood was stuck to the ground, presenting a dark-red colour.

Tiantian! Where are you? Shu Hanyu spat out his forked tongue; there wasnt any of Shu Jintians scent in the air at all.

Tiantian isnt here! This made him feel an unprecedented unease and panic. Lying on the ground and closely sniffing, he then realised that this place was filled with that male ligers scent. His perturbed spirits from the blood and Tiantians disappearance led him to not noticing this obvious smell.

A blood colour instantly condensed in Shu Hanyus eyes, and his naturally bloodthirsty trait abruptly went out of control. Kill him, must kill him!

The little snake searched for male father with an anxious heart, but everywhere nearby was fathers scent, so he was easily led astray. Moreover, male fathers route had twists and turns; he looked for a very long time and was still just near the cave.

Suddenly, male fathers call for female father rang out near the cave. The little snake was delighted, and with a turn of his tail, he exerted all his strength in running back.

At the edges of the forest, a deep green snake abruptly shot out. Hearing the commotion, Shu Hanyu turned his head.

Seeing his strong father, the little snake instantly found his pillar and rushed towards male father.

Why are you here? Wheres your female father? When Shu Hanyu saw the little snake, he knew that he might know the situation.

The little snake was startled by the sight of his fathers blood-red eyes. Although he knew that father wouldnt do anything to him now, he couldnt restrain himself from feeling scared.

SsssThe little snake swiftly told father about female father being captured and his siblings tragic deaths.

Shu Hanyus eyes grew icier, and his entire being was pervaded with an intense killing aura.

Go, Ill take you to find female father! Shu Hanyu said and turned into his beast form.

Shu Hanyu did not need to closely examine to discover the obvious scent on the ground. The beastman leaving such an obvious scent was to lead him over ba!

Shu Hanyu knew he was walking into a tigers den, but wasnt afraid at all. He was just thinking of rescuing Tiantian as soon as possible and, in passing, thoroughly dispose of that despicable male.

Shu Jintian shifted his body before realising he seemed to be tied up by rope. The ropes were bound very tightly, and there wasnt even the slightest leeway to struggle. And he was in a boiling hot embrace that was closely imprisoning him.

Yan Ze was sitting on the ground in his human form while resting with his eyes shut. Shu Jintian was seated in his embrace. Shu Jintian only needed to move in the slightest and Yan Ze would cautiously open his eyes, pinching his especially tender face.

Youre awake?

Yan Zes rough voice suddenly rang out by his ear, and Shu Jintians eardrums were practically buzzing from the echo.

Let me go! Shu Jintian forcefully tilted his head and opened his eyes. He was truly awake now. Recalling the little snakes violent deaths, Shu Jintian was desperate to swallow the person before him whole.

Your voice is really pleasant; in the future you can only speak for me to hear!Yan Ze ignored the females response and admiringly stroked the females pretty face, speaking to himself.

Shu Jintian avoided him in revulsion, fiercely biting into the rough palm Yan Ze placed on his face and wishing he could chew him apart.

Yan Ze merely frowned slightly and did not remove his hand. Instead, he used his other hand to continue stroking the females beautiful face. Such a good-looking female ah, wholl belong to him forever from now on.

Wu! Shu Jintian bit too hard and unconsciously whimpered. But even though his teeth were aching from the bite, this person didnt react in the slightest, and his mouth didnt have the sensation of flesh tearing. This made Shu Jintian feel very defeated and he resentfully let go. He saw that there was just a very indistinct bite mark left on this beastmans hand.

Shu Jintian avoided Yan Zes vulgar fondling, and saw that they were now on a rather small rock platform, like a small-scale stage, while below were the noisy seawaves. Shu Jintian turned his head and saw that they were on the edge of a coastal cliff. It wasnt far from the sea surface and seemed about a dozen metres. Shu Jintian could see splashes spattering against the rocky cliff from the sea waves that were blindingly white under the scorching suns illumination.

The rock platform was covered in fist-sized crushed rocks. Shu Jintian observantly realised that these rocks had sharp edges, and the sizes of each of them were more or less the same. They didnt seem natural, and instead seemed manmade.

But why would Yan Ze do this? Though these rocks were exceptionally identical, they were just a pile of debris. Shu Jintian looked at the sharp rocks on the ground and had an ominous intuition, but also did not know why.

Yan Ze loved Shu Jintians body too much and wasnt willing to part, and kept rubbing and squeezing. Shu Jintian was incredibly repulsed, but his body was tied up so he couldnt escape; he had no choice but to frown and endure it.

Fuck off! You disgusting asshole. Shu Jintian was almost nauseated. The pinched areas were really hurting, and soon reddened.

Yan Ze conversely quit while he was ahead this time, and he closed his eyes to rest again. His expression was very solemn, and even a little nervous.

Shu Jintian secretly snorted. He sure is scared of big snake!

Without the harassment, Shu Jintian finally turned his head to glare at Yan Ze fiercely, wishing to glare a hole into his body.

Not long after, Yan Ze suddenly opened his eyes. Shu Jintian sensed the beastmans nervous appearance and also followed along in his spirits shaking. Big snake was here?

Yan Ze glanced afar and then uncaringly tossed aside the female, standing up.

Ah! Shu Jintians arms were bound and he was unable to prop up his body, so he fully fell down to the ground. With the impactful crash, the ground with crushed rocks stung him. Shu Jintian forbearingly bit his lip before he could resist crying out in pain.


When Shu Hanyu saw Shu Jintian being abused, his eyes practically tearing from anger as the bloody colour grew more intense. He quickly travelled towards the rocky platform and stood before Yan Ze in the blink of an eye.

The instant Yan Ze stood up, he turned into his beast form. Towards this male, he had no choice but to treat him cautiously, although he had a nine-tenths assurance of defeating him.

Hanyu! Shu Jintian kicked his legs forward while lying prostrate, wanting to get up. But he was stunned when seeing Shu Hanyus eyes, and his heart was aching so bad that even breathing became difficult.

Shu Hanyu ignored the ground covered in rubble and eagerly rushed towards Shu Jintian only to be blocked by a large liger beast.

Yan Ze looked at Shu Hanyu provocatively, letting out a beastly, robust howl and inviting Shu Hanyu to fight.

Looking to die! Shu Hanyus eyes abruptly turned to ice and he fiercely attacked.

Even if he was long prepared, Yan Ze couldnt help shaking from the Spiritual Snakes attack, and he hastily dodged before smoothly drawing a distance between them.

Shu Hanyus enormous snake body rapidly shot over, pursuing closely and unrelentingly. He knew that this battle must be resolved in the shortest time, otherwise he might become unable to endure like before. Moreover, this time, the weather was unfavourable and without the rainwaters participation, the liger beast was even more at an advantage.

Yan Ze was both fighting and retreating, occasionally beating his wings and flying up, luring the Spiritual Snake into beating against the ground with his tail and injuring himself. But when flying up, his most vulnerable belly was exposed to the other. With the slightest carelessness, he might be heavily injured.

The little snake hurriedly fled while his father was fighting, and took advantage of the chaos to run to his female fathers side. Then, he rubbed his head against Shu Jintians arm.

Little snake! When Shu Jintian saw the small snake, his heart began aching terribly, and his eyes began souring as large drops of tears uncontrollably fell, and he placatingly nudged the little snake gently.

When the little snake saw female father was bound by vines, he bit the vines with his teeth and then began tugging back with all his might. But the vines didnt break and instead the tugging hurt Shu Jintian.

Shu Jintian saw that the little snake only had two fangs and knew it was very hard for him to break the vine, so he comforted, Dont rush, little snake. Grind it down with your teeth, and be careful not to hurt your teeth.

The little snake obediently opened his mouth and wore down the vines with his fangs.

Shu Jintian nervously watched the two beasts fierce battle. He saw that Shu Hanyu seemed to be absolutely winning, as that beastman dodged here and there. Yet for some reason, the big snake body was covered in bits of blood. Shu Jintian was startled; it turned out to be the pieces of rock on the ground.

The big snake was strong. His tail slammed on the ground and the broken rocks pierced his body, and some even embedded into his body. Yet, repulsively, this beastman was still deliberately flying up and down, inciting Hanyu to pound the ground in order to leap.

Shu Jintians breathing stuttered and he shouted, Hanyu, be careful! Dont stubbornly fight him, hes doing it on purpose!

Shu Hanyu divided his attention to give Shu Jintian a look. Seeing him looking at him in concern, his heart warmed, and his attacks grew fiercer.

Shu Jintian suddenly recalled those strange wounds on Shu Hanyus body the last time he returned from looking for this beast. It turned out to be caused by this. This beastman truly was despicable!

No! Hanyu, I beg you, dont be like this! Seeing more and more bloody spots on Shu Hanyus body, Shu Jintians heart had bursts of pain.

But Shu Hanyu now no longer bothered with Shu Jintian, concentrating on dealing with his enemy. This place was too small, and his overly long body simply couldnt fully extend.

But while he seemed at a disadvantage, this beastman also had a fatal weakness, which was that when he flew, he would expose his belly to Shu Hanyus eyes. Whereas Shu Hanyu only needed to gain flesh wounds in order to have the opportunity to give his enemy a fatal blow.

Seeing more and more blood on Shu Hanyu, so much that even the air seemed suffused with it, Shu Jintian could no longer stay still. He struggled to get up, and the little snake, caught unprepared, fell to the ground with a pata.

Yan Ze merely tied Shu Jintians upper body, and thus he could still use his legs to kick aside the crushed rocks on the ground, wanting Shu Hanyu to shift the battle to a clean area.

On a summer day, Shu Jintian wasnt wearing shoes; kicking the rocks with his bare foot was extremely painful to his toes, yet Shu Jintian was already unable to feel such details as he continued kicking the rocks, and soon cleared out a small, vacant space.

The two in combat had noticed the females movements nearby. Shu Hanyus feelings were distress and worry, while Yan Zes were rage. Repulsive, actually helping the Spiritual Snake like this.

Yan Ze glared at Shu Jintian angrily, sweeping up a few rocks to strike Shu Jintian.

Ngh! Shu Jintian groaned, then continued kicking rocks.

Hanyu, come here!

Seeing Shu Jintian being struck, Shu Hanyu grew even more furious. He saw Yan Ze swept over a stone again, and obstructed it with his tail without even a second thought.

Because he was blocked by a rock, Shu Hanyus body couldnt turn smoothly and Yan Zes sharp claws scratched his back, leaving four deep, bloody marks.

Yan Zes eyes brightened and he began mainly focusing on Shu Jintian, then took the advantage to attack the Spiritual Snake whose focus was split between the fight and protecting the female.

Hanyu! Shu Jintian also realised that he had become Shu Hanyus weakness, and he was unbearably resentful of Yan Zes vulgarity. He could only avoid Yan Zes attacks so that Shu Hanyu wouldnt be too much at a disadvantage.

The combat location gradually approached the edge of the rocky wall as Yan Ze came towards Shu Jintian. Shu Jintian was also forced to a dead end. Standing at the edge of the rocky cliff, and behind him was the cliff and thin air. Below, the seawater was roiling as the sea waves crashed loudly.

Yan Ze swung his claws again, and this time, Shu Jintian, who no longer had any leeway to retreat, was struck head-on. The beastmans uncontrolled attack was something Shu Jintian could not resist, and with an unstable balance, Shu Jintian stepped on air and fell down the rocky wall with a frightened cry.

The little snake was always beside Shu Jintian. Seeing this, he unhesitantly leapt down to follow female father, chasing after him in midair.

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