Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 326 - 326: Creation of Things

Chapter 326 - 326: Creation of Things

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The space-time ghost was even more dangerous than Li Wenyuan had imagined. After the appearance of the ghost spaceship, it was indeed using the warp drive. He could not understand what was driving the ghost spaceship.

Its existence was very unscientific, but its behavior was not scientific to a certain extent. The space-time field that would only appear after the warp drive was activated was detected, and it was on the ghost spaceship.

This was also the most unscientific part. How did an image that didn’t even have mass and seemed to be just a projection achieve a space-time field that required a tremendous amount of energy to induce?

“If I guess according to the laws of the universe…”

Li Wenyuan thought to himself. If the space-time ghost was a unique cosmic phenomenon in this universe, there might still be a possibility. That kind of mirror image was indeed like a rule. It would repeat the actions of the main body until they were annihilated.

However, at the same time, it made Li Wenyuan hesitate about whether to carry out the subsequent experiments.

The biggest question was what kind of state life would be in after the mirror image, and would it have intelligence?

In the end, he decided to put the life-related space-time ghost experiment aside for the time being and deal with the Lightchaser Civilization first.

Far away in the Cradle galaxy, the Lightchaser Leader civilization watched the arrival of the cargo spaceship with anticipation. He was disappointed by the disappearance of the spaceship.

Although the mysterious aider had long told him that warping might not be feasible, witnessing the destruction of hope still made him feel disappointed.

Since the experiment to warp from this area to the Cradle had failed, it was even more impossible to warp from the Cradle to this side.

Li Wenyuan’s initial idea was to let the Lightchaser Civilization use the warp drive technology he provided to warp here and escape the influence of the shrinking world. However, this method was quickly stopped by the special cosmic environment there.

Although warping would change the space around the spaceship to its destination, it would first shatter the original space-time structure before doing so.

According to the Cradle’s space-time structure’s fragility, the moment it shattered, the space-time ghost would explode and directly drag the target of warp into the abyss.

To a certain extent, it was a state where the people inside couldn’t go out, and the people outside couldn’t enter.

“This situation seems to be man-made. It’s even consciously preventing warp from being used in that range…”

Although Li Wenyuan had already leaned towards the Cradle galaxy’s special situation being caused by humans, there was no evidence to prove all of this and the mastermind behind it.

If he could confirm the existence of the Cradle Galaxy’s Observation Terminal and Purification Terminal, he would undoubtedly have a better understanding of the shrinking world.

“The next step is to let Lightchaser survive this calamity first…”

Hence, Li Wenyuan adjusted the frequency of the Piloting Lighthouse and began to send an extremely complicated signal.

At this moment, the Lightchaser Leader, who was extremely disappointed because his assistance had mysteriously disappeared, quickly realized that the other party seemed to be transmitting something through the signal again.

After confirmation by the technicians, they believed that it was the construction blueprint of a facility with unknown functions.

After the content was received, the scientists carefully observed and questioned the true effect of this architectural blueprint.

“…Leader, this… mysterious aider provides this kind of architectural map…”

Seeing that the scientists looked like they wanted to say something but hesitated, Lightchaser Leader was stunned for a moment before asking the reason.

“What’s wrong with this facility?”

“…Perhaps our knowledge is too shallow. We can’t understand the working principles of this building at all, nor can we understand what it can do… Although we believe in this mysterious civilization that is willing to help us, can you ask them to enlighten us?”

After hearing his scientist’s words, the Lightchaser Leader understood the reason. At the same time, he was curious about this mysterious construction facility.

Although he did not know much about engineering blueprints, he could roughly tell that the appearance of this kind of construction facility was a kind of big black square that did not allow light to see through. It was difficult for him to understand what use this kind of building had.

The people present were the only top scientists in their civilization. Even though they were in the middle of a civilization war, these scientists were still the most important figures in their civilization.

They were responsible for understanding those lost technologies. At the same time, they were also responsible for reversing the increasingly dangerous production cycle. A large number of technologies that could help advance the civilization battle royale were developed by them.

Currently, they were able to resist the Firechaser lost empire, thanks to these scientists.

Considering that the principle of such a facility might be confidential, the Lightchaser Leader sincerely asked the mysterious aider about the expectations of these scientists.

“Respectable aider, please forgive us for being inexperienced and unable to understand the purpose of such a building. Can you explain it to our scientists?”

Li Wenyuan naturally received the message from the other side. He was not surprised.

What he transmitted was the blueprint for the construction facility, the dimensions creation device. It was a magical creation of things machine. In the beginning, he couldn’t imagine what use the black square building had.

Nominally, this was a machine that extracted material from parallel worlds, but humans only had construction blueprints. At the same time, they could not explain, just like the prediction interface of the Ascendant.

He only knew that this thing could unleash unexpected effects when built like this. The principle was completely unknown.

However, the Lightchaser Leader was only asking about the use of the dimensions creation device. Li Wenyuan didn’t have any intention of hiding it.

As for the principles, let them guess. Only by maintaining enough mystery could this building be made taller.

Therefore, he didn’t hide the fact that the dimensions creation device could create things. This made the Lightchaser scientists present ponder.

They did not question or refute him, nor did they mock him foolishly.

This was because they were a little familiar with this effect.

“This seems to be… somewhat similar to the mysterious buildings of Firechaser and the remnant functions of the buildings in the ancient ruins?”

These scientists instantly thought of the mysterious buildings controlled by the Firechaser of the Lost Empire. In the past, when they had conflicts with the Firechaser, they studied their opponents a lot and understood that their opponents never had to worry about resources.

In the past, they thought that the Firechaser had a deep foundation. Still, as more information was analyzed, they confirmed that the other party had a magical creation of things machine that made them almost invincible in the battle between civilizations.

But the Lightchaser also found that the Firechaser seemed to have lost the technology to build such a facility, maintaining a fixed number and decreasing because of the destruction of the building.

In the next moment, these scientists realized the level of this mysterious aider.

They had previously thought that this aider was a pinnacle civilization that stood at the top of the galaxy. According to their calculations, they had to at least reach this level before they could receive their distress signal.

Although the warp that could cross countless distances in an instant was magical, they did not pay much attention to this technology because they did not have a control object and the warp was not successful.

However, from the looks of it now, this aider was very likely not only a pinnacle civilization. They even had a construction method that even the powerful Firechaser of the lost empire did not know about.

Not only that, but the other party also did not mind sharing the construction technology of such a building with them. Perhaps in the other party’s eyes, such a building was nothing.

Insufficient resources? Assistance couldn’t arrive? Then creation of things!

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