Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 327 - 327: The Broken Paradise

Chapter 327 - 327: The Broken Paradise

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Dawn Song Homeship welcomed the dawn from the endless darkness.

A construction resolution promulgated by the leader and passed by the Scientific Assembly brought them new expectations.

Their daily lives were like the Black Hole in the galaxy. Without the filling of new things, endless darkness would form. This state had lasted for a long, long time until now.

Their leaders declared that, once the resolution was completed, they would be free of their current predicament, and whether or not that was merely an inspiring lie, people who had been in the dark for a long time would have preferred to believe it.

Thus, a huge black square-shaped building began to be built.

The expansion space that had been reserved on the Homeship was used. The trash that had been piled up in these places because of management problems was sent to the universe, and a huge building was uprooted from the ground. It looked like the dimensions creation device that Li Wenyuan had provided.

Although the construction of the dimensions creation device was a secret and the area within a radius of dozens of kilometers had been designated as uninhabited, there were still some people who could use their homemade binoculars to discover that the mysterious building looked like a large black cube.

However, the rumors did not spread. In the civilization battle royale, the privacy of individuals was not needed. Everyone’s everything was to ensure the survival of civilization.

Less than ten minutes after the capable citizen aimed his homemade binoculars at the dimensions creation device under construction, the law enforcement officers came knocking on his door to educate him. They also confiscated his binoculars.

The appearance of the mysterious building became a mystery. Although everyone was looking forward to the day when the secret would be revealed, they tacitly didn’t talk about it.

Even if it was occasionally mentioned during mealtimes, it would be quickly brushed aside. Although life was still dark, there was still a little hope.

A month after the dimensions creation device was built, the citizens gradually returned to their daily lives from their expectations of a new life.

Although there was hope, the days still had to go on. As he continued to earn credit points, the darkness seemed to return to the sky here.


The Solar Engineer dragged his exhausted body back home, but only silence greeted him.

He seemed to be used to this scene. However, after heating up his dinner, he could not help but laugh bitterly.

He was one of the first-class engineers aboard the Dawn Song Homeship, one of the few people directly responsible for maintaining the ship’s artificial sun.

They were born from the light and heat of the stars, so they naturally could not survive without the stars. When they embarked on the journey inwards and all the stars were turned into Black Holes, the artificial sun became an indispensable facility here.

All ships away from home must have artificial suns. Its main function was actually to provide a soothing spiritual symbol to simulate the light of sunrise and sunset. The heat was only its secondary function.

The entire civilization had no choice but to leave the mother planet that had been settled for countless generations and head to the unknown deep space. This was no different from a serious blow to the civilization spirit.

Minor problems may result in low spirits and reduced productivity; serious problems may even drive people crazy or cause riots.

Mental needs used to be ignored under strong mental pressure and high levels of comfort indoctrination, but not this time.

The journey in deep space was a long process that took tens of thousands of years. When the span was extended to such an extent, mental activity was the most important thing related to survival.

Artificial suns were created to create the illusion that they were still living on their mother planet. Even if everyone knew that this was just an illusion, it was enough to become a rivet to anchor one’s spirit under self-hypnosis.

As for Solar Engineers, they gradually separated from the engineering profession and became an independent profession. They were responsible for maintaining the artificial sun every day. As for day and night, they were controlled by the spaceship’s system.

The former Solar Engineer was also very glorious. As a senior staff member on the spaceship, he received better treatment than ordinary people.

Unfortunately, as the times changed, his treatment gradually became ordinary, even though he was a Level 1 Engineer.

Or rather, everyone was treated badly, even the Chief Scientist.

It had nothing to do with corruption. It was just because he was poor.

The battle royale lasted for a very, very long time. Although they had destroyed many civilizations, they did not obtain much nutrition from the corpses and had no choice but to flee in a hurry.

Resources were constantly being consumed, but the total amount did not increase.

This contradiction reached its peak after the production fleet was destroyed. Even the planning society had to reduce everyone’s quota again and again.

Of course, this would cause complaints, but everyone knew the reason. Therefore, after enduring for a while, most people would be able to accept it as long as they did not starve to death.

But the family of the Solar Engineer was different. His wife, whom the government had paired up with him, could not stand the low quality of life and chose to commit suicide.

No one could have imagined that a reduced quality of life could cause a person to commit suicide, which led him to face charges of killing his spouse.

Even though he was exonerated because of the ubiquitous surveillance, he was convicted of failing to pay attention to his spouse’s emotional health and preventing his spouse from committing suicide in time, and a large sum of credits was deducted.

In this dark era of escape, everyone’s strength was precious. The death of his wife would reduce the pressure on resources, but it would also reduce the available labor. He had to be responsible for this.

However, he really had no feelings for this wife. The government had assigned them to each other just so that they could reproduce at the right time and form a convenient family unit.

Fertility also needed to be done at a time specified by the government, because the extra life took up resources, and newborns who were not approved by the government ended up being destroyed.

Although it was cruel, this was the reality here. The shrinking world forced them to embark on this path. Only the strongest supervision could last until the end of the civilization battle royale.

The Solar Engineer ate his dinner in silence—a nasty solid energy bar that turned gelatinous when heated and was a little easier to swallow.

In the past, when his wife was still alive, they could still chat for a while at least at this time. It could be considered as suppressing relaxation in life.

However, now, he could only mechanically swallow the energy gelatin and plan how to use the remaining credit points in his heart.

Here, all the daily necessities were allocated by the government. They did not need to use electronic currency, which was credits.

The only use of credits was to fill up the empty mental world.

He thought for a moment and brought up the credit purchase interface on his electronic wristband. He bought an electronic book called Former Glory and read it.

“In the past, this place was a paradise. All the planets were suitable for survival, and it was suitable for any lifeform to survive. All lifeforms could obtain 100% habitability on these planets.”

“Every planet here is Planet Gaia. This is the former glory of the Cradle..”

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