Born in Blood

Chapter 323 Dragon

Chapter 323 Dragon

Before Liam entered, he made sure to guess what waited behind the door.

Liam realized that the past 3 trials built on top of one another.

After Liam received Sword Hardening, he had to cut 1,000 boulders back to back.

If he didn't have that ability, there was no way Liam's Black Blade wouldn't break in time.

Right after was the connection between the wielder and its sword.

Liam had to understand what the sword was if he wanted to cut 1,000 boulders on time.

'It has to build on Sword Connection somehow,' Liam thought, his eyes fixed to the gate. 'But it doesn't have to follow any pattern.'

For the first couple of gates, Liam could peer through them.

But now, the gate was a collection of bright rays of light shooting everywhere.

He wasn't going to find answers laying around.

Thus, with light steps, Liam unsheathed his Black Blade and walked through.

Bright light encompassed his vision, which slowly dimmed to a regular view.

What Liam saw made his eyes widen and his instincts scream with danger.


200 meters ahead, was a massive freaking dragon. 10 meters tall and 6 wide.

Two jagged grey horns protruded from the top of its flat head.

Its draconic body was covered with bright crimson scales.

It had four legs, each of them protruding with terrifying black, overgrown claws.

Its eyes were closed, but as soon as Liam walked in, it rose to its four feet and looked at him with hostility.

A guttural growl shook the air. It was like a slow chainsaw powered by a nuclear reactor.

Thing was…

It wasn't the only one there.

They were lined up beside a zig-zag road. Between each of the road's curves stood a massive Flame Dragon.

Liam's breathing noticeably quickened.

He counted at least 15 Flame Dragons at the peak of Rank 4!

It goes without saying that Liam wouldn't win a fight against them. Not even one at a time.

With Liam's prowess and abilities, he could kill a low to mid ranking Zenith beast if he put in the effort.

But it depended largely on what kind of beast it was, and what kind of speciality it had.

But this…

Liam had never fought with a dragon before.

But he knew just how dangerous they really were.

They were literally built for viciousness. Their claws provided cruel offensive power, and their armors gave impeccable defense.

And this wasn't factoring their usage of fire abilities.

In general, magical beasts had amazing bodies that could withstand most spells at the same Rank as them.

Not to mention, the dragons were at the peak of the fourth Rank.

But the voice spoke kinder words:

"Reach the end of the passage."

Surprised, Liam looked at the road.

It was more than 500 kilometers between him and the 15 dragons.

But at the end of it was a gate!

To the fifth Trial!

Liam didn't have to kill the dragons.

He just had to find a way through them.

Plus, from what he saw, each of the dragons were in their own 'station'.

Meaning, if Liam was to pass one, they couldn't chase him through.

However, there were no safe zones between the dragons' stations.

Liam couldn't take a break if he passed a dragon. He'd have to run nonstop until arriving at the opposite side.

Liam took a deep breath.

This was better than battling a dragon, but it was still difficult.

'Do I have only one chance?' Liam thought.

The previous trials were pretty lenient with him. There was a high probability that this wasn't a one try kind of thing.

But he couldn't erase that possibility.

'I can't rush into this thing.'

'15 dragons and 500 kilometers.'

'Every 33 kilometers, I'll face another dragon.'

'They can scorch and turn me to ash if I'm not careful.'

'They'll probably shoot long-ranged attacks when I run from them, too.'

'I can use Transfiguration to bolster my speed a ton, but dragons aren't slow.'

If Liam had the characteristics of his Infernal body, the task would get considerably easier.

But he didn't.


Because of his Triumvirate Body.

When Liam went through the change, he'd lost both his Throes of Anguish technique, and the Infernal tempering.

Which was just unlucky.

That was why Liam's blood was used as a substitute to his regeneration.

His natural body didn't regenerate, but since the Triumvirate was so easy to reform and repair, it was way easier to heal, but at three times the price.

Liam pulled himself out of his thoughts.

He outstretched his hand to the side, and the Black Blade emerged from his shadows, grasping his arm.

Ever since they gained individual personalities, Liam stored them inside his shadows.

The Black Blade complained that the rings were too 'claustrophobic'...

Instantly, the blade recognized what the issue was.

Liam's connection to it was both mental and physical.

It was like they shared memories and bodies, but were separate by their contrasting forms.

"You're in trouble," the Black Blade laughed gracefully, like a mature corporate lady. "Haven't fought a dragon before."

Liam sighed.

"Didn't think I'd be fighting dragons in a swordsman's inheritance."

The Black Blade went silent.

"You sure I'm up to the task? The Little Demons you've stored me beside look much more fit to deal with a dragon."

"I heard that, Kitchen Knife!" the Dusk Blades shouted angrily from Liam's Inner World.

Amazingly, the Black Blade and the Dusk Blades came to know each other.

To the Black Blade, sharpness, precision and mastery were its priorities.

To the Dusk Blades, cruelty, viciousness and murder were their priorities.

Their personalities were complete opposites.

Once they entered the rings, they began to argue with one another about it!

Now, the Black Blade called the Dusk Blades "Little Demons."

And in turn, the Dusk Blades called the Black Blade "Kitchen Knife."

Liam sighed at their bickering.

"I have to see what the challenge is first. If the situation calls for it, I'll use the Dusk Blades."

At that, the two went silent.

Liam slowly approached the zig-zag road he had to sprint through.

All the dragons woke up and gave him nasty glares, especially the closest one.

Liam crouched to the ground, the Black Blade to his side.


Liam shot forward.

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