Born in Blood

Chapter 324 Slow

Chapter 324 Slow

Liam shot forward at incredible speed.

His thighs, shin and feet were all strengthened and empowered when he let loose.

They were semi-transformed, too. To add another layer of power.

30 kilometers were basically nothing when considering Liam's ability and power.

With his burst of speed, Liam was basically going 180 k/h!

Liam cleared 25 kilometers almost instantly.

He saw how the dragon reacted.

Too slow.

Liam flew past him, and the next dragon looked at him with a guttural roa—


The world flipped over and over and over again.

Liam was swatted away like a fly.

The first dragon's claw smacked him full force, sending him flying back to where he started.

He flew for a good 65 meters and tumbled six times before coming to a stop.


Liam felt more than a few bones break.

Skull, shoulders, multiple ribs and a knee.

Everything shook and vibrated, sending shudders up and down his skin.

But due to the nature of Liam's body, repairing himself wasn't an issue.


Over his limp figure, cracking noises resounded.

Each bone was being snapped back into place with a loud crunch.

Slowly, Liam sat up.

That swipe was damn quick!

Liam didn't even see it coming.

Liam looked to his side. The Black Blade was still wrapped around his fingers, unbroken.

The sword, not the fingers.

Liam had to straighten them out with a ruthless yank.

When he finished fixing himself, he stood up and looked at the dragon ahead of him.

'Just how did he hit me so damn fast?' Liam thought with a frown.

It clearly wasn't normal.

It was too fast.

Flame dragons had mainly one weakness.


Everything else was incredibly powerful, and they definitely had only a handful of weaknesses.

But most of all, they lacked speed.

Which begged the question, just how in the world did Liam get flicked away like that?

The dragon only grinned smugly at him.

Liam let out a low grumble, but then realized his old habits were bubbling up.


'Be patient.'

'You'll figure something out.'

"That was way too fast," the Black Blade said suddenly.

It was frowning.

"I didn't see it either. You had me too close to your side," said the Black Blade. "I thought the second one might attack."

Liam didn't blame the Black Blade. He didn't get it, either.

The Black Blade obviously didn't have eyes. But it could still see through Liam's connection with it.

"Maybe the Little Demons are better suited? There are two of them, y'know," said the Black Blade. "Sharpness isn't always the answer, despite being the best."

Two grumbles left Liam's shadow.

Liam heaved a sigh.

He let go of his odachi.

The Black Blade gently floated downward into the Inner World, and Liam took out the Dusk Blades in their stead.

"A few overgrown lizards wouldn't be much to deal with," the Dusk Blades said in unison.

They were smiling.

Liam looked back towards the dragons.

He got as near as he could without the dragons attacking him.

He fixed the Dusk Blades to his sides, then heaved a breath.

Then, he crouched to the ground and strengthened his lower body as much as he could.


Liam launched forward again. Even faster than before.

This time, he kept a close eye on the first dragon.

Just like last time, Liam got past him quickly.

The dragon just sat there in slow motion.



Liam was slapped away once more.

Another set of bones cracked out of place as he was set flying and tumbling the distance.

As Liam came to a stop, there was realization in his eyes.


His bones healed again, giving him the power to stand.

"You saw that, right?" the Dusk Blades asked.

Liam nodded grimly.

These dragons...

They didn't follow the classical laws of physics!

They were incredibly fast despite their monstrous sizes!

The bigger something was, the slower they were. Everyone knew this.

The reason was simple.

Larger creatures had more mass, and it took more energy to accelerate that mass.

It was for this reason that ants moved so incredibly fast to a human's vision.

Some ants even moved 108 times their body length.

If a human did so, they'd move at speeds up to 400 k/h!

Yet, the dragons moved as though they were weightless.

The only reason Liam wasn't smacked away instantly was because the dragon was a sadistic prick.

Even now, it grinned at him. All fifteen of them did from a distance.

Somehow, the inheritance made them both weightless and more intelligent.

Liam grimaced.

A moment later, he empowered his knees.


Liam turned into a blurring streak.

This time, his King's Eye processed in slow motion.

He watched as the dragon tracked him with his eyes as he passed by.

Then, it raised a claw in unreal speed to smack him away with.

Liam clutched the Dusk Blades tightly.

In one fluid motion, he twirled mid-air as the claw swept by, running his Dusk Blades across the dragon's rigid scales.

The Dusk Blades, strengthened by Sword Hardening and mastered with Sword Connection… cut only 5 inches into the claw.


Liam was smacked away again!

His world flipped again like the inside of a washing machine.

When he finally stopped tumbling, he healed up his shattered bones—


Then rose to his feet with a pissed off look on his face.

'This prick!' Liam cursed, replaying what just happened.

After the dragon missed the first claw swipe and Liam managed to cut its claw, it simply lurched forward and smacked him away again.

It was like a goalkeeper defending his post.

The dragon was a goalkeeper, and its station was its goal post.

Liam was the ball.

Liam heaved a sigh to calm himself down.


Liam tried the same thing once more.

This time using the Black Blade.

Liam crouched and empowered himself.


When the dragon's claw swiped past him, Liam made a precise cut down its middle.

It cut through three times the depth of the Dusk Blades.

But then—


Liam was smacked away.

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