Chapter 126: Tension of the Snake-People Tribe

Chapter 126: Tension of the Snake-People Tribe

In the clear sky, a colossal sun hung high above like a flaming sphere, releasing a continuous blaze of heat. The scorching sunlight spilled over the golden desert, baking the tiny grains of sand and making them glow like red-hot iron pellets.

Within the desert, due to the intense temperatures, wisps of hot air rose from the golden sand, creating a somewhat distorted and surreal space.

In the void, a massive golden figure broke through the air.

Sitting atop the Golden Feathered Giant Eagle, Gu He looked down at the changing scenery below. He then retrieved a parchment from his spatial ring and carefully studied the route indicated on it.

"According to the route shown here, it seems we are gradually approaching the depths of the Tagor Desert," he muttered with slightly dry lips, his finger tracing the path on the map.

"The Tagor Desert is incredibly vast. Even with Little Gold's speed, it took us three days to reach its deep parts," Gu He thought to himself.

After departing from Stone Desert City, Gu He followed the route on the map toward the deep parts of the Tagor Desert. Given the unpredictable weather conditions of the desert and the limitations of Little Gold's endurance for long flights, Gu He had to be cautious and choose relatively safe routes.

Although the desert harbored various beasts hidden beneath the sands and the ever-threatening snake-people, for someone with the strength of a Battle Saint like Gu He, these threats weren't insurmountable. If they encountered any trouble, Gu He would not hesitate to use his powerful abilities to eliminate the danger.

Guided by the map provided by Haibodong and accompanied by his two young companions, Little Gold and Qingling, Gu He reached the deep parts of the Tagor Desert after three days of travel.

Currently, Qingling sat behind Gu He, clutching him tightly while Little Gold flew at great speed, creating a strong wind that could make one feel uneasy. Qingling, feeling scared, sought comfort by clinging to Gu He's back.

Observing Qingling's unease, Gu He turned his head and asked Little Gold to reduce its speed a little.

"Qingling, just a few more days, and we'll be there soon," Gu He reassured her.

Feeling his concern, Qingling nodded obediently and said softly, "Teacher, I'm fine..."


In the depths of the Tagor Desert, various oases scattered throughout the vast landscape were guarded by snake-people tribes.

In one such oasis, a group of snake-women stood guard at the end of a small path. Their sharp eyes scanned the surrounding jungle as they stood there with stern expressions, weapons at the ready, prepared to defend against any intruders.

These snake-women, perhaps due to the desert environment, had dark-tanned skin. Their slightly exotic appearance, combined with their unique diamond-shaped pupils, exuded a subtle charm.

What made these snake-people renowned was their seductive and supple waists, entrancing many males in the human world. When snake-women slaves from the snake-people tribes performed exotic dances, the sight could leave even the most composed men blushing with embarrassment.

Among these snake-women, four were powerful Great Dou Masters, and the rest were all Dou Masters.

They guarded this location, seemingly on high alert for something.

Not far from them, at the center of the oasis, was a small lake, the primary source of water for this oasis.

This lake was the core of the oasis, and ordinary snake-people didn't have the privilege to bathe in it. The alluring snake-woman bathing in the lake at this moment was none other than the leader of the Enchanting Serpent Tribe, Yuemei.

After a while, Yuemei finished her bath and slowly stood up, revealing her alluring and perfect body as she prepared to step out of the water.

At that moment, Yuemei sensed something, and her gaze shot to the sky.

She couldn't help but inhale sharply as her sharp gaze scanned the sky.

In the sky, a massive golden avian creature was speeding across the sky, and a terrifying pressure swept down with it. Feeling this pressure, Yuemei's pupils contracted.

This level of pressure was something she had only felt from one person: the Queen of the Snake-People Tribe.

"Could it be... this is a Sixth-Rank peak strength magical beast?"

"What is that?"

"A human?"

Suddenly, Yuemei's pupils contracted sharply. She stared intently at the back of the golden avian creature.

There seemed to be a figure sitting on its back.

Could it be that this golden avian creature is the pet of this human?

Then, what about the human's strength? At least, it should be at the level of a Nine-Star Dou Emperor, right? Or maybe...

Thinking about this, Yuemei's breathing became slightly rapid.

As she watched the golden avian creature that had already crossed the sky and was rapidly passing through the oasis, a storm surged in Yuemei's heart.

"Wait... this direction..."

"It's the Medusa Temple!"

As she watched the golden avian creature flying farther away in the sky, Yuemei couldn't ignore her astonishment. She quickly put on her clothes and headed towards the Medusa Temple.

In the sky, Gu He was unaware that his arrival had already attracted the attention of the snake-people's high command. However, even if he had known, he wouldn't have cared. With his current strength, there was no one in the entire snake-people tribe who could stop him.

On the back of the Golden Feathered Giant Eagle, Gu He opened the parchment map he held.

"It's only half a day's journey, and we should be able to reach the Medusa Temple."

In his arms, Qing lin  was already fast asleep. After days of continuous travel, the young girl had finally succumbed to exhaustion. Gu He decided to find a place to settle Qing lin for now.

With Little Gold protecting her, he wasn't concerned about her safety in the Tagor Desert. As for himself, he planned to travel to the Medusa Temple alone.

The next day, in the vast desert, a massive city stood in the midst of the sands. This was the sacred place of the snake-people, the Medusa Temple. Today, the atmosphere in the Medusa Temple was particularly heavy compared to usual, and there was an air of tension.

Starting from last night, the snake-people in the temple received orders from Queen Medusa. The entire city was on high alert.

Now, due to the strict lockdown orders, this enormous city had its gates tightly closed. Armed snake-people guards patrolled the city walls back and forth. In the skies above the walls, more than a dozen dark birds circled, their sharp eyes scanning the area outside the city. Any movement in the distance would trigger an alarm from these birds.

In one corner of the temple, dozens of heavily armed snake-people, holding venomous spears, patrolled a small area with sharp eyes, ready to destroy any non-snake-people creatures.

This snake-people team crisscrossed in their patrols, leaving behind traces of their serpentine tails swinging in the sand.

"Damn, what kind of person dares to be so arrogant and intrude deep into the desert? If we catch them, they will experience the excruciating pain of being devoured by a myriad of snakes!" A snake-person, apparently the leader, muttered with a sweaty face under the scorching sun.

"Captain, what happened? Why has the whole tribe suddenly gone on lockdown?" A snake-person, tired and dragging his tail, scanned the vast desert with a hint of confusion. He had been dragged out early in the morning, and their task was to search the desert.

Hearing the question from the snake-person, a dozen others nearby also cast doubtful glances at the leader. It was clear that they didn't have a full understanding of the situation.

"Ha, don't let your guard down. This time, our snake-people tribe will face a formidable enemy!" The leader said with a scornful smile.

"Last night, Leader Yuemei suddenly arrived at the temple, announcing the arrival of a very powerful enemy heading towards the temple."

"Moreover, they have already penetrated deep into the desert."

"According to the intelligence from the Enchanting Serpent Tribe, this enemy's strength is no weaker than that of our Queen."

Hearing this, the leader's face grew darker.

"Right now, all the snake-people tribes, big and small, are under lockdown."

"According to the information I received, the leaders of the eight major tribes received orders from Her Majesty the Queen last night, and they have already started rushing to the temple overnight."

"The fastest may arrive by evening, and the slowest might take another day."

Speaking of Her Majesty the Queen, the leader's face showed a fanatical and devout look.

"Humph, with Her Majesty the Queen here, the enemy won't even think about breaking into the temple!"

The leader snorted, looking towards the vast, uninhabited desert, shook his head with a helpless expression, waved his hand, and ordered, "Let's go, let's change our location. It seems there are no traces of the enemy here."

With the order from the snake-people leader, the snake-people squad soon moved to another search location, leaving behind a vast expanse of empty desert.

At the same time, outside the Medusa Temple, in the distant horizon, after a while, a black dot suddenly appeared on the edge of the sky. In the blink of an eye, it broke the sound barrier and shot towards the massive city.

Just as the black figure was about to arrive a hundred meters from the city, it abruptly stopped in mid-air. A slightly chilling voice echoed, "Leader Mobas of the Ink Serpent Tribe, seeks an audience with Her Majesty the Queen!"

As soon as the echoing voice, like thunder rolling in the vast desert, resonated, a snake-person leader's eyelids twitched. Unexpectedly, it was a leader from one of the eight major snake-people tribes.

In a spacious and luxurious hall, a graceful figure leaned back slightly, appearing somewhat weary. Her lazy gaze occasionally swept over the purple crystal throne on the elevated platform and she couldn't help but shake her head in resignation.

Running her fingers through her smooth forehead, a sudden look of joy appeared on the woman's beautiful face. She looked out of the hall, and a dark shadow suddenly streaked in like lightning.

"They've finally arrived…" Seeing the dark figure entering the hall, the woman couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yuemei, what's happening? Three consecutive lockdown orders? Are the invaders powerful?" The figure entering the hall was clearly a male snake-person, slightly robust in build. He casually draped a thin garment over his body, and his arms were adorned with unusual black tattoos. When the tattoos reached his palms, two fierce black snake heads were revealed, as if ready to burst out at any moment, exuding a hint of ferocity.

Glancing at the male snake-person who held a position within the tribe similar to her own, Yuemei sighed softly, slightly straightening her posture. Her voluptuous figure was emphasized, and she lazily said, "Very powerful... I already saw them yesterday. With their speed, they should have already arrived at the temple, but I don't understand why they haven't shown themselves yet."

"Oh? Do you know the exact strength of the enemy?" The male snake-person's pupils contracted slightly as he entered the hall and sat down at the spacious table. His voice carried an unmistakable chill.

"At least Nine-Star Dou Emperor strength, and there's also a magical beast with a Sixth-Rank peak power." Yuemei pouted her sensual red lips and said softly, "Mobas, it seems that this time might be a bit troublesome."


"Nine-Star Dou Emperor strength?"

"And a Sixth-Rank peak magical beast?"

His face showed a hint of seriousness, and the male snake-person named Mobas asked in a low voice, "Have you informed Her Majesty? What did she say?"

At these words, Yuemei's lips parted slightly, and her expression grew increasingly solemn. "Her Majesty said that this might be a battle for the survival of our snake-people. She has already gone to the forbidden land and notified the Four Elders."


"Even the Four Elders have been summoned!"

At these words, Mobas' eyes darkened with a hint of shock.

The Four Elders were all powerful individuals who had long entered the Nine-Star Dou Emperor realm. According to the snake-people's tribal customs, they would not act unless it was a matter of life and death for the snake-people. Now, Her Majesty had decided to call upon the Four Elders. It meant...

This enemy was truly formidable!

Damn it!

Mobas' expression became extremely gloomy.

Who on earth are they?

When did such an existence appear in the human kingdom?

Mobas looked at Yuemei in front of him and asked in confusion, "Since you've seen them, do you know their intentions? Why are they invading our snake-people?"

"You're giving me too much credit," Yuemei responded, rolling her eyes. "Faced with such a presence, I dare only take a distant look. How could I dare to probe any further?"

At her words, Yuemei curled up her flexible, alluring body in the chair, much like a languid and beautiful snake-woman.

Frowning, Mobas suddenly stood up and said, "I want to meet Her Majesty; she should know something. I feel that we need to clarify this matter."

"Don't go. Her Majesty is not seeing anyone right now. Earlier, I didn't even get to see her. All communication has been conveyed by the Medusa Snake Guards' captain, Hua she'er."  Yuemei said lightly.

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