Chapter 127: Confrontation, Negotiation!

Chapter 127: Confrontation, Negotiation!

Chapter 127: Confrontation, Negotiation!

Upon hearing Yuemei's words, Mobas wore an unpleasant expression and said in a deep voice, "What is the Queen's intention? It's this critical moment, and she's still not coming out to oversee the situation. Is she waiting for the enemy to come knocking?"

Seeing Mobas' displeasure, Yuemei casually toyed with her delicate hands and said nonchalantly, "Perhaps Her Majesty has her own plans?"

Just as she was about to close her eyes, Yuemei's countenance suddenly changed. She sat up abruptly, her long, slender eyes gazing coldly at the sky outside the hall as she said, "They've arrived!"

Although she hadn't seen the enemy yet, a powerful and unfamiliar aura had already descended upon the Medusa Temple.

Hearing Yuemei's words, Mobas, who was nearby, was momentarily startled but soon sensed it too. His face darkened immediately. He exchanged a glance with Yuemei, and the two of them instantly appeared outside the hall. They ascended into the sky at high speed and, after a while, arrived on the city walls, which were already under martial law.

Sure enough, moments later, a few hundred meters outside the city walls in the sky, a gigantic magical beast floated.

A figure calmly stood atop this magical beast, and a horrifying aura emanated from this figure.

The man and the beast quickly approached. When Yuemei saw the appearance of the magical beast, her pupils constricted, and her face showed extreme shock.

The creature was like a snake-like magical beast with twin horns, crimson in color, and it had a massive body. Countless fierce and sharp scales covered its body. When it moved, the space within several yards seemed to ripple.

"How is this possible…?" Yuemei couldn't believe her eyes. The creature she had seen yesterday was a massive, golden avian beast. How could a powerful dragon-like magical beast appear today, and this one seemed even more formidable and terrifying than the one from yesterday? The Snake Clan was really in trouble this time.

Yuemei's heart sank slowly.

Beside her, Mobas examined the true appearance of the Red Flame Magic Jiao. He was filled with fear after sensing the terrifying aura emanating from it. He wondered if Her Majesty, the Queen, could truly deal with such an entity.

But soon, a hint of fanaticism flashed in his eyes. Her Majesty was invincible!

With her presence, the Snake Clan would undoubtedly be safe.

In the distance, the man and the beast approached the city. After a while, they halted just outside the attack range of the spear-throwers stationed on the city walls.

The Red Flame Magic Jiao couldn't contain itself any longer. It roared, and its deafening cry resounded over the city.

"Ants, how dare you disrespect the master!"

The angry voice of the Red Flame Magic Jiao rang out. In its view, the man before it was only at the Dou Wang level, and it could easily swallow such a puny existence. The man's words were clearly disrespectful to its master, which meant that he was also insulting the Red Flame Magic Jiao itself.

Mobas' face, as he felt the fierce aura emanating from the Red Flame Magic Jiao, turned extremely solemn. If he hadn't known that Her Majesty was inside the temple, he would have likely fled in a panic when confronted with such a terrifying presence.

"Enough, Magic Jiao, calm down."

Seeing the now agitated Red Flame Magic Jiao, Gu He shook his head helplessly and waved his hand to halt its angry roar.

Subsequently, Gu He's gaze swept across the city and heaved a sigh. Then, he projected his powerful voice, carried by his fighting spirit, which echoed throughout the entire city.

"Queen Medusa, I've come here not to wage war with your clan. I have some matters to discuss with you. May I request an audience with Her Majesty?"

Witnessing Gu He's actions, both Yuemei and Mobas furrowed their brows slightly, but they did not intervene.

In this situation, it was indeed more appropriate for the Queen herself to handle it. With their strength, even if the other side wanted to use force, they would simply end up retreating.

Confronted by Gu He and the Red Flame Magic Jiao, the two of them were under immense pressure. If the other party truly intended to strike, just one move could easily end them both.

The resounding voice swept over the city for some time before gradually fading away. As the shouting subsided, there was silence both inside and outside the city walls. After a while, there was still no response.

Seeing this, Gu He's brows slightly furrowed. Just as he was about to call out again, the space in the high skies above the city walls suddenly twisted strangely.

Witnessing this, Gu He's eyes narrowed as he gazed at the distorted space above the city walls.

Suddenly, in the sky, the twilight's afterglow scattered down and illuminated the distorted space. In the next instant, a graceful figure, a beautiful woman with a sinuous and seductive body, slowly appeared before countless onlookers.

The stunning woman was adorned in a regal purple robe, and her voluptuous figure was as ripe as a peach, exuding a faint sensuality. Three thousand strands of her long hair cascaded from her fragrant shoulders, draping down her slender waist. Beneath the robe, a section of her snake tail was exposed, swinging gently. It was purple, and her tail exhibited a wild and enchanting allure, causing people to inexplicably feel warmth throughout their bodies.

Gu He's gaze swept over that nearly perfect figure and finally stopped at that beautiful face, causing his heart to tremble.

Seeing this woman with his own eyes, Gu He finally understood why many people near the Desert City would say that Queen Medusa's beauty could rival her infamy.

For a woman like her, it seemed the only word to describe her was "bewitching." However, beneath that allure, there was also a sense of queen-like nobility and grace, reminiscent of Yun Yun.

Both of them exuded an air of regality due to their high positions.

Compared to her, Moonbewitch appeared much less enchanting.

Or one could say they were incomparable!

"Your Majesty!"

After this alluring woman appeared in the sky, a large group of snake people on the city walls below immediately knelt down, their respectful voices piercing the heavens.

Looking at Queen Medusa in the sky, Mobas, who had a cold expression on his face, felt a momentary intoxication and deep admiration.

"So, this is the Queen Medusa whose reputation almost matches her infamy in the Desert City?"

Looking at the enchanting woman in the sky, Gu He maintained his calm expression, as if the renowned Queen Medusa did not faze him.

"You came to see me?"

In the sky, Queen Medusa lowered her head slightly, looking at Gu He. The lips of her red mouth curled into a delicate curve, and her exquisite beauty exuded a captivating charm. Her every expression and smile left Gu He momentarily captivated.

Under Queen Medusa's bewitching gaze, Gu He took a deep breath, suppressing some of his emotions. He raised his head and said, "It is an honor to meet you, Queen Medusa."

Queen Medusa's eyes passed over the Red Flame Magic Jiao beneath Gu He. Her gaze held a hint of seriousness.

"Speak, what brings you here? While your intrusion into our clan was impolite, we snake people are not unreasonable."

Facing Queen Medusa's inquiry, Gu He spoke in a respectful tone, "Your Majesty, I have not come with any ulterior motives. To be honest, I am an alchemist, and you must be aware of the importance of a Heavenly Flame to an alchemist. I hope that you would consider relinquishing the Heavenly Flame to me, as it would not hold the same value for you. In return, I can create a Dou Zong Pill and a Transformation Pill for your snake people."

Listening to Gu He's words, Mobas and Moonbewitch, who were on the city wall, looked shocked. It was evident they were unaware of Queen Medusa obtaining the Heavenly Flame from outside Desert City a month ago.

"Why does Her Majesty need a Heavenly Flame? She is aware that the success rate is extremely low. If anything happens to Her Majesty, what will become of our snake people?" Moonbewitch mumbled in surprise.

Mobas sighed and said, "Her Majesty has remained at the Dou Huang level for many years, and she is likely growing impatient. Although she appears unconcerned, she desires to become stronger. Achieving the Dou Zong level would significantly expand the power of the snake people, and we would no longer be confined to this vast desert. Despite adapting to this place over the years, our snake bloodlines are inherently cold."

Moonbewitch sighed as well, her gaze turning towards Queen Medusa with a sense of resignation.

"A Heavenly Flame? How did you know I obtained the Heavenly Flame?" Queen Medusa slightly raised her eyebrow, her voice carrying a faint coldness as she glanced at Gu He.

"Not too long ago, I entered the magma world outside Desert City, and I sensed the presence of the Heavenly Flame. Inside, I found a bloody rainbow snake scale. This scale only appears as a strange pattern on your body when you are in your full-strength combat state. Moreover, we detected the scent of the Heavenly Flame on the scale, so it is likely that it injured you when you took it," Gu He explained in a low voice.

Queen Medusa lightly licked her rosy lips. Her unusual pupils stared intensely at Gu He, a hint of coldness and amusement in her expression.

Seemingly aware of the unfriendly tone in Queen Medusa's eyes, Gu He remained composed and continued, "Your Majesty, I don't mean any harm. I understand how important a Heavenly Flame is for an alchemist. I am determined to acquire it. Your snake people do not benefit much from it, and I hope you would consider my proposal."

The two continued to exchange words, and the conversation between Gu He and Queen Medusa appeared to be heading towards a negotiation.

Although Gu He possessed many trump cards and had the confidence to deal with the situation, this battle was bound to be a tough one. If he could resolve it with elixirs, that might not be a bad idea.

Secondly, Gu He thought of Qing Lin's dream from the past, which was for the Snake-People Tribe and humans to stop fighting. If he battled the Snake-People Tribe today, they would undoubtedly suffer great losses, and in the future, they might even be wiped out by the surrounding human empires. If this happened, Qing Lin, that little girl, would probably be heartbroken, something Gu He didn't want to see. After all, peaceful coexistence between the Snake-People Tribe and humans was the driving force behind that little girl's growth. If there was no need, Gu He didn't want to shatter her goal.

Thirdly, Gu He didn't want to completely expose his own strength. The northwest region had many experts from the Hall of Souls. If he revealed his full strength, he might attract the attention of the Hall of Souls.

On the city wall, as Gu He spoke, Mobas widened his eyes and stared at Gu He with amazement. By his side, Yuemei also showed a shocked expression. They hadn't expected the person before them to act so extravagantly because of a Heavenly Flame.

A Dou Ancestor Pill! This was a high-grade elixir, a type of elixir that could make high-level Dou Huang experts envious. Its effect was simple but tantalizing—it could potentially allow a Nine-Star Dou Huang expert who consumed it to have a chance to break through to the Dou Ancestor class in a short time.

In other words, if a Nine-Star Dou Huang consumed a Dou Ancestor Pill, they might become a Dou Ancestor expert within a short period! It was worth noting that at the Nine-Star Dou Huang level, advancing further was extremely difficult. Many Nine-Star Dou Huang experts, after toiling in their cultivation for decades, still couldn't make that breakthrough. This was a common occurrence.

Even Queen Medusa had taken risks to use the Heavenly Flame because she had been stuck at the Nine-Star Dou Huang level for too long and couldn't break through to the Dou Ancestor realm. This indicated just how precious Dou Ancestor Pills were!

Of course, while Dou Ancestor Pills were highly coveted for their effects, they also had high resistance. Once someone took one, the effect of the second Dou Ancestor Pill on them would be nearly nullified. In other words, a Dou Huang expert could only take one Dou Ancestor Pill in their lifetime.

Nevertheless, despite this limitation, Dou Ancestor Pills were still the most sought-after elixirs among the experts. Many were willing to pay a great price to obtain one.

In comparison, the Rank 7 Transformation Pill was even more astounding. This elixir was enough to drive numerous magical beasts of the Dou Huang level crazy because it allowed them to completely shed their beast form, gaining the long lifespan of a magical beast along with the natural talent for cultivation of a human. When these two extraordinary effects combined, it might produce a legendary expert who could become a Dou Ancestor, or even a Dou Sheng!

The two offerings made by Gu He had almost driven some people to madness. It was no wonder that Mobas and Yuemei, as well as those present, were somewhat incredulous.

At this moment, above the city wall, Mobas and Yuemei seemed to have been shocked by the terms Gu He had offered. Their faces displayed astonishment, and they looked somewhat bewildered.

As they turned their gaze toward Queen Medusa in the sky, Mobas slightly tightened his fist and whispered, "Your Majesty should agree to this, right?"

Everyone present, including Yuemei, who shared the same thoughts as Mobas, focused their anxious gaze on Queen Medusa, awaiting her response.

After all, if Queen Medusa agreed, today's major battle might be avoided.

Under the scrutiny of countless gazes, high in the sky, Queen Medusa remained silent for a long time. She sighed lightly, pursing her seductive red lips. Her beautiful eyes carried a hint of regret as she looked at Gu He. With some helplessness, she said, "I have to admit that your offer is tempting, but..."

"Sorry, I still won't make the exchange."

Upon hearing Queen Medusa's words, which represented a refusal, many people were left in astonishment. Although the power of the Heavenly Flame was immense, it seemed that this thing didn't have much appeal to the Snake-People Tribe. After all, it was like water and fire when compared to their cold bloodline, and the two were fundamentally incompatible.

Therefore, when they heard Queen Medusa's somewhat regretful refusal, Gu He's expression immediately turned cold.

"What is Queen Medusa doing?... Keeping a Heavenly Flame that is of little use to herself? It would be better to exchange for something useful for herself, which would be a win-win." Yuemei shook her head in disbelief, murmuring softly with a hint of confusion.

Beside her, Mobas also nodded slightly, his face showing concern and bitterness.

After being briefly puzzled, it seemed they had realized what Queen Medusa intended to do.

"Ah, it seems that Queen Medusa really wants to do that... otherwise, she wouldn't have refused this exchange so resolutely," sighed Yuemei softly.

Mobas nodded, his eagle-like face showing a hint of worry.

On top of the Crimson Flame Black Jiao, upon hearing Queen Medusa's refusal, Gu He sighed softly. It appeared that this battle could not be avoided.

At the next moment, a terrifying aura emanated from Gu He, and his expression finally turned cold.

He had made such a significant concession, but Queen Medusa seemed to have no regard for it.

In that case, she had no one but herself to blame!

"Queen Medusa, I hope you won't regret your decision." Gu He raised his gaze, and his icy eyes radiated endless chilliness.

Sensing the anger in her master's heart, the Crimson Flame Black Jiao beneath Gu He also released a tremendous threat. A thunderous roar rang out through the entire Medusa Shrine.

(End of this chapter)

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