Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Bounty Hunter’s Folly (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

A Bounty Hunter’s Folly (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

A/N: A Bounty Hunter's Folly was a commissioned one shot originally written back in May of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which June bites off more than she can chew and loves every last minute of it. Inspired by the markydaysaid Sokka/June comic!

Themes: Defeated, Dom/Sub, Breeding


"… We'll stop here for the night and make camp."

"Great! Now you have no excuse not to give me a fair fight, you bounty hunting bitch! Unless you're scared!"

June twitches at that. Not for the first time, the bounty hunter finds herself gritting her teeth. She'd been talking to her mount, Nyla, but unfortunately, her current bounty had taken it as yet another excuse to get on her damn nerves.

When she'd initially happened across the Water Tribe boy in a small town a few hours back, June had thought her luck was finally turning around. After failing to capture the Avatar a handful of times, she hadn't been sure she would get another shot at the immense payday that the last Airbender and his friends offered.

In a split second, June had made the decision to only take the non-bender of the bunch. Every time she'd tried to capture the Avatar and his friends, she'd been foiled by the benders of the party. Both the Avatar and that little Waterbending wench had been impressive thorns in her side. So why not go with what she knew she could handle, right?

And so, she'd knocked out the Water Tribe boy before he even knew she was there, confiscating his weapons and tying him up before draping him over the back of her shirshu and beating a hasty retreat out of town. Unfortunately, the closest Fire Nation outpost where June could turn him in for his bounty was still days of travel away… so she'd be forced to put up with him for a fair bit longer.

Hm, perhaps it was time to do something about that. Perhaps it was time to… quiet him down.

Hopping down off of Nyla's back, June grabs her bounty by the ropes tying his wrists together and throws him to the ground like a sack of potatoes. He hits with a grunt and a yelp of pain, but that doesn't stop him from glaring up at her, just as angry as ever.

Ever since he woke up, he'd been going on and on about her honor and how she had none. About how she must be a pathetic craven coward, with no warrior's pride whatsoever, if she couldn't even face him in a fair fight. June had to admit… part of what he was saying HAD gotten to her a little bit.

She was a bounty hunter first and a fighter second, to be clear. A confident, self-assured woman, June knew she was beautiful, she knew she was strong, and she knew she was deadly. She didn't have anything to prove to anyone, and at the end of the day, the payday was always more important than ethereal and fleeting concepts like 'honor' or 'warrior's pride'.

Still, if she was going to be stuck with this brat for several more days, her only choices were to either gag him… or show him just how outmatched by her he truly was. And the latter sounded a lot more fun to June, who had put the head of many a man who thought themselves her better or equal down betwixt her thighs, where they'd apologized properly for their errant tongues.

Grabbing the boy's bladed boomerang from Nyla's back, June flings it through the air almost contemptuously, causing the Water Tribe boy to flinch as it sinks into the ground next to his head.

"You want a fight? Sure, we can fight brat. And when I win, you're going to spend the rest of our time together apologizing on your knees for your big mouth. Got it?"

His eyes widen and then narrow as he hurries to pull himself up and position himself in a way that will let him cut his bindings with the blade of the boomerang. He clearly understands. When Nyla makes a questioning noise, June just chuckles and waves a hand absently.

"Go ahead, Nyla. Go and hunt. You won't need to worry about me and the boy here. I'll have him submitting to his better soon enough."

Taking one last look at the two of them, the shirshu does the equivalent of a shrug for her species, before moving off into the woods to find dinner. Meanwhile, the boy has managed to free himself, and now stands up, his boomerang in hand.

"I'm not 'boy' or 'brat'. The name's Sokka, bitch, and you'd do well to remember it."

June just smirks in that utterly self-confident way of hers, pulling her whip from her waist and unfurling it with a crack that usually deeply unsettled her opponents. She's a little surprised when Sokka doesn't flinch, but instead gains a steely look in his eyes.

"I am a warrior of the Southern Water Tribe! On my honor and pride, I will not let you win! I'll go all out, just this once!"

She opens her mouth to tell him how utterly stupid he sounds, but the words never come out. Because while Sokka's words are indeed cringeworthy, what the Water Tribe Warrior does next is very much not. Reaching down, Sokka grabs the front of his shirt… and pulls. Muscles that June had missed before suddenly bulge against dark skin. Knuckles tighten. With a roar, he tears his shirt from his frame, revealing his upper body.

… He's positively jacked. One of the most jacked guys that June has ever seen, in fact. And for all that the beautiful femme fatale is used to beating on tough guys, used to beating down muscle heads… something about Sokka's own confidence and chiseled physique causes her to freeze up. Needless to say, the Water Tribe boy… no, the Water Tribe MAN, doesn't hesitate to take advantage of her shock.

His boomerang, blade glinting with malicious purpose, flies out with a flick of one of his powerfully built wrists. June is the one who flinches in the end, but rather than hitting her in any number of potentially fatal, unprotected spots… the warrior aimed for her hand, hitting her wrist on the fingers wrapped securely around the handle of her whip.

With a yelp of pain, June finds herself disarmed, with her whip sent scattering away across the ground. Before she can even try to retrieve it, the boomerang ends up back in its owner's hands… only for Sokka to immediately throw it out again. Once, twice, thrice. In the span of almost as many seconds, Sokka tosses the boomerang at her three times almost contemptuously.

The sharpened weapon swooshes past her, and June tenses up in anticipation of pain. Except it never comes. When the boomerang finally lands back in Sokka's hands after the third throw, she doesn't exactly feel like she just got her throat slit or any part of her cut by the altogether deadly weapon. But then, if he missed… why is Sokka looking at her with a shit-eating grin on his face?

It happens a moment later, her clothes practically exploding off of her. He hadn't missed. He just hadn't been aiming for HER. Instead, Sokka's three throws have left June entirely naked save for her arm-length gloves. Every inch of her clothing has been surgically cut in just the right place for it to all explode off of her beautiful, feminine body at once.

With a shriek, June tries to cover up her tits and her crotch, even as she collapses to her knees from the sheer intensity of the exchange. He was so fast! So quick! It wasn't… h-how?! How had she, the greatest bounty hunter of her time, been beaten so thoroughly? How had this happened?! Why wasn't she getting up, fighting back? Why-0


Before June can recover from her utter shock, before she can try and rebound from the humiliation of acting more like a squeaky, girlie maiden then the warrior woman she is, Sokka steps up. He steps up and lets his massive, dark-skinned, Water Tribe cock flop out onto her upturned face right then and there. As it lands across her features with a meaty smack, June finds herself staring up past it, into his eyes.

He doesn't look as… angry as she's expecting. Instead, he's all but grinning as he takes a rough hold of her top-knot, and smirks.

"Looks like you're the one who ended up on your knees, bitch. Guess that means we both know who will be submitting to who's better, huh?"

Still using her hands to cover her naked body, June trembles, not really in a position to gainsay him at this point. He's still holding the boomerang after all, and they both know she's been utterly defeated here. He could end her life at any moment. Instead… instead he's dragging his cock across her face, letting her lips and nose rub against the underside as she breathes in and out in ragged breaths.

"Clasp your hands behind your neck!"

His barked order causes a jolt to run through June… but a moment later, she finds herself hesitantly obeying all the same. Uncovering herself, exposing her jiggling breasts and trembling body to him, she puts her hands behind her head, her fingers intertwining as they lay behind her neck. A position of complete and utter submission to this Water Tribe Warrior who has so easily defeated her.

Nodding his approval, Sokka slides his cock back until its pressed against her already parted lips. Not parted enough though, given his sizable girth.


Once again, June obeys. She has no choice, she tells herself. He has her dead to rights. If she doesn't do what he says, she'll die. That's the excuse she gives, for why she opens her mouth as wide as she can and lets Sokka begin sliding his cock past her parted lips. Even though, deep down inside, she knows he won't kill her. She knows killers. She's killed herself before, even if it's not her preference.

But Sokka, for as strong and indomitable as he is, is no killer. More than that… June's cunt clenches, as she rolls her tongue along the underside of Sokka's cock. Pushing forward deeper into her mouth, the Water Tribe Man groans, enjoying himself immensely from the look of things. As well he should, June's mouth is top notch just like the rest of her.

However, SHE shouldn't be enjoying herself quite as much as she is, now, should she? Really, it was… this was all so humiliating. And yet, she can't do anything to stop it. Not even when Sokka tosses his boomerang into the ground a few feet away so he can plant both of his hands on her top knot. Even then, June does nothing to try and escape her current predicament.

"Fuck you're good… but I think you're enjoying this a bit too much. This is punishment, for being such a bitch. So, I guess it's up to me to take it up a notch."

June only has a moment to widen her eyes, before Sokka makes good on his word and begins to force her to deep-throat his cock. His member slides right down the back of her throat, only to be met by violent choking and gagging on her part. He's just too damn big… he's fucking huge, and June isn't even remotely ready for it.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Her hands start to come undone from behind her head, start to move forward to instinctively push against his legs, but Sokka notices immediately and barks out a harsh order.

"Hands behind your head!"

June jerks and quickly obeys, still not sure WHY she's doing so. Here she is, having promised that she would put her bounty on HIS knees to serve HER… and instead, the tables have been turned on her so effectively. She can't quite wrap her head around it. Can't quite say why she's just… submitting like this. Because Sokka is a real man? Because he beat her so soundly, like a rented drum? Because… because she wants to see just how far he'll take this all?

For the moment at least, the answer to THAT seems to be 'quite far. Gripping hard at her top knot with one hand, Sokka brings the other along the back of her head, just above her own clasped hands. Using that new grip, he holds her in place and fucks her face all the more brutally. No, at this point… it's more of a skull fuck, with the intensity that he's forcing her to throat his cock.


Tears flow freely down June's porcelain cheeks, running through dark eyeliner she likes to wear. More than that, her equally dark lipstick is getting smeared all up and down his massive, glistening cock. Compared to Sokka's own dark skin, it's not all that noticeable, but June can imagine how messy her face is becoming, how ruined her efforts at presenting as a dangerous femme fatale are.

And yet, still she doesn't fight it. Her tits bounce and swing with the force of Sokka's thrusts as drool and saliva mixed with precum dribble down onto them, and her pussy continues to clench around a cock that's not there. She's… enjoying herself, June realizes in some level of building horror. She's enjoying being defeated and forced to submit to this warrior and his huge schlong.

Just as this realization hits, before June can decide to do anything about it, Sokka lets out a hoarse shout… and begins to cum. He does not pull out of her throat before doing so. As a result, June chokes on his hot seed, even as it in turn explodes back out of her esophagus, forced back up by her gag reflex and exploding out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, furthering her humiliation and defeat.

Eyes half-rolling up in her head from lack of air, June nearly passes out on the spot, left dazed and oxygen-deprived by the time Sokka finally pulls out of her throat. Kneeling there before him in such a state, June's singular thought is… somewhat embarrassing. In that moment, all she can think is, 'Is that it?'.

Not something she'd ever voice out loud, of course. But in the end, it doesn't matter because that is most definitely not it. As Sokka shows, when he slides his still-hard cock up and down her face, looking down into her dazed, vacant, dumb expression with a wicked grin.

"Now that we're done with the warm-up, let's move onto the main event."

June's heart thumps in her chest. Out of trepidation or anticipation… she couldn't say.


When Nyla initially returns to her rider and her rider's latest prey, the shirshu is initially alarmed by what she sees. After all, it's not usually June who's on the ground like that, being held in place by an arm around her neck and the full weight of the man who is supposed to be her quarry bearing down on her.

For a brief second, Nyla very nearly drops her dinner from her jaws and rushes to her Mistress' aid. However, a moment more of observing the situation, and the shirshu realizes she's misjudged things. After all, it didn't sound like June was in distress. Rather, the noises and faces that her rider were making right now were very pleasured indeed.

Giving the shirshu equivalent of a shrug, Nyla decides to give the two humans their space, settling down and curling up around her catch as she begins to eat it right then and there. She's far enough away that the crunching of bones in her jaws doesn't seem to disturb them, though not so far away that June hasn't noticed her arrival.

At one point, Nyla makes eye contact with her rider… and gives her a simple, almost imperceptible nod. Its good that her Mistress finally found a proper mate. All of those previous males were hopelessly deficient.


"Ohhhh f-fuuuuck~"

June can't do much more than moan wantonly and gurgle helplessly as she's prone boned into the dirt by Sokka of the Water Tribe. Pinned to the ground, held in place by his considerable weight, she gets to feel every last inch of his cock disappearing down between her thicc thighs and up into her tightening, clenching quim as he fucks her most soundly.

"Heh, you like that bitch? You like my big fat Water Tribe cock? You certainly sound like it."

"S-Shut up… I… I…"

But the words don't come. June could usually throw down with the best of them, both physically and verbally. There was no doubt about it, she was strong, she was confident, she was capable. But it was like… like she'd been living a lie all this time. Like Sokka had figured it out where no other man had and stripped away those parts of her that were just a façade.

It couldn't even be said that she'd stopped fighting back at this point, because truth be told, she'd never really fought back. From start to finish, she'd surrendered the initiative to this big dicked Water Tribe b-brute… and in doing so, she'd surrendered everything else as well. Sokka's cock continues to drill into her nonstop, and with a loud cry, June once again cums around his pistoning prick like… like the helpless maiden she's been reduced to, instead of the deadly femme fatale she's supposed to be.

If her peers could see her now, June knows her reputation would be ruined. She'd spent practically her entire career as a bounty hunter fighting to prove the men in her profession wrong about her. All of them thought she was just a weak, helpless little girl because of her gender. She'd shown them all. She'd proven them wrong, time and time again.

But Sokka had blasted right through all of that. A decade of building herself up, of making sure everyone knew she was the very best, reduced to… to THIS. And yet, it felt so fucking good. It felt so damn good that she was… she was… oh fuuuuck~

June's eyes roll back in her head for a moment as she cums AGAIN all over Sokka's cock. In response, the Water Tribe Warrior just grunts and keeps fucking her. He has to be getting close now. He's going to cum, and he's given no indication that he intends to pull out. Nor… nor has she asked him whether he's going to or not.

She should. She's working up the courage to do so even… when it happens. As she lays there face down on the ground, one of Sokka's arms around her neck in a loose chokehold that he hasn't actually held tightly since shortly after beginning to fuck her unresistant form, it happens. Nyla returns from her hunt, dragging the carcass of some fresh game along with her.

The shirshu pauses in her tracks upon seeing June's current state, and the complete turnaround that she's experienced since Nyla went off on her hunt. June flushes in humiliation and embarrassment. In some ways, its not as bad as a human seeing her in this state, but in other ways, its even worse. Nyla, her constant companion, is going to have to save her from herself. Her mount is going to have to be the one to step in and end th-

Except, much to June's utter shock, Nyla takes one long look at the scene… and curls off a ways away, sitting down to eat her dinner instead. She makes no move to help June, instead acting like this is just another one of June's dalliances, like this is just another time when her rider is fucking, and Nyla needs to set herself apart until it's done.

But in all of those times, June was in control. This was different, wasn't it? She's getting fucked into the ground by a Water Tribe Savage, and Nyla is just… letting it happen!

That, more than anything, drives home for June just how helpless she is… and how good that makes her feel. Because this is where she belongs. Even her trusted animal companion knows it.

… N-No! No… she has to keep fighting. She has to stay strong! If she can just hang in there, she'll find a moment to turn the tables on Sokka while he's sleeping, surely. Once he has to stop to rest, she'll get her own back. For now… for now, it's alright if she just lets herself enjoy it, right? If she just… surrenders to the pleasure, for a moment, it'll be fine, right?

"Here it comes! FUCK! YOU!"

Just as that thought is running through June's mind, Sokka suddenly growls in her ear, tightening his chokehold on her neck again, squeezing in just the right way to make her pussy spasm around his cock… right as he cums inside of her. He doesn't even hesitate, creampieing her right there on the spot without a single ounce of mercy.

Not that she deserved any. She was the one who'd ambushed him after all. She was the one who'd talked such a big game, only to get taken out so easily the moment she let him have his fair fight. She was the one face down in the dirt, being treated like some… some sort of broodmare at the moment. And there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

Eyes rolling back in her head, June experiences the most intense, most pleasurable, and definitely most explosive orgasm of her entire life as all of that runs through her mind and Sokka's cum fills her womb. She shakes and spasms, jerking all over the place. If not for his tight hold on her, she'd be seizing up right now. As it is, he keeps her in place, pinning her down, using his immense strength to completely restrict her movement… as well as blood flow to her brain.

The chokehold he has her in makes it feel even better. She very nearly passes out before he's finally done. But then he's finished, his entire load deposited in her unprotected, welcoming womb, and as he loosens his grip on her neck again, June just slumps forward. She's already face down on the ground, after all. A glance over to Nyla shows her that the shirshu has finished her meal and curled up to go to sleep.

Sleep… sleep sounds good right now. She'll get some rest and wake up bright and early in the morning, ready to turn the tables on Sokka. Yeah… yeah, that'll work. Just… needs to get… some shut-eye first…

June is about to do just that, when sudden movement startles her back to full consciousness. For a moment, she assumes its just Sokka pulling out of her. But instead, he pushes back in. And then does it again. He's… he's still fucking her. June's eyes widen, as he grabs her by her top knot and pulls her head up from the ground, still fucking into her, still prone boning her despite her sloshing, cum-filled, creampied womb.

"Didn't think we were done, did you? Nah, we're just getting started."

Sokka sounds exultant… thrilled, even. Like he could keep going for several hours more. June, already exhausted mentally, physically, AND emotionally, can only gurgle in response, her abused womanly flesh quivering beneath him. Just… just what was in the water down at the Southern Water Tribe? This was NOT normal…




With a shuddering quiver, June drops from her hands to her elbows, resting her weight on her forearms as she claws at the ground beneath her ineffectually. The stinging sensation across her trembling buttocks doesn't really go away… it never does at this point, not after how much abuse it's suffered throughout the night and into the morning.

They're STILL going at it, the two of them. Or rather, Sokka is. June is just… along for the ride. The world's greatest bounty hunter, getting soundly fucked for hours on end by some hunky, brutish Water Tribe Warrior. A humiliation for the ages to be sure, and yet, it felt so damn good. It had never stopped feeling good.

That didn't mean she wasn't at the end of her rope hours ago. By now, she's not even sure how she's managing to keep her knees up under her so that he can continue to fuck her doggystyle, as he's doing right now. Hanging her head between her arms, June cries out again, even as another orgasm ripples through her exhausted flesh.

He's inexorable, this Sokka. Utterly unrelenting, he's fucked her as much as he liked for hours on end… and cum inside of her just as much. Not that she'd ever tried to stop him. June couldn't say why that was. Perhaps part of her thought he wouldn't listen to her anyways? Or was that just an excuse for why she'd let him creampie her poor, tenderized pussy damn near a dozen times by this point?

She could barely support her own weight though, so it wasn't like she could have fought him off even if she wanted to. And she didn't. She didn't want to. She'd given up on trying to fight her desires. She enjoyed this. Being soundly defeated. Having the tables turned on her so thoroughly. She enjoyed every last moment of being made into a helpless piece of fuck meat by a man who was supposed to be her bounty and nothing more.

To her relief, Sokka suddenly pulls out of her and abruptly spins her over. As her back hits the grounds with a blast of air expelled from her lungs, he slams right back into her, this time taking her in a mating press. This position is much kinder on the exhausted bounty hunter. Drenched with sweat and a fair amount of other bodily fluids, all June has to do is wrap her limbs around him and hold onto the muscular, dark-skinned Water Tribe Warrior for dear life.

He's probably going to cum inside of her again soon. But she can't really bring herself to care, not anymore. Let him fill her for the dozenth time. She's already surrendered to him entirely, there's no denying that. Not even Nyla… when the shirshu had woken up an hour ago, the morning sun bringing her out of her slumber, June's mount had taken one look at June and Sokka still going at it… and slunk away to go and find herself some breakfast.

Not even Nyla thought June could do anything at this point but hold on and cry out in an ugly manner as she was fucked silly upon Sokka's cock again and again and again. Truly, she was a sorry sight. Truly, she-


Sokka's voice cuts through her thoughts and June startles, even as he begins to slow down his thrusting, pulling back just enough to look her in the eye.

"Your name… it's June, right?"

It's the first time her actual name has passed through his lips. All night long it was 'bitch' and other derogatory words. But then to be fair, she had kidnapped him, taken him by surprise from behind and dragged him hours away from his friends. At one point, during the night, he had demanded an apology. June, in the midst of her lust and defeated thoughts and abject arousal… had given it. At the top of her lungs, she'd apologized while cumming squealing on his cock.

It was probably the most humiliating thing she'd ever been forced to do, saying she was sorry for taking him down in such a cheap manner, admitting that she had no honor, no warrior's pride while he drilled into her with his cock and creampied her welcoming womb yet again.

… But this was the first time he'd actually brought up her real name. She hadn't thought he knew it. Laying there under him, still impaled upon his throbbing cock, June bites her lower lip… and hesitantly nods.

Grinning down at her, Sokka reaches up and wraps a hand around her throat, causing her breath to hitch. He doesn't squeeze down, he just holds her firmly by her neck, to remind her of who's in charge, of her place beneath him. She doesn't really need the reminder… but it does feel good, to be so thoroughly dominated and controlled.

"I'll make you a deal, June. Admit what you really want, and I'll give it to you."

Through chapped lips and a croaky throat that's only source of liquid all night long has been his seed, June coughs and speaks with a rasp.


Sokka just grins, his cock still throbbing inside of her, a constant reminder of who was in charge here.

"You want my cock. You want my seed. And you want this to happen to you every day for the rest of your life. Admit it… and I'll give it to you."

He… was he mad?! She couldn't say those things, no matter how tru- no! She couldn't… she wouldn't give in! June shakes her head back and forth, lips pressed tightly together. What will he do, if she refuses huh? What more CAN he do to her?

"… Very well."

With a sigh, Sokka begins to get up, pulling out of her loose grip. For all June's strength, right now she's exhausted, and barely hanging onto him. Still, her immediate reaction gives him pause.

"W-What are you doing?!"

He stops and looks down at her, brow raised.

"I'm leaving. We're done here."

What?! No! He couldn't stop now, he- oh…

June's eyes widen at the realization that she doesn't want it to end. That she doesn't want him to quit fucking her. That everything he wanted her to admit… was the truth. When Sokka begins to pull away again, the defeated bounty hunter cries out to him.


She flushes under his expectant gaze, whimpering and moaning in shame and humiliation.

"… I w-want it. I want your… cock. I want your… seed. And… and I want this to happen to me every day f-for the rest of my life."

Sokka's answering grin is wolfish, as he goes right back to fucking her like nothing happened. For a moment, June thinks that's the end of it, and begins to relax back into enjoying being taken by the Water Tribe Warrior. But Sokka isn't finished with her yet, for all that he's returned to plowing her silly.

One hand around her neck, one hand gripping her by her hair, Sokka holds her head steady as he looks her in the eyes.

"You'll give up on being a bounty hunter. You'll be my woman from now on. My mate. Understood?"

June opens her mouth to instinctively protest… but in the end, the words won't come. In the end, she can only nod ever so slightly in his hold and stammer out what he wants to hear.


Sokka grins… and then picks up the pace. In no time at all, June is hollering at the top of her lungs, clinging to him for dear life, cumming her brains out on his cock as he pounds into her with no restraint. Until finally, he finishes inside of her one last time, filling her to the brim with his seed, pumping her womb with the dozenth load.

There's no doubt in June's mind, what he's done to her. He's claimed her, tamed her, and made her his woman. So of course… it only makes sense that he's assuredly knocked her up as well, after all this. And if he hasn't… she suspects he soon will, one way or another.


The last two months had not been easy for her and Aang. Katara of the Southern Water Tribe wasn't even entirely sure what they were doing anymore. They'd lost Sokka, her brother… and until he was gone, she hadn't even realized how important he was to their group cohesion.

Aang was… flighty by his very nature. And in truth, she was somewhat mercurial. When Sokka had first gone missing, it would have been nice if they could have looked for him, scouted the area for him, but just when they were realizing he was gone, they'd been set upon by the Fire Nation, and forced to flee. And then they'd kept being forced to flee, until the two of them were so damn turned around that neither knew where they were, where they'd been, or even where they were truly going anymore.

It was just the two of them, and Katara would be lying if she said there hadn't been a couple of moments since she and her brother set out with the Avatar on his journey that she hadn't wished for exactly that. But they were right to say, 'be careful what you wish for', and they were equally right to say that 'you didn't know what you had until it was gone'.

Sokka might not have been a waterbender like Katara, but he was still her rock, and he'd been becoming Aang's rock as well, and now… now she didn't know what to do. Neither did Aang, not that he'd ever admit it. He just had them running from one place to the next, with seemingly no true goals in mind. It was most vexing, especially when she still couldn't bring herself to get over her feelings for the boy. It was-

"Katara! Aang!"

In the midst of Katara's musings, a voice she'd despaired at ever hearing again calls out to them, stopping them both in their tracks. Spinning around, she and Aang behold Sokka for the first time in two months. Sokka… and the woman next to him.

"SOKKA! You're back!"

With a whoop of jubilee, Aang jumps forward to give her brother a hug. Apparently, the last Airbender had missed Sokka just as much as she had. Regardless, as Sokka chuckles and returns the hug, looking quite good and like he's kept up with his training, Katara finds herself staring at the woman who's come with him.

"You guys remember June, yeah? She uh, used to be a bounty hunter. She's not anymore. She's with me now."

Aang makes all sorts of noises of understanding, but it's obvious that the younger boy doesn't understand at all. He probably just thinks Sokka talked June into being their friend, or something like that.

"We've been searching for you guys for a couple months now, but let me tell you, your trail is incredibly hard to find. You must have been running from some bad folks and doing your best to hide, yeah?"

"Haha… yeah…"

As Aang sheepishly rubs a hand on the back of his bald head, Katara sweat drops. They hadn't been running from anyone for at least three weeks now. Rather, their insane trail was a result of Aang's incredibly flighty nature. Still… it was good to know Sokka hadn't just spent the entire time fucking June.

Because while Aang might not understand what was happening, Katara wasn't an idiot. Bounty hunters hired to capture you and turn you over to the Fire Nation didn't just… switch sides. Still, the Waterbender didn't think this was a trap. Mostly because if it WAS a trap, not only was two months a pretty long time to string Sokka along… but also, the baby bump Katara could just barely make out under June's clothes seemed like an awfully large commitment for a bounty hunter to make JUST to capture a bounty.

… Yes, as Aang continues to be his energetic, boisterous self and Sokka chuckles and listens, Katara makes eye contact with June… and immediately understands what happened. Her brother has found a mate, and claimed her in the old ways, as is proper.

That's good. Fresh blood is always good for the tribe. Meeting Sokka's eyes a moment later, Katara gives her brother an approving nod and smile, which he returns with a grin of his own.

It's good to have him back. She hadn't realized how much they needed him until he was gone.


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