Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Unwanted Exposure (RWBY)

Unwanted Exposure (RWBY)

A/N: Unwanted Exposure was a commissioned one shot originally written in May of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Ruby Rose has been a naughty, naughty girl and finds herself at the mercy of a mysterious blackmailer as a result.

Themes: Blackmail, Exhibitionism, Humiliation


Clutching her red cloak tightly to her person, Ruby Rose fidgets and squirms as she makes her way deeper into Vale. She doesn't want to be here. She wants to be back in her dorm room at Beacon. She wants to be anywhere else BUT here, in fact. Unfortunately, what Ruby wants and what Ruby has to do are two very different things, at this point.

She never should have done it. The… t-thing that was now being so maliciously used against her. She never should have crossed that line. Unfortunately, it wasn't like she could go back in time and take it back now. In the end, all she could do… was try and make sure it never got out that she'd… that she'd…

Turning a corner, Ruby squeaks as she enters the alley she'd been told to come to and almost immediately comes face to face with a smiling older girl with red eyes, green hair, and dark skin. She'd assumed her blackmailer was a guy, truth be told, so her first instinct is to back away. Maybe she had the wrong alley?

"U-Um, s-sorry, I-!"

"Ruby Rose?"

Hearing her name spoken with such confidence and wicked delight causes the sensation of ice water to rush down Ruby's back. She stops dead in her tracks, recognizing the wicked grin on the other girl's face for what it was and what it meant.


"Did you do as you were told?"

Ruby's face goes even redder than it already was. O-oh… this was her. This was the blackmailer. Processing this for a moment, Ruby finally manages to respond.

"… I-I did. But please… w-why are you doing this to me?"

Big, soulful, silver eyes stare into red irises as Ruby practically begs her unnamed blackmailer to not go through with this, to not do this to her. But the other girl is simply… uncaring in the face of Ruby's distress.

"Because I can. Because you've been a bad, bad girl and you deserve to be punished. Unless you want that to be the proper authorities…"


"Heh. Then show me."

Hesitantly, glancing to the entrance of the alley to make sure no one is looking in… Ruby finally pulls open her cloak, revealing that she has absolutely nothing on underneath. She came here today in just her cloak and her shoes… just as she'd been told to. Those damnable red eyes feast upon Ruby's appearance for a moment before nodding, a sign that Ruby takes to mean she can cover up again.

"Good girl. You're on your way to earning absolution for your crimes~"

Ruby flushes. Ugh, she hated this. She hated being under this stranger's thumb. She hated that she'd fucked up so badly. More than anything though… she hated how a little part of her was actually enjoying this enough that she was… w-wet down there. Luckily, it didn't seem like the blackmailer had noticed that, at least.

"Now then, are you ready for your first task?"

"U-Um… yes?"

"Heh, then you can take off your cloak and shoes and give them to me."


Ruby stares with wide eyed shock at the other girl… but she's completely serious. Smirking evilly, knowing full well that she has Ruby over a barrel, she simply holds out her hand, palm up… and waits. Eventually, Ruby can do nothing but obey. Very aware of how close she is to being out in public, she pulls off her cloak and hands it over. Then she does the same with her shoes and socks.

Standing there naked and barefoot, Ruby covers herself with her hands as best she can, something that the blackmailer doesn't try to stop. Instead, the green-haired young woman just smirks at her.

"Now then, I'm going to go for a walk."

"Wait, with my c-clothes?!"

"Yep. Don't worry, just down the street. I'll be a block away, down another alley. You go ahead and wait five minutes… and then come find me."

Ruby gapes at that, a million responses running through her mind. She's naked! She can't just walk out into the open! Doesn't the blackmailer understand that will destroy her reputation?! She might get arrested! She-

Oh no… the blackmailer is already gone. The dark-skinned girl had left while Ruby was stunlocked! Mouth opening and closing, eyes wide as can be, the young woman looks around the alley. She's alone, but completely naked. She could… she could run, use her semblance to bolt back to Beacon and hope no one sees anything more than a silver blur… but then the blackmailer will destroy her in an entirely different way.

What's worse? This or that? This… or that. Ruby's eyes close shut, and a single tear escapes as she clenches her hands into fists… and steps out of the alley and into the busy street.

Walking down the street has never been tougher. Embarrassed as all hell, covering herself up as much as possible, Ruby soon has the eyes of every other person around her on her naked body. They're all staring, shocked, seeming unsure what to do about the situation. A few point her out to those who don't notice her right away, and there are murmurs that crop up all around her.

Ruby just keeps going though, eyes straight ahead, albeit darting back and forth a little bit, hunting for even a glimpse of her blackmailer. That older girl was the bane of her existence, but here in this moment, she was also her salvation. She was- there!

Seeing the girl peeking her head out around the corner of another alley, Ruby bolts forward, using a burst of her semblance to go faster than the human eye can track and disappear around the corner after her blackmailer before anyone can figure out where she's gone.

Heart racing, positively pounding in her chest even, Ruby's entire front is bright red by this point, her blush extending all the way down to her naked chest as she stands before the other girl, trembling. In response, the red-eyed girl just grins wickedly, laughing at her.

"Oho! That was great! You looked positively pathetic out there, you know that? And everyone was staring. Man, you drew some serious attention."

It was like… it was like the other girl was getting off on this. Ruby damn near wanted to cry. There was nothing great about this. She WASN'T enjoying this humiliation. She was only doing this because… b-because she had no choice!

"P-Please… just give me my things back!"

Surely, they were done now. She wanted to get her cloak and shoes back on before someone thought to check this alley. Only, she realizes as her blackmailer spreads her empty hands apart with a mockingly apologetic smile… that her clothes are nowhere in sight.

"Oh, oops. I guess I must have left them tucked somewhere safe back the way we came. My bad."

It's very clear from her tone that she's not actually remotely sorry at all. Ruby's mouth opens and closes soundlessly, but before she can respond, the other girl just shrugs.

"Guess we'll have to go back and get them. You'll be walking again, of course. No use of that semblance of yours! Oh, and one other restriction this time… if someone tries to take a picture of you, you have to stop and pose for them. Do you understand me?"


Surely not! But the red-eyed girl is deadly serious.

"You heard me, bitch. Unless you'd rather I spill the beans and let the authorities handle you. What's it going to be?"

Tears pricking at the edge of Ruby's vision, trembling there naked in front of her blackmailer… Ruby can only whimper and shake her head at that idea.

"I-I'll do it! Please just… I'll do it…"

Her shoulders slumped, the young woman defeated, she has no choice but to turn around and head back the way she came. There's only one thing Ruby takes solace in… the fact that no one had tried to take a picture of her the first time through. Sure, maybe that was just because they were so surprised and everything, but maybe… maybe the average citizen of Vale was a better person than that! Maybe they would surprise her blackmailer with their generosity!

With her head held high, Ruby begins making her way back up the street, trying her best not to make eye contact with anyone, intending on giving nobody any reason to go for their scroll. If she just… kept walking, she'd- oh no.

Ruby stops in her tracks, as she sees someone with their scroll out in her direction. There it is. Exactly what she was most afraid of. For a moment, she just freezes… but then, remembering what her blackmailer said, Ruby slowly unwinds her hands from over her body parts and… and strikes a pose. Nothing too bad. One hand on a hip, the other in the air in a wave. She even manages a hesitant smile as the stranger takes their picture of her and gives her a wicked grin in response.

The worst part of it all is that she's naked. She's not doing anything too lewd… besides stand there naked. Unfortunately, that opens the floodgates. She'd barely made it a third of the way back up the street before that first passerby stopped to take her picture. And at seeing her POSE for it? Suddenly, everyone was scrambling for their phones.

Ruby could do nothing, because of the blackmailer's orders. Thanks to what the older girl had said, Ruby was stuck striking poses, barely able to move more than half a foot before another person brought out their scroll. It was incredibly embarrassing, but it wasn't like she could just keep doing the same pose over and over again, right? THEY certainly didn't think so.

"Hey, girlie! Over here! Show me something fun!"

"Give me a peace sign!"

"Show me that pussy, bitch!"

"Fucking slut, frame those tits of yours better!"

The more she's forced to obey them, the more she stops to take pictures… the more degrading and humiliating everything gets. Its not just the situation itself anymore, but the people around her. D-Don't they understand that she doesn't want to do this? Don't they realize she doesn't want to be here?! But maybe not… and it's not like Ruby can risk them figuring that out.

No, in the end she's forced to alternate between plastering a fake smile on her face and offering a disinterested look as she continues to… explore certain poses. Hands behind her head, arms high in the air to show off her sweaty armpits and glistening chest more. Peace sign out, while one hand is behind her back. And eventually, she's being ordered into more and more ridiculous poses.

"Crouch down! Do double peace signs!"

"Yeah, that's the stuff!"

Its not just perverted guys either, as much as she wishes it was. There's women among the growing crowd too. Even others her own age, both girls and boys, all of them saying such… mean things about her, as if her feelings don't even matter, as if she's not even a real person.

All Ruby can do is try and keep moving forward. Every picture she has to stop and pose for, she tries to get at least one foot in front of the other before she has to stop again. Unfortunately, this leads her to walk right into the edge of the crowd gathering around her. They don't stop her at any point, thankfully. They don't push her back and make her lose progress.

However, they do take OTHER liberties. The first time Ruby feels a hand on her body, she almost screams! She manages to hold it in though, gulping down the impulse, even as she wiggles and squirms at the groping. Of course, that proves to be a mistake. By not reacting in a negative fashion, she invites even more groping.

Men and women touch her freely as she walks through the crowd, posing for picture after picture. They cup her breasts, play with her nipples, and toy with her clit and slit. One man even sticks two fingers up inside of her while she's crouched in a truly humiliating pose, pistoning them in and out at such a rapid pace that she… well, she breaks. With a squeal, Ruby cums.

And that, as it turns out, is the moment where it's all too much. As she orgasms in front of all those people, showing them her O-face, Ruby's fight or flight instinct finally kicks in. And she's not about to attack a bunch of civilians when she's naked and weaponless. Luckily, her semblance is MADE for escape.

Shrieking, Ruby almost seems to vanish from the crowd's senses, turning into a silver blur and bolting away from them all and back into the first alley that she'd met her blackmailer in. Thankfully, the other girl is there… and with Ruby's clothes too. She tosses her shoes and cloak over, and Ruby hurries to put them back on, covering up her trembling body as her lower lip wobbles.

"Heh, congratulations. Your first public climax… you must be so thrilled."

Mocking, teasing, and all of it malicious. But it gets worse. The other girl shows Ruby her scroll.

"Look at all of these amazing pictures I was able to get."

Ruby's face goes whiter and whiter at what she sees, as the older girl scrolls through the images. She's doomed. She's well and truly doomed. And yet… it's still nothing compared to what her blackmailer ACTUALLY has on her.

"P-Please… you'll delete the o-other thing now, r-right? You said…"

"What did I say?"

Looking to her sharply, the other girl narrows her red eyes and sneers.

"I don't remember saying anything but that a naughty little bitch like you deserved to be punished. If you think this alone was enough… think again, Ruby Rose."

A shiver runs down Ruby's spine, her lower lip wobbling. But even driving her to the point of tears doesn't seem to sway the other girl's heart.

"Go back to Beacon. Go back to that little Academy of yours and pray that your classmates don't see these photos. And when I'm ready, I'll call for you again and you WILL come. Got it?"

"… Yes…"

"Good. See you later, Ruby Rose."

And with that, the other girl walks past her out of the alley, but not before delivering a parting slap to Ruby's ass through her cloak, once more tightly pulled over her body. Ruby yelps… and then hears the sound of footsteps coming from the street. In a flash, she takes to the rooftops, using her semblance to move too quickly for anyone in Vale to get another look at her, as she bolts back to Beacon.


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