Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Dimwitted Guardian (High Guardian Spice)

A Dimwitted Guardian (High Guardian Spice)


Themes: Titplay, Rough Sex, Breeding

Summary: In which Rosemary is as stupid as ever, gets into a bit of trouble... and then gets taken advantage of because of just how dumb she is.


There are some fundamental truths to the universe. Water is wet. The sky is blue. And everyone at High Guardian Academy is either incredibly stupid, clinically insane, or just plain negligent. But no one… and I mean no one holds a candle to the Academy’s stupidest student of all.
“You want me to take off my top, Professor? Mm… okay!”
When she’d first arrived at High Guardian Academy years before in order to become a Guardian, Rosemary had been quite… foolish. The young pink-haired woman had all the pluck and courage you’d expect a prospective Guardian to have, but none of the actual intelligence to go with it. And yet, in the years since… that hadn’t changed.
She might have been due to graduate soon, but that was less to do with her intelligence, and more to do with her friends dragging her with them and the school’s faculty simply not caring enough to actually hold her back. Failing upward had never been a truer phrase for the young pinkette.
That said, just because she’d been at High Guardian Academy for years didn’t mean Rosemary was any smarter now than when she’d first arrived. Had she learned anything over the course of her time at the Academy? No.
Which was why no one was remotely surprised when she’d drank a random potion without thinking about it. The effects, however, were quite surprising. See, Rosemary had what most would call a… stunted physicality. Not only had her mind not grown, but her body hadn’t either. She was as short and petite as she’d been on the day she arrived at the Academy.
Petite could no longer be used to describe her at this point, however. For the potion she’d drank had turned her small, flat chest into a massive pair of big ole titties. It was to the point that none of her shirts fit anymore, and those she IS able to squeeze into are liable to burst open at any moment, leaving her massive, jiggling jugs out in the open for all to see. They also get in the way of her sword fighting, leaving her having to relearn her already middling skills with a sword from the ground up.
Unfortunately, there was apparently no way to actually undo the potion’s effects. Or more accurately, some of the Academy Faculty COULD have undone it, but were too lazy or too malicious to bother. See the above mention of insanity and negligence.
Only one man had seen fit to reach out to Rosemary and support her. Or so the girl though. Only one Professor had taken pity on her, while it felt like everyone else was staring at her and saying things about her behind her back, despite her friends assuring her they weren’t.
The Professor has been with her every step of the way, helping her through these harrowing changes. Or so Rosemary thinks anyways. In reality, he’s the one who put the potion in her path to begin with. In reality, he’s been manipulating and prepping Rosemary to be his eager and willing lover, playing off of her dimwittedness and her naivety to reach this point.
As Rosemary pulls her shirt off, her humungous mammaries come bouncing out of her top, the bright-eyed young woman not even remotely concerned that she’s exposing her chest to a man. The Professor admires the view for a moment before smiling thinly.
“Good girl. Now come over here.”
Seated already, he reaches down and without a single ounce of hesitation, frees his cock from its confines. His member springs forth, already pretty fucking hard. Rosemary looks at it with wide eyes… but zero recognition. She has no idea that he’s just exposed himself to her. She really is… that stupid.
“Will this help make my chest go back to normal, Professor?”
As she stops in front of him, her giant tits bouncing with every step, the Professor looks at her with a pitying, downcast expression on his face.
“I’m afraid not, Rosemary. It is as we feared… there truly is no cure that I know of. It is time… for you to begin learning that you do not need a cure. For this is not an affliction. Rather… instead, it is a blessing in disguise.”
Rosemary just blinks stupidly, probably understanding one in five words he just said. Letting out a sigh, the Professor gives his ‘pupil’ a wide smile.
“I will show you how to feel good with your new lot in life. Go ahead and press your new chest into my cock.”
That, at least, the dimwitted young woman is able to understand, though the Professor has to gesture at his dick for her to really get it. The prospective guardian looks at his cock for a moment before reaching up and wrapping her new breasts around it.
“Like this, Professor?”
“Yessss… that’s it. That’s a good girl.”
As she nervously and uncertainly wraps her massive melons around his cock, beginning to give him a titfuck, Rosemary looks up at him, seeming hesitantly pleased with his reaction.
“Oh! I’m so glad, Professor! Everyone else keeps giving me the weirdest looks! I don’t understand it! And I just know they’re talking about me behind my back, no matter what my friends say! But you would never do that!”
Smiling down at her, the Professor chuckles darkly.
“No, darling. I would never do that. You’re much too important to me for that.”
That makes the young woman currently wrapping her huge milk jugs around his cock brighten up even further. She continues to slide her fun bags along his shaft, completely unaware of just what she’s doing for him. And yet… even if Rosemary doesn’t understand the context of what’s happening, she can’t help the way it’s making her body feel. Soft, cute little moans, confusion inherent in their tone, erupt from the pinkette’s lips as she furrows her brow. Meanwhile, he’s all groans and grunts, his throbbing member feeling like it’s fit to burst at any moment.
“Getting… close now, Rosemary…”
Looking up at him, Rosemary just blinks stupidly.
“Huh? Close to what, Professor?”
But he doesn’t have a chance to explain. Her technique, as substandard, inexperienced, and untrained as it is, is still more than enough for him. The titfuck is heavenly, not because of how good Rosemary is at it or anything like that, but because it represents the culmination of all of his hard work. He’s successfully tricked this stupid bitch into being his titfuck cow, and that… that’s too good. It’s just too fucking good.
With a louder groan than normal, the Professor reaches orgasm, cumming HARD. Possibly harder than he ever has before. His seed spurts out of the top of his cock, which means it explodes out from betwixt Rosemary’s fat titties and sprays down all across her face, hair, and chest. The short stack can only gape, not used to being… coated in cum. Rather…
“What… what is this stuff?! Professor, are you alright?! Did I hurt you?! I don’t understand!”
… Yeah. Even now, Rosemary had no clue what was happening. All of the Professor’s sticky white discharge wasn’t enough to make her suddenly smarter than usual. In the end, she can’t help but sputter as she looks at herself and at his cock, already softening between her tits. And yet… the feel of her fat chest wrapped around his dick, combined with her innocent, naïve confusion… it’s enough to make him rock hard again in no time.
“Mm… no, Rosemary. You didn’t hurt me. In fact, it was the exact opposite. You made me feel good. This is what I mean, darling. Your new situation is not the curse you think it is… but a blessing in disguise.”
Wrinkling her nose at the mess, Rosemary pouts.
“It doesn’t feel like a blessing, Professor! It feels rather sticky!”
Scoffing, the Professor waves his hand… and the mess covering her face, tits, and hair vanishes in the blink of an eye. One might think he did this out of the kindness of his heart. Rosemary certainly did. But the truth was… he didn’t want his load in the way for what he wanted to do next.
“I want to return the favor now, Rosemary. I want to make you feel just as good as I feel. You’ll have to remove the rest of your garments first however.”
Straightening up and stepping back, her now-clean tits bouncing up and down as she does so, Rosemary looks uncertain for a moment, as if just realizing she’s half-naked in front of her Professor.
“R-Really? I don’t know…”
But of course, her Professor just smiles at her, that warm and soothing smile she’s come to rely upon ever since the incident.
“You don’t have to worry, Rosemary. Just follow my lead.”

That was what he always said when she was uncertain about something he suggested. He would say ‘follow my lead’… and she would. And so far, he’d never steered her wrong! With that in mind, Rosemary doesn’t have to think about it for much longer before she smiles brightly.
And that’s how the young short stack soon finds herself naked and laid out on her Professor’s desk. His hands pull apart her legs, and his cock presses against her slit. Lifting herself up on her elbows to be able to see over her humungous tits, Rosemary stares down at where they’re about to be joined together. A look of trepidation spreads across her face, but before she can speak up… he thrusts into her.
Her hymen is torn and her virginity is lost without Rosemary ever even knowing what those two words meant. The pain of him thrusting into her damn near causes her to black out, and Rosemary’s head rocks back as she cries out in agony.
“P-Professor! It h-hurts! Please, s-stop!”
To his credit, he immediately stops. So of course, Rosemary follows it up with another command.
“P-Pull it out! You’re impaling me with your c-cock, Professor!”
“Hmm… I suppose I could… if you don’t think you can handle it.”
He’s not a master of verbal manipulation. But then, with a target like Rosemary, he doesn’t have to be.
“W-What?! I can handle it! Don’t pull out! Keep going!”
Of course, it helps that the immediate spike of pain has already been reduced down to a dull throb. More than that, the even the throb of discomfort in her lower half slowly fades away as he begins to properly fuck her. Even if Rosemary doesn’t actually understand what’s happening, she knows it’s starting to feel good. The Professor is pushing his ‘cock’ into her again and again, and down below… her body is starting to adapt to it. More than adapt to it, her body is starting to crave it.
A feathery moan leaves Rosemary’s lips, and she shudders beneath her Professor as he chuckles darkly.
“There it is pet. You’re starting to enjoy yourself now.”
It’s not a question, but a simple observation. Rosemary just nods, not able to find the words to speak. Meanwhile, the Professor takes one look at this naïve, gullible young woman he has under him… and growls, lurching forward. He fucks her even harder, while also grabbing hold of her massive breasts with both hands, squeezing and kneading them to his heart’s content.
Before long, Rosemary’s moans have turned wanton, and though she has no clue what she’s experiencing, the pink-haired young woman is soon orgasming again and again around her Professor’s cock. Her tight, formerly virgin walls flex and clench along his shaft, pulsing up and down his dick as he grunts and fucks her. Meanwhile, he’s leaning over her, holding her down on his desk and mauling her fat tits as much as he likes.

Rosemary might not know what’s going on, but she’s cognizant enough to notice her Professor’s lips mere inches from her own, parted slightly in a continuous groan. Acting purely on instinct, the dimwitted prospective Guardian  leans up and kisses her Professor, planting her lips on his own. She wants to thank him for… for everything. For being there for her. For making her feel good.
Of course, she’s not expecting him to wrap a hand around the back of her head and pull her deeper into the kiss. She had no idea that kissing could involve a tongue that wasn’t hers suddenly in her mouth! He thrusts his tongue into her virgin mouth just like he thrusts his cock into her virgin cunt, and all the oblivious and naïve Rosemary can do is moan and take it.
Soon, the Professor reaches his limits once again. What finally pushes him over the edge, however? It’s when he has to pull back for air and Rosemary’s big blue eyes lock onto his own.
“… I love you, Professor…”
With a groan, he blows his load inside of her fertile womb. Unbeknownst to both of them, his seed quickly finds purchase with her eager ovum. The formerly-virgin Rosemary is definitely overwhelmed, but one thing does stand out in her mind. Funnily enough, it’s not because they just fucked. She doesn’t even understand what sex is. No… it’s because they kissed. And even if it was a kiss like nothing she’d ever experienced before, it was still a kiss.
“Professor… are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?”
He blinks at her for a moment… and then begins to grin.
Months go by, and Rosemary is finally used to her new tit size. As well as her new relationship, yippee! Of course, her boyfriend had told her that she wasn’t allowed to tell anyone they were dating. It was super-secret. The way he’d ultimately gotten it through Rosemary’s thick head had been quite simple. This was the kind of secret that… if you told ANYONE else about it, it would make it not true anymore. Basically, if she told anyone that she had a boyfriend, she wouldn’t HAVE a boyfriend any longer!
Obviously, Rosemary didn’t want that to happen, so she’d kept quiet. However… some other odd things have started happening to her body, and she’s not sure why.
For one, she’s been getting sick a lot more, puking in the mornings constantly. Meanwhile, her breasts have been getting more and more tender, as well as bigger. She’s gone up a whole NEW cup size, and her recently refitted shirts are suddenly starting to strain again! She’s definitely getting fatter too, no matter how hard she tries to lose weight! Oh, and to top it all off? Just this morning, milk had started coming out of her boobs!
It was that final one that did it, when Sage finally noticed she was lactating.
“Rosemary! You’re pregnant!”
Blinking dumbly, Rosemary can only respond with honesty.
“No I’m not! I don’t even know what pregnant is, so how can I be it?!”
And with that… all of her friends realize that Rosemary is not only pregnant, but she never got The Talk. Looks are exchanged all around the table as everyone tries to decide whether they’re going to try and explain it to their… somewhat slow friend, or just leave it be…


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