Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Thrush Takes Control (RWBY)

Thrush Takes Control (RWBY)


Themes: Mind Control, Threesome, NTR

Summary: In which Russel Thrush has a secret. One that he's kept all his life. But he's tired of hiding who he is. Pyrrha and Nora are just unlucky enough to be his first victims.


Russel Thrush hated losing. Which was a bit of a problem… because he was kind of a loser. Still, it wasn’t entirely his fault. Everyone else got a super cool Semblance that they usually used to complement their fighting style, allowing them to be stronger and faster and just plain better. What did Russel get? Well, as far as all of the others were concerned, he didn’t get shit.
Even the rest of Team CRDL didn’t know what Russel’s Semblance was. In fact, they thought HE didn’t know what his Semblance was. They fully believed he hadn’t unlocked or figured it out yet. It was even the source of some teasing from his teammates. After all, they all had THEIR Semblances, even if they weren’t very good with them.
… Well, so did he. In fact, the day Russel had his Aura Awakened all those years ago, he’d immediately discovered what his Semblance was. And then been reprimanded and told under no uncertain circumstances that he was NEVER to use it or reveal it to anyone, no matter the reason. After all, the Thrush Family might not be as prominent as the Winchesters were, but they were still a relatively big deal in the decaying nobility that propped up the Kingdom of Vale.
Finding out that their second son had a Semblance related to Mind Control would be a scandal that they might not come back from. And so… from that very first day when Russel unthinkingly gave his own father a command that the other man could not disobey… he’d never used his Semblance again. Not a single time. After all, it wasn’t like it could be used against the Grimm. So ultimately… it was worthless.
But then Russel had gotten older and been sent to Beacon. And he’d learned… that his Semblance might not be as worthless as he thought. After fighting against Team JNPR and losing time and time again in Professor Goodwitch’s Battle Class, Russel found the bonds he’d wrapped around his Semblance were starting to fray.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when Professor Goodwitch had Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Girl, go against all four members of Team CRDL at once. She wiped the floor with them of course. A full four versus one advantage, and she’d still kicked their asses like it was no one’s business, without a single use of her Semblance.
Perhaps if he were a better person, it would have even been inspirational. But instead, Russel had developed nothing but hatred for Pyrrha Nikos and Glynda Goodwitch after that. And seeing how he couldn’t go after Professor Goodwitch for fear that she might have some sort of countermeasure against his Semblance…
“Hey! You two!”
The hallway is empty when he confronts them. Everyone else is long gone. It’s just Russel Thrush… facing off against Nora Valkyrie and Pyrrha Nikos as the two female members of Team JNPR turn around and blink at him.
“Yes? Is there something we can do for you?”
This was it. Now or never. Russel lets go of the sharp hold he’s had on his Semblance all these years and focuses on the women in front of him. He pushes out with his words.
“Yeah. You can both agree to play me in some games of volley ball. It’ll be fun.”
Moment of truth. He feels his Semblance working… but he’s still incredibly rusty. Still, if it fails, it shouldn’t be too bad. He’s not doing anything untoward with them. Yet.
It doesn’t fail though. He sees it in their eyes as they glaze over just like his father’s did all those years ago. They don’t even look at one another, they don’t even have a conversation about his demand. They just slowly nod.
“Sure, we can play some volley ball.”
“Yeah. We agree.”
Russel grins, and tries not to let out the shout that’s threatening to burst from his lips. Instead, he turns and leads the two girls deeper into Beacon, all the way to one of Beacon’s private training rooms. It’s one of those places that’s modular. Basically, it can be whatever its users want it to be, sort of like mecha-shift weapons but on a greater scale.
Russel has already reserved the room for two hours ahead of time, and making it into a volley ball court is simple as can be. Of course, what he does next is not quite so simple. As the two girls are stretching and getting ready to trounce him, Russel clears his throat.
“What are you doing? You remember, don’t you? Whenever a woman plays volley ball, they have to play completely naked. Just the rules.”
Pyrrha and Nora both freeze at that, their faces going blank for a moment before they actually do share a glance this time. Suddenly, they don’t look so ready to play.
“Oh, huh… I guess we forgot that.”
“Yeah, I’m not so sure…”
Russel scowls and waves his hand dismissively.
“Don’t back out now. You both want to play with me desperately, after all. You’ve been wanting to play volley ball with me all year long, nudity and all. It’s because you both secretly have a crush on me.”
Another moment as his Semblance takes effect… and then they both blush profusely before slowly beginning the process of removing their school uniforms. Russel’s mouth is suddenly entirely dry as he watches the two red heads strip naked right before his eyes. Nora Valkyrie and Pyrrha Nikos are easily two of the hottest girls in their year. And Russel gets to see them naked.
The other guys will never believe this, but luckily Russel has no intention of telling them. He’s doing this in part to get revenge on these bitches for always showing Team CRDL up, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the Team needs to know about it. No one needs to know about his Semblance. This is just… stress relief.
Once Pyrrha and Nora stand before him naked, the two of them have very different expressions on their faces. Nora is all cheeky grins as she flaunts her body, while Pyrrha, despite being taller than the other girl and potentially even MORE voluptuous, is all small smiles and embarrassed blush. One of them is clearly more comfortable showing off her nudity to him than the other, in spite of him giving them both a crush on him.
No big deal though. They’ll be doing a lot more than that soon enough. That said… Russel can feel a headache coming on. Which means his Semblance DOES have limits. If he wants to enjoy these bitches without knocking himself unconscious, it’s time to implement The Plan.
“Hey girls. How about we make this game interesting? Since you both suck at volley ball, let’s make it a two on one. And… let’s say the losers have to do whatever the winner says from now on. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
His headache grows a little bit more, but not so much that he can’t think straight or focus on what’s going on right in front of him. Besides, those should be the last Semblance-empowered commands that he should have to give, so long as everything goes according to plan…
“Sure! Let’s do it! Sounds fun, right Pyrrha?”
“U-Um… y-yes…”
It was a bit of a risk, leaving the actual acceptance of the challenge up to the two of them. But since they’d already agreed to play volley ball with him, and also already come to ‘realize’ they both had a crush on him… it was a risk Russel was willing to take. Grinning wickedly now that he has them both where he wants them, the young man moves over to the volley ball court as Pyrrha and Nora take up their positions, still completely naked, on the other side.
What follows is a one-sided slaughter. A complete beatdown. Russel thrashes them both up and down the court for the entire game, absolutely demolishing the two of them. Which is no small feat, he might add. For one, their nudity is almost as distracting for him as it clearly is for them. Their massive milkers bouncing all over the place doesn’t help. Nor does his erection.
However, one of his final Semblance-empowered commands secures the W for Russel all the same. After all, both Nora and Pyrrha unequivocally SUCK at volley ball. Adding onto that the fact that they both suddenly have a crush on him, as well as their nudity causing their tits to fly all over the place and they were the clumsiest, most uncoordinated duo that Russel had ever had the pleasure of playing against. And pleasure was indeed the right word, because by the time the game comes to an end, he’s hard as a fucking rock and ready for action.
Meanwhile, Nora and Pyrrha walk over panting, their naked bodies covered in sweat as they both give him grins, each in their own unique way. Nora looks ready to rumble, while Pyrrha is very shy but still quite eager. Russel loves it.
“I guess you won, big boy! Which means we’ve gotta do WHATEVER you say! Gosh, we sure are dumb for getting suckered into such a bet, aren’t we Pyrrha?”
“A-Ah, y-yes… what… w-what are the boys going to think? J-Jaune and Ren will… surely be embarrassed for us.”
“Don’t tell them.”
Russel snaps out the order without a second thought, but doesn’t use his Semblance. This is as much a test as anything else.
“You both lost, which means from now on you do WHATEVER I say, right?”
After the two nod in easy agreement, Russel grins.
“Then you don’t tell anyone about me or our deal. You don’t say a word to anyone about anything we’ve done or will do today. Understood?”
Hmm… Russel’s eyes twinkle as he reaches down and begins pulling open his belt.
“Call me ‘sir’. Or… ‘Master’. Whichever you prefer, but from now on while we’re alone, you’ll address me with respect. Understood?”
“Yes, Master~”
“Y-Yes sir!”
Nora’s all for it, grinning lecherously and leaning forward to show off her assets. Meanwhile, Pyrrha is blushing even harder than before, her green eyes wide as she stares down at his crotch, where Russel is currently extracting his cock from its confines. As his incredibly erect member finally springs forth, both of his new slaves stare at it, their crushes coming to the forefront no doubt as Nora licks her lips and Pyrrha develops a truly atomic blush.
Stroking his cock up and down for a few moments as he just stares at them, Russel realizes… he doesn’t need to jack himself off anymore. He has two lovely ladies willing to do whatever he wants right here.
“Get down on your hands and knees. Face each other.”
His new fuck toys obey without question. They twitch and wiggle as he slowly approaches them. Planting themselves on their hands and knees, they face each other just as he told them to, allowing Russel to step up and place a hand on both of their heads as he slides his cock into place right between their faces.
“Suck it, bitches. Best cock sucker gets fucked first. Go on… give it your all.”
Nora doesn’t need to be told twice. The bombastic red head all but lunges forward, putting her tongue and lips on her side of Russel’s throbbing erection without hesitation. Pyrrha on the other hand, DOES hesitate for a moment before finally leaning in and beginning to lick and lap at his shaft. Russel groans, his fingers curling into their hair a bit harder. With Nora, he’s just digging into her locks. With Pyrrha, he has ahold of her ponytail.
Fuck, how many nights has he fantasized about holding onto Pyrrha Nikos’ ponytail while he fucked her face? Or even plowed her silly from behind? And now… now it was happening. All thanks to his Semblance. As he stares down at the two beautiful women who he never would have had a chance with if it weren’t for his Semblance, Russel’s lips thin out. Something in his chest, something hard and unyielding… begins to shake loose.
Why? Why did he waste all these years hiding his true power? Just because he loved and respected his father? Just because he wanted the man’s approval? If his father hadn’t been so squeamish, Russel could have been so much stronger now. If he’d trained with his Semblance, he wouldn’t be so limited in its use and have to resort to trickery like making a bet on a volley ball game. He could have just reforged Pyrrha and Nora with a few dozen commands and made them his women outright.
Instead, his father… his father had only held him back. He’d held their family back. Imagine where the Thrush Family could have been by this point in Russel’s life if his dad hadn’t been so afraid of his Semblance. Imagine how high they could have climbed. Hell, they might have been the ones who had a seat on the Valeian Council instead of the Winchesters! Or maybe even right alongside the Winchesters!
But no… his father had failed him, Russel was beginning to realize. He hadn’t wanted what was best for Russel. He’d only ever wanted to hold him back. Well… Russel was tired of holding back. He was tired of being less than he truly was. He was… done ignoring his desires.
With that in mind, Russel tightens his grip on Nora and Pyrrha’s hair once more… and forcibly guides them where he wants them to go. Nora ends up relegated to Russel’s balls, the shorter red head suckling and slurping and gargling at his nut sack quite enthusiastically in short order. Meanwhile, Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Woman… gets to choke on his cock.
Using his grip on her ponytail, Russel slams her down his length again and again, forcing his member into the back of her throat as he makes her deep throat his dick right then and there.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Her gagging is like music to his ears. This damn bitch made fools of him and his teammates far too many times for him to enjoy anything less than her complete and utter humiliation. In that regard, Nora was nothing but a bonus prize. Pyrrha was the real deal. Pyrrha was the one that Russel would enjoy to the fullest extent.
… That said, as he comes to the end of his rope and gets ready to cum, Russel had made his choice on who he’s going to fuck first. With a hoarse groan, he pulls out at the last second, yanking Pyrrha back off of his cock by the ponytail. He covers her in his jizz, coating her with his seed. The Invincible Girl moans, her green eyes fluttering in excitement and pleasure as she shudders beneath the relentless onslaught of his jizz.
Once he’s done, he lets go of her hair and grins at her viciously.
“Get into a crouch, bitch. I want you to rub my cum into your tits and face while BEGGING me to fuck you. I want you to tell me how badly you need it, how much you want to get plowed silly by me. I want you to beg me to creampie you on the off chance I might knock you up and turn you into my broodmare. Got it?”
“Yessss Master~”
It would seem that Pyrrha’s nervousness has died a quick death as she looks at him with figurative hearts in her eyes, hopping up into that crouched position. Her legs spread wide, bent at the knees in a particularly lewd pose as she groans in excitement. Her hands go to her fat milkers, squeezing them and rubbing his sticky cum into her flesh as she opens her mouth and moans throatily.
“Pleeeeease… please fuck me, Master! Please take my virginity and make me your woman! I need it! Gods, I need your cock inside of me! I need to be plowed silly! I need to be used and abused!”
Russel’s dick twitches at hearing Pyrrha is a virgin. On the one hand it makes sense, but it’s still surprising. It’s nearly enough for him to change his mind… but no, he’d already decided he was going to fuck Nora first. Save the best for last and all that.
As Pyrrha continues to beg him to fuck her, Russel uses his grip on Nora’s hair to force her down onto her back right there in front of her crouching teammate. To her credit, Nora doesn’t miss a beat. Her legs, not quite as long as Pyrrha’s, lift up into the air and spread apart without a second thought, offering him direct access to her glistening cunt.
Russel takes advantage of that quite quickly, sliding his cock right into her ready and waiting pussy without a moment’s thought. Truth be told… it’s his first time as well. But he’s not about to say that. As he thrusts into Nora Valkyrie, filling her clenching, incredibly wet pussy with his dick, he reaches up and mauls her fat milkers, playing with her tits to his heart’s content.
She moans in response, thrusting her chest up into his grasp as she looks at him with nothing but adoration in her lust-filled eyes. She wants him. She loves him. All thanks to his Semblance. She belongs to him now, and that… that gives Russel a rush of power as he slams into her.
“Yes Master! Fuck me harder! Use my cunt for your pleasure~ Ooooh, I love your dick! It’s so much better than Ren’s! He’s got a tiny dick compared to yours!”
Huh, Russel had known that the rumors said Nora and her partner were a couple, but he hadn’t known for sure. Still, it’s a surge of confidence, to hear that from her. He grins wickedly and continues fucking her, pounding her pussy out into the shape of his cock as the vivacious, energetic red head squeals and moans, singing his praises under him all the while.
Of course, in this time… Pyrrha is not idle either.
“Please Master! Please fuck me soon! Please knock me up and make me into your broodmare! I don’t care if I have to quit Beacon! I want to be your woman more than I want to be a huntress! I want to be fucked by you, kept by you! Please! Nnngh!”
Glancing up, Russel licks his lips hungrily at the sight before him. Pyrrha Nikos, covered in his jizz, in a crouch as she fondles her tits and all but humps the air in his direction. She wants him so badly… and he wants her. He wants to debase her. He wants to ruin her. To ruin them both. And he could too. If he knocked them up, they’d have to leave Beacon. He could… he could hire them as maids them back at the Thrush Family Estate.
It would require him to… remove his father as a problem. A whisper with his Semblance would handle that easily enough. The thought of breeding these two cunts, of fucking their brains out and truly making them his slaves… fills Russel with quite the rush.
With a hoarse shout, he cums inside of Nora Valkyrie. He doesn’t even hesitate. His seed fills and fills her, finding every crevice, packing her womb to the brim. Whether he’s actually knocked her up or not, Russel couldn’t say. Only time will tell. But in that moment he creampies her with every intention of stealing her from her boyfriend permanently and making her his kept woman.
That said, she was only ever the bonus prize. As Nora’s eyes roll back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth from one last explosive orgasm, Russel is already pulling out of her. His cock, covered in their combined fluids, is still rock hard all the same. He wants more. No, he NEEDS more. Luckily, there’s a bitch in heat crouched right in front of him, eager to give it to him.
Moving behind Pyrrha, Russel kicks her in the small of her back, forcing her forward again onto her hands and knees. He grabs hold of her ponytail with one hand and one of her hips with the other. The Invincible Girl freezes for a moment before moaning wantonly in anticipation.
“Yessss… please fuck me. Use me, Master! Knock me up! Nnngh!”
Placing the tip of his throbbing, engorged prick against her slit, Russel pants as he slowly but surely eases himself into Pyrrha from behind. She’s incredibly wet… but also insanely tight. Definitely virginal, and her pussy muscles have clearly been trained just as much as the rest of her. Her entire body is a well-honed weapon of athleticism and toned form, and now… now it all belongs to Russel.
Grinning like a loon, Russel yanks Pyrrha’s head back by her hair, forcing her to look up at him.
“Tell me what’s happening right now, bitch. Tell me what I’m doing to you.”
He fucks her from behind as she moans and does as she’s told, squealing all the while.
“Y-You’re fucking me, sir! You’re burying your cock inside of my poor pussy, Master! I’ve never… a-ah, I’ve never been with a b-boy before! But you’re not a b-boy! You’re a MAN!”
Lifting his hand up, he brings it down on her ass, smacking the toned behind with all his might.
“That’s right, cunt. I’m a real man. The only man you’ll ever need.”
“Yessss! I used to… I used to think I had a c-crush on Jaune! But I know better now! I belong to you, sir! I belong to my Master!”
Another interesting tidbit. There were rumors that Pyrrha and Jaune were also in a relationship, just like Nora and Ren. However, those rumors were apparently inaccurate it seemed. Well, while it wasn’t as reaffirming as having Nora compare him to her limp-dicked boyfriend, it was nice to hear Pyrrha renounce all affection for any man besides him. Grinning wickedly, Russel continues to pound the beautiful Invincible Girl silly, while also spanking her ass until it’s almost as red as her hair.
Meanwhile, Pyrrha does her best to continue voicing her pleasure and ecstasy over what’s happening to her.
“Your cock is so DEEP inside of me, Master! You’re stirring up my insides! I’m… I’m cumming!”
Those gorgeous green eyes of hers roll up in her head and her tongue lolls out as she orgasms herself silly all over his dick. Russel groans as well, feeling his release approaching. Leaning forward, positively mounting her as he molds himself to her back, rippling as it is with her shifting musculature, Russel reaches around with his free hand and grabs one of Pyrrha’s tits, giving it a nice, harsh squeeze.
“Bout to cum, bitch. Know what that means?”
Moaning even more wantonly than before, Pyrrha nods as best she’s able to in his grasp.
“Yessss! Breed me, Master! Make me your broodmare! Knock me up and ruin me!”
Grinning ferally, Russel goes ahead and does just that. He thrusts forward a handful more times before finally tipping over the edge. With a hoarse groan, he cums inside of Pyrrha Nikos, painting the Invincible Girl’s womb white with his jizz. Invincible she might have been, unbeatable in battle she may have seemed… but in the end, she wasn’t impossible to lay low. He’d proven that. He’d brought her and Nora both down and forced them to submit.
It's a heady feeling, knowing that he’s turned the female members of Team JNPR into his women with just a few careful applications of his Semblance. This power… he’s had it for so long, but never even used it.
No more. As Russel pulls out of Pyrrha and forces her head around so he can use her mouth to clean his cock of the mess, Russel decides that he’s done hiding from who he is. No one is going to stop him from taking what he wants. Not his father, not anyone. Pyrrha and Nora are his property now… and he can’t wait to see them in maid uniforms back at the Thrush Family Estate sometime soon, complete with growing bellies as their pregnancies become more and more obvious.
Oh yes… he can hardly wait.


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