Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Flash of Insight (One Punch Man)

A Flash of Insight (One Punch Man)

A/N: A Flash of Insight was a commissioned one shot originally written back in January of this year. Posting it up here for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which a young man is saved from a monster by the Tornado of Terror but sees something he shouldn't have at the same time.

Themes: Exhibitionism, Rough Sex, Telekinesis


It was another day in J-City. The sun was shining overhead, the birds were chirping, everyone was going about their business… oh, and yeah, there was a monster rampaging and causing massive untold amounts of destruction, thoroughly wrecking the place and ruining the day for every-fucking-one around it.

… Like he'd said, just another day in J-City. Heh, Hitoshi had always had something of a macabre sense of humor. Honestly though, living in the world he lived in, it only made sense, right? He was a nobody. Just a young man with some small prospects, trying to survive in a world of Monsters and Supermen. Of Titans and Gods. Or perhaps the correct word would be… Goddess.

As Hitoshi flees from the hulking monster rampaging through the streets, he's simply not fast enough to get out of the way in time. Luckily, the creature isn't after him specifically. He's not even sure if it notices he's there. As such, the swipe that takes him out is casual at best, and really more of a glancing blow than anything else.

It still sends him straight into a nearby wall, and through said wall. The fact that Hitoshi comes out of the hit alive should have been a clear indicator that something was up, but the young man had always been a little… oblivious. That was why he didn't even know he had superpowers of his own. In Hitoshi's eyes, he was your average everyday man. But in truth, he did have a minor suite of powers, mostly designed around survivability. His stamina and endurance were higher than your average human, his durability allowing him to… well, survive being thrown right into a building with only minor bruises and scrapes.

As Hitoshi lays there in the rubble caused by the hole in the wall that he'd made however, he looks up through bleary eyes, perhaps slightly concussed, and sees that none of it matters. The monster, a hulking lizard thing, is still going in his direction, and its huge lizard foot is currently lifting up, preparing to stomp down on him as it goes right through the building that he weakened with his body. Its probably not on purpose, just another case of him being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

How… unfair.

However, before the foot descending upon his body can fall completely, it… freezes up. The Monster is suddenly frozen in place, making Hitoshi blink in surprise, his concussed stupor leaving him to just stare up at the thick, gross underside of the scaly monster's foot in disbelief. Slowly, the foot is lifted away, but not because the Monster rethought its path, because it was forced to move away.

Lifted up into the air bodily, clearly held in her psychic grasp, the Monster can't so much as squirm as the Tornado of Terror, Tatsumaki, the S-Class Professional Hero, Rank Two in all the Hero Association, floats there beside it, smirking slightly.

"Ugh, what a waste of my time and energy. You're not even that big of a threat."

Under normal circumstances, Hitoshi might have been a little insulted to hear that saving his life was a waste of the Professional Hero's time and energy. Even if it was true, she didn't have to say it out loud! Even if he could tell she probably hadn't noticed he was there. However, there was one reason Hitoshi couldn't bring himself to be offended by Tatsumaki's words… he honestly barely even heard them.

Instead, the lightly concussed young man's attention was wholly focused on the sight in front of him. Not the monster, frozen in a psychic hold, nor even necessarily the woman herself holding him… but rather, the view he currently had up Tatsumaki's signature black dress. The petite green-haired heroine went around in a form-fitting black dress with long sleeves that in turn had four high-cut leg slits to show off her shapely long legs.

Except right now, it was showing off more than just her legs. From Hitoshi's vantage point, he could see right up her dress, and was staring right at her pussy. The Rank Two Professional Hero… was going commando. She was going completely pantyless. Hitoshi had never seen a more beautiful sight. Tatsumaki's pussy lips were on full display, and she was just… she was just hovering there, being an absolute badass while he got to look straight at her naked crotch.

Hitoshi had never considered himself a pervert before. It wasn't like he went out of his way to peek under girls' skirts like some disgusting men did. He wasn't going around trying to sexually harass or assault women. But in this case, in this moment, it wasn't like the young man could even move, concussed as he currently felt. All he could do was stare as Tatsumaki paused for a moment before letting out a contemptuous huff.

With a twist of one hand, she turns the large lizard monster into paste. Her psychic abilities quite literally reduce it to meat in an instant, and when she lets go of her hold, blood and guts and… flesh dollops rain down from the sky in a centralized location that is thankfully NOT right above Hitoshi.

Tatsumaki turns and flies away without another word, while Hitoshi just lays there. He supposes he should be grateful towards her for saving his life… but admittedly, he's far more grateful for what ELSE she gave him instead…


The next morning, Hitoshi has called in to his college and work alike to tell them he won't be in today because he'd survived the Monster Attack the day previous by the skin of his teeth. His college was, of course, very understanding. Work, not so much. He would need a Doctor's Note if he didn't want to get in trouble with his work for missing his shift. Annoying, to say the least.

Still, he was already feeling much better, so it would only be a one day absence anyways. Looking forward to a quiet morning, afternoon, and evening to himself, Hitoshi yawns and stretches as he makes his way over to the refrigerator. However, just as he's reaching for the door handle… he freezes in place.

Being under the control of a psychic is NOT a fun experience, let him tell you that. He's now getting a taste of what that lizard monster from yesterday must have felt, because he can FEEL the psychic presence pushing in on him from all sides, making it impossible to struggle, let alone move. Worse still, he finds himself turning and walking, forced to make janky, inhuman movements towards the door under the psychic's control.

Hitoshi's mind has already gone to the worst case scenario, he's a bit of a cynic like that, but even still, when he's finally forced to open his front door, his heart sinks all the same at just who's standing there in the doorway. Tatsumaki gives him a flat look, her arms crossed over her chest as she glares at him for a moment before pushing off the ground, floating past him into the apartment. Hitoshi finds himself forced to close and lock the door behind her… and then make his way over to the nearby couch, where she finally releases him only after she's forced him to sit down.

Of course, with her hovering before him like she is, Hitoshi isn't going anywhere anyways.

"A-Ah… this is about yesterday, isn't it?"

Tatsumaki scowls, and blushes ever so slightly, confirming Hitoshi's suspicions.

"You saw, didn't you?"

Hanging his head, Hitoshi nods, knowing there's no way around it.

"Yeah… I did…"

For a moment, silence falls. When he finally looks up, Tatsumaki… looks conflicted. Almost like she came here for one thing but has since found reason not to want to go through with it anymore.

"You… I'm only going to say this once, alright? You better not tell anyone what you saw. Or else. Got it?"

Hitoshi's eyes widen and he rapidly shakes his head.

"I-I would never, Ms. Tatsumaki! You're… you're the Tornado of Terror! I wouldn't dare dream of telling the world that you go around commando while fighting monsters!"

Tatsumaki's blush and scowl come right back, bigger than ever.

"S-Shut up you idiot! What if someone is listening?!"

"A-Aha, right… well, I'm no one special, Ms. Tatsumaki. So, no one SHOULD have any reason to be listening in on my conversations, ma'am…"

Tatsumaki hums for a moment, before shaking her head and descending to the floor. To his surprise, she goes right past the point where she would have landed on her feet, and keeps going lower, until she's laid out on thin air, floating with her face remarkably close to his crotch.

"No one special, you say. But now you are, because you've gotten to interact with me. I know what guys like you are like. If I don't g-give you something more… a reason not to, you'll blab eventually. So, consider this your reason."

Hitoshi's eyes widen and he begins to open his mouth and shake his head, eager to tell Tatsumaki that he's not going to say anything to ANYONE. However, before he can, she uses her telekinesis to pull away his pants, yanking off his boxers, and exposing his cock. Part of an oblivious Hitoshi's 'powers' was the fact that he had quite the sizable member. A member that, unbeknownst to him, Tatsumaki had gotten a feel for when she'd initially frozen him.

After all, her psychic hold gave her a complete understanding of what she was holding onto. Normally this could be rather disgusting, like in the case of the lizard monster from yesterday. But in Hitoshi's case, it was… well, it was enough to pique her interest.

Stroking his cock up and down with her mind, Tatsumaki looks almost adorable in her current floating position. Her actual hands are on his knees, almost like she's holding onto him for support. Meanwhile, she's staring at his dick, brow furrowed in concentration as he gets harder and thicker and larger in her telekinetic grasp.

"M-Ms. Tatsumaki…"

"Just call me Tatsumaki."

"Tatsumaki… ah, you can call me Hitoshi."

Blinking, the petite psychic flushes for a moment at the gentle reminder that she didn't even know his name until then. Still, she doesn't thank him or anything… not verbally, anyways. Rather than continue the conversation, Tatsumaki finally leans forward and takes hold of his cock in one hand, better to anchor herself to him as she opens her mouth and lets her tongue drift out.

Its obvious that Tatsumaki hasn't done anything like this before. He might be her first blowjob, ever. She's clearly inexperienced, working off secondhand information. And yet, that makes it all the hotter, in Hitoshi's humble opinion. The Rank Two Professional Hero is floating in the air in front of him, her face in his crotch as she licks and laps at his cock.

Eventually, after covering every inch of his sizable member in her saliva, Tatsumaki moves her tongue up to his glans. Swirling it around the tip of his dick for a moment, she finally opens as wide as she can… and promptly engulfs his cockhead in her mouth.


Even the noise she makes… is rather cute. But of course, Hitoshi doesn't say that. He makes a concerted effort to keep the thought out of his eyes as Tatsumaki is currently gazing up at him as she sucks at his cock, and he doesn't want her to read it on his face. Her cheeks are flushed with color, and the gorgeous young esper seems to be blushing quite profusely now.

He tries to give her a hesitant smile of encouragement in response, but that just makes her look away, down to his cock, her brow furrowing for a second before she… well, endeavors to go deeper. If Hitoshi didn't know better, he'd say she was using her telekinesis in such a way as to make his cock slide down the back of her tight little throat easier? Oh sure, she still chokes and gags on his dick a bit, but not too terribly.

"Hulghk. Hulghk. Hulghk."

But that… that was impossible, right? There was no way she had that fine of control. On the off chance she did though, Hitoshi sits very still and lets her do most of the work. He wouldn't want to get too excited and disrupt her efforts. And so, he stays where he is on the couch and Tatsumaki, the Tornado of Terror of all people, bobs up and down on his cock, deep-throating his member with her lips meeting the side of the hand she has wrapped around the base of his dick every single time.

She's certainly enthusiastic about it, even as his cock size makes her gag and gurgle, and Hitoshi… Hitoshi soon has another issue, one he doesn't hesitate to warn her of.

"A-Ah, Ms… I mean, T-Tatsumaki? I'm getting close!"

Tatsumaki freezes for a moment… and then pulls back. He's expecting that. What he's not expecting is for her to stop right at the last second, holding the head of his cock in her mouth. Her inexperienced tongue wiggles and swirls around his glans, while her telekinesis grips his cock along with her hands, like having four hands stroking up and down his throbbing, pulsating member instead of two.

Hitoshi grunts, his eyes going wide as his back arches, and a moment later he's cumming in Tatsumaki's mouth. To her credit, she tries to swallow every last bit of it, tries to drink down his load… but along with stamina and endurance and a bigger dick, comes bigger loads. His seed ends up exploding out of the sides of her mouth… only to immediately be caught by her telekinesis.

The young man is pretty sure he's never even saw a sexier sight then Tatsumaki, the Tornado of Terror, using her psychic abilities to pull his cum straight out of the air where it was beginning to fall to the floor, back into her mouth. As she pulls off his cock and gulps down his seed, the sticky white fluid in the air pushes right past her lips like… like she's slurping it up.

It really is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen… until, that is, Tatsumaki floats up, takes her dress off with her mind, and proceeds to bring herself down onto his lap, his cock suddenly pressing into her small, wet slit as she glares at him furiously.

"D-Don't for a second think this means anything, alright? I'm only doing this because I know what guys are like. Tch… just… don't sit there like some dead fish."

And then she sinks down onto his cock. Despite her command, Hitoshi still hesitates for a moment. Or maybe he's just in a bit of a stupor, trying to reconcile the fact that the Tornado of Terror is impaling herself upon his member… and is sounding remarkably like a tsundere as she does so. Either way, he does eventually recover… and in a bit of a frantic motion, leap into action.

Tatsumaki's eyes go a little wide, when his hands grab her by the waist and she suddenly finds herself bouncing up and down on his cock, which is pistoning into her from below. A yelp and a squeak, and then he's frozen in place by her panicked telekinetic abilities… for all of a second before she realizes she TOLD him to do this and lets him go again.

Taking a slightly more sedate pace, but still thrusting up into her from below with all his might, Hitoshi begins fucking Tatsumaki as best he can. In turn, Tatsumaki uses her psychic abilities to bounce up and down on his cock at a more manageable rate, panting and moaning, but still maintaining some measure of control over the whole encounter.

Still, it's abundantly clear quite quickly that she's not going to be able to keep control as well as she had while fellating him. His cock is stirring up her insides like crazy, and while it seemed Tatsumaki wasn't a virgin or anything, she still seemed altogether very new to this whole thing. Well, Hitoshi wasn't about to let a chance like this pass him up.

He steadily increases the pace… while also taking the risk of lowering one of his thumbs to Tatsumaki's clit. When he rubs at it vigorously with his thumb, he gets exactly the reaction he's hoping for. The esper's eyes widen and she tosses her head back as a strangled groan leaves her lips. Following that up by bringing his mouth down to her flat chest and nibbling at one of her nipples proves to be the right choice as well, because the next thing he knows, he's got a climaxing Tatsumaki in his lap.

Shaking and shuddering, her psychic powers going wild for a moment and flexing around him and her in a way that leaves Hitoshi wondering if this is the end… Tatsumaki cums her brains out. Luckily, she does recover her control quickly enough not to squeeze him to a pulp. Instead, it just feels really, really good, especially around his cock and balls.


With a groan, Hitoshi empties himself inside of the Rank Two Professional Hero. He knows he should have asked first, or provided some sort of warning, but her pussy and her psychic abilities are BOTH milking him dry, and he can't stop it in time. And so, he cums and cums, filling Tatsumaki with his second load of the morning and pumping her to the brim with his seed.

By the time he's done, Tatsumaki looks a little bloated, her womb utterly stuffed and her belly ever so slightly distended, as if she was already pregnant. As Hitoshi collapses back onto his couch, panting heavily and very winded, Tatsumaki is the first to recover, looking down between them both at what he's done to her, before blushing even harder than before.

Quickly pulling off of his cock, floating above him, Tatsumaki gets her dress back on. None of his seed leaks out of her, Hitoshi notices from his position on the couch, where he once again has a great view up her dress. Realizing this, Tatsumaki zips away from him, over to the door, and only there stops and turns back to level a pinning glare his way.

"S-So there… now you know what the stakes are! Tell anyone what you saw, or that we did this… and I'll never do it again!"

She grabs the doorknob and begins to turn it as Hitoshi processes what she just said… and then looks back at him, her face suddenly very blank.

"See you tomorrow."

And then she's gone. The Tornado of Terror flew into his life and then back out of it again just as quickly and all Hitoshi was left with was some of the best memories, he'd ever made… and the slow dawning realization that Tatsumaki was apparently going to make this a THING and he would have both work and school tomorrow.

He had… no idea how he was going to handle all of this. No idea at all.


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