Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Special(Ist) Spar (RWBY)

A Special(Ist) Spar (RWBY)

A/N: A Special(ist) Spar was a commissioned one shot originally written back in January of this year. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: When Team RWBY first arrives in Atlas, their resident blonde bombshell immediately catches the eye of Winter Schnee.

Themes: F/F, Dom/Sub, Rough Sex


"Right then, Ms. Xiao-Long. Let's see what you can do, shall we?"

"Heh, sure. I'm down."

As the two face off from each other, Yang can't help but let a cocky grin spread across her face. She's well aware that this is Weiss' sister, and more than that, she's a total badass in her own right. Winter Schnee is an Atlesian Specialist, and while Yang might not FULLY know what that means, it certainly sounds cool enough to her.

Maybe it'd been a little awkward, how they'd initially arrived in Atlas. They'd been captured by a group that Weiss called the Ace Operatives, some of General Ironwood's strongest agents. They were supposed to be allies, but hey, miscommunications happened. Yang wasn't usually the one for talking, she was more all about the punching, so she'd been happy to just sit back and let the others explain things when they'd finally been brought before Ironwood himself.

However, along with Ironwood had come two others… one, Penny Polendina, had been a shock because they'd all thought she was dead until recently. However, the other, Winter Schnee… she'd caught Yang's attention almost immediately if she was being honest. And Yang, it would seem, had caught hers as well.

In the aftermath of their meeting with Ironwood, Winter had offered Yang a spar. Needless to say, the blonde bombshell wasn't about to say no to THAT. She loved fighting, and while losing her arm and having it replaced by a mechanical one had left Yang in a bit of a depressed state for a little while, she'd finally begun to bounce back.

Exchanging blows with a gorgeous woman like Winter who clearly had a chip on her shoulder to go with all that beauty? How could Yang possibly say no to that.

And so here they were, facing off against one another in an out of the way training room. As Yang primes herself for the spar to begin, she licks her lips, waiting only half a second to see if Winter will make the first move. When she doesn't, just standing there in a stance that seems oddly familiar to Yang until she realizes Weiss must have directly cribbed it from her older sister, the blonde grins… and launches herself forward.

She's sparred with Weiss before, to be fair. So, she figures she has a pretty good chance against Winter. And at first, she thinks she's doing really well… but even Yang isn't stupid about everything, and if there's one thing, she's good at, it's battle. One might even call her a battle-maniac. So yeah, while she thinks the first few exchanges go really well, she quickly realizes… Winter is purposefully holding back.

The older girl is testing her, letting her get herself all worked out but not quite giving her all to the performance. That… irks Yang, if she's being honest. Its not like she thought she'd be better than Winter. If anything, just the woman's whole vibe is enough to… well, bring to mind some fantasies Yang has. Fantasies that Glynda Goodwitch once featured in heavily. Fantasies that she knows will probably never be a thing.

Still, she doesn't like it when people don't take her seriously. Even if this is just a spar, she's not just going to let Winter look down on her! If she wants to disrespect her like that… then Yang will disrespect the Atlesian Specialist right back!

On the next few exchanges of blows, Yang doesn't stop going full tilt necessarily, but she does… fall into a groove. Purposefully, of course, but Winter clearly doesn't realize that. Things start to fall into a rhythm, a rhythm that Winter is letting Yang set and following along with. Eventually though, the white-haired woman gets complacent. Just complacent enough for Yang to get her own back.

At just the right second, Yang speeds up beyond what she's shown herself capable of so far. Putting her all into the attack, she even activates her robotic arm's vibrating function… as she brings the open palm down on Winter Schnee's ass.


The older girl sees it coming, of course. But by the time she realizes what Yang is about to do, its too late. She's prepared to block any conventional avenue of attack, no matter what speed Yang is moving at, and Yang had recognized that. But her ass? No, she never saw it coming until it was far, far too late.

Pulling back from the frozen woman, Yang can't help but grin cheekily as she straightens up and hops from foot to foot, rolling her shoulders and shaking out her arms, even the prosthetic one.

"Bet you didn't see that coming, Specialist Schnee."

"… Ms. Xiao-Long…"

There's a growl in Winter's voice that makes Yang both pale and blush at the exact same time. As Winter slowly turns to face her again, the look in her eyes sees Yang licking her lips nervously… but also with anticipation. Somehow, she didn't think that Weiss' older sister was going to hold back any longer. She'd gotten what she wanted… but as they said, be careful what you wish for.



"You've been a naughty girl, Ms. Xiao-Long! Apologize!"

"EEEEE! S-Sorry! I'm sorry!"

Yang had been right; Winter hadn't held back… but what had started out as overwhelming violence had quickly evolved into… something else. Because Winter Schnee had taken one look at Yang Xiao-Long when she'd arrived along with her sister and the rest of their team and had decided she needed to know the beautiful buxom blonde better.

For all that it would probably mortify Weiss to learn this, Winter was not a sexless or asexual creature. She certainly had a no-nonsense attitude about her, both self-cultivated and conditioned into her by her training in the Atlesian Military. She wasn't the kind to let business mix with pleasure… USUALLY. As it was, things had been getting stressful enough in Atlas of late that even Winter needed to blow off some steam… and Yang Xiao-Long, she'd thought, might be the perfect woman to do that with.

Of course, she'd had no idea HOW perfect the girl would be. That little trick had been quite inspired, but it had… ignited a passion in Winter that she'd very rarely shown anyone out of the bedroom. In the end, she'd only really asked for this spar because of the old Atlesian saying that you only truly knew someone if you fought them. But then Yang had escalated things… and Winter had responded appropriately, or so she felt.

The blonde bombshell in question is currently in quite the precarious position. On their last few passes, Winter had stopped holding back and responded in kind to Yang's humiliating blow. Namely, she'd proceeded to shred the buxom blonde's clothing from her body, stripping her down to full nudity bit by bit until she was blushing all the way down to her chest and trying to cover herself up.

Needless to say, Winter hadn't let that stand for long. With her glyphs, she'd locked the girl down, pinning her wrists together above her head, and forcing her onto her back. Then, she'd gone a step further, making two more glyphs that locked around Yang's ankles and lifted her legs high, HIGH into the air while also spreading them quite far apart.

The end result was Ms. Xiao-Long's weight being forced onto her shoulders and neck as her naked, flexing, toned body is completely and utterly exposed to Winter. Needless to say, the white-haired woman wasted no time taking advantage of this to bring her own palm down, or rather up, as she spanked Yang's ass in a series of underhanded strikes across her athletic butt cheeks one after the other.

As Yang apologizes to her, Winter smiles thinly and finally relaxes her punishment just a smidge, instead groping and squeezing Yang's reddened ass cheeks, massaging some feeling back into them as the flushed blonde whimpers and moans, shivering and shuddering before her.

"I didn't… d-didn't know that you could use your g-glyphs like this. Um, W-Weiss never has before…"

Smirking, Winter just shakes her head, using her fine tuned control to pull Yang's legs a little further apart, a little higher up, drawing a startled squeak from the blonde bombshell.

"Weiss still has a long way to go. But whether she would even think to use them like this… well, I don't pretend to know my sister's mind. And I don't think we should discuss her any further, given the activities we're currently engaging in."

Something akin to defiance, or perhaps just challenge, alights in Yang's purple eyes then as she licks her lips, looking up at Winter from her entirely compromised position.

"A-And what activities might those be, huh? You've gotten your own back on me, haven't you? Shouldn't we go back to sparring?"

The probing tone makes it abundantly clear Yang wants anything BUT to go back to sparring, and definitely hopes this is going to evolve into something more. Luckily for her, Winter also wants something more. Smirking even harder, the Atlesian Specialist shakes her head.

"It's clear to me that you need a firm hand, and a lesson in understanding just who's in charge here, Ms. Xiao-Long. It falls to me to give that to you."

Yang opens her mouth to respond, but Winter's palm comes down on her naked, glistening pussy mound before she can.


The squelching slapping noise that her palm strike makes with Yang's slit is distinct, even as the blonde's eyes bulge out of her skull and she squeals, bucking her hips and orgasming on the spot, her juices squirting back over onto her folded body thanks to the way Winter is holding her in her glyphs. Not a single droplet lands anywhere on the Specialist herself, that's for sure.

"For starters, you need to learn to speak only when spoken to. Silence is golden, Ms. Xiao-Long."

As Yang mewls, Winter proceeds to really put her through her paces. She starts with alternating between spanking her cunt and spanking her ass, until both are red, and the blonde is twitching from the impacts. As Winter had begun to suspect, Yang is indeed a masochist… which is quite perfect for Winter's plans. In fairness, Winter herself isn't a sadist… but she IS a very dominating, demanding, and controlling partner.

She and Yang might not be a perfect match, but they're enough of a match to be perfect for Winter's purposes, in this case to relieve some stress by taking out all of her built up frustration on Yang's body. That the blonde enjoyed the punishment, that she enjoyed the pain, was only icing on the cake. Of course, after putting Yang through her paces, Winter was more than ready to enjoy the results of her hard work.

"Are you ready to be a good girl, Ms. Xiao-Long?"

"Y-Yes ma'am?"

Flexing her control over her glyphs, Winter yanks Yang out of her bent, folded up position and up onto her knees. Her legs end up locked together underneath her, her ankles restrained by one big glyph, while her organic arm is locked behind her back. However, Winter specifically leaves Yang's robotic arm unrestrained, freeing it from her glyphs and leaving Yang to bring it around and stare down at it in confusion as Winter pulls away her bottoms, exposing her own glistening pussy lips to the blonde bombshell.

Reaching out, she winds a hand through Yang's hair, noticing the way the blonde winces as Winter takes hold of her beautiful, flowing locks. Its obvious even without Yang saying anything that she has a thing about people touching her hair… and equally obvious that that 'thing' is incredibly flexible when it comes to the right SORT of people… which Winter now falls under the category of, apparently.

Smirking, she brings the blonde's face closer to her slit, making it abundantly clear what she wants. Still, even as Yang begins to lick, she gives Winter a confused look, her free mechanical hand flexing open and shut as if she's not sure what to do with it. Raising an eyebrow, Winter hums.

"I expect you to do everything in your power to apologize properly, Ms. Xiao-Long."

Flushed, Yang nods as best she can under Winter's iron grip and begins to lick all the harder… but it's clear she still doesn't get it. Winter sighs, rolling her eyes in disappointment at having to spell it out for her.

"Your mechanical limb seems to have a vibrate function, Ms. Xiao-Long."

Yang freezes up, her eyes wide and her blush intensifying as Winter relaxes her hold on the blonde's lush locks just enough for her to pull back and stammer out a response.

"Y-Yeah but… o-only for more devastating attacks! A-And if I'm getting a c-call!"

Winter just gives her an unimpressed stare. Did she REALLY think that the Schnee Specialist was going to so easily believe that? Yang whimpers and averts her gaze after a moment… and then a moment later, raises up her mechanical free. Her fingers vibrate as she presses the pad of her mechanical pointer finger into Winter's clit, leaning in to go back to eating the older girl out.

Breath hitching, Winter lets out a shuddering moan, shivering as she enjoys Yang's tongue and the vibration feature of her prosthetic hand. While Winter felt some measure of pity for the younger woman and her loss of her natural arm at such an early age… Yang had brought the prosthetic and its functionality into this before Winter had, when she'd decided to deliver a vibrating smack to Winter's own backside that had led to this whole escalation. As such, Winter wasn't about to let Yang hold anything back that could be used in the pursuit of WINTER'S pleasure.

Bucking her hips against Yang's touch and tongue, riding the kneeling, mostly restrained blonde's face to kingdom cum, Winter stares down at the buxom bombshell with lidded eyes and a small smile on her face.

"I'm going to enjoy showing you just who's in charge around here, Ms. Xiao-Long. I can already tell this is going to be the start of a beautiful relationship."

Yang can't exactly respond with her tongue buried in Winter's snatch, and Winter isn't willing to relax her hold on the blonde's hair enough to let her. But after a moment to process Winter's words, Yang responds all the same… by burying her tongue even further into Winter's drooling quim, pressing down even harder on the Atlesian Specialist's clit, and all around showing just how GOOD of a girl she could be for her.

Oh yes, the start of a beautiful relationship INDEED!


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