Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Furry Christmas (Original Supernatural)

A Furry Christmas (Original Supernatural)


Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Fivesome

Summary: In which a young man has a really shitty year, but it's all made better by his landlady and housemates on Christmas Day.


It’d been a tough year for Gerald, no doubt about that. The hits just hadn’t stopped coming. First, his girlfriend had left him for some trust fund kid with all the money she could ever want, just because the asshole had promised to let her travel the world. Then, the pandemic hit. Then, the restaurant he’d worked at had closed down and he’d lost his only source of income at the time.
He almost wished he could say it had happened the other way around. If the order of events had been different, then the breakup with his girlfriend would have at least been a little more understandable. But no, the breakup came first, with his girlfriend leaving him being like a herald of the utterly shit things to come.
Even the would-be silver lining, that maybe his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend wouldn’t be able to travel the world due to the pandemic, had not come to pass. There were different rules for the rich and the poor, and the pandemic hadn’t stripped those rules away, it had merely stripped away the façade and made said rules all the more apparent. While Gerald had been trapped inside for months now, his ex-girlfriend had been to half a dozen different places and posted about her ‘adventures’ all over social media.
Meanwhile, it was all he could do to keep his head above water. He’d had savings at least, but thanks to the pandemic, no restaurants were hiring so he was stuck inside, watching what savings he DID have slowly wittle away. He’d made some money online though and found a few different revenue streams through the internet. Though he wasn’t exactly blowing up like some brand new influencer or anything like that. His ‘revenue streams’ were more akin to revenue trickles than anything else, truth be told.
Things weren’t all bad though, he had to admit. For one, he had a place to live and a roof over his head. His landlady was one of the good ones in fact. She had a big house with a dozen rooms and rented them out to people down on their luck just like him. She was very hands on too, and also very reasonable. More than a couple months had passed where Gerald had been able to negotiate an exchange of services instead of cash for his rent, namely by helping out with small jobs around the house.
He wasn’t stupid, he knew full well that Sapphora, his landlady, was going out of her way to MAKE things for him to do when he needed to cover some of his rent. She always had another job for him, no matter what.
On top of that, his room was one of the best in the house, seeing as it opened out onto an outdoor patio. Keeping the patio nice and clean was a little bit of a hassle, Gerald could admit, but it was one he gladly put up with seeing as he used the space every single day for his workouts. That was one of the few things he could safely say he’d improved on this year. Even as the things outside of his control had sent him almost spiraling into depression, Gerald had turned to things IN his control, like his health.
These days, he was a fit and trimmed build. He wasn’t very tall, sure. He was under six feet, which was one of the excuses his ex-girlfriend gave for why she was breaking up with him, despite being even shorter. Still, the raven-haired, tanned twenty-four year old had worked incredibly hard to improve what he could about himself, and he liked to think he was a lean killing machine these days.
Of course, his landlady was a little taller than him… and she and the other tenants in the house were all Halves besides that. Halves were something rather new to society, something that had only shown up in the last hundred years. These days, they were pretty integrated into the mainstream, but that didn’t stop racism and discrimination. Hell, human beings discriminated against each other over the color of their skin to this day. Of course they were going to discriminate against half-animal, half-human hybrids.
Gerald, needless to say, had never felt like he was particularly better than any Half. They were people, just like him in the end. Still, it was definitely an experience living with four Halves at once.
His landlady, Sapphora, was in her late thirties, early forties and was a beautiful Half-Lioness with short fur all over her body, a large pair of breasts, a firm ass… and an air of motherly care that Gerald could admit had gotten him through more than a few terrible nights this past year. He was lucky to have found her and this place, truth be told. Even if he was unlucky in almost every other way.
Meanwhile, the first of his three fellow tenants was Colette. Colette was a year older than him, a bit taller than both him and Sapphora, and a Half-Tiger with all the orange fur and black stripes that would entail. She was a bit smaller in the chest department than Sapphora was, with long slender legs and an equally firm ass on an athletic body. She worked as a fitness instructor at the gym just down the road, so it made sense that she kept in shape.
The second of his fellow tenants was Minchi. The youngest of the house’s residents, Minchi was a Half-Fox woman with white hair and fur. She had the smallest body type of everyone in the house, her breasts were smaller than the others but not too small. As a result of her short stature, she was something of a short stack in the end. She worked as a Barista at a nearby coffee shop and was currently taking classes from the nearby college.
Last but not least of his fellow tenants was Sara. Another one that was a year older than him, she was a Half-Wolf with gray fur. Her breasts were as large as Colette’s but not as large as Sapphora’s. However, she was the least physically active of all of them, leading her to be something of a soft, fluffy sort of canine, her ass definitely the largest of the girls seeing as all of her bad eating habits seemed to go straight to that dump truck derriere.
Truth be told, Gerald loved them all. They were all quite kind to him in fact. He just wished at times that they might tease him a little less, because there was no denying that they loved to play-flirt with him. He knew for a fact that nothing could ever come of it though. Sapphora had a very clear rule on no fraternizing between tenants. Still, that didn’t stop the girls from being silly. It was all good fun though.
Ultimately, after the year he’d had, even Christmas Time wasn’t enough to truly cheer Gerald up. He didn’t have any family to celebrate it with after all. And last year… well, last year had been his first Christmas with his girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend, now. He probably should have seen the warning signs then. How she’d been visibly displeased and irate over the piddling Christmas he was able to afford to give her. It hadn’t even been two months later that she’d broken up with him on Valentine’s Day in such a horrendous fashion. Then the pandemic struck.
So yeah, Christmas wasn’t exactly a spot of excitement for Gerald this year. Maybe next year he’d be in a better place, but this year he wakes up, shuts off his alarm, and rolls over to try and go back to sleep. That was all he wanted from Christmas this year… the chance to sleep in and not spend every waking moment on the computer trying to find other ways to make money. That wasn’t so bad, right? He’d just give himself the day off and-
“Gerald! Wake up you sleepy head!”
“Wow you’re right, he’s still in bed! I don’t think I’ve ever seen him be so lazy!”
Drowsy, having almost been back asleep, Gerald can only groan in confusion and irritation as the covers are yanked off of his mostly naked body. He went to bed in nothing but a pair of boxers most nights, and this time was no different. Which was why it was incredibly embarrassing when he suddenly felt hands on him, the certain grip of a strong Half-Tiger and the fluffy hold of a less strong Half-Wolf suddenly pulling him up out of the bed.
“Wha-? What are you guys doin’? No… no fraternization…”
But Gerald’s sleepy, drowsy reminder of Sapphora’s rule doesn’t provoke the fear in either Colette or Sara that it should. Instead, they just drag him out of his room and down the hall, with Gerald blushing profusely at his current state of dress. He’s quick to wake up then, though he doesn’t really struggle against them all that much. Not only is he well aware Colette is stronger than him despite his workout routine… he’s also equally aware that Sara is weaker than him, and he doesn’t want to hurt her. He cares about her, about all of them, too much to want to do that.
As such, they manage to wrestle him into the living room just as the drowsiness is falling away and Gerald is actually managing to focus on his surroundings. Blinking rapidly, the young tanned man is slightly taken aback by the sheer CHRISTMAS that all but slams into him as he gazes around the living room. The whole place had been decked out in holiday cheer that he was SURE wasn’t there the night before.
Oh sure, Sapphora had put up a Christmas Tree and a few decorations around the house, but nothing as insane as all of this. The whole living room is covered in green and red and white; the tree has been replaced by one twice it’s size, and… well, the most eye-catching bit isn’t the decorations at all… it’s the people.
He’d been so out of it before that he hadn’t even noticed, but Colette and Sara are dressed up in thematically appropriate holiday wear. So are Sapphora and Minchi, in fact. The house’s landlady is currently dressed in a heavy red and white coat, some pants, and a Santa hat. But the coat isn’t entirely closed, leaving her massive furry breasts to push it out a fair bit and exposing much of her torso.
Meanwhile, Minchi, Colette, and Sara are all dressed as sexy elves… sexy half-animal, half-elves he supposed. Minchi’s outfit is a perfect fit, but Colette and Sara’s are barely managing to contain their gorgeous furry forms.
As the Half-Tiger and Half-Wolf both move over to join Sapphora and Minchi, all four give him a wide, wicked grin while Sapphora steps forward with her hands on her hips.
“After the year we’ve had, we all decided that the most important thing for Christmas was for ALL of us to have a lot of fun… and that that included you, Gerald. You’re wound up tighter than a yoyo, so today… today you’re going to relax. Even if we have to make you.”
Blushing at that, Gerald shakes his head.
“What… what about the rule against fraternization?”
The other Halves all giggle as Sapphora looks upwards, clearly exasperated.
“I made that rule because I thought by making it a forbidden fruit, you wouldn’t be able to resist! Instead, you’ve stayed celibate all year long, Gerald! No more!”
Gerald opens his mouth but doesn’t know what to say. Which is when Colette and Sara stalk forward again… and proceed to yank down his boxers.
His cock, which all of the girls have seen some glimpses of before this point, springs forth. It was already starting to grow hard, but it’s still mostly soft. And yet, even soft… Gerald is hung like a horse. One might even assume he was a Half himself, but as far as he knew his family was fully human going back to the dawn of time. His cock was just… extremely abnormal, his dick size utterly ridiculous, and his girth frankly amazing.
It wasn’t something he was proud of, seeing as how every girl he’d ever dated had either dumped him before they got far enough to see it, or after they first witnessed it. Though to be fair… he’d never dated a Half before. Nor been in the presence of so many beautiful, voluptuous, stacked women either.
“My oh my.”
Sapphora stares at his cock, the Half-Lioness licking her lips in excitement as she wiggles her hips unconsciously.
“That, my dear boy… is incredibly impressive. Your ex clearly never had sex with you if she chose to leave you over a little money.”

Gerald flushes even harder at that. It was true, his ex-girlfriend and him had never done it. In fact…
“… I’m uh, actually still a virgin.”
Immediately, he begins to feel low again. Now that he’s admitted that there’s no way any of them will want anything to do with him, right? He’s such a loser and-
Gerald’s eyes snap wide open from where they’d fallen shut in an anticipatory wince. His gaze then darts down to find not one, but TWO sexy Christmas Elves on their knees before him. Colette and Sara both grin up at him as they start licking at his cock. The Half-Tiger and Half-Wolf are both eager and enthusiastic about it too, positively moaning as they worship his still-growing member. As he gets harder, he also gets bigger. He keeps expecting them to be frightened or disturbed by his truly unnatural size… but if anything, his erection seems to make them even MORE aroused, much to his shock.
“Gerald… you don’t need to worry about us rejecting you. Everyone in this house has been carrying a torch for you for months now. All you need to do is let yourself live in the moment… and enjoy the buffet that’s right in front of you.”
Sapphora’s words, combined with Colette and Sara’s actions, cause Gerald to shiver. Could it truly be that simple? Was he seriously not dreaming? This was… all so damn much so fast. And yet… and yet…
Watching Colette and Sara begin to strip naked out of their sexy, slutty elf costumes as they continue to lick and lap at his cock and increasingly swollen balls, Gerald’s mouth is undeniably dry. They’re both so fucking sexy, each in their own ways. Colette is busty but also toned as can be and fit as a fiddle, quite literally made to be an apex predator. Meanwhile, Sara is busty and plump in ALL the right places, with an itty bitty waist but a huge ass that she currently sits on her heels as she exposes her own furry breasts.
Their tongues are all over his cock at this point, and one would think they would end up in more direct competition with each other, but there’s just too much surface area for them to handle, even together. Indeed, they’re both trying to cover as much of his length as possible, along with fondling his humungous ball sack, but it’s all but impossible, even with their efforts combined.
Still, just because they’re not having to compete for a place on his cock, doesn’t mean they’re not competing at all. Or so Colette seems to think, as the Tigress suddenly pounces, and Gerald yelps as he finds himself pushed onto his back, the gorgeous fitness instructor crawling on top of him fast as can be. Grinning down at him wickedly, Colette licks her chops.
“I’ve been begging for the chance to train you properly for months now, but you always turned me down. Maybe I should have asked while naked, hm? Would that have worked?”
She’s grinding against his throbbing erection, her pussy lips hot-dogging the base of his cock as the tip of his humungous member reaches all the way up to the furred underside of her tits. She looks down and lets out a breathy sigh at just how big he is, before lifting herself up and up until she can properly rest upon his dick.
“Probably not, right? Because of Sapphora’s dumb ‘rule’. Shoulda known that would backfire on us, heh~”
And then, without so much as a ‘by your leave’, Colette drops down onto his cock. Gerald’s eyes widen as the young man loses his virginity right then and there. He never expected it to happen like this, but then to be fair, he’d started to give up hope on it ever happening. Now though, it was like something out of his wildest dreams. Not only was he fucking one of his drop-dead gorgeous housemates, but he was doing it in front of all of the others.
Frankly, if it wasn’t from the ever so slight discomfort that comes from Colette’s INCREDIBLY tight cunt slowly sinking down his impossibly large cock, Gerald might have thought it to be a dream. But no, it’s all MUCH too real for that. He can feel everything right now. His hips rise to meet Colette’s slowly descending body, causing her to gasp and give him a lusty look behind hooded eyes.
“Hmph. Don’t think that you can-!”
But Gerald is already grabbing her hips, a sudden strange urge coming over him. Before even he realizes what he’s doing, he’s yanking her the rest of the way down, causing the Tigress to YOWL as he stretches out her insides and slams not just up against her cervix, but THROUGH it in a mere moment, penetrating her womb itself right then and there.
Silence falls over the living room save for Gerald’s slight panting and Colette’s whimpering. But it’s not enough. This much… isn’t enough. He really can’t say what’s come over him, but Gerald doesn’t want to stop… and so he doesn’t. Even though he’s on the bottom, his daily workout routine this past year has given him a lot of core strength and a lot of stamina. So… he uses it.
Colette, for her part, howls and squeals as he fucks her from below. She’s definitely in better shape than he is, but it doesn’t matter. Not when his gargantuan cock is driven so deep into her cunt and womb, stirring up her insides, rearranging her organs, and ultimately continuously disrupting the Half-Tiger’s focus until she can do nothing but rag doll upon his cock.
Realizing that he’s somehow taken control, that he’s somehow in command now… it’s a startling and altogether strange feeling for Gerald. And yet, Colette is visibly loving it. She moans wantonly, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and her eyes rolling up in her head. On top of that, he can feel how much she’s enjoying him inside of her as her insides clench down on his dick, rubbing up and down his length while she bounces on him.
With a grunt, Gerald spins them both over so that she’s the one on her back now and he’s on top. He continues to fuck her hard and fast, but he also takes the opportunity to look around. Sara is nearby, the Half-Wolf licking her lips as she fingers herself to the sight of him giving Colette what-for. Meanwhile, Minchi and Sapphora are still a fair bit away… with Minchi looking on in wide-eyed apprehension at how big his cock is inside of Colette. Sapphora though, is toying with the white-furred fox girl, playing with Minchi’s body and whispering in her ear as she watches on as well.
Acting purely on instinct now, Gerald leans forward and bites into Collette’s shoulder as he fucks her to completion, finally cumming inside of her. He fills her womb with his seed directly, pumping hot, thick jizz right into her most precious of places. But if Colette minds him creampieing her baby maker and potentially getting her pregnant, she doesn’t say as much.
In fact, as he begins to pull out of the Half-Tiger, she gives him a piece of advice, grabbing him and dragging him in for a kiss before whispering in his ear.
“Don’t leave the job half-done, Gerald. If you want to tame this pussy, you’d better claim every hole I’ve got.”
It takes him a moment to realize what she means. She’s already used her mouth on his cock to worship it and make it grow hard. Now, he’s fucked her womb itself. Finally… there was only one hole left, wasn’t there?

With a grunt, Gerald follows Colette’s advice. Even as he pulls out of her ass, he grabs the Tigress by her legs and lifts them up into the air. She yelps as he folds her up right there on the spot, before shrieking loudly into the air as his cock plants itself against her asshole and begins to push in. Her back door is even tighter than her cunt was, and luckily his dick is soaked in her and his combined juices or else he’s afraid he might have hurt her.
As it is, it’s still slow going as he fucks into her ass inch after inch. He has to seal the deal. He wants… he wants nothing more than to tame Colette, to make her his pussy in every possible way. From the expression of pure, earnest ecstasy on the Tigress’ face, she certainly agrees with him. Her howling and yowling fills the air as he fucks the fit, firm, toned Half-Tiger’s ass to kingdom come, until finally he spills his second load in her anus.
Just like that, he’s had every first time imaginable. Kissing, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex. He’s done it all now, even if he’s only done each thing once. And yet… he feels like he’s been fucking for ages. Like this isn’t his first time at all. He feels… like he’s been awakened.
“Me next, Gerald! C’mon! Give it to me! Fuck my doggy bottom silly!”
Blinking, the young man slowly looks over to Sara. The gray-furred Half-Wolf is on her hands and knees, wiggling her massive ass back and forth, her little tail wiggling too. Even though she’s technically half-wolf, she’s always acted more like she’s half-domesticated dog. Now though… now he sees an opportunity to make the gorgeous Wolfess his bitch. And so he moves to take it.
Grabbing hold of her furry hips, Gerald lets out a growl as he shoves his cock into Sara’s cunt from behind. Heh, he’s fucking her doggystyle, isn’t he? He doesn’t waste too much thought on that joke, instead focusing all of his efforts on the Half-Wolf pussy in front of him. He begins to fuck Sara nonstop, and she happily throws her head back and HOWLS up at the ceiling. He’d thought the noises Colette made constituted as howling, but only now does he realize she had nothing on Sara. The Half-Wolf is definitely the better howler, even as he compares their bodies and finds them to be… honestly incomparable.
They just aren’t the same body type. Even though they have similar tit sizes, even though they’re the same age, the two young women live very different lives. Colette is incredibly active, an apex predator who actually acts like it. Sara on the other hand, is effectively a pillow queen, the type of woman who loves to be pampered both in and out of bed. She hates any sort of physical activity she has to work for, which is why Colette was able to usurp his first time from her fellow Half so easily.
Well, Gerald is all too happy to give Sara what she wants. His cock pistons in and out of her cunt as she moans and howls and shudders before him, orgasming again and again while he does all the work. She goes from her hands and knees to her hands and elbows fairly fast, until eventually she’s not even trying anymore. She’s just laying there, face and tits pressed into the ground, hips only held up in the air by his forward thrusting into her rocking body again and again.
Finally, he cums inside of Sara just as he did Colette. And just as with Colette, Gerald finds himself deciding that there’s really only one option. He wants Sara to be HIS pillow queen. He wants to tame her and make her his bitch, just like he made Colette his pussy. Luckily, the Half-Tiger had given him some excellent advice, hadn’t she?
Rising up to his feet, Gerald puts a foot in the back of Sara’s head, pushing the Half-Wolf further into the floor as he crouches over the top of her ass. While his cum leaks out of her freshly fucked cunt, Gerald spreads Sara’s ass cheeks wide and promptly drives down into her ass from above, jackhammering into her with every inch of his massive, throbbing cock.
Sara squeals but does not protest. She shudders, her feet kicking up in the air behind her, but she doesn’t try to claim that’s the wrong hole or anything like that. In fact, from the way his cum comes gushing out of her cunt even harder, he can tell she’s orgasming for him even now. His powerful thrusts are making the gorgeous Half-Wolf bitch climax from being anally plundered.
With that realization, any restraint Gerald still had leaves him. It’s like his own animal instincts have been awakened. The deepest, darkest, most primal parts of him. The part that when he was in bed alone late at night, whispered that he could have still had his ex by his side… if only he’d been willing to fight for her. If only he’d just pinned her down and made her his woman.
… Well, he was never going to get the chance to do that now. That ship had thoroughly sailed. But perhaps it was true what they said. When one door closes, another opens. And if not a door, then perhaps a window.
Leaning down as he fucks Sara’s ass; Gerald makes sure to bite her as well. Something in his head is telling him to do it, that it’s part of ‘claiming’ them all. And he does want to claim them all. He knows that for a fact, strangely enough. He wants to make them his women, to turn them into his bitches. He wants to breed every last one of them.
As he finishes inside of Sara’s ass, the young man pulls out and stands up, leaving the pillowy Half-Wolf face down and ass up, his jizz now flowing from BOTH of her holes. Then, he looks to Sapphora and Minchi. To his mild surprise, the landlady of the house doesn’t hesitate to push Minchi towards him. The Half-Fox squeaks as she suddenly finds herself stumbling in his direction. Gerald, meanwhile, steps forward to meet her halfway with much more purposeful steps.
Out of everyone, the white-furred Half-Fox definitely seems like the most uncertain about all of this. And Gerald is no rapist. Which is why, when he reaches out to grab hold of her, he does so only to steady her… and ask her one simple question.
“Do you want me to claim you, Minchi?”
His massive cock is pressed up between their bodies. Her slutty elf costume isn’t completely stripped off like Colette’s and Sara’s, but it is disheveled and her tits and cunt have been exposed by Sapphora’s expert hands at this point. Regardless, he asks her all the same, wanting to know her true feelings. Blushing profusely, the youngest and shortest of his housemates stares down at his massive cock for a moment… before slowly nodding, as if in a trance.
“Y-Yes… I want to be claimed.”
Gerald hums and tilts his head to the side.
“… As I am right now, I don’t think I can hold back.”
It’s a fair warning. He doesn’t want to hurt or upset her. And yet, Minchi’s head shoots up and she gives him an adorable glare as she grips tightly at his forearms.
“D-Did I stutter?”
He ignores the part where she did in fact stutter. It was more of a super cute stammer anyways. With a wide grin, Gerald grabs Minchi by the hips and lifts her into the air. The Half-Fox squeaks as she suddenly has to wrap her legs and arms around him. Meanwhile, Gerald carries her over to the nearest wall and subsequently impales her upon his cock.
Unlike Colette and Sara, Minchi actually turns out to still be a virgin, just like he was. He tears through her hymen right there on the spot, causing the fox girl to squeal as she’s fucked up against the wall hard and fast. It’s just as he promised and warned her, to be honest. In his current state, he simply can’t hold back. He does not go easy on her, and indeed even before he finishes inside of her womb he’s already leaning forward to bite her in the crook of her neck hard enough to mark her as his own.
Then, he spins around and lets her drop to the ground, though he arrests her fall before she can crack her head on the floor. Letting her gently come to a rest with her weight on her head and shoulders, He spreads her legs and slams his cock down into her asshole in the butter churner position, pounding her from above much like with Sara, except this time he gets to watch every reaction, every contortion of Minchi’s face as the Half-Fox’s ears twitch and she soon howls from the anal destruction she’s experiencing.
Much like both Colette and Sara, by the time he’s done fucking her ass, Minchi is completely out of it. Her elf costume is all but destroyed, left in tatters across her cute short stack form. Her tits are quivering along with the rest of her body, and she moans as he finally creampies her ass just like he did her cunt.
Slowly pulling out of her back door, Gerald grunts as he lets the rest of her body flop to the ground, her limbs all splayed out and her expression one of delirious ecstasy. She might have been a little nervous, but by this point she’s very clearly enjoyed herself immensely.
Turning away from Minchi, Gerald is shocked to find that he still has strength left in him. His cock is even still rock hard, despite the fact that he’s never cum this much in such a short period of time before. It’s honestly beyond what he would have thought possible… but at the same time, it feels right. It feels like he’s doing exactly what he needs to be doing.
But he’s not done yet, is he? There’s still one more woman in the living room. Turning to face the house’s landlady, Gerald makes eye contact with Sapphora just in time to see the Half-Lioness shuck off her red and white coat, a wide grin on her face as she pulls down her pants as well.
Wearing nothing but a Santa Hat atop her head, she watches him approach her silently, wordlessly even until Gerald is right in her face. He pulls her down into a kiss then, and she happily returns the favor before drawing him towards her breasts. She’s always been the motherly sort, but even as Gerald practically mauls her tits, he’s not expecting the sweet tangy taste of breastmilk to suddenly flow across his tongue.
Pulling back with a jolt, he looks at her with wide eyes as Sapphora grins at him with a slight hint of melancholy in her gaze.
“I was a mother once before, Gerald. It didn’t end well, but as a side effect… well, I never stopped lactating. Mm, do you think you have what it takes young man? Do you think you have what it takes to make me a mother again?”
His eyes widen at that. It was almost like she was a mind reader, though he knew she wasn’t. Still, that was exactly what he wanted to do. But first… with a growl of his own, he repeats Colette’s maneuver and takes Sapphora to her back right then and there. The older woman lets out a laugh, wiggling beneath him as the Santa Hat goes flying. She’s completely naked now, her furry body on full display before him.
Without hesitation, Gerald brings his mouth down to her teats, biting at her breasts and sucking her milk from the laden fleshy jugs. At the same time, he angles his cock so that he’s not thrusting up into her cunt… but instead into her ass. It feels right, because if he just fucked her cunt here, he almost feels like he would be ceding control to her.
After all, Sapphora set all of this up. She arranged this entire Christmas Day Celebration. Part of Gerald wonders if he SHOULD give her control… but the other part of him, the part that saw him through the last three women, shouts that first part down. He will not surrender. He will not submit. He’s done coming in second. He’s done being a beta bitch.
Sapphora’s eyes widen in surprise as he starts with her ass, but then she coos happily, letting him do as he wants with her. She even gives him a fond, knowing smile, as though she understands his thought process intrinsically. In the end, Gerald doesn’t hesitate to fuck her ass long and hard just like the other three. He fills her with his seed, just like he did them as well.
Then, he pulls out and thrusts right into her cunt, not missing a beat as he begins to pound her pussy in a consummate mating press. Beneath him, Sapphora just moans happily. She accepts him, every last bit of him. He is her mate, his teeth marks left all across her cunt and shoulders as he fucks her and claims her.
He’s… her Alpha. He’s THEIR Alpha. That crystallizing realization makes Gerald’s breath catch, even as he continues to sup from Sapphora’s breastmilk. This was what it was all building to. This was what they all wanted from him. All of them, himself included, had been alone before they found each other. They’d been abandoned in one form or another by everyone they ever loved.
Gerald wasn’t the only one in this household who had suffered, he finally realizes. All of them were looking for companionship. All of them were looking for love. If they’d just come out and told him that, he would have made excuses for why he couldn’t be the one to give them what they wanted. He’d needed this. A wake-up call, to finally make it clear to him that yes, he COULD have happiness. He just had to be willing to reach out and take hold of it with both hands.
Shuddering, Gerald finally finishes inside of Sapphora. He fills her pussy with his seed, pumping a hot thick load of baby batter right into her womb. There’s not a doubt in his mind he’ll get her pregnant. If not now, then the next time… or the time after that. Because from now on, they were his pack and he was their Alpha. And he was going to breed every last one of them, no matter what.
In the aftermath, they’re all quite tired and stuffed full of his seed. They end up cuddling together on the floor of the living room, snuggling and resting with their Alpha as Gerald ends up in the middle of the cuddle pile. A broad smile can be found on the young man’s face as he holds them all nice and close. Funnily enough, they hadn’t exchanged anything in the way of conventional Christmas Gifts.
And yet… Gerald couldn’t help but feel that this was the best Christmas he’d ever had.


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