Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Christmas Day (Original Cyberpunk)

Christmas Day (Original Cyberpunk)


Themes: Dom/Sub, Dystopian, Bimbofication

Summary: Caleb wakes up on Christmas Day and heads downstairs for his present.


“Oh God, oh God… cumming… CUMMIIIIIING!!!!”
Waking up to the dulcet tones of his Alarm Clock, a smile spreads across Caleb’s face as the young man opens his eyes and lets out a happy, contented sigh. Then, he remembers what day it is and his happiness grows tenfold as he sits up in bed.
“Christmas Day! Oh, this should be fun.”
“P-Please… pleasepleaseplease! Nnngh!!!”
Throwing back the covers and swinging his legs off the side of the bed, Caleb looks over in amusement at his Alarm Clock. Stood just past his nightstand a few feet away, the beautiful Ari Star, the year’s most successful synthpop artist, trembles in her bondage. Her naked breasts are each capped with a rock hard nipple, while down between her legs the stimulation she’s receiving from the pistoning vibrating dildo is driving her absolutely wild with pleasure.
Ari was his birthday present last summer. Now that he was getting older, his parents had seen fit to start slowly introducing Caleb to the true nature of their world. The rich and powerful held all the cards… and more than that, there were different degrees of rich and powerful. Ari Star might have led the charts for several months straight, making a ton of money in the process… but she was still a small fry when it came to his family.
That was why she’d agreed to play at his birthday party in the first place. But alas, she hadn’t read the fine print of the contract she’d signed. The fine print that had said Caleb could choose to exercise the five year option of having her stay on as his ‘personal assistant’ in whatever way he desired. Needless to say, Ari Star had disappeared from the face of the Earth the day after his birthday party… and ended up here, as his Alarm Clock.
Standing up, stretching, Caleb steps over to the shuddering musician, enjoying how melodic her voice is as she squirms and squeals, begging for a cessation of the overwhelming sensations she’s being forced to endure. He grins, reaching out and casually groping one of her tits for a moment, pinching a nipple in a way that sends her spiraling into another explosive orgasm.
For a moment, he considers playing with his Alarm Clock. Any other morning and he’d pull her down, bending her over at the waist to take care of his morning wood while the dildo in her cunt continued to mercilessly abuse her all the way.
But today is Christmas Day, and Caleb is not only feeling merciful for once… he’s also feeling impatient. And so, after tweaking her nipple, Caleb reaches down and presses the ‘off’ button on his Alarm Clock.
“Merry Christmas, Clock.”
The dildo in her cunt immediately stops buzzing, just as the gag slips back into her mouth. It wouldn’t do for a disobedient Alarm Clock to start waking him up in the middle of the night, after all. And yet, even as the gag reinflates in her mouth, stretching her jaw and silencing her once more, there’s a look of relief and gratitude in the synthpop star’s eyes as Caleb steps away from her. Heh, the contract only specified five years, of which four and a half were left… they would have to see if Ari Star was even capable of going back to being a human being when the remaining time on her contract was up, however.
Leaving his Alarm Clock and bedroom behind, Caleb hops downstairs, more than a little excited. It might not be his birthday, but it WAS Christmas Day and as his parents’ only trueborn child, Caleb was of course spoiled rotten. He knew it too. He knew he’d grown up in the lap of luxury, with a diamond encrusted spoon in his mouth.
But that was simply how people of his family’s wealth lived. There’d been talk about growing inequality and the redistribution of wealth a century back… but ultimately, it had gone nowhere. The people who had finally noticed what was going on were too late to do anything about it. The people with all the money already had their hands on the levers of power and they weren’t about to let any of it go.
Caleb knew he’d been lucky to be born on the right side of the fence. Especially when the chance of him being who he was instead of some gutter trash was easily one in a billion. He wouldn’t trade his position for anything in the world… and coming down to the living room to see what was waiting for him under the Christmas Tree only reaffirms that belief.
“Mom! Dad!”
His parents both give him broad smiles as Caleb slows down a little bit, eyeing the utterly massive box… easily the size of a person, standing next to the Christmas Tree.
“Is that… for me?”
“Of course, baby!”
“You know it, son. Me and your mother brainstormed the perfect present for you these past few months… and then all of the sudden, this one just fell right into our laps. Go on Caleb, unwrap her.”
His father’s use of the word ‘her’ is pretty telling, but Caleb still doesn’t know who ‘her’ might be. Until that is, he tears the wrapping off of the massive box and reveals what is essentially a life-size action figure container behind it. Through a sheet of plastic, Caleb finds himself staring into the bright blue eyes of a beautiful blonde woman… in a lab coat.
Caleb’s own eyes widen as he immediately recognizes her.
“Wait, isn’t this Dr. Greene?”
A glance over at his father shows the older man grinning wickedly and nodding his head.
“Yep. Your mother and I have noticed how much you like to stare at Elizabeth whenever we take you by the lab.”
“That’s right, baby… we figured you’d LOVE to have her for yourself.”
“Oh, and she comes with all sorts of fun bells and whistles as well. Don’t forget to check out the remote.”
Caleb quickly locates said remote and snatches it up, but before looking it over, he can’t help throwing a curious look to his father.
“How exactly did you get Dr. Greene to agree to this, dad?”
After all, Elizabeth Greene had literally just won a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her work on curing Space Madness. Akin to the disease ‘cancer’ from Ancient Times, Space Madness was the single most detrimental affliction to humanity’s spread across the stars. Not that it stopped the expansion all the same, but Dr. Greene’s work in solving the problem would propel humanity forward hundreds of years.
So to see her like this, quite literally gift-wrapped for him…
“It was part of her contract. We funded her research all these years on the understanding that upon her completion of her work in curing Space Madness, she would be repositioned elsewhere within our apparatus. The legalese is vague enough that that repositioning can truly be… anywhere. Including working in our family home. She’s all yours, son.”
Wow. That’s honestly… pure evil. Caleb loves it. Grinning wickedly, he finally looks over the remote he’s been given. As expected, Dr. Greene has been outfitted with all sorts of modifications upon her ‘repositioning’. Which Caleb knows she must hate, because she always avoided too much chrome in the past. Especially anything that touched her brain. But then to be fair, as a super genius, the good doctor hadn’t needed any cranial enhancements like so many of her peers.
Well, she had them now… though probably for the exact reason she’d always avoided them, Caleb can’t help but reflect. Smirking, Caleb gives his parents a nod… and then presses a button on the remote. The box Dr. Greene is in grows spider legs and follows him out of the living room and back upstairs so he can enjoy his Christmas Gift in the privacy of his own bedroom.
Once back in said bedroom, Caleb begins the process of finally unpackaging Dr. Greene. As soon as he does so, she comes to life, blinking rapidly as he breaks the stasis effect she was under by exposing her to open air.
“Wha-… I…”
“Elizabeth. Good to see you again.”
“Ca… leb…”
Slowly, but much faster than most would, Dr. Greene realizes what’s happening. Her beautiful blue eyes widen in sheer panic as she takes in her circumstances… and the remote in Caleb’s hands. The blonde scientist jerks a half an inch before freezing in place as Caleb snorts at her attempt to harm him. He doesn’t even need to do anything to stop it… the modifications will make sure that she stops herself the moment she even thinks of trying to hurt him or take the remote from him.
“Caleb… please…”
It’s crazy, how fast the scientist turns into a broken woman. But then, as smart as Elizabeth Greene is, she quickly realizes the situation she finds herself in and the depths she’s likely about to fall. She knew who his family was when she signed that contract after all. She knew what might happen to her.
“It’s Christmas Day, Dr. Greene, I’m not really looking to hear you whine truth be told… so let’s fix that, shall we?”
The blonde, blue-eyed scientist flinches when Caleb says its Christmas Day. She’s probably been unconscious and unaware for at least two weeks now, so the jump in time is likely very confusing to her. She accepted the Nobel Prize back on December 10th, after all. That was the last time Caleb remembered seeing her out in public.
Regardless, focusing on the remote in his hand, Caleb turns a dial. Dr. Greene gasps as she looks down at herself, her chest growing rapidly. At the same time that her breasts are ballooning outwards, her IQ is dropping. It’s an ingenious and positively evil modification, and perfect for Caleb’s purposes. By the time he’s done, Elizabeth is sporting a pair of double Ds and an IQ of less than seventy.
Stepping forward, Caleb wastes no time in yanking up the scientist’s top, her lab coat already pushed apart by the rapid inflation of her tits. Grabbing her by her nipples, he yanks her out of the box, pulling her free as she stumbles forward.
“Ooooh my heeeead~”
As she finally rights herself, Caleb grins and reaches down for his belt.
“Oh heeey Caleb! What’re you- COCK! I love cock!”
The once genius scientist now acts a lot more like her blonde, blue-eyed appearance would suggest. Without missing a beat, Elizabeth Greene drops down to her knees before him to get eye level with his cock as it flops out of his pants. She coos over it, even as her impressive chest bounces and jiggles with the suddenness of her movement. Giggling airily, the doctor grabs his dick and rubs it against her cheek for a moment.
“I’ll use your mouth later, Elizabeth. Right now, I just want to fuck you.”
Blinking up at him, the former super genius just giggles some more.
“Call me Lizzie, Caleb! And okay… you can fuck me!”
He wasn’t asking for permission, but it’s nice to have it all the same. ‘Lizzie’ is much more manageable than Dr. Greene ever was, that’s for sure. Grabbing her by her hair, he all but throws her onto his bed. She’s quick to shuck off her lab coat, pulling her clothes off as fast as she humanly can for him. Caleb just stands there at the end of the bed stroking his cock while she hungrily stares at it, her massive tits juggling with the franticness of her movements.
Finally, the Nobel Prize Winner is completely naked, and spreading her pale thighs nice and wide for him as she uses her fingers to splay open her pussy lips.
At such an invitation, Caleb doesn’t have to think twice. Climbing onto the bed, he moves between Lizzie’s legs and grabs her by her tits, yanking on them hard as he thrusts into her down below. The bimbofied blonde squeals, her lips forming into a puckered O as her blue eyes roll around in her head. It’s not an expression that Dr. Elizabeth Greene would have ever been caught dead making, not in a million years.
But Dr. Greene isn’t there anymore. It’s just Lizzie now, her brain quite literally melted down to the point of being good for nothing more than being fucked silly.
It was reversible, of course. Technology was fun like that. Unfortunately, there was a reason Elizabeth had never allowed modifications to her brain meat before. She had one of the highest measured intellects without any assistance whatsoever. And frankly, the technology she’d been fitted with couldn’t actually increase her IQ all the way back to its original levels.
But that didn’t really matter, not to Caleb. She’d already cured Space Madness after all. Now she could ‘cure’ his dick by being his naughty little fuck toy for the rest of Christmas Vacation.
Groaning, Caleb buries himself in the bimbofied blonde bitch again and again. In response, Lizzie squeals and cums for him just as often as he thrusts into her. He plows her nonstop orgasming bimbo body with all his might, while continuing to maul and knead her chest to his heart’s content. He doesn’t kiss her, of course… there’s nothing of value worth kissing in this vapid, bimbofied blonde.
Head empty, full of cock. That was what Lizzie looked like now. Her blue eyes were almost vacant from the rapid decrease in her intelligence, and her wanton moans gave away just how far she’d fallen.
Needless to say, this was the best Christmas Present he’d ever received. Caleb doesn’t hesitate to cum deep inside of Lizzie, filling her with his seed. As far as gifts went, she was perfect in every way… though he imagined he wouldn’t make use of her twenty-four-seven. No, when he was bored of her, or just when he wasn’t using her, Caleb figured he’d have her join the servant staff as a sluttily dressed maid.
For now though? For perhaps the entirety of the rest of Christmas Vacation? He doubted he would get tired of fucking the utterly ruined scientist. Blonde and blue eyed was one thing… but knowing that HE had gotten to destroy the intellect of the woman who had cured Space Madness… that was another entirely.
Grinning wickedly, Caleb pulls out of Lizzie’s creampied cunt and slaps his cock down between her fat, enlarged tits next. He is, after all, just getting started.


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