Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Space Monkey Cock (Dragon Ball Z)

Space Monkey Cock (Dragon Ball Z)

Poll Winner (Originally written May 2021)

Themes: Big Dick, Mind Break, Rough Sex

Summary: After waking up, Eighteen decides she can't be bothered to go along with her brother's games and splits from him and Sixteen in order to go and kill Son Goku herself.


It had seemed like a great idea at first. A road trip, doing things like normal people for once on their way to fulfill Sixteen’s primary directive, which was apparently to kill Son Goku. Eighteen had even understood why Seventeen was doing it, for the same reason that he’d killed Dr. Gero for her. They’d… never had a normal life.

Even before they’d been turned into lab experiments by a mad scientist and been given unfathomable power, the two of them had been street urchins. That was half the reason Dr. Gero had taken them in the first place… they were disposable. Nobody would go looking for them except each other, and there was nobody to care about them once they were gone.
Seventeen was trying to find that normal life for her even after all this time. In spite of Eighteen being the older twin, her twin brother couldn’t stop trying to baby her, he couldn’t stop trying to act the part of the leader. And Eighteen… Eighteen had been willing to let that go, really, she had. She’d been willing to go along with the whole road trip thing, seeing the sights, going clothes shopping, all that stuff.
… Until it had become abundantly clear that their new friend ‘Sixteen’ was as personable as a brick wall and only seemed to care about one thing, killing Son Goku. Well, that and birds, but they could only get him to do so much bird watching before he would circle right back around to talking about killing Goku. It was completely ruining the trip, to be perfectly honest… and so Eighteen had decided to do something about it.
The next place they stopped to do some shopping, she’d gone ahead and slipped away. With any luck, she’d be back before Seventeen and Sixteen could even notice she was gone. After all, she was just going to pop over to Son Goku’s place really quick… and snuff the dude in his sleep. Easy as pie, right? That way she could go back to Sixteen and let him know Goku was dead, removing the albatross around the big guy’s neck. From there, they could go on their road trip for REAL.
Coming in low over the forest where Goku’s home was said to be, Eighteen’s incredibly advanced eyes flicker back and forth until finally, she finds what she’s looking for. Luckily, he doesn’t live in a city or something, because that would be annoying. Instead, his is the only house for miles. Flying down low, Eighteen floats in and checks through a window… and yep, there he is, asleep in bed right alongside his wife.
After catching sight of Son Goku’s distinctive spiky hair, Eighteen knows she has the right place. Circling around to the front of the house, she’s amused to find the door unlocked. Slipping in, still floating to avoid making any noise, the would-be assassin makes her way to the master bedroom, pushing inside with every intention of taking care of business fast and getting back to her brother and their new companion on the double.
Only, as the blonde Android makes her way into the master bedroom, she encounters an… obstacle. And boy, what an obstacle it is. She hadn’t noticed it before because of the angle she was looking through the angle at. Plus, she was more focused on faces and checking for Goku’s distinctive hair. All in all, the blonde had completely missed it… but now, it’s impossible to do so. Its staring her right in the face, now that she’s approaching head on from the foot of the bed.
There’s currently a steep mountain between her and Goku’s sleeping features. A tent in the bedding that can only be, based on it’s position relative to the sleeping Saiyan’s crotch, Son Goku’s massive cock. Except at the same time, Eighteen doesn’t really believe it. Shaking her head, eyes widening, she floats a little closer.
“Impossible… this is unreal.”
Now, she’s aware that Goku is an alien. So maybe that has something to do with it? But even still, with all the knowledge she has in her head because of Gero, this is just… it takes the cake. Fascinated and no small amount of intrigued, the blonde femme fatale creeps ever closer. Soon enough, she’s hovering over Goku and his wife Chi-Chi in their bed, and while she could have killed them both right then and there… she can’t help but take a peek.
Slowly, Android Eighteen pulls back the blanket, revealing Goku’s broad shoulders, massive pectorals, and chiseled abs, bit by bit. In response to this, he mumbles something about ‘Chi-Chi hogging the blankets again’ and the woman in question herself actually DOES hog the blankets, pulling them away even further and helping Eighteen in her self-imposed side quest in the process.
And then it’s out and… it’s every bit as large as the tent in the blankets made it appear. Son Goku’s cock is as big as a horse’s, and as thick and girthy as one too. Eighteen eyes it with her jaw dropped in wonder, picturing how it would look if she put her hands around it. Before she even knows what, she’s doing, she’s actually trying it… and her hands don’t even fully wrap around! The tips of her fingers can’t even touch.
Now, one would think an Android wouldn’t have any sex drive worth a damn. Surely Gero would have trained a libido out of his toys. Except, that would be incorrect. Not only had Gero NOT done that (in fact, unbeknownst to Eighteen he’d done the opposite of that with her, but it’s probably for the best she doesn’t remember those times) there was actually one simple fact… Seventeen and Eighteen weren’t true Androids.
Practically, neither her nor her brother were Androids OR Cyborgs. Rather, they were still mostly themselves, albeit enhanced with completely bio-organic components. The only mechanical parts within them were an emergency deactivation control unit, a self-destruct device, and a small perpetual energy reactor that provided them with their endless energy and stamina.
All of this was to say, even if Eighteen saw herself as nothing more than an Android anymore… she was actually still very much a young human woman with a healthy sexual appetite and a libido that had gone untouched for far too long. And so, when she tentatively leans forward and darts out her tongue to lick at Son Goku’s cock, well… it’s much more understandable.
Of course, her lick prompts a moan from him and causes Eighteen to freeze up. Looking past the gargantuan Saiyan member to its owner, she’s relieved to see he’s not waking up, at least not yet. Which is good… but it means she really can’t dally.
After all, she’s still going to kill him, of course. This c-changes nothing! But… well, she’s not going to waste her time licking his dick when she can enjoy it another way instead. Letting go of his hot, throbbing member, Eighteen makes quick work of her clothes, and eventually floats into position over Son Goku’s cock, completely naked.
Slowly, she lowers herself down until the head of his massive shaft is pressing against her moistening slit. Of course, his bulbous cockhead is too damn big to just… slip up inside of her tight cunt with no assistance. Sticking her tongue out of the side of her mouth in concentration, Eighteen reaches down and grabs his dick with both hands again. Holding him steady for her, the blonde begins to shove herself downwards with all the strength she can muster, just as her self-lubrication is reaching a breaking point.
Her pussy lips part then, making way for Goku’s cock, but Eighteen is already committed to her downward trajectory and without further ado, drives herself down all the way to the base of the first Saiyan member of her short young life. Eighteen’s crystal blue eyes go wide, and her jaw drops open as she impales herself quite effectively on the sleeping Saiyan’s dick… and then said eyes roll back in her head as his cock hits her cervix and goes right through, slamming home into her womb itself.
The bulge out of her belly would have killed a normal woman, but of course, a normal woman wouldn’t have gotten this far in the first place. Even Chi-Chi had to take it easier than this. Eighteen didn’t have to worry about that… but she did have to worry about the pleasure that came with inadvertently womb-fucking herself on Son Goku’s cock when all she’d wanted was a taste…
Blinking awake at the tight feeling clenching down around his length, Goku slowly opens his eyes, befuddled and bemused when he realizes that Chi-Chi must have dyed her hair, because currently he’s being ridden by a blonde. Wait… no, that’s not Chi-Chi!
Awakening even further, a low groan leaves Goku’s lips, as he stares up at the woman who’s apparently snuck into his and his wife’s bed. Her cunt is spasming continuously around his cock, while she herself seems to be experiencing a serious malfunction. From the look of things, she somehow took him (HIM!) all the way to the base. Not even Chi-Chi could do that!
It felt really good, too… and Goku’s hands move to the mystery woman’s hips as he lets out yet another groan, his cock throbbing with need inside of her. Fuck, he wants nothing more than to thrust upwards right here and now… but he’s nothing if not loyal.
“C-Chi-Chi! Hey, Chi-Chi!”
He doesn’t know why he’s whisper-shouting, because while the blonde impaled on his dick is unresponsive and incoherent, it was Goku and Chi-Chi who were sleeping before she showed up. Still, that’s what he’s doing, and slowly but surely, Chi-Chi turns over from where she stole all the blankets (AGAIN!) and looks at him blearily.
“I-I’ve got a bit of a situation, here!”
Chi-Chi blinks and then follows his head tilt towards his crotch, looking like she’s about to give him a piece of her mind for waking her to take care of his morning wood. But then she freezes, her own brain short-circuiting at the sight of the blonde currently impaled on his member. Her face goes through a number of emotions very, very fast… but Chi-Chi has always been a lot smarter than Goku. A lot quicker on the uptake too.
Slowly, reaching out in wonder, his wife runs a hand across the stretched abdomen of the still spasming blonde currently impaled on his cock. His head is bulging out of her belly like… like some crazy weird sight. It’s never even done that with Chi-Chi before, and Goku is really confused… until Chi-Chi gets it right then and there.
“This… this must be one of the Androids that Trunks came to warn us about. I don’t know how else she’d be able to survive this…”
Oh, that made sense! Wait, no it didn’t!
“But Trunks said the Androids were bloodthirsty! Not… thirsty-thirsty!”
Snickering at her husband’s joke, Chi-Chi hums as she shrugs her shoulders, sitting up in bed entirely now. Goku’s cock throbs as the blankets fall away to reveal his wife’s own gorgeous body. Man, he was such a lucky guy…
“Well, timelines are weird, right? And Trunks said him warning us wouldn’t save his world, it would only help ours. Which means alternate universes are a thing too. Which means his universe could be the one with bloodthirsty maniac Androids, and ours could be the one with… filthy over-sexed husband-stealing bitch hussies!”
Goku’s eyes nearly bug out of his skull at that. They pretty much DO bug out of his skull when Chi-Chi suddenly presses into his side and purrs at him.
“Do it, Goku. Fuck her. Right here, right now.”
“W-What?! A-Are you sure?! Is… um, is this a test?!”
Letting out a snicker, Chi-Chi shakes her head.
“I know you have to hold back with me. You’ve had to hold back with me for years… but her… look at her. She can TAKE it. So, give it to her. It’s what she wants, right?”
Well, given how he woke up… apparently it was. And if his wife was signing off on it too, then what was a Son Goku to do?! With a grunt, Goku lifts the Android up… and then drops her back down. As if he’s triggered a restart, the blonde lets out a shuddering breath and then a wanton moan, her entire body convulsing in orgasmic bliss upon his cock.
“F-FUCK! Don’t stop, you bastard… don’t you dare stop!”
Well, that settled that. Chi-Chi just laughs, even as Goku gets ready to go all out.
“Oh, don’t you worry, hussy. My husband is going to give you exactly what you deserve.”

The Android’s eyes shift to his wife for all of a moment before Goku starts to pound up into her from below, causing said eyes to roll back in her skull once more as her tongue lolls out of her mouth and she adopts a truly silly expression. Pounding into her with all his might… it’s pretty damn great. And with Chi-Chi’s permission, with her consent, he doesn’t have to hold back! He can give it to this Android all morning long!
That’s exactly what Goku does as well. Chi-Chi runs her hands over his chest and kisses him for a little while as he bounces the insensate blonde up and down on his cock, but eventually she leaves him, slipping out of the bed and padding from the room barefoot. At which point, Goku really stops holding back, going Super Saiyan as he repositions them.
The blonde Android doesn’t mind as he pushes her face down into the bed and begins to jackhammer into her from above. Not one bit if the squeals and shrieks of ecstasy and glee are any indication. And Goku… Goku loves not having to hold back. This Android girl… she was great! She felt great! He couldn’t get enough of her, and she apparently couldn’t get enough of him either.
He cums inside of her, but of course, his morning wood takes more than one release to go away, especially when he has a willing partner just waiting for more. And so, he keeps fucking her, changing up positions every once in a while, as he proceeds to plow the nameless blonde silly. Admittedly, he only thinks to ask for her name about halfway through, but he’s pretty sure Eighteen isn’t a name, so he’s a little confused on that front…
Chi-Chi eventually comes back with some breakfast in bed, and even has Goku take the pills that Trunks gave them a year previously. The medicine for his heart condition goes down lickity split, and Goku is right back to pounding Eighteen into a moaning, mewling puddle. Where before, he would have rushed off without his medicine and gotten in a load of trouble in another timeline, this one was just enough out of sync that all of these events happened… perfectly!
By the time Goku is finally done, Eighteen’s womb is stuffed to the absolute brim with his cum, and then some. As he pulls out of the blonde and throws her on her back, she looks up at him with an expression of pure wonder on her face… and, were those heart-shaped pupils in her eyes?!
“That was… that was amazing. I don’t… More. Please, g-give me moooore~”
That’s when Chi-Chi steps in and lays down the law, as it were.
“You can have more… once you’ve earned it, hussy. You wanna stick around, you’ll earn your place. Or its out on your ass with you!”
Eighteen bristles at that, but when she looks at Goku to gauge his reaction, he just nods his head in a wide-eyed scare manner, leaving the Android with the impression that his wife was much more dangerous then she actually was. And so, things worked out for the best… as unexpected as that might seem.


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