Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Goddess’ Weakness (Danmachi)

A Goddess’ Weakness (Danmachi)

A/N: A Goddess' Weakness was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in June of 2020. Posting it here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Loki never saw him coming. The tomboyish Goddess didn't think it was possible for one of her children to worm his way THAT deeply into her heart... so when it happens, she really doesn't realize until it's already too late.

Themes: Wholesome, Loving Sex, Flat is Justice


"Oh Goddess… what am I going to do with you?"

While there's a hint of exasperation in the male voice, the vast majority of his tone is adoration and devotion. It's in that moment, as she's being carried to her bed after drinking a bit too much again, that Loki realizes she's completely fallen for the boy. No… not a boy, that's not accurate. He was a boy when he came to her, maybe, but… he'd grown into a man, hadn't he?

Really… it was her fault. She'd been tempting fate from the moment that she'd accepted the young man into her Familia. He'd come to them as a nameless orphan with nothing but a dagger to protect himself and a spirit will that had drawn the attention of one of her Top Executives, Gareth Landrock. Apparently, the Dwarven Adventurer had come across the boy in a losing battle, trying to protect what meager belongings he had from a group of three other street rats.

Just having the presence of a high level adventurer had seen the urchins scattering, of course, but before the boy could get away, Gareth had stopped him… and without even consulting her, offered the boy a place in her Familia. Not that Loki was adverse to letting him join or anything like that. After all, she didn't act it, but she was kind of a sucker for sob stories.

Her Familia was full of those who'd risen above what was expected of them in a number of different ways. She had a talent for finding perfection in imperfect gems if she did say so herself. She kind of had to, what with Freya always stealing all the blatantly obvious perfect gems and leaving Loki and the others all scrounging after for the leftovers. Ah, but that metaphor was getting out of hand.

Point was, Gareth had brought the boy to her… and the boy had looked at Loki with such wide-eyed awe that day, as her dwarven child has asked her to accept him into her Familia. The thing was, the boy hadn't had a name… so on top of gracing him with her Falna, Loki also got to name him, got to be the one to tell him what he would be called from that point on.

… Yeah, naming him Angrbodir after a mate she'd had in a previous life, Angrboda, probably wasn't the best idea, if she weren't looking to tie herself to him any closer then a Goddess to a member of her Familia. When he'd asked her where the name came from, Loki had flippantly told him… and that was probably where his obsession had first begun to take root, if she had to put a finger on it.

It was only about a month later that young Angrbodir had confessed his feelings to her, telling her that he was in love with her, and that he wanted to earn her love right back. More than just the love between a Goddess and her child… he wanted a romance with Loki of all people! Needless to say, the red-head had laughed it off, but ultimately the young man had proven himself to be quite serious.

He was determined to win her heart… so Loki had assigned him an impossible task, assuming that once he failed, he would come to understand that while he always had a place in her Familia, he would never have a place in her bed. After all, who could possibly beat the record set by the Sword Princess of all people? Her perfect little Ais, who'd managed to become Level Two within just a year. She was the one who held the current record for such an achievement, and that was who Loki set young Angrbodir against.

If he could not defeat Ais' record, if he couldn't become Level Two in less than a year… then he would never be worthy of Loki's bed, the Goddess had bluntly informed him. However… if he could, then she'd accept his feelings and become his girlfriend for however long that lasted. Loki had assumed that that was the end of it, and they could go about building the same sort of relationship she had with most of her children, that of parent and son.

But whether or not the brat had always been that determined, or whether her own idiocy with his name had been enough to drive him to utterly amazing heights… Angrbodir was determined to prove Loki wrong. He'd nearly killed himself multiple times doing it, and more than once Loki's Top Executives, Gareth in particular since he had a vested interest in the boy, had told her to call it off, to stop him from continuing to push himself to such limits.

But, if Loki were being honest, she was curious. Seeing the boy fight so hard, watching his progress through the Dungeon each day via the Falna she updated each night… it was honestly quite impressive. In the end, Loki wasn't about to call anything off. She wasn't going to destroy Angrbodir's chances when he was fighting so hard for the opportunity to court her, nor was she going to just let him have her without expecting the impossible of him.

Truth be told, by around the halfway mark, Loki was actually quite interested in seeing if the boy could prove her wrong after all. And prove her wrong he had. He'd beaten Ais' record… by one day. It was ridiculous, really. Practically not even a new record, though the Guild still recorded it as such, and Angrbodir now held the fastest time for Level One to Level Two, at just one day under Ais'.

There'd been quite the massive celebration afterwards, and even Ais herself had seemed happy for the young man. Meanwhile, Loki's Top Executives had effectively mutinied and told her that she was going to follow through on her promise, but in the right way. There would be no sabotage, there would be no attempts of getting out of it.

… Honestly, it was like her children thought they were the parents and she was the child sometimes. She didn't know where Finn, Riveria, and Gareth thought they got off, but really, she wasn't the kind of woman who welshed on her bets! At least, not that often anyways…

He'd won fair and square, to Loki had kept her word and ended up going on one, and then two, and then several dates with her young Familia member. She didn't sabotage the relationship or anything like that, like her Top Executives thought she might. But she also wasn't going to pretend to be something she wasn't, and she made sure to make that abundantly clear to both them and Angrbodir in those first few days after his Level Up.

She was Loki. She was the Trickster. She was actually very tomboyish, and not exactly looking to settle down. She lusted after females more than males most of the time, had a breast complex a mile long, and tended to get into fights with her fellow Goddesses who were more well-endowed than she was. She could be sarcastic, acerbic, and altogether more than a little bit of a handful to deal with.

And yet… Angrbodir never even once seemed to mind. Loki didn't put on a mask with him, she acted like she always did, like the Trickster Goddess that she was. And, she refused to let him into her bed, even though they were dating. Yet, not once did he get angry with her, or impatient. He was actually a total sweetheart. Buying her gifts, giving her shoulder and feet rubs, taking care of her when she drank too much like tonight…

It'd been two months since the young man's level up, hadn't it? She and he had gone on numerous dates, but never done anything more with that. And while Angrbodir almost seemed to be perfectly happy with the state of affairs… the red haired Goddess abruptly realized that SHE was not. As her mortal boyfriend sets her down on her bed, Loki holds tight to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and looking up into his suddenly surprised face.

"Kiss me."

Blinking dumbly, the young man hesitates.

"W-What was that, Goddess?"

A slow, wicked grin spreads across Loki's cheeks and she licks her lips as she realizes just how cute her little boyfriend is. Maybe he's not as pretty as Ais or as voluptuous as some of the elves, maybe he's not a girl at all like Loki usually prefers… but he's all hers all the same, isn't he?

"You asked what you should do with your Goddess, and I told you. Kiss me."

Loki doesn't wait for him to come to a decision. She's never been the kind to sit and wait for anything once she's decided she wants it. So, her piece said, the Goddess pulls Angrbodir down at the same time she leans up, and SHE kisses HIM instead. The young man's eyes go wide, and he freezes for a moment, but Loki is insistent… and truth be told, as drunk as she'd gotten tonight, it wasn't even Soma, so really, the Goddess is only ever as drunk as she wants to be.

As such, her kissing is neither drunken nor sloppy. It's precise and experienced, and soon enough she has Angrbodir kissing her right back, moaning lightly into her mouth like the virgin he is as the two of them embrace most readily. Loki intertwines her tongue with the young mortal man's, swapping spit with him as she teaches him how to kiss for a moment. But her heart is full of love… and her body is full of lust. Tonight is the night that her cute mortal boyfriend joins her in her bed.

Getting up, not even slightly swaying on her feet, Loki switches their positions with ease. Angrbodir seems a little surprised by just how easily she's moving around, given he had to carry her to her bed mere moments before. Loki just gives him an impish grin and thumbs her nose at him as she has him sit down on the edge of the bed, and a moment later she's kneeling, spreading his legs apart so that she can move into place between them. Then, she drags his trousers down until his cock springs free.

A light gasp leaves Loki's throat, and her eyes sparkle at the sight of the mortal man's member. It turns out, Angrbodir is packing some serious heat. Nothing too large, or Loki would probably call the whole thing off right now. But the young man has a sizable shaft as it is, and one that's already rock hard as well. Was her mortal boyfriend a saint, or something? How long had he been rocking this erection?

Taking him in both of her hands, Loki smiles up at Angrbodir, even as she opens her mouth and places the head of his cock in between her lips.

"L-Loki… G-Goddess…"

Swishing her tongue this way and that across his glans, Loki takes great delight in teasing the young man, even as she strokes her hands up and down his shaft. His precum hits her tongue in short order, and while it's a little salty, Loki finds she really doesn't mind the taste. Still, this is nothing but foreplay. She's not going to fellate him to completion, not when she knows EXACTLY where she wants this to end.

As such, the lithe Goddess spends only a few minutes working his cock over with her hands and mouth. When his groans reach a fever pitch and he starts stuttering and stammering much harder every time he says her name or 'Goddess', Loki pulls away, leaning back and standing up, leaving him sitting there on the edge of the bed, staring at her wide-eyed.


Smirking, Loki begins to strip, even as she shakes her head.

"Not yet. It's not the right time, yet."

Her words are accepted as the gospel by the young man, as they always are. Loki is used to her mortal children being exasperated with her. As a Trickster, she's never had much reverence for authority, and whether on purpose or by sheer osmosis, she knows she's passed her irreverence onto the vast majority of her Familia, even where she's concerned. That's why Finn, Riveria, Gareth, and all the others have no issue taking the piss out of her whenever she's making an utter fool of herself.

But not Angrbodir. Not her young, mortal boyfriend. He had nothing but reverence and awe for his Goddess, and Loki… Loki found that she kind of liked that. As such, once she's completely naked, she returns to him and kisses him again. He kisses her right back, even as she urges him to his feet and strips him naked as well.

All the while, Loki strokes his erection every once in a while, keeping him on edge, making sure he knows she's not done with him yet. Until finally, at last, they're both naked. Pushing the young man back onto the bed, onto his back, Loki climbs on after him and smiles down at him as she straddles his hips. For a moment, she rubs her dripping wet pussy lips against the length of his cock… but from the way he tosses his head back and groans, as well as the way his member pulses and throbs against her slit… he's really not going to last much longer.

So, without further ado, and more than a little eager if she does say so herself, Loki lifts herself up… and promptly impales herself on the young man's member. He slides up into her slick, tight passage with ease as the Goddess drops down onto his cock and moans throatily. In response, Angrbodir groans and grunts, and she half-expects him to cum right then and there, after all she's done to tease him up until this point.

To her surprise, he doesn't. Instead, his hands come down to rest on her hips, and their eyes meet as Loki licks her lips and begins to ride him, begins to bounce up and down on his cock. Her flat abdomen flexes and undulates as she gyrates on his cock, riding him like she would a horse. Of course, no horse's saddle Loki had ever been astride had a thick, hard, throbbing phallus poking out of its middle.

Regardless, her wet insides wrap around his member and seem unwilling to let go, while at the same time releasing him so that she can bounce all over again. It is… amazing, in the end. Wondrous is another word. Angrbodir's grip on her hips tighten, and his voice is as reverent and awe-filled as ever as he starts to thrust up into her.


What did she do to deserve such a doting mate in this life? A flight of insecurity washes over Loki, and she finds herself leaning forward, pressing her hands palm down against Angrbodir's chest even as she continues to ride him. Her lips are inches away from his, and her eyes are fixed on his as she breathes softly.

"You… y-you truly do love me with all your being, d-don't you?"

Angrbodir's brow furrows in confusion for all of a moment before it smooths out and he looks at her with nothing but total honesty and utter earnestness in his gaze.

"Of course, Goddess… I love you. I've loved you since the day we met…"

Loki's breath hitches, and she brings her hands up to her altogether flat chest. Names that that fat-chested bimbo Hestia had called her flit through her head. Washboard. Mosquito Bites. She bites her lower lip, even as she continues to raise herself up off of Angrbodir's cock, only to drop herself back down again.

"You don't m-mind that I'm flat-chested? That I'm more boy than woman?"

Scowling at that, the young man beneath her squeezes her hips and thrusts up into her dripping cunt rather pointedly.

"You certainly feel like a woman to me, Goddess."

His quiet certainty as he assure her of his love for her fills Loki with a warmth and satisfaction that she honestly can't even begin to explain. Nor can she remember the last time she felt this way, truth be told. Even that other lifetime with his namesake and their children… it's a distant memory compared to the here and now, and Loki's eyes flutter and shudder as she lets out a very feminine noise, a mewling sound that crescendos into a wanton moan as an orgasm finally takes her, the climax wracking her body.

In response, Angrbodir groans and his tone becomes hesitant and unsure.

"G-Goddess! I-I'm getting close!"

It's obvious why he's warning her. Licking her lips, Loki doesn't hesitate in her answer.

"Inside, my love. Fill me with your essence."

The young mortal man, never one to disobey his Goddess, does so promptly. Loki gasps and tilts her head back as another wanton moan leaves her lips and floats up towards the ceiling as she feels him cumming inside of her. It's been a long time since the Goddess Loki was made to feel like a true woman. A long time since any man had laid with her.

It feels good, to be claimed, to be marked. As Angrbodir fills her with his essence just as she asked, Loki beams, dropping forward onto his chest once he's done. His arms immediately curl around her quite protectively, and the two of them cuddle there, Loki resting atop him while he holds her close, seemingly having no intention of ever letting go.


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