Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Entity’s Latest Acquisition (Dead by Daylight)

The Entity’s Latest Acquisition (Dead by Daylight)

A/N: The Entity's Latest Acquisition was a commission originally written in two parts from June to August of 2020. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people here to enjoy!

Summary: The Entity has just finished acquiring a new Survivor, a new Killer, and even a new hunting ground. But will everything go to plan?

Themes: Horror, Mind Break, Rough Sex


As he comes into being, The Ghost Face looks around himself, as he always does. However, this time… he doesn't recognize where he's shown up. That's both irritating and intriguing for the Killer. Known as Danny Johnson, Alias Jed Olsen, The Ghost Face was a human serial killer, once upon a time. But… that had been way back. Not that time had any meaning, in the Entity's Realm.

The Entity was Danny's master now. The Dark Evil God gained power from The Ghost Face's hunts, power that the Entity then used for… well, it wasn't like Danny really knew. All he knew was that he was a Killer, and he was constantly set up against anywhere from two to four Survivors for a bit of fun. Heh, Survivors was a bit of a misnomer… it implied that those he hunted had any chance of living, and the Killer didn't usually let anyone get out alive.

Unfortunately, that might not be true this time around. Eyeballing the area that he finds himself in, Danny confirms what he'd already suspected when he'd first appeared here… this was new. It happened, sometimes. From what he'd come to understand, the Entity regularly reached out and collected… things from the world he'd been born into. The Ghost Face was in fact one of those things, though he'd been pulled into the Entity's Realm alone.

Over his time here, the Killer had come to realize he was something of an anomaly in that way. A lot of the time, the Entity preferred to pull in entire stories, bringing in a new Killer, a new Survivor, and some new playpens, all at the exact same time. Perhaps 'playpen' was a bit irreverent, but then, Danny had always been rather irreverent in life. A bit of a prankster, that was how he'd always saw himself. All those late night phone calls to his victims… heh, he'd had fun with it, that was for sure.

If you couldn't make yourself laugh, then really, what was the point of living, right? Regardless, he could tell this was a new place, a new area to hunt in. He'd never stalked in this place before, which meant he didn't know the ins and outs of this area. Nor could he rely upon past knowledge to know exactly where to set up the best ambush points.

He was going in blind, pretty much, and the only thing that he had going for him was the Entity-gifted aura sight allowing him to locate all of the generators that the would-be Survivors would be hunting for and trying to repair in an effort to escape his blade. Hmph, not like they could ever escape anyways. Survivors and Killers… they were all prisoners of a sort in the Entity's Realm.

The hunts were merely a way of harvesting their fear and bloodlust for the Entity's own ends. Truth be told, Danny was pretty proud he'd figured that out… just as he was quite pleased to be the predator-lite in the equation, rather than the prey all the way down at the bottom of the proverbial totem pole. The Entity might stand above them all, so to speak, but Danny would much prefer to be the Killer sacrificing the Survivors, then be stuck as a weakling Survivor constantly cowering in fear of the Killer.

One good thing about a new area like this one… even if the victims would probably all be repeats, this would give him a new background for his selfie collection. He had a ton of different photos of the same Survivors at this point after all, each one from a different area, sometimes from different places in the same area if he's getting really bored and hungry for new trophies.

Every selfie he took on this hunt would be a brand new, mint-condition trophy, and that at least had The Ghost Face in a good mood as he moves along carefully, cautiously for the time being, not even a whisper to his steps. This new place… it's pretty interesting. Half of it is an elementary school, but the other half is some sort of hellish purgatory kind of place, filled with obscene, grotesque tortures that simply delight Danny to no end.

As the Killer moves along, taking in the sights, making note of what places look like they'd be best for the REAL fun… he spots a Survivor a little earlier than he's expecting. It's only like a minute in, but unless she's part of the scenery… yep, that's a Survivor. Oooh, and one he doesn't recognize either! It's possible that it's merely a survivor that he's met before, wearing a different get-up. He always wonders how they do it, whether they get some sort of locker room or something and if they get to interact there.

But no… no, this is a new one. He can tell. With her messy, dirty blonde hair, and her sleeveless vest and bared arms… mm, she looks positively tasty. Any thoughts of seeking out the generators to make sure the other 'Survivors' didn't get an early start on escape are immediately set to the way side, crushed even under his desperate obsession with adding her to his collection.

He immediately begins stalking and observing her, and quickly notes how… different from the others she seems to be. Unlike the vast majority of the Survivors he's hunted, she doesn't seem to be very afraid of her surroundings. And this is definitely one of the more grotesque playpens in the Entity's Realm in Danny's opinion, so her lack of panic is even odder for that.

But then, if this is a new Survivor and a new playpen, it's possible this is the place that she knew best before she was taken. More than that… what if this was her first time in the Entity's Realm? She moves with a gait of such self-assurance. It's the same sort of self-assurance that Danny has seen in some of the other Survivors when they were still newbies. Some of the ones who'd been heroes or what have you, back in the real world.

It was the sort of thing that the Entity's Realm slowly beat out of Survivors. After all, it wasn't like they could fight back. It wasn't like they could ever truly escape. Even if they got away the first time, or the second, or the third without feeling the pain of a Killer's weapon slicing, cutting, slamming through their body and injuring them most grievously… eventually they'd fall. Eventually they'd fail.

Eventually, every Survivor learned that there was nothing to do but hide and die. Not hide or die… but hide AND die. Because the game never ended, and the Entity didn't know what mercy was. A Survivor's lot in life was to die again and again, even if they managed to escape a hundred times, just as the Killer's was to kill for the rest of eternity.

This bitch walked like she didn't know that yet. As Danny stalks her into a storage room, he realizes with growing glee that he was about to get to pop her proverbial cherry. And maybe the not-so-proverbial one as well if he was REALLY lucky. A grin spreads beneath the Killer's mask as his prey stops in front of one of the Entity's chests, the ones that carry some sort of tool to give the poor dears a glimmer of hope.

As she opens it and begins to rummage through, Danny decides that his blade has gone unused long enough, this time around. Slowly stalking closer and closer, savoring the thrill of the hunt and oh so eager to hear what this new girl's scream sounds like when he drives his knife down into her flesh for the first time, Danny is soon standing right behind her.

His knife lifts up, ready to plunge down, and his grin grows wider as she begins turning around. She's going to catch sight of him at the very last sec-


The Killer's head explodes in pain, and he wobbles to the side. What the fuck was THA-?!


His knife falls from his suddenly throbbing hand, and The Ghost Face stares, stunned at the sight of his victim wielding a pipe. Hey, wait a minute, that wasn't fair-


The breath rushes from his lungs as the metal tube slams into his gut with all the force of a Major League Baseball player swinging for the bleachers. Oh, fuck that was so much worse than being hit by a pallet-!


His back positively screams in protest as it joins his gut in pain, sending him to the floor. His masked face is reflected in the gleam of his fallen knife, and Danny slowly, achingly begins to reach for-


He howls again, his aching hand burning anew in fresh pain as a boot-clad foot comes down HARD on the outstretched appendage. Then… then… oh by the Entity, what the fuck is going on?! The Survivor has the GALL to pick up his own blade, to drag the knife up off of the ground and-


Another howl, as his own damn knife is plunged deep into his back in a complete reversal of what was SUPPOSED to happen, fuck the Entity, what the fuck, what about the damn RULES?! He wasn't supposed to get stabbed by his own knife, Entity DAMN IT ALL!

"-uck you, YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH! Think you can sneak up behind me with this stupid fucking knife?! Think you can even hope to match the horrors I've seen?! Fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU!"

The Survivor positively wails on him with the pipe until he's dead silent, until he's unmoving and no longer crying out. And then she leaves him there on the floor, beaten to death with a pool of blood slowly spreading out around his downed form. If only that had been the way one of his victims in the real world had treated him, then perhaps the legend of The Ghost Face wouldn't have grown so damn out of control. Perhaps Danny Johnson, aka Jed Olsen, wouldn't have killed enough people to draw the Entity's attention.

But the fact of the matter was, he HAD drawn the Entity's attention. This much certainly would have been enough to end his tale if he were still mortal, but empowered by the Entity, the Killer doesn't get a choice, he doesn't get to stop going. Slowly, the spreading blood pool beneath The Ghost Face's body reverses course back into him. His bones crack back into proper alignment as a fresh howl of pain emits from Danny's throat.

Slowly, he pushes himself up off of the floor, muttering deadly threats of bodily harm under his breath. Behind him, he reaches back and tries to grasp for his knife, only to realize its plunged into that spot of the upper back that you can't reach by yourself, no matter how hard you try. Danny knows that spot well… in life, he'd used that spot to watch his victims struggle and try to save themselves more than once.

"… That fucking little BITCH! How DARE she?! How dare she make a fool of me! I'll fucking kill her, no, I'll fucking cut off her toes and fingers first, I'll fucking peel her face off first. She will BEG for me to kill her by the time I'm fucking done!"

As he completely loses his cool and goes off on a rant about the tortures he planned to inflict on that little blonde bitch once he got his hands on her, The Ghost Face scrapes his back against the nearest wall, finally managing to knock the blade loose as he growls and howls and rants. What he doesn't realize, of course, is that all of the racket he's making is enough to cover up the sounds of metallic scraping coming from the hallway just outside of the storage room.

Picking up his knife, which is covered in his own black ichor instead of the bitch's blood like it should be, Danny leaps out into the hallway, snarling.

"Which way did that fucking bitch go?!"

His eyes are on the ground at first, looking for the Entity's scratch marks, the marks that signify a Survivor running for the hills. That blonde cunt might have had some sort of wild adrenaline rush that let her get the drop on him just once, but it was inconceivable that she'd not realize just how badly she fucked up. She'd have run, oh yeah, and he'd fucking chase her down, because he was faster than her, all of the Killers were faster than the fucking Survivors.

It's because he's looking for scratch marks that he very nearly runs face first into Pyramid Head. He sees The Executioner's smock before he can though and looks up to stare in disbelief as the other Killer, standing there in the middle of the hallway. He's never seen this Killer before, and yet, they're both part of the Entity's collection. It's instinctive, his knowledge that this is Pyramid Head, The Executioner, the newest Killer added to the Entity's Realm. Crazy how he gets to know that, but not anything about the newest area added, or the fucking little bitch who just laid him out with a pipe and his own knife.

"What the fuck are you-?!"

That's precisely as far as Danny Johnson gets before Pyramid Head's massive blade, a truly titanic piece of metal, slams into his chest. The flat of the giant knife breaks every single one of his ribs at the same time as The Ghost Face is sent flying back into a classroom. Landing amidst some desks, the Killer can only wheeze painfully as Pyramid Head enters the room, dragging the giant knife behind him, now splitting the floor with it as barb-wire tendrils rise up out of the opened space.


Danny is still screaming as Pyramid Head drags the giant knife around him, the barb wire tendrils reaching out for him, wrapping around his legs, and dragging him into the opened trench in the floor. In response, the Executioner simply watches in silence as the pretender is dragged off to suffer his long overdue Judgment.

Left seemingly alone in the classroom, Pyramid Head cocks his head to the side as there's a rumble and a groaning in protest in the walls around him. Then, he brings his blade up and slaps it against the wall with a snarl. He was quite aware of the pact he'd made with the Entity. He belonged to it now. But he wasn't like most of the Entity's other Killers. In a way, the Entity had picked him up from a place that was both similar and so very different from the Entity's own realm.

Pyramid Head would do as was expected of him… but he simply was not ready to allow others to hunt in his realm just yet. And he fully intended to show his new Master that there were other ways to torment one's victims rather than simple physical pain and the relentless crushing of hope.

For the moment, at least, the Entity backs down. Curious to see what he'll do next, more than actually afraid of him. But then, of course. The Executioner is nothing but the Entity's newest toy in the sandbox, for all that his toy is being a little bit more independent then expected. What's the harm in letting Pyramid Head have his fun, just this once?


Jane honestly hated new Maps. That was the Survivor's word for the areas that the Entity forced them into for hunt after hunt. And every once in a while, the Entity added a new Map to his collection, and Jane and all the others were forced to acclimate and become used to an entirely new place to be hunted and sacrificed and murdered in.

And then there's the outfits. Jane had started out in the Entity's Realm wearing her work clothes. The pinstripe jacket and pants combo had been made to fit her perfectly, and Jane had actually been able to move around pretty easily in them. Not to mention, she preferred her no-nonsense hairstyle, matched with relatively light makeup.

Since becoming the Entity's plaything however, Jane had found that the monstrous Dark God had a penchant for playing dress up. Like for instance, today she hadn't shown up in her usual attire… instead, she was in the outfit she'd once worn at her first job out of college, that stupid, shitty trendy variety show. Her hair was loose and always getting in her face, her top was also loose and flowing and had a variety of colors, offset by an obsidian stone necklace that drew the eye to her expansive cleavage… and finally, she was stuck in a pair of brass button jeans, black denim that did NOT fit her as well as it used to, to say the least.

So yeah, not only was she stuck on a new Map, she was stuck in the outfit she liked the least out of her 'wardrobe' here in the Entity's Realm. This new hunt was already getting off to a 'great' start… and by great, Jane meant absolutely terrible. Biting her lower lip, Jane Romero, former television star, creeps along, trying to ignore the odd mixture of elementary school and horror show aesthetic around her.

Sure, it was terrifying, but in the end the only thing that she really had to worry about was the Killer, and she didn't currently hear her heartbeat growing more rapidly in her ears, so she knew she was in the clear for now.

… Which is why, when she hears the crying of a young girl up ahead in a bathroom, Jane doesn't think twice of going in that direction. Especially since the cries are universally directed at the girl's absent 'mommy' and asking what she'd done to deserve any of this. A new Map meant a new Survivor too, usually, so at the very least Jane could maybe offer a shoulder to cry on and a few words of advice. Even if most new survivors, Jane herself included, broke down pretty early on in their stay as the Entity's playthings, only to gain some semblance of their mind back later, after a couple hundred deaths.

All the same, hearing a young girl crying for her mother… it resonates with Jane Romero in a way not much else would. Her own background of parental abandonment as a child, followed by the trauma of her mother showing up on her highly successful talk show decades later just to deny that they were even related to one another… it was a pretty strong motivator, to be sure. Especially since Jane was fairly confident that that interview was the cause behind her being stuck in the Entity's Realm in the first place.

Coming into the bathroom, the fat-bottomed Latin American beauty's eyes immediately alight upon the young woman on the floor crying. With pale skin, dark brown eyes, and very dark hair, this latest addition to the Entity's Realm is wearing a conservative school girl's uniform of all things, leaving Jane's mouth unbelievably dry as she hurries over to the sobbing young woman.

"H-Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here. My name is Jane Romero, I'm just like you. We're trapped here, but you've gotta get ahold of yourself. Do you have a name? What can I call you?"

It's a long shot, and truth be told, the moment Jane hears her own heartbeat in her ears, she's going to fucking run, because she's not looking to get hooked just because she let herself get soft with this girl. If this new Survivor can't pull it together quick, then Jane will just have to try again fifty or so hunts down the road.

However, to her mild surprise, the girl actually manages to stop her sniveling and look up at Jane with watery, teary eyes.

"M-My name? I… I'm Alessa… A-Alessa Gillespie…"

Jane smiles and nods. This is good, this is really good. Putting her hands on the other woman's shoulders, she ignores how Alessa flinches at her touch for the time being.

"Hey… I know it's hard, I know that you're missing your mom right now, and this is all really scary and strange… but we've gotta go. You and I, we're in this together, and if we don't get moving really soon, things are going to get really painful for the both of us."

For a moment, she feels really good about this. She's glad she stopped for this poor young woman. Together, they can get the generators done in half the time. Together they can-


Jane stumbles back as Alessa suddenly slaps her hands away and scrambles to her feet, looking angrier and more wrathful then scared and teary-eyed anymore.

"N-No! You just want to use me like mommy did! I don't need a mother anymore; I don't need anyone else anymore! I have my Guardian, and that's all I need!"

And then Jane hears it… her own heartbeat, thump-thumping away in her ear as the Entity's little 'gift' lets her know she's just been bamboozled. Accompanying that growing heartbeat is the sound of metal scraping against metal coming from the hallway. Jane whips her head around for nothing but a second, eyes widening in horror, not recognizing the sound from any of the Killers she's unfortunately well acquainted with.

However, when she turns around to try one last time to get Alessa to listen to her and work together (this time planning on letting her know that one of them is about to take a grievous injury, but if they move fast they can still both get away in the aftermath…) it's to find that Alessa Gillespie… was never a survivor at all.


The monstrous, corrupted girl that lunges towards her causes Jane to shriek in fear, even as she falls backwards onto her fat ass from the shove sent her way. And then Alessa is past her, running for the doorway that the new Killer is now standing in. Looking over, Jane's heartbeat pounding in her ears, the gorgeous Latina can only go wide-eyed in fear as she takes in the appearance of this new killer. He's… he's wearing a pyramid of metal on his head, and a smock covering his body, but his arms are bared and covered in corded muscle, and he's wielding a massive blade behind him.

To Jane's shock, the new Killer doesn't so much as harm a hair on Alessa's head… instead, he actually pats it with his free hand, patting the girl's head before stepping past her into the bathroom, which Jane is quickly realizing, as she gets to her feet, has literally only one way in or out. She's definitely going to take a hit here, and it'll hurt, but hopefully the burst of adrenaline being struck by Killers always gives will give her a chance to escape in the ensuing chase.

Except that's not what happens at all. Behind Pyramid Head, he carves a trench of barbwire in the bathroom floor. When Jane tries to run past, wincing in preparation for the hit she's sure is about to come… he doesn't strike out at her, but instead slams his Great Knife into the door frame diagonally to cut off her escape.

Before the Survivor can react to this patently unfair play, the new Killer has her by the neck with his free hand, lifting her up into the air. As Jane gasps and claws at the hand, wondering what the hell is happening, Pyramid Head does something she's never seen before… he lets go of his weapon and leaves it blocking her escape.

Then, he brings the hand that was holding it up and grabs the front of her top, tearing it off of her body. Her brass button jeans are torn off as well, leaving her woefully exposed and naked before this monster, this Killer. She's never been humiliated like this by any of the Entity's flock before. This… this is new, and Jane doesn't know whether to be terrified or maybe a little intrigued.

When Pyramid Head lifts her up a bit higher and she looks down to see him stroking an utterly massive cock that's been freed from his smock, Jane still can't decide… but as he presses her down onto the head of said cock, she can't help but be a little afraid.

"W-Wait, it'll never fi-AIIIIEEEEEE!"

Jane Romero prides herself on being one of the older survivors, even if she isn't as old as some of the truly oldest. But she's also not as young as the youngest, so she prides herself on being more put-together and in control then most, she prides herself on being mature and even capable of taking pain. Which is why it's a little embarrassing just how LOUD and girlish her scream is as she experiences her first penetration in… well, she has no idea how long it's been. An eternity?

Time sort of loses all sense of meeting in the Entity's Realm but suffice to say Jane hasn't gotten any since she died. Now, she's getting a lot more than she can handle, as the Killer rams his cock up into her twat, fucking her like she's some cheap two dollar whore… and like she's as wet as one too. She's not, she really isn't… at least, not at first.

It's agony at first, but the longer he fucks her, the better it feels. His hands are on her ass at the moment, and Jane's upper body is lolled back as he holds onto her by her fat bottom and slams her down onto his cock again and again. Hanging there limply in his grasp… this isn't that bad, is it? Oh sure, it hurts a lot, it hurts a helluva lot… but it almost feels… good?

And then his hand is around her throat, and Jane's squeals are choked off as he INTENSIFIES her rape. At that point, there's nothing good about it. She'd prefer the more conventional pain of the Killer slicing or wailing on her, and then hooking her to sacrifice to the Entity. This? This is even more dehumanizing then being made into a literal human sacrifice. This bastard is just… he's just fucking her, taking his pleasure from her, abusing her body to his heart's content because she's a woman.

Tears stream down Jane's face as the Killer goes about raping her until she can no longer think straight, ramming into her cunt again and again and again. The Latin American woman is soon completely limp in the Killer's grasp, all the fight gone out of her, all the vigor and desire to run and maybe even escape gone for now.

As Jane Romero's mind snaps for a time, as she retreats in on herself to hide away from the pain and humiliation of what she's experiencing, Pyramid Head lets out a grunt towards the ceiling, as if to say 'See?'. Beside him, Alessa Gillespie giggles for a moment and then is gone, vanishing away as if she was never there at all.

Meanwhile, the Entity watches on, not necessarily approvingly… but certainly more intrigued then ever now. There'd been a moment where it's newest Killer had almost seemed to be bringing pleasure and happiness to the Survivor, which was most certainly NOT allowed. But as quickly as that moment had started, it had been ended, brutally and efficiently, ruining the Survivor all the further and destroying any hope she'd had even more effectively then the hooks had done with this particular one in quite some time.

It would seem that it's newest Killer might be on to something. Or… it was a complete fluke, and the Entity would go back to doing things the old way while it's newest Killer was properly reeducated into obeying it's master and following along with the Entity's methods. Still, at the very least, for this hunt only… the Entity would let the Killer show it just what he was capable of.

One Survivor was down. Even if she wasn't hooked, Jane Romero was broken and not likely to be of any use to the others for the rest of this hunt. At the same time however, as odd as it was to say, one Killer was down as well. The Ghost Face was no longer on the playing field for this round, after the Executioner had forced his way in and taken his place.

There were three female Survivors left. And, as Pyramid Head finishes inside of Jane Romero and drops the naked, fat-bottomed bitch onto the floor, a sudden sound rings out, signaling that the first generator is already complete.

If it's newest Killer wants to show the Entity what his methods can truly do… he's going to have to move fast, lest he be left high and dry by the women the Entity has placed in his care for this hunt. Four more generators to go… three more survivors. Needless to say, the Entity was watching this round with GREAT interest indeed.


Hearing screams coming from down on the first floor, Kate does the intelligent thing and sneaks up to the second. This new area is… less than fun to move around in, but then to be fair, most of the Entity's playpens aren't that fun. Still, a free spirit like Kate Denson? She's always going to prefer places like the cornfield with lots of movement and lots of open spaces. Even if it did make the job of a killer like the one with the chainsaw all the easier.

Letting out an explosive breath as she reaches the second floor, the All-American woman squeezes her eyes shut, as if that will stop the screaming from downstairs. That's not natural, that screaming. As horrifying as it is to admit that there IS a natural sort of screaming in the Entity's Realm, it's the truth. Kate is used to the sharp cries that she and her fellow survivors make when they're hit. It always hurts, and it's all but impossible to cry out.

She's even used to the screams that she and her fellows make when they're struck by the Doctor's shock therapy and slowly driven further and further into madness. Thank fuck that that shit resets when the 'round' ends, or none of them would be functional at this point. Probably why the Entity did that, because then it would have a bunch of broken toys who didn't play the games it wanted, who didn't feel the fear and terror and horror it wanted them to feel.

Kate grimaces and does her best to repress those thoughts. She knows she's supposed to be a ray of sunshine, the only spot of light in an otherwise dreary place. She played her part well, Kate Denson. Her role of the hopeful songbird was much needed around the campfire, and truth be told, it made her feel good and almost satisfied to bring joy and hope and a sense of family, however brief, to the other survivors.

The screams coming from below, which Kate was beginning to associate with a woman she only had a passing familiarity with, Jane Romero… those invoked the exact opposite of joy, and hope, and a sense of family. Only, Jane wasn't even on a hook yet, Kate and the other survivors would know if she was. So, there was nothing Kate could do but do her best to hide and maybe find a generator to work on in the meantime.

These playpens with multiple floors almost always tended to have generators on the second story, she was fairly sure. However, it's as Kate is listening for the telltale hum of said generators that she instead hears something else. A sound she never ever expected to hear again. There's an acoustic guitar nearby, somewhere on the second floor, and it's being strummed to a rather haunting melody.

It's almost certainly a trap… but how can Kate resist? After all, she's the hopeful one, she's the upbeat one… biting her lower lip, the All-American blonde creeps her way towards the melody, allowing it to distract her from the game the Entity oh so loved to play with them all. Sounded like the killer was busy downstairs doing whatever he was doing to Jane Romero anyways, so why not, right?

The melody floating through the air ceases the moment that Kate reaches the doorway of what appears to be a music room. A grand piano dominates the room's space, but there sitting up on a chair is a guitar… HER guitar, in fact. Kate's breath hitches and her eyes widen as her pupils shrink to pinpoints in sheer need.

That's her guitar… or at least close enough to her guitar that she can't tell the different. Once again, Kate has to remind herself that this is probably a trap. She's smarter than this, she really is. But at the same time, the chance to retrieve her guitar? The chance to take it back to the campfire with her like some of the other items that they managed to scrounge in the Entity's games?

Her singing already did a pretty damn fine job of lifting the spirits of everyone trapped here. How much more could Kate accomplish if she had her guitar to play along with her?

Biting her lower lip even harder than before, Kate slowly steps into the music room, as if expecting the entire room to snap shut on her before she can ever even reach the chair. When that doesn't happen, the young blonde woman cautiously approaches the guitar, reaching out slowly, hesitantly, in order to touch it.

Once again, nothing happens as her fingers rest on the guitar. It HAS to be a trap… but what if it isn't? Reaching out, Kate full on grabs it and holds it up, and still nothing happens. The beginnings of an honest, earnest smile begin to spread across the beautiful young lass' face as she runs her fingers over the guitar strings.

That's when it strikes, the strings of the guitar snapping and slicing up her hand and arm. Kate SCREAMS in pain and drops the guitar to the ground, where it falls to pieces upon hitting the floor, revealing it's true form. It's rotted, always has been… and she'd been tricked full sale.

Clutching at her sliced-up arm, Kate's not too worried about the injury. She's had much, MUCH worse, and she knows she can't bleed to death here, not from this much. Instead, she spends a moment staring down at the broken remains of the guitar, heartbroken and nearly crying. Tears are forming in the corner of her eyes, and she's debating the finer points of breaking down here and now and having a good sob so that she's better when she gets back to the campfire… when the sudden pounding heartbeat snaps her out of her thoughts.

Instinctively, Kate runs out into the hallway. The new killer is a monstrous one, though to be fair most are and the ones that are less physically monstrous are just more existentially monstrous to make up for it. Still, he's massive and seeing him coming from the other stairway, Kate can tell she has no choice but to turn around and run the other way as he begins making his way towards her. The killers, they don't run very often… and yet, their fastest walk is still better than a survivor's sprint.

Heart pounding in her chest, partially because of the Entity and partially out of her own fear, Kate runs down the hallway and around the corner. There, her eyes happen across a window some feet before a gaping hole in the wall, down to the courtyard. She almost passes it by, before thinking better of herself and going for the window. After all, vaulting is one of her specialties.

Unfortunately, that doesn't mean much today, nor does it help her. Kate's in the middle of vaulting when she's grabbed by a large hand from behind that pulls her back inside. Yelping and screaming, the blonde begins to struggle, expecting to be pulled up onto this new killer's shoulder, expecting to have a chance to escape. She hadn't seen a hook up here on the second floor yet, so either she'd missed them, or she had a good shot at getting away.

Except that's not what happens. Rather than tossing her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, like EVERY other killer would, this new killer, with his Pyramid-like head, slams Kate down into the frame of the dilapidated window, knocking the breath from her lungs and stunning her for a second. Hanging half-out and half-in, all Kate can do for that second is stare down at the courtyard below, where another young woman is playing hopscotch with her back to Kate.


She only has that second to be confused by what she's seeing before the Killer goes COMPLETELY off script and tears her denim shorts right off her body. Kate only has a brief moment more to realize exactly what was about to happen, as well as just what had made Romero scream like that downstairs. Suddenly, the beautiful blonde ray of sunshine finds the strength to scream and kick as well.

She desperately tries to pull herself the rest of the way out, she desperately tries to escape, but the killer's grip on her is ironclad as he wraps his arms around her bucking legs and uses his grip to spread her wide open. A moment later, and his… his cock is inside of her, as Kate has sex for the first time since she entered the Entity's Realm. It is NOT a happy experience, by any stretch of the imagination.

Again, and again he thrusts into her, again and again he pounds her into the window sill. There's no hesitation, no mercy. Not that any of the other Killers have ever shown either of those things, but then, none of them have ever raped her either. This… this was a new indignity, and Kate really wasn't sure she would survive it. Not that she survived most rounds of the Entity's sick, twisted game.

Still, part of her was breaking. Part of her was snapping. She wasn't sure she'd be the same after this. It was one thing to keep a stiff upper lip in the face of death. Even as the killers had hunted her and her fellow survivors again and again for sport and for the Entity's amusement, she'd done her best to be the heart of the campfire, the hope of the group each and every time.

She was something of a fighter even. She never stopped struggling, even when they had her over their shoulders, even when they were carrying her towards a hook. She fought, and she kicked, and she screamed, doing her level best to disrupt their focus, to slow down their movement, to find that exact moment where she just might escape.

Out of all of the survivors, Kate had probably managed that most of all, getting away after a killer had downed her and picked her up. But here, that ability of hers, that thing she was known for… it was completely neutralized. Oh sure, she was fighting as best she could, but with his cock inside of her and his hands on her legs, and his heavy weight bearing down on her, there just wasn't much Kate could do but sob and scream.

She was being defiled in a way that none of the killers had ever done before. Even that fucking clown, the few times that he managed to break free of the Entity's control and kill them himself rather than sacrifice them on the hooks, only took a souvenir in the form of a finger. This though, was a complete and utter desecration of Kate's body, a rough raping that left her sobbing and begging for mercy that seemed to be in quite short supply.

Squealing and bucking and completely helpless before the pistoning onslaught of the Killer's massive cock tearing up her cunt and insides, Kate's tears make it hard to see anything in front of her as she screams loudly, her voice ringing out across the courtyard and beyond. But, one thing she does see is when the other girl turns around and begins hopscotching back towards her.

As she's penetrated, as she's RAPED, Kate sees the girl stop and look up at her, watching for a few moments with a disturbing expression on her face, before ultimately she returns to playing hopscotch as Kate is raped by the killer high overhead. No one is coming to save her. Just like she didn't bother trying to save Jane, Kate realizes she's completely and utterly… boned.


Yui Kimura might not have had the best life before she ended up one of the Entity's playthings, but it was hers, at least. A hardened street racer, the Japanese woman was used to having to fight hard for everything she got. She'd fought for her right to race; she'd fought for her gang… she'd fought to win. And the Entity, this bastard fucking Dark God… he'd stolen her away from all that, snatching her away in the middle of her race.

She hadn't died, like many of the others had. She'd just been… stolen away, though to be fair there were other survivors who shared her story as well. And now… now they were all the Entity's toys, one way or another. Stuck playing his games, over and over again.

It left her half-tempted to just… fuck off and ignore it for a few rounds, but Yui knew what that led to. She'd done it before, after all. The Killer always found her eventually, or barring that, the world began to decay, and the Entity itself came up from the ground beneath her feet, plunging it's spider-like claws right through her chest and curling itself around her body as it dragged her kicking and screaming, down into the earth.

… Escaping, even if it fed the Entity, was infinitely better than dying. All of the survivors figured that out pretty fast, pretty early on. Yui would fix a hundred generators if it meant she could avoid being in the Entity's physical embrace for another round.

And so, the hardened street racer was looking for a generator. She'd seen one of her fellow survivors early on… Kate Denson, that blonde American chick had appeared right next to her this round. However, they hadn't stuck together, and Yui was perfectly fine with that. She worked better alone, always had… and she knew Kate had a penchant for taunting the Killers, for letting them down her, get her onto their shoulders and then bucking her way right back off. Bitch was a tease, but she was also on Yui's side, so she'd let Kate do what she did best.

In the midst of hunting for a generator, however, Yui hears the heartbeat pounding in her ears and hurriedly ducks into the closest classroom to try and find a closet to hide in. What she finds instead stops her dead in her tracks and leaves her wide-eyed and with her mouth dropped in disbelief. There, hung against the chalkboard like he's been hung on a cross and crucified, is Ghost Face.

The black fabric covering his arms and legs has turned dark red from his own blood, his limbs covered in this wicked-looking barbed wire that's keeping his arms stretched out at his sides and his legs restrained together in the T-shape. Blood dripping down onto the floor has formed three puddles underneath him, something that Yui notes as she approaches slowly.

"The fuck happened to you? Couldn't have been one of us… nothing we do to you fuckers takes you down for long."

Looking around, Yui puts her sharp mind to use and connects the dots.

"New place… new killer?"

The second time she's speaking, Ghost Face's head snaps in her direction. Yui takes a single step back before stopping. She can feel the hatred of his glare all the way from where she is a dozen feet away… but he's helpless to do anything to her about it, isn't he?

"You bit off more than you could chew, didn't you, you sick fuck? Never heard of killers going at it before, but whoever this new one is, he sure put you in your fucking place. Shouldn't have fucked around on her turf."

Life as the leader of the Sakura 7 Gang had taught Yui that much. The Japanese street racer was well versed in turf wars. Suddenly, Yui realizes she's been slowly creeping ever closer to Ghost Face, subconsciously moving towards him. Given how nasty he is, she can't really figure out why she would want to do that at first. But then it hits her.

He's completely helpless. And quite suddenly, she's remembering all the times he's cut, stabbed, hooked, and sacrificed them. But even worse than the fucking sacrifices are when he goes rogue from the Entity, when he decides to kill them himself rather than sacrifice them on a hook. Yui grits her teeth as she remembers the indignity of dying as this FUCKER took a FUCKING SELFIE WITH HER CORPSE!

Before she can even really say what she wants to do, she's already doing it, closing the last couple of feet of distance between the two of them and burying her fist in the bastard's groin. And then she does it again and again and again, punching him in his fucking balls as hard as she can, over and over.

The wheeze he releases through his mask is almost human-like, as is his reaction. As he tries to curl up, as he attempts to block her blows, the barbed wire covering his limbs is pulled tight, and more blood flows freely down onto the floor.

Not satisfied in the slightest, Yui reaches up and yanks off Ghost Face's mask, tearing it from the helpless killer's head. She stares once she's done, rather surprised by what she sees. One shocking thing is the fact that someone has sown his mouth shut with more of that barbed wire… but the other surprise is just how unassuming and AVERAGE the man behind the mask was. And he WAS a man, for all that he was one of the Entity's precious Killers.

This was the face behind Ghost Face?! It was pathetic! At least all of the other killers were seriously fucked up, if not outright monsters! Sneering, Yui throws his mask on the ground and stomps on it in front of him, grinding it into one of the bloody puddles beneath him for good measure as he looks on, tears in his eyes from her assault to his groin, but also hatred and anger and fury there as well.

What Yui fails to notice is the girl at one of the classroom's back desks rapidly drawing and coloring in a picture. Ghost Face doesn't though, and his eyes widen in fear as she looks up at him and smiles.

Satisfied enough with her revenge and somewhat invested in maybe managing to escape this place BEFORE the fuck who managed to do this to Ghost Face comes back, Yui makes her way through a door in the corner, leading to a storage room with a partially worked generator that she figures she can finish up pretty fast.

The only problem is, she'll have to work really fast… because Ghost Face's presence is still fucking pounding in her ears. Even completely neutered and removed from play, the fucker still counts as a Killer in this round, leaving her heart racing and pounding at the Entity's whim so long as she stays close to him.

It's a fucking pain in the ass, to be sure. But, as far as Yui was concerned, someone had to do it. Wasn't like she could count on any of her fellow survivors to get a gen done, and besides, while it the heartbeat pounding was annoying, the other killer shouldn't come back the way he came after already sticking Ghost Face here as a warning, right? He probably expected them all to scamper away the moment they laid eyes on the disabled bitch of a killer.

Baring her teeth in a half-grin, half-grimace, Yui smirks. He clearly hadn't dealt with her yet, and she liked it best when the new killers never saw her coming. She-

She's just about got all of the cylinders going when her thought process is abruptly cut off by a massive hand grabbing her by the back of her shirt. The Japanese woman screams as she's pulled off the nearly finished generator, having failed to notice the slight increase in intensity to the heartbeat pounding in her ears when the second killer had entered the area.

To be fair, this was through no fault of her own. The Entity simply hadn't designed that warning system to have two killers. How was Yui supposed to be able to differentiate between one killer near her and two killers near her, when it wasn't something she'd ever had to deal with before?

Regardless, she's pulled up kicking and screaming, and the street racer's clothes are torn from her body in moments. Yui's eyes widen as she realizes what's about to happen right before she's dropped down onto this new killer's dick, his cock slamming up into her cunt from below and taking the breath right out of her lungs.

Her scream choked off, and her abdomen bulging with his dick, Yui's head tilts backwards. Unlike the other girls he's caught so far, her first look at him isn't from a distance, so she doesn't really get the pyramid vibe that the others got. What she DOES get is a good look at what's under his helm though, with how she's currently positioned right back against his broad, chiseled chest.

What she sees there makes even the hardened Japanese street racer scream in horror and fear, only to be silenced as a massive, thick, tentacle-like tongue slips down from under the helm and into her open mouth, forcing its way into her throat to fuck it.


Eyes rolling back in her head, Yui is caught before she even had a chance to escape and fucked before she even had a moment to recognize what was about to happen with her. The Japanese woman can do nothing as a tentacle fucks her face, and a big fat cock fucks her twat. Bounced up and down on the latter and asphyxiated by the former, the world slowly goes dark for Yui as she's defiled and desecrated just as Jane and Kate were.

The game is changing, much to her horror… and she's not sure she'll be able to survive more of this going forward.


Cheryl's grip on her steel pipe tightens as a female scream echoes down the hallways of the twisted school, before suddenly being cut off with a choked gurgle. She grits her teeth, somehow instinctively knowing that she's now alone with HIM. She's not quite sure how she knows… but she knows it. There's no one else left, it's just her now. The others, and it's weird to realize there WERE others… they've all fallen, in one way or another.

HE echoed at least some passing resemblance to the more humanoid monsters that had inhabited the other world… the other nightmare. Unlike this school, that couldn't seem to decide whether it wanted to be right here, or over there. Like someone had taken masterpiece and decided that it needed to be edgier to make some sort of point or whatever.

The knowledge that had been forced into her mind made it clear that she was officially on a time table. As the last one left, she could escape through a hidden hatch instead of working on generators that were frankly outside of her realm of expertise. The multiple backfires from her earlier attempts had shown her that, had reminded her just how useless-

Sudden echoing, running footsteps tears Cheryl from her introspection and have her looking down the hallway, where a retreating blue uniform can be seen just turning the corner. Alessa. Lips pursed together, Cheryl follows, slower and quieter, but nevertheless following. When she turns the corner, she catches sight of the face, leaning out of a doorway, that continued to haunt her nightmares, her ever sleeping moment. She'd thought she laid that to rest with their confrontation on the carousel, said confrontation ending in her doppelganger's death… but apparently not.

Moving forward, Cheryl enters the school infirmary. There Alessa stands besides the open hatch that Cheryl knows to be her escape. The other girl has taken the form of her first body and is watching Alessa curiously. For a moment, Cheryl stares right back, unblinking, almost accusatory in her gaze, just shy of straight up glaring.

"Why? Why would you help me?"

Rather than words, Alessa responds with a smile as she pulls the Seal of Metatron from within her uniform. The one on Cheryl pulsates and resonates in response and Cheryl's breath hitches as she finds herself taking it up as well. Stepping forward, the two place the Seals together, and Cheryl rapidly sees… an entire other life, another existence, their existence?

… Truth be told, she's not at all impressed by the character and actions of the other Cheryl that Alessa has now taken the form of. She-s a large hand comes down on their outstretched hands, on the merged seals, breaking them apart. Cheryl stumbles back onto one of the beds, holding onto HER Seal of Metatron as she struggles with the other her's memories, her experiences of this… this monster coming to her rescue. Pyramid Head stands before her, but he transforms, changing from the Killer she knows him to be, and becoming the savior that the other Cheryl… no, the other Alessa remembers him as.

"N-No… I don't… I can't… I w-won't!"

Alessa, her other self… has no such qualms. In fact, she's already stripped naked and is running her hands all over Pyramid Head's body, smiling, beaming even as he reaches for her in turn. Cheryl can only watch as her other self is lifted up and impaled on his cock. Her breath hitches, stopping in her chest, and her mouth hangs open as Alessa rides him, clinging to his pyramid-shaped helmet all the while.

Her moans fill the room, her cries fill Cheryl's ears. She's… she's enjoying it, enjoying bouncing up and down on his cock. He's enjoying it too, Cheryl can tell. He's not hurting Alessa, he's not forcing her to take more than she's capable of. Of course, what she's capable of is quite a lot as she rides him, her stomach bulging outward with every bounce, but never seeming to cause her any pain.

Cheryl bites her lower lip at the scene of pure and utter debauchery. Sitting there on the bed opposite from the one Pyramid Head and her other self are fucking on, she's frozen for a moment longer… before she realizes her hands are starting to subconsciously wander. Eyes wide as she realizes just how her treacherous body is reacting to the debauched, horrifying sight before her, Cheryl comes to her senses and leaps from the bed.

She half-expects the two lovebirds to stop what they're doing at that, but Pyramid Head doesn't even have his cleaver anymore. His hands are on Alessa's breasts, and he's molesting her as she continues to moan and ride him, clinging to his helmet and begging for 'More! More! MORE!' at the top of her lungs. As such, no one stops her from escaping down the open hatch… which just turns out to lead into an endless pit of darkness that deposits her at some campfire.

There are other survivors at that campfire, other men, and women who Cheryl somehow instinctively knows are trapped, just like her. There's three of them that Cheryl instinctively recognizes as having been in that last round with her, even though she doesn't recognize a single one of them. All three are shaking and trembling, wide-eyed and staring off into the distance as the others try and fail to comfort them.

Cheryl doesn't do anything of that, after all, in the end her other self had taken that bullet for her. Nothing had truly happened to her; she'd gotten off scot-free. Something told her she wouldn't be able to keep it up forever though. Survivors weren't allowed to fight back, and the more she fought against the Killers, the more she brought them low, the more she would ultimately usurp them.

If she kept fighting back… then she wouldn't be a Survivor anymore. And there were only two types of individuals in the Entity's Realm. But ultimately, the most disquieting thing that Cheryl is experiencing right now is the fact that a part of her existed which wanted to join in. A part of her wanted to join her other self in… in sexual worship to Pyramid Head.

Shuddering, Cheryl closes her eyes and tries not to think about what she'd born witness to and how it made her feel. In the end, she's less than successful. She's far more terrified of that part of herself that wanted to get involved, then she is of anything else in this new nightmare.


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