Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Little Luck Goes A Long Way (Witcher 3)

A Little Luck Goes A Long Way (Witcher 3)

A/N: A Little Luck Goes a Long Way was a commissioned one-shot from back in June of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy.

Summary: Shortly after the Battle of Kaer Morhen, during their stay in Novigrad, Geralt takes a job hunting down a witch. In retaliation, the witch curses Geralt just as he's ending her. What happens next is a product of that curse. His relationships with Ciri, Triss, and Yen will never be the same, ever again.

Themes: Foursome, Quasi-Incest, Dom/Sub


He eases the door to the wooden hut open slowly, his silver sword already in hand. Let it not be said that Geralt of Rivia doesn't know the meaning of subtlety. He can be subtle, he can be careful, he can utilize stealth.

Unfortunately, in this particular set of circumstances, it's pointless. As he slips inside of the witch's shack, he's immediately brought face to face with the monster herself, along with a boiling, bubbling cauldron. For a moment, Geralt goes still and so does the witch as her gnarled visage alights upon him. Only for a moment though, and then she's sneering at him and tossing something into the cauldron before her.

"Witcher! Finally, I will have my revenge! I curse you!"

As she points a claw-like finger at him, Geralt is already moving across the small space the shack provides, his silver sword raised.

"May your Fortunes be REVERSED! May-grk!"

His monster-slaying sword takes the female monster right in the chest, sliding in without much issue. At the same time however a bubble on the surface of the boiling cauldron bursts, and magic hits him right in the face. After all, he is currently leaning over said cauldron in order to impale the witch on his blade. Coughing and sputtering, Geralt is forced to stumble back. His silver sword slides out of the dead witch and the distinct thump of a corpse hitting the ground hits his ears.

The job is done it seems, but all the same, Geralt has still been hit with magic. Still, surely he'd stopped her from getting off her curse, right? This witch… he'd been hunting her for a couple of days now. There was only so much he could do to help Ciri, Triss, and Yen on their quest to reform the Lodge of Sorceresses in Novigrad. Until they'd either succeeded or failed, until Geralt knew what they were doing next, he had defaulted to doing what he did best… hunting monsters.

Straightening up, the Witcher looks himself over for a moment, patting himself down and considering how he feels. He doesn't feel… any different. The curse had been to… reverse his fortunes? Well, his bad luck was somewhat legendary, as it were, so he supposed he might not even notice if it got worse. If it did though, he'd just have to break the curse like he did with the previous one, which had been what had caused such ire in the monster he'd just slain in the first place.

Grunting, Geralt moves over to the witch's body and relieves her of her head before making his way out of the shack and back into Novigrad itself. Unbeknownst to the White Wolf, he was re-entering the city a changed man. Unbeknownst to Geralt of Rivia, the witch's curse had taken effect, at least in part. Geralt's fortunes were indeed now reversed… just not quite in the way the female monster intended them to be.

To be fair, if the witch had gotten the chance to finish the entirety of the curse, her own desires would have likely been taken more into account. Geralt would have been cursed with the worst of luck imaginable, there was no doubt about that. But as it currently stood, all she'd managed to get out was the very first line of her planned chant.

Unbeknownst to the witch, Geralt of Rivia was not a particularly lucky individual. Oh sure, if one were to look at his deeds and his life from the outside with a very vague, general misunderstanding of all that had happened to him, he might seem very lucky indeed. Escaping death so many times, living for so many years, being one of the last Witchers active on the continent… surely, Geralt of Rivia had to have positive luck, right?

Wrong. Geralt of Rivia was a tragic individual by nature, and his luck had ALWAYS leaned towards the negative. The reason he was still alive after all of his experiences, all of his brushes with death, was not luck, but pure skill. On top of that, for those few circumstances where skill wasn't enough, Geralt had some of the most powerful women in the world looking after him. From Yennefer of Vengerberg, to Triss Merigold, to Ciri herself… these three women were constants in making sure that Geralt stayed alive, even when Fate itself had decreed it was his time.

In the end, the White Wolf was not what you would call lucky, if you had all the facts. Until now…


There's a frown on Geralt's face by the time the Witcher makes it back to their temporary accommodations in Novigrad. He had of course kept an eye out for any signs that the witch might have cursed him with bad luck. So far though… it seemed fine? No, more than fine, he was beginning to get a little confused by just how good things were going for him.

For instance, he was used to fighting tooth and nail for what he was rightfully owed for a job. Everyone liked to haggle, and everyone especially liked to haggle with a Witcher. It's like they heard 'Toss a Coin to your Witcher' and took that to mean one coin only. Regardless, Geralt had become used to asking for a high amount of coin, so that he could then haggle down to his preferred amount.

Which is why it was so surprising when the man who'd hired him to remove the curse from his daughter and kill the witch who had cursed her in the first place had been perfectly happy to give Geralt his first agreed-upon sum. It wasn't like it was outside of the nobleman's price range or anything like that, but usually negotiations for payment NEVER went that well.

That alone wasn't that odd, but on his way back, it was like he couldn't go ten feet without coming across a Crown or two just lying on the ground, glittering in the sunlight. And then there was the thief that he'd managed one of the smoothest moves he'd ever done on, tripping the thug up, snatching the stolen good from his hands as the thug went sprawling, and handing them back to the wailing shopkeeper as she came running up like it was no big deal.

Geralt could be suave, he could be smooth, but he usually had to work harder for it. By nature, he was a grumpy, stone-faced sort of fellow. Which was why it was a surprise how the shopkeeper called him a hero, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and thanked him profusely. And even the guards who came running up a moment later didn't have a mean comment for him, merely giving him respectful nods and collecting the thug for judgment and punishment.

It was… all of it was ultimately rather normal, Geralt supposed, but his life had never been normal. That was what made it strange. Still, it wasn't a bad strange, so as he steps into the house, he puts it out of his mind… only for a pair of familiar sorceresses to appear at either side of him.

"Geralt, there you are. Triss and I had something we wished to discuss with you."

"That's right. Would you accompany us upstairs, please?"

Triss Merigold and Yennefer of Vengerberg. Geralt had admittedly slept with a lot of women in his long life, but these two were the closest to what he would call actual lovers, rather than simple bed partners, or if you wanted to be crude about it, fuck mates. Geralt had feelings for both women that went beyond the physical… and he was quite sure both women had feelings for him that went beyond the physical as well.

Eyeing them both, trying to see past Yen's enigmatic smile and Triss' cheery grin, Geralt doesn't have much luck. With a sigh, he nods his head.

"Very well…"


That's how the White Wolf finds himself stripped naked and being shackled to a bed by a pair of absolutely gorgeous and stunning sorceresses, who by this point had themselves stripped down to nothing save for sets of extremely high-class lingerie. The shackles are a surprise though, but he doesn't resist for the time being, even as Yen and Triss lean over him, tricking him onto his back and slipping the manacles they've hidden beneath the pillows around his wrists.

He lets them lock in place, and only then does he growl and pretend to strain against them, eyes narrowing as he looks up at the two minxes who have both declared their love for him and their willingness to share him.

"You two… what is this?"

In another timeline, this would be the moment where Geralt would find out that his philandering ways had finally caught up to him. His love for Yen and Triss and his inability to choose between them would end with him losing them both, because in that timeline his luck still bent towards the negative. In this timeline however, things have changed.

The two sorceresses actually DID come to an accord in the time since Geralt had been 'cursed' with good luck, and more than that, they'd come to a decision that would be quite the surprise to Geralt, even beyond them teaming up to share him. Exchanging smiles, Triss and Yen look back to Geralt and shrug their beautiful bared shoulders.

"You've been a bad boy, Geralt. So, you're going to lay back and let us have our wicked way with you."

"That's right… it's our turn to be in control, Geralt."

A low growl erupts from the White Wolf's throat. As all three of them know, Geralt isn't the kind of man who ever willingly gives up control in the bedroom. He's the kind of man who's part beast, who will fuck you into the bed until you can't even walk the next day, and he's the kind of man who will make you love every moment of the experience as well. Yen and Triss can both attest to that, as can a number of other sorceresses, as well as most of the whores here in Novigrad.

"… You realize when I get free of these shackles, I'm going to pay you both back tenfold, right?"

Yen's smile is as enigmatic as ever, but Geralt knows her better than most, and can see the delight and excitement at the idea in her beautiful lilac eyes. Triss, meanwhile, doesn't even bother hiding it as her grin grows wider. The red head is the one who answers for them.

"We'll look forward to it. Though I wonder… will you treat Ciri the same way?"

That throws Geralt off. But before he can give a response, the door opens and in steps Cirilla. Ciri, the Ashen-Haired woman as some called her… but to Geralt, she was simply daughter. Except, his daughter had done a lot of growing up in the time they'd been apart. Ciri really was a beautiful young woman these days, and it showed in the lingerie she was wearing, a similar set to what Triss and Yen both have on.

Geralt immediately pulls against the chains.

"Ciri… what are you two doing? This isn't…"

"It was my idea, daddy."

Ciri's voice causes him to still, which was probably a good thing because the wooden bed posts were beginning to creak and strain under his strength, not that the Witcher had noticed. As far as he knows, he's still trapped.

"I want it, daddy. I want… you."

Geralt's breath hitches, the old Witcher tensing as Ciri moves forward, as she crawls onto the bed and up it's length. The entire time, her green eyes never leave his face. The entire time, Geralt is struggling, not outwardly, but internally. He's struggling with himself, because this… all of this is playing out like his deepest, darkest fantasies.

Well, perhaps not the manacles, Geralt really isn't into being the one not in control. But there's no denying the truth… ever since he got back his adoptive daughter, it's been harder and harder to see her as his child, as the child she once was. And easier and easier to view her as the bright, driven, and altogether striking young woman she's become.

Ciri bites her lower lip as she slides her panties to the side with one hand, while slipping the other around his cock. He was already hard from Yen and Triss, the two beautiful sorceresses in their erotic get-ups making him unbelievably erect. But said erection certainly hasn't flagged one bit since Ciri entered the room. Despite his misgivings about all of this, despite his guilt… his body has been honest where his mouth hasn't.

He does want her, he wants Ciri… and in truth, having her call him 'daddy' as she told him that she wanted him back had only made him more aroused.

Lifting her hips up, Ciri barely bothers with foreplay as she leans forward and brings her face inches from his, while rubbing his cockhead against her slit. She's already absurdly wet, and it boggles the mind to realize he's the one who made her that way. Unless Triss and Yen were playing with Ciri before all of this, the mental images of which make Geralt even more erect, but even still, her desire for him is palpable in numerous ways.

"I want you inside of me, daddy. I want you to stir me up with this big, hard cock of yours~"

And then, because Ciri has never been one to shy away from putting actions to her words, the young woman impales herself on his cock, dropping down onto his length and groaning happily as her wet folds and slick insides cling to his shaft, swallowing more and more of him by the moment. She drops down onto his member, and a moment later she's kissing him, her hands coming up to lace with his hands as she begins to ride him and ride him hard.

Where did his darling little girl learn to ride a man like a fucking stallion? Up and down Ciri goes, and Geralt is so distracted by how GOOD she feels wrapped around his dick that he almost misses what she's trying to pass him as their fingers intertwine. It would have been rather embarrassing, if he'd dropped the key to his shackles that she was attempting to give him.

As it is, he recognizes the cold metal being pressed from her palm to his in time, even as their tongues dance together, their kissing resulting in an aggressive makeout session. Their fingers twine together for a moment as Ciri uses the temporary act of handholding to cover for passing him the means to his freedom. Then, she pulls back, disengaging from both his hands and lips as Geralt closes both of his hands into fists.

"You'll know when to use it, daddy~"

Ciri's voice is little more than a whisper in his ear as she pulls away, and the reason why is the same reason Geralt doesn't get a chance to answer her. Yen and Triss are suddenly there, on either side of them. The two sorceresses are smiling happily as Ciri leans back and begins to ride Geralt up and down, moaning all the while. Yen reaches out to rest a hand on Ciri's ass, while Triss plays with the Ashen-Haired young woman's tits.

"You're so beautiful, Ciri. Isn't she, Geralt?"

"He might not be able to put it into words, but the way his thick cock pulses inside of you makes it clear that he agrees, Ciri. Go on then… show him how much you love your daddy."

And Ciri does. Moaning 'daddy' near-constantly, the gorgeous young woman, the Lady of Space and Time, rides her adoptive father to kingdom cum. Her first orgasm on her cock is met with much fanfare from both Yen and Triss, and it surprises Geralt just how… enthusiastic and slutty both women are acting. He would expect as much from Triss, but even Yen is dropping her mysterious, enigmatic façade for this, and that's rather shocking.

"I remember the first time Geralt made me cum on his cock. It's a glorious feeling, to be sure."

"Yen is right, Geralt really knows how to fuck a woman… mm, though Ciri is doing all of the work right now, Geralt. When are you going to get more… active?"

Triss' teasing tone provokes a low growl from Geralt's chest, but when he looks up at Ciri, his adoptive daughter has a twinkle in her green eyes and mouths 'not yet' to him before covering it with a toss of her head and another wanton moan. Geralt grunts, and for the time being settles for thrusting up into the beautiful young woman from below, remaining shackled… for now.

Ciri yelps and squeaks and squeals as he begins to show that just because he's on bottom, doesn't mean he IS a bottom. Ramming up into her slick, wet, extremely tight twat from below, Geralt is rewarded with wanton moans and more orgasms as time goes on. Not just from Ciri either. Triss and Yen are getting more into it as well. While they do keep one hand apiece occupied with playing with Ciri's bouncing body, their unoccupied hands have disappeared down between their thighs, the two sorceresses playing with themselves as they soak in the sight.

Finally, Geralt feels himself getting close. Knowing exactly why Ciri ran for all these years, he calls out to her, not wanting to make any sort of decision like this for her.

"Ciri… I'm close to cumming!"

Green eyes meet his and Ciri smiles as she plants her hands palm down on his chest. Instead of pushing off of him entirely however, the young woman begins to ride him all the harder.

"Inside, daddy. If it's you… I don't mind~"

A moment later, Yen is in his ear, her lips near the side of his head.

"Do it, Geralt. Knock our baby girl up. I want to be a grandmother"

Triss joins her fellow sorceress on his other side, breath hitching as she continues to play with herself.

"A-And I'll be, mm, the g-great auntie… fucking do it, Geralt!"

With such encouragement, how can he not? He thrusts up into Ciri one more time and begins to cum. In response, Cirilla positively shrieks as she orgasms explosively. This turns out to be the trigger for both Yen and Triss as well because they let out wanton moans right into his ears as they shudder and convulse on either side of him.

Now is the time, Geralt realizes with startling clarity. He recovers from his climax a lot faster then the three gorgeous women occupying the bed with him do, so it's easy as all hell to take the key Ciri slipped him earlier and undo his manacles. He undoes one and then the other without either Yen or Triss noticing, and then makes it seem like they're still clasped firmly around his wrists for the moment as the two sorceresses finally recover.

"Me next!"

That's Triss of course, and it draws quite the scowl from Yennefer as she glares at her fellow sorceress.

"I think we agreed that I would go second, Merigold."

Before their argument can grow at all, Ciri is pulling off of his cock with a groan that distracts the two sorceresses.

"Quit your bickering… shouldn't it be daddy's choice?"

Yennefer and Triss both scoff at that… only to stiffen when Geralt reaches out with his unshackled hands and laces a hand through the hair of both of them, gripping tightly and growling deeply in a bestial fashion.

"Yes, Ciri… I think it is."


"… You two are such sluts…"

Geralt can't help but mutter this as he finds himself sitting on the edge of the very same bed where his adoptive daughter just rode him to kingdom cum. Now, to be fair, Ciri was on her knees right alongside Triss and Yen right now, but she wasn't a slut or a whore, she was daddy's little girl, and even if he knocked her up, she'd always be that to him.

Yen and Triss however… the two are eager to put their tongues to work on his cock and balls along with Ciri, enjoying slobbering all over his cock with their mouths as they kneel there. They accepted the shift from captors to captives way too damn easily, in Geralt's opinion. Both women were powerful sorceresses in their own right. Both women had access to magic that could damn well erase him from the face of the world.

Not that Geralt expected them to do so, but the way they basically both immediately gave up once he had them in his grasp was a little suspicious. Not that he was going to complain, in the end.

Pulling back off of his cock for a moment, Yennefer's lilac eyes twinkle up at him. Triss does the same, leaving his balls alone as she too looks up at him. The sorceresses glance at one another, as if coming to unspoken agreement, and then Yennefer speaks.

"Sluts for you and you alone… Master."

"That's right… we're a pair of naughty, horny little bitches who deserve to be punished and disciplined… by our well-hung stud of a Master."

What? Geralt's brain shorts out for a moment at that, and he finds himself blinking dumbly down at the two sorceresses. Both Triss and Yen are insanely independent women, who have always chafed under the rules and laws set down by others. Geralt opens his mouth and then closes it again, unable to find the words. Seeming to recognize his bewilderment, Yen just smiles.

"If it's you, I don't mind being taught a lesson, Master. Triss and I… we've had our fun. We're ready to settle down. Ready to be with you forever."

Geralt doesn't know what to say… or rather, he does know, doesn't he? Ciri though, is the one who puts it into words.

"Go on daddy… take control of your sluts."

With a growl, Geralt reaches out and guides the two sorceresses back down to his cock.


Yen and Triss moan happily as they retake their places and begin to worship his cock once again. Yen has center stage and is all too eager to swallow his massive member whole as she looks up at him with those beautiful purple eyes just brimming with arousal and desire. Triss, meanwhile, has been regulated to ball-sucking duty, and seems to be quite taken with the task ahead of her. She slurps and sucks and laps at Geralt's nut sack like it's her life's goal, like it's her driving ambition.

Ciri, kneeling on the other side of Yen, just smiles and helps out where she can. She licks and laps at the side of Geralt's cock whenever Yennefer isn't swallowing him whole. Her tongue darts in and then darts back out as Yen positively inhales his member, taking him to the base.

"Cock-hungry sluts…"

It's taking a little while for Geralt to get the hang of this. He's not… he's never been much of a talker in the first place, so dirty talk also wasn't something he was overly well-versed in. He usually let his actions speak for him, which in the bedroom translated to lots of growls and grunts and groans as whichever woman he was fucking howled and shrieked and screamed her way through climax after climax.

Still, the effect that his words were having on Yen and Triss was palpable. The way both women had started calling him Master, and all but begged him to… what, collar them? Leash them? Geralt… Geralt could get used to this.

"Keep sucking, you two. You've both been very naughty indeed. Your punishment is just getting started."

As Yennefer inhales his cock all the more greedily, Triss pulls back, her eyes filled with liquid need as she licks her lips and looks up at him.

"Yesss, discipline us, Mas-mmph!"

But Geralt grabs her by her hair and forcefully guides her back down to his balls, even as he grins wickedly.

"Did I ask for your opinion, slut? Get back down there and put that overly active mouth of yours to good use."

And so Triss does. Triss swallows his balls while Yen swallows his cock and Ciri just sits back and helps where she can. Having all three women kneeling before him in submission, worshipping his genitals with their mouths… is it any wonder that Geralt doesn't last long?


He almost warns them, like he did Ciri. But at the last moment, something tells him not to. Something tells him it would be more fun to surprise Yen and Triss and Ciri and leave them dripping with his seed. So, without warning, Geralt begins to cum. His cock suddenly pulsing as he ejaculates causes Yen's lilac eyes to widen and the raven-haired sorceress to jerk back involuntarily in surprise. From there, his cum sprays everywhere, coating the two sorceresses as well as his adoptive daughter in white, hot essence.

Grinning a little as he looks down at them, Geralt chuckles.

"You look good like that, the three of you. Real good."

Ciri smiles back at him, while Triss and Yen both blush in response. Even if they're very into this whole Master-Pet thing they've drawn him into, it's incredibly obvious that neither woman is at all used to being so casually humiliated and disgraced. They're going to have to get used to it though, because really… Geralt is just getting started.


He fucks Triss first over Yen. There's no real reason for it, though if he was pressed, he might have used the fact that Yen got his cock while Triss got his balls as an excuse for why he might plow Triss afterwards. But honestly, the real, actual reason is far less… meaningful. Ultimately, Yennefer is knelt in front of him, with Triss and Ciri on either side of her. Which makes it a lot easier for Geralt to yank Triss up by her red hair and toss the sorceress face down onto the bed behind him.

His cock still rock hard and his libido raging, Geralt has never been more driven. With a loud growl, he gets up behind Triss just as she's pushing herself up onto her hands and knees and looking back at him. Grabbing her by her beautiful hips, he holds her steady and grins as he teases her cunt lips with the head of his slobber and saliva coated cock.

"Beg me, slut. Tell me how badly you want this."

He's vaguely aware of Yennefer's muffled moans and the smacking of lips against lips behind him. If Ciri wants to play with her adoptive mother and prepare Yen for her turn while Geralt deals with her slut of an 'aunt', then that's perfectly fine by him. The White Wolf will get his due… he always does.

"P-Please, Master… please fuck this worthless whore's cunt. Please punish me for my transgressions, teach me a lesson for trying to steal you away from Yen!"

Well, that he can certainly do. With a snarl, Geralt thrusts forward, taking Triss from behind doggystyle right then and there. He keeps ahold of her fiery red locks as he does it, pounding into her from behind but also pulling her head back, forcing her spine to arch beautifully as the gorgeous sorceress moans and shrieks in ecstasy.

"That's right. I haven't forgotten how you tried to manipulate me, cunt. You thought you could control me, didn't you?"

"N-No, I-ah!"

Geralt yanks on her hair and growls over her.

"Didn't you?!"

"Y-Yes! Yes, I w-wanted you! I always w-wanted you! I'm sorry, I'm sorry Master!"

Geralt forgave her long ago, but it's reason enough for him to fuck her all the more brutally, so he takes it, even as he continues to practice his dirty talk on the gorgeous red head beneath him. It's strange, because Geralt of Rivia is INCREDIBLY good at sex. Dirty talk? Not so much, but every time he degenerates and derides Triss, every time he insults her and calls her some degrading name, she tightens up beautifully around his cock.

So, Geralt keeps it up. He also spanks her with his free hand, giving her gorgeous booty a few smacks on each cheeks in time with his strikes even as he continues to use her hair like reins, holding her head up in the air so he can hear every ounce of her beautiful voice as she shrieks and wails and cums her brains out upon his cock.

"That's right, bitch… take it, fucking take it all."

And then he's cumming inside of her, filling Triss with his seed. He pumps the hot, thick load deep into the beautiful red head's womb. No need to ask for permission this time. Not only does Triss seem to WANT him to treat her like trash, she's a sorceress, and Geralt knows full well that that means she's barren and can't get pregnant anyways.

… Though technically as a Witcher, Geralt is sterile as well. Yet, for some reason he'd been worried that he was going to get Ciri pregnant? To be fair, given how out of this world his adoptive daughter was, he wouldn't put it past her to be able to carry his child, even though his seed was supposed to be incapable of taking root in a woman's womb.

Either way, there's no worry of that happening with Triss, right? So, Geralt cums inside of her, and he quite enjoys her spasms as she orgasms around his cock one last time in response. Then, he drops her onto the bed and turns to regard Yennefer and Ciri, his cock still ready and raring for another go. Yennefer stiffens up when his attention falls on her, while Ciri's smile grows as she continues to whisper sweet nothings into her adoptive mother's ear.

The two are standing when Geralt turns around, with Ciri behind Yen and fingering the older woman, her digits pistoning in and out of the gorgeous raven-haired sorceress' visibly dripping pussy lips. Of course, a moment after Geralt gives them his undivided attention, Ciri laughs and pushes Yen right into his arms.

Geralt responds by slamming the perfectly sculpted woman down onto the bed. Unlike Triss, he takes her on her back (though by the end of the night he suspects he'll take all three of them in every position imaginable). Ciri has completely cleaned Yen's face at this point, likely with her tongue, so there's no disgust as Geralt leans forward and captures her lips with his own, in a deep, dominating kiss. She melts beneath him, acting more submissive then he's ever seen her. When he pulls back, wanton desire fills her lilac eyes.


Geralt grunts at that… and reaches out to give Yen's tits a casual slap. She yelps at the sudden impact, and blushes prettily… but doesn't move her arms up to defend her sensitive mammaries. So, Geralt slaps them again, spanking them, after a fashion.

"I can almost say I would expect this from Triss. She's a thirsty, desperate slut and always has been. But were you really hiding this whorish side of yourself under all of that calm and poise, all this time?"

Blushing profusely at the way he's calling her out, Yen averts her gaze for a moment. Geralt reaches down and grabs her by her perfectly sculpted jaw, forcing her to look back at him as he grins wickedly.

"Then again, I suppose I should have known back when you let me tear your favorite panties off of you with my teeth before fucking you on the back of that stuffed unicorn in Skellige."

The naturally pale sorceress' blush grows even redder, while Geralt's enhanced hearing picks up choked gasps from both Triss and Ciri in the background. Chuckling to himself, that's the moment where the White Wolf decides to penetrate Yennefer of Vengerberg and make her his bitch well and truly. Holding Yen by her ankles, he pushes her legs back against her body, even as he drives every last inch of his thick, massive cock into her sopping wet cunt.

As Yen cries out from the penetration, Geralt growls down at her.

"Triss might have tried to steal me away from you… but you've been running from what's between us for a long, long time, haven't you slut?"

It's an experiment of sorts, but just like with Triss, it seems directly disparaging Yennefer with insulting names like slut and whore and bitch… really do it for her. She moans and her lilac eyes flutter as she nods in delirious pleasure. But a nod isn't good enough, so Geralt slaps her naked pale tits again, drawing a shriek of pain and pleasure from her, followed by an answer.

"Y-Yes! Yes, I f-fought it for so long… b-but I know now! I know we were always meant to be together, Master!"

Really, it's still a little strange to have two women like Triss and Yennefer making him their Master… but it's also growing on him. Geralt assumes it'll be in the bedroom only, just like Ciri's whole 'daddy' thing, but even still, he could get used to this. Grinning, Geralt places a hand around Yen's pale throat and squeezes slightly… and is rewarded with Yen's cunt squeezing down around his cock, right back.

"You're mine now… even more than before. I'm not going to let you go after this, you understand right? You're my slut, my whore, my cunt… my mischievous little bitch."

Yen nods emphatically as best she can as he lightly chokes her, agreeing with everything he's saying. In response, Geralt fucks her harder, pounding down into her from above and quickly bringing her to her first orgasm. Her first, but certainly not her last. Again, and again he pounds into her, and again and again Yennefer cums around his cock. He has to admit, he is a little bit surprised by how submissive she's acting.

He's always been the one to take the lead in their sexual encounters, but Yennefer usually always gave as good as she got, refusing to back down, always acting like sex was a battlefield. Geralt usually won, of course, but Yennefer fought hard. This time, she doesn't fight. She submits, letting him fuck her for as long and as hard as he wants. Oh, certainly she participates, her hips lifting up off the bed as her fingers claw at the bedding itself. Her inner walls clench and squeeze around his cock all the while as he fucks her to his heart's content.

But there's no fight in it… Yennefer of Vengerberg truly has become his, submitting to him in every way that matters. The realization is a striking one… and it makes her fuck her all the harder, until finally he cums inside of her, just like he did Triss and Ciri. Shuddering happily, Yennefer's eyes roll back in her head and she has the biggest smile on her face as she lays there beneath him, twitching and shaking.

She looks… beautiful. But Geralt is far from done as he pulls out of her with a grunt.

"My turn, daddy!"

Well, she wasn't wrong… but Geralt still turns to Ciri and raises an eyebrow, giving her a wicked sort of grin.

"And what makes you think I have it in me to go again, Cirilla? After the three of you all sucked me dry four times."

Ciri's eyes dart down to his cock, which they both know is nowhere near flagging. His big fat schlong, which even now is standing proud at full mast still, pointed directly at his adoptive daughter. Geralt is getting good at the bedroom talk, to his mild surprise. He's even having fun with it, as shocking as that realization is.

"Oh, I'm sorry daddy… do I need to help you out with that?"

Ciri seems like she's going to be all too happy to drop to her knees right then and there and engage in another round of cock worship on the spot… but truth be told, Geralt was just messing with her. He has no desire to waste any more time not buried deep inside of Cirilla's gorgeous, wet twat. And their first time together wasn't how he preferred to fuck his women anyways.

With a growl, Geralt grabs Ciri by her ashen hair and pulls her in to a deep, tongue-filled kiss. Then, he tosses the little minx up onto the bed, where she lands with a happy squeal and immediately assumes the position. Face down, ass up, Ciri wiggles her hips back and forth. Not to be outdone however, Yen and Triss are quick to move into position as well on either side of her.

Just like that, Geralt has three gorgeous women, all already creampied once on his fat cock, lined up in front of him. Needless to say, no matter how beautiful he finds both Yen and Triss, it's Ciri's turn right now. Moving into position, he climbs up behind the middle of the three women and lines up his cock with Ciri's dripping wet, utterly messy twat.

Not that he ignores either of the beautiful sorceresses kneeling beside her as he buries himself inside of Cirilla though. Even as Ciri's moans of 'daaaaddyyy!' fill the air, Geralt reaches out and sinks two fingers into both of their cunts, filling Triss and Yen with his digits from behind and pistoning his fingers in and out of the two of them to get them ready for whenever he gets around to them next.

In response, the gorgeous sorceresses moan wantonly as they look back over their shoulders at him, giving him some serious bedroom eyes. Honestly, having them look at him like that as he's fucking Cirilla between them… if they don't stop, he's going to cum far too fast. With a growl and thinking quickly, Geralt comes up with an idea.

"You two sluts have been at odds for far too long. It's good that you bitches have finally realized that you both belong to me… but I want to see some making up before I'll fuck either of you again. Got it?"

"Oooh, yes Master~"

"As Master wishes!"

His gruff demeanor seems to definitely do it for them both as Triss and Yen turn to one another and lean in closer. Meeting over Ciri's arched back, the gorgeous sorceresses embrace and begin to kiss and 'make up', their tongues intertwining as they swap spit and smack lips together. It's more of a show for him then them actually kissing one another, truth be told, and Geralt is more than experienced enough with whores to know the difference.

With a derisive snort, the White Wolf pulls his fingers out of Yen and Triss for a moment and delivers positively stinging spankings to both of their backsides.

"Do better."

His vague command is met by their best effort to stick their tongues down each other's throats and even wrap their arms around one another as they press their breasts together, moaning into each other's mouths… and yelping as Geralt spanks both of them again and again. Fucking Ciri hard from behind, enjoying her constant begging for 'harder daddy, harder!' Geralt alternates between fingering and spanking the two sorceresses on either side of his adoptive daughter.

There's no doubt in his mind that both Yen and Triss deserve quite a lot of discipline for how ornery and belligerent they've both been over the years. If they were really willing to put themselves in his hands now and give up their freedom by naming him their Master… then Geralt would be sure to give them both exactly what they deserved. That it just so happened to also be exactly what they both wanted was merely icing on the cake.

By the time he's cum inside of Ciri again, he's brought both Triss and Yen to climax once apiece with nothing but his fingers in their cunts and the rapid striking of his palms against their backsides. The two have certainly gotten closer in the meantime, so close that they continue to makeout with one another even as he drags Yen over Ciri's body and pushes Triss onto her back.

As his adoptive daughter recovers from her face down, ass up White Wolf special, with an emphasis on the white that's even now slowly beginning to coalesce and drip out of her well-fucked twat, Geralt has Yen and Triss in a lover's embrace, with Yennefer on top of Triss and Triss on the bottom, and their slutty, dripping wet pussy lips grinding together.

Their writhing bodies make for the perfect fresh hole for him to fuck, and Geralt happily slides in between their juicy wet slits with ease, enjoying the way their cunt lips try to cling to the side of his cock as he thrusts in and out, effectively fucking them both at the same time, using their pussies for his own pleasure. Eventually Ciri rejoins the three of them, wrapping her arms around him from behind and pressing her breasts into his back as she whispers ideas into his ear for what he can do to the two sluts next. His darling daughter wants nothing more than to please her daddy, after all…

That's just the beginning though. As Geralt expected, the four of them go at it for several long hours, well into the night and nearly into morning. By the time they're done, which ultimately comes when HE's finally done, after he's completely spent every single ounce of his prodigious stamina on plowing the three women silly… there's no going back to the way things were.

Splayed out on the bed, covered in bodily fluids from all of them, the foursome curls up together. Ciri and Triss end up curled into Geralt's sides, while Yen ends up between his legs. Arguably the haughtiest of the three women who had decided to submit to him, Yen had ultimately ended up there because… well, because she couldn't resist trying to push Triss down. Even though she called Geralt Master, even though she'd obeyed his order to kiss and 'make up' with the red head, there were numerous times over the course of the night where she'd made both subtle and unsubtle attempts to create a hierarchy in their new four way relationship.

She'd been all too content to let Ciri have first claim to her daddy, but she seemingly hadn't liked the idea of Triss and her being equals, or even Merigold being above her. Unfortunately for her, Ciri was having none of it from her adoptive mother. Geralt might have let Yen and Triss compete for his affections like they always had, if Ciri hadn't stepped in and put a final stop to it.

Now, as Ciri and Triss lean in to Geralt's sides, it's Yennefer who's tied up, her arms bound behind her back as she lays there prone, Geralt's cock in her mouth. Her lilac eyes all but glow in the dim light of the bedroom, and she stares up at Geralt, even as she continues to suck dutifully at her new Master's shaft.

In the end, that witch and whatever curse she'd tried to cast on him had completely slipped out of Geralt's mind. To be fair, would you remember something like that after several hours of rearranging your relationships with the three most beautiful women in your life into that of sexual domination? Yeah, it's safe to say that Geralt has completely forgotten about that little attempt to mess with his luck.

It's also safe to say that the four of them will be doing this again. Nothing can go back to normal after this. Ciri and Geralt can't just be father and daughter anymore, not when Geralt is Ciri's 'daddy' now and the little minx is oh so eager to get fucked by him day in and day out. And after spending an entire evening calling him Master, Geralt isn't going to let Yen or Triss forget their subjugation any time soon.

Nor will the two sorceresses want to, either. There will be no regrets, no second thoughts, and no take backs when morning comes. Both Triss and Yen have had enough regrets and second thoughts to last a lifetime… nay, two lifetimes. They're finally where they belong, with the man they love… and they won't give that up for the world. Neither will he. Neither will Ciri.

The four of them, for better or for worse, are stuck together. Now they just have to go and save the world to have their happily ever after.


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