Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Godly Union (Percy Jackson)

A Godly Union (Percy Jackson)

A/N: A Godly Union was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written back in 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Percy is, above all else, loyal to his family. With Annabeth having rejected him after the Titan War, Percy is selected to forge an alliance with the Egyptian gods by marrying Bast.

Themes: Godly Sex, Rough Sex, Wedding Night


Life comes at you fast. He remembered seeing that phrase as part of an insurance company's ad campaign, shortly before… well, shortly before life had come at him VERY fast. Nationwide, if he wasn't misremembering it. And as much as it had become a slogan for that insurance company, Percy Jackson had to admit, it was undeniably true. At the very least, it'd proven to be undeniably true for him.

It was just one thing after the other, at the end of the day. He hadn't really had a moment's respite since he'd been attacked by a monster disguised as his teacher back when he was just twelve years old. Now here he was, older… but not quite sure that he was really any wiser. That was okay though, or at least, it'd always been okay because Percy, no matter where he went, no matter where he ended up, no matter what befell him, almost always found himself surrounded by wiser people who could take care of the thinking part of the situation.

For a lot of those situations, it'd been Annabeth Chase who'd taken up the role, to the extent that he'd named her his Wise Girl (leaving off the 'his' part because of course no one owned another person…). For the longest time, Percy had thought he and Annabeth would spend the rest of their lives together. But alas, it seemed that was not to be.

He'd never gotten an actual reason for it. It was honestly still a mystery to him, why Annabeth had rejected him, why it'd not worked out between them. Maybe it'd had something to do with Luke, but Percy hadn't even gotten the chance to ask. One day she was there, his Wise Girl, and the next she was gone, and Percy was adrift, unmoored… utterly unsure what to do with himself now that she was gone. Luckily, he didn't stay that way for long.

As was always the case, there were those who had plans for him. As was mostly the case, 'those' were the Olympian Gods, who had both a reward for his service, and yet another task for him to accomplish on their behalf. Though Percy had to admit, out of all the impossible tasks they'd put in front of him, this one was both the easiest and the hardest. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say it was the weirdest.

Regardless, the deed was done. He was a God now… no, more importantly that, he was married to a Goddess. His godhood was barely a footnote in Percy's mind. Sure, it'd given him a body that the Aphrodite herself had favorably compared to Adonis (and certainly, the Goddess of Love would know) and sure he had never felt stronger, more confident, more capable of doing what might need to be done.

But his nascent godhood felt like it paled in comparison to the shotgun wedding he'd just taken part in. After all, his new wife, as evident by his surroundings, was not a Goddess of Mount Olympus. She was not a Greek Goddess at all. Looking around at the distinctly Egyptian Architecture, the bedchambers of his new wife, Percy can't help but purse his lips together a little and wonder… what now?

"Husband. You are pondering, aren't you?"

His wife's voice comes across like a purr… but then, given who she is, that makes no small amount of sense. Turning to regard her, Percy forces himself to smile… though, it's not too hard to do so. She really is gorgeous. Bast, the Egyptian Goddess of Felines, smiles right back at him, though it's a toothy thing as she prowls ever closer.

This was what the Olympian Pantheon had asked of him… though it was less of a request and more of an order. Still, with nothing better before him, Percy had been predisposed to say yes. With Annabeth's absence, he was suddenly free to marry without a single word of complaint. Bast may not have been his first choice, but that was more because he didn't know her, rather than because of anything he knew about her that disqualified her.

Ultimately, the Giants were on the rise again. The Second Titan War had shaken something loose, awakened old foes. But Percy wasn't a demigod anymore, he wasn't a mortal. He couldn't go adventuring any longer, the responsibilities of godhood shackling him in a way he probably should have been able to guess at.

What he could do, however, was act as something of a bargaining chip to the resurgent Egyptian Pantheon. Bast and her fellows were on the rise again, and as far as allies went, they were deities that those on Mount Olympus dearly wanted on their sides. And so, here he was, Bast's new husband, married to the Goddess of Felines. He had to admit, she was very beautiful. It wasn't a hardship, this-


This time, Bast's voice is a bit more clipped, resonant as the Goddess appears in front of him, tucking two fingers up under his chiseled chin and looking him directly in the eye as she does so. He's tall now… but then, both of them can be whatever they want to be. While Bast was small and agile when he first met her, she had changed that for their wedding, clearly not liking the idea of being any smaller than him.

In place of that original form she'd taken was a much taller woman. Still slender, but able to see eye to eye with his godlike visage. She still had the black hair, of course, as well as the lamp-like glowing yellow cat eyes. Unlike when they'd first met to finalize this arrangement, she's not currently wearing a skintight leopard-print leotard. Instead, she's wearing a traditional Egyptian wedding dress.

"Wife. Sorry. You're right, I was… pondering."

Bast snorts in amusement, even as she runs her hands down his front.

"I was assured you were a man of action, Perseus Jackson. I do hope that godhood has not left you so trapped that you cannot escape your own thoughts."

Her voice is less worried, and more aroused. Her tone is not truly concerned for him, but more filled with lust and desire. She's making her wants quite obvious, much like a cat. Playful, but also possessive and demanding. Well, Percy could work with that. His own hands come up to her sides, running along her body in the same way she's caressing his masculine chest.

"You're right again, wife. I can see that I was remiss, spending so much time in my own head when a vision of beauty was waiting in front of me."

His teasing tone, his confident words… Percy isn't really sure where it comes from. Maybe some aspect of his new godhood? Either way, it certainly has an effect. Bast flushes a little, but also arches her back in pride, just like a cat. Her glowing yellow eyes flicker and spark with excitement, and the next thing he knows, he's got two armfuls of Feline Goddess as she leaps into his grasp and wraps herself around his body, kissing him most forcefully.

Percy is of course rocked back, she's a Goddess after all… but he manages to plant himself and refrain from falling back onto the ground. Still, Bast jumped into his arms before either had a chance to get undressed, so despite clinging to him like a spider monkey, her feline claws sliding along his back and her legs wrapped around his waist… there was no way they could consummate the marriage like this. Or more appropriately, no way they could fuck like this.

So, with that in mind, given that her attentions are rapidly bringing his length to full mast, Percy turns around and proceeds to drop them both onto the large bed that dominates the center of the chamber. Bast lets out an exhalation of air into his mouth as he does so, while Percy begins to move his hands down both of their bodies. He has to admit, he's just as eager to get started as she is.

Dark-skinned, long-legged, and absolutely gorgeous? She couldn't be further from Annabeth if she tried. And yet, even as Percy slides Bast's wedding dress up her long dark legs, and even as he frees his cock from it's confines… he can't help but think that he could grow to love this Feline Goddess. She's playful, in her own way. Different from Annabeth, yes. Objectionable? No.

His godly cock presses against Bast's immortal slit in short order, and the Goddess goes still beneath him at feeling him up against her like that. They pull their mouths apart briefly and look into one another's eyes. Percy can't say what compels him to do it, but the moment Bast opens her mouth to speak, he overrides her, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"I'm going to fuck you now, Bast. I'm going to make you my wife in the eyes of both our Pantheons, once and for all."

Bast, for all her seniority and the home field advantage she has, given their in the middle of Egypt right now, clams up, her mocha face going scarlet as she blushes profusely beneath him. Seeing this reaction, Percy can't help but roguishly grin… as he thrusts forward.

She's no virgin, of course. The Egyptian Pantheon isn't as obsessed with the concept of 'Virgin Goddesses' as the Greek Pantheon, from what he knows. But at the same time, Bast is no Goddess of Love, no Goddess of Marriage. She's a Goddess of Felines, the Queen of Cats. She can handle her own. Something in Percy wants to see her crumble though. Something in Percy, something growing, wants to see her beneath him, his goddess wife, thoroughly enjoying submitting to his cock.

And so, he fucks her, and in turn Bast yowls in ecstasy. She screeches and shrieks and claws at his form, tearing through the clothes he hasn't quite taken off just yet, though not quite managing to pierce his actual skin. Her claws rake across his back all the same, and in response Percy kisses her, savagely, their lips smashing together and their tongues dueling for supremacy.

To her credit, he never quite wins that wrestling match between their tongues. And though he's fucking her hard and fast, there comes a moment where Bast abruptly flips them both over, turning the tables on him so he's left on his back and she's the one making all the calls. Riding him, she still continues to kiss him all the same, rubbing their bodies together, much like a cat might.

Percy, of course, turns them over again after a time, only for Bast to do the same a bit later. Back and forth they go, sparring for supremacy, fighting while fucking, all at the same time. It is… most enjoyable. Even if he never gets what he wants, Percy still enjoys it. And to be fair, he can't quite say why he wants what he wants anyways… so it's fine, in the end.

The two of them fuck for what feels like an eternity, and when the time finally arrives, they cum together as well. He doesn't get a single orgasm from his new wife before then. Doesn't manage to make her cum buckets or force her to take on a fucked silly expression, or anything like that. Their entire first time together is a battle, a war really, and it's one that ends in a stalemate… or perhaps a ceasefire.

They cum together, a mutual exclamation of euphoric pleasure and ecstasy. They cry out in unison, his voice guttural and deep and hers high pitched and screeching. His seed fills her womb, and her cunt milks him of every last drop, even as her juices flow down his length. The two of them are frozen in place for several long moments, with him on top for the final bit. But just because he's atop her, doesn't mean he's come out on top.

As they finish, Percy lets out an exhausted breath and pulls out of his new wife, rolling off of her and onto his back as he stares up at the ceiling. The two of them rest together like that, side by side… until he suddenly feels a hand in his and looks down to see that Bast has entangled her fingers with his down below, between their bodies.

"… Very well done, Husband. You are everything I could have hoped for. Though I admit, you've deeply surprised me."

Blinking at that, Percy stares up at the ceiling and says the only thing he can think to say.

"Hopefully not in a disappointing way."

Chuckling, though even that she manages to make sound like a rumbling purr, Bast finally turns to face him. Percy turns to face her in turn, looking into the Egyptian Goddess' feline eyes as she smiles at him.

"You are strong, for being so new to your godhood. Strong and capable of growing stronger still. Perhaps you will surpass me one day, Perseus. Perhaps you will surpass all of us… but I will be content as your wife when that day comes."

He's… not even sure he can begin to impact everything in those words she just said. He's still struggling to work out a response when Bast lets out another purring chuckle and leans in close, placing a much more chaste kiss on his lips. Then, she bites his lower lip hard enough to draw blood, and as he's flinching back briefly from the pain, she gives him a feline grin, her yellow eyes twinkling with a mischief of her own.

"Though if you think I will ever stop testing you, think again Husband. I will be sure to keep you on your toes, no matter how powerful you become."

And then, despite her confrontational words, she leans in close and cuddles up to him, pushing into his chest and nuzzling into his neck. As Percy wraps his arms around her, still digesting what she'd said, he can't help but feel a little bewildered. At the same time, as far as cats go… she's certainly exactly what one would expect.


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