Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Princess’ Purpose (Hollow Knight)

A Princess’ Purpose (Hollow Knight)

A/N: A Princess' Purpose was a commissioned one shot originally written in September of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: After the events of Hollow Knight and the Dream No More Ending, Hornet leaves Hallownest behind to see what lies beyond its borders. 

Themes: Size Difference, Breeding, Fucked Silly


She was Hallownest's Princess-Protector, and for the longest time Hornet had believed that meant she would live and die in the ruins of Hallownest. She hadn't really seen a future for herself, all things considered, except to remain where she was, doing what she was doing, until the end finally came for her.

But rather than an end… HE had showed up. The Knight. And together, in spite of her melancholy and her belief that there was no hope, they had done it. She and her sibling, for that was what the Knight was in the end, had managed to beat not just the Hollow Knight, but the Radiance as well. Though Hornet herself could not take part in the final battle, she knew what must have happened.

The Knight had entered the dream where Radiance was imprisoned. He had challenged her. And he had won. The Infection was purged and the Black Egg had vanished from the temple. Hornet had awoken… to discover her sibling's shell broken in half in a crater at the center of the room. He was gone, but his sacrifice was not in vain. He'd done it. They'd done it.

In a way, it was an ending, Hornet supposed. But it was also a beginning, more of one than she had thought she would get. With the Infection gone, she no longer had anything left tying her to the Ruins of Hallownest. Perhaps one day it would be reborn anew, but not for a long, long time. She was one of the last living creatures in all of Hallownest… and to continue living, to thrive, she would have to go elsewhere.

And so the Princess-Protector had left Hallownest behind to see what lay beyond its borders. After days and days of traveling, she found herself in a new land… with a new people. She'd discovered a city of stone and metal and glass. This city was gigantic, easily a million times as big as Hallownest. Some might call this impossible. Some might say it didn't make sense.

But Hornet had seen it with her own two eyes, peeking out from under her shell as she darted from shadow to shadow to observe her new surroundings. It was indeed a giant city… for it WAS in fact a City of Giants. Yes, the reason it was so big, was because it had inhabitants that were also massive.

In fact, the City of Giants was filled with these new, strange creatures, more of them around then there had been bugs back in Hallownest. These giants were covered in flesh, with no chitin to protect them from the elements or from each other. And yet… and yet, they didn't truly seem to need it.

They covered themselves in cloth to protect against the elements, much like her cloak but more… manufactured and produced. They made great workings and used their large buildings to hold back the rain and other types of weather. Hornet had used those same buildings to avoid the rain more than once, hiding away in dark corners and keeping to herself even as she observed.

For you see, the City of Giants wasn't just populated by said giants… it was also populated by her kind. Seemingly mindless bugs of all sorts lived in the massive jungle of stone, metal, and glass. Millions upon millions. None of them were capable of speech, Hornet had looked far and wide to try to find them. They were… unintelligent creatures, one and all.

They were also a perfect example of how capable the giants truly were. Indeed, Hornet had watched time and time again in her observations as the giants slaughtered her mindless brethren. Most of the time, it was without even noticing, proof of their superior strength over bugkind. They were powerful, and so she found herself studying them carefully.

After all, Hornet might have left Hallownest behind, but she still had a duty to uphold. For the longest time, she had leaned more heavily into the protector part of her title as Princess-Protector. After all, in the ruins of a kingdom like Hallownest, what need was there for a Princess?

But now, she had nothing left to protect save for herself. And if she was a Princess… then was it not her duty to procreate? To remake a Royal Family, from which all intelligent bugkind could be reborn? It was… but she had balked, admittedly, at the thought of lying with the unintelligent and mindless bugs that populated the City of Giants.

They were little better than beasts. And she was supposed to fornicate with them? She could easily make it safe using her needle and silk to bind them first, but that wouldn't make it BETTER. No, rather… the very idea made her feel sick to her stomach.

On the other hand, the giants, who she had eventually found were called 'hoo-mins', were clearly intelligent. It had taken her a bit, but eventually she had deciphered the strange sounds they liked to make with their face-holes. They were capable of speech! It was nothing like her speech, nothing like the way everyone had talked back in Hallownest, but it WAS speech! And if they could communicate… that meant she could communicate with them.

They were big, yes. But… Hornet had to admit, she was intrigued. What would a crossbreeding between her and one of the hoo-mins result in? Would it bring a new species of bug into the world that was better able to survive in such harsh, unforgiving environments? Did she not owe it to her forefathers… and her sibling the Knight, to try?

Finding her resolve, Hornet had begun by pinpointing a hoo-min male she felt looked virile enough for her purposes. She watched him stare at a glowing screen every night, his phallus in his hand, and she watched him WASTE so much sperm it was enough to make her head spin. To be able to just throw away so much seed like that in a trash bin at the side of his chair… yes, he was clearly perfect.

Watching him for a week, following him from his next to another place and then back again, Hornet studied her prospective mate. She studied him… and prepared her plan. Watching was easy. Actually doing the deed would be much harder. Not just because of their difference in sizes, but because she needed to make sure he couldn't hurt her. She needed him vulnerable.

Fortunately, he spent several hours each night in a comatose space in his bed. The hoo-mins all did it, from what Hornet had observed. Sleep was something they all needed quite a lot of, a full third of their day dedicated to it most of the time.

It was the perfect time for her to strike, and so finally, Hornet slipped inside of the hoo-min's home as he fell into his usual sleep. Vulnerable before her, he doesn't respond as she uses her needle to tug back the blankets covering his body. Luckily, it is not a particularly cold night, because this hoo-min sleeps nearly naked, his flesh almost all exposed… except for the one part of his body she NEEDS exposed, the crotch.

Tch, annoying but not unmanageable. Waiting a moment to make sure the giant flesh-creature will not awaken from having his blankets removed, Hornet eventually nods and continues her plan. The next step is using her needle and silk to bind him, the glistening gossamer strands of silk tugging his massive limbs to the four corners of the bed, arresting his movement at the wrists and ankles.

Once again, she stops after finishing this, just to make sure he's not going to wake up on her. He does not… and that means she can finally move down to his crotch. Using her needle a third time, Hornet swiftly cuts a hole in the front of his crotch, being VERY careful not to touch the flesh beneath. Without chitin, she would likely make him bleed, and that would NOT be conducive to getting what she wanted out of this hoo-min.

Luckily, everything works just as planned. His genitals are freed from their confines with her precision strikes, and as they're exposed, they begin to grow and enlarge right before her eyes! Either hoo-mins were always in a natural state of arousal, or this particular giant flesh creature was having a very good dream indeed. All the better for her purposes either way!

Setting aside needle, Hornet moves in… and hugs the hoo-min's phallus to herself. She rubs her body up and down it, gasping a bit at the sheer HEAT radiating off of his member. Soon enough, his length along is almost as big as she is, standing tall and throbbing as she carefully climbs on top of it. Mounting the hoo-min is not all that difficult… but sitting atop his bulbous, throbbing cockhead, she presses her tight, tiny slit into it and wonders if she'll be able to get it to fit.

Still, there's nothing for it. She's in too deep to back out now! She's-!

"Hm…wah? Wha… what's going on? What the fuck?!"

Hornet stiffens, as the hoo-min comes alive under her. He tugs at his restraints, and then looks down at her, his eyes widening in what her observations have deemed to be shock and surprise. To be fair, she had expected that response… in the event that her chosen partner woke up. This was also why she'd done her best to learn their language… and how to communicate to them using her own form of speech.

"Please, do not be alarmed. I am merely extracting a load of your seed to fertilize my eggs and impregnate me. You waste so much of it in front of that screen every day anyways… you will not miss this much."

The hoo-min does the equivalent of gawking at her for a long moment, his lips smacking open and shut as she wiggles up and down upon his cock, trying to find purchase, trying to get even the tip of his massive phallus up inside of her tight, tiny cunt.

"You… uh… holy fuck, is this actually happening?"

Nodding her head, Hornet keeps most of her attention on the task at hand, that of impaling herself upon his cock, even as she answers him.

"It is, hoo-min. Please do not struggle, you will not be able to escape your bonds and you might hurt yourself on my silk."

Ah! She's finally making a bit of progress! Hornet lets out an involuntary coo as she finally starts to slip down his length. Meanwhile, the giant of flesh blinks owlishly.

"'Hoo-min'? Do you mean 'human'?"

Noticing the difference in inflection, Hornet nods distractedly, gasping as she slips another half inch onto the massive cock beneath her spread legs.

"A-Ah. Y-Yes. Human. Thank you for your consideration."

He snorts in amusement at that.

"I have a name, you know. It's Caleb."

Growing more and more distracted by the moment, Hornet shudders as she goes further and further. Name? Caleb? Strange, but if that was how he identified himself, who was she to judge? There was already so much that was incomprehensible to the Princess-Protector about these humans and their way of life… what was one more?

"Very… w-well… C-Caleb…"

She hopes that being agreeable and using his 'name' will make him look upon her more fondly. She knows that ultimately, what she's doing is in fact wrong. Even as she impales herself upon his massive cock, her stomach bulging from its immense size when compared to her, Hornet understands that she's doing this against his will. Tying him up? Coming to him in his sleep? Forcing it without asking for permission?

But… needs must. And she couldn't exactly risk everything by NOT tying him up in her silk. Her trusty needle had served her well back in the ruins, and it would no doubt serve her well here as well. As she starts to slowly slide up and down on his phallus, Hornet looks to the human Caleb, trying to gauge his current mood. If this first time goes well, maybe she can come back another time…

Just as that thought is passing through the Princess-Protector's mind however, she realizes that Caleb has a very interesting look on his fleshy human face. One that she's just beginning to learn means one of the giants of flesh is considering something.

That's the only warning she gets, before Caleb flexes his wrists… and easily snaps himself free of the silken bonds that were meant to hold him in place. Before Hornet can so much as react, having both set aside her needle out of her own reach AND impaled herself so far down his cock that she can't easily get off of it of her own accord… his hand closes around her torso and waist.

Hornet freezes up in shock. She'd completely underestimated the human's strength. And now, it would be her undoing. Facing her inevitable demise, she braces herself for Caleb to exercise some of that overwhelming strength to crush her body right then and there. But to her surprise… he doesn't. Instead, he gives her another considering look for a moment… before experimentally sliding her up and down his length. Hornet gurgles, his cock punching up much deeper into her than before now that he's in control.

"You want me to stop 'wasting my seed' do you? Sure… sure, I can do that."

Caleb's quiet muttering leaves Hornet reeling. Truly?! She had found the perfect giant, it would seem! Of course, that thought is quickly followed by a whole lot of incoherence as Caleb begins to ram her up and down his cock. He's not harsh enough to hurt her, seeming to recognize the difference in their sizes means she's quite fragile compared to him. But he definitely uses her for his own pleasure.

Having watched him night after night this past week, Hornet actually recognizes the technique. Normally it was just his hand against his dick, but right now her body is between his hand and cock as he slides her up and down his length. Her comparatively tiny body is ravaged by the giant, his thrusting up into her from below causing him to bottom out inside of her, going ball's deep with every powerful motion.

She tries not to let it get to her… but that's singularly impossible, because the more he fucks her, the more overwhelmed by the pleasure she gets. Letting out a tiny little squeal, Hornet finds herself orgasming upon the human giant's cock. Caleb seems to notice this, because he chuckles as he fucks up into her even harder, until it feels like he just might break her with his dick after all.

He never does, however. Instead, he cums. Maybe that's a bit anti-climactic, but that's how it is. He cums and Hornet experiences exactly what she was after. Be careful what you wish for though. His seed pumps and pumps into her womb, a huge load of human jizz flooding her most sacred of places. In that moment, there's not a doubt in Hornet's beleaguered mind. She can FEEL him fertilizing her eggs on the spot.

Shuddering, quivering, the Princess-Protector of Hallownest twitches for a moment… before finally passing out from the strain and pleasure. As darkness takes her, she can only really think one thing, even if she probably shouldn't.

Worth it.


When she awakens, she's a little surprised. Part of her had expected not to wake up at all, that she would die in her sleep. She was, after all, just a bug. And she had seen what the giants, the 'humans', did with bugs. But hey, those bugs WERE mindless. Maybe… maybe her intelligence set her apart? Maybe it made her worth keeping around?

Except… Hornet refused to be kept like a pet. She had seen those too in her observations. How sometimes the humans kept bugkind in cages or glass cases, or even buckets to eventually be fed to bigger creatures (though still much smaller than the human giants were)

She had no desire of becoming any of that, and so Hornet prepares to make her escape… only to flinch as a familiar voice calls out to her.

"Oh hey, you're awake. Sleep well?"

Caleb smiles at her, an expression Hornet has come to associate with positivity in her observations of the humans. Slowly, carefully, she nods, even as she stands and looks around for her needle. Luckily, it is nearby, right where she left it on the bed. Unfortunately… she knows it will have little effect on the human, just as her silk had little chance of holding him.

Still, she picks it up and sheathes it on her back as she watches the human Caleb cautiously.

"Had a proposition for you. You want me to try and breed you or something right? That's what you said?"

"… Yes."

Shrugging, the giant's smile grows wider.

"Then stay with me. Become my onahole and I'll breed you again and again and again."

That… sounded perfect to her. She didn't know what the term 'onahole' meant, she had not come across it a single time in all of her observations. But to be fair, she had only really observed the City of Giants for a little while. It was too massive for her to have explored every corner and every crevice, really. From context clues alone…

"Yes. I will become your 'onahole' and you will breed me so that I might create a new species of bugkind."

She could only imagine that 'onahole' meant something similar to mate. The smile on Caleb's face becomes rather goofy at her response.


"Shall we begin now?"

That takes him a bit aback, however. Hornet figures she knows why. He had already impregnated her after all. But… she was remembering the pleasure of the experience and wondering if maybe she could be his 'onahole' outside of simple breeding.

"… Uh yeah, let's do it!"

And thus began a beautiful relationship between a human giant and his bug onahole, for years and years to come.


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