Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Good Day (Goblin Slayer)

A Good Day (Goblin Slayer)

A/N: A Good Day was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in October of 2019. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which an OC known as Huntsman is asked by Guild Girl to go check on Priestess and the other's first quest in the first episode. Thanks to his presence, only Warrior meets his end at the hands of the goblin nest.

Themes: Rough Sex, Threesome, Loving Sex


He didn't usually party up with anyone. He was a lone wolf, and you could tell that mostly by his name. Huntsman… it didn't exactly imply anything but a solo experience. To be a hunter, one had to be quiet, quick, and capable of tracking their prey all on their own. While he had been hired by groups sometimes to act as a tracker, there was no denying that Huntsman preferred to work alone. There was also no denying that he was experienced enough to do so either.

Of course, that didn't tend to stop Guild Girl from trying to push groups onto him, from trying to keep him out of trouble. The blonde buxom lass was always worrying about him, always seemingly afraid that he wouldn't be able to handle the jobs he took. But Huntsman, standing at over six feet tall with a muscular but lithe build, spiky black hair, and amber-colored eyes, never took a job he didn't know he was capable of handling.

Oh sure, he pushed himself as much as an adventurer, but he also knew his limits, and he knew just how much he could handle with his traps and his sneak attacks and his subterfuge. He didn't rush head long into danger, he didn't go seeking out certain death. He took down the monsters and beasts he was sent to hunt methodically and altogether carefully, knowing better than to draw too much attention to himself.

So yeah, he was pretty confident in his skills. As he steps up to the counter, behind which stands Guild Girl, he prepares for her usual barrage, even as he offers a soft smile and a nod to the beautiful blonde.

"What do you have for me today?"

Rather than returning his soft smile with a rueful look of her own, followed by a few attempts to get him to join up with any one of the parties that current occupied the hall around them, Guild Girl looks… disturbed. Worried, even. Biting her lower lip and wringing her hands, it seems to take a moment for Huntsman's words, and even his presence, to penetrate whatever is currently affecting her so.

When she finally does realize he's standing there, Guild Girl startles and flushes in embarrassment.

"Oh! It's you… sorry, um, let me look."

Before she can duck back behind the counter to check what jobs might be available, Huntsman does something he normally wouldn't… he reaches out and takes Guild Girl's hands in his own, stopping her fast and causing her to look up at him, where he catches her eyes with his gaze. His brow is furrowed, and his lips are turned downwards into a concerned frown.

"Hey… what's wrong?"

That's all it really takes, in the end. Guild Girl's lower lip wobbles, but she never actually cries. Instead, she tells him about the brand-new Porcelain-level adventuring party that had just left a little while ago, making their way towards the location of a known goblin-nest. The way Guild Girl described it; the blonde didn't expect any of them to make it back alive. From the headstrong Warrior, to the happy-go-lucky Fighter, and the icy but arrogant Wizard. But most of all, Guild Girl said she was worried about the nervous Priestess that the trio of friends had roped into their party to heal them on their quest.

By the time she's done, Guild Girl has painted a gruesome picture in Huntsman's mind, maybe without even realizing it. In his work, he's stumbled across the remains of more than a few foolish adventurers… he's encountered more dead adventurers out in the field then he has live ones, given his proclivity for working alone. And those that were alive… weren't always happy to be that way.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Huntsman breathes in deep. Then, he opens them again, looking back into Guild Girl's fretful gaze. He offers her a carefree smile, knowing that was what she needed right now.

"I'll go look in on them then for you, alright?"

Guild Girl's own yellow-gold eyes go wide at that, and the blonde seems taken aback for a moment.


But before she can say anything, her gaze flickers down to the tag he's wearing. It's nothing special, but Huntsman is a Steel-ranked adventurer, a bit of a step up from Porcelain… a couple steps up, in fact. Whatever Guild Girl might have said, maybe some protest about how Huntsman always works alone, it dies on her lips and she gives him a wobbly smile in return, settling on a simple answer.

"… Thank you."

He just nods to her, finally releasing her hands, and after getting the location of the goblin nest from her, Huntsman turns and walks right out the door. His time is limited, if he wants a chance at saving those adventurers. It might already be too late, truth be told… but he can't just give up now. Not when Guild Girl had looked at him with such hope in her eyes.


It was over… but Huntsman reflects, as he stares down at the corpse of the hobgoblin and the rest of the goblins, that it could have ended far worse. He lifts his gaze and surveys the rest of the group. Warrior's mutilated body is elsewhere, thankfully, but even with it's absence, he can tell that Fighter, Wizard, and Priestess are all shaken, Priestess most of all.

Good, as they well should be. The tattered, slightly torn nature of some of Fighter's clothes, and the poisoned wound in Wizard's side that Huntsman had had the antidote for in order to save her… those were testaments to just how close this entire party had come to a fate worse than death. Honestly, they were lucky they showed up when they did… and Huntsman was lucky that he'd run into Goblin Slayer outside of the cave too, because without the single-minded young man helping him, they might not have gotten here in time to save all three girls.

As it was, they'd come up just as things were getting really bad, right after Warrior's death. The hobgoblin had just made it's appearance, and Fighter had been slammed into the ground, hands beginning to tear at her clothes. Wizard had been down as well, the poisoned blade already slipped into her side. A couple of arrows placed in the hobgoblin's eyes from Huntsman's bow had put an end to him, after which Goblin Slayer had rushed forward and ended the rest.

Now though… now what? Normally, Huntsman would have verbally torn the young adventurers to shreds for their stupidity. Walking into a goblin nest without even so much as a plan? The sad thing was, even at porcelain level, the group of four could have handled this nest, if only they'd been smarter. If they'd chosen the battlefield, if they'd drawn the goblins out with a trap, like the promise of fresh food, wafting down the tunnel into the nest… they could have split the goblins up and killed the first group, rested up, and then killed the second.

But they hadn't done that. This Warrior fellow… he'd been cocksure and cocky beyond belief, it seemed, and it'd gotten him killed. If he were still alive, then Huntsman thinks he would probably be ripping the boy to shreds. But he's not, he's dead… and luckily for the girls, they didn't follow him into death… nor did they have to suffer a fate worse than death that all female adventurers suffered at the hands of goblins.

They'd gotten lucky, but seeing their faces, seeing how even Fighter and Wizard were trembling slightly even as they tried to remain brave in the presence of him and Goblin Slayer, their saviors… Huntsman can tell that they already know how lucky they got. The trio have been through enough, in his opinion… and honestly, he doesn't want to stay here longer than absolutely necessary.

"You three… lets get you back to the city, alright?"

The girls startle at the sound of his voice, all of them looking at him for a moment. Priestess is the first to nod, but even as they all give nods of agreement and start to follow him out of the cave, she's also the first to stop when she realizes Goblin Slayer isn't coming with them.

"Ah… what about him?"

Huntsman turns back, even as Goblin Slayer turns his head in their direction. They regard each other in silence for a moment, and despite Goblin Slayer's helm covering his face, Huntsman is still pretty sure they understand each other pretty well.

"He has some final business to attend to here. But he'll be fine on his own, don't worry."

Priestess seems to accept this, as do Fighter and Wizard. They let him lead them out of the cave, and Huntsman sends a silent bit of thanks to Goblin Slayer that the other adventurer waits until they're gone to start killing the goblin infants. Seemed that even a single-minded man like that could show some empathy, when it came down to it.

Regardless, they make it back to the city, and Huntsman is rewarded with his heroism by a watery smile from Guild Girl… and a portion of the reward for clearing the goblin nest. All three of the female adventurers actually pass on their parts of the reward, demanding that he take half and the other half go to Goblin Slayer when he comes back instead. Huntsman is flattered, but also not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Coin is precious, especially for someone like him, who uses so much in the way of resources for his traps.

Regardless, that's where Huntsman parts ways with Fighter, Wizard, and Priestess… at least that day, anyways. A couple days later, Huntsman returns to the guild hall, only to find that there are people waiting for him… Fighter and Wizard, in particular.

"Hey! There you are!"

Blinking, the man turns to regard the two young women as they approach him. Fighter beams at him, while Wizard regards him somewhat coolly, but at least without a scowl. It's the former who does the talking, of course, even as Huntsman stares at the two.

"Priestess has decided to join up with Goblin Slayer… which is all well and good, but he's a bit single-minded in his focus, isn't he? Wizard and I have decided we'd rather not do any jobs involving goblins for a little while, given what happened. Um, but Guild Girl said that you were a pretty capable adventurer as well, and that you didn't usually always go after goblins!"

As Fighter works up the courage to say what she's going to say, Huntsman finds his eyes drifting over the top of her head, to where Guild Girl is watching the entire exchange from behind her counter. When his amber eyes and her yellow-gold eyes meet, the corners of her mouth turn upwards, and she gives him a wink.

Meanwhile, Fighter has taken too long, or so Wizard had decided as she steps forward and speaks in a sardonic tone.

"What my companion is trying to say is that we wish to join your party. It is clear to us now that we weren't as prepared for the adventuring life as we thought. If you will have us, we would like a chance to learn under your tutelage, to work on our skills and increase our experience… safely."

Fighter bobs her head up and down, and points at Wizard.

"R-Right! What she said! All of that!"

Looking between the two girls, Huntsman can't help but be a little impressed at their resolve. Maybe it was because nothing too bad had happened to them. Sure, they both lost a friend, but it could have been a dozen times worse. Regardless, he was nevertheless surprised that all three young women wanted to continue on as adventurers. He was also surprised that Fighter and Wizard were actually asking for his help.

Was it not something he'd bemoaned plenty of times? The fact that so many young adventurers died from over-confidence and sheer arrogance, even in the ranks above Porcelain. They let their rank-ups go to their head, they bit off more than they could chew too soon, and they died for it. Didn't he lament the fact that there wasn't a better option available for teaching adventurers how to be more cautious and how to accurately judge their own level of skill and strength at least once a week?

How could he say no to these two now, when they were essentially seeking exactly what he wanted to see from more adventurers? It was just… he didn't tend to want to have to be the one to teach. But if he didn't, who knew what would happen to these two. In a way, rushing off to save them at Guild Girl's behest… they were Huntsman's responsibility now, weren't they?

Letting out a low sigh, the spiky-haired man finally nods.

"Very well. You can join my party. However, you will have to do what I say, when I say it. My orders will be to keep us all safe, and you will follow them to the letter. If you don't… then you're on your own."

The two girls exchange a look at that, and strangely enough, they both blush a little for a moment. Whatever silent conversation they're having, it's… embarrassing them? Huntsman frowns and crosses his arms over his chest, fully prepared for them to fight him on this, and fully prepared to fight them back until they either agreed or left him alone. But to his surprise, the two turn their gazes back to him a moment later, and nod in unison, giving their agreement.

"As you say, Sensei!"

"We will be in your care then, Teacher."

Looking at Fighter and Wizard, and then past them to a beaming Guild Girl, Huntsman lets out a simple harrumph before moving between the two towards the counter to get their next job. It looked like Guild Girl had finally gotten what she wanted. Still, having a couple of students to teach his ways to was a far cry from being stuck in a group of adventurers who thought they could order him around and make him do all the work.

Maybe… maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


A few months later, Huntsman felt safe in saying that it really hadn't been all that terrible. This little threesome of a party he'd found himself in… it'd gone from tolerable to actually kind of enjoyable over the last few months. The three of them had just finished a quest that day in fact, and having received their just rewards, they had gotten three rooms in the inn, and were now resting after a hard day of work.

Huntsman couldn't help but feel proud of just how much his students had grown in such a short time frame. Fighter and Wizard… they'd evolved in leaps and bounds from what the foolhardy behavior that had seen their friend killed on their very first quest. It had taken some time for the two of them to get used to his methods to be sure, but they'd both adapted, and these days they knew how to approach a problem cautiously, they knew how to assess a situation, and they knew how to wait for the perfect moment to strike.

The threesome was a well-oiled machine these days, having gotten closer and closer to one another, having bonded with each other. They were a real team, and though Huntsman was still in charge and his word was the final word, he was happy to call Fighter and Wizard friends, happy to name them as his comrades. Of course, little did he know, the two of them wanted more than that. They'd wanted more since the very first day that they'd joined him, and they'd hoped all this time that… well, that he might use his absolute authority over the group to both take from them and give them what they wanted, all at the same time.

But Huntsman didn't think like that. The spiky haired man had no intentions of ever taking advantage of the young women who had put themselves under him, who had submitted themselves to his teachings. It would be wrong. Of course, it'd taken Fighter and Wizard a long while to realize this… which was why Huntsman suddenly had a visitor, a knock on the door that has him standing up and moving over to see who it is.

When he opens the door, he blinks at finding Fighter there, wearing her cloak with her hood up. What little of the ponytailed martial artist's face that he can see is red with a blush as she looks up at him from under the brim of her cowl.

"Ah… may I come in, please?"

Fighter had mellowed out a lot over the last few months. In the beginning, she'd been a confident, carefree sort of girl who believed firmly in the power of martial arts above all else. After her near death, near rape experience, she'd seemingly bounced back into that personality… but only for a little while. Seeing all of the death and horrible fates of other adventurers like Huntsman ended up witnessing on a lot of his quests had left her slightly quieter, slightly less boisterous. It'd helped her take to his teachings about being cautious and laying traps for their enemies all the easier, in the end.

But right now, she was even quieter than usual. Furrowing his brow, wondering what was wrong, Huntsman nods and steps back, letting Fighter into his room. He closes the door behind her, turning to regard Fighter as she steps into the middle of the room. But before he can do more than open his mouth to ask her what's going on, the beautiful young woman sheds her cloak… revealing that she's not wearing any of her usual gear underneath. In point of fact, she's distinctly naked.

Turning towards him, having revealed her gorgeous lithe form, her pert posterior, and now her soft, sizable chest, Fighter bites her lower lip, not bothering to try to hide herself from his gaze, letting her hands slide into a position behind her back where she clasps them there and spreads her legs wide.

"F-Fighter, reporting for service sir!"

Huntsman frowns at that. Not only has he taken on a mentor-like role to the young woman, he also helped save her life all those months ago. And due to the way that he conducted his jobs with a minimum of risk involved, Fighter had never really had a chance to return the favor or anything like that. It felt like… it felt like he would be taking advantage of her, to do anything with her right now.

"Ah… Fighter, you don't… you don't have to do this."

The young martial artist blinks at him just standing there and not moving forward. She flushes a little as he tries his best not to stare too much at her assets, focusing his gaze on her face instead to try and convey his earnestness. Biting her lower lip for a moment longer, Fighter's resolve hardens up, and her expression fills with determination. Unclasping her hands from behind her back, the altogether naked martial artist strides across the room, to where Huntsman is still standing at the door.

Before he can do or say anything else, Fighter pushes him back against the door with a small display of her strength, and then drops down to her knees, right then and there. As she begins to enthusiastically work open his belt and pants, she looks up at him, into his amber eyes, and speaks.

"It's not about having to do anything. I want to do this. I want YOU. And unless you tell me you don't want me back… I'm not going anywhere."

Huntsman grimaces at that. As much as it feels like he's taking advantage of her, he can't bring himself to say he doesn't want her back… because he does. Both Fighter and Wizard… he'd have to be a blind man not to recognize their beauty. On top of that, they both have very different personalities, but that doesn't make either of them undesirable. He's grown to enjoy Fighter's happy, confident attitude, just as much as he enjoys Wizard's cool, aloof, and altogether sardonic wit.

Both girls are strong, independent young women who have nevertheless latched onto him… and yes, he likes them both very much. So, he can't exactly tell Fighter to go away… not and be telling the truth as he denies her. Instead, all Huntsman can do is stand there as Fighter extracts his cock from its confines, cooing over his length.

"Oh my… who knew you were hiding such an impressive specimen all this time, sir?"

Huntsman flushes with embarrassment when his cock jumps a little at the address. Fighter glances up at him and then grins, placing his length against her cheek and looking him right in the eye as she nuzzles his member.

"Do you like this… sir?"

His member grows harder and harder under her efforts, as she teases him just a bit. Unable to help himself, Huntsman finally reaches out, his hand closing around Fighter's ponytail as he takes nominal control. She doesn't fight him, not when he pulls her head back, not when he presses his cock up against her lips. Instead, the lithe young woman opens her mouth wide and takes him right past her lips, as if that was her goal the entire time.

Bobbing up and down the first few inches of his length most enthusiastically, Fighter gives him an altogether eager blowjob, showing just how much, she'd been looking forward to this, showing him how much she wanted this. And Huntsman… let's her. After using his grip on her hair to get himself into her mouth, he relaxes his control over the situation, allowing Fighter to control the pace at which she sucks him off.

He has no desire to hurt her or choke or her force her to go further than she's ready for. As far as he's concerned, it already feels more than good enough, having his cock in her mouth, having her tongue swirling around his tip every time she pulls back, having her lips suctioning down on his girth and sliding up and down his length.

She's clearly a wee bit inexperienced though. This has to be the first cock she's ever sucked, probably. But what she lacks in experience, she more than makes up for with her enthusiasm, with her desire to please and pleasure him. Huntsman groans as he tosses his head back, thoroughly enjoying Fighter's technique. In fact… he's already getting close.

"Fighter… I'm going to cum soon…"

Hearing this, Fighter abruptly pulls back, causing Huntsman to blink as the young woman slips free of his hold on her ponytail and rises from her knees in one smooth motion. The martial artist gives him an impish grin as he looks at her with a frown, placing her fingers on her upper lips for a moment.

"Not in here…"

Then she moves them down to her lower lips, betwixt her thighs.

"I want it in here."

That has to be the hottest thing Huntsman has ever heard or seen. His blood rises more than ever before, his cock throbbing and pulsing with need. Unable to help himself, the man moves forward, gathering Fighter up and kissing her heatedly, even as he swallows down her yelps and carries her all the way to the bed behind her.

Laying her out almost tenderly on her back, Huntsman moves over Fighter, covering her lithe but toned form with his equally muscular, more masculine body. Sliding her legs apart, he moves into position between them, intent on giving her exactly what she's asked for. His cock, still covered in Fighter's spit and saliva, still throbbing with need, pushes up against her folds, which by this point, are incredibly wet. Her cunt is sopping and slippery, and Huntsman finds no issue in pushing into her, in filling her with his meat.

He does encounter momentary resistance however when he takes the virginity that he saved from being raped away by goblins all those months before. Fighter lets out little more than a soft sigh from the momentary pain at the loss however, before a moment later releasing a wanton moan as her back arches and her head tilts upwards in ecstasy.

Watching her face contort in pleasure, watching her body writhe beneath his own… it turns on Huntsman all the more, and he begins to fuck into her, deep thrusts penetrating further and further into her cunt. Compared to her mouth, Fighter's quim is able to take a lot more of his cock into it. Parts of his length that never felt her upper lips are now feeling her lower lips as her pussy swallows up his cock, all the way to the base.

He rams up against her cervix again and again as he fucks her missionary style, taking her on her back, feasting on both her lips and her breasts, kissing her on the mouth one moment, and then kissing, licking, and nibbling at her soft tits the next. Fighter, for her part, reaches her first orgasm quickly, and then a second and a third. She cums around his cock again and again, proving that she'd been waiting for this for far too long.

Huntsman has been too, he thinks, even if he didn't realize it until now. Being with Fighter, being inside of her… it feels right. It feels good. He feels… complete. With a loud groan, no longer able to hold back as her cunt walls milk him of his release, Huntsman cums deep inside of the young woman, filling the martial artist with his seed, pumping a nice, hot, thick load right into her womb.

Then, he collapses to the side of her, the both of them panting heavily, recovering from the exertion. But when they've both caught their breath, they curl into one another instinctively, Fighter cuddling into his side and Huntsman wrapping an arm around his student… and now his lover. Maybe he was taking advantage of her… he'd have to be careful not to go too far. But he couldn't deny Fighter this, so long as it was what she truly wanted. He wouldn't say no to her…


As happy as Huntsman was with the beautiful dark-haired martial artist, he could tell there was a problem now that he and Fighter were… a thing. Not between him and Fighter, oh no, things seemed to be great there. The fit, athletic young woman was eager to please and eager to learn, a combination that made their nights together very fun and very satisfying in turn.

But Wizard… Wizard had begun acting strangely around them, ever since that night. She'd become distant in a way, and really, Huntsman could only think of one recent even that could cause such a shift in mood. Wizard had to know about him and Fighter, somehow. Which really, there was no 'somehow' about it. Fighter had made things very clear when she'd told him to only ask for two rooms at the inn, while clinging to his arm. There wasn't many other ways to interpret that.

Still, Huntsman wasn't the kind of guy to let things fester. Allowing bad blood to continue to grow between the two of them and Wizard would only end badly. Teams splintering but not fully breaking apart was one of the foremost causes of adventurer deaths while out in the field. So, a few days after he and Fighter had gotten together, he decided he was going to have a talk with Wizard. Of course, before anything else, he told Fighter.

The black-haired martial artist had paused and blinked, before looking somewhat guilty. Then, she'd ducked her head as if ashamed of herself, before tucking some loose strands of hair back behind her ear.

"I think… I think that's a good idea, sir. Just… don't be too hard on her. Hear her out… and don't worry about me, alright? I won't mind."

Those were the cryptic words that Fighter had left him with, before shooing him out of their now-shared room and down the hall towards Wizard's. Now here he was, standing in front of Wizard's door, still confused by what Fighter had told him. Still, this had to be handled… so, without further ado, he reaches up and knocks on the door.

"It's Huntsman."

"… Come in."

Stepping inside, Huntsman closes the door behind himself and then turns to regard Wizard. She's sat at a small table, currently poring over an arcane tome by candlelight when he steps in. She closes it and pushes it away though as he steps inside and stands up as he finishes closing the door behind himself. As aloof and cold as ever, Wizard sticks out her chin and looks down her nose at him, not an easy feat given that he's so much taller than her.

"Yes? What is it?"

Huntsman clears his throat and squares his shoulders. He'd prepared a bit of a speech… not that he'd written it down, but it was in his head, ready to go.

"I know that you know about me and Fighter, Wizard. I imagine you think I'm taking advantage of her. She came onto me though… and I didn't say no. I won't say no either. I think we both like each other very much. That said, I fully understand if you don't feel comfortable working with me anymore. It was never my intention to make you uncomfortable, but if you feel like you need to move on because of my unprofessionalism, I understand."

For a long moment, Wizard just stares at him after Huntsman finishes his little spiel and trails off. Then, she does something that he's never seen her do before. She laughs. It's a simple bark of laughter, and it's more bitter than amused, but even still, for a woman that has only ever shown her emotions through the smallest of expressions, such as a tiny quirk of the lip or the like, this is a bit surprising. Huntsman blinks as she laughs bitterly and shakes her head.

"She didn't tell you then, did she?"

What? Tell him what? Huntsman thinks back to what Fighter said to him before he came here.

"… She told me not to be too hard on you, to hear you out… and that she wouldn't mind. I confess, I don't really understand."

Hearing that seems to almost relieve Wizard somewhat. Her prodigious chest, bigger than Fighter's, heaves a bit as she breathes out. Nodding, the beautiful buxom red head suddenly reaches up and removes her large, pointed hat. Then, she takes off her cloak as well. As she does so, as she begins to remove more and more of her garments to Huntsman's surprise and shock… and arousal, she talks.

"That's good. If she had minded, I don't think I ever could have forgiven her."

Pulling her dress down off her shoulders, Wizard pops her beautiful breasts free of the low-cut garment, looking him dead in the eye as she does so.

"We've both wanted you this way since that day in the goblin cave, you know. We talked about it more times than I could count. If you had come onto either of us before now… we wouldn't have fought you."

Huntsman's mouth feels extremely dry, as Wizard continues pulling down her dress, revealing more and more of her altogether porcelain skin, and her excellent proportions. She's not muscled or lean like Fighter, but she more than makes up for it by being a different sort of beautiful, the kind of beautiful that has wide hips and altogether soft curves, rather than the hard edges of the athletic martial artist.

"Fighter made her move without me… which I guess I shouldn't blame her for, it's my own fault for not working up the courage to beat her to the punch… or go with her when she confronted you."

Soon, Wizard is down to nothing but her panties, socks, and glasses. She wasn't wearing a bra, but then her tits, while large, are also impossibly perky, defying gravity as her gorgeous nipples point directly out at him. Reaching down, she hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slowly begins to draw them down her legs, exposing her dripping wet cunt and her delectable derriere.

"I've been… distant these last few days, not because I was disgusted with yours and Fighter's behavior… but because I was disappointed in myself, disgusted in myself for failing to act when I could have. I was worried that… that you were a one-woman sort of man."

Finished now, Wizard stands there before him, still wearing her glasses and socks but nothing else as she lets him stare at her naked body all she wants.

"So, I guess now that you know… and now that Fighter has given her blessing, that's the question. Are you a one-woman sort of man, Huntsman? Or…"

And here, Wizard really surprises him. Dropping to her knees right where she stands, the normally aloof young spellcaster adopts a truly slutty position, spreading her legs apart, grabbing one of her tits, and sticking her other hand between her thighs as she sticks her tongue straight out and offers her open mouth to him. She doesn't have to say anything else… the offer is clear.

And Huntsman? Huntsman has just discovered that no, he's not a one-woman sort of man. Not when the two women in question not only know about each other but are seemingly encouraging him towards one another. Striding forward, Huntsman releases his cock from its confines in the five steps it takes him to reach Wizard. He grabs the red head by her short hair and slides his cock right into her wet, warm, and most importantly open mouth.

Wizard gags a little at his size, but nonetheless does her best to take him in between her lips just as enthusiastically as Fighter did. She's just as inexperienced as well, but Huntsman lets her control the pace all the same, not seeking to push her too hard. She does that all on her own, as it turns out, her drive to succeed and her NEED to impress him pushing Wizard on to new heights, to heights that not even Fighter had tried to go. As she begins to deep-throat his cock, gagging and choking around his thick, girthy member, her glasses begin to get askew.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

It's not long before they start to fall off her face altogether, but before they can do so and possibly break upon hitting the ground, Huntsman grabs the spectacles up and sets them on the nearby table. Wizard offers him a grateful look… and then proceeds to face fuck herself on his cock all the harder, forcing herself to take him to the base, her nose buried in his crotch and her chin smacking against his swinging ball sack as strands of saliva connect her to his crotch.

He can't hold back for long, so like with Fighter's first time, he warns Wizard it's coming.

"I'm getting close, Wizard!"

But unlike with Fighter, Wizard seems disinclined to stop and have him cum only inside of her quim. Instead, with a hand still buried between her legs, fingering her pussy as she chokes down his cock, Wizard redoubles her pace… and when she feels him getting very close, when she can tell he's about to cum, she pulls back right as the first shot of seed hits the back of her throat.

She doesn't quite pull off what she's going for, he's pretty sure. He thinks she wanted to offer her face to him, to tilt her head back and let him cum all over her pretty features. That's still what happens, in a way, but that first shot of seed ends up causing her to sputter a bit, and then she flinches as his white, hot ejaculate splatters across her facial features. Even still, she manages to take his load from her forehead to her chin, letting him cum all over her, a sight that makes Huntsman hard again in no time at all.

Pulling back, wiping what she can from her eyes, Wizard looks to his cock and licks her lips at finding him ready and raring to go for Round Two. Rising from her knees, the young woman doesn't go to the bed… instead, she moves over to the wall only a couple of feet away and presses her hands palm down onto it, facing herself away from him and then looking back over her shoulder at him with her face still covered in his cum, a look of abject lust in her eyes.

Shaking her sizable derriere in his direction, the normally cold and aloof Wizard is clearly running very hot at the moment, as she all but begs him to take her, right then and there. Rather than words, all Huntsman hears is a low, keening noise in the back of her throat, as close to begging as he's going to get from her, he's pretty sure.

How can he say no, really? Moving into position, the spiky-haired man places his cock up against Wizard's cunt lips. She's just as wet as Fighter was that first night, so he has no issue sliding into her. Just like Fighter, Wizard still has her virginity, mostly thanks to him. He takes it, claiming it as his just reward months after the fact, and claiming the beautiful red head as well as he slides into her, penetrating her deeply.

"H-Harder… take me hard, you big-dicked bastard…"

He'd intended to start out slowly like he had with Fighter, though he and Fighter had definitely gotten rougher these last few days. If this was what Wizard wanted… with a grunt, Huntsman begins to do as she's said, fucking into the beautiful buxom, curvaceous spellcaster with more force, with more speed. He fucks her harder, like she asked him to, plowing her up against the wall where her large tits smoosh into the wood and her back arches as she cries out in ecstasy.

It's only then that Huntsman realizes the wall he's fucking Wizard up against… it's the shared wall between their two rooms. And given how thin inn walls tended to be, it wasn't out of the question that Fighter could hear everything happening in here. Still, she'd told him not to worry about her, she'd told him that she wouldn't mind.

Huntsman imagines Fighter on the other side of the wall, either in bed or pressing herself up against the wall so she can hear all the better. He imagines Fighter panting heavily, moaning in time with Wizard's moans, fingering herself as she tries to match what she knows to be Huntsman's faster pace with her digits. As his cock pistons in and out of Wizard's cunt, bringing the spellcaster to orgasm after orgasm, fantasizing about Fighter masturbating to the noise that Wizard is making brings Huntsman to the edge of release all the faster once more.

Groaning loudly, Huntsman reaches up and grabs a fistful of Wizard's red hair. He uses that grip to plow her even harder, her pillowy ass making for the perfect cushion as he slams into her tight, clenching cunt again and again and again. She wanted it hard, he can give it to her hard. That's exactly what he does, until finally, her inner walls milk him of his second release and Huntsman cums deep inside of the young woman's cunt, filling her womb with his seed just as he had been doing with Fighter these last few days.

As he pulls out of Wizard, she begins to slide down the wall. He starts to reach out to catch her, only to realize it's what she wants to do. The red head spins around and takes him back into her mouth before he can even react, cleaning off his cock of their combined fluids as Huntsman groans at the feel of her tongue on his glans.

At the same time, a pair of familiar arms wraps around him from behind, and a pair of familiar tits presses into his back as Fighter nuzzles his neck. The dark-haired martial artist had to have snuck into the room while they were both in the middle of their release… not that Huntsman minds her company all that much. Giggling a little, Fighter speaks clearly enough for both of them to hear, even as Wizard bobs up and down on his member.

"I guess we won't need more than one room at the inn anymore, at least~"

Huntsman snorts in amusement at that, while Wizard just continues cleaning him off. This… this wasn't too bad at all. In fact, he could get used to this. Maybe it was wrong, taking advantage of his two students like this after he'd saved their lives. But really, in the end it felt more like THEY were taking advantage of him, rather than the other way around.

Sliding around him, falling to her knees, Fighter scoots into position beside Wizard, not quite displacing her, but forcing the slightly disgruntled red head to move a few inches to the side so that they're both placed in front of his big fat cock. Huntsman can only curl his hands through their hair as the two begin to work together to give him a double blowjob, their enthusiasm and eagerness to please altogether infectious as they take turns bobbing up and down on his knob, causing him to groan and toss his head back in pleasured wonder.

In the end, if this was wrong… Huntsman didn't want to be right.


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