Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Juzo Mido Goes Off-Script (Code Vein)

Juzo Mido Goes Off-Script (Code Vein)

A/N: Juzo Mido Goes Off-Script is a commissioned two-shot originally written from November-December of 2019. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which, rather than injecting Eva Roux with Frenzy-inducing drugs, Juzo Mido decides to go a... different route entirely.

Themes: Mind Break, Rough Sex, Breeding


There was something quite… satisfying about misdirecting the worthless little whelps. They were all so focused on their goal that they not once thought to question whether he would actually have the same goals as them or not. Convincing them all, especially his wayward disciple Jack, that he'd injected Jack's darling friend Eva Roux with something that would make her Frenzy had completely distracted and derailed them. As a result, they would go hunting for her in all the wrong places.

Stepping back into his lab after having sent those annoying brats on their own personal little wild goose chase, Juzo Mido grins beneath his mask, the Revenant Researcher rolling his shoulders as he gazes upon his prize.

"Y-You… you won't g-get away with this…"

"Oh? Won't I, little one?"

Striding forward, Juzo reaches out and takes hold of Eva's chin. Strung up and bound to an X-Cross, the young woman turned Revenant is currently completely helpless. After all, he HAD injected her with something… but it wasn't made to make her Frenzy. Rather, instead it weakened her… and gave her a distinct craving for something that only he could provide her.

The close proximity to a male has Eva flushing with confused anticipation. He watches her nostrils flare as she takes in his scent, his musk. Chuckling darkly, Juzo Mido reaches up and removes his mask, revealing a face that would be handsome, if it wasn't just as scarred as Eva's own face was. But then, he found himself reflecting, she was still quite beautiful, even as scarred up as she was. It was why he'd chosen her, out of all the potential test subjects, for this little experiment.

Her eyes go wide at seeing him revealing himself to her. They go wider still when Juzo continues on, taking off his armor one piece at a time, exposing more and more of his enhanced Revenant body. He had experimented on himself of course, just as he'd experimented on all those orphan children, and he'd made himself and many of them stronger for it. So, what if a few had died here and there? They'd been weak. Unworthy.

Not like little Eva Roux. With one hand freed of a gauntlet, Juzo reaches out and casually grabs one of Eva's sizable breasts through tattered red dress. The white-haired Revenant gasps in offense, lips parting as he molds and squeezes her tit almost experimentally in his grasp. Belatedly, Eva tries to pull away, squirming and grimacing at his touch.

"B-Bastard! Stop that!"

Juzo just chuckles.

"My oh my… you've certainly gotten uppity since you regained your voice, Ms. Roux."

Eva flushes at that, and averts her gaze, clearly remembering. Juzo just grins, enjoying the way that she reacts to him striking at her weaknesses. Soon enough, the Revenant Researcher is down to nothing more than his pants. His broad, bare chest is on full display, crisscrossed with scars, the fruits of his labor evident even to Eva's unlearned eyes. She stares at his body in shock, before finally looking up into his eyes, seeming to realize something with a start.

"What… what do you intend to do to me?"

Here, Juzo grins all the wider. He brings up his other hand to her opposite breast, still groping and squeezing both of her tits to his heart's content.

"You, my dear, have the distinct pleasure of helping me with some very valuable… research. You see, I've sent your friend Jack off on a hunt for you. He thinks I've done one thing to you, when really, I've done another. It would have been such a waste to make him kill you, Ms. Roux. Instead, we're going to put you to use while all those annoying little brats run around like chickens with their head's cut off. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Eva grimaces and squirms, trying in vain to pull her chest out of his grasp, trapped as she is on the X-cross, weakened as she is by his little present. She doesn't give him a verbal response, clearly trying to stay quiet, so Juzo just chuckles and curls his fingers into all the right places, before outright TEARING the remnants of her red dress away from her breasts, along with the top of the studded leather harness she's wearing over it.

The young woman gasps and squeaks as her delicious mammaries bounce free. Juzo wastes no time in grabbing onto them, this time digging his fingers into soft flesh directly, rather than having to deal with a cloth intermediary. Even as Eva is whimpering and shaking her head back and forth, trying to escape his grasp, Juzo is barely paying her any mind. He's too busy… studying her breasts most extensively.

This idea he'd had, it'd come to him only recently. His goal had never changed, not from the very beginning. It had always been his intentions to evolve humanity by any means necessary. Any and all obstacles that had stood in the way of that goal… he'd pushed them aside and forged onwards, knowing that it was his duty, nay, it was his destiny to propel humanity forward.

But perhaps there was another way to do that. He'd ignored this route for so long in favor of his other experiments, in favor of making Revenants, of making even himself a Revenant. There was no denying that Revenants were the evolution of humanity, at least in Juzo's mind. So, what if two Revenants had a child? What if one Revenant bred another?

That was the purpose of this experiment. Juzo had injected Eva with a prototype of his own making, just as he's told Jack and his little friends. But it wasn't meant to Frenzy her, oh no… it was meant to make her all the more pliable, all the more… eager to entertain his plans. He was going to use Eva as his own little Revenant Incubator for his future experiments, to see what sort of humanity could come from the copulation of two revenants… and so it behooved him to make her willing, after a fashion.

"Y-You… you're a monster…"

Eva's voice is quiet even as she whimpers under the abuse of her chest still being delivered at his hands. Realizing he's been molding, molesting, and mauling Eva's soft tits for a bit too long as he's gotten lost in thought, Juzo chuckles and pulls his hands back. Then, he moves them down her body, to her sides.

Underneath the red dress, Evan is wearing what could only be considered a sort of bondage get-up. He unbuckles buckles, unstraps straps, and finds himself effectively having to unwrap the girl, even as she squirms under his touch, trying in vain to still get away from him. He leaves her thigh-high boots on in the end and settles for tearing the rest of her ensemble off of her by brute strength, exposing Eva's pale flesh, exposing her creamy thighs… and exposing her cunt to his gaze.


Her cry goes unheeded as Juzo sticks a hand right between her thighs, knowing she's altogether helpless to stop him. He rubs his fingertips across Eva's slit, finding her to be only slightly moist at this point. Disappointing, given how much attention he'd been paying to her breasts, but that was alright. Pushing his middle digit up into the bound young woman, Juzo leans forward, looking Eva in the eye as he begins to finger her, as he begins to arouse her against her will.

"Ms. Roux… your cooperation in the following experiments will be most appreciated."

"I won't… I won't cooperate. I refuse! Jack will f-find me!"

She's trying to sound strong, but there's a faint tremor in her voice that nevertheless gives her away. Juzo just chuckles as he adds his ring finger alongside his middle finger, and then eventually his index finger as well. One, two, then three, each added as Eva gets wetter and wetter from the unwanted penetration. She gasps and whimpers and squirms, averting her gaze as a blush takes over her scarred features.

"Your body says otherwise, Eva. Your body… tells me everything I need to know about how ready you are."

Her body is trembling. From head to toe, Eva shakes and shivers in her bondage, her limbs straining against their restraints, but unable to break free. Deciding that she's more than ready, and truth be told, more than ready himself, Juzo pulls his fingers out of Eva's wet cunt and unbuttons his pants, dragging his instrument of insemination from its confines.

Her eyes go wide when she sees his cock, and Juzo feels a flash of masculine pride. It's strange, he's always been a scientist first and foremost. He never made time for a sex life before now, never made time for intimacy and certainly not for romance. It seemed he'd been missing out, if Ms. Roux's stare was any indication. It seemed he was quite sizable, and thus desirable indeed.

Slapping his cock down on Eva's navel, right above her mound, startles the white-haired Revenant out of her bout of reverie. She shrieks as she realizes where his member is about to go and twists and turns those lovely feminine hips of hers in an attempt to get away from him. Juzo just laughs, a dark, cruel thing that fills the room, even as he grabs hold of her by her hips to keep her steady, and lines his cock up with her quivering quim.

"Ready, my dear?"

When she opens her mouth to respond, he cuts her off by thrusting deep into her cunt, having lined it up so he could push right up into her. He fills her to the brim with that very first thrust, and to his surprise, feels something tear on his way up. Whatever Eva might have said is cut off by a shocked cry of pain as her body stiffens and her back arches from the sudden penetration.

Reaching up, Juzo grabs a fistful of her hair, forcing her head back so he can look down at her as he fucks her. His height leaves him towering over her even with her bound to the X-cross. Her eyes are filled with fear and pain, but beneath that, he can see the beginnings of pleasure, of reluctant and forced arousal as she whimpers from being stretched open around his cock.

"Still virginal? Should have given it to Jack while you had the chance, pet. Now… now you belong to ME."

"No… no! Nev-mmph!"

Laughing, Juzo leans in and silences Eva's words with his mouth and tongue. There's some attempt at trying to bite down as he forces his way past her lips, but while they are both Revenants, one of them is far stronger and far more durable than the other. Three guesses to which that is, and the first two don't count. Eva's teeth scrape off of his invading, conquering tongue to no effect, even as Juzo begins to pound into her cunt with all his might, fucking the helpless young woman hard and fast from the very beginning.

It's important that she learn her place. It's important that she know he won't ever go easy on her. He's not that kind of man. Though, once he's gotten her pregnant, he supposes he'll have to be a bit more careful. Perhaps once Eva is bred and growing heavy with his child, he can turn his gaze towards others. There was at least one other woman with Jack and that group of brats, right?

Well, he'd cross that bridge when he came to it. For now, Juzo's focus had to be on getting the job done… and that involved unloading his seed deep inside of Eva Roux's womb. He was already making good progress. His sizable cock was slamming up against the entrance to her womb with every thrust. As he batters down Eva's cervix with methodical focus and precision, as he plows his way into her womb over the next several minutes, Juzo is surprised when a sudden cry of pleasure leaves Eva's throat, and her entire body shakes and spasms, her cunt walls clenching down furiously and sporadically around his cock.

One look at the young woman's scarred face shows how humiliated and embarrassed she is. Chuckling darkly, Juzo leans in closer as he continues to fuck Eva.

"Did you just reach climax, Ms. Roux? Please, tell me how it felt. It's for my research."

"N-No… I didn't… I would never… w-who would ever cum from a bastard l-like you?"

Smiling, Juzo just shakes his head.

"Still so defiant. But for how much longer, I wonder?"

He doesn't give Eva a chance to respond, intensifying the pace at which he's fucking her until his cock finally pushes past her cervix and into her womb. As her battered gateway clenched and squeezes to no avail around his shaft, Juzo groans and finally lets himself go, filling the white-haired bitch with his seed. He pumps the thick load deep, DEEP into her, not for a second considering pulling out. After all… this was the point.

Eva's eyes go wide, and her pupils dilate for a moment before promptly rolling back in her head. She orgasms from him cumming inside of her, but this isn't like the reluctant, forced orgasms of before. This isn't like the climaxes that he'd coaxed out of her. No, this is a true and proper mind-numbing explosion of pleasure from having him cum inside of her, from having him fill her with his seed. He pumps the thick load of jizz deep into her womb, and only once he's finished does, he pull out and regard her.

She doesn't have words for him at this point, her entire body still spasming from the heights of ecstasy that the simple experience of being cummed inside is giving her. When she finally does recover, Juzo tightens up his grip on her white hair again and forces the young woman to look him in the eyes once more.

"Did you like that? Did you enjoy yourself, Ms. Roux? It certainly looked like you did."

"W-What… what have you done to me?"

Chuckling, Juzo rolls his shoulders, speaking in an almost casual tone.

"Oh, nothing much. I merely injected you with an experimental concoction designed to increase your need for semen. You will crave it, that sensation filling your entire being right now. You will desire nothing more than a man's seed… and you'll find I'm the only man around, my dear. Now that you've had a taste, it's time to sleep."

He brings up the syringe he'd placed off to the side earlier and injects Eva again. She collapses forward into her restraints as she falls unconscious, and Juzo begins the process of pulling her down from her bondage. He has more experiments to conduct after all!


She hates him. She hates him with every fiber of her being… and yet, she wants it. It'd been a week since Juzo Mido had fucked her, since he'd robbed her of her virginity most violently, and deposited a thick load of his cum inside of her womb. Eva Roux hadn't wanted it, she hadn't wanted any of it… but there was no denying that whatever he'd put inside of her before that… it'd heightened the entire experience to a completely ludicrous degree.

Sex was not supposed to feel so good. But it did, with the mad man. It felt good when he fucked her… it felt really good when he came inside of her, except he'd only done that once, that very first time. When she'd woken up again from whatever he'd used to knock her out, she'd felt… unsatisfied. He'd cleaned her, even inside of her, so when she woke up, her womb was no longer stuffed full of his cum.

This should have been a relief, truly. This should have been a good thing. And for a time, she was happy. But then he'd fucked her again, only to pull out moments before cumming inside of her. Watching his seed spray out into a trash receptacle instead of inside of her or even onto her… it upset Eva more than she cared to admit. And judging by his wicked grin, he knew it, even if she tried her best to hide it.

She shouldn't want it, but a week later, Jack and the others were nowhere to be seen, and her cravings had only increased to the point that she… she wanted it so badly, and she couldn't help herself. Shivering, Eva looks to where Juzo is currently standing, working on some sort of research, ignoring her. But she's sure that he's not fully ignoring her. She's sure that he's paying her some attention.

After that first day, he hadn't kept her up on the X-Cross. Instead, she'd been regulated to a pen in the corner of his lab, chained to the wall by a metal collar around her neck, left completely naked. It was like… like she was his pet. Or more accurately, his test subject. It was in this way that the female Revenant had existed for this last week, and she'd done all she could to avoid drawing Juzo's attention during that time. Not that it had stopped him from fucking her at least once a day, only to then deny her his seed.

Today was the first time Eva… made a concerted effort to CATCH his eye instead. Rather than huddling in a corner, the collared young woman found herself spreading her legs wide in his direction. Leaning back, Eva… Eva begins to touch herself. It's fine, isn't it? She's gone a week where the only human contact she's had was that mad man over there. So, what if she plays with herself a little? He didn't bind her wrists and ankles again after that first time, so it wasn't like there was anything stopping her.

And yet, even as she fingers her cunt and molests one of her breasts, he doesn't pay her the slightest mind. Eva finds herself letting a few whimpering moans escape her lips to try to draw his attention, but still he doesn't look away from his work. Wasn't SHE his work? Wasn't she one of his experiments?! How dare he not make time for her!

The female Revenant didn't even realize the twisting change of her thoughts, the way her mind was corrupting itself as the cravings for Juzo's seed began to take over. All she could do was pant and whine as she made a mess of herself, growing sopping wet and getting closer and closer to climax. But just orgasming on her own fingers wouldn't get her his cum. It wouldn't get her filled with his seed again. It wouldn't-

"Was there something you needed, Ms. Roux?"

Eva startles, eyes that had grown heavily lidded snapping wide open as she realizes she got so lost in her own fantasies and pleasure that she didn't even notice the mad scientist coming over. Juzo Mido stands there before her, a smirk on his face and his cock already out and in his hand. Eva's gaze focuses on that, on the fact that his member is currently pointed at her face, hovering above the edge of her little pen.

Slowly, Eva gets onto her hands and knees, not answering Juzo, almost like she's in a trance. She begins to crawl, the chain connecting her to the wall slowly growing taut as she does so. As she uses up the slack, Evan is able to get just within range of Juzo's cock, her lips parting and her tongue tracing out as her entire world focuses down to a pinpoint… that pinpoint being the drop of precum currently oozing out of his hard member.

However, before Eva can slurp it up, her captor pulls away, and when she tries to close the distance again, the collar around her neck chokes her as she hits the furthest point that the chain will allow her to go. A distinct whimper of displeasure leaves Eva's lips as she stares longingly at the cock in front of her, watching as the drop of precum finally falls off, only to land on the floor OUTSIDE of her pen.

"I asked you a question, you silly little bitch. Which means you use words to answer it."

Juzo's voice reminds Eva of where she is, bringing her back to reality with startling clarity. The longing in her loins isn't gone, but suddenly she's well aware of just how foolish she'd made herself look. Glancing up at Juzo, Eva blushes and ducks her gaze in shame and humiliation.

"Well? Was there something you needed?"

Could she really do it? Could she really just… a-ask? It would be a betrayal, of herself and of Jack. It would be giving in. She knew that it was what he wanted from her. He wanted her to beg. Surely, she couldn't give in so easily.

"I suppose not. Hm, too bad."

And like that, he turns and begins to walk away. Eva breaks on the spot, reaching out with one hand, as if just now realizing she could have swiped the precum with a finger and brought it to her tongue that way to satisfy her cravings.


He turns back around, but of course, now he's even further away, out of reach of her hands as well. Raising an eyebrow, Juzo Mido waits… and Eva Roux begins to give in.

"Please… I… I need it. I want… your cum."

"Do you now? You want my cum, do you? You want my cock?"

He strokes his member up and down, still pointing it in her direction. Eva shudders as sheer NEED courses through her.


Juzo takes a couple of casual steps forward, but still leaves himself out of her reach.

"How badly do you want it, slut? How badly do you want my seed?"

Very badly, but she can tell that that's not what he's asking. He expects her to beg, just as Eva knew he would. Shuddering in self-loathing, Eva leans back on her haunches, and brings her hands up to her tits. She cradles them, squeezing them together as she tilts her head back and opens her mouth.

"Please, sir. Please make sure of my s-slutty mouth for your own enjoyment. Please j-jizz inside or on me… please use me as your own personal cum dump."

Needless to say, most of the words feel incredibly foreign on her tongue, things she'd only heard in passing but never even dreamed of using herself, certainly not in polite conversation. But there was nothing polite about this conversation, and Eva's need outweighed her pride at this point. Chuckling darkly, Juzo steps forward again, moving to the edge of her pen once more.

"No hands."

His only command, even as he grabs her by her hair and drags her forward. The collar around Eva's neck digs in a bit, but his cock disappears past her eager lips all the same as he thrusts into her mouth, her tongue getting pressed flat beneath his sheer girth in seconds. Her jaw stretches wide to accommodate him, almost too wide, but Eva is too eager at this point, too excited.

The first drops of precum flow down her throat right before his cock begins to follow them, and the addled young woman's eyes go crossed in distinct ecstasy just as she begins to choke and gag and gurgle on his impressive length.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"That's right. You want my seed? You'll have to work for it, darling. Let's see what this mouth of yours can do."

Taking his words to heart, Eva does her level best to pleasure him even as he fucks her face quite violently, plowing into her throat and forcing her to deep-throat more than half of his cock again and again and again. Her tongue writhes across the underside of his length, and her lips suction down around his girth. She loses herself in the pleasure, in the taste of his precum, already imagining how good his actual seed will taste when she milks his member of his load.

Humming deep in her throat, even as she chokes on his cock, Eva sends reverberations up Juzo's length, making the mad scientist groan in appreciation. He fucks her face all the harder, using his grip on her hair to be utterly relentless in his assault. It's getting harder and harder for the scarred young woman to breathe, even as her slobber and saliva drool down onto her bouncing, jiggling pale breasts. He doesn't let up though, not giving her an ounce of mercy… and truth be told, Eva doesn't want it. Not if it means waiting longer for his seed.

The resulting skull-fucking is thus fairly short and quite brutal, until finally Juzo lets out a grunt, the only warning Eva gets before the first spurt of white, hot seed hits her throat. Eyes widening in ecstasy at the first taste of real cum she's had in a week, the addicted young woman drinks and drinks and drinks. She manages to get most of it down too, even as her cheeks chipmunk outwards, fill of jizz. She swallows and swallows, and then swallows some more, even as a bit leaks out of the sides of her mouth, dribbling down onto her tits along with her saliva.

When he finally stops cumming and pulls out of her throat, Eva is left gasping for air… but also feeling distinctly satisfied. The thick load of white, hot cream feels so damn good in her belly. Her craving for cum is, for now at least, momentarily satisfied. As she kneels there, hands in her laps, naked tits heaving up and down, Juzo's dark, evil chuckle breaks through the haze of pleasure over her thoughts.

"Not bad. Perhaps with some time, you can be trained to be more than just a test subject… I could certainly use an assistant around the lab."

A shiver runs down Eva's spine as her first reaction to that, her instinctual response… is delight. As his assistant, she would be able to pleasure him whenever he needed it. She would be able to drink his seed at all times of day. Watching him walk away now, trapped in her corner of the lab, in her 'pen'… Eva wanted to be able to follow. She wanted to be able to pad alongside him on her hands and knees, ready and willing to take his seed however he desired, whenever he desired.

Jack and the others better find her soon… because Eva Roux was on her last legs.


As he looks over the results of one of his latest tests, one hand flying across the keys in front of him and the other resting atop a familiar head of white hair, Juzo reflects that his other experiment seems to finally be ready to move onto its next stage. As he closes out what he was reading, the Revenant Researcher leans back from his work and looks down where his broken little pet is currently bobbing up and down on his cock with enthusiastic efficiency.

Eva Roux's glazed eyes look back up at him, her lips stretching wide to accommodate his length as she takes him down her throat… and without gagging a single time as well. Instead, Eva had mastered the art deep-throating without choking on his cock, continuously swallowing his member instead as she forces herself to take him all the way to the base of his sizable length.

As his cock disappears past her lips time and time again, Juzo groans. He can feel himself getting close, he can feel how his pet has almost milked him of his seed… so he stops her. Tightening his grip on Eva's hair, he pulls her back off of his cock, his member leaving her lips with a pop as she gasps and looks at him with wide, confused eyes.

Holding her just out of reach of his member, it's still hard for Juzo to calm down and resist the urge to cum all over her face and tits. Still, he does it, pushing down his impending release as he smiles indulgently at his pet.

"Darling… tell me, who am I to you?"

She flushes, some small bits of her old personality remaining. But nonetheless, she knows what he expects of her, if she wants his seed.

"You… you are my Master."

Juzo nods amicably, even as he continues to hold her away from his cock, which while still fully erect, isn't throbbing and pulsating with need as much anymore, his balls no longer churning with impending release.

"And what are you to me?"

"Y-Your loyal assistant, Master!"

"Ah… but you're also my test subject."

Eva's eyes fill with fear at that, her gaze flicking over to where her old pen was, before she'd earned the right to stay at his side and 'assist' him throughout the day. Her collar still lies around her neck, of course, but the chain that it was once attached to is still over there, a silent promise if she steps out of line. But that's not what Juzo meant, so he chuckles and shakes his head at her fear.

"Silly girl. So quick to forget. So easily addled by your addiction. Do you not remember why I gave you it in the first place?"

He drags her to her feet then, spinning her about and bending her over the table in front of them both. Eva gasps at his forcefulness, but when he brings a hand up between her legs to feel at her dripping quim, she spreads them wide for him and arches her back like a bitch in heat. He doesn't spend long testing her wetness before drawing his hand back though and replacing it with his engorged, throbbing cock.

As his length slides into her from behind, easily sinking into her hot, needy depths, Juzo has to control himself, refraining from blowing his load right then and there. He's certainly primed and loaded… but after all this time, after all this work, he didn't want to just finish inside of her and breed her… he wanted her to ask him for it.

So, the pace Juzo sets at first is slow, nothing like the rough fuckings that Eva has become accustomed to. He takes her almost gently, tenderly even. He plays with her, making a mockery of lovemaking as she whines and squirms and wiggles her hip, clearly not getting nearly enough from the copulation.


"Yes, pet? What is it?"

"You can… you can go harder than that!"

Juzo grins.

"Can I? But what if I don't want to?"

He's trained her well, because Eva seems to catch onto the tone of his voice. Gasping, panting heavily, the white-haired young woman claws at the table she's bent over as she licks her lips… and begins to beg.

"Please, Master. Fuck your pet harder. Fuck me as hard as you can. I want… I want to scream in ecstasy as you b-breed me, Master. Your needy little cum dump wants to be insensate when you finally knock her up!"

Tsking lightly, still teasing her, Juzo shakes his head as he grabs a fistful of Eva's white hair somewhat roughly and drags her head back, forcing her spine to arch even further in turn, until she's looking up at him, and he's looking down at her. Carefully, he spits down into her wide-open mouth, and Eva takes it willingly, showing just how far she's fallen, just how much she's willing to debase and humiliate herself to make him happy.

"Such a crass young woman… wherever did you learn such language?"

Eva blushes, but before she can answer, he starts to give her what she wants. He begins to fuck her harder, plowing into her from behind with all his considerable Revenant might. Her response turns into a single word squeal as she very nearly ahegaos right on the spot.


Juzo in turn groans as he almost immediately blasts past her cervix, into her womb itself. Using that most sacred of places for his own personal pleasure, his cock bulges out of her taut belly beneath the table, leaving Eva to squirm and scream in ecstasy.

"Yes, Master! Fuck me harder! Just, ah, just like that! More, more, more!"

He really had turned Eva Roux into his own personal fuck toy. And now he was finally going to do what he'd set out to do in the very beginning. He was going to breed the bitch silly, filling her womb with his seed and planting the beginnings of a child there. Obviously, he could have just knocked her up when she was still unwilling… but that was an unacceptable risk. There was always the chance that she might hurt the baby, after all, and while Juzo Mido didn't have a single paternal instinct in his entire body, he was loathed to risk valuable research and test subjects in such a way.

Now though, with Eva mind broken and addicted to not only his seed, but to him and his cock as well, there was no danger. The bitch was his, through and through, and her constant squealing and screaming at the top of her lungs only proved it.

"Fuck me, use me, abuse me Master! Breed your horny little slut silly! Knock me up with your seed! Impregnate me, make me give birth to as many children as you like! Just, don't, stop, FUCKING ME!"

He never intended to, though he has to admit, she's starting to get a little uppity. With a growl, Juzo pushes Eva face down onto the table with the hand he has in her hair, while his other begins to smack and spank her pale white bottom in time with his thrusts. He's not kind about it either, delivering harsh, punishing blows to her ass that have her soon squealing for mercy as she realizes she did something wrong.

"S-Sorry Master! So sorry! Punish me! Punish your horny needy little pet!"

That's better. Still, eventually she can't even keep her voice going, the words becoming incomprehensible gibberish the more he fucks her. Juzo holds back his release for as long as he can, until Eva is fucked silly and then some, her orgasms nonstop and her words taken over by incoherent moans and wanton cries of ecstasy. Only when she's clearly lost her mind in the pleasure does Juzo finally let loose, and his load is all the larger for it, as his cum fills Eva's womb and then some, breeding his pet slave, filling her and filling her and filling her.

When he finally pulls out, Eva is face down on the table, legs twitching and his seed slopping out of her in large amounts. Snorting, knowing that more than enough had gotten into her womb, Juzo doesn't care overly much about the loss… though he's always happy to have another opportunity to abuse his pet. Grabbing the slightly comatose Eva by her hair, he drags her off of the table and smacks her across the face a few times until she comes around. Forcing her to her knees, Juzo growls, pointing with his free hand down at the puddle of cum she's already created.

"Look at this mess you've made, slut. What are you going to do about it?"

"S-Sorry, Master! I… I'll clean it up, I promise!"

"Yes, you will."

There's something immensely satisfying about forcing Eva's face down into the cum puddle, watching as she hurriedly gets to work lapping up his seed in front of him. All while her reddened behind waves back and forth in the air enticingly, his cum still leaking out of her freshly fucked cunt and dripping onto the floor behind her the entire while.

This… this has been a very good experiment; the Revenant Researcher decides. If Eva isn't pregnant from this, she'll be pregnant soon enough, as he intends to fuck her again and again and again until the seed takes. And once she's pregnant… perhaps it'll be time to look into bringing in others. Jack and his little friends… they haven't been making much progress, with Juzo stopping them at every turn, and their foolish focus on trying to find Eva. They still think she's out there somewhere, fighting off the Frenzy or something. It's amusing, to say the least.

Perhaps he'll finish them off and take any women with them for himself. Perhaps he'll just kill them all, satisfied with Eva. Looking down at the white-haired young woman, Juzo Mido chuckles. Satisfied? He's a scientist, a researcher… he's NEVER satisfied.

"Keep licking, bitch."

"Yesh, Mashter…"

His eyes dart over to the fresh puddle behind her and he grins, already knowing what she'll be cleaning up next when she's finished with the first.


It was a quiet day at the base. With everyone else out looking for Eva still, Coco and Rin had the place all to themselves. Neither was doing much, both Coco and Rin were taking inventory of their stock in preparation for the next time something would be asked of them, merchants that they were.

Everything was perfectly calm and quiet… until suddenly it wasn't. An explosion rocks the base, but before either woman can react beyond to leap to their feet and reach for their weapons, a portal rips itself open right in the middle of the main room, and out of it steps their worst fear, their greatest enemy.

Juzo Mido, in all of his masked glory, along with his strongest servants, enter their base. Chuckling darkly, his arms spread wide, the mad scientist looks upon Coco and Rin with glowing red eyes.

"Well now… just the two lovely ladies I wished to see."

Coco grits her teeth and moves to lunge forward, only for one of Juzo's servants to catch her in the midst of her attack, grabbing her by the throat and choke slamming her into the ground. Another grabs Rin before she can react, and the last thing either woman hears before they're knocked unconscious is Juzo Mido's laughter, which in turn sends shivers down their spines.


Waking up is disorienting at first for Coco. The buxom blonde woman is pretty sure she has a concussion at the least, her head throbbing, even as she slowly comes to consciousness and is able to take proper stock of her surroundings. She's currently strapped down to what looks like an examination table, right alongside Rin Murasame. This is good, at the very least the younger woman is close to her. If they'd been separated Coco would have been distracted by thoughts of what might be being done to her.

Instead, they were together in what looked like some sort of mad scientist's laboratory. Which, given who they'd been captured by, was probably a pretty accurate descriptor of things. Grimacing, Coco begins to test her restraints, finding them to be far too strong for her to break free. The inside was a surprising soft leather to keep her from hurting herself, almost certainly, but the outside was made of metal, locking her down tightly at her wrists, ankles, and waist.

At her side, Rin finally begins to stir as well. Coco looks over at the younger woman somewhat approvingly. Rin was an energetic girl at the best of times, but she also had a tendency to freeze up in battle, which was part of the reason she'd basically joined up alongside Coco in providing provisions for the group. Still, the girl also had a head for numbers, and that alone was a good reason for her to be a merchant over a fighter. She'd served them well so far, and Coco would be damned if she'd let anything happen to her here, in this place.

It didn't help that the buxom blonde still had so many regrets about the death of her son. She should have been there for him, while he was sick, while he lay in bed dying. She should have been at his side… and she wasn't. So yes, perhaps she projected some of those regrets onto her relationship with Rin. Perhaps she needed someone young like Rin to coddle and care for. Not that Coco would ever say any of that out loud.

Though, with Rin now awake, she does say something out loud, as the young red head looks over at her, fear in her eyes.

"It's going to be alright. Remain calm… we're going to get out of this."

Before Rin can reply, another voice cuts in, smooth, deep, and somewhat familiar.

"Are you, now?"

Out of the shadows steps an incredibly scarred man with a smirk on his otherwise handsome face. His eyes flash, and immediately Coco knows who they're dealing with.


His smirk grows slightly, and he inclines his head in acknowledgment of her realization. Rin, meanwhile, is looking upon their captor with heightened fear, panting slightly, her chest heaving as she lays there restrained to the examination table. As if he can sense fear (though to be fair, even Coco can tell how scared Rin is) Juzo Mido moves over to the younger of the two women first, still smirking, even as he leans over Rin and reaches out, taking hold of her jaw in his hand and turning her head this way and that.

"Hm… you're coming along quite nicely already, my dear."

A whimper leaves Rin's throat. Meanwhile, Coco snarls, the buxom blonde straining against her bindings as she lifts herself up off of the table as much as she's able.

"Leave her alone!"

And then, because she knows that he'll need more than that to shift focus, Coco does what she has to do.

"If you're going to fuck with anyone, fuck with me instead!"

That gets Juzo Mido's attention. The Mad Scientist looks over at her, and for a moment Coco finds herself wishing that he was still wearing his mask and armor. Having to actually look at his wild eyes, set on his handsome yet scarred face… it was so much worse than his mask. Still, the blonde beauty keeps it cool, glaring up at him, staring him down and refusing to give ground, no matter how much he unnerves her. Rin was counting on her, and truth be told, the younger woman's presence gives Coco strength.

"Oh? Be careful what you wish for, my dear."

Still, he releases Rin's face and steps away from the young red head, leaving her to tremble in her bindings, even as he approaches Coco's side. The buxom blonde continues to struggle as the Mad Scientist looms over her.

"You are… an exquisite specimen, my dear."

And then he reaches up and grabs one of her tits, groping her quite casually through her top. Coco wasn't expecting it… but more than that, she wasn't expecting it to feel so damn good. Her eyes widen, and an inadvertent gasp leaves her mouth, followed by an entirely reluctant and completely instinctive moan that has her flushing in embarrassment and horror.

Juzo Mido, meanwhile, just grins knowingly, his eyes flashing as he stares down at her, still groping her chest with one hand, molding and massaging her breast so very casually. Why… why did it feel so good?!

"Yes, you're coming along nicely as well. The modified serum seems to be working much faster than it did with my other pet. Ah… that reminds me. Pet! Come here, please. Come say hello to your friends."

Somehow, Coco knows what's going to happen before it does. After all, she knows what the rest of the team has been so focused on finding for some time now, she knows who they've been hunting. Juzo Mido is the one who took Eva after all… so who else could this pet be? Of course, that in no way prepares Coco for the Eva that steps through the door.

The Revenant walks in completely in the nude, save for a collar around her throat. She makes her way over to Juzo Mido's side slowly but with a sense of eagerness to herself, and when she reaches him and he pulls her in for a one-armed hug that in turn results in a makeout session, she seems to be quite happy leaning into his side and letting him kiss her, even as she wraps her breasts around his arm like… like some lovesick slut.

The casualness with which Eva Roux submits to Juzo Mido is sickening and also incredibly worrying. On the one hand, Coco can't help but be angry to see Eva has given in, especially after all the work they've put in to trying to find her. On the other hand, what had Mido done to make the woman submit so easily? Eva… Eva wasn't that weak. This wasn't possible. Something was wrong here.

The Revenant Researcher eventually does pull away from Eva, having seemingly had his fill of her. As the naked blonde disengages from his side, he gives her ass one last slap for good measure, causing her to squeak and parts of her to jiggle… that's when Coco sees it for the first time, the buxom blonde noticing something she hadn't noticed originally. Eva… Eva has a baby bump.

It's small, barely formed, but it's there, and if Coco didn't know any better, she'd have said Eva's tits and hips and ass… they'd all grown since the last time she saw the other woman. In truth, she doesn't know any better, does she? No… she has no idea what's been done to Eva since the Revenant's capture. She's starting to get an inkling of what's in store for her and Rin though.

Turning back to her, Juzo Mido smiles… and pulls out his cock. Coco's eyes go wide at this, the normally calm and collected beauty tensing up as he takes his erection in hand and walks it over to her head.

"Tell me, what sort of feelings does this invoke in you, my dear?"

Coco's mouth opens and closes uselessly. She knows what she wants to say, what she should be saying. She should be telling him off, she should be snarling at him to get his cock out of her face, she should be sneering at him, disgusted, naming him a rapist and a pervert. She SHOULD be doing all of those things. But… the smell… the smell is intoxicating.

His cock is inches from her face right now, and despite herself, Coco's nostrils are flaring. Why does it smell so good? Why does she want… why does she want to lick it so badly? Her tongue is aching to exit her mouth, to trail out and touch his member. She knows she can't do that though; she knows she doesn't WANT to do that, not truly. And she knows if she does, it's a slippery slope that she won't be able to come back from, in the end.

"Still having reservations, my dear?"

Coco's eyes flick past Mido's prick to his smug face. She wishes she had the words to talk back to him, but all of her concentration is currently tied up in holding herself back from… from sucking his cock. Grinning wickedly, as if he can read her innermost thoughts with ease, the Mad Scientist shrugs his shoulders.

"Well then, let me make it easier for you. Either suck my cock… or I'll let your little friend do it instead."

Coco's eyes flicker over to Rin at that, and she realizes that despite not being the current target of Judo's… 'affections', Rin is nonetheless red faced and panting, staring at his member from the other examination table like there's nothing she'd like more than for him to stick it in her mouth. It's in that moment that the buxom blonde realizes something has been done to them both while they slept. Something awful.

And yet, what choice does she have? If she refuses, he'll turn to Rin. She can't… she has to keep the younger woman safe. Surely, Mido was sloppy back at their base, when he raided it for them. Surely, he left something behind that would allow the others to track them down, finally. All Coco had to do was stall for time.

Just as the Mad Scientist lets out a grunt of disappointment and begins to turn away from her, Coco lunges forward, craning her neck and opening her mouth wide to suck his cock in. The moment she does so, she knows in the back of her head that it's a mistake. It's everything that she'd thought it would be, everything that had her salivating and longing to suck his cock. The beautiful blonde can't help but bob up and down on his member now, moaning and sending reverberations up his length, even as she goes cross-eyed just trying to keep his dick in her field of view.

Juzo chuckles and places a hand atop her head almost casually, standing there and letting her suck his cock with an enthusiasm unmatched.

"There you go. That's not so bad, now is it?"

She knows she shouldn't be doing this; she knows she shouldn't be enjoying this… but the more she sucks the mad man's prick, the harder it is to remember those things. It's getting harder and harder to focus on anything, save for the cock in her mouth, his scent filling her nostrils, his precum oozing down her throat as she swallows it readily.

"Still, you could do better. Not to worry… I'll help."

And then he grabs her by her blonde hair more harshly, forming a makeshift ponytail, and he begins to fuck her throat, right then and there.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Coco's eyes widen, even as tears begin to coalesce. Drool and slobber and saliva collect on the beautiful buxom blonde's lower lip. Eventually, involuntary tears begin to streak down her cheeks, making a ruin of her mascara and her makeup, even as Juzo Mido rails her throat with every last inch of his rather large cock, forcing his dick down into her esophagus, bulging out her slender neck with every thrust.

Her breasts bounce and jiggle in their confines as a result of this, and she finds herself somewhat strained against her bindings as well. But Juzo seems uncaring of her own comfort, and truth be told, Coco is finding it harder and harder to care if she's in pain or not as well. As long as his meaty rod is buried inside of her throat, she's happy. Some small part of her still knows that she SHOULDN'T be… but that part is no longer in charge.

"I gave my pet the first injection of the serum, but of course, that was just a prototype. It took quite a while for it to… take effect, so to speak. With the two of you, well… I've managed to perfect the process a bit more. Not that it's completed or anything like that, a scientist's work is never truly done. Still, I'd say that this experiment can already be called a great success. Look at you, you silly cock-gobbling slut…"

His words wash over her, Coco no longer in position to properly comprehend what's being said to her. Her entire world has shrunk to a pinpoint, and the only thing that matters to the buxom woman anymore is the cock currently pistoning in and out of her throat. However, with a grunt, Juzo suddenly pulls out, leaving Coco to whine pitifully in response to being denied the one thing in life that's bringing her joy.

Chuckling derisively down at her, the scarred man just shakes his head, even as he grabs her top with one hand and contemptuously rips it off of her. Coco gasps in wanton ecstasy as its ripped away, her bountiful breasts finally being allowed to bounce free, the pair of massive tits jiggling expressively, her nipples already hard as diamonds.

He doesn't stop there though, the mad scientist swiftly moving onto her pants as well and ripping those off of her body next. She's soon naked in her restraints on the examination table and writhing with wanton desire. Squirming needily, Coco looks up at their captor and bites her lower lip, her cunt on fire with a desire to be fucked.


She stops herself though, catching herself a second too late. She can't… she can't do that. No matter what, she can't ASK for it. But she already has Juzo's attention. Grabbing her by the jaw just as he did Rin at the start, he looms in closer and raises an eyebrow.

"Please what?"

When Coco shakes her head minutely, Juzo growls and uses his free hand to spank her fat jugs, before slapping her naked, sopping wet cunt lips as well.

"Say it!"

Letting out a cry that's half pain, half pleasure, Coco breaks and does as she's told, confessing what she'd been about to say before.

"F-Fuck me! Please, fuck me!"

In an instant, Juzo's entire demeanor changes, going from angry back to smirking, and even accommodating as he leans back and lets go of her jaw, chuckling darkly once more.

"Well, my dear… you need only have asked."

Before she can even fully comprehend what's happening, her restraints are gone, and she's being pulled off of the examination table by her long blonde hair. The buxom beauty knows that this is her moment, that she SHOULD be doing something here… but all she can do is moan wantonly as she's bent over the examination table, facing a still-bound, watching Rin. Juzo's big fat cock slaps down on Coco's heart-shaped derriere from behind, and for a few moments he hot dogs her ass, seeming to enjoy teasing her.

"Look at what you've become in such a short amount of time. A needy, wanton, cock-hungry cunt, desperate for a good fucking. I've outdone myself; it would seem. And what about you, young one? What do YOU want?"

Those last two sentences are tossed over Coco's head as she moans, scrambling uselessly against the cold metal of the examination table, her tits smooshed up against its surface. His last words are meant for Rin, and the red head flushes, biting her lower lip, clearly trying not to make a fool of herself… like Coco has done. When Rin stays quiet, Juzo just snorts in derision, spanks Coco's ass, and then pulls back far enough that his cockhead is pressed into Coco from behind.

Only then does he lean forward, grabbing Coco by her blonde hair and pulling the buxom beauty's head up a bit so he can whisper into her ear.

"Tell her what she's missing, bitch. Tell her how much she's going to love being fucked by her new Master. Tell her how much you're going to love being fucked by YOUR new Master."

Shivering, some part of Coco knows she's at the point of no return. And yet… and yet, she's already lost, hasn't she? It's over. With a purely wanton look of lust and arousal and lewdity on her face, the normally calm and collected blonde stares over at a watching Rin. She's completely failed the younger woman… and that's okay.

"You're going to love the Master's cock, Rin! We both are! He's going to fuck us both, and he's going to knock us up, just like he did Eva! We're going to be his desperate, horny little breeding bitches for the rest of our lives!"

Rin's wide eyes tell her that Coco's words have hit home… and that unlike Coco, Rin had NOT recognized the small baby bump on Eva Roux's belly when the Revenant had been making out and being molested by Juzo Mido. Meanwhile, Mido himself laughs.

"Notice that, did you? Clever girl."

And then he thrusts forward, and Coco's entire world goes white. His cock is massive as it fills her from behind, and there's no denying that the buxom blonde has been through a bit of a dry spell. On top of that though is the serum that he injected both her and Rin with, the serum that made her feel like nothing mattered, save for Juzo's cock, Juzo's pleasure, Juzo's commands. He really was to be her Master now, wasn't he?

Eyes rolled back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth in a truly shameful expression of pure ecstasy, Coco can't help but feel like she deserves this. After the way her son had died, after she'd not been there for him as he'd grown sicker and sicker… perhaps this was justice, of a sort. She'd failed her son… so she deserved to be used as Juzo Mido's breeding bitch for the rest of her days.

Of course, the fact that it was an insanely pleasurable experience for the mind-broken blonde helped quite a bit as well. As Juzo fucks her, Coco cums again and again around his cock, ahegaoing the entire while, breaking in less than an hour, where Eva had lasted DAYS under Juzo's not-so-tender and loving care. But then, to be fair, this was a more perfected version of the serum. Coco's breaking wasn't truly any fault of her own, but more a product of Juzo Mido's genius and desire to constantly strive for perfection.

Fucking into her with violent, fast-paced thrust, Coco's new Master is not gentle, nor is he particularly kind. But that's alright, that's exactly what the buxom blonde prefers. Getting plowed senseless, bent over the examination table where Rin can see every moment of it across the way, Coco happily breaks and begins praising her Master and his cock.

"Yes, Master! Fuck me more! Fuck your slutty little fuck toy more! Oh, gods yes, I deserve it! I deserve to be a breeding bitch! I'm sorry for ever standing against you, I'm sorry!"

As Juzo Mido unloads inside of Coco's cunt, not a single ounce of the cool, calm, and collected woman truly remains. She's been transformed, both by Juzo's serum and by his cock, into little more than exactly what she keeps calling herself. A breeding bitch.


As he finishes with Coco, as he fills her womb with his seed, Rin Murasame can see the exact moment that Juzo Mido turns his attention from his conquest… to her. The young red head tenses up, her lower lip trembling until she bites down on it, and even then… gods, she wished she didn't want it so badly. Because truth be told, as horrifying as it was to watch Coco break, Rin fully understood where the blonde was coming from.

All the mad man had done so far was grab her by the jaw, and she already… she'd already nearly cum from that alone. How shameful, how disgraceful, how humiliating. To be so easily controlled, to be so easily dominated… she should have fought harder, she should have… done something more. But when Juzo Mido and his subordinates had shown up in the base, Rin had frozen up in fear, unable to even move a single muscle before they'd taken both her and Coco down.

Now, she was freezing up again, though not just in fear this time, as Juzo creeps ever closer, walking over to her examination table, his cock still erect and, in his grasp, as he looks at her with a raised brow.

"And you, my dear? Are you ready to submit?"

What choice did she have? As Rin lowers her head submissively, not even able to muster up a glare, that's the excuse that the red head uses for why she wants to so badly satisfy the fire burning in her loins. It's not like she can fight him. Coco was so much stronger than she was and look how the older blonde had ended up.

"Heh, I suppose you are."

He undoes her restraints, but unlike with Coco, doesn't drag her off the table. Instead, he steps back and watches her, arms crossed over his broad chest. Slowly, gingerly, Rin gets off of the cool, metal examination table all on her own. Slowly, trembling with fear, anticipation, and trepidation alike, Rin reaches up and begins to undress.

Her gas mask was already gone when she woke up, but that still leaves the red head to shirk off her jacket, and then pull away her bikini top. She removes her gloves, and then shimmies out of her pants and panties alike. Only once she's fully naked does Rin straighten up again, fidgeting and squirming under his gaze. Her entire body is on fire, but nothing more so than her cunt, which is burning with abject need. She wanted… she wanted it. She wanted him. If he asked her to beg for it, she would. If he demanded she suck his cock first, she'd do that too. But she was loathed to make another move without him commanding it, loathe to submit of her own free will…


In the end, that's all it takes. Biting her lower lip, Rin turns around and bends over the examination table behind her, just like Coco did. She juts out her pale little behind, just like Coco had, and she spreads her legs wide, exposing her glistening cunt. She offers herself to him, for him to mount and fuck just as he mounted and fucked Coco.

"… Mm, no. A bit derivative."

His hands are suddenly on her, one grabbing her by the hair and the other smacking down onto her side. He turns her around to face him, and lifts her up, sitting her on the cool metal of the examination table, forcing her to lay back with her legs dangling off the side as he spreads her thighs apart and slaps his cock down across her cunt and her flexing abdomen.

"Do you see this? This is how far my length will go up inside of you, girl."

Rin stares down at his member, laying there along her belly, the tip of his cock reaching far higher than she ever could have imagined. Rin's lips are parted, and she's panting with anticipation, with dread, with need. She knows that when he penetrates her… she's going to be as lost as Coco was. She knows that this is the end of her… and she can hardly wait.

"Y-You… you're going to turn me into a breeding bitch, j-just like Coco!"

"That's right!"

With a laugh, Juzo pulls back and then thrusts in. Rin's eyes roll back in her head just as fast as Coco's did, her mouth opening in a wide O as she moans wantonly in pleasure from the sudden penetration. Her head tilts back over the other side of the examination table. The petite, slim young woman ragdolls as she's fucked by her new Master, her mind primed and ready to break thee instant he penetrated her… and that's exactly what happens. She breaks, and as she does, she embraces the pleasure… and her new Master.

Her limbs come up, and Rin locks her legs around Juzo's broad waist as best she can. She reaches up and winds her slim and slender arms around his neck and tries to drag him down into a kiss. Chuckling, Juzo allows her to do so, taking hold of the red head by her fiery red locks and taking control of the kiss just like that, turning it into a domination of her mouth as much as anything else.

Even as he's plowing her cunt, he's tongue-fucking her throat, and the young red-haired merchant takes all of it quite happily, holding tightly to her new Master, embracing him almost lovingly. Broken and ready to be used, Rin submits totally and utterly to Juzo's control, even as he fucks her faster and faster by the second, plowing her harder and harder until she can't so much as think straight.

Not that she needs to. She's never going to have to do much thinking of any kind ever again. That's good. After all, in her eyes, her overthinking was what got her unit killed. Her cowardice, her fear… she was never fit to be a fighter. But a breeding bitch? Rin could see herself excelling at that. Oh sure, she didn't have a MILF body like Coco, maybe, but she still had room to grow. It was entirely possible she'd be just as good of an incubator for the Master's babies as Coco and Eva. She just… she just needed a chance to prove herself!

Rin gives herself over to the fucking that she's receiving with all her heart, her compact, lithe body bouncing and jiggling in some places, but not nearly as much as Coco's had. After all, she has tits, but they aren't massive like Coco's. Soon they will be, soon they'll grow big as her belly grows big, soon they'll get heavy with milk.

Completely and utterly broken, Rin can hardly wait. As Juzo cums inside of her without warning, she cries out in response and her eyes roll back in her head all over again as she orgasms explosively around his cock. His seed paints her insides white, and he doesn't stop until he's unloaded every last drop directly into the red head's womb. Rin wouldn't have it any other way… she knew now, she was right where she belonged.


Lounging back on a large couch, Juzo Mido smiles a smile of soul-deep satisfaction. His arms are spread across the back of the couch, and he's not moving a single muscle… mostly because he doesn't have to. His girls, his pets, his breeding bitches as Coco had named them all, are doing all the work for him. Leaning into him on either side are Eva and Coco, the two buxom beautiful blondes moaning as they rub themselves against his body, their tits and their hardened nipples running across his broad chest and their own bodies undulating as they do so.

Meanwhile, down betwixt his legs, the less… blessed of the three women kneels there, sucking his cock quite dutifully. Rin might not have a rack as large as Eva or Coco's, but where she lacks in chest, she more than makes up for in enthusiasm as she uses her tongue to pleasure him and worship her new Master. All of them are eager to worship him, all of them are eager to serve.

Eva, of course, is already well on her way, given that she's pregnant now, as Coco astutely pointed out. Soon enough, Coco and Rin will join her, the two other women bred by yours truly. This was Juzo's new plan, his new experiment. He needed more than just a Revenant, to properly test his hypotheses, of course. In that way, Coco and Rin would do just fine.

And of course, it would only upset those who'd been hunting for Eva all this time even more, when they realized that he'd snaked two more of their women right out from under their noses. Juzo Mido was not usually a man prone to petty vindictive pleasures… no, wait… he most certainly was. Grinning wickedly, the Revenant Researcher reaches over and grabs Eva and Coco both by their hair, pulling first Eva in for a kiss, and then turning and doing the same with Coco.

Both blonde moans appreciatively as their tongues duel with his, the two women happily submitting to his mouth on theirs. Meanwhile, seeing this, Rin redoubles her efforts in order to please him, bobbing up and down on his cock while using one hand to massage his nuts and the other to finger her creampied pussy.

The trio of women are his now, and all is as it should be.


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