Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Learning to Love Authority (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Learning to Love Authority (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

A/N: Learning to Love Authority was a commissioned story in four parts originally written from November of 2019 to November of 2020. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Buffy tries to get on Snyder's good side, only for it to massively backfire... and yet, when all is said and done, she couldn't be happier.

Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Fucked Silly


It was, supposedly, a rather simple idea. And one with a distinctly good payoff, if she could make it work. All she had to do was get herself in Snyder's good graces, and it would make everything so much better in the long run. The Principal of Sunnydale High School was a total hardass of course, and constantly on her case… but if she could work her magic and get something of a good relationship going with him, then she might just be able to turn that around.

That was the idea behind actually asking for this one-on-one meeting with the man, anyways. As she's let into his office by the man's secretary, however, Buffy finds herself taking one look at the Principal and wondering if this was a bad idea. He was just…

"Take a seat, Ms. Summers."

Closing her mouth, rather than saying what she'd originally planned on saying, Buffy sits down heavily. The very presence of the Principal's Office is honestly quite stifling, and despite being the Slayer, despite all the advantages that come with that title, Buffy can't help but feel like she's walked willingly into the lion's den.

Snyder, meanwhile, ignores her for a moment in favor of whatever paperwork he's currently doing. The silence is heavy in the air, and Buffy fidgets and squirms in her seat for a brief second before forcibly holding herself still. She was here for a reason; she just needed to remember that and focus on the matter at hand. She wanted… no, she needed to get on Snyder's good side so the man would stop being such a damn nuisance. The only problem was, she didn't know if he HAD a good side.

The best Buffy could come up with was playing at social fu. It'd been a long time since she'd been a socialite back at her old high school, back before she'd become the Slayer and ended up burning down said high school's gymnasium. Back then, back before all of that, Buffy had been the most popular girl in school. And that didn't just mean the students looked up to her and admired her from afar. The teachers had liked her as well, even the Principal had almost seemed apologetic when he'd been forced to expel her. None of them could believe she 'turned out the way she did', as much as it rankled Buffy not to be able to tell them the truth.

That said, she was sure she could… convince Snyder to lay off and that she wasn't such a troublemaker.

"Right. What do you want, Ms. Summers? My time is precious."

Showtime. Putting on her cutest smile and bringing her hands together to clap in front of herself, Buffy bats her eyelashes at the Principal, keeping her voice cute and simpering, just like it used to be, just like it still could be whenever she wanted something bad enough.

"Well, Principal Snyder, I just wanted to meet with you and hopefully clear the air between us. I feel like we really got off on the wrong foot, and I-!"

Snyder cuts her off with a raised hand.

"Let me stop you right there, Summers. We didn't get off on the wrong foot. You've been a pain in my ass since you came to Sunnydale. You've been a thorn, and no amount of picking at you seems to work out. Quite frankly, I would have already expelled you if I could. Soon enough, your lack of attendance might make that feasible."

She wasn't expecting him to be so blunt, of course. It takes her aback, even as his mention of wanting to expel her causes a burst of panic in Buffy's chest. She had to avoid that, didn't she? If she was expelled, her mother would want to move them again, and Buffy couldn't move, because she was the fucking Slayer, and she had to stay here, on the Hellmouth, no matter what.

Buffy really didn't want to find out what the Watcher's Council would make her, or Giles do in order to keep her on the Hellmouth, even at the expense of her education.

"L-Look, Principal Snyder, I've made my mistakes, sure… but I'm trying to turn over a new leaf here. Isn't that laudable? Shouldn't you be helping me?"

The balding man pauses for a second at that, and then abruptly stands up.

"You want me to help you be a better student, Summers? Get up."

Buffy blinks at that, but Snyder is already halfway around his desk. She starts to stand up, and he 'helps' her the rest of the way by yanking her to her feet. Then, he pushes her forward.

"Bend over the desk. Hands out, palms down."

Under normal circumstances, Buffy would be able to easily resist, thanks to the enhanced strength of a Slayer. But this was her Principal, and she'd just gotten done thinking about how she NEEDED to appease him, hadn't she? So, she couldn't fight back. All she could do was obey. Bending forward, pressing her hands into the wood of Snyder's desk, Buffy frowns a little, only to gasp and let out a cute little squeak as Snyder's hand suddenly comes down on her bottom.


Buffy's entire body jolts, and she begins to straighten up, only for Snyder to press his other hand down in between her shoulderblades.

"Stay put, Summers. Or do you not want to be rehabilitated? Bad girls talk back to the Principal. Good girls are quiet and take their punishment."

Smack! Smack! Smack!

As Buffy does as she's told, Snyder continues to deliver spankings to her bottom, again and again and again. Each one sends her jarring forward a little bit, even as she stares straight forward with wide eyes, the words on her tongue dying at his ultimatum. Bad girls talked back. Good girls stayed quiet. She knew she wasn't a good girl, obviously, but she was pretending to be one, and she'd continue to pretend to be one if it meant avoiding being expelled and having her entire life flipped on its head AGAIN.

Snyder spanks her for what feels like an eternity. Maybe he's waiting for her to pull away and beg him to stop because it hurts too much? But that's the thing… Buffy is used to far more punishment than this. Snyder's hand on her bottom is nothing… in fact, it starts to feel kind of good, the repeated spankings to such a s-sensitive area. It's not like… like she's enjoying it or anything, but…

When he finally stops, Buffy lets out a sort of disappointed sigh, even as he stops pushing her down and steps back, grunting.

"Huh. Very good, Summers. Perhaps you're not lying about wanting to turn over a new leaf. Get down on your knees."

The distinctive sound of a belt buckle being undone has Buffy straightening up very fast, her eyes wide as she turns to face Snyder. The look on his face brooks no argument though, and despite herself… Buffy descends to her knees without a word of protest. She can't say for sure why she's so… weak right now. She came in here to make nice though, and at least she's making nice?

But obviously, this was NOT what she had in mind. And yet, the Principal unbuckles his belt, unbuttons and unzips his pants, and pulls his cock out without a single ounce of protest from the young blonde woman. And then he slaps it down on her face, and Buffy's breath hitches as she goes cross-eyed just looking at it.

"Put it in your mouth. It's the least you can do after all the headaches you've given me, you little tart. All of the added stress from this damn job can be laid solely at your feet. So, get to work relieving some of it."

As he's speaking, the Principal is rubbing his cock all over her cheeks and her chin and her lips. A whimper escapes Buffy's mouth, and then she's opening up, allowing him to slot himself inside, his cock slipping past her lips. As he fills her mouth with his sizable dick, Buffy gags, hating every last second of this… including how much she's enjoying it, for some reason.

Buffy has a thing for older men, to be fair. If she were to actually go to therapy, they'd probably say it was something to do with her dad leaving her and her mom behind, or something. Regardless, never in a million years did the blonde think she would be on her knees in Snyder's office, sucking his dick. And yet, here she is, and as he reaches down and takes ahold of her by her blonde hair, gripping tightly and beginning to force her to bob up and down on his cock… Buffy slips her hands up under her skirt.

At first, Snyder doesn't notice. He's too busy groaning and throwing his head back, enjoying himself immensely as his hardon slips into Buffy's mouth further and further, ultimately hitting the back of her throat. But eventually, he looks down at her again, and his sharp eyes, the eyes of an authoritative disciplinarian catch Buffy's hands buried beneath her skirt.

"Are you touching yourself, Ms. Summers?"

Buffy freezes at that, eyes wide as she looks up at the Principal, his cock still buried in her mouth and stretching her jaw wide. Her hands are no longer moving beneath her skirt.

"Hands behind your back. Good girls focus on the task at hand. Bad girls allow themselves to get distracted."

Buffy shivers. She… she wants to be a good girl for Principal Snyder, she finds, much to her dismay. Her hands come out from under her skirt, and she places them behind her back as he grunts his approval and returns to fucking her face, soon forcing her to deep-throat his cock, gagging her and choking her on his thick, meaty member.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

This continues for a while, and though Buffy is tempted to touch herself again, she never does. Eventually, Snyder pulls out of her mouth, his cock still throbbing and glistening with her saliva. Then, he uses his grip on her hair to drag her to her feet. By this point, the man is speaking in a rough, gravelly tone, clearly more aroused than anything, and ready to take out all of his frustrations and stress on the girl who's practically handed herself to him on a silver platter.

"The chair. Get up on the chair, Ms. Summers."

He follows up his order with forcing her to get up onto the chair she'd been sat on moments before. Buffy finds herself kneeling on the cushion instead, bent over the back of it as Snyder flips up her skirt and grabs at the waistband of her panties, yanking them down to her thighs. After exposing her with little fanfare, Snyder doesn't wait any longer to penetrate her either. There's no warning beyond him tugging her panties away, before quite suddenly, Buffy is full of the Principal, his cock thrusting into her from behind and robbing her of her virginity.

A cry leaves the young blonde's lips as Snyder holds onto her, one hand in her hair, tugging her head backwards and forcing her to arch her back, and the other on her hip, gripping tightly to keep her from going anywhere as he fucks her up against the chair she's knelt on. His cock pistons in and out of her clenching, gushing wet quim, even as his labored breathing fills the air.

She's being fucked… by Principal Snyder. That thought should disgust her. It should repulse her. But… Buffy is hopelessly and utterly turned on. All of this has backfired on her immensely, that's for sure. And yet, she's enjoying it. She's enjoying being a good girl for the Principal, she's enjoying him punishing her for all her fuck ups.

And Snyder in turn is clearly enjoying himself as well, as his thrusting gets rougher, faster, and more sporadic. Buffy pushes her hips back into his cock, even as she begins to anticipate his release. It's coming soon, isn't it? The very thought sends Buffy right over the edge, and she lets out a pleasured cry as she orgasms HARD around Principal Snyder's dick.

He stops at that, and leans over her, half-hissing, half-growling into her ear.

"Did you just cum, Ms. Summers? Did I give you permission to climax?"

Buffy's eyes widen at that, but he's already following it up.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to punish you a bit more."

Quite suddenly, he's pulling out of her cunt and using his grip on her hair to rip her off of the chair and down onto the floor again, forcing her to her knees once more. There, Buffy finds herself staring into Snyder's meat cannon, even as he jerks himself the rest of the way to release with his free hand. Buffy can do nothing but take it as his seed explodes from his member, coating her face, covering her features and forcing her to close her eyes.

Once he's done cumming, Snyder lets go of her and steps back, panting. When Buffy reaches up to begin wiping his semen away, he stops her.

"Don't. That's your punishment, Summers. For the rest of the day, you wear that on your face. Get up and sit down and stay quiet while it dries. Then, you can leave."

He tucks his cock away and moves back around to sit in his desk, even as Buffy slowly does as she's told, dragging herself off the floor and sitting back down in the chair from before, somewhat in a daze, her face covered in rapidly drying cum and her entire appearance distinctly disheveled.

What… what just happened? And… what could she do to make sure it happened again?


This time, when Buffy steps into the Principal's Office, she knows exactly why she's there. There's no misconceptions this time around. She knows she can't just cozy up to Principal Snyder and flutter her eyelashes and play the part of a good girl and everything will be okay. No, it's not that simple. Principal Snyder is a man in a position of authority… and Buffy Summers is a bad, bad girl. It's his duty to punish her. She can hardly wait.

However, when she moves to sit down in the chair across from him on the other side of his desk, Principal Snyder stops her.

"No. Stand in the middle of the room. Hands behind your back. Back straight. Good girls get to sit. Bad girls get punished."

Buffy instinctively obeys, biting her lower lip as her legs tremble and her pussy quivers from Snyder's words. Yes… yes that's exactly why she's here. Because she's a bad girl that needs to be punished. Of course, as is his right, the Principal leaves her standing there for a time in utter silence as he works on something at his desk, acting like she's not even there. Buffy doesn't say a word though, even as her pussy juices flow down her inner thigh.

Eventually, Snyder looks up at her, the Principal staring at her in judgement.

"I suppose I'm not surprised to have you back in my office, Ms. Summers. But I must admit, I didn't expect it to be for this."

Slowly rising from his desk, Snyder walks around it's length and leans against it's front, crossing his arms over his chest.

"After all of your tardies, all of your absences and missed classes… I did not expect for you to turn around and get in trouble IN class. Though I suppose I should have. I suppose I should have known a bad girl like you wouldn't be able to help yourself."

Shivering, Buffy licks her lips and keeps her eyes averted, which in turn allows her to stare at Principal Snyder's crotch.

"Y-Yes sir."

"Eyes front, Summers. Naughty little cunt."

Buffy whimpers as her gaze shoots up, staring at the wall behind the Principal's desk. Oh god, she is… she is a naughty little cunt, isn't she? She'd be moaning right now, if she wasn't biting her tongue to try and keep from making a fool of herself. Of course, it's far too late for that. The very clothes she's wearing right now make her look like a foolish little prissy valley girl.

Her mother had been all too happy to take Buffy shopping, and Buffy… Buffy had taken full advantage of that, changing up her entire wardrobe to try and impress the Principal. There's a lot of hot pink now in Buffy's closet, and a lot of short skirts and heels. She's wearing just one-inch heels right now, but they do their work all the same, lifting her perky little behind up and giving her just that extra inch which would allow her to be eye level with Snyder himself, if she dared look the Principal in the eye.

She doesn't, of course, not even when he abruptly reaches out and cups her cunt, sliding his hand right up under her too-short skirt and grabbing her by her naked quim right then and there. Buffy gasps as a wet smacking sound fills the air from the impact, his palm getting quite messy with her dripping pussy juices.

"So then, it's true. Not only are you not wearing underwear… you were touching yourself in class as well, weren't you?"

Buffy can't hold back any longer. She moans as the Principal plays with her pussy right then and there in the middle of his office. Still, she knows she has to answer.

"Y-Yes sir…"

For a moment, Snyder just touches her, and Buffy just lets them. Then, he makes a considering noise in the back of his throat and pulls his hand back, delivering a sharp but not too harsh slap to her cunt before pulling away entirely. As Buffy gasps and very nearly climaxes and collapses to her knees in a puddle of her own juices right then and there, Snyder just smiles a not-at-all-nice-smile.

"Well, at least you've learned to tell the truth, Summers. A step in the right direction, to be sure.

Moving over to the side, the Principal pulls open a drawer. What he takes from that drawer has Buffy's eyes going wide, and her cunt clenching in sheer anticipation, even as her asshole puckers a bit in fear. In one hand, Snyder holds a big, round, pink ball gag. In the other, he holds a bejeweled butt plug. His intentions for both are obvious as he stalks back over to Buffy.

"Move your hair out of the way."

Buffy does as she's told, of course, not questioning it for even a second. Her blonde hair, done up in a ponytail at the moment, is easily pulled up and out of the way. Snyder moves behind her and brings the ball gag up. Without needing to be told to, Buffy opens wide, allowing the Principal to slot the large hot pink ball into her mouth, stretching her jaw nice and wide.

He fiddles with it for a moment, before pulling the straps tight and cinching them together behind her head. She's well and truly gagged now, and already she can feel saliva beginning to pool in her mouth. She'll be drooling around the ball gag soon enough, and that… that mental imagery fills Buffy with a certain sense of delight. She really is a naughty little cunt.

"Bend over."

His hand between her shoulderblades follows that order, though of course Buffy has to let him push her down onto his desk like he does, given her supernatural strength. She doesn't fight him though, even as bending over causes her too-short skirt to ride up along her hips and expose her perky posterior. He doesn't even need to flip up her skirt, she's already completely exposed with just that single motion of pressing herself down onto his desk and lifting her hips as high into the air as she can.

Spreading her ass apart with one hand, Snyder begins to push the butt plug up against Buffy's back door. She's left gasping and groaning and whimpering from the intrusion, but that doesn't stop the Principal. After all, this isn't supposed to be fun for her, now is it? This is discipline, punishment… Buffy is just enough of a horny little slut to enjoy most of it.

Once the sex toy is firmly plugging up her asshole, Snyder pulls away again. Buffy doesn't dare move from her position though, remaining where she is, bent over his desk, waiting for his next order. It doesn't come though, or at least it doesn't come verbally until after Snyder has grabbed her by the wrists and dragged her arms behind her back. The hot pink handcuffs he places around her wrists are made of leather rather than metal, save for the chain connecting them of course. It makes them a lot more comfortable, even as he binds her arms behind her back.

Once he's done, Snyder speaks again.

"Stand up straight. Turn and face me."

Buffy does so, only to stop dead in her tracks when she sees the camera in the Principal's hands. He lifts an eyebrow at the look she gives him.

"Is there a problem, Summers? Are you not ready to accept your punishment for being such a naughty little cunt?"

Buffy shivers at those words trailing down her spine again. God, she loves those words. Not really in a position to speak, the ball-gagged vampire slayer just nods, moaning around her gag as she thrusts out her chest to try to show her resolve. Snyder, of course, snaps a photo of her doing said pose. Then, with a nasty sort of smile on his face, he continues taking pictures, even as he gives her orders.

"Show me your body, slut. Show me how much of a little whore you are."

Buffy does as she's told. Wearing high heels with her hands cuffed behind her back, one might worry for her balance. But she was a cheerleader before coming to Sunnydale, and she's a vampire slayer now. Balance… balance is not an issue. Taking up pose after pose, Buffy shows off her scandalously clad body to Snyder and his camera, letting the Principal take so many compromising photos of her that she's pretty sure he could ruin her for life if they ever got out.

She doesn't care though; she doesn't intend to give him any reason to go that far. Oh sure, she's a naughty little cunt… but only so far as it takes to get herself here, into his office, where he can punish her again.

It doesn't take long for Snyder's own libido to get the better of him. Dragging Buffy over to the nearest chair, he sits her down in it, though with her arms tied behind her back, she can't quite sit properly. Instead, she ends up in a rather compromising position as he forces her legs apart and brings her cunt to the edge of the chair. Her body is all folded up, and she's looking up at Snyder from below as he continues to take pictures of her.

His free hand grabs at her shirt and hikes it up, pulling her pink top over her tits and exposing the fact that she's not wearing a bra either. But then to be fair, her nipples have been straining at the fabric of her shirt for a while now, so it's not like he didn't already know. Regardless, with her tits exposed and her skirt hiked up and showing off her cunt as well as her plugged ass, Buffy knows she looks utterly ridiculous.

All she can do is moan through the ball gag as Snyder takes more and more pictures, her drool flowing down off of her chin and onto her titties. He continues to snap pictures with the camera even as his cock finally comes out. Buffy stares at it hungrily of course, cunt clenching in anticipation as he slides his member all over her pussy lips but doesn't penetrate her.

"This is what you want, isn't it Summers? You want me to fuck you, don't you? Because you're not just a bad girl, you're not just a naughty little cunt… you're a horny, needy slut."

Buffy moans in the affirmative, doing her best to nod her head, even in her current awkward position. Snyder snorts and slaps his meaty cock down on her sopping wet slit a few times… and then finally, mercifully pulls back and fits his head into her cunt, before thrusting forward and TAKING her. Buffy's eyes go crossed right off the bat as she moans loudly around the ball gag, groaning from the penetration. Snyder takes another picture of what Buffy can only imagine is a truly humiliating face she's making, and then keeps right on fucking her.

She knows she's making an utter fool of herself right now, she knows she's acting like… like a total utter needy little slut. But she doesn't care. She doesn't mind. So long as it's with the Principal, domineering and commanding and authoritarian as he is, Buffy is happy. It feels right, giving herself over to him. It feels right, letting him dominate her. Even with all her strength, even with all of the power of a Slayer backing her up… she really is just a naughty little cunt.

Buffy's eyes roll up in her head after a while, and she orgasms explosively, muffled moans coming out from around the ball gag the entire time. If not for the hot pink ball stretching her jaw wide, her tongue would be lolling out of her mouth in a truly fucked silly expression. As is, all Snyder gets is her eyes rolling around in her skull and her entire body shaking and shuddering through climax after climax as he snaps picture after picture with his camera.

In the end, he cums inside of her. No warning, nothing… he just does it. Instead of cumming all over her face like last time, he cums inside and fills her with his seed, and all Buffy can think is that she's not on birth control, that he might just have… have knocked her up. Her entire body seizes up and she experiences one last mind-melting climax from the thought, even as Snyder's cum paints her womb white and fills her with a hot feeling of satisfaction.

Pulling out of her, the Principal grunts and straightens up, setting aside the camera on his desk and fixing up his disheveled suit as he tucks his spent cock away again. He seems to consider her for a few long moments before eventually reaching down and tugging the ball gag out of her mouth, leaving her jaw aching. He then uncuffs her hands and pulls away with both gag and handcuffs in his hands.

"You're keeping the plug in for now, Summers. It seems I'm going to have to take a very… direct role in your retraining. From now on, you're to report to my office after school every day. Understood?"

"Y-Yes… sir…"

"Then get out of my office."

Buffy whimpers, still out of breath and panting noisily, but she nonetheless leverages herself up and exits Principal Snyder's office on shaky legs, cum dripping down her inner thigh.

A long-term arrangement… sounds perfectly fine to her.


Skipping up to the front door of her Principal's house, Buffy Summers hesitates for all of a moment before reaching out and ringing the doorbell. As she waits, she turns this way and that, causing her skirt to swish back and forth around her. Biting her lower lip, the naughty, slutty blonde simply can't wait for the day's… festivities.

When the door opens to reveal Principal Snyder standing on the other side, dressed down a bit more, Buffy licks her lips and gives him her sunniest smile.

"Good afternoon, Principal Snyder. I'm here for our after school meeting, as ordered!"

Snyder's eyes slide up and down her body for a moment, before he seems to remember herself and glances back and forth, checking to see if anyone is around and watching. With a growl, he grabs Buffy by her bared arm and drags her inside.

"You little trollop. I told you to wear a coat!"

Buffy blushes at that, liking the way he manhandles her as he shuts and locks the door behind them, effectively trapping her in his house with him. It's not like she's going to fight her way out, after all. Good girls didn't fight authority, they submitted. But… there was a little bit of Buffy that was still quite the bad girl indeed.

Otherwise, why would she have strolled up to her Principal's front door dressed in such a slutty, skimpy version of Sunnydale High's cheerleading uniform? Funnily enough, the normal Sunnydale High Cheerleader's uniform probably would have been just fine. Made up of a yellow long-sleeved top and a short red and white skirt, there wasn't much to be found wrong with the normal uniform.

But of course, Buffy's version had some… alterations. It was still yellow and red, of course, those were Sunnydale's colors, but the top had been modified somewhat extensively. Gone were the long-sleeves, as well as the midriff. On top of that, there was a deep V-neck to the top, showing off a delightfully tantalizing amount of Buffy's cleavage. It was effectively more of a sports bra than an actual shirt, anymore… which was just fine, because Buffy hadn't bothered wearing a bra beneath it.

Just as she hadn't bothered wearing a pair of panties beneath the skirt, which had also been modified. The skirt's modifications came in the form of a few inches cut off the bottom. As a result, while it technically covered up all of the important bits, Buffy was showing off more of her gorgeous legs and thighs then was truly appropriate. And, if she ever bent over or so much as had a stiff breeze blow through, she'd be bearing it all.

She looks like such a horny little cheerleader slut… and save for the cheerleader bit, that's exactly what Buffy is. She hasn't actually joined the Sunnydale High Cheer Squad, for a number of very good reasons… but that doesn't mean she can't dress to impress with Principal Snyder on her first time visiting his home.

He DID tell her to wear a coat though, and that's something she'd made a conscious decision not to do. Biting her lower lip and batting her eyelashes at him, Buffy looks appropriately contrite as she clasps her hands together in front of herself, pushing her tits together at the same time.

"I'm sorry, sir… I've been a bad, bad girl…"

She can tell from the way his jaw clenches and his nostrils flare that she's definitely in for it. As such, she's prepared to not fight it when he reaches up and grabs her by her ponytail, dragging her deeper into his home. It's not much, his humble abode, but to be fair, he is working off of an educator's salary. All the same, Buffy doesn't care much for her surroundings, not when she can fantasize about his dick being inside of her instead.

The slutty little cheerleader is soon dragged into the living room, where she discovers what Snyder has planned for them today… the cameras set up all over the place to cover different angles certainly make it clear what they'll be doing. Letting go of her arm, Snyder moves over to the couch and sits down, before looking at her and seemingly getting straight down to business.

"So, Ms. Summers. Do you know why you're here?"

Prancing into view of the cameras without a care in the world, Buffy makes sure to give lots of subtle poses. It turns her on, the thought of being filled acting like a slut for Principal Snyder. She's already made a fool of herself more than enough in his office… why not make a fool of herself in his own home, where he's recording every second of it?

"A-Ah, um… well sir, I know my grades haven't been the best. I-I was hoping we could talk about how I could improve them."

Snyder raises an eyebrow, the Principal crossing his arms over his chest, even though the bulge in his pants makes it obvious he's quite happy with her so far.

"And how do YOU expect to be able to improve them, Summers? It's not like you have much of a mind to speak of, now is it?"

His clipped insulting tone sends a shudder of pleasure down Buffy's spine, and she slowly moves closer, even as she bends forward, jutting out her tits towards the Principal and her ass towards the camera behind her.

"Oh no, sir… I'm not very smart, I know that. But I thought, maybe… I could do some extra credit. A hardworking man such as yourself probably doesn't have much time to seek out a good, wholesome woman to handle his stress."

The Principal's other eyebrow lifts to join the first, Snyder clearly wondering where she's going with this. Buffy, meanwhile, creeps ever closer as she continues on.

"If the world were a just place, a strong, hardworking man such as yourself would have a wife and kids to go along with your fulfilling job as an educator. But the world isn't just, is it sir? So… maybe a naughty little slut like me can help you out, just a little…"

Her teasing, tantalizing tone is met with a growl from Snyder, as he suddenly reaches out and grabs her by the ponytail as it comes in range, yanking her down to her knees in between his legs. Her hands reach out and grab his thighs, running up to his crotch as she gives him a slutty grin, as much for him, as for the cameras all around them.

"My thoughts exactly, sir~"

And then she carefully extracts his cock from its confines and slides it right into her warm, wet, inviting mouth. The slutty little wannabe cheerleader moans around his dick like it's the best thing she's ever tasted. Why not ham it up for the video, right? The thought of the Principal sharing it with people, be they strangers on the internet or even close personal friends of his… it excites Buffy to no end.

Muffled moans leaves her lips as she slurps and sucks at his cock, bobbing up and down his length quite enthusiastically all while the Principal holds her by her hair.

"This is… a good start, Ms. Summers. I suppose there's something that mouth of yours is good at after all."

His degradation of her continues to arouse Buffy to no end. She really has become such an eager, horny little slut for the Principal, hasn't she? And to think, she'd once thought herself so far above him. She'd thought she was better than him, a hardworking man just trying to run her high school. But she's not. She's nothing in comparison to Principal Snyder, and she thanks her lucky stars every day that he put her in her place and showed her what a bad, bad girl she was.

"Here it comes, slut! Drink it all!"

Buffy's eyes widen as he explodes into her mouth, but she eagerly obeys, nonetheless. The wannabe cheerleader gulps and swallows down Principal Snyder's load, all the while ever-aware of the cameras all around them, recording them, saving this moment in digital for all time. Her cheeks expand a bit in order to accommodate his load, but in the end, Buffy swallows every last drop without a single issue.

When he's done cumming, the Principal pulls her off of his cock with a pop, groaning as his member springs free. He looks down at her for a moment, and Buffy, ever the naughty little minx, looks right back up at him and sticks out her tongue, giving the head of his member a little swipe. His cock immediately begins to grow hard again, even as Snyder growls and yanks her up by her ponytail, dragging her to her feet.

She's soon bent over the coffee table in the center of the living room. Hands palm down, Buffy squeals as the Principal lands a punishing spanking across her upturned ass, the absurdly short skirt of her slutty cheerleader uniform having left her completely exposed.

"You horny little troublemaker! Fucking take it!"


"Ooh~ Yes sir, please, spank me harder! Punish me, sir!"




In front of all the cameras recording them, Buffy Summer's eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she experiences an explosive orgasm from nothing but the Principal's hand spanking her slutty ass. Moaning profusely, the wannabe cheerleader shudders and creams herself, squirting all over the coffee table… which of course does nothing to endear her to Principal Snyder.

"Bitch! You're making a mess! Clean up after yourself!"

Maneuvering her head into position, manhandling her as he pleases, Snyder soon has her licking up her own pussy juices from the surface of the coffee table… even as his rock hard cock slaps down against her cherry-red ass cheeks and then moves to her twat. He's about to fuck her again, about to fuck her in front of all of these cameras while she's licking the coffee table and mewling like a little bitch in heat.

… She's never been more turned on in her life, and when Snyder thrusts forward and fills her with his dick, when he finally penetrates her from behind, Buffy squeals and creams herself all over again, though this time the vast majority of her fluids end up contained by the Principal's cock, rather than squirting all over the place.

"Don't you stop licking, you haven't finished yet!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

The whole 'extra credit' bit has kind of been derailed by this point, but honestly, Buffy doesn't mind. Likewise, the cheerleader uniform has been less than important in the grand scheme of things. What seems to matter the most here is Buffy's humiliation, degradation, and submission. She's loving every last bit of submitting to the Principal, bent over his coffee table, lapping up her own juices, getting fucked from behind.

His hand is still on her ponytail, and he uses it to keep pushing her down, to make her continue lapping up the splattering of cunt fluids she's left all over the table before her. Meanwhile, his cock is pistoning in and out of her pussy at a rapid pace, Snyder grunting and groaning behind her as he fucks her silly. Her inner walls cling and squeeze down around his member rapidly under the onslaught of pleasure, and Buffy loses track of just how many times she cums to her Principal's cock.

When he finally reaches his own second release, there's no warning again… well, besides the way he decides to do it. Yanking himself out of her twat, he spins Buffy around by her ponytail and forces her head down right in front of his cock. Stroking himself to completion with his other hand, the Principal cums all over Buffy's face, getting some of it in her eyes and making her flinch, even as she opens her mouth wide and sticks out her tongue, all too happy to take it.

"Yeah, that's right you little cunt… fucking wear my cum with pride…"

She does, she really does. Once he's done, Buffy moans and licks her lips before smiling at her Principal, beaming at him.

"Did I do good, sir?"

"… Not yet. One last thing I want from you."

Whipping her around, he faces her directly towards a camera, covered in cum and all. On her hands and knees on the coffee table at this point, Buffy is in no position to stop Snyder from penetrating her anus. As he begins to slide his cock into her ass from behind, leaving Buffy whimpering and mewling at the sudden intrusion into her back door, Snyder sneers into her ear.

"Look directly at the camera and tell anyone who sees this exactly who and what you are, Summers."

Ah, so total and utter humiliation? Buffy might just have cum a little again. Licking her lips once more, Buffy stares into the biggest camera in the room as she gets butt fucked and does as she's told.

"H-Hello e-everyone… mm, my name is Buffy Summers, a-and I'm a worthless, naughty, ooh, whore. I'm a slutty, mm, little cum dump t-that gives the authority figures, ah, in my life a-all kinds of t-trouble! I'm getting fucked up the ass r-right now for being such a needy c-cunt, and I deserve every b-bit of, oooh, it!"

Growling in her ear, Snyder speeds up his thrusts at that, causing Buffy to become thoroughly derailed as she squeals from the anal pounding she's receiving.

"That's right, Summers. Damn right you deserve it. Take it, you little cunt! Take it!"

… Buffy thinks she might have become something of a bad influence on Principal Snyder, funnily enough. But… the slutty blonde whore isn't about to try and rein it in now. He's taught her that her place is at his feet… so why can't she be the one to teach him how to treat a worthless slut-cunt such as herself in turn? Moaning wantonly, Buffy experiences her first ever orgasm from getting butt fucked as the Principal continues to rail her anus.

She expects to have many more though in the days to come. Something has well and truly awakened in Principal Snyder at this point. They've gone beyond just a clandestine relationship between educator and student. And Buffy can't wait to see what Snyder has in mind for her next.


Finishing off his last piece of paperwork with a flourish, Principal Snyder lets out a contented sigh. Then, he sets down his pen and pushes back from his desk, at the same time reaching under it to grab the young woman currently between his legs by the girlie pigtails her hair is currently fashioned into so that he can yank her back with him.

This severely unbalanced Buffy Summers, to the point that she ends up dropping forward onto all fours from her original kneeling position, her lips remaining suctioned down around Snyder's cock and her tongue swirling along his length as she stares up at him, dutifully sucking his dick to the best of her abilities even now. Her hands, which had been folded in her lap before, are now palm down as she braces herself, her back arching like a particularly playful cat.

Looking down at her, Snyder grins and then releases his grip on her pigtails, leaning back further in his desk chair.

"You know, Ms. Summers… I've been thinking."

Taking this as the cue it is, Buffy shuffles herself forward so she's halfway out from under the desk and can once again kneel properly between his legs. Then, she pops his cock out of her mouth, exchanging her lips and tongue for her hands. As she begins to give him an enthusiastic handjob, the gorgeous blonde, her hair done up in pigtails and her outfit quite… pink in it's colors, looks up at him guilelessly.

"What about, Principal Snyder?"

Smirking somewhat evilly, Snyder steeples his hands in front of him on his belly, shrugging his shoulders.

"You've been a very good girl of late, Ms. Summers. Haven't had a tardy in quite some time, haven't had a detention either. The cheer team is doing well ever since you joined, and your teachers say your grades are on the up. Dare I say it… you've reformed."

Blushing at that, Buffy smiles shyly as she ducks her head, unused to receiving compliments from her Principal. He wasn't exactly the complimenting type. Which is what made it obvious that this was all leading somewhere.

"Well, thank you sir…"

"You're welcome. But of course, given your reformation… we probably don't need to have these one-on-one meetings quite so much anymore. In fact, it's probably time to bring them to a close, once and for all."

That gets Buffy's attention, her eyes going wide in surprise and horror as she stops dead in her tracks, looking up at him in honest confusion. The Principal just continues on, seemingly oblivious to her reaction.

"After all, I am a busy man. My time is better spent working for the betterment of ALL students, especially when you're very clearly no longer in need of the extra attention."

"B-But sir! I-I am still in need of the extra attention! Every day is a struggle where I fear I may return to my degenerate ways, Principal Snyder! You're the only thing keeping me on the straight and narrow sir!"

A laughable statement to be sure, given what sort of things they did together. Hell, given what Buffy was doing for him even now, her handjob having grown even more energetic as she stares up at him imploringly, as she begs him with her eyes and words alike to reconsider. Snyder just hums and smiles down at her.

"Oh, I think you underestimate yourself, Ms. Summers. You won't fall back into bad habits, I'm sure of it. Because then you would disappoint me, and I know you don't want to disappoint me."

A thread of command enters Snyder's voice as he grabs Buffy by one of her pigtails again, making his point perfectly clear. Moaning like the wanton little submissive slut she's become; Buffy just shakes her head.

"N-No sir, I d-don't…"

Smirking down at her, Snyder just nods.

"Which is why I know that you're the perfect person for a new role I've developed. It's a role that wasn't specifically made for you… but one that I think you'll excel in all the same."

Something akin to relief spreads through Buffy as she realizes that he's not actually trying to throw her aside. He's going somewhere with this, obviously. He's just enjoying making her squirm as he works on the build-up. Plastering a happy, peppy smile on her face, Buffy beams as she bobs her head up and down eagerly.

"That sounds exciting, sir!"

Chuckling, Snyder rolls her pigtail in his hand.

"Indeed, it does. I think you'll quite enjoy the work. After all, you'll be helping other naughty girls learn to be good as well."

That gets an owlish blink from Buffy. Surely he can't say what she thinks he's saying… right?

"It's quite simple, pet. You might have been the biggest problem child in this damn school, but you are far from the only delinquent on campus. From the quiet ones to the popular girls, there are several young women at Sunnydale High who could benefit from the same discipline that you've received. You're going to help me… show them the error of their ways."

Slowly, Buffy turns Snyder's words over in her head. Something deep inside of the Vampire Slayer, something not quite too far gone, takes umbrage with his words. It's one thing for him to do what he's done to her. She's loved every last second of it, even if she hadn't thought she would at first. But other girls…

Tossing as sultry a smile as she can manage onto her face, Buffy bats her eyelashes seductively.

"Aren't I enough for you, Principal Snyder? You don't need those other girls, right?"

Rather than agreeing with her, Snyder just rolls his eyes and suddenly yanks on her pigtail. Buffy yelps as she's subsequently dragged to her feet and spun around, her Principal bending her over his desk. As her palms come down on the wood surface, his hand is already up under her hot pink skirt, his fingers sinking into her sopping wet depths. She's not wearing any panties, so there are no panties to get in his way.

Thrusting two digits up into her, he curls them and forces her up onto her tip toes at the same time that he's tugging on her hair, forcing her head back as his lips ghost across her ear.

"It's not about what's enough, Ms. Summers. It's about what certain female students need in order to properly excel in the same way you have. You've gone from the worst student in this school to one of it's best. Don't you think your friends deserve the same?"

Shuddering, moaning, struggling to think through the haze of pleasure as she instinctively gives in to being fingered like the horny little slut she is, Buffy licks her lips and pants noisily.

"F-Friends, sir?"

Still pressed into the side of her head, Snyder's voice slides across her ear like a snake as he goes so far as naming names.

"Willow Rosenberg, Cordelia Chase, Amy Madison, and Harmony Kendall. All girls with their own problems. All girls that could benefit from some extended disciplinary sessions with me. Don't you agree, pet?"

Buffy moans as Snyder adds a third finger to her hungering twat, making it even harder for her to think straight. In truth, all four of those girls ARE her friends at this point. Even as Buffy had changed herself to make the Principal happy, joining the cheerleader team and effectively acting like she had before becoming the Vampire Slayer and burning down her old school's gym, she hadn't left her previous friends behind.

Meaning she was now in the unique situation of having bridged the gap so to speak. She was best friends with Willow and Cordelia alike, and passing acquaintances with Amy and Harmony as well. Though, Buffy can't help but be a little confused.

"W-What… what makes Willow such a naughty girl, s-sir? I thought she had really g-good grades?"

Snyder grunts into her ear and a moment later switches his fingers for his cock. Buffy lets out a loud, wanton moan as he sinks into her depths, his hand coming down on her ass in a harsh spanking that causes her to yelp and jolt forward with a squeak.

"There are rumors swirling around Ms. Rosenberg and Ms. Madison that both have engaged in… witchcraft. Now, needless to say, this isn't a good look for the school. We can't have wiccans running around, can we?"

Buffy whimpers, unable to formulate a response at first, so Snyder responds by spanking her again, just the way he knows she likes it.


"CAN we?!"

"N-No sir!"

Letting out a pleased grunt, he goes back to fucking her, even as Buffy tries to… well, she's not sure what she's trying to do at this point. Is she trying to convince Principal Snyder that this is a bad idea? Because honestly, the more she thinks about it, she's not so sure it is.

Okay, so maybe the other girls wouldn't be as into it as she was. Maybe they wouldn't be so interested in getting dominated by Principal Snyder. He wasn't exactly what one would describe as a conventional sort of handsome. But Buffy saw past skin deep and knew that Principal Snyder was more than just his looks. He was a man who knew how to put a submissive woman in her place, and Buffy LOVED that about him.

… Maybe Willow would too? Hell, maybe Cordy's constant sarcasm and haughty attitude was all a front for her true submissive nature! Or maybe Amy or Harmony would be into older men! Really, who was Buffy to decide for those girls that they didn't want to learn to love being dominated by Snyder's cock? Eyes rolling around in her head, half her focus on getting fucked and the other half thinking about what this all might mean, Buffy moans as she tries to formulate a proper response to Snyder's idea.

"W-What… nnngh, what would you w-want me to do exactly, s-sir?"

Digging his fingers into her hips, thrusting into her squelching, orgasming cunt from behind, Snyder lets out a husky, dark sort of chuckle.

"Well, as my personal assistant in this new initiative, I would expect you to put in the leg work, Ms. Summers. There's no doubt in my mind that those four young women, among others, are in serious need of… discipline. But of course, I don't have the direct evidence I need yet to confirm it, or else I would have called them into my office before now."

Leaning forward, Snyder reaches around to Buffy's front and pulls down her top, exposing her small, supple breasts. He gropes and squeezes one for a moment, causing another mewling moan to burst from the blonde's lips, before sliding that same hand up to her throat instead, clasping his fingers around her neck, though he doesn't squeeze down.

"I want you to find that evidence of wrongdoing for me, Buffy. I want you to find proof of their misdeeds. They're naughty little bitches, the lot of them, just like you were. And once we have the proof, we can bring them in and I can discipline them, each and every one."

Maybe it's the fact that she's being fucked while he's putting all of this into her head, maybe it's months of being conditioned to obey Principal Snyder and love everything that he was doing to her… but it was getting harder and harder to find a reason to disagree with him now that his cock was lodged nice and deep in her hungry twat.

Maybe… maybe it would be alright to give in. N-Not that Buffy would go out of her way to look for blackmail on her friends or anything like that. But maybe she could start feeling them out and see what they thought. Sharing this pleasure with them, sharing her love of sex and getting dominated with Willow or Cordy… it really didn't sound half bad.

"Well, Ms. Summers? Can I count on you?"

Principal Snyder's voice is deceptively calm, and Buffy almost says no just to see how he might punish her into compliance. But in the end, she gets off on him being happy with her just as much to be honest. She's done enough of the whole 'being naughty just to get punished harder' thing and these days she's usually a very, very good girl for him.

So, letting out a gurgling moan, Buffy nods her head as she bounces her hips back into Principal Snyder's thrusting cock, her pussy walls tightening around his cock.

"Y-Yes sir… you can c-count on me!"

Much to her delight, Snyder starts to fuck her harder, seemingly turned on by her ultimately agreement. She's giving in, at least in his eyes. But truth be told, Buffy knows she can put a stop to this whenever she wants. She's the Vampire Slayer after all. She won't let Principal Snyder go too far. But if she loved getting fucked this much, then surely Willow might as well, right? And it'd be fun to do her cheer routine right alongside Cordy and Harmony for the Principal…

As pleasure continues to wash over her in waves, Buffy lets herself sink into it, lets herself fall into that yawning pit of ecstasy and bliss once more. Her eyes roll back in her head, her tongue lolls out of her mouth, and she takes Principal Snyder's cock again and again inside of her clenching, squeezing, gushing wet quim.

For the moment, she just settles in and enjoys the good hard dicking. Convincing her friends to let Principal Snyder fuck them can wait for tomorrow…


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