Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Zelda and the Bokoblin (Legend of Zelda)

Zelda and the Bokoblin (Legend of Zelda)

A/N: Zelda and the Bokoblin was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in November of 2019. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Zelda gets captured by a bokoblin and slowly broken by his big fat cock.

Themes: Rough Sex, Mind Break, Breeding


"N-No! Let me go! Link! Link!"

But her hero does not come, and Zelda is in dire straits as it is.

"Shut up! You no escape! You mine now!"

She'd been caught, by a bokoblin of all things, with her pants down. Literally, she'd just been undressing to take a bath in the nearby river next to hers and Link's camp, when the creature had come upon her. Before she'd even known what was happening, the bokoblin had her draped over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and was capering off with her, cackling all the while.

Not that he'd even needed to run off so quickly, Link was away when it'd happened, the camp otherwise deserted. But then, this was supposed to be a safe area, one that the hero had cleared out before. To have this bokoblin range so far into what should have been dangerous territory to his senses… it wasn't good, that was for sure. And now Zelda was caught.

She'd expected to be taken to Ganon, of course. That was the master that every bokoblin served, wasn't it? As humiliating and embarrassing as having her pants halfway down her thighs was, she hadn't really been all that worried, at first. She had every confidence that Link would track her down and save her from Ganon's clutches, perhaps while also defeating Ganon at the same time. He was the hero after all, it was what he did.

Only, the bokoblin had taken a detour… and apparently, had decided that he didn't want to take her to his master at all. The first inkling that Zelda had that something was more wrong than the entire situation already was, was when the bokoblin reached up with one of it's massive hands and began running its elongated fingers across her pert little panty-clad behind.

Then, he'd pulled her off his shoulder altogether, and began to touch her most inappropriately. That was what had led her to calling out for Link finally, begging the hero to come and save her now that she understood the true depths of what depravity was in store for her. The bokoblin… he was going to molest her! He was already molesting her!

Licking his lips, the massive, disgusting, monstrous creature grins wickedly as he reaches up and grabs hold of Zelda's top, pulling with all his might and ripping the garment to shreds as a result. He exposes her chest just like that, and then immediately descends upon her impressive rack, suckling on one of her massive mammaries at a time, slurping and lapping and licking to his heart's content.

Zelda whimpers, trying desperately to push him away, but she's trapped in the much larger creature's clutches, even as he has his way with her, even as he shows her how dominant he is. It's a fairly well-kept secret, but Princess Zelda… is something of a closet submissive. It's disgraceful of course, and she can't afford to be submissive most of the time, so she hides away her true desires.

But this bokoblin is being so dominant, and even though she knows she shouldn't, even though she's incredibly disgusted by the monstrous creature, there's no denying that she's also aroused by his actions, by the way he's treating her, the way he's manhandling her. She can do nothing to stop him from having his way with her, and as much as this fills Zelda with fear, it also fills her with unwanted arousal.

Eventually, the bokoblin gets tired of sucking at her tits, pulling back to look at her face for a moment as he squeezes and kneads them in his large hands. Whatever he sees in her features as her face contorts in pain and pleasure at the same time, it's exactly what he's looking for, because he smiles widely and wickedly and nods his big head up and down.

"You ready now!"

He then drags her down by her tits, forcing her to fall to her hands and knees before him. As Zelda lifts her head up in order to spit some well-deserved vitriol in his direction (or perhaps even just ask what the hell he means by 'you ready now') she finds the words dying on her lips when the biggest, fattest cock she's ever seen is suddenly laid out across her face, the bokoblin's meat pillar slapping down across her features, longer than her entire head and not even fully hard, from the feel of it.

A bokoblin's cock is… not at all like a human's, that's for sure. Zelda can only whimper as the bumpy exterior of the monstrous member runs up and down her cheeks and across the bridge of her nose. The bokoblin, meanwhile, grabs her by her golden tresses, holding her fast by her hair, and drags his cock back until he's pressing the tip against her mouth.

"Suck! You suck now!"

His broken speech still leaves absolutely no room for interpretation, especially with him pushing into her lips forcibly. Zelda shudders in both fear and arousal, part of her worrying that his massive prick would dislocate her jaw if she tried to suck it, the other part worrying that it would leave her addicted to bokoblin cock for the rest of her life.

But in the end, it's not a choice, and deep down, Zelda knew that. Growling with impatience, the bokoblin yanks on her hair HARD, and Zelda cries out in pain, her mouth opening wide as the exclamation escapes her lips. The bokoblin greedily takes advantage of her open mouth of course, and before she can stop it from happening, he pushes right past her lips, thrusting his cock into the back of her throat immediately and causing her to gag on the spot.

He's fucking her face in no time, even as Zelda gags, gurgles, and chokes on his utterly massive dick. It's humiliating, being used as little more than a sex toy by this bokoblin. But on that same note, it's turning her on immensely, despite doing her level best to hate this creature for capturing her and taking such liberties with her.

Didn't he know who she was?! She was a Princess! Ganon… Ganon would have rewarded this bokoblin handsomely for his capture, and then he would have kept her as his stately prisoner until such a time as Link could come and save the day, freeing her and defeating him. That was how it was supposed to go. THAT was the way everything was supposed to pan out. Not… this.

And yet, Zelda knew that the bokoblin was well aware of who she was. And that made it all the more arousing, that he would choose to buck the status quo, that he would refuse to give her over to Ganon, just so he could fuck her. Fuck her… yes, that's where this was all heading, wasn't it? Even as Zelda chokes noisily and sloppily on the bokoblin's cock, her pussy is growing wetter and wetter, much to her dismay. And the bokoblin… is getting more and more violent.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Growling, panting, snarling, the monstrous creature thrusts his equally monstrous cock into Zelda's poor little throat again and again. He doesn't dislocate her jaw or anything like that, thankfully, but its definitely a close thing, and Zelda can feel her bones creaking around the bulbous, bumpy member that's currently slamming in and out of her throat, her lips suctioned down on it almost instinctively as she finds herself constantly choking on the damn thing.

With a triumphant roar, the bokoblin finally cums, and it's all Zelda can do not to cum with him. She's the Princess, and he's treating her like… like his own personal cocksleeve. His seed explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, even as Zelda does her level best to swallow most of his load, if only to keep from asphyxiating. Part of her likes the taste, part of her hates herself for liking it, but all in all, the majority of the Princess knows that she HAS to drink down the bokoblin's cum if she doesn't want to drown in it instead.

So, Zelda swallows and swallows, and swallows. It feels like she's still swallowing the viscous, slimy white seed down even after the bokoblin has pulled out of her throat, his giant cock falling free of her lips with a pop. So, focused she is on not drowning, Zelda doesn't notice what's happening next until it's far too late. The bokoblin rips her pants off of her, and then her panties as well for good measure. Then, he lifts her up with his massive hands around her waist, and brings her cunt down onto his cock, pressing his thick bump bulbous dick tip up into her pussy lips and lodging it there.

Only at the end, as she feels him pressing up against her cunt, does Zelda finally realize what's about to happen, leaving her dazed fugue long enough to look down at where they're about to be joined with wide eyes.


Without hesitation, without mercy, the bokoblin cuts her off by slamming her down on his dick. Almost immediately, Zelda orgasms from the sheer size and how good all of those bumps feel riding along the insides of her cunt, despite how debased and humiliating the whole experience is. Her head lolls back and her body ragdolls for a moment as it spasms and shakes in pleasure.

But that doesn't even give the bokoblin pause, as he starts to bounce her up and down on his monstrous member, slamming her down onto his prick again and again. Every time she's impaled on the bokoblin's big, fat cock, Zelda sees stars. Her entire world explodes, over and over and over, as he fucks her harder than she'd even known a woman could be fucked. Her body stretches in ways she didn't think it could be stretched, and her cunt lips clench and squeeze down around his bumpy length to no avail, utterly failing to stop his advance.

Shuddering in horror as well as orgasmic bliss, Zelda shakes her head, trying to clear it of her arousal and pleasure. No… NO! This was all wrong, this wasn't supposed to happen!

"Please… gods, PLEASE STOP! Oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!"

The bokoblin cackles, not slowing down for even a moment.

"No! No stop! Not when Princess' body want more! Hee-hee!"

Zelda shakes her head in mute denial of the honest truth. Her body does want more, but that doesn't mean it should, nor does that mean she should give into this. She has to fight… for Link, if nothing else. Link… Link will save her; he has to save her!

"Link! Please, Link! Please find me! Save me, my hero!"

She gasps out Link's name between moans, her body shaking and shuddering through another orgasm even as she begs her hero to arrive and save her from this madness. Contrary to the last time, this time when she begs, the bokoblin doesn't get angry, he just laughs. And then he fucks her harder, cutting off Zelda's cries for help and replacing them with incoherent squealing as he shakes his massive bulbous head at her.

"Hero not coming! Hee-hee! Hero never find you!"

He's probably right, Zelda realizes with a sense of fresh horror and dismay. If this creature had taken her to Ganon like he was SUPPOSED to, Zelda could have expected rescue sooner or later, with Link saving her while also fulfilling his destiny and beating Ganon. But now she was trapped here, in the middle of nowhere, at the hands of a bokoblin… a bokoblin who she was beginning to realize HADN'T simply wandered into the area where they'd made camp, the area that Link had cleared out… no, he'd snuck in, after waiting for Link to leave, just so he could snag her.

Zelda whimpers as a fresh spike of arousal hits her off of that observation. Then she's screaming her way through another orgasm as the bokoblin thrusts up into her and breaks through her cervix finally, having been battering it down all this time. His bumpy bulbous monstrous member thrusts right up into her womb, and Zelda's eyes roll back in her head as he begins to cum, completely and entirely hilted inside of her.

The Princess is distinctly unprepared for how amazing it feels to have his cum flooding her womb, filling it to the brim and then some, her belly ending up bloated as if she was pregnant. He keeps his cock plugged in her as well, holding all of that sloshing slimy, viscous fluid inside of her womb as he runs the elongated fingers of one of his massive hands across her bulging abdomen.

Zelda can only stare down at herself in disbelief, whimpering and shaking her head in denial and refusal of what's just been done to her. She's a Princess, not… not a cum rag. And yet, that's exactly what the bokoblin has treated her as, and truth be told, it's been the hottest, most arousing experience of the young Princess' entire life.

As she shakes her head, the bokoblin grabs her by her hair and forces her to look at him. He grins wickedly down at her, his cock still lodged in her cunt and his seed still filling her womb.

"This just beginning Princess."

As far as promises go, Zelda wasn't sure if she'd ever both hated and loved the idea of something so very much. But she knew he was telling the truth. This WAS just the beginning…


Several days later, and Zelda was at the end of her rope, hanging on by a thread as her sanity continued to fray and deteriorate at the edges. She knew it wouldn't be long before she completely and utterly snapped. Link had yet to find her, but then, Zelda had given up hope of her hero arriving to save her ages ago. At this point, she was half-hoping that the bokoblin would just get tired of her and turn her loose… and half-hoping he wouldn't.

Bent over a log, the Princess had clearly seen better days. Her arms dangle uselessly in front of her, her fingertips just barely failing to scrape the ground. Her tits are naked and exposed, and covered in cum as they sit there, perky and perfect as ever. Her head is lifted up, one of the bokoblin's hands atop it, holding her hair so that her back is forced to arch.

Her face, covered in cum from the bokoblin's latest load, is one of dazed ecstasy, her eyes glazed over and a cum bubble blown on her open lips as she breathes through her mouth and nose in equal measure, somewhat raspy. The bokoblin is fucking her from behind, with her fat ass raised up into the air, taking every last inch of his monstrous bumpy member. Her cunt clenches and squeezes around his cock again and again, and at this point it's more often than not that she's experiencing a fresh orgasm from the plowing he's giving her.

She's barely hanging on at this point, in a lust drunk daze with the last load he'd sent down her throat literally bubbling out of her mouth, and her over-flooded pussy gripping and pulsating along his cock, her cunt clearly hoping to milk more of his seed from him, despite her beleaguered protests. But of course, said protests have all but died off at this point. She just… doesn't have the words anymore, really.

With a howl of monstrous release, the bokoblin cums inside of her, and in response, Zelda orgasms quite explosively as a result. As they mutually climax, the Princess' eyes roll back in her head, and she shakes and spasms on the monster's dick, even as it seeds her womb yet again, the umpteenth time he's done so in the past several days.

After finishing up inside of her, the bokoblin dismounts from his perch and steps over her to pull the meat that's been cooking just a few feet away from off the spit over the fire. He holds it by the massive bone it's still in and begins to take strips of it off with his teeth, chewing and swallowing in clear satisfaction. Zelda's entire diet these last few days has consisted of nothing but the bokoblin's cum. But she supposes, in a way she'll get some of that protein he's eating next time he jizzes down her throat, like he's so prone to do.

Regardless, as the bokoblin eats, Zelda can do nothing but lay there, slumped over the log in a daze, her entire world reduced to nothing but ecstasy, cum, and bokoblin cock. Her cunt, as full as it is with his seed, feels almost empty without his monstrous massive member buried in it, truth be told, and some part of her is already wondering when he'll fuck her again.

After a few minutes, Zelda gets her wish as she's somewhat pulled from her pleasure coma induced stupor when the bokoblin abruptly grabs her by her waist and flips her over onto her back. She's still laid out on the log, with her legs splayed apart and her spine bent backwards as her head comes to rest on the grassy floor on the other side.

His cock slides into her messy, cum-filled cunt slowly, until eventually he pushes past her fully battered down cervix and into her womb, hilting his gigantic cock fully inside of her. A groan of both misery and pleasure spills past Zelda's lips, even as the bokoblin begins to hump into her with an almost casual contempt, all while eating the leg of some animal.

He's fucking her not too slowly, but also not too fast, and even though all they've done is fuck and fuck and fuck some more, Zelda knows she can't hold on much longer. She's loved it since the very beginning, but that enjoyment is beginning to overtake everything else, it's beginning to override her very sense of self. And if he keeps cumming inside of her, she knows… she knows that things will go from bad to worse.

He'll impregnate her, if they continue on as they have been. He'll knock her up, breed her, and make her heavy with child, if this goes any further. Truth be told, it might already be too late. He's cum inside of her every single time he's fucked her these past several days, filling her womb more times then Zelda could ever have kept track of, even if she hadn't been quite distracted by the pleasure induced by the plowings themselves at the time.

She might already be pregnant with his babies, because every time he's reached climax, even though she's begged him to cum elsewhere, he's always made sure to deliver his load right to her womb. Just like all those times before, Zelda does her best to lift her head up, dragging her torso up the log so she can look at him. Her eyes dart down to where they're joined of course, her legs bouncing, splayed, even as he fucks into her clenching squeezing cunt. She moans, unable to help herself, orgasming HARD around his cock even as she collects every last bit of her fraying psyche and pride in order to lever herself up and speak.

He's getting close now, so like every time before this, Zelda bites her lower lip and looks into the monstrous creature's bulbous big eyes, beseeching him, pleading with him, begging him.

"P-Please… gods, please cum somewhere else."

He doesn't even pause, doesn't so much as slow down. As Zelda was honestly expecting, and secretly hoping for, the bokoblin just laughs at her and keeps fucking her, cumming inside of her only moments later despite her pleas. Her eyes roll back in her head as she loses all control of her body, and despite just cumming, Zelda orgasms again as she falls back along the log, moaning like a wanton whore.

It's in that moment that the mind breaking pleasurable haze of arousal and lust and desire finally settles over her mind on a permanent basis. Her rational, logical thoughts retreat completely, no longer able to handle what the bokoblin is doing to her, combined with her own pleasure at the situation. A cry of pure ecstasy leaves Zelda's throat as she finally, fully breaks.

The bokoblin grins in satisfaction, knowing that he's completely the Princess' transformation into his total, complete and utter breeding bitch.


A couple of months later, things really haven't changed too much between the pair of them. Link never found her, and honestly, Zelda didn't want him to anymore. He was probably dead, truth be told. After all, what was a hero without his princess? And what was the amnesiac Link without his guide? Without Zelda's help, Link had probably flailed around for a while, maybe searching for her to no avail, and ultimately falling to some enemy somewhere out there.

It didn't really matter, not anymore. At this point, Zelda was now fully under the bokoblin's spell. Not an actual spell, mind you, but just plain addicted to his cock, to his cum, and to him as well. She loved being the monstrous creature's plaything, loved being his fuck toy, loved being his cocksleeve. She even used her healing magic to help him in his battles, to make sure he stayed up even against dangerous foes. And afterwards, she healed him fully while also allowing him to fuck her however he desired, making their extended marathon sex sessions super pleasurable.

After how much he'd cum inside of her that first week or so in which she'd still been herself, it might surprise to know that he HADN'T managed to impregnate her during that time. But as soon as Zelda was broken in, as soon as the former princess was reduced to nothing more than the bokoblin's breeding bitch… well, she was more than happy to use her magic to make sure that she was ovulating while fucking him every time afterwards.

Now, two months later, Zelda was bearing the fruits of her and his labor, his seed having taken root in her eggs, and her belly beginning to grow large with his children. Yes, children, as Zelda was having triplets, it seemed. Her magic allowed her to sense how many kids she'd be having, just like it made sure she would only ever be impregnated by her beloved Master.

Today had been a fiercely fought battle, and the bokoblin had actually lost part of an ear during the fighting. Zelda's hands glow as she heals her Master with all of her might, while at the same time riding him cowgirl, bouncing up and down on his giant cock, moaning as she feels him pressing against her now-closed cervix. Now that she was pregnant, he would allow her to control the pace to avoid hurting his children. But of course, soon enough she'd be giving birth, as bokoblins grew fast inside of a woman's belly, no matter what race that woman was.

Soon, she would be empty again… and soon her Master would fill her up once more. Zelda could hardly wait for that day, truth be told. She could hardly wait to be bred again, to ensure that her Master's seed took properly, as his cock plundered her womb and his cum plastered her ovaries. She could hardly wait. But for now, she was carrying precious cargo, while at the same time pleasuring her Master to the best of her abilities.

As Zelda finishes healing up the bokoblin's ear, he grins wickedly, and his tongue trails out of his mouth. The princess hastily opens her own mouth, her much smaller tongue snaking out to touch his. Of course, he pushes his tongue right past hers and into her mouth, forcing himself halfway down her throat as he dominates her in a kiss. At the same time, his monstrous hands are on her fat ass, groping and squeezing her beautifully wide derriere.

Her super-sized tits, already heavy with milk for the triplets and lactating freely, bouncing and jiggle and swing between them as her Master kisses her, as he throat-fucks her with his tongue. Eventually, he pulls back and slurps at her tits instead for a moment, allowing Zelda to toss her head back in ecstasy, moaning wantonly all the while.

When he finishes playing with her tits, when he gets closer and closer to his release, he pulls away entirely and looks at her, grinning ferally.

"You give me many children. Princess good breeding stock. Fill with bokoblins for rest of her life.

That's all Zelda needs to hear; truth be told. Tipping over the edge, the former princess orgasms explosively around his cock, causing her Master to cum as well in turn. Most of his seed explodes out of her, making an utter mess of both of their crotches as the pregnant princess shudders in orgasmic bliss. Neither of them much minds the mess though. Bokoblins are a messy species by nature, and Zelda has learned to love being plastered in her Master's cum by this point.

As they bask in their mutual pleasure, the former princess realizes that becoming this creature's breeding bitch is hands down the best thing that's ever happened to her. She'll gladly spend the rest of her life at her Master's side, being his seedbed, playing the role of incubator, cum dump, and fuck slave.


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