Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Lewd Type of Therapy (Naruto)

A Lewd Type of Therapy (Naruto)

A/N: A Lewd Type of Therapy was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written in 2019, posted to HF at the beginning of 2022, and now posted here for people to enjoy!

Summary: In an AU of the ninja-centric world in which everyone requires copious amounts of sex in order to collect chakra and do all of their fancy-smancy moves, things are a lot sluttier.

Themes: Battle Sex, Genderbent, Fucked Silly


As she makes her way towards the edge of Konoha completely uncontested, Satsuki Uchiha isn't sure what she's feeling at the moment. It's been a long day, not that she would ever willingly admit that to anyone. From the fight on the roof of the hospital, to that damn lecture from Kakashi, to her beating at the hands of the Sound Four… well, at least they hadn't taken liberties. They were certainly allowed to, if they wanted, she wouldn't have stopped them from fucking her or making her suck their dicks, or in the case of the one female member, eat her out.

It was the way of this world, after all. The weak served the strong, and the strong took pleasure and satisfaction from the weak. If you wanted to be strong, you had to stop being weak. But Satsuki needed to be stronger for a lot more than that. She didn't mind sex, even if she'd only had it a couple times by this point. No, what she minded was her fucking treacherous brother, who had flaunted all the rules of the ninja world by slaughtering their clan to the last and leaving only her alive.

He could have just taken over. He was clearly strong enough. If he wanted to make some sort of harem out of the clan's great beauties, including even her and her mother… Satsuki's cheeks heat up, and she shakes her head to scatter such thoughts free of her mind. But no. Itachi… she wasn't even sure Itachi had a sex drive. Even now, even when she'd grown up into the fine young woman she was today, he'd beaten her in a single move despite all her progress.

To be honest, Satsuki wasn't surprised by that. What she WAS surprised by, was the fact that he'd not done anything to her. Oh sure, he'd tortured her for what he'd claimed was seventy-two hours in that genjutsu of his… but it'd all been pain. Not an ounce of intimacy. No sexual intent. He'd just… he'd just hurt her. Given Satsuki had grown up into a looker, with tits and hips to die for, ever since they'd started making everyone spend longer at the Academy after the Itachi incident, well, she had expected at least SOME interest.

But no, he'd done nothing to her. He'd barely even looked at her as he tortured her to the point that she shut down for days, apparently, only to wake up in the hospital back in Konoha, just in time to have this bad, no good day. Fucking Naruto… fucking Naruto was stronger than her now. That more than anything else had caused Satsuki to take Orochimaru up on his offer by way of the Sound Four.

She needed to get stronger. She needed to be stronger than AT LEAST fucking Naruto. She needed to-

"I'm not letting you leave."

Satsuki grinds to a halt, inwardly cursing herself for getting distracted, even as she looks up, immediately activating her sharingan.

"You can't stop me, Naruto."

The blond man still wore orange. But that was about the only thing bad one could say about him, to be perfectly honest. They'd stopped having his size of jumpsuit years ago, so even by the time they all graduated from the Academy, he'd had to change it up a bit. He'd also grown up nicely, and the fact that he always ended up wearing clothing ill-fitted to his body meant that once he'd had his growth spurt, everything was too tight, rather than too baggy.

Needless to say, it's not the first time that Satsuki has found herself memorizing the contours of Naruto's lithe but muscular form with her family's dojutsu. Still, she didn't JUST turn the sharingan on because of that. No, this is going to be a fight, there's no doubt about it.

"Can't I? I'm not blind, Satsuki. I saw you talking with those sound creeps. I already told Tsunade about them, and the ANBU picked them up on the edge of the village an hour ago. We might have just lost our Hokage, but that doesn't mean Konoha is weak, or defenseless."

… Sometimes she missed the bumbling buffoon Naruto had been before those extra years spent at the Academy had seen them all forcibly matured. Because she HAD thought that Konoha was weak and defenseless right now. She'd assumed that was why the Sound Four were able to get in to talk to her in the first place, and why she was just going to be able to get out, easy as pie.

But of course, Naruto had to ruin everything, again. Satsuki finds herself gritting her teeth, her hands clenched into fists.

"You… you fucking bastard. This was my chance…"

Naruto just scoffs.

"To what? Become Orochimaru's little Uchiha breeding bitch? You really think he was going to TEACH you anything? You would have been pimped out to every single male with a working cock in his little village, and you and I both know it."

Satsuki scowls, face bright red, though not as red as her eyes, spinning as they were with three tomoe each. Her gaze flickers to the left and right, but she sees nothing. Of course, when it came to ANBU, they had ways of working around the sharingan…

"So then, where are they? I assume the ANBU are here to take me in as well?"

For the first time, Naruto looks almost… sympathetic? He shakes his head, and Satsuki feels a spark of hope.

"No, Satsuki. I convinced Tsunade to let me talk you down, and to let me handle you. It's just you and me right now."

The spark of hope has become a roaring bonfire. A hungry grin spreads across Satsuki's face, as she dips a hand into her kunai pouch.

"Then… I still have a chance to escape after al-ACK!"

As she speaks, Satsuki launches herself forward, intending to use her speed to deliver a lightning fast cut to one of Naruto's heels in order to disable him. Then, she would have kept moving, would have escaped the town while the ANBU were standing down on the orders of the newest idiot to wear the Hokage's hat.

But that's not what happens. Satsuki races forward… only to double over the fist that Naruto lands in her gut. The air is forced from the young woman's lungs, but he's not done with her yet, his other hand grabbing her by her wrist while the fist in her gut becomes a grab as well. With both hands, Naruto slams Satsuki down into the ground hard enough to cause a spiderweb of cracks to form beneath her.

Satsuki finds herself seeing stars as she tries to recover from the surprisingly powerful stunning force dealt to her in mere moments. But just because she's down for the count, doesn't mean Naruto is in any way idle. The first sign of what he's planning comes with him grabbing her by her ankles and pulling her legs up off the ground, until she's left in a rather unenviable position with all her weight trapped on her neck and shoulders.

Then, he reaches down between her legs, grabs the crotch of her form-fitting black tights, and tears them right off of her. Satsuki's head stops swimming, just in time for Naruto to slap the full length of his massive cock right down onto her cunt lips. Her eyes go wide as she stares at the tip of his dick above her, only to flinch when a bit of precum drips from his cockhead down onto her face.

Even still, she tries to put on a brave front, growling as she scrambles at the dirt with both hands in an effort to get some sort of LEVERAGE with which to push Naruto away and get to her feet.

"N-Naruto! What the fuck do you think you're do… ing."

She stops talking, stops breathing when he purposefully slides his cock back across her slit, causing all sorts of conflicting sensations, and slips just the head of his member right into the entrance of her cunt.

"… Naruto, don't you dar-AIIIIIE!"

Satsuki has had sex before. It's a simple fact of life for a ninja that you're going to fuck and be fucked a lot. After all, a lot of a ninja's chakra comes from sex. You get strong with training, but you get powerful by winning fights and fucking the loser for their chakra. It was half of why it was so insulting that Itachi hadn't so much as touched her.

But none of the dicks Satsuki had sucked or fucked before today could put a candle to Naruto's cock, which up until this point, she'd actually never seen, now that she thought about it. And now, that massive dick was inside of her. ALL the way inside of her. Naruto had dropped into a crouch as he thrust down, so now Satsuki was even more folded up… but he didn't just stop with one thrust. Of course, he didn't.

Grunting, Naruto proceeds to jackhammer down into her with every last inch of his cock, again and again. As he fucks her, he also speaks, each word punctuated by another thrust, another deep, penetrating pistoning motion of his massive prick.

"Sorry. Satsuki. Only. Way. Had To. Keep You. Safe!"

There are tears streaming down her face, Satsuki realizes. She's crying, but not… not out of sadness, or even rage. Her sharingan is also active still, even now… a-and she's studying the way Naruto is fucking her, studying the way his cock is pistoning in and out of her cunt. She's memorizing it, committing it to memory. With her sharingan on as she's pile-drived by her blond teammate, Satsuki can NEVER forget this moment. Nor… nor does she want to.

"D-Don't you, ah, d-dare stop now, N-Naruto… f-fuck!"

She cums like that, in that humiliating position, folded up, weight resting on her head and shoulders, lower body lifted into the air so Naruto can fuck her while standing. Her cry fills the cool night air, her body overheated to the max. There have been so many times over the years that Satsuki wished she were a man. That she wished she could have been born male.

This is not one of those times. With Naruto's cock buried inside of her cunt, with his meaty length pistoning in and out of her drooling quim, Satsuki finally realizes the best part about being a woman. Finding a man with a big fat cock to care for you and make you his own, even by force if necessary. No more words are exchanged between Satsuki and Naruto that night, and no more words really need to be. His grunts and groans, and her cries and moans are all either of them really need to know that they're right where they both belong now.


Rapping on the brat's apartment door, Tsunade can hear him, or rather THEM, even before he opens up. Interestingly enough, the moans and the sound of flesh slapping against flesh never actually stop, even when Naruto answers the door and looks at her with a wide grin that even now makes Tsunade's heart skip a beat and her slit begin to moisten.

It's a purely biological reaction, as a world-renowned medic ninja, Tsunade knows that. She knows all about how shinobi and kunoichi are generally attracted to the more powerful and more genetically superior examples of their kind, simply because the chances of making babies are better. Just as she knows HER chances of having a baby are very, very low, unfortunately.

But, none of her knowledge had stopped her from starting sexual relationships with both Minato Namikaze AND Kushina Uzumaki back in the day, and she suspected that it wouldn't stop her from jumping their son's bones sometime soon as well. Or 'bone', as the case may be. Her eyes trail down to the massive length outlined in the leg of Naruto's pants (the only thing this copy of him is currently wearing) for all of one second, before she focuses her gaze back on his startlingly blue eyes.

"Is it done then?"

Smirking in a self-satisfied manner that only accentuates his attributes, Naruto steps aside and gestures with a hand to show off his conquest. There, across the room on the couch, Satsuki Uchiha kneels on her hands and knees between two more copies of Naruto, one thrusting forward into her throat without pause or hesitation, and the other fucking her cunt nonstop.

If Satsuki is at all upset about being spit-roasted by Naruto's clones, she certainly doesn't act like it. Her arms are wrapped around the Naruto fucking her throat, and her hands are gripping his buttocks, pulling him in like she just can't get enough. Judging by what Tsunade is seeing, the Fifth Hokage can understand why. It looks like Naruto DEFINITELY takes after his parents.

"Well… that's good then. When she comes up for air next, I suppose you can tell her that the interrogations of the so-called 'Sound Four' are finished. It was as you thought, Orochimaru's plans were long-term. He intended for Satsuki to give birth to at least ten children before he would have taken her body for himself. Can never have enough back-ups I suppose."

She's pleased when Naruto's hackles rise at the confirmation of his theory. It was one thing to feel something, another to know it to be concrete facts. There's something more though, something beyond outrage for a teammate… something possessive, like Kushina was when she caught Tsunade and Minato together that first time, before Tsunade pinned the other kunoichi down and taught the fiery red head that girls could be lovers to.

"What will be done with the Sound Four now?"

Tsunade lifts a single eyebrow at that.

"They'll be put to use, of course. Why, did you want the woman?"

For a moment, Naruto blushes and it reminds her that despite those extra years at the Academy, despite being as handsome as his father… he's still young and somewhat inexperienced, though she'd used the old man's crystal ball to get a good view of his confrontation with the Uchiha Heiress last night, and he'd comported himself well despite that inexperience.

"I… well…"

Tsunade chuckles and shrugs her shoulders.

"Think it over, Naruto. I'll keep her for you for a week, but after that, well, she'll soon be used goods. VERY used goods. Konoha Ninja don't treat enemy combatants any better than ninja in any other village do. We're only nice and cuddling on the OUTSIDE."

Naruto chuckles nervously and nods, licking his lips.

"I… I'll think about it. I'm not sure if I have the room for three people in this dingy little apartment…"

That brings Tsunade up short, and she looks at the young man incredulously for a moment, before calling past him.

"Oi! Uchiha!"

The clones pull away, and Satsuki looks up with a dazed expression on her face, before widening her eyes as she recognizes the Fifth Hokage herself standing in Naruto's doorway.

"I think it's safe to say Naruto owns your ass now, don't you?"

Satsuki flushes in embarrassment and shame… but ultimately nods, even as the three Narutos watch on in silence.

"Good! Then you won't mind giving him a tour around HIS new family compound later today, will you?"

Both Naruto and Satsuki startle at that, now each of them wide-eyed and looking somewhat shocked at the idea. But before Naruto can say anything, probably being the big damn gentleman, he can't help being most of the time, Satsuki finally speaks.

"N-No… I wouldn't…"

Patting Naruto on the shoulder, Tsunade turns and steps back out of the apartment… though, not before sneaking a quick pinch of that fine shinobi ass. He yelps and jumps, even as Tsunade laughs and waves at him over her shoulder.

"Enjoy the new digs, brat!"

She maintains her composure and grace all the way back to the Hokage's office. And then she has her ANBU guard, a purple-haired beauty named Yugao, eat her out until Shizune gets back. Not that Shizune's arrival frees Yugao from her obligation. It just means things turn into a threesome, as a ravenous Tsunade makes up for the fact that she hasn't yet jumped the blond brat's bones.

She knows it's only a matter of time… wouldn't be surprised if most of the village's female population ended up with him too. But she can't be giving him TOO much of an inflated ego now… so she'll wait. As long as she can possibly stand to, she'll wait.


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