Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Consummation (BTVS/Lara Croft)

The Consummation (BTVS/Lara Croft)

A/N: The Consummation was a commissioned one shot originally written back in January of this year. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Lara Croft is captured by Trinity while investigating their latest tom-foolery. She runs into Buffy Summers down in the dungeon, and the two prepare to look for an opportunity to escape. An opportunity that will never come...

Themes: Demon Sex, Mind Break, Master/Slave


The ancient, underground stone dungeon is quiet, right up until that silence is abruptly broken by the struggling and scrambling as two men haul a woman between them down the stairs. She writhes this way and that, but can't escape their grasp, even as they yank her over to the nearest cell and toss her in, closing and locking the door to the cell behind her.

Blowing a lock of brunette hair out of her face, Lara Croft scowls at the two Trinity Soldiers, but they pay her little mind, simply turning and leaving her to her imprisonment. Of course, that doesn't mean she's suddenly alone. Far from it, in fact.


Stepping out of the shadows in the cell across the hall from her is another woman, a short young blonde with a lither frame. Blinking in surprise as she recognizes her, Lara slowly gets to her feet and walks over to the cell bars as well.

"Summers. Fancy meeting you here."

Buffy Summers quirks one side of her mouth up at that, cocking her head to the side as her eyes twinkle.

"These your goons then?"

Scowling, Lara nods in confirmation.

"Trinity. Whatever they're up to… it's serious this time?"

Buffy scowls as well, but also nods in confirmation. The two women are… not unfamiliar with one another. They'd crossed paths before. Buffy was part of a bigger organization, her and her friends trying to rebuild some group called 'The Watchers', while also protecting the world from supernatural evils and what not. Lara, meanwhile, was just an archeologist looking for new finds. Really! It definitely wasn't her fault that she kept running into things.

Rather, it was Trinity's fault. Lara kept ending up in their crosshairs as they ran around the world trying to unearth terrible shit and cause all sorts of problems. Most of Trinity's efforts weren't actually the kind of supernatural voodoo that Buffy and her friends were tasked to fight, but once in a while, the paramilitary group did stumble onto something real and dangerous. Something really dangerous.

Letting out an explosive breath, Lara puts her hands behind her head and thinks for a long moment. It's not that she intends to, but this does have the effect of thrusting out her chest in Buffy's direction, something that the blonde doesn't fail to notice, nor fail to get jealous over. Frowning a bit, the Slayer crosses her arms over her own chest a little defensively.

"… I don't suppose your friends are gonna show up any time soon?"

Buffy considers the question for a moment before sighing.

"While I wouldn't put it past them, I also wouldn't count on it. I was a little out of contact when I got caught. They don't exactly know where I am, or even that I'm in danger."

Assimilating this, Lara nods decisively.

"We're on our own then. That's fine… we just have to wait for our opportunity to strike."



Despite their vague plans to stage an escape as soon as the opportunity presented itself, they're pulled out of the dungeon two hours later before that can happen. Their extraction from the dungeon might itself have been an opportunity, but unfortunately, Buffy Summers was known to Trinity at this point. The blonde, as strong as she was, couldn't keep a whole squadron of soldiers from manhandling her up the stairs.

Lara would have been insulted that she still only rated two guards, but she too knew just how tough Buffy actually was. There's no kill like overkill, where she's concerned.

Regardless, they're tied up and then dragged to what's obviously a ritual site of some sort. Out in the open under the stars and what Lara quickly identifies as a Blood Moon, the ceremonial atmosphere creates a tension in her, especially when she and Buffy are both tied to a wood post in the middle of the ritual circle.

If she weren't gagged, Lara would have been throwing barbs and quips left and right, and especially at the head honcho in charge, a smarmy, unfortunately handsome man who was clearly the Trinity Officer behind this latest attempt at piercing into the occult and gaining phenomenal power.

Alas, she and Buffy are both gagged and… for once, Trinity has proven unfortunately confident, because Lara is struggling with the restraints, not quite able to slip her way free like she normally would. Neither is Buffy, and as the Trinity Officer begins to chant, the air begins to tremble with very real power. Whatever the fuck he's doing… it's not good.

Buffy's struggling behind her even increases, but no matter how hard the Slayer pulls, she can't seem to break free anymore than Lara can. The two femme fatales can only watch as the chanting reaches a crescendo, and a very unnatural tear in the fabric of reality appears to their right. Lara's eyes widen as two massive, clawed hands come out of the long slit in space-time and then PULL with all their might, ripping the portal open properly.

The owner of those claws' steps through a moment later, and he's just as terrifying as Lara would have thought. Massive, hulking, and altogether demonic as he comes on through. He does… shrink a little bit though. The demon starts out easily over eighteen feet tall, but by the time he's through into their world, he's a more reasonable ten feet. Still hulking, still massive, still very evil-looking and incredibly dangerous.

"OH, GREAT DEMON LORD ARONICH! I have summoned you to this world, that we may make a deal! In exchange for the consumption of these two, as the ritual says, I demand a fraction of your power! If you decline this offer, you will return to the prison from whence you came for the rest of your days!"

Slowly, the Demon Lord gazes around at them all, peering at the Trinity Officer doing the talking, and then at Lara and Buffy, and then at the Trinity Soldiers surrounding them.


Lara blinks at Buffy's muffled shouting, which in turn draws the attention of the now-named Aronich himself. Looking almost amused, the Demon Lord reaches out and delicately tugs the gag free from the blonde Slayer's lips with one claw. Not quite the 'consumption' the Trinity Officer was hoping for, but before the man can say a word, Buffy is shouting at me.

"You IDIOT! The Demon Lord Aronich isn't freed by consuming human women, he's freed by CONSUMMATING WITH HUMAN WOMEN!"

"Wait, what? No, that's impossible! I-!"

"You got the translation wrong, you fucking moron!"

"Don't be ridiculous, I-urk!"

The Trinity Officer is cut off as, faster than the blink of an eye, the Demon Lord is in front of him, his chest impaled on a set of Aronich's claws. Positively grinning with malicious glee now, the Demon Lord cackles and finally speaks.

"She's right."

The soldiers all open fire… to no avail. What follows is a slaughter that takes less than a minute, before it's just them, the summoned Demon Lord, and the portal to his prison left at the ritual site. As he flicks the blood from his claws and moves over to them, Lara can't help but tremble in his presence. She's always been brave… but that was for things she could control, against things she understood. This was… this was beyond her. She was terrified.

Buffy on the other hand…

"You cannot touch us without our consent, Demon Lord. Neither of us will consummate a marriage to you. Kill us and be done with it or leave us be and return to your prison to wait for the next fool stupid enough to summon you."

Humming to himself, Aronich prowls before the two of them.

"Ah, Slayer. You are correct, of course… it must be… voluntary. Still, you forget yourself. Who are you, to speak for this little lamb?"

"Wha- Croft?! She's not so weak as to succumb to YOU, monster!"

"Isn't she?"

Reaching out, Aronich casually caresses Lara's chin with a single claw, forcing her to look up into his eyes as he tilts her head back. Her own eyes widen as she… as she feels something.

"I cannot MAKE either of you do anything… but I can certainly help you both come to the right decision."

"You… hah, you… w-what are you doing?"

Buffy sounds breathless and behind Lara, the two of them still restrained to the wooden pole. She sounds flushed as she pants for breath. Lara is in the same boat though and realizes what's happening. The Demon Lord… he's doing something to them. Lara has never felt more turned on in her life. What had once been terror, is being transformed into abject lust as she gazes upon the perfection made manifest in demon flesh standing before her.

"Let's start with getting rid of those pesky inhibitions you mortals labor under. Now, you may gaze upon my august form without fear, for you know I will never harm you. One of you will be my wife… the other, my concubine. Submit and choose among yourselves who shall be first among my slaves."

"N-Never… never g-gonna give in. C-Croft… stay… s-stay strong!"

Distantly, some small part of Lara Croft knows what's happening here, that she's on the precipice of something she won't be able to take back. But as she gazes upon the Demon Lord Aronich, she knows she can't resist her own desires, her own impulses. She wants him… she NEEDS him.

"… I submit."


"Haha, yes!"

With one large, clawed hand, Aronich tears Lara away from the post, shredding her bindings and her clothing alike as he lifts her up into the air one handed. His massive, ridged, demonic cock straightens out from between his legs, and without a second's more hesitation, he slams her down onto his member. Lara cries out, squealing as she's positively impaled on the demon's member.

It's not like she's a virgin or anything… but for the purposes of this, she might as well be. Being fucked by a demon, let alone a demon lord, is unlike any man she's ever had before. He's taking her demon virginity, for lack of a better term for it. His ridged, massive member slams home into her and all Lara can do is gape, her eyes rolling back in her head from the ecstasy as she succumbs so totally and utterly that in that moment, she knows there's no going back.

She is his. She is the Demon Lord Aronich's wife… but of course, for a Demon Lord, his wife is little more than chattel, just like the rest of his concubines and property. She is first among Aronich's slaves, now and forever. A position of great prestige, as the one who finally freed him from his prison… but one of eternal servitude, all the same.

Bouncing her rag dolling body up and down on his cock, Lord Aronich strides around to the other side of the pole, where a squirming, blushing, still-restrained Buffy Summers can only watch in horror as he fucks Lara upon his member. More importantly, the portal to his prison flickers… and seals shut, the tear in reality closing with the Demon Lord firmly on THIS side of it, showing that his time in prison was at an end.

"D-Damn it… damn it all! Croft, you f-fool!"

Aronich just chuckles, as Lara is in no position to talk back. Buffy, meanwhile, can't help it as her eyes continue to dart down to where his cock is pistoning in and out of Lara's pussy. The Demon Lord smirks.

"Ah, I can see you've had… dalliances with creatures of darkness before, Slayer. Am I truly so different from them?"

"Y-Yes! N-No! I… I don't know!"

Buffy whimpers and squirms. In the face of his victory, it's becoming harder and harder for the blonde, lacking in inhibitions and barely managing to restrain her raging libido, to keep herself in check. With a triumphant roar, Aronich suddenly spills his demonic seed inside of Lara, and in doing so, seals Buffy's fate.

The smell of his intoxicating cum is like an aphrodisiac, and when he yanks Lara off of his cock and tosses his slave-wife to the side like a used rag, plenty of that cum splatters across the still-tied up Buffy Summers. Shivering, her eyes nearly rolling back in her head in delight, Buffy's tongue darts out and collects a dollop of demon seed onto it. Before she can stop herself, she's licking it back into her mouth… and swallowing.

"Oh god… oh fuck, just f-fuck me already. Please, take me."

"Why should I, hm? I don't actually need your consent anymore. I've already consummated my new marriage. Ah, but a pet Slayer… that DOES sound like fun."

Buffy squeals, as a flash of hellfire burns away both her bindings and her clothing alike. Then, a collar forms around her throat, sealing itself along her pretty little neck and marking her forevermore as the Pet of Lord Aronich. Only then does he scoop her up and deposit the lithe blonde upon his cock. Only then does he impale Buffy Summers on his member, fucking the Slayer harder and faster and deeper than he even did to Lara.

Not only is Buffy lower on the totem pole than the Demon Lord's new wife, but she's also a Slayer… she can take it. And so Aronich thoroughly enjoys his new chew toy, collared and enslaved to him and his demonic magics. And he enjoys it even more when a defeated Lara crawls over and begins to lick and slurp at his massive, demonic balls, submissively kneeling between his huge legs as he plows Buffy Summers to kingdom cum.


"C-Can I get you anything, s-sir?"

Amused, Aronich looks over to the stewardess for a long moment before waving her off.

"Not right now."

Oh, he would certainly have a taste of the girl before they landed… but this flight he was on would continue for another several hours yet. He had time to… let her soak in it, so to speak.

Now in the form of the Trinity Officer that he'd slaughtered, having consumed the man's soul and thus all of the knowledge he held within him, Lord Aronich is currently aboard a luxury jet that's heading for the nearest Trinity Base, where he will begin establishing himself as the new ruler of these mortals, even if he has to slaughter their entire leadership first.

Of course, his mere majestic demonic presence wasn't what had the stewardess in such a state. No, that would be his two kneeling thralls, his slave wife Lara Croft and his pet Slayer, Buffy Summers. Completely naked save for the collars around their necks, both former heroines lovingly work over either side of his cock, performing oral sex on him to pass the time as he sits there, enjoying the creature comforts of mortal life.

Earth had certainly changed; in the centuries he'd been away. For the better, Aronich couldn't help thinking. He was going to enjoy this world… he was going to enjoy it very much.


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