Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Lucky Break (The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!)

A Lucky Break (The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!)

A/N: A Lucky Break was a commissioned one shot originally written back in October of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy.

Summary: On her way home from work one day, the great Jahy-Sama detects the presence of a big Mana Crystal. Unfortunately, she's not the first to locate it...

Themes: Rough Sex, Demon Sex, Transformations


Another long day and long shift at the Izakaya Maou Bar has left the great Jahy-Sama somewhat introspective as she trudges along on her way home. There's no one around for her to have to front with, and so the former Number Two of the Dark Realm is allowing herself a rare moment of self-pity and feeling sorry for her circumstances.

It just wasn't fair. Why was all of the responsibility of saving the Dark Realm on her shoulders? After losing most of her demonic powers to that Magical Girl hero, Jahy had been utterly reduced in scope and size. Right now, she looked like she did before, her old form that she used to work at the Bar and make a living while she hunted down Mana Crystals for the express purpose of returning her former realm to a state of normality.

But this was no longer her 'true form'. Her true form was that of a small girl, and when she got home, she would have to cut off the expenditure of demonic energy she was having to currently use to maintain her old form and revert to that… natural body. It was something she was both looking forward to and not. She was exhausted, after all… but she also mourned and missed the times when she was the apple of everyone's eye for real, rather than just wearing a mask that everyone liked.

Tch, it just wasn't-

Before her mind can go back around in the same circular look it'd been going for ages, Jahy is interrupted by the sudden pinging from her Mana Crystal Pendant as it detects a nearby Mana Crystal. Her yellow, cat-like eyes flick down to her pendant, and she presses her lips together tightly as she pulls it out and considers it for a moment.

She's all too ready to just give it up for the day and head home anyways, shirking on her duty for just once in her life in order to continue throwing herself this pity party, but then she notices… it's a large signal. A REALLY large signal. Meaning that this is a really big Mana Crystal. Her mouth goes paradoxically wet and dry at the same time and Jahy licks her lips as a sense of greed quickly overcomes the demon girl. Could be a big find… could be the biggest find yet!

With the decision made for her, Jahy sets off in the direction of the Mana Crystal, quickly hunting it down with her pendant. Unfortunately, her luck is just as bad as ever. Just as she turns a corner and lays eyes on the huge Mana Crystal in question, she finds herself just in time to watch a seemingly regular human man put it into his backpack and zip it up.

Eyes widening, Jahy races forward.

"Hey! You! That crystal… give it to me!"

Standing up and towering over even her Before Form, the human blinks down at her as she runs up to him, his eyes noting her strange eyes and elven ears.

"Hm? Is it yours or something?"

"Yes! Every Mana Crystal belongs to the Dark Realm, and as the Great Jahy-Sama, Number Two to the Dark Realm, that means every Mana Crystal falls under my purview! Hand it over, human, and know that your life was made a little bit more interesting by this encounter!"

Every trace of melancholy and introspection is gone… or rather, not gone but shoved as deep down inside of herself as it possibly can be. Standing there with one hand on her hip and the other pointed at the human man's face, Jahy feels rather alive in the moment, as she always does when she stands to make even the slightest bit of incremental progress towards her ultimate goal.

Of course, then the human has to go and crush her dreams as he taps his chin thoughtfully for a beat before shaking his head.

"Mm… nah. I'm gonna sell it for a lot to a local jeweler, and I'm pretty sure you don't have enough to make that not worth my time."

His eyes trail up and down her body purposefully. From her short pair of navy blue shorts to her long dark strapped bikini that slides up from between her thighs, winds all the way around the back of her body and then slides over her chest before fastening to a golden loop held by a gold-tipped choker around her neck… she wasn't wearing much, and she knew it.

But the great Jahy-Sama was always of the opinion that if you had it, you should flaunt it! She dressed like this on purpose!

And yet, even as Jahy is bristling and flushing in embarrassment at the human man's callous disregard for her stature, she notices how his eyes linger on her tits. Like most humans, he's a lustful creature at heart, isn't he? And a demon like Jahy knows exactly how to handle lustful creatures! Turning on the charm, she goes from frowning to beaming in a nanosecond, leaning forward as she clasps her hands behind her back, thrusting her chest out for additional effect.

"I may not have much in the way of currency… but don't think that means the great Jahy-Sama cannot pay you in OTHER ways~ Why don't we go back to my place, you and I? And once we're there, you can do whatever you want with me~"

He just stares at her for a moment… and then bluntly spells it out, much to Jahy's mild embarrassment. Do humans know no shame?!

"You'll let me have sex with you in exchange for this crystal thing?"

Scowling, Jahy just nods.

"Yes, human! Do we have a deal or not?!"

"… Yeah, sure. We have a deal."

"Great! Come with me!"


It takes a little while to get back to her place, but soon enough they're walking through the front door. On the way there, she'd learned that his name was Tsuru Hikemi, and he was a college student. He'd made at least one comment about how he was probably making a mistake, thinking with his dick instead of just selling the crystal to the highest bidder, but Jahy had made sure to strike a sexy pose and give him a salacious grin and a wink while promising him all sorts of sexy fun times if he just stayed the course.

So far, that had worked, but admittedly… she hadn't done this sort of thing since the fall of the Dark Realm, and now that they were actually here, she was getting a little nervous. Still, in for a penny, in for a pound, right?

"Nice place."

"Y-Yes, only the best for the great Jahy-Sama…"

In truth, it was a dump and they both knew it. But he was being polite, and she was exercising a little thing called self-denial. She was really good at that.

Of course, there were limits, even to Jahy's self-denial. Like for instance, turning to face the man, fully intending to finish the transaction and have sex with him, only for any words to die on her lips as she quite suddenly runs out of energy right there on the spot and reverts to her much smaller natural form.

It's typical of the joke her life has become, really. Just before she's able to enact her brilliant plan and secure the biggest Mana Crystal that she's laid eyes on since getting stuck in the human world, THIS happens. The two of them stare at each other blankly for several long moments and Jahy flushes, beginning to tremble as her now amber eyes grow slightly watery with unshed tears.

Curling her much smaller hands into fists, she scowls up at him and his dumb blank face.

"What?! Never seen a d-demonic transformation before? I guess your pathetic h-human mind WOULD be too small to comprehend such a t-thing! I'm still me you know! J-Just a smaller form! I haven't changed one bit, e-except for a slight challenge in v-verticality! But I guess that might be too much for you! I guess you'll just turn around and walk away now, h-huh?!"

As she prepares herself for the crushing despair of defeat once more, her amber eyes turning downwards towards the floor in anticipation of his departure… she's shocked when one of Tsuru's big hands comes down upon her head… and pats it?

"… Nah, this is fine too."

Eyes widening in disbelief and hope, Jahy looks up to see the human man shrug off his backpack and then reach down and grab her, lifting her up out of the clothes that no longer fit her and have all but slipped off her smaller frame. He carries her over to the futon and she blushes as he lays her down and begins stripping.

"T-Truly? I am… still desirable to you?"

"Sure. I kind of like your attitude most of all, if I'm being honest. You play like you're really full of yourself, but it's all an act to hide a deep range of insecurities, isn't it?"

Sputtering, Jahy shakes her head.

"W-What?! N-No!"

For the first time, Tsuru grins wickedly, his cock flopping free of his pants as he shucks them off and then climbs onto the futon.

"Yeah, that right there, that's what I'm talking about. That's kind of hot."

And then he's planting those big hands (only big because of her sudden change in size) on either side of her head and his cock is nestled between her thighs and Jahy whimpers as she feels him beginning to press into her.

"Plus… nngh, plus, you're gonna be really tight like this. Oh, fuck yeah, that's good."

Jahy mewls, having never expected or anticipated having sex in this form. While it might be the more natural body for her now thanks to her dramatic loss of power, it was still ill-suited for sexy times… or so she'd always assumed. Tsuru was quickly proving her wrong though, his big dick (comparatively anyways) penetrating her slowly but surely, stretching out her pussy walls around him as he goes.

While his crass words were sort of insulting, it was also kind of nice to be so desired, even if it was for things Jahy OF COURSE didn't agree with even remotely. A bundle of insecurities?! She was no such thing! A-And just because she was small and tight didn't mean he had to e-enjoy her new form q-quite so much!

Ah, but it was feeling pretty good… as he drives in and out of her harder and faster by the moment, the demon girl finds herself clutching at the bedding beneath herself, cute little yelps and squeaks interspersed between her moaning and mewling as he plows her into the futon.

"Y-You don't have to be so r-rough!"

Raising an eyebrow at her, he doesn't slow down but he also doesn't speed up.

"Oh? Can you not handle it?"

He knows just what to say, and yet Jahy's own pride won't let her admit that he's manipulating her. Growling up at him in a way that would have been terrifying if she had her true power but was undeniably adorable and cutesy right now, Jahy thrusts out her chin.

"O-Of course I can! Don't you d-dare slow down! The great Jahy-Sama can handle anything you t-throw at her!"

Chuckling, Tsuru just shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, if you say so…"

And then he speeds up again, much to the diminutive demon girl's complete shock. He pounds her into the futon with more ferocity than she thought humans could even be capable of, and before she knows it, her pussy walls are clenching around his cock as, to her complete and utter stupefaction, she realizes he's managing to make her CUM!

"Oh fuck, so fucking tight!"

As her eyes go crossed from the pleasure, her tightening quim proves to be too much for Tsuru as well, and the young man pants and then groans as he proceeds to paint her inner walls white with his seed. She most definitely DIDN'T give him permission to cum inside, but for a moment she can't even be mad, it feels too damn good.

But then that moment passes and as she comes down from her momentary pleasure high, Jahy looks up into his eyes with a frown, about to read him the riot act for daring to creampie her. She wasn't so far gone that she didn't have her p-pride, after all!

Except, just before she's about to open her mouth and start yelling, something miraculous happens. With him still buried inside of her clenching, gushing wet twat, Jahy suddenly… transforms back into her Before Form, regaining her more mature adult figure right then and there beneath him. Both of them blink as her suddenly developed tits bounce to life and her entire body shifts under him, her insides growing a bit longer as well but no less tight.

Pulling out of her, Tsuru just raises an eyebrow at her in confusion.

"This uh… this happen a lot with you?"

Staring at herself in wonder, Jahy slowly sits up. A small smile, the most honest smile she's maybe ever had, appears on her face before beginning to grow at a rapid pace.

"A-Aha… ahahaha! I've done it! I've finally regained my former power!"

Because truly, she's never felt better. This… this isn't like when she's putting on a front for work. This isn't like when she's having to use her very limited energy to build a façade of what she used to be. This is an actual representation of her original power. The energy sings through her, resonating and reverberating out from her creampied pussy and Jahy realizes… it's all thanks to this human man.

"You… you did this for me…"

Actual lust and gratitude wells up in the demon girl as she licks her lips, staring at him happily. Tsuru, in response, appears nonplussed… right up until she leans forward and wraps her newly reconstituted tits around his cock, beginning to give him a titfuck right then and there. Then, he groans in enjoyment as his cock comes back to life, her dark, mocha breasts going to work around his dick.

"Allow me to reward you for your great service to Jahy-Sama and the Dark Realm…"

For the first time in her life, Jahy is so filled with gratitude that she actually wants to do something for someone else. She doesn't know how it's possible, but this simple human man has done for her what months and months of hunting and searching could not. No amount of small Mana Crystals could give her back her former monumental power or do much beyond steadily rebuilding the Dark Realm, and this human gives her one creampie and she's suddenly back to her old self?

Well, not quite her old self. In her moment of pure jubilation and joy, Jahy is able to acknowledge the truth about her old self… her old self would have probably killed this human for having the impudence to cum inside of her, even if it did help her. Her old self wouldn't be giving him a reward for his service, if she DID deign to let him live, she would likely treat that as reward enough.

She wasn't her old self, not anymore. But she was definitely no longer her new self either! No longer trapped in that small childish form! No longer stuck in a dead end job! With this new level of power, she didn't have to work at the Bar anymore! She would be able to get money, she would be able to get everything she needed! And sure, maybe her enemies would come after her, but the great Jahy-Sama would lay them all low, and it was all thanks to this human!

Compared to all of that, giving him a titjob felt like the least she could do. Licking her lips, she leans forward and sucks the head of his messy cock between them and into her mouth, slurping around his dick tip while continuing to slide her breasts up and down his length. His sizable member is much more… standard now that she's of a proper size herself again. But it's still big enough to make her heart pound in her chest as she gives him a titfuck right then and there until finally…

"Oh fuck, here it comes!"

Without hesitation, Jahy takes it all over her face. Tilting her head back, lolling out her tongue, she moans as he gives her a facial, jizzing all over her features. It feels right, letting him cum on her, letting him mark her. This human man has given her back her life, and she is so very, very grateful for that…

And also, maybe just a little turned on still by the nature of how she got her power back. Moaning rather wantonly, Jahy begins to rub his seed into her tits and face, running her hands up and down her reconstituted body and exulting in her return to form… only to freeze as suddenly, just as quickly as she got it all back… it fades away?!

Transforming back into her powerless tiny self once more, Jahy's eyes snap open and the demon girl looks down at herself blankly. How?! H-How was this possible?! What was the trigger?! She'd felt so strong, she knew it hadn't been a lie… but it had only lasted for a short time?! Was it because… had the energy from his seed worn off?!

In that moment, Jahy realizes that Tsuru's cum must be the source of the power she'd so greedily consumed. Unbeknownst to her, it wasn't HIM specifically, but rather the act of sex itself. In avoiding fucking while in her new body, she hadn't ever fully explored the thrills of tantric sex magic and the possibilities it entailed… until now.

Desperate to feel that rush again, Jahy looks at Tsuru, who is once again looking rather nonplussed at her sudden back and forth transformation.

"You… you are the source of all of my future power. Be grateful, human… the great Jahy-Sama will make good use of you as her new power battery!"

A moment later, she pounces on him, taking him to the ground as her elf-like ears twitch and she impales her tight cunt on his cock once more. She'll do anything to get her powers back… anything at all.


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