Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Assisted Attraction (Pokemon)

Assisted Attraction (Pokemon)

A/N: Assisted Attraction was a commissioned one shot originally written back in September of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which a young male trainer finds himself battling his crush and the Princess of Spikemuth, Marnie. He just wants to impress her...

Themes: Mild Mind Control, Rough Sex, First Time


It starts, as most things are wont to do in the Galar region, with a Pokemon Battle. But this isn't just any Pokemon Battle. As Ethan stands across from his opponent, the young man grits his teeth, wanting nothing more than to win this fight, but knowing that it's really coming down to the wire now. Any move could be the last, either one of them could take down the other and emerge the victor.

That alone could have been enough for him. Just a strong showing might be good enough for most. But not for Ethan. No, he wants to win to do that thing that all boys his age want to do… impress a girl. Of course, normally the girl that one is trying to impress isn't also one's opponent, but that's just how it is sometimes.

Marnie, sister of Gym Leader Piers in Spikemuth, is who Ethan is currently up against. A stoic but well-mannered girl, she was also an incredibly cute young woman… as evidenced by her quite literally having a fan club known as Team Yell. Ethan was part of the fan club when he was younger for a couple years before realizing just how much they bugged and harassed Marnie with their very presence.

See, he had a crush on Marnie a mile wide… and she barely even knew who he was. Even though they'd both grown up at the same time in Spikemuth, she was the Punk Princess of the town, while he was just Ethan, a nobody.

But in this world of Pokemon and Battling, even a nobody like Ethan could rise above the chaff and become a somebody. When he'd set out with his Eevee a while back on his own Pokemon Journey, becoming a Trainer and seeking out challenges alongside his Pokemon Partner, Ethan had made a promise to himself that he was going to one day be someone who even Marnie would look upon with a smile.

The fact that he'd never actually SEEN her smile before was simply unimportant at the end of the day.

Here and now, when he'd stumbled across Marnie all alone, seemingly having slipped those Team Yell stooges for the time being, Ethan knew he had to shoot his shot and had done the only reasonable thing a boy who liked a girl could do. He'd challenged Marnie to a Pokemon Battle!

Here they were, his Sylveon versus her Grimmsnarl. Winner take all, and it could really go to anyone at this point. He needed a way to get things in his Sylveon's favor. He needed to gain an advantage so that he could end this battle decisively. As his Sylveon dodges an attack from Marnie's Grimmsnarl, Ethan thinks fast and calls out the only course of action he sees winning him this battle.

"Sylveon! Use Attract!"

Hopping forward, the Fairy-Type Pokemon does as its Master bids and uses the Attract Move on Grimmsnarl. Alas, it misses… and unbeknownst to everyone involved, hits Marnie instead. Marnie, who is already in the midst of giving her next command to Grimmsnarl.

"Grimmsnarl, finish this with a bite!"

And indeed, Grimmsnarl does finish it with a bite, even as the Attract goes to work on Marnie and causes her to become Infatuated with the first being she sees. Having given her order, and confident in her Grimmsnarl's capabilities, Marnie's eyes are on Ethan when the Attract fully takes effect. Meaning that the punk girl ends up infatuated… with the boy she was just battling.

Ethan, not noticing this, can only groan as his Sylveon goes down and he has to recall the beaten and unconscious Pokemon to its Pokeball. It was his loss. After all this time, all of his training… he still couldn't prove that he was strong enough to stand alongside Marnie. No, not just stand alongside her, but protect her. He really was no better than those goons he'd left behind when he'd quit Team Yell…

"That's my win."

Shoulders slumping, Ethan just nods dejectedly as he gets out his wallet, preparing to pay for the loss and retreat with his tail tucked between his legs. However, before he can open his wallet up, Marnie's hand comes down upon his, stopping him. Jolting, not having noticed her approach, Ethan looks up into his crush's eyes just in time to see Marnie blushing as she wraps her arms around his neck and looks at him intensely.

"You can pay me another way, you know."

Before Ethan can respond beyond getting flushed as all hell, Marnie leans forward, standing on her tip toes as she kisses him right then and there on the mouth. Eyes widening in disbelief, the young man can hardly understand what's happening at first. His crush, the girl of his dreams… she's making out with him! The stoic, cool-headed Punk Princess of Spikemuth is kissing HIM!

Does this mean she knows who he is? Has she shared his feelings all along?! Perhaps if he'd been thinking a bit more clearly Ethan could have figured out the suspicious sequences of events and realized what was actually happening, but how was any man supposed to think clearly with Marnie kissing them? It was like a dream come true for him.

And so, tucking his wallet away, Ethan kisses her back, his hands encircling her waist as she leans into his chest, the two of them both moaning as they explore each other's mouths for what feels like an eternity and also no time at all. Indeed, Ethan is left wanting more when Marnie finally pulls away from his mouth… and descends to her knees.

Her perfectly manicured, painted fingernails trail down his body as she does, her eyes filled with an intense desire and pinned to his face all the way down. Then, she's looking at his crotch as she unbuckles his belt and undoes his pants, pulling his cock out right then and there. Ethan wants to say something, but he can't think of anything. The words catch in his throat as Marnie leans forward and places the head of his rapidly swelling cock in her mouth.

She sucks on just the tip, staring up at him again almost adoringly as she strokes his shaft up and down with her perfectly soft hands. She doesn't really know what she's doing, having never done anything like this before, but to a boy who's equally virginal like Ethan, it's not like that's noticeable at all. She's doing exactly what she knows she's capable of, moving him no further into her mouth then just his cockhead to avoid any accidents as she glides her soft palms up and down his length.

"F-Fuck… Marnie…"

His groaning of her name seems to spur her onward though, causing her to add her tongue to the mix as she jerks her hands up and down his throbbing length even harder. He's fully erect now as she swirls her tongue along his glans and plays with his dick tip to her heart's content. His balls are churning too, and… and he knows he's not going to last much longer.

Not wanting to ruin this amazing thing that they seem to suddenly have going between them, Ethan does his best to warn her.

"H-hey! I'm getting close!"

When she looks up at him, uncomprehendingly, he blushes and gestures to his cock in her mouth and hands.

"I-I'm going to cum soon, Marnie!"

Her eyes widen slightly as the light of understanding fills them, but rather than pulling away or something to keep from being in the line of fire… she actually goes HARDER on his cock, suckling at it so hard her cheeks suck in as her hands stroke his length and in a bit of a eureka moment, she slides one of those hands down from his cock to his balls, fondling them inexpertly but VERY pleasurably.

Eyes nearly bulging out of his head at his luck, Ethan lets out a throaty groan as the pleasure finally overwhelms him. He cums in Marnie's mouth right then and there, and to her credit, the punk girl doesn't miss a beat. She drinks down his seed without a second of hesitation, her little throat convulsing as she swallows it all. Because it's just the tip of his cock in her mouth, she doesn't spill a single drop, though her cheeks do swell up rather cutely for a moment at one point before she's able to gulp it all down.

As she pulls back and Ethan stands there completely amazed by what's happened so far, it's like Marnie wants him to know she swallowed it all, because she tilts her head back and shows him her open mouth for a moment, lolling out her tongue. Blushing profusely, Ethan just grins and nods, refraining from anything as cheesy as giving her a thumbs up.

Smiling happily, Marnie proceeds to stand up, his cock still in her hand as she looks between him and it. He's… not quite soft yet… in fact, he's not going to end up completely soft, because she quickly begins stroking him again and in no time at all Ethan is rock hard and ready for Round Two. Of course, he'd never in a billion years thought he was GETTING a round two, but it turns out that's exactly what Marnie wants.

Reaching up under her dress without saying a word, Spikemuth's closest thing to a princess proceeds to hook her thumbs into the waistband of her underwear and shimmy them down her legs, revealing a frankly surprisingly cute and frilly pair of pink panties that she kicks off to the side without a second's thought. Ethan, on the other hand, stares at them blankly for a moment, his mouth wide open in surprise.

"I-I never would have thought you the type, Marnie…"

An insistent little whine draws his attention back to the love of his life and Ethan's surprise only grows as he stands there, frozen in place for a moment. Because after Marnie finished kicking off her panties, she'd gone ahead and turned around, flipping up the back hem of her dress and revealing her completely naked behind and dripping pussy. Marnie's pert posterior was laid bare before him, and Ethan… Ethan could hardly believe his eyes.

"You want me to fuck you… o-of course… of course you want me to fuck you. Holy shit, this is really happening, isn't it?"

"J-Just do it already! I NEED you inside of me!"

"Y-Yes ma'am!"

Surging forward, Ethan's hands fall upon Marnie's hips, and he grabs hold of her tightly, his cock twitching and throbbing as it comes up to her wet, dripping slit. The cockhead that she'd so lovingly tongued just a couple minutes earlier presses against the entrance to her pussy now, and Ethan's breath catches as he stares down in disbelief at where they're about to be joined.

Until, of course, Marnie decides he's taking too long and bounces her hips back into his crotch. Just like that, he's suddenly buried inside of her through no true action of his own, a sharp squeak leaving the Punk Girl's lips as she takes her own virginity using his cock as the implement. For a moment, Ethan is afraid he's hurt her… but then she starts wiggling and moaning upon his length, making it obvious that she's enjoying herself greatly and wants more.

Gripping her by her hips, Ethan begins to thrust forward into Marnie's slit as she stands there, legs spread apart, nearly up on her tip toes. Her pussy walls tighten and clench around his cock, driving him absolutely wild as he starts fucking into her. He tries to keep it slow, tries to make it a somewhat gentle and calm round of lovemaking, even if the setting isn't right for it at all.

When he'd fantasized about him and Marnie being together, he'd always imagined they'd be in bed, staring into one another's eyes as he slid into her, and she wrapped her limbs around him.

Instead, she's having him fuck her from behind while standing up in the middle of a forest clearing. It was kind of… well, it wasn't the right atmosphere for what he'd had in mind, and yet Ethan really couldn't bring himself to mind. Because at the end of the day, it was still unbelievably hot and sexy, the way her pert butt was squishing up against his crotch with every thrust into her, the way she was holding onto her knees and bending forward as wanton moans and sharp cries of ecstasy left her lips.

Intent on giving her what she wanted, even if it wasn't what he originally envisioned, Ethan finally starts to speed up. He's not sure he could have held back much longer anyways to be honest. She's just so tight and so fucking sexy, and his cock is wrapped in her soft, wet, velvety pussy as he pounds into her from behind.

Of course, going faster also means she's not quite as stable. Even though he's holding her by the hips, her footing isn't as secure as it could be. When her hands leave her knees and start to windmill just a bit, her balance all out of whack, Ethan makes sure to help her out… by grabbing hold of said hands and pulling her arms behind her as he continues to fuck her hard and fast.

His fingers interlock with hers as he holds her hands securely, and for Ethan, who has crushed on Marnie for as long as he can remember, it's everything he ever could have wanted. Feeling a bit beside himself, Ethan calls out to the girl he's fucking, even as he plows her silly with everything he has.

"I love you, Marnie! I always have! Fuck, you have such a tight, gorgeous body! You feel so good, wrapped around my cock!"

It was a perfectly reasonable thing to say to a girl who you thought was as excited for all of this as you were. Unfortunately for Ethan, that was about the same time that the Attract wore off and Marnie snapped out of her Infatuation. Fortunately for Ethan, it wasn't quite as cut and dry as it might have otherwise been.

Coming out of the Infatuated State she'd been in; Marnie immediately knows what happened. After all, it's not like she was a different person all this time. There's merely a shift in her mentality as the Infatuation wears off. She knows now that she never would have done any of the things she just did if not for that missed Attract accidentally hitting her.

And yet, that doesn't stop everything that's happened from feeling good. It doesn't suddenly invalidate the fact that she's cum multiple times upon Ethan's cock. And it doesn't change the fact that she's also turned on by the mortification and humiliation welling up inside of her now. See, Marnie might have put on a stoic and cool front to avoid letting people get close to her or get to know her too well, but that was only because the punk girl feared they would look down upon her once they did.

In truth, this was sort of one of Marnie's fantasies… and the realization that she was being fucked in the middle of a forest clearing from behind while holding hands with another trainer and standing on her tip toes was just too much for her to handle. Her pussy tightens around Ethan's cock, and she starts to orgasm yet again, this time for real. It's her first climax without the Attract influencing her, which means she can no longer hide behind that as an excuse as her eyes go crossed and her tongue sticks cutely out of her small mouth.

Meanwhile, her pussy walls tightening and gripping hard around Ethan's cock are enough to send the young man over the edge again as well. As she milks an orgasm from him, Ethan, still believing everything is fine and completely on the up and up, doesn't even hesitate. After all, she might not have said she loved him back, but she did cum shortly after he said it, right? And if she was willing to drink his seed… she could certainly take a load in her pussy, yeah?

And so, Ethan proceeds to creampie his long time crush in a move that makes him feel like he's just fulfilled a childhood dream or something. Certainly, this is everything he ever could have hoped for when he originally set out on his solo Pokemon Journey. Balls deep inside of Marnie, pumping a thick hot load into her womb.

As he finishes and pulls back however, their hands finally slip free of each other and they both stumble back. Marnie manages to catch herself before she can fall flat on her face, though part of her is half-tempted to let it happen to complete her humiliation. Still, she straightens up and turns to face him, blushing and pouting as she finds herself infatuated in a completely different way.

Memorizing Ethan's face and committing it to memory, the bright red Punk Girl points a finger at him, scowling cutely.

"I-I won't go so easy on you n-next time!"

And then, without even stopping to get his name, she turns on her heel and runs off, rushing away from the scene of her humiliating but also incredibly arousing deflowering with all the speed she can muster.

Ethan stares after her, eyes wide for a moment. He didn't… he wasn't sure what it meant, but he chooses to latch onto the last two words in her statement. Next time. She'd said there would be a next time.

Smiling goofily, the young man blinks as his eyes catch on something out of place in the grass… namely, Marnie's frilly pink panties that she'd discarded earlier and in the heat of the moment, forgotten to pick up. His smile transforming into a full-blown grin, Ethan walks forward and picks them up, balling the panties in his hand and stuffing them in his pocket as he chuckles happily.

Best day of his life.


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