Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Menagerie of Opportunity (Worm)

A Menagerie of Opportunity (Worm)


Themes: Monster Sex, Orgy Sex, Rough Sex

Summary: Annette Hebert has a secret. A secret her daughter and her daughter's best friend have just uncovered. But then, perhaps her daughter has a secret too...


Annette freezes in place, dick still in her mouth. Stretching out her jaw. Forcing her to salivate and- no! Focus! Reluctantly, the middle-aged MILF pulls back off of the cock she’d been sucking on and forces herself to look over at what she knows is waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Except… it’s not just Taylor who’s caught her. No, Annette couldn’t be so lucky. Her daughter isn’t alone. Emma Barnes is standing right behind her, eyes wide as the red head stares at the massive phallus Annette is still holding in her hand.
“T-Taylor… Emma… I didn’t know you’d decided to stay over. Ah… um… this isn’t what it looks like?
Even to Annette’s ears, her excuse sounds impossibly weak. Probably not helped by the fact that her tone is already filled with defeat. Somehow, she’d always known this day would come. Deep down inside, part of her had known she was getting more and more complacent with… with her powers.
You see, Annette Hebert was a cape. Long before she even became a Hebert, she’d been a cape. She was sort of a Master, but with additional… benefits. Basically, she could summon and control fantasy creatures. That was the part of her power she’d let her husband, Daniel Hebert, know about. But there was another part to her power, one that she’d kept a secret from Danny.
Basically, she gained additional powers from ingesting the cum from whatever creatures she summoned. The fresher, the better… and the powers did eventually wear off after a day or so. Back when Annette had been running with Lustrum, she’d gone by the cape name ‘Menagerie’ and Lustrum had used her powers to empower some of her followers for certain critical missions for the movement.
Obviously once she met Danny, Annette stopped using THAT aspect of her power. In the end, she only ever let her husband know about the summoning part, which she used when Taylor was younger to entertain and keep an eye on her baby girl.
That said… she’d never truly stopped missing the feel of power that came from guzzling a fantasy creature’s cum. Dragon, Minotaur, Gryphon… it didn’t matter. She’d suck them all off for a taste of that high, given the chance. And while she’d stayed perfectly loyal to Danny throughout their marriage, not even using her own power to ‘cheat’ on him… after he was gone, it became harder and harder.
He was dead and while she still had Taylor, Annette was terribly, woefully alone. And so… she’d started ‘using’ again. She’d started summoning creatures for her own… satisfaction. And while she’d been careful to not get caught at first, managing to keep it a secret for quite some time in fact… Annette could look back now and see just how complacent she’d gotten.
After all, there was no other word for it than complacent. Not when she’d quite literally been caught by her daughter and her daughter’s best friend sucking off a Minotaur in their living room.
Speaking of which…
“Uh… you sure, Mrs. H? Because it looks a lot like you’re sucking Minotaur Dick.”
From the mouth of babes. Emma Barnes is still staring at the huge, fat, bull-like cock that Annette’s creation is sporting. But that doesn’t stop the little fiery red head from getting sassy with her. Taylor, meanwhile, is oddly silent. Just… looking at Annette as if she’s never truly seen her before. Feeling the walls closing in around her, feeling like she’s about to lose her last family, Annette bites her lower lip and tries her best to explain.
Or rather, she intends to. Instead, what comes out of her mouth is…
“I-I thought you were asleep, Taylor. You’re not usually awake this late at night…”
To Annette’s surprise, her words, spoken in a weak, plaintive voice, have a distinct effect on her daughter. Taylor flinches and blanches, looking… embarrassed? Emma on the other hand.
“That’s because Taylor has powers, Mrs. H. And I’m helping her become a hero!”
Wait, what?
“Emma! What the fuck?!”
Taylor’s angry, sputtering outburst all but confirms it, even as Emma shrugs her shoulders and tosses her bright red mane back.
“What? Look at your mom, Taylor. She clearly has similar powers to yours. And you weren’t going to tell her without some help, so I… helped.”
“I… I…”
Annette can hardly believe her ears, but at the same time…
“Taylor? You… triggered?”
Taylor flinches even harder at that, before nodding slowly.
“Y-Yeah. There was an… um, incident with the ABB when I was with Emma and Mr. Barnes a few weeks back. They wanted to hurt us. And I… I stopped them. With my powers.”
With that, Taylor glances wryly at Annette’s Minotaur… before proceeding to summon one of her own. Annette’s eyes widen at that, but then… of course. It makes total sense. It wasn’t widespread knowledge but Annette was a voracious reader. So she knew all about powers budding and how the next generation were prone to triggering more easily as well as getting something similar to what their parents had.
But then… this didn’t just seem similar. It seemed… identical?
“Guessing by what we caught you doing that you get abilities from drinking Monster Cum, Mrs. H?”
Annette blushes at that, as Emma just lays it out there on the table. She slowly nods, which causes Emma to lean forward, a curious gleam in her eye.
“JUST from drinking it? Nothing else?”
A little confused, Annette blinks.
“I… yes?”
Smirking now, Emma looks to Taylor… who goes even redder in response. But after a moment, Taylor’s shoulders slump and she lets out a sigh.
“… I can do more with mine, mom. I can… take them inside of me. And… I get extra stuff if they creampie me. I can also… spread the love, so to speak. I can grant my ability to any other women around me, b-basically…”
Annette’s eyes widen at that. Now she understands. Taylor’s powers aren’t identical to hers… they’re better. Which is… honestly, good. She’s happy to hear that, because if there’s one thing a mother wants for her daughter, it’s for them to surpass her. Taylor SHOULD be better than her. Stronger than her. The world… is an unforgiving place these days. Even more than it was back when Annette was still running with Lustrum. Speaking of which…
“You two… were going out to patrol?”
Suddenly, both Taylor and Emma look like deer caught in headlights. The strength is coming back to Annette’s voice, even though she’s still on her knees and still holding onto HER Minotaur’s cock. That doesn’t stop a scowl from rapidly appearing on her face, however.
“No. You’re not ready.”
“Mom! We weren’t… I wasn’t going to pick any fights or anything! I just… we were just going to go flying for a bit…”
Annette’s eyes widen at that, guessing at what sort of creatures Taylor and Emma must have gotten with upstairs while she was busy down here in order to be able to do that. Her mouth opens… and then closes… and then opens again as she shakes her head.
“Not without extra durability, you’re not. And not without me.

With a flick of her wrist, Annette dismisses her own Minotaur before looking her daughter in the eye. In that moment, she sees herself in Taylor, more than she EVER has before. In this moment… mother and daughter truly see each other for the first time.
“Summon a second Minotaur for Emma, Taylor. And summon a dragon for me. We’ll all go together… once we’re properly equipped.”
With a belly full of Minotaur Cum already, Annette knows she’s more than hardy enough to handle any of the dangers that they might run into on a cool night in Brockton Bay. But she can’t fly like Taylor and Emma currently can. Not yet. Fortunately… Taylor has never been the truly rebellious type. And while she does go bright red at Annette’s instructions, she eventually nods and does as she’s told.
Taylor and Emma move off the stairs and then Taylor gets to work. A second Minotaur appears behind Emma, causing the red head to brighten up and begin stripping naked right then and there. Taylor does the same, but not before summoning a dragon that dominates the living room. Annette shivers as the majestic creature looks at her with intelligent serpentine eyes that demand submission… that demand surrender.
She quickly strips naked as well, and then gets down on her hands and knees before going a step further than that. Face down, ass up, the MILF lifts her hips as high as they’ll go and even reaches back between her thighs to spread her pussy lips wide in open invitation. The dragon snorts and huffs before moving forward and placing its large, ridged phallus against her slit.
Annette has sucked dragon cock before. Flying is an amazing experience, after all. But she’s never taken a dragon inside of her cunt. She’s never had any reason to take any of her fantasy creatures inside of her pussy. But now… now she does. She can feel it as Taylor extends her power over both her and Emma. She can feel how they’re interconnected and sharing this moment.
As the dragon penetrates Annette from behind, fucking her into the living room floor, she lifts her head just in time to watch her daughter and Emma get impaled on Minotaur cock. Taylor has had her Minotaur lift her up off the ground and push her against the nearby wall. With her long legs wrapped around his waist and her hands clinging to his broad shoulders, the Minotaur thrusts into her pussy right there on the spot, filling her with his huge, inhuman member.
Emma, on the other hand, is getting even rougher treatment. The red head looks like she’s having the time of her life though, as she’s picked up and folded into a pretzel. The Minotaur is taking her in a Full Nelson, her arms dangling on either side of her body and his massive beefy biceps slid up under her legs so his fingers can lace behind her head.
As he impales her on his cock, Emma’s belly bulges obscenely… but Annette isn’t worried. She can feel it through the senses of what Taylor is sharing with them that they’re protected. None of Annette’s creations could ever hurt her. She never dislocated her jaw or shattered her teeth while sucking on some of the largest, toughest fantasy cocks that her power could create. Likewise, Taylor’s power spread amongst the three of them meant that it didn’t matter how deep the Minotaur’s cock went inside of Emma… she wouldn’t be damaged in any way.
Annette was in the same boat, she belatedly realized. The dragon currently fucking her is doing so deeper and deeper, causing her to moan out wantonly as more and more of his cock pierces her cunt, eventually going right through her cervix and into her womb itself. Ridged and pointed, the dragon cock fills her up and then some, going beyond the point of realism.
But it’s good. It feels amazing, in fact. Even knowing that the dragon is literally a summon of her daughter’s power doesn’t diminish the enjoyment of the moment. Frankly, Annette feels like she should have been properly fucking her fantasy summons ages ago. Sure, she didn’t get anything from them creampieing her when it was her own powers… but she’d definitely been missing out on this pleasure.
The Hebert Household steadily fills with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and feminine moans followed by inhuman masculine grunts and snarls. Even as Annette is taking a dragon’s cock so very deep inside of her, the creature even placing its claws on the back of her head to keep her pinned down, both Taylor and Emma are enjoying their Minotaurs just as much.
Taylor’s Minotaur is shaking the entire house as it fucks her against the wall, pounding into her pussy while Annette’s daughter moans and moans and moans. Emma, meanwhile, is far past the moaning and well into the squealing, shrieking, screaming phase. Hollering unintelligibly at the top of her lungs, the folded up red head’s entire body shakes and spasms its way through orgasm after orgasm as her Minotaur bounces her up and down on his cock.
Turned into little more than a ragdoll, Emma Barnes looks like she’s having the time of her life with her eyes rolled up in her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Annette can only imagine how her own face looks. Red and with her mouth open in a continuous moan, almost certainly. Of course, as the pleasure builds and builds, Annette’s own eyes begin to roll back in her head. Being fucked by a dragon is like nothing else in the whole world.
And then… practically as soon as it began but also an eternity later, it’s over. With a triumphant draconic roar, the dragon finishes inside of her, creampieing Annette’s womb and matching the sloshing belly full of Minotaur Cum she’s already sporting. She feels bloated and filled but in a satisfying way, even as Taylor and Emma both squeal as well, clearly receiving their own viscous, thick creampies.
Over the shared connection provided by Taylor’s upgraded version of her power, Annette can feel it. She can feel their abilities slotting into place. On top of Taylor and Emma being able to fly already, they’re now both as durable as the Minotaurs currently holding them up off the ground. Strong and tough enough to take on most Alexandria Packages, they’re a hell of a lot safer now.
Meanwhile, Annette can feel her own ability to fly slot in next to the durability she already has from her power. She can feel that thanks to Taylor’s abilities, she’ll be able to take to the air right alongside her daughter and Emma without issue.
Slowly, the fantasy monsters that have just fucked the three of them silly pull back. Twitching, quivering, and trembling from the experience, Taylor, Emma, and Annette all slowly find their feet. After a moment, Taylor snaps her fingers and the three summons vanish, leaving them all alone with each other. But the effects remain. And not just the powers, but the fact that they’re all naked and stuffed full of monster cum.
“We should… probably take a shower before we go out tonight, girls. The Master Bathroom should be big enough for all three of us.”
Annette intends for it to be a suggestion but realizes only belatedly that she’s effectively telling them what they’re going to do. Fortunately, Taylor and Emma take one look down at their sweaty, naked bodies and nod slowly.
“Sounds like a plan, Mrs. H!”
With that said, they all head back upstairs to use the shower. And if things get a little handsy between the three of them before they’re cleaned up and can go out flying… well, it’s most definitely Emma Barnes’ fault. That girl is a proper menace.


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