Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Mother’s Love (Star Wars)

A Mother’s Love (Star Wars)

A/N: A Mother's Love was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written in 2018, posted to HF in 2021, and now released here for people to enjoy!

Summary: When Padme stumbles upon the twins experimenting with one another, she realizes that only she can truly teach them about sex. 

Themes: Threesome, Loving Sex, Incest


"Luke! Leia! W-What are you doing?!"

The twins pull apart as if burned by the other's touch, but not nearly fast enough to keep their mother from seeing everything. As they separate, Padme Naberrie stares, open-mouthed and red-faced, at her darling children. Luke immediately covers the bulge in his pants with a nearby pillow, while Leia just as hurriedly pulls her loosened dress back over her breasts, her nipples puffy and enlarged by Luke's tongue.

The both of them are flushed with arousal, but all the more so with embarrassment, caught out as they've just been by their mother. Neither says a word, but then, what DO you say in this situation? Getting caught necking your twin, or being necked by your twin with your shirt off… well, it was sort of impossible to really defend or pass off, now wasn't it?

After a moment longer of shock, Padme looks around quickly. They're outside, on their beautiful home's veranda, but luckily, the river that this veranda looks out on is thankfully empty of any boats today. No one is around to have seen what Luke or Leia were up to, and it would have been difficult to get close enough to identify the twins anyways.

"I-Inside, n-now!"

Stepping aside, still blushing, Padme points in doors. Luke is the first to get up, and he takes the pillow from the veranda couch with him while keeping his head down and his gaze pointedly averted from Padme's. Leia soon moves to follow though, except unlike her brother, she gives her mother this challenging stare, as if to say she didn't care what she thought.

It takes Padme aback a little, and she pauses briefly in the doorway, rather than immediately following her children inside. Looking past her shock and her immediate outrage… why was she so surprised? Why was she even outraged? In truth, why hadn't she expected something like this to happen earlier? Ever since Annie had… had d-died, Padme had done her best.

The hole that Anakin had left in her life had been large, and the fact that he'd died saving the Republic she loved did not bring her the solace it really should have. Only taking care of her newborn babies and raising them all these years had been able to give Padme a sense of purpose, and at times even happiness. She'd done her best for Luke and Leia, and with who she was, who her friends were, and the savings she had stashed away, that had actually been quite a lot.

Padme wasn't even sure if the Order even knew about Anakin's children at this point. If they did, they'd never bothered her about her babies, never so much as come by for a visit. It hurt a little, that Obi-Wan hadn't even tried to keep in touch, but at the same time, it'd only firmed up Padme's resolve. A life of detachment away from their mother was not what her children needed, no matter how powerful they were.

And there was no doubt that both Luke and Leia were highly force sensitive. They'd been floating their toys since they were just a few weeks old, and she'd caught them communicating silently with one another countless times over the years. In all honesty, this whole situation… it was at least partially her fault. As she finally does follow her children inside, closing the door behind him, Padme licks her lips slightly as she's forced to acknowledge this.

Luke and Leia didn't have much in the way of friends, at least outside each other. She'd home schooled them both, and though they were well-educated, they were also sheltered in a way. And she probably shouldn't still be thinking of them as her babies or her children anymore, even though they would always be those things. Both Luke and Leia were full-grown young adults now, and she probably wouldn't be able to keep them with her for much longer. Leia was already chomping at the bit, and if not for Padme's stringent refusals, would probably have hopped into Naboo's political games as early as Padme herself did…

"We weren't doing anything wrong."

That's the first thing her daughter says to her when she steps into the sitting room. Luke is still quiet, looking away as Leia glares at her, clearly having decided that she'll be defiant for the both of them. Pressing her lips together, Padme doesn't respond to that sentence, at least not directly. Instead, she asks a simple question.

"How long?"

Here, both Luke and Leia try to answer her. Padme's son glances over at his mother and shrugs his shoulders.

"J-Just a little while…"

While Leia on the other hand…

"Weeks. We love each other, mother. We always have."

Letting out a sigh, Padme moves over to the chair that's next to the couch. Sitting in it puts Luke between her and Leia after a fashion, even as she regards her two children for a moment.

"… You're right. And I'm sorry."

THAT response blows both of them away. Leia's defiance fizzles while Luke's head snaps up. Their eyes are equally wide as they stare at her, and all Padme can really offer them is an apologetic smile.

"I've kept you away from the prying eyes of the galaxy all your lives. I wanted to spare you what your father and I had to live with, the secrets and the publicity and the… everything. Just, everything. But in doing so, I've been a bad mother, haven't I? You haven't learned all the things you should have learned by now. How far have you gone with each other?"

Luke and Leia exchange a glance at that, and now that there's no debate, no argument for her to win, its Leia who blushes and stutters a bit, suddenly unsure of herself.

"Um… we've kissed and held hands. And, um… Luke really likes my breasts. I like how it feels when he sucks on them."

For a moment, Padme just stares. That's all they've done? But no, after a moment, Leia falters and ducks her head, blushing deeper as she continues.

"Sometimes… sometimes I help him by stroking his length when it gets engorged. We haven't gone any further because… well, it d-doesn't look like it'll fit."

Padme's eyes slide over to her son, who is blistering red at this point, and still holding a pillow over his groin. Is he still erect, despite the situation at hand? Mouth suddenly dry, Padme finds herself saying something to her son she never thought she would in a million years.

"Show me, Luke."

He's clearly not expecting it either, judging by the way his eyes bulge out of his skull.


Suddenly standing up, Padme is in full imperious mother mode as she looms over her seated son.

"Show me your cock."

The tone of voice she takes is one that the twins have never been able to refuse. Luke pulls away the pillow and sets it aside, before reaching for and undoing the clasp on his pants. He shimmies them down his thighs, and then does the same with his tented boxers, until finally, his cock springs free. Padme's breath hitches as she finally lays eyes on it. It's as big as Anakin's, and she's immediately ashamed of herself for that thought. But it's true, and she can't seem to tear her eyes away from it.

"See? We're not dumb, we know how sex works… but how is THAT supposed to fit inside of me?!"

"Very, very carefully…"

Before she can catch herself, Padme finds herself murmuring the answer. It was remarkably similar to a conversation she and Anakin had had once upon a time, the first time they did it. In that moment, the older, but still very beautiful widow acts without really thinking things through.

"Come here, Leia."

She kneels down before Luke's legs, and as soon as Leia moves in range, she pulls her daughter down beside her. Then, she takes hold of Luke's cock with one hand, while gesturing for Leia to do the same. Luke's gobsmacked, but he's also not going to say a word as the two most beautiful… and only women in his life begin to stroke his shaft.

Leia on the other hand, is as inquisitive as ever, frowning as she strokes her brother's dick alongside her mother.

"I already do this for him, mom… I'm not sure how it's supposed to help."

"Just… do what I do. It's e-easier to show you."

She can't believe she's doing this, but Padme leans in all the same, and then she licks her son's cock. Leia gasps from beside her, but a moment later her daughter is leaning in and repeating the motion. They pull back together, and Leia has a curious expression on her face.

"I thought it would… taste worse, to be honest…"

Padme just chuckles slightly and shrugs.

"It can be something that you have to get used to. Still, if you get him all lubed up before hand, and do some work on yourself as well… he'll slip right in, no matter your size. Go on Leia, show your brother how much you want it~"

She's really not sure where this is all coming from, but the mother of the two strongest force users in the galaxy finds herself just going with the flow. As Leia begins to slurp and lap at Luke's cock, keeping her brown eyes focused on his blue the entire time, Padme actually leans back… and then moves behind her daughter. Leia jumps at first as her mother's hands pull her dress back down and then move between her legs, but Padme doesn't stop, not for one moment.

The older woman knows full well how hard it is to take a cock the size of Luke's for the first time, and if she has the ability to make things any easier on her daughter, she's going to. Hiking up Leia's dress is the work of moments, and then her fingers are delving in between the girl's thighs as she begins to run them up and down her slit, drawing gasps and moans from Leia, even as she tries to continue paying attention to Luke and the cock right in front of her.

The three of them fall into a sort of pleasure-filled stupor, none of them truly recognizing their actions, or realizing the consequences for them. Padme certainly isn't thinking logically any longer, even though her fevered mind is rationalizing every bit of this as things go on. Eventually, Leia has lathered up every inch of Luke's cock with her saliva, leaving it glistening even as her pussy juices continue to soak Padme's hand. Seeing this, and knowing that both of them are ready, the beautiful MILF rises to her feet, pulling Leia with her.

"It's time, Leia… unless you're having second thoughts~"

She says it teasingly, feeling Leia freeze up in her grasp and cease her squirming. A moment later, the girl pulls out of her mother's arms and moves to join her twin on the couch. Padme follows her, smiling happily as Leia climbs onboard and grabs hold of Luke's cock once more, placing it between her thighs and pressing the head against her slick, wet slit.

Padme watches, practically hovering as her full-grown baby girl finally begins to impale herself on her twin brother's cock. Not even realizing she's doing it, the widow runs her hands over her own body, slipping them beneath her robes and touching herself to the sight before her. Neither Luke nor Leia see this at first either, to be fair. They're too focused on each other, and as Leia gasps and mewls from the feel of her brother splitting her wide open, she ends up falling forward onto him.

Their foreheads press together and they stare into one another's eyes as Luke holds Leia steady. But its Leia who decides how fast she pushes herself down onto his cock, its Leia that forces inch after inch of Luke's massive rod to disappear up inside of her. Wanting a better view, Padme moves to the couch and sits next to Luke. She watches her beloved children join together in unnatural but oh so sensual love. If this is wrong… then who cares what's right?

Luke and Leia are happy, and in the end, that's all that matters to Padme. Beyond that, it's been so long since she felt the touch of a man, and even longer still since she felt the need to touch herself. Padme has lived a life of service to others. It's been a busy, perilous life, filled with so many challenges and so much work. She's never had time for such thing as masturbatory satisfaction, not when she's been in some position of government since the age of thirteen.

Falling in love with Anakin a decade later had been her introduction to sex, and once one laid with a Skywalker, one found they could not really find anything else to satisfy them quite the way that a Skywalker could. Padme knew her daughter was being ruined for all other men in this moment, but she could also tell that that had already long since passed.

She could see, just by staring at the two of them as Leia slowly began to move up and down Luke's cock, that they were communicating even then. Their thoughts were melding together, joining with one another in the same way their bodies were. She didn't need to be force sensitive to see that they were becoming one in the force as well as the physical plane.

It was a beautiful thing, to say the least. She ended up having to bite into her free hand as her other constantly delved between her legs the entire time, to muffle her cries and stifle her own pleasure. This wasn't about her, and if she couldn't keep herself quiet, she might as well leave. But they were so focused on each other that it never felt like her presence was detracting from their joining. So Padme stayed, and watched the beautiful moment that one twin came inside of the other, Luke's seed filling Leia's womb as the beautiful young woman tilted her head back and cried out and upwards.

Luke holds her, and the two remain joined until he's done. Then, they spend a while recovering, and Padme sits in silence, watching them with a happy, joy-filled smile. Right until they both turn towards her in eerie unison, a considering look on Luke's face and a wicked sort of smile on Leia's. Her daughter slowly pulls off her son's cock and then she moves towards Padme, looming over her in a way.

"Your turn, mother."

Padme sits, frozen and wide eyed, unsure of what to do.


Leaning down, Leia kisses her mother. It is not the sort of kiss a daughter should give to a mother, it is a kiss between lovers. And yet… and yet Padme melts into it all the same, and as Leia guides her down onto her back on the couch and she feels Luke positioning himself between her legs, she doesn't try to stop them. She lets her legs spread wide, and she kisses Leia back as a familiar but not-familiar cock pushes against her dripping wet slit.

Her turn…


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