Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Naoto’s Bad End (Persona)

Naoto’s Bad End (Persona)

A/N: Naoto's Bad End was a commissioned one shot originally written back in December of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: The Detective Prince has a secret, an experience in her past that only one man can take advantage of. Unfortunately for her, that man is Adachi.

Themes: Bad End, Mind Break, Master/Slave


They called her the Detective Prince in the media. That in and of itself was a little misleading, for Naoto Shirogane was not a man. However, coming from a long line of detectives, she'd worked hard to live up to her family's legacy all the same. And in doing so, she'd made a name for herself. Sure, there'd been a few… hiccups along the way, but Naoto was nothing if not persistent.

Now, her reputation had led her to Inaba. The higher-ups had employed her services in a case that had so far baffled the police of the small rural town, supposedly. Naoto had been happy to take on the case… but was less than interested in working with the police. She had had… bad experiences in her past with certain individuals, and besides, she did her best work alone.

Of course, she was still young, by society's standards. And so, the most logical thing for her to do was to enroll in Inaba's Yasogami High School, going undercover in an effort to find the killer. This had proven to be a good move, as it looked like Kanji Tatsumi was currently the mysterious killer's next target. So far, Naoto had been doing everything in her power to keep him alive. While she didn't necessarily want to turn the notorious delinquent into bait or anything like that, he was their best chance at stopping the killer from taking another life.

Walking down the alleyway, her jacket collar pulled up and her hands jammed into her pockets, the famed Detective Prince is very much in her own head… until sudden flashing lights catch her eye and stop her in her tracks. Blinking owlishly, Naoto looks up to see a police car blocking her path, its lights flashing but the siren not currently on at the moment.

Pulling one hand out of her pocket, she shields her face as she tries to get an idea of what's going on, the flashing lights making it difficult to make anything out. The cop car's driver side door opens up a moment later, and a man steps out. At first, she doesn't know who it is… then he makes his presence fully known, and Naoto's eyes widen in horror and dismay, her jaw dropping open in disbelief.


Standing before her is Tohru Adachi, the manifestation of every problem she'd ever had with law enforcement in one man. It was he who had turned her off to working with any police officer or actual detective. It was he who had turned her into a recluse who preferred to always work alone and handle cases in her own way.

Smirking, Adachi steps forward, his hands spread wide.

"Naoto! Darling, it's been so long!"

It was he who had discovered her secret… and abused her trust. Abused HER. Naoto trembles as she stands there, mouth dry and throat clenching in disbelief. Adachi had… he'd been the police detective she'd worked her first ever big case with. They'd solved it, or rather she'd solved it with little help from him. But at the same time, his personality had… it'd drawn her in.

She'd let her guard down and bared a small fraction of her heart to this man and he'd turned around and taken advantage of her. Even now, Naoto can feel his hands on her body. The way he touched her, once he found out she was a girl… the way he forced her to pleasure him…

Adachi takes another step forward before stuttering to a stop, his broad smirk suddenly turning into a frown. The reason that he's stopped doesn't hit Naoto immediately… until she realizes she's holding her gun on him. She doesn't even remember drawing it, but there it is, trembling in her grasp, muzzle pointed in the older police detective's direction as she stands her ground. Biting her lower lip, the famed Detective Prince shivers.

"S-Stay back! Don't come any closer, A-Adachi!"

Narrowing his eyes, the police detective shows his true colors as his tone turns harsh and unforgiving.

"That's Detective Adachi to you, you little brat. Don't you raise your voice at me. And don't you point that gun at me either."

His hissed words are followed up by an abrupt switch back, as he smiles and steps forward again.

"Besides, we both know you wouldn't shoot me, Naoto. You like me too much for that."

N-No… no, she hated him. She hated him with all her heart! The way he'd hurt her, the way he'd made her feel, only to tear her down and… and make her his slave… she'd barely escaped from him before, barely managed to break free of his clutches. She'd avoided him after their time together, after he'd… he'd very nearly broken her.

Everything since, all of her accomplishments as the so-called Detective Prince… it had been in spite of Adachi, in spite of the wrongs he committed against her. But… this wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to be here now. She hadn't… she'd not done her research, obviously. She should have looked into just who was assigned to Inaba, but beyond the Detective in charge of the case, Dojima, she hadn't bothered. She'd simply told Dojima that she wouldn't need their help and left it at that.

But then, why was Adachi here? Was he the other police detective's partner? D-Damn it all…

Suddenly, he's in front of her. As she got caught up in her own thoughts, he'd casually closed the distance between the two of them and as his hand closes around the gun and pushes it away from his chest, Naoto… Naoto doesn't fight it. He's right, of course. She won't shoot him. She won't let him make her a murderer.

Easily taking the gun from her, Adachi holds it off to the side, not even bothering to use it as he gives her a smirk.

"That's a good girl. Nice and obedient. Submissive… servile. All good traits for a woman to have, don't you think? And we both know you're a woman, Naoto. No matter how hard you try to pretend like you're a man, no matter how much you hide behind your clothes. Take off your pants."

Naoto trembles as he speaks, and at first doesn't even hear the order mixed in with the comments about her 'true nature'. Once she processes it however, she jolts and gives him an incredulous stare.


Grinning wickedly, Adachi waves the gun about, not quite threatening her with it, but using it to gesture.

"Well, there are only two ways you make me go away, Naoto. Either you satisfy me… or you prove to me that you've somehow become a boy since I last saw you. Both those things begin with you taking off your pants. So, take them off. Or would you rather everyone at your new school know that you're actually a crossdressing girl playing at being a detective."

Naoto bristles at that, tears pricking in her eyes. She WAS a detective, no matter her gender. And she was a damn fine one too! It was only the society she lived in that put too much value on what was between her legs. Of course, Adachi knew that… and was more than willing to abuse it as well. Without any choice in the matter, Naoto reaches down and unbuttons and unzips her pants, pulling them down her pale legs and off of her feet, kicking them to the side, feeling… highly exposed in the dark, cold back alley where Adachi has cornered her.

Adachi just raises an eyebrow and snorts.

"Panties too, silly girl. How else am I supposed to check?"

Shivering, Naoto does as she's told once more. Every time she obeys him, she's brought back to that time when he very nearly broke her. She hates it… and she hates how her body reacts to his orders, even after so long apart. He trained her well, and even now his voice… his voice is a reluctant source of arousal for the recovering young woman. Like an addict, she wanted to never see or taste or smell her drug of choice ever again… but he's right here in front of her, all the same.

She just has to survive this encounter intact. If she can come out the other side still the Detective Prince, then it won't matter what he does to her. Telling herself this, Naoto pulls off her panties as well, kicking them to the side so they land on top of her discarded trousers rather than on the actual ground. As she's making sure of this, Adachi abruptly steps forward and his free, non-gun-wielding hand, comes up with a harsh slap against her pussy, grabbing her by her crotch right then and there as he half-sneers, half-grins at the 'eep!' that comes from her lips.

"As I thought. Still a woman, even under all of that feigned masculinity. Still an insecure little bitch, you've just forgotten your place, haven't you? Heh, 'Detective Prince'. So full of yourself. So high and mighty. But what would the media think if they could see you now?"

She'd never asked to be called the Detective Prince… but admittedly, it had been a point of pride for her all the same. Now… now she just averts her gaze, staying silent as she trembles in impotent rage and several other emotions she really doesn't want to get into. When she doesn't answer, Adachi seems to consider her for a moment… before nodding decisively.

"Get your phone out of your pants. You'll need it in a bit, I can tell."

Blinking up at him, confused, Naoto nevertheless does as she's told. As she holds her phone in one hand, Adachi places his hand on her shoulder and begins to push.

"On your knees now, bitch. You know what comes next."

Slowly, reluctantly, Naoto sinks to her knees. She does indeed know what comes next, but that doesn't make her any happier about it. Adachi's cock comes out a few seconds later, his erection protruding from his unbuttoned and unzipped pants and his boxers, mere inches away from her face. Naoto looks between his dick and Adachi himself, not willing to just… do it without him making it an order first. If she just started giving in like that, she knew… she knew she'd be lost.

Adachi, meanwhile, scoffs down at her as if he knows exactly what's going through her head.

"Thought so. Go on, bitch. Start sucking."

Now that it's an order… well, she has to do what he says to get out of here. Otherwise, she's ruined. Leaning forward, Naoto takes the corrupt police detective's cock in her mouth. It's a familiar position she finds herself in, and despite every effort not to, she finds herself remembering more and more of their past together. He'd manipulated her, he'd abused her, he'd… he'd very nearly broken her. But she'd escaped.

Alas, it hadn't been enough time apart to keep her body from reacting like it always did back then to having his dick in her mouth. As she slowly sucks up and down his length, her bare-naked pussy clenches down on nothing down betwixt her thighs. She likes to think it's the cool air breezing through the space between her legs that's making her aroused, but no… she knows that her treacherous body is betraying her, like a good little bitch running home to its master, answering its master's call.

Still, she's not going to be that girl anymore, not for Adachi nor for anyone else… never again. She's the Detective Prince now. She has to hold onto that, has to keep that in her mind's eye. Else she knows she'll be lost forever.

"Tch, yep. Your technique is shit, darling. You've not been practicing, but then I suppose that's a good thing. Would hate for some other guy to realize how much of a horny, needy little WHORE you are."

Reaching up, Adachi suddenly knocks her cap away, grabbing her by her short blue hair and forcing his cock deeper into her mouth than she's been taking it, though not deeper than ever before. His dick pushes into the back of her throat and Naoto chokes on it, gagging as another sense of familiarity rushes over her.

"Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…"

Still, she forces herself to give the bare minimum to Adachi. She refuses to let him see her squirm beyond her body's involuntary spasms as he face fucks her right there in the back alley. She won't submit to him, not mentally, no matter what he does to her physically.

"I don't like those eyes on you, girl. Much too defiant."

Naoto glares up at him, doing her level best to speak with her eyes since her mouth is occupied. She WON'T give in. She's got a killer to catch, and Adachi is just… just a distraction to be overcome.

Abruptly, the police detective pulls his cock out of her mouth and throat. Still holding her gun loosely at his side, he lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

"I didn't want to have to do this to you, Naoto. But it seems you leave me with no choice. Hey… why don't you give Kanji a call for me. You know, that boy you're currently trying so hard to save?"

Once again confused, Naoto looks down at the phone in her hand, and then back up at Adachi.

"W-What? Why?"

Her raspy words are met with a snide, evil grin from the police detective.

"Just do it, bitch. I'll even sweeten the pot… if he picks up, I'll leave you alone. He can be your Knight in Shining Armor."

That… suddenly, Naoto has a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach. Adachi wouldn't say something like that unless…

Suddenly, she can't place the call to Kanji fast enough. Bringing him up in her contacts, she tries to call him. No sound comes out as the call tries to connect, because as usual, she has her phone in silent. But the call is definitely going out… Kanji just isn't picking up.

Staring at the phone blankly for a long moment, Naoto waits with bated breath as seconds pass by, hoping against all hope that Kanji will eventually answer her call. But as seconds turn into a full minute, it doesn't happen… the call doesn't even go to voicemail, it just keeps saying Calling… with no change.

Whipping her head up to look at Adachi, the kneeling, pantsless young woman clutches at her phone.

"W-What… what have you done?!"

Tightening up his grip on her hair and dragging his cock across her face, Adachi just laughs.

"Me? I didn't do anything. Didn't have to. The one you're trying to hunt down did all of the work for me. I knew that all I had to do was distract you long enough for it to happen. You've failed, Detective Prince. You failed Kanji Tatsumi. Because in the end, you're not some 'Detective Prince'. You're just a girl… MY girl."

Something in Naoto Shirogane shatters as the truth of his words impacts with her psyche. She failed. She let herself get caught up in… in whatever the fuck this was, and now Kanji had paid the ultimate price. He was gone. She'd failed him. Adachi… Adachi was right.

Slack jawed, eyes vacant, Naoto doesn't do anything as Adachi slides his cock back into her mouth. However, as he starts face fucking her again, her tongue… her tongue acts of its own accord, and she begins to lick and slurp at the underside of her pistoning prick.

Moving his gun-toting hand behind her head as well, Adachi grabs the famed Detective Prince's skull with both hands and leans into it this time, really fucking her face, thrusting his cock down her throat as she gurgles and chokes. Tears streak down her cheeks, both from the brutal oral experience and from her utter failure to truly break away from her past.

The fact of the matter was, Adachi hadn't 'almost' broken her, way back then. That was merely a lie Naoto had told herself so many times that she'd actually came to believe in it. A lie she'd told herself to try and build herself back up as the Detective Prince. But a foundation built on shifting sands and falsehoods was always doomed to crumble… just as Naoto is crumbling, falling, breaking now.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As Adachi ruthlessly skull fucks her, her phone, still calling Kanji to no avail, falls from nerveless fingers. Her hands stay up in the air, almost as if they want to try and push her attacker away… but she never tries, even as he thrusts his cock deep into her esophagus and gullet again and again and again. Until finally…

"Oh, fuck yeah sweetheart, your tight little throat has always done the trick! Here it comes! You know what to do!"

Her hands wave in the air on either side of her as Naoto's eyes go crossed, the force from which Adachi completes his final thrust making her choke harder than ever before. Unfortunately, he trained her well. As he begins to cum… she begins to swallow. She hadn't initially intended to. Adachi had a thing about respect, and part of that was that he expected her to always swallow his loads.

She'd been intending to defy him on that, to spit his seed out all over the ground at his feet to make it clear that she was never going to be his, ever again. But that intention was long gone, replaced with a broken young woman who'd had her failures rubbed in her face. Instead, Naoto swallows. She gulps and gulps down Adachi's seed and doesn't miss a single drop as her hands clench into fists at her sides, her body ramrod straight.

Pulling free of her mouth, the police detective lets go of her head and Naoto pants as she slumps forward for a moment. But still not a drop of semen escapes from her lips.

"Show me."

She follows his order without question, eyes still blank and glazed over. Her pristine, spotless tongue lolls out of her mouth, showing him that she's swallowed every last bit of his load.

"Good girl. You finally remember your place, bitch. I'm glad."

With a sneering grin, Adachi grabs her by the hair and yanks her up to her feet. Naoto yelps but doesn't fight it as he drags her over to his waiting cop car and proceeds to bend her over the hood. Sticking the gun on top of the car, well out of her reach, he grabs at her jacket with his hands, yanking it off of her bodily. Its like he's strip-searching her… albeit without the searching. He removes her jacket, and then her shirt, and Naoto lets him do it, not fighting him for even a second as he finally reaches the bandages she uses to wrap her breasts.

"I knew the moment I saw you again that you were hiding something under that seemingly flat chest. You've grown up so much since we last had fun together, Naoto. There was no way you didn't grow up here as well."

Grabbing the bandages, he rips them away cruelly, causing Naoto to cry out as her breasts, sizable C-cups, bounce free of their confines, no longer contained and compressed by the wrap. For a moment, Adachi reaches around her on both sides and grabs her tits, taking a pair of handfuls and massaging and molesting her chest to his heart's content, clearly uncaring of her own desires or pleasure as he roughly manhandles and abuses her soft mammaries.

But he quickly grows bored of that and instead face plants her in the police car's hood once more, her now naked breasts smooshed against the cool metal of the car hood as he holds her by the back of her head with one hand and uses the other to guide his cock down between her legs, up and from behind, pressing against her slit.

She's dripping wet by the time he reaches this point. As much as she'd wanted to fight her true nature, Adachi is right in the end. Naoto was never meant to be a detective. She was never truly the Detective Prince. It was… it was all a lie, designed to cover up her true nature, the nature that Adachi had uncovered all that time ago. She's a bitch… a whore… a slut. She's his cunt, and they both know it.

With a low groan, Adachi sinks into the defeated, blank-faced Naoto Shirogane from behind. The famed and fabled Detective Prince, reduced to nothing more than a cock sleeve for the man behind her. Groaning his enjoyment of her tight, slick pussy walls, Adachi begins to fuck her hard and fast, thrusting into her again and again as she ends up on her tip toes as a result, more of her body sliding up onto the car hood, her tits rubbing almost painfully against the metal and her rock hard nipples bombarded with even more sensation as a result.

Naoto's wanton feminine moans fill the air soon enough, as she's no longer trying to hold them back. Broken and utterly shattered, she falls under Adachi's sway even more thoroughly then the last time. As his cock plunges into her depths again and again, her inner walls clench and squeeze around his cock, and she reaches one shameful orgasm… two shameful orgasms… three shameful orgasms.

Soon enough, she stops trying to keep count of how many times he makes her cum around his cock. Adachi, meanwhile, just laughs derisively and brings his hand down on her upturned ass, giving her pale white booty a harsh spanking as he fucks her.



Eventually though, he leans forward further, pinning her entirely down to the cop car hood with his weight and molding his body to her own as he nibbles at her ear. Reaching around with one hand to grasp her by the throat, the police detective growls.

"Who do you belong to, slut?"

"… Y-You… I belong to you…"

"You… what?"

"Master! I belong to you, M-Master!"

"That's better."

His cock surges inside of her, throbbing and pulsating with arousal. Her cunt walls spasm around him in response as Naoto lets out a keening wail, half in ecstasy and half bemoaning what she's lost. But then, in truth she never really had it in the first place, did she? She never… she was a fool to think that she could escape him. She was a fool to think she was ever worthy of anything except this… except being Tohru Adachi's sex slave.

Grunting, Adachi suddenly tears her up off of the hood of the car and drags her away. He's still fucking her, even as he walks her over to the back of the police car and yanks open the door. Only then does he pull out of her, and just long enough to spin Naoto around and shove her backwards onto the backseat.

As Naoto falls, she yelps, recognizing this moment for what it is… the point of no return. As the backseat of the police car closes in around her, she knows that if she doesn't get out of here now… she's never getting out. He'll take her wherever he's going to take her and keep her as his pet for the rest of her life.

But even as that realization hits her, Adachi is climbing in after her, closing the door behind him and pushing her legs apart as he slams right back into her cunt and starts fucking her in a mating press. As the police car rocks with his thrusts, Naoto can do nothing to fight back. All she can do is lay there, tits bouncing and jiggling, legs up in the air, as Adachi fucks her like his own personal whore.

When he finally cums inside of her naught but five minutes later, it's with little fanfare. She doesn't even try to ask him not to, doesn't even attempt to beg him to stop. She just… shudders as his seed floods her womb, one final nail in the coffin now belonging to the late Detective Prince. The last piece of evidence needed to shred her silly persona, to make it clear to her that she's just a silly woman who thought she could make it big in a man's world.

Grabbing her roughly by the hair, Adachi seals the deal with a savage kiss, his tongue filling her mouth and dominating it as his lips smash against hers hard enough to bruise. Then, he finishes up inside of her and pulls back, leaving her vacant eyed and dazed on the backseat of his cop car as he smiles down at her.

"Good to have you back, darling. Good to have you back."

Fixing up his clothes and getting into the driver's seat, Adachi drives them off a moment later. Naoto's masculine clothes are left behind, strewn across the ground of the alley… as is her phone, still calling Kanji after all this time, still not receiving an answer.

Naoto Shirogane might resurface privately at some point, looking a lot more feminine in a cute sundress with her blue hair grown out to shoulder-length, and a baby bump as she claimed her family's fortune on behalf of her master, signing it all over to Tohru Adachi, her baby's father… but the famed Detective Prince would never be seen again, in public or otherwise.

And perhaps that was for the best, for the Detective Prince was never anything more than a lie, a falsehood centered around dear Naoto trying to pretend to be something she simply wasn't.


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