Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A New Purpose (RWBY)

A New Purpose (RWBY)


Themes: Rough Sex, Mind Break, Master/Slave

Summary: In which Curious Cat makes it to remnant while possessing a clone of Neopolitan. At long last it can finally seek out its creators! So long as it doesn't get off track along the way...


Late at night on the outskirts of Vacuo, the last Kingdom untouched by Salem’s machinations, static suddenly begins to discharge seemingly at random in the air. This in itself is not eye-catching, in fact it’s not even visible to the naked eye from any realistic distance away. However, what comes next very much is. After a few moments of discharged static, a swirl of blue energy forms out of nothingness, and a portal opens.
From this portal, a young woman with pink and brown hair, a bowler hat on her head, and all-encompassing teal eyes falls through. Landing with a distinct WHUMP, she lets out a huff before looking up and around herself while the portal closes behind her.
Or rather… behind them. A slow smirk spreads across the face of the ‘woman’ as they gaze out at the dramatically barren wasteland they find themselves in.
“Ehehehe… yes! Yes! I did it! I’ve done it!”
Leaping to their feet, the ‘woman’ thrusts massive claws into the air in place of arms. These claws are also teal, matching the eyes in coloration as they howl in victory.
Their plan had worked. Curious Cat hadn’t been sure it would, truth be told. But it had hoped. Oh how it had hoped. And in the end… it had managed to completely trick those pathetic humans! All by using the Semblance of the human it had possessed. Amplifying Neopolitan’s Semblance, Curious Cat had created two clones. One of Neo for it to possess instead of the woman’s original body, and one of itself to fool the humans into thinking that it had left Neo completely.
It had known that it wouldn’t be able to keep control of Neo forever. So instead, it had gone with a different strategy… one that had worked perfectly! Now they were here… in Remnant. The human world. Though, with this new body they weren’t really the Curious Cat anymore, were they? No… now they were Neocat!
Giggling to themselves, Neocat looks around some more, grinning rather ferally. Forcing itself through the Great Tree and into Remnant had been a task and a half, but hey… it’d worked, hadn’t it? And now that Neocat was here, they could-
“Oi. Who the fuck are you? What the fuck was that lightshow?”
Neocat stiffens, their thought processes suddenly cut off as it whips around. To its surprise, a human has managed to sneak up on it… a huntsman, it can’t help but think. So used to being large and in charge in the Ever After, Neocat is taken off guard by the fact that they don’t have total awareness in this world.
Slowly turning around, they consider the human with a tilt of their head, trying to decide what to do next. But before a decision can even be made, the huntsman’s eyes widen.
“Wait… I recognize you. You’re that Neopolitan Chick! Oi! What’s a wanted criminal doing here in Vacuo of all places?!”
Neocat’s eyes narrow and a cat-like hiss leaves their lips.
“I am not! I am Neocat!”
In response, the huntsman’s own eyes flicker across its new body, from the cat ears atop its head, to the claws in place of normal human arms.
“… Yeah, I can see that. Doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to have to arrest you for your crimes though.”
Before Neocat can even ask WHAT crimes the man is talking about, he attacks. Much to its consternation… it finds itself subsequently defeated in very short order. Not only is the huntsman stronger than expected, and quite skilled… Neocat is not in a position to be fighting anyone. They just got done with their struggle against the humans in the Ever After, and on top of that, this body was still something they were getting used to. It was perfectly capable of housing them in the long-term, they had made sure of that… but they were still settling in all the same.
Splayed out on their knees, Neocat can only glare up at this damnable huntsman spitefully as he looks down at them in turn. They’d been overwhelmed so easily… it wasn’t fair! If they just had a bit more TIME to get the lay of the land and their legs under them… but no. They’d been caught absurdly fast and were now at the mercy of this… this human.
In turn, the huntsman looks down at the attractive defeated criminal at his feet… and grins.
“Heh, I like you like this. On your knees. Beaten. Mm… you know, maybe you can convince me not to turn you in.”
His eyes twinkle as he reaches for his belt. Meanwhile, Neocat perks up momentarily, before frowning in suspicion.
“… How, human?”
Rather than answer Neocat with words, the huntsman yanks open his pants and pulls out his cock. Eyes widening, Neocat tries to pull away, but he grabs them by their hair before they can and proceeds to shove his member right into their fanged maw, pushing his dick down the back of their unwilling throat without hesitation.
“C’mon baby! You want to get off? Well so do I! Just let me fuck your face a little and I’ll consider acting like you were never here~”
Of course, it’s not like Neocat has much of a choice. Even as he’s making his offer, he’s still thrusting forward, not even waiting for a proper response as he fucks their face like there’s no tomorrow.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Choking and gagging on the first cock of their entire life, Neocat can only kneel there and endure, eyes widened in shock. Strange sensations swirl around inside of them as well. Being used like this is not something they ever thought they would enjoy, especially not after how the Brother Gods used them in the Ever After. But that was that and this was this, wasn’t it?
And unfortunately, it wasn’t like Neocat had any other options either. Not only was it completely at this bastard human’s mercy, but it couldn’t even leave this body without another one to possess now that it was in Remnant. Otherwise… well, bad things would happen. Very bad things. Worse than… whatever the fuck this was.
Indeed, while the huntsman was being rather rough in his treatment of their new body, causing them to produce more involuntary fluids in the form of tears, saliva, and drool then they ever had in their entire existence before now… there was something rather primal about the entire experience. Something that spoke to it… or no… not it.
Neocat’s teary eyes widen as it realizes that whatever the man is doing to it… is provoking a reaction from its host body specifically. Down between the female body’s thighs, its crotch is beginning to feel strange. Pussy lips are twitching and clenching on nothing at all while producing an awful amount of liquid. And up above, on its substantial chest… pinpricks of discomfort have manifests as the body’s nipples grow harder and harder.
“Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!”
“Oh yeah bitch, you get real nice and submissive once you’re put in your place, don’t you? Fuuuuck… here it comes! Take it all!”
Obviously, Neocat has no clue what that even means. Which is why despite his warning, the sudden deluge of white, hot, viscous fluid down the back of their body’s throat completely takes the genderless spirit creature off guard. Gurgling, choking mightily, Neocat’s eyes threaten to roll back in their head from the sheer lack of oxygen… not something that they’ve ever needed before, but now that they have an actual body, it’s not nearly so simple.
The huntsman holds their head in place for as long as it takes him to finish unloading down their throat, and then and only then does he yank them back once he’s done, grinning wickedly.
“Good stuff… but you can do better than that if you want me to let you free, right?”
Before Neocat can do more than gasp and sputter, still trying to recover from the lack of air, the huntsman is all over their possessed body. His hands grab at their clothes and RIP them off of their form, revealing more and more of their naked flesh. Now, Neocat had spent quite a lot of their existence as a spirit creature with fur instead of clothing, so this in and of itself is not necessarily a problem for them.
However, it’s currently evening in the desert Kingdom of Vacuo. And no one had bothered telling Neocat that desert nights could get as cold as desert days got hot.
As the elements bite at their body, Neocat finds themselves yelping and squirming, struggling even as the huntsman just laughs and pins them down, forcing them onto their hands and knees there on the ground. Before they can properly understand what’s even happening… the itch in their crotch is abruptly satisfied in a way they never would have imagined.
The huntsman’s cock spears into Neocat from behind, plunging deep into their new body’s pussy. Teal eyes widen as the genderless spirit creature finds their very essence shuddering along with the copy of Neopolitan’s body that they made for themselves. An involuntary moan leaves Neocat’s lips as well, prompting a derisive laugh from the man currently having his way with them.
“Yeah? You like that bitch? Should have known a criminal cunt like you would be all for playing games. Heh, how about this?”
The huntsman reaches down and around their bent over body at that point… and proceeds to grab hold of their chest with both hands. His fingers dig into the fleshy, large mammaries that their host body is sporting, and his palms rub against the rock hard nipples that his earlier rough treatment had produced.
In that moment, Neocat finally realizes what the sensations from earlier were. Pleasure. The body it had inhabited had been experiencing a small degree of pleasure at being so roughly treated and so thoroughly used. But that? That was NOTHING compared to now. Getting face fucked was one thing. Getting actually fucked was a new form of pleasure that Neocat had never experienced before.
Now, feeling it all for the first time in… in high definition, Neocat snaps. Or rather… it all snaps into place in one moment for them. The formerly genderless, asexual, and altogether malicious spirit creature finally settles into its host, properly melding with the body. Unbeknownst to it, this had been something of a… formative time for it. What happened to it in its first hours in Remnant would decide what form its existence would take forevermore.
Unfortunately for Neocat, what happened to it was that it got defeated and then subsequently railed by the first human man it encountered.
In an instant, they become she. In an instant, it stops being genderless and becomes a woman. More than that though, Neocat isn’t just a woman… she’s a horny and cock-addicted slut. She’d had a mission… a set of goals that she wanted to achieve once she got to Remnant.
But none of that matters anymore. As the huntsman fucks her from behind, Neocat sets it all aside, focusing instead on the pleasure coursing through every inch of HER body. Moaning wantonly, she stops her struggling entirely, and instead begins to actively participate in her own pounding.
“Whoa there!”
Her hip thrusts back towards his pistoning prick might have seemed like she was trying to buck him off… but of course, there’s no chance of that happening. She’s not strong enough to stop a huntsman with full Aura from doing whatever he wants with her. And frankly, she doesn’t want to be. His cock is the best thing that Neocat has ever tasted, and now the best thing she’s ever experienced in general. As he fills her with his dick again and again, the formerly genderless woman cries out in an ugly manner, orgasming explosively along his dick.
“Ooooh fuuuuck…”
Neocat’s eyes flutter as she hears a telltale waver in the huntsman’s voice. And then, just as she’d suspected, he proceeds to ejaculate again. This time, he fills her pussy, seeding her womb like he stuffed her belly. Neocat quivers and shudders her way through another climax as this happens, her teal eyes fully rolling back in her head as her tongue lolls out of her mouth.
This pleasure? This was everything. This was the only thing that mattered. Nothing else was important anymore. Brother Gods? Who gave a fuck about them?!
“Heh, damn you were eager at the end there bitch. Still… sad to say, I’m gonna have to take you in all the same. The bounty for your perky little behind is just too good…”
As the huntsman pulls out of her, Neocat blinks, rightfully processing that he intends to rid himself of her… for money. Before, such a thing would have pissed off the asexual spirit creature she’d once been. Now? Now it just terrified her. After all, she didn’t want to leave her new Master or his big fat cock. She didn’t want him to sell her for money! But then… she just had to prove that she was more valuable to him than this ‘bounty’!
Whipping around, Neocat lunges forward, causing the huntsman to tense up. But she’s not attacking him. Even though he’s holding rope, clearly intending to bind her for transport, the lusty, busty, horny slut instead moves in and wraps her tits around his cock, slavering all over his dick and moaning wantonly as she licks and slurps at his cockhead while sliding her breasts up and down his shaft.
A look of single-minded obsession and devotion spreads across her distorted face as she does her level best to worship her new Master’s cock, to PROVE to him that she is valuable to him. More valuable than whatever money he could get from turning her in, anyways.
Taken aback at first, the huntsman slowly relaxes once he realizes that she’s not actually attacking him, at least not in a conventional way. After a few moments of her enthusiastic titjob-blowjob combo, he puts the rope down and places a hand atop her head, right between her cat ears. Neocat’s ears twitch as he scratches behind them, making her purr and send reverberations up and down his cock that cause him to groan.
“Shit… what the fuck even happened to you? You’re recognizable, sure… but you don’t really look anything like your wanted posters. Not anymore. Honestly… they might not even take you if I did deliver you.”
He was wavering! Neocat could hear it in his voice! Slurping and sucking at his dick tip even harder, she drools and slobbers into the valley of her breasts, continuing to work purely on instinct. She hadn’t known for a fact that wrapping her tits around his cock would do anything… but it had felt RIGHT in a way nothing else had.
“Heh… fine, I’ll keep you as a pet, I suppose. So long as you prove you’re worth it.”
She would. She would prove herself to him. Nothing else mattered anymore. Devoting herself to her Master’s cock was the only thing that was important. Finding her creators? Meh, fuck ‘em. Neocat had found something so, SO much better than her original quest…


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