Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Brothel (Original Fantasy/Isekai)

The Brothel (Original Fantasy/Isekai)

Commission (Parts 1-5)

Themes: Prostitution, Dom/Sub, Rough Sex

Summary: In which a man finds himself Reincarnated into another world... but its really Purgatory based on him being neither good nor bad enough in his first life. Needless to say, he's not a fan of the fuckery at play here.


Part 1:


“Please take a seat. The Mistress will be in shortly.”
“… Right.”
As the Tiefling Maid lets herself back out of the office, Adam takes stock of his surroundings. Moving over to the chair in front of the desk, he looks down at it for a moment before shaking his head and sinking into it with a sigh.
This was clearly a test, and one he had no intention of failing. Being left alone in the Brothel Madam’s office was either the height of foolishness on her part, or a trap set to see if he could be trusted. Well, Adam hadn’t spent all this time looking for a solution to his problem just to get fucked over by his own greed and curiosity. He was going to sit right here and wait for however long it took for the Brothel Madam to make time to see him.
In the meantime… he finds himself reflecting on just how he got here in the first place.
Life… life was pain. Adam should know, seeing how he’d lived two lives now. He was a Reincarnated Human, to be exact. He’d died and apparently he’d neither been good enough for Heaven, nor evil enough for Hell. So instead, he’d wound up in Purgatory, which was apparently a High Fantasy World with classes and levels and game mechanics.
To say Adam had been confused and taken aback at first would be an understatement. But he hadn’t really had long to be baffled before his confusion turned into irritation and anger at the situation he found himself in.
Apparently, the Powers-That-Be felt that he hadn’t been altruistic or empathic enough in his previous life. Just because he wasn’t the kind of person to go out of his way to talk to every stranger he met on the street or go out of his way to help out a passing acquaintance when they were in trouble.
On the one hand, Adam sort of understood their reasoning. If everyone was kinder to each other, the world would have probably been made of sunshine and roses. On the other hand, humans weren’t really built like that and it seemed unfair to expect them to act a certain way in life without even knowing they were being judged the whole time.
Frankly, the entire system seemed particularly discriminatory towards introverts. Adam hadn’t ever hurt anyone too badly. He’d certainly never gone out of his way to carry a grudge or take revenge or… be mean or cruel on purpose in general. And yet here he was. Not altruistic enough. Not empathic enough. And for his troubles… he’d been assigned the Priest Class, along with a healthy dose of mind fuckery that encouraged him to find helping others and healing to be enjoyable.
Now, it wasn’t technically full-blown mind control. He still had control of his actions. But acts of kindness and literal magical healing were the only ways that Adam could grow stronger in this world. The only way he could level up was by using his magic for ‘good’.
It was… frustratingly benign, truth be told. There was nothing really malevolent about what had been done to him. Really, Adam hadn’t expected an afterlife anyways, so he’d already gotten a nice surprise when dying turned out to not be the end after all. And yet… and yet, his personality railed against being told what to do all the same. He couldn’t help but feel contrarian, given everything.
The expectation after he was reincarnated with the assigned class of Priest, processed by this world’s administration, given the Starter Pack, and shoved out the door to make way for the next arrival… was that he would join up with some group of Adventurers and become their Morality Restraint. Or failing that, become a member of the Church and develop a greater understanding of his Light Magic and his healing.
Of course, that greater understanding involved the Jedi-like extreme of being incapable of not just actively seeking to harm any other individual, but also being incapable of ALLOWING any other individual to be harmed. And that last bit was the problem.
Adam wasn’t a fucking hero. He wasn’t some savior; he wasn’t anyone’s salvation. All he wanted to do was live and let live… even if this wasn’t technically living at all. Even if this was some sort of purgatory designed to slowly warp him into a better person through good deeds and healing people, Adam didn’t CARE.
Fortunately, things weren’t too dire. One, he didn’t have to cast his magic directly via something like Faith or Wisdom. Rather, the stronger castings would apparently require such things, but at the start each Novice Priest was given a Tome that would act as their channeling focus, and apparently started out using Intelligence as their Casting Modifier until they gained more levels.
… Through experimentation, Adam had discovered some interesting things. So long as he continued casting through the Light Tome, so long as he refrained from ‘exploring the higher mysteries of the Light’ and so long as he didn’t give in to their frankly pathetic indoctrination attempts… he would be fine. More than fine, even, because he was pretty sure he’d developed a way of using the Light Tome that wasn’t intended.
Certainly, Adam was fairly sure that his experimentation with Light Magic yielding a passive and permanent buff to his own Health Regen wasn’t supposed to happen. And yet, here he was… adjusting his pants as his constantly regenerating sex drive reminded him of why he’d REALLY come to a Brothel to find work in the first place.
The sight of the Tiefling’s frankly massive tits remains etched in Adam’s mind and he swallows thickly as his cock throbs in the confines of his pants. Yeah, so maybe there were some… negative side effects to his experimentation. Like his libido constantly building up and his balls needing release at a much accelerated rate than his previous life.
But that was okay, because this was going to work. The Brothel would satisfy both his short-term goal of never having to worry about going without a nearby woman to fuck, and the long-term goal of advancing into a more powerful class that might allow him to be self-reliant. Hell, perhaps he could even become co-owner of the brothel eventually… depending on how this talk with the Brothel Madam went.
He wouldn’t lie and say he wasn’t experiencing a case of the nerves regarding their upcoming meeting. But all Adam had to do was remind himself of the other two options.
One, join an adventuring party and spend his days roughing it on the road, living outside where the elements and wildlife were constantly aiming to kill him. Technically you couldn’t die in this world if you were a Reincarnated Human. You were ALWAYS brought back. However, a safe location for when you were revived was NOT guaranteed, and you would certainly feel the pain of whatever caused your demise. Needless to say, Adam had no desire to spend any longer than necessary outside without a roof over his head or a certainty of where his meals were coming from.
Of course, that led to Option Two. Joining the Church. Technically, he could have joined up with them immediately. It was even offered to him before he was kicked out to make his way in this new world. Adam was very glad he’d asked them to give him time to consider, however. Looking into the situation… the Church’s lodgings for a simple Novice Priest were beyond humble. More like a mix between a hovel and a monastic barracks. On top of that, they didn’t actually pay anything because they took care of his ‘needs’, namely food and board.
So his choices had been either to spend his days healing people in a chapel for no money or spend his days out in the wilderness with an adventuring party likely dying again and again for whatever gold such a group could manage to make. Obviously, Adam hadn’t been thrilled by EITHER option.
Luckily, he’d stumbled onto something else. This. Since he wasn’t intending on exploring the higher mysteries of Light Magic and turning himself into a pacifistic monk who refused to allow anyone around him to come to harm… he could sell his services for gold as a back-alley healer. But why risk back-alley healing when there was a safer option like this one instead?
If he could convince the Brothel Madam to hire him… then he could heal her whores for her as much as she liked. He could even cure them of any diseases. And he wouldn’t even feel bad if there were… less than savory practices at work here. This world was fake, after all. It was all just purgatory, and while Adam didn’t know what lay at the end, he knew one thing… all he cared about was his own happiness, pleasure, and safety. Everyone else could go and hang as far as he was concerned.
Amusingly, just as this thought is crossing his mind, the door to the office finally opens at long last. Adam hasn’t been keeping track of time, but he imagines it’s probably been at least ten or so minutes. Not too long at all, actually. Heh, they must have been watching him closely and realized he wasn’t actually going to try and snoop around or steal anything, because as far as making him wait as a power play went, that was much too short.
The Brothel Madam stalks into view and Adam swallows thickly at the sight of her. A Dark Elf… she’s absolutely gorgeous, of course. Her MILF body makes it clear she must be several centuries old. Well, that and the fact that she’s clearly mellowed with age, seeing as her Brothel seems to be on the up and up for all intents and purposes. Instead of say, a front to abduct and sell sex slaves to the rest of her race.
Her dress, meanwhile, is tight to the point of digging into her body, pinching her in places that serve to accentuate the white-haired Dark Elf’s curves and voluptuous form. It looks great on her, but Adam can’t help wondering at the level of comfort or lack thereof she’s experiencing because of it. It certainly seems like it would be painful… but then, maybe that’s the point.
Someone like her would never truly be relaxed. Adam knew this for a fact, even before he’d found out that she was a Dark Elf. He’d had plenty of time to observe the decorations and trophies in her office, after all. Such as the number of urns labeled with feminine sounding names along one wall. All from the same family… all from HER family.
Adam knew enough about Dark Elves to know that she probably hadn’t even instigated most of those conflicts. Or rather, if she had… well, those days were behind her. Hopefully.
Following at the Dark Elf Madam’s heels is the same Tiefling Maid as before. Head bowed, her massive tits still bouncing and jiggling oh so delightfully in her low-cut uniform, the Tiefling trails her Mistress as the Dark Elf takes a cup from her desk and spins a finger over it, producing the rich scent of a cup of coffee.
Adam watches the Brothel Madam take a sip of the suddenly manifested piping hot drink for a moment. He watches as she tilts her head in consideration… and he watches as she reaches out and yanks the Tiefling Maid over to her just to pull the other female’s breast free of her uniform, where she gives it a good hard squeeze. A jet of milk shoots into the cup as the Tiefling gasps and moans from having her tit used like a cow udder.
Stirring the piping hot coffee with her finger without a single ounce of pain showing on her face, the Dark Elf’s eyes twinkle as she takes another drink, making a satisfied purring noise in the back of her throat. Then and only then does she look at him as she sits down at her desk.
“Welcome. I am Dalamirn Urvodi. Dala to my friends. YOU may call me Mistress Urvodi. Now… why are you here?”
Adam shifts in his seat, both from nerves and from the added arousal of the scene he just witnessed. It can’t be helped, and he can tell that Dala notices this, the Dark Elf’s eyes filled with knowing as she smirks at him from across the desk. Unfortunately, for all that he’s run this conversation through a hundred times in his head before coming here… he finds himself grasping at nothing for a moment, caught off guard by the sheer… eroticism on display in front of him.
Indeed, the Tiefling Maid has remained standing at her Mistress’ side, not even bothering to put her lactating breast back into her top. She’s just… standing there, submissively waiting for whatever Dala might want from her next.
In the silence that follows, Dala scoffs in amusement and leans forward.
“Don’t worry. I don’t bite… much. I know you aren’t here for what you Novice Priests are normally here for. If you were, you would have already given yourself away in one of a dozen different ways.”

Adam blinks at that, his curiosity suddenly piqued.
“Oh? What… what are Novice Priests normally here for?”
Smirking wickedly, the Dark Elf Madam takes a long drink of her coffee before answering.
“Normally? Why, to put a stop to me, of course. Either that or to redeem me. To free my girls from their lives of ‘sin’. To chase away my customers. To find evidence of my ‘crimes’ so that the Church will finally have a reason to shut me down for good.”
Suddenly, Dala’s expression looks positively… dark.
“Of course, I wouldn’t let that happen. Not that my Brothel is a front for anything… nefarious. This is a perfectly legal establishment. I’m not here on Dark Elf business, as I’ve told the Church a dozen times before. I’m on Sabbatical. Running this Brothel started out as little more than a hobby of mine, but I’ve grown quite proud of the results of my work. Easily four out of five stars for a brothel of this size.”
Adam blinks at… all of that. From the information regarding his fellow Priests making fools of themselves, to the relieving knowledge that the Dark Elf Madam really isn’t running some sort of slavery racket her or anything like that. That’s good. Really good, to be honest.
“That said, you haven’t irritated me yet. If this is some sort of more subtle scheme by the Church to ferret out my secrets, you may admit so now and I shall let you leave with your manhood intact.”
The sudden implied threat has Adam’s eyes widening and his legs involuntarily pressing together. Of course, this makes him wince in mild discomfort from just how aroused he currently is. Damn it all, his experimentation was really coming back to bite him in the ass right now…
“Err, no Mistress Urvodi. I promise, I’m not here on behalf of the Church. In fact, I’ve not joined up with them at all. I am… unaffiliated at the moment.”
For a moment, Dala just stares at him in silence… then, she nods.
“Yes, my sources tell me as much. Of course, there’s every possibility that you’re some sort of attempt at an undercover agent working on their behalf… but the Church isn’t that clever or that sneaky from my experiences. All signs point to you being exactly what you say you are. An unaffiliated Novice Priest who has rejected the Church but so far has not made any effort to join up with an Adventuring Party. So then, I shall ask you again… why are you here?”
Surprisingly, despite everything that’s happened since the conversation started, Adam feels more at ease. The words come to him quite quickly now as he straightens up and holds his head high.
“I’m here to offer you a business proposal, Mistress Urvodi.”
There’s a spark of interest in her eye, even as she quietly sips from her coffee. But she doesn’t speak, leaving him to scramble to explain.
“I want to offer my services to you and your brothel as an in-house healer of sorts. I know that you know that having even a Novice Priest living in your Brothel, ready to heal injuries and afflictions at the drop of a hat, would be quite the boon for both your girls and business expenses.”
Slowly, Dala nods. Then, she tilts her head to the side.
“You’re not wrong… however, as much as my business is on the up-and-up and the Church would have no LEGAL grounds to shut me down… there are still the moral grounds to be considered. How long until you start objecting to some of the rougher play that goes on within these walls, hmm? How long until I have to kick you out for chasing away customers just because they like whips and chains?”
It’s a fair question, though privately Adam thinks Dala is only asking it to give herself a better position to negotiate from. He knows just how much he’s offering her, and if she were less of a consummate businesswoman, he imagines she would have already leapt at the chance to hire him, even if it would only be temporary until he got his Priest Class to too high a level and was turned towards pacifism and moralistic platitudes, forcing her to kick him out.
Luckily, that’s not going to happen anyways. Spreading his hands apart, Adam just smiles.
“I have no intention of pursuing any of the… conventional Class Advancements for Novice Priest. Nor will I ever cast a Light Spell without the use of my Tome. My goal… is to remain untouched by the effects of stronger Light Magic. With your assistance, I believe I will be able to do exactly that.”
It’s a lot to trust someone with, but at this point Adam needs this. He needs to be able to confide in someone and he thinks the Dark Elf Brothel Madam might just be that someone. For a long moment, Dala stares at him silently… then, she finally nods, a smile gracing her face as she abruptly gestures towards the Tiefling Maid at her side.
“Would you like something to drink?”
Adam’s eyes dart to the naked breast still leaking milk and he can’t help but lick his lips for a moment before returning his gaze to Dala.
“Er… yes, that would be much appreciated, Mistress Urvodi.”
Dala’s smile turns into a full-blown smirk again as she snaps her fingers. He half-expects her maid to get him a glass of water or something… but instead the blushing Tiefling beauty moves over to his side and leans forward, presenting her lactating nipple for his direct consumption. Adam stares for a moment in disbelief and consternation, knowing full well that drinking straight from the tap, as hot as that will be, will also prove to be… debilitating given his current condition.
And yet… and yet, he can’t exactly refuse now, can he? Leaning forward, Adam grabs the Tiefling Maid’s breast and latches onto her teat, giving it a nice long squeeze as he drinks from her directly. At the same time, Dala chuckles from behind her desk.
“Ah. I hope you’re enjoying the fruits of my darling’ mistakes. She was a very irresponsible, very bad girl who wound up getting herself knocked up on the job because she couldn’t follow simple instructions and take her contraceptives. Though… all things considered, I’ve decided to make her punishment lighter, since actually taking the contraceptives wouldn’t have helped…”
Adam files away that last bit in the back of his brain as a curiosity to be explored later. In the meantime, he finds himself meeting the eyes of the blushing Tiefling Maid… and realizing as something passes between them that she’s just like him. She’s not native to this world, she’s a Reincarnated Human just as he is.
Huh. He’d known that some were transformed into different races upon reincarnation, even if he himself had ended up as a run of the mill human… but he had to wonder just what sort of first life she’d lived to be remade into a Tiefling. Then again, given she’d wound up here… and apparently pregnant because she didn’t take birth control… well, Adam could guess.
As he finishes suckling from her teat, he pulls back and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before giving her a nod of thanks. When he turns back to Dala however, she’s looking like the cat who caught the canary.
“Are you… perhaps having issues with your libido, young man?”
Adam freezes in his chair, having just been in the process of unconsciously shifting back and forth again to try and relieve some of the discomfort his current arousal was putting him in. He grimaces at being so easily caught out, but Dala just waves him off.
“You’re not the only Novice Priest to experiment, you know. Actually, it’s a lesser-known issue among healing classes in general. It’s also a temporary side effect of any of the stronger Regeneration Potions. Still… you’ve managed to give yourself a low-grade version of permanent regeneration without ever even leveling up. That’s impressive. Commendable, even. A rare ability like that speaks well of your potential.”
Now he straightens up, feeling a swelling of pride in his chest… until he realizes she’s literally just playing him like a fiddle. Of course, recognizing that she’s preparing the carrot and the stick doesn’t really mean anything when they both know he needs her just as much as she needs him… if not more so.
“I am… interested in employing your services for my Brothel. You aren’t incorrect in the value you bring to the table. That said… we both know that the real reason you want to be employed here isn’t the money, is it?”
Stiffening, Adam frowns.
“… I won’t work for having just my ‘needs’ met, Mistress Urvodi. If I wanted that, I would have just gone with the Church.”
Dala’s lips curl back into a wide and wicked grin.
“Oh, of course not. I’ll stay pay you… but we’ll have to take into consideration the rates of my girls and just how much gold you’ll be saving by having free and constant access to them at all times.”
Adam’s cock definitely perks up at that, jumping in his pants. He grunts… and then slowly nods, conceding the point. The Dark Elf Madam’s wicked grin grows even wider and she places her hands down on the desk in front of her.
“… Let’s talk terms.”
He feels like he’s face to face with a damn shark. But then… what other choice does he have? Feeling a sinking sensation in his gut, Adam nevertheless settles in for what will likely be the harshest negotiations of both of his lives.
As they descend into the Brothel’s basement, Adam can’t help but grimace, rubbing the back of his head. They’d ironed out all of the details of his employment, and at the end of the day he was pretty sure that his new employer had come out way ahead. Then again… he was relatively happy with how things had turned out. He was just pretty sure that Dala was happier.
But then, she was hundreds of years older than him, and had clearly had a lot more life experience in general than he had. All in all… this was still leagues better than joining the Church or an Adventuring Party. All he had to do was pass one final test… which was apparently in the basement, of all places.
Adam blinks when they suddenly come to a stop in front of what’s clearly a prison cell. Before he can ask anything, Dala suddenly bangs on the wall.
“Time to wake up, bitch!”
He stiffens as the Dark Elf Madam opens the door to the cell and lets him in. The lantern she’s holding is set on a hook on the wall, illuminating much of the prison cell and revealing its current occupant. There, chained to the back wall completely nude with weighted clamps dragging down her teats and a number of other sexual torture devices tormenting her in a variety of different ways… is a young woman.
For a moment, Adam fears he’s completely stepped in it. After all that talk about her brothel being on the up and up, was it possible that Dalamirn had been lying all along? Well, of course it was. And now that she had him right where she wanted him, she-
“Heh. You should see the look on your face right now. You look constipated.”
Adam jolts, flushing a bit as the Dark Elf cocks her head to the side, hands on her hips.
“It’s not what you think. This isn’t criminal… it’s justice for HER crimes.”
That takes Adam aback. He frowns, narrowing his eyes as he looks between Dala and the prisoner.
“… Oh?”
Nodding decisively, seeming quite certain of herself, the Brothel Madam steps fully into the cell, gesturing to the bound and gagged woman who’s just starting to stir from the earlier wake-up call.
“This bitch was my potions supplier for the past three years. She was also a forest witch living outside of the city and thus outside of their laws. As a potioneer, she wasn’t half-bad so I never begrudged her that status, even if the Church would be just as eager to investigate her for eating babies and boiling people alive as they are to investigate me on charges of trafficking.”
Shrugging, Dala moves over to the witch and grabs her by her sweat-caked hair, yanking her head backwards. A gasp leaves the bound woman’s lips as the weighted clamps on her nipples yank down even as she’s pulled up, sending fresh pain through her body.
“Unfortunately for her, she tried to cheat me. After years of successful business together, I caught her diluting the potions she was selling me so that she could make some extra gold. In doing so, I wound up with a couple of my girls pregnant because their contraceptives were… less than fully effective. To say nothing of the consequences resulting from the other diluted potions she gave me.”
Tilting her head to the side, studying the other woman as though she’s staring at a particularly distasteful insect, Dala sneers and yanks the gag out of her mouth, leaving her panting for breath.
“The loss of business she’s cost me, as well as the problems she’s caused my girls… makes this more than justified, young Priest. Wouldn’t you agree?”
His impulse was to say yes. Not just because this was the final test he needed to pass in order to live a cushy life at the brothel, but also because… frankly, he simply agreed. So long as Dala was telling the truth, then yeah… this witch deserved some serious punishment for her crimes. It was sort of like in his old world, how all of those executives for drugs companies would try and charge sick and dying people exorbitant prices for their medicine, and the most almost any of them ever got was a slap on the wrist.
This was similar, in a way. By diluting those potions to make some extra gold, the witch hadn’t just robbed Dalamirn. She’d flat out harmed every woman who had taken one of her potions expecting the full effects. The amount of damage she’d caused was so much harder to quantify than a simple case of fraud.
Of course, there was every possibility that the Dark Elf Madam was lying to him. But just as he’s thinking that…
“S-Sorry… I’m sorry… p-please… please forgive me…”
Panting through cracked lips comes an apology. All but a confession of guilt, really. Adam finds his heart hardening to the imprisoned witch, his eyes becoming flinty. She… wasn’t his problem. She wasn’t his ‘damsel’ to save. She was a criminal, and she was getting her just desserts.
“Yes, Mistress Urvodi. I agree wholeheartedly.”
Dala’s face splits into a wide grin at that and she chuckles as she yanks the chained up witch out from the wall and towards him.
“Oooh, I like that look on your face, my dear little Priest.”
Adam scowls at that.
“My name is Adam… if it pleases the Mistress to use it.”
Shrugging, uncaring that she was only finding out his name now, Dala nods along amicably enough.
“Adam then. Consider this your final test before I hire you properly. Heal her.”
Blinking at that, Adam can’t help but be surprised. He’d thought just the act of him agreeing with the Dark Elf was supposed to be his final test. But healing her… well, it was sort of within the bounds of what he imagined he might be doing for the Brothel Madam, he supposed.
Reaching out, he places one hand on her body while the other holds his Tome aloft. Then, he begins to heal her of the damage that Dala had done to her while punishing her for her crimes. Slowly but surely, her bruises and cuts and reddened flesh repairs itself. The lashings she received, the abuse she was subjected to, and the sexual torment she was forced to endure all vanish bit by bit until nothing remains by the actual implements of her bondage and torture.
But Dala reaches down and removes those one by one just as she did with the gag, pulling off the weighted nipple clamps, unshackling the forest witch from the wall, and freeing her as she shudders and quivers there on her knees before them.
Even once she’s properly healed, she maintains her bowed head and her submissive tone.
“S-Sorry, Mistress Urvodi… very sorry for cheating you… p-promise… promise it won’t happen again.”
Dala laughs at that.
“No, it won’t. Because our old deal is null and void. You work for me now, witch. You BELONG to me. Do you dispute this?”
“… No Mistress. I will… gladly serve. Just please, no more. I am yours… I am yours…”
Adam watches on, eyeing the witch. Honestly, she’s something of a mousy brunette… but she cleans up quite nice when she’s not battered and bruised as the consequence of her own actions. Or maybe that’s just his entirely overwhelmed libido talking. Because frankly, at this point he’s been rock hard for so long that Adam can’t say for certain who’s making the choices now… all of his blood has flowed to his cock, so it honestly might have more processing power than his brain by this point.
“Good. You will start by putting that lying mouth of yours to better use in servicing my newest employee. Take out his cock and suck him off.”
Adam blinks at that… but doesn’t exactly fight it as the brunette hurries to fulfill her Mistress’ bidding, scrambling to him and eagerly extracting his throbbing erection from its confines at long last. The look she gives him is downright excited as she positively inhales his cock, taking him into her mouth with an enthusiasm that surprises him.
“Good girl.”
Stepping up behind the witch, Dala slides her hands through the mousy brunette’s brown locks, gently gliding her nails across the other woman’s scalp as she sucks.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Making eye contact with him, the Dark Elf smirks.
“As you see… I can be VERY persuasive. To both my allies and my enemies. Remain on my good side, Adam, and you will find that everything your heart desires can be yours.”
Then, she pauses and frowns down at the gagging witch.
“Though, this one’s technique is so lacking as to be nonexistent. She might as well lean into the violence if she can’t manage one iota of sensualism.”
With that said, Dala grips down harshly on the witch’s hair and begins ramming her face even harder into Adam’s crotch, forcing her up and down his cock at breakneck speeds that completely eclipse what had been happening before.

Adam groans, tilting his head back and letting his eyes drift shut… only for them to snap wide open again when he finds himself being kissed by the domineering Brothel Madam. Still, he doesn’t mind it. Getting head from a little cheating bitch of a witch while making out with his incredibly sexy MILF of an employer. What’s not to love about this situation?
Yeah… as Adam finally blows his load down Dala’s newest toy’s throat, as he cums and cums and cums at long last… he decides then and there that he could get used to this. And sure, maybe that’s the euphoria talking. But… he knows deep down inside despite what the Powers-That-Be might want from him, that he’s right where he belongs.


Part 2:


Adam groans, groggy as he’s shaken awake. His absolutely glorious dream of having the entire Brothel serving him as his own personal harem slips through his mental fingers, leaving him letting out a dejected sigh and finally opening his eyes.
His dejection is immediately wiped away by his first sight upon properly waking up being the jumbo jugs of Mistress Urvodi’s personal Tiefling Maid jiggling right in front of his face from her efforts to wake him. The moment she realizes his eyes are open, she blushes and pulls back, noting how he’s staring at her massive milky mammaries that seem to be further straining her top… and in response, sliding an arm under them to push them up and give him an even better view.
After doing so, the Tiefling takes a step back and bows to him low at the waist, causing Adam to blink as she comes back up out of the dip with her eyes averted to the floor.
“Honored Healer, the Mistress expects you to be ready to examine the Brothel’s staff within two hours.”
Adam slowly blinks, his eyes still watching the rise and fall of her bountiful breasts. Two hours? That was… a long time wasn’t it? Had Dala sent the Tiefling here this early on purpose… or had the maid cleverly interpreted her orders and woke him up early for her own reasons? Tilting his head to the side, Adam narrows his eyes as he considers the nonhuman woman in front of him.
He already had a serious case of morning wood thanks to his dreams, and his regeneration perk was leading to his sex drive rapidly building up to go again. Meanwhile, this Tiefling bitch wasn’t helping matters with her close proximity and availability. At the end of the day… if they really had two hours, than it was an issue that could be resolved before he had to go and get any actual work done.
The comfort of the King-Sized Canopy Bed and the luxury of the VIP room that Mistress Urvodi had him directed to the night before honestly contained more comfort than he had previous experienced even once in his previous life. He almost felt like he’d gained a ‘Well Rested’ status buff just from sleeping here. However… the one thing that it was missing was some permanent female company.
Maybe he could earn his own personal stay-in whore with good enough work ethic, or maybe it was just one of the ways his new Dark Elf Employer would keep a certain level of control over him… by making sure that the source of his relief came from her at all times, even when he was literally in the middle of a Den of Debauchery.
Still… given the manners he’d seen the Tiefling use so far, as well as the personality she’d demonstrated… combined with the excessive politeness and the flushed way she kept glancing at the tent produced by his dick, Adam had a certain suspicion. Eyes narrowed still, he points at her and declares a guess.
Her response is quite clearly instinctive, especially given how she immediately covers her mouth with her hand a moment later, blushing profusely with wide eyes at the slip-up. Adam just raises an eyebrow, hiding how pleased he truly is with having so easily guessed that she was another Reincarnator just like him. And more than that, she was Japanese too.
Bowing again at the waist, the Tiefling Maid clasps her hands together in front of her.
“A-Apologies Honored Healer… please do not tell Mistress Urvodi that I slipped back into my old language. It is against the rules.”
Really? Huh, weird. Adam wonders why, before ultimately deciding he doesn’t care. No… it’s more that he has more important things on his mind. Though his human sensibilities keep him from jumping straight into things. He has to get to know a girl first before he does anything more. Now that he knows the Tiefling is actually from his world, he can’t help his curiosity.
“I’ll consider it… if you tell me your story.”
Biting her lower lip, the Tiefling seems to consider the request for a moment… before finally nodding and beginning her tail. It’s not a terribly long one thankfully, or Adam might have regretted asking in the first place.
Put simply, the Tiefling was Japanese much like he thought. More than that, she was a Japanese Otaku, a complete shut-in that had relied heavily upon the help of her family and friends to support her self-destructive lifestyle. In the end, she’d wound up dying from smoke inhalation when her apartment caught fire while she was in the middle of crashing from a twenty-four hour anime binge.
Karmic Punishment decreed that she would spend this new life of hers serving others. Adam would have felt bad for her, but the way the Tiefling Maid spoke, she actually didn’t seem to mind it all that much. She especially enjoyed her new form where she didn’t look like ninety-nine percent of other females her age. She was no longer the short, stocky, and ugly (her words) Japanese Otaku she’d once been.
Of course, apparently this led to have of her sessions with Dala being based around teaching her not to flood herself with her juices from being so busty and sexy.
Soaking this all in, Adam has to admit… he’s actually glad he asked. Now that he knows more about her, he’s way less inclined to be a gentleman. Especially since it’s clear that the Tiefling had probably woken him up two hours early on her own initiative. For a moment, he considers at least getting her name first… but ultimately decides against it and just throws the covers aside at long last, exposing himself and the full glory of his morning wood.
“You want me to keep your little slip-up between us? Well then you can start by taking care of this.”
The Tiefling Maid immediately brightens up at that.
“O-Of course, Honored Healer!”
She hurries forward, climbing onto the bed to join him. However, when she reaches for her top, Adam holds up a hand and shakes his head.
“Keep the tits contained, woman. Mouth and hands only. I don’t know how often I’m going to get these sheets washed and I don’t want to have to deal with the mess that is your milk spilling out all over the place.”
Her face falls from gleeful eagerness to hurt disappointment over that addition, but knowing what he knows now about her, Adam finds it all too easy to harden his heart. Little slut is a glutton for punishment, clearly. Just jonesing for it really. Well, he’s not going to let her control the tempo here.
A lot less enthused now, but still willing to do what it takes to earn his silence, the Tiefling finally reaches his cock and takes it in both hands, groping and stroking it with the expertise of a brothel prostitute as she leans forward and begins giving him some sloppy toppy right there on the spot. Her tongue swirls around the tip of his dick and her lips suction down on his cockhead as she looks up at him, practically begging him with her eyes.
But Adam isn’t about to give in. He knows what she wants, but that doesn’t mean he has to give it to her. Still, he has to admit…
“Mm, you’re a much better cocksucker than that Forest Witch the Mistress let me have last night. Though apparently not quite good enough to avoid getting yourself pregnant and turned into a big titty milking cow as punishment, huh?”
The Tiefling pauses at that for a brief moment… before bobbing up and down on his cock, sucking him off even harder. It’s clear from the enthusiasm she’s showing that comments like that are very much a turn on for her. Adam snorts derisively, noting that down for later. He might play around with certain comments with her. He could tell she was definitely that kind of woman, the sort who loved hearing all sorts of degrading and deriding comments regarding her thiccness and the size of certain parts of her body.
For now though, Adam settles in to enjoy the feeling of her lips sliding down the length of his throbbing, pulsating morning wood. Meanwhile, her fat milk jugs remain contained in her top, but still rub against his legs and thighs, causing the facial expression she’s making to constantly shift between pleasure and torture.
But this isn’t about HER pleasure, now is it? No… this is about his. With a lustful growl, Adam reaches out and does something he’s been wanting to do since the first time he saw a woman with horns in this new world. He grabs hold of the Tiefling Maid’s horns atop her head, gripping them tightly. Only to then go wide-eyed as she lets out a truly wanton moan that reverberates up the length of his cock and into his entire body.
… Wait, seriously? Adam’s expression becomes somewhat incredulous as the Tiefling very clearly orgasms from the grab, her eyes half-rolling up in her head and her tongue going wild on his cock completely out of her control as she gurgles helplessly between his legs. He watches her climax and waits for her to recover before asking the burning question suddenly on his mind.
“Tiefling horns are an erogenous zone?”
Staring up at him with a pleading look, the maid nods as she gurgles and whimpers around his cock, unable to pull back off of his dick now that he’s got a nice, firm grip on her horns. He’s not sure whether that pleading look is for him to show mercy or for him to go full tilt… but in the end, the mere fact that he’s still holding on and held on even while she’s cumming probably tells her everything she needs to know about what he’s planning to do with her next.
A wicked grin spreads across Adam’s face, and she blushes under his gaze, no doubt able to read his mind from his expression.
“… Amazing.”
Then, without hesitation and without mercy, he proceeds to drive her down his cock, slamming his member to the hilt inside of her throat and face fucking her rather ruthlessly right there on the spot… all while holding onto those oh-so-sensitive demonic horns of hers.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Honestly, it simply wasn’t fair. Tieflings had it bad enough as it was. Being half-demons, they were hated by those on the demonic side and distrusted and despised by those on the human side. For them to also have such a weak spot right on top of their head… it reminded him of Twi’lek from Star Wars. Those lekku of theirs were literally extensions of their brain just… outside of their skulls. Unprotected. Easily abusable and even removable, as horrifying as the thought was.
Face fucking the Tiefling bitch while she does her best to service him orally is definitely the highlight of Adam’s day… though admittedly, the day is just beginning so he can only hope that it’ll go up from here. For now though, he lets her swirling tongue and gurgling technique bring him to completion. There’s no real point in holding back with the first load of the day after all, now is there?
Once she hungrily swallows down the load from his dick, Adam feels his super-charged libido coming down to a more manageable level, causing the healer to let out a sigh as he finally releases his hold on the maid’s horns, though not before giving them both one last brush with his thumbs across their surface. The Tiefling shivers and shudders, her eyes threatening to go crossed from that final bit of touch, and then she forcibly collects herself, blushing profusely as she looks up at him with a teensy bit of his cum trickling out the side of her mouth.
“H-Honored Healer… please allow this servant to offer you breakfast as w-well…”
Adam blinks, before the Tiefling Maid gestures off to the side… where yep, he’d completely missed it until now but there’s a small table and unlike last night where it was empty when he first came into this room, it’s now laden with breakfast food. Huh… now that he was confronted with it, his stomach was gurgling and growling in hunger. But until this moment, he hadn’t even noticed it was there.
… Well, he supposed he knew which needs were which these days, didn’t he? Chuckling, Adam nods to the Tiefling and crawls out of bed.
“Sure, breakfast sounds great.”
Hurrying off the bed, she leads him over to the table, allowing him to walk behind her and note that the counterweight of her plump posterior doesn’t QUITE balance out the top heaviness of her upper half. She’s got a fat ass… but nothing compared to her much fatter tits.
Still, something ELSE he notices when he finally gets to sit down at the table is that the offered breakfast is… incomplete in a way. Adam’s eyes narrow as he takes in the spread. There’s food and a pitcher of ice water… but there’s also two extra pitchers even larger than the first, and both are completely empty. Adam is savvy enough to know that at least one of those would probably normally be filled with milk, while the other would be filled with juice.
Slowly, he looks over to the Tiefling Maid and raises an eyebrow. She’d been a little antsy before, definitely anticipating a reaction of some sort from him, but only once he actually looks at her expectantly does the dam break and she hurries to explain.
“A-Apologies Honored Healer, but the Mistress has magically forbidden me from milking myself! O-Only the Mistress, a Client, o-or another Employee of the Brothel can!”
Here, actual tears well up in the Tiefling’s eyes as she whimpers and wrings her hands in front of her, looking very much like she wants nothing more than to reach into her own top and grab hold of her breasts… but simply can’t.
“M-Mistress forgot all about me last n-night because she was busy with you… and I wasn’t allowed to f-find anyone else to help me either!”
Adam takes this in for a long moment, slowly processing her words and her teary face. Crocodile tears? Hm, maybe… but then again, this did explain just why her disappointment was so poignant back when Adam forbid her the use of her milk-laden tits in bed. But that was in bed. He didn’t want to sleep in some sticky, mess of bedding for however long it took the sheets in his room to be cleaned, but now they were at the table, so…
He considers for a moment how generous he’s feeling. Before finding himself glancing down at the pregnant maid’s posterior once again. Finally, he nods and stands up from the table. The Japanese woman turned Tiefling Maid freezes at that, watching him with wide, hopeful eyes… only to squeak in delirious happiness when he suddenly reaches for her top and yanks it down, her fat half-demon tits coming bouncing free.
She mewls when he runs his fingers lightly over her breasts, barely touching the pads of his digits to her nipples, and Adam grins as he chuckles in enjoyment from torturing her.
Then, he pulls his hands away and grabs hold of her hips instead.
“Bend over the table.”
“Y-Yes sir!”
He liked that she was so experienced at following orders. He liked it a lot. Moving the two large pitchers under each of her breasts, Adam makes sure she’s properly in position with her massive cow udders securely dangling in each pitcher. She shivers from the cold of the glass, which she can barely move without knocking into from one direction or the other.
Once that’s done, Adam moves behind the Tiefling Maid and hikes up her skirts, yanking her panties down to her knees as he exposes her fat bottom and gloriously wet pussy. His cock, which has never really fully gone soft but HAD calmed down a tiny bit, is back in action and ready to go long before he’s even in position, allowing Adam to just reach down, grab his dick, and guide it right to the Tiefling’s cunt without pause.
A low groan leaves the man’s mouth as he fills her from behind. A wanton moan exits the pregnant maid’s lips as he fills her with his dick. She’s not so far long that he has to be careful with her quite yet at least, so he enjoys driving himself into for a few experimental thrusts and then finally reaches up with his hands once they’ve both adjusted to one another and managed to grow used to the motion of their fucking.
His fingers close around her fat, juicy nipples and Adam begins to squeeze and pull. Immediately, the Tiefling squeals in ecstatic glee and delirious joy as the first shots of high-pressured breast milk strike the bottom of both pitchers. Her body shudders and spasms as she cums all over his cock, milking his dick for all she’s worth while he milks her breasts.
Snorting in amusement, Adam grunts and sets his center of balance low, really making sure to drive the entire length of his cock into her from behind, enjoying the feel of his crotch clapping against her big bottom as he does so.
“Fuck you’re such a fucking cow, aren’t you? Plump in all the right places… dumb, cum drunk, and filled with milk.”
Her pussy responds to that by clenching down harder around his cock, her moans filling the air as she nods her head excitedly.
“Y-Yes… yes sir! Please sir… please don’t stop m-milking me!”
Adam chuckles, having no intention of stopping. After all, he wants some milk with his breakfast, and seeing as there’s still plenty of steam coming off of the food-laden plates, he doesn’t think it’s likely to get cold any time soon at least. That said, he’s not above continuing the dirty talk.
“You like it when I talk about your body, don’t you? You like being told how much of a cow you are. Mm, does Mistress Urvodi even know how much you’re enjoying your ‘punishment’?”
Shivering, the Tiefling just nods some more.
“S-She knows… how could she n-not know? Ah… b-but really, I-I just like being reminded of my new body, s-sir… I like knowing that I’m so much more desirable than I used to be…”
It was interesting, Adam couldn’t help feeling. Because on the one hand… all of this was done to her because of how she’d lived in her past life. She was waited on hand and foot by her family and friends, using and abusing their love for her until she died. And so as a result, she found herself serving others in the same way.
Except, she didn’t rail against her karmic ‘justice’. She didn’t have a single problem with her new life, because in a lot of ways, it was better than her old one. She was happy to serve out her ‘sentence’ here in this strange version of purgatory.
Adam couldn’t relate. He refused to dance to the tune of the Powers-That-Be. He wouldn’t let them turn him into something he wasn’t. Maybe this bitch was happy being remade, but he was equally happy just the way he fucking was. And he’d do everything in his power to stay that way.
With a growl, he pounds into her from behind, milking her all the harder with his fingers. Until finally, he finishes inside of her and yanks her back, revealing two large pitchers filled to the brim with freshly squeezed, hot breastmilk.
As the Tiefling mewls, her hands twitching with a need to rub her aching breasts until they’re soothed after such a powerful milking, Adam doesn’t pay her the slightest mind. Maybe the Brothel Madam knew exactly what sort of slut her maid was. Maybe she knew that the ‘punishment’ she was visiting upon her wasn’t a true punishment at all. But Adam figured there were parts of it that were still MEANT to be punishing.
Still, as he sits down with enough milk to really enjoy his breakfast, he makes a mental note to provide the Tiefling with some minor healing before they finally head out for the morning. After all, the expression on her face and the limp in her step would advertise to the other Brothel Girls that healing wasn’t the only ‘service’ he could provide…
The moment Adam enters the main area of the Brothel, he finds himself put to work. A dozen or so of the Brothel Staff are waiting for him, having been worked hard all throughout the night by the Brothel’s enthusiastic and eager clientele. Apparently, they’d been waiting for about half an hour, and every minute of that time had been a minute where they couldn’t yet go to their beds and collapse into slumber.
Briefly, Adam was left to wonder if the Tiefling had played him, seeing how he hadn’t even used the full two hours she’d said he had, but had instead come out before the first was even up. But no… Mistress Urvodi was in the room as well, though busy with other minutia. Even still, she stopped to give him a single nod of acknowledgment, and Adam figured if he HAD been late to work, she would have been much more cross with him.
In the end, there was a pecking order in a place like this. His skills as the resident healer put him above most of the working girls by default. He was still very much under Dala of course, and likely under the Dark Elf Madam’s lieutenants as well… if she had any anyways. But for the vast majority of the Brothel Staff, he was above them despite just being hired, meaning they had to wait at HIS leisure unless their Mistress intervened directly.
He would have expected more hard feelings over this, but as it turned out… he needn’t have worried. As Adam got to work, the responses from the women he was helping were actually surprisingly affectionate and in some cases downright endearing. All he was really doing was giving them a little healing here and there with the help of his Tome and topping them all off with an over-time Regeneration Spell at the end of each ‘check-up’.
Any true gamer knew that ninety-nine times out of a hundred, most Regen Spells were absolute wastes of spellcasting in battle. They usually weren’t even strong enough to properly count poison or bleed damage, the most common ‘damage over time’ effects that they would be directly facing up against.
However, their value OUTSIDE of battle or in between battles during downtime was much, much greater. Especially in a place like this, when all of his patients were literally about to go lie down and sleep the day away, further amplifying the effects of the regeneration magic he was casting on them.
Indeed, rather than disgruntled and impatient admonishing words like Adam is half-expecting after making them all wait for him for half an hour… he gets sighs of relief, words of thanks, and even a few chaste kisses on his cheek as they pass him on their way to bed. Also a couple of gropes here and there that make it clear they’re very willing to… thank him more enthusiastically later on, perhaps if they’re free for the night and so is he.
And then, causing Adam to blink in surprise and straighten up where he stands with his Tome, the next prostitute strides forward… a Nun, of all things. Dressed in the religious habit of the Church, she smiles at him softly, approaching him with all the decorum and sanctity of her profession and gracing him with a nod.
Adam could practically hear the holistic background music playing as she strode forward. Wait… was this Nun even a prostitute working at the Brothel? Where had she come from? Had she snuck in here? Was this what Dala was talking about when she said the Church was constantly being irritating? Had they caught wind of his decision to seek employment at her brothel and ALREADY sent someone to try and talk him out of it?
Before he can speak however, the Nun clasps her hands in front of her, sending her tits all a-jiggle in her habit, making him question whether she’s wearing anything in the form of underwear, bra, or bandages underneath.
“Oh! I’m just so happy that another Follower of the All-Encompassing Light has come to spread the message of Kindness and Love to every-being under the stars!”
Wait… what?
“Excuse me?”
Upon seeing (and hearing) his uncomprehending response, the Nun giggles and steps forward even closer.
“I have always believed it is the duty of all of the Light’s Followers to ease the hardships of those around us… through whichever methods we might have available to us! I with my body, and you with your healing spells! Ah, it is our duty to show every-being that they are loved and cared for by the All-Encompassing Light!”
Her clasped hands in front of her breasts draw attention to the tightness of her habit across her chest, and now Adam KNOWS she’s not wearing anything underneath since he can literally see her stiffening nipples through the habit. The swinging motion of her hips as she giggles giddily in happiness also reveal that there are nigh-invisible slits in the sides of her habit that he hadn’t noticed before, going up to her waist and revealing her long pale legs and complete lack of panties.
“… Right.”
Realizing that he’s not dealing with your average Church Nun, but in fact the stereotypical Naughty Nun, Adam finds himself relaxing a little, almost relieved in a way. He didn’t want to deal with the Church right now. Preferably not ever. He was supposed to be doing his job, and clearly she was an example of that.
Sighing, Adam holds up his free hand and prepares to heal the slutty nun… only to have her grasp his spell-charged hand at the last second and bury it in her cleavage just as the spell goes off.
Adam can’t help but blush a little at just how lewdly she moans from the sensation, her eyes fluttering for a moment as his healing magic washes over her. Then, they snap open and focus on him with an intensity that gives Adam pause as she licks her lips and speaks in a breathless tone.
“Your blessed touch is amazing, Brother~ Ooooh~”
Adam has to resist the urge to groan as her actions further his own arousal, giving his already heightened libido a fresh jump start. His cock hardens in his pants, making him painfully aware of the effect that this naughty nun cliché is having on him. But then, it wouldn’t be a cliché if it wasn’t popular now would it? Maybe he should start wearing robes, because frankly, pants were proving to be his downfall at this rate…
“Oh! I’ve had quite an effect on you, Brother! Ah… apologies. I can see now one of the reasons you are here. You must have quite the frequent build up of your sacred seed. Not to worry, I will be happy to relieve you of your burden~”
He thinks at first that she means to do so later, but then she begins to kneel down and reach for his pants, making Adam blanch and grab her by the shoulders, forcing her back to her feet.
“Err… not right now, Sister. I’m working, as you can see.”
The sexy nun blinks at this, before pouting and seemingly willfully misinterpreting his words.
“Is my mouth not appealing to you, Brother? Perhaps then you would allow me to accept your offering in my most sacred place~”
Adam’s eyes widen as she pulls up her habit, revealing the complete lack of undergarments and showing off her dripping cunny and fat tits in one fell swoop. Jesus fucking Christ, no wonder so many girls got pregnant here. They were all jonesing to be fucked even outside of work hours, weren’t they?! Well no, that wasn’t entirely fair. He’d treated plenty of whores so far today who hadn’t done much beyond quietly thank him and then head off to sleep. Even still, there were definitely more sluts among these brothel workers than he originally expected there to be.
Taking a firmer tone with the nun, Adam shakes his head.
“That won’t work either. I said I’m working right now. Now is not a good time.”
He hopes by being decisive and direct about it, he’ll finally get through to her. And for a moment he thinks he has from the way her eyes widen in seeming understanding. But then…
“Ah! I’ve angered you, Brother! My apologies for my transgressions… please, punish me!”
Spinning around, the perverted bitch literally wiggles her ass at him, her habit still lifted to show off her derriere for… for spanking? Fucking? He didn’t know. He also didn’t know how to get her to fucking stop. Thankfully, their raised voices are apparently enough that a certain Brothel Madam finally intervenes.
Suddenly, the Dark Elf is there, grabbing the Nun by her ear and yanking her away.
“The Healer is working you stupid bitch! And how many times do I have to tell you not to offer up the merchandise for FREE?! You can let him fuck you when you’re BOTH off the clock. Not when he’s working and not when you’re supposed to be working either. Now get to BED!”
At least that works. The Nun whines and pouts, but does as she’s told, leaving Adam to continue on with the rest of the line, much to his relief.
If nothing else, this place was going to prove to be very interesting, he couldn’t help but reflect…


Part 3:


By the time evening rolls around, Adam is exhausted. Which is surprising given the continual regeneration effect he inadvertently gave himself. And yet… it’s the truth. Still, it’s a good kind of exhausted… not least of which because he knows it won’t likely be repeated going forward.
See, it wasn’t all of the healing that he had to do that left him feeling a bone-deep sort of tired at the end of this very long day. No, it was all of the reports he’d had to compile. He wasn’t just topping off all of the Brothel’s girls, he was essentially giving each and every one of them an initial examination. They were his patients now.
But now that the leg work was done, Adam doesn’t expect to have to put this much effort in on the day to day of his job. He had all of the information he would be working with going forward now, so beyond making small changes to his notes here and there, he shouldn’t have to go through a day like today again.
Still, he DID have one more thing to get done before he could turn in for the night. With evening rolling around, the sex workers of the brothel were beginning to wake up for their breakfast ahead of a long night of work. In turn, Adam had just had dinner after finishing up the last of his reports that he’d compiled for Mistress Urvodi.
At the very least, he was building a positive working relationship with the girls of the Brothel. They’d all been quite happy to see him, and grateful that with his healing they were completely refreshed. Even those who’d had hard nights the previous night didn’t have to limit themselves to light duty tonight because of his healing, meaning they could make a whole lot more gold for both the Brothel and themselves.
With his sheaf of compiled reports, Adam finds himself joining the Brothel’s other daytime workers, the serving staff that he’d gotten to know over the course of the day. Most of them are going to Dala in order to deliver her dinner to her, but he’s just along for the ride to report his findings to her and make sure there’s nothing else she needs from him.
The serving staff had been quite helpful over the course of the day in helping answer any of his questions about the daily running of the Brothel. But mostly he’d just been grateful that the vast majority of them were less than impressive in looks and had much more reserved natures… which was probably why they weren’t whores in the first place. It meant they were rather safe for him to be around, as none of them tended to stir up his sex drive beyond the constant natural build up he was already forced to deal with.
Speaking of which… as he finds himself entering the Brothel Madam’s quarters with the other daytime staff, Adam can’t help but note that there are already two other women in the room with Mistress Urvodi when he arrives. One he recognized immediately despite her current predicament, while the other he didn’t.
Trapped between Dala’s long, dark-skinned legs, Adam immediately picks up on the familiar head of hair belonging to the Forest Witch he’d partaken in back in the Dark Elf’s dungeon as a sort of ‘signing bonus’. The Brothel Madam’s nails dig into the witch’s scalp as she dominates her and forces the traitorous woman to eat her out.
Honestly, after the wake-up call he got this morning, Adam wasn’t about to begrudge his new employer a similar start to her day. And the sight was clearly nothing new to the rest of the serving staff either, because they simply work around their Mistress and her latest toy as they set about delivering the meal.
Adam finds his eyes drawn much more to the light-skinned blonde elf that’s sat behind Dala’s desk with a large book, fancy quill, frazzled expression… and not much else. Beyond the pair of glasses that the blonde elf is wearing, she has absolutely nothing on, her body entirely on display while she goes over the various papers spread out across the desk.
Another of Dala’s conquests obviously, though her role in the Brothel seemed to be much higher on the totem pole then most others in spite of her nude state. She was definitely some sort of secretary or accountant for the Brothel.
Honestly, her appearance reminded Adam of those money counting shops he’d seen portrayed in modern media in his past lives. Where girls in underwear would be used as money counters for drug cartels, forced to strip to nothing but panties and a bra so that they wouldn’t be tempted to steal anything.
There WERE stacks of coin arrayed on the desk around the paperwork that the blonde elf was dealing with, but truth be told they looked more like decoration than anything else. Or maybe they were there to tempt the blonde into betraying her Mistress and it was all some sort of sick game. In the end… did it really matter to Adam? No. No it did not.
“Ah. Our new healer. Come, sit. Make yourself… comfortable.”
Even as Dala bids him to take a seat across from her, his new employer draws a long needle from her hair bun and begins using it to stab into the meal that her servants have brought her. She then eats each bite in the most seductive fashion possible, moaning in delight while also continuing to hump her latest toy’s face like there’s no tomorrow.
He finds it impossible to look away from Dala’s body and the performance she’s probably finely tuned over centuries of experience, making her every action look undeniably exotic.
Ultimately, he’s far from comfortable and only grows more uncomfortable as the straining bulge in his crotch develops into a real problem. But before anything else can be said or done…
“Would Sir desire for this servant to make him more relaxed while meeting with the Mistress?”
Almost as if summoned by his arousal, appearing out of nowhere by his side… is the Japanese Otaku turned Tiefling Maid who had ‘relaxed’ him earlier this morning. Ready and able to serve him, he blinks at the sight of her. Adam doesn’t know when she got there or how long she might have been standing there watching his erection engorge itself… but at seeing no censure in Dala’s gaze, he has no problem pinching one of the pregnant Tiefling’s sensitive horns and sending her to her knees.
Eagerly opening up his pants, the Tiefling Maid crawls between his legs, only briefly exposing his cock to the air of the office before the wet warmth of her mouth envelopes it and begins to suck.
Adam can’t help the groan of pleasure as she gets to work bobbing up and down on his cock, but thankfully his new employer doesn’t hold it against him. Dala merely smirks, her expression undeniably smug as she observes his obvious and uncontainable state of pleasure. Though, she does eventually hold out a hand, forcing Adam to lean over the Tiefling and choke her on his cock for a moment as he hands over the reports he’s compiled on her girls.
The next several minutes are filled with the sounds of Dala eating, Adam getting sucked off… and not much else. He watches the Brothel Madam read over his reports… and in turn, she watches him enjoy her servant’s mouth over the top of the parchment. To her credit, Dala does at least wait until he’s finished cumming down the Tiefling’s throat and is finally relaxed before she sets the reports aside and smiles softly.
“So then… how bad is it?”
Obviously, though she’s read the reports, she wants to hear it from him directly. Shrugging, Adam gives it to her straight.
“Not that bad at all, actually. The overall health of your girls is pretty damn good. None of them have any conditions more serious than overworked bodies that come from physical activity… and the fact that a number of them are pregnant from the diluted contraceptives.”
Honestly, even that number had wound up being lower than he expected from how angry she’d been the previous night. In fact…
“Though, one of the things I didn’t quite understand was how many of your girls have something magical going on in their wombs. Its making them infertile, which I suppose you’re happy about, so you probably already know about that.”
“Mm, indeed. Those are the more professional members of my staff who have chosen the more expensive and more effective contraceptive that is a certain magical tattoo… instead of monthly potions that can be tampered with by treacherous little bitches who don’t know their place.”
Dala’s eyes dart down to the Forest Witch between her thighs for a moment, both a reminder to the woman and to him as well of what might happen if he tried to cheat her in some way. After letting the silence hang in the air following that pronouncement for a moment, the Brothel Madam smirks and continues on.
“Well… I for one am quite satisfied with your work ethic, young man. You’ve shown yourself to be a fine addition to my staff and I am all too pleased to make your employment permanent from this day forward.”

Adam straightens up at that, pleased to hear it. There was always the possibility that Dala would use him as a one-and-done, but he hadn’t gotten the impression that she was like that. Though, he’d also thought her more of a hard ass than she’s acting at the moment, especially given the next words out of her mouth.
“Would you like a sign-on bonus of some sort?”
Blinking, Adam tilts his head to the side owlishly.
“A… sign-on bonus?”
Smirking, the Brothel Madam nods.
“Oh yes. I prefer to keep my most useful employees… loyal. So, a sign-on bonus. Perhaps…”
Dala’s eyes trail down to the Tiefling trapped between his thighs. Adam looks down as well, not even realizing he’s grabbed the slutty, horny maid by both her horns. Her eyes are rolled back in her head right now and she’s clearly orgasming from how hard he’s gripping down on her sensitive demonic horns.
“… Yeah, I’d like that.”
Nodding sharply, the Brothel Madam chuckles.
“Very well then. She will always be available for your personal use going forward… unless, of course, she’s indisposed because she’s in a session with her Mistress.”
Adam bows his head, opening his mouth to agree, but Dala cuts him off, her eyes locked on the Tiefling currently deep throating him.
“The little slut will probably enjoy being passed back and forth between us as a toy. Getting more and more used up, only to be healed by your magic so she can go at it all over again.”
Adam’s eyes widen as his new maid toy hears her Mistress’ disparaging and insulting words… and promptly throats herself even harder on his cock, fucking her face faster and faster until the choking and gurgling noises are audible at long last.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Smirking at what she’s caused, Dala waves a hand airily.
“Of course, she will not be your only… outlet. Still, depending on what night of the week it is, certain groups within the Brothel will be unavailable to personally entertain you, as they will be expected to be headlining for the evening’s clients. So don’t get too attached to any one girl, alright?”
That’s more than fair, so Adam dips his head and this time actually manages to get a response out before they’re interrupted.
“Of course, Mistress Urvodi.”
This time, it’s Dala who doesn’t get a chance to say something like ‘Good’ or ‘Dismissed’ before the naked blonde elf that Adam had pegged as a secretary or accountant suddenly calls out from the desk.
“Mistress Urvodi. It’s time.”
Dala hums and then hops to her feet, leaving her pet witch to collapse to the floor. She also drops a plate of food on the floor next to the gasping, panting woman… and by that, the food literally goes scattering across the floor. As her servants hurry forward and wrap Dalamirn Urvodi in a beautiful robe, making her decent, the Dark Elf makes her way to the door, her naked accountant hurrying after her as she goes.
“Enjoy the naughty little slut, Healer. She’s always so ready and eager to serve, it’s frankly disgusting. She can’t get enough of being used like a worthless cum rag, in the end.”
The long string of insults does the trick, and suddenly Adam has a lapful of Tiefling as the pregnant maid impales herself on his cock after climbing him like a damn tree. His hands go to her ass and he grips down tightly as he grunts in appreciation of… every part of her beautiful form while she does her best to ride him to kingdom cum again and again and again.
Those decorative stacks of coin are still over on Dala’s desk after they’re left alone in her office with no one but the shackled Forest Witch, who’s currently gnawing on a chunk of bread like some sort of rat. So perhaps the coin is there to tempt him or something?
But honestly… he’s not tempted in the slightest. Quite frankly, Adam isn’t going to do anything to ruin the amazing deal he has going here. This… this was the start of something beautiful.
A few days later, Adam finds himself having settled into a proper routine. As the Brothel begins their nightly activities, he finds himself in bed, usually after having emptied his balls into the Tiefling assigned to his service. As a result, he always sleeps soundly through the night, satiated and satisfied by the pregnant slut-maid’s efforts.
Each morning, he finds himself beginning the day with what’s rapidly becoming a daily ritual of being woken up by the Tiefling Maid and her gorging herself on his cock for relief while he himself eats breakfast. He then provides healing for those that worked especially hard through the night as well as a parting cast of Regeneration to make sure they all sleep well.
Adam figures that some emergency will eventually come up at some point that will disrupt his new schedule, but for the time being… it all feels quite rote at the moment. That is, until the afternoon of the fourth day, where he returns to his room to discover that the Tiefling Maid is out… but that another has been sent in her place.
“Ah! Brother! It’s so good to see you again!”
Blinking at the sight of the naughty nun from his first day waiting for him in his room, Adam tilts his head to the side. He’s not as concerned as he was by her behavior the first day, to be honest. For one, he’s off the clock now… and for two, he’s quite confident by this point that she’s not some Church Agent sent to destabilize the Brothel or something like that.
Though… the mysterious bag resting against her side as she kneels in the center of his room does pique Adam’s curiosity. First things first however…
“Please Brother, accept my apologies for my overzealousness the other day. I occasionally need someone to take a firm hand to my sinful, lustful body to remind me of my place. Usually that falls to Mistress Urvodi… but I’m told that you may also discipline me as you see fit if need be! Please, Brother! All of the tools you would ever need to punish me for my transgressions can be found here, in this bag!”
Raising an eyebrow, Adam moves forward and takes the bag from the naughty nun, opening it to find it filled with various tools of sexual punishment and torture. It’s as she said… all he’d ever need is in the bag. Though his eyes focus on the paddle in particular, the mental image of her flashing her ass at him back during their first meeting coming to mind.
She’d really made his job all that more difficult with her behavior. Even after she was dragged away, he’d still been left with a full-blown erection and oh so many more beautiful whores to examine as well.
Taking the paddle from the bag, Adam slaps it down on his palm a couple times experimentally, making the nun at his feet coo in excitement and pant in aroused need. Looking down at her, Adam narrows his eyes.
“… What’s your name, by the way?”
He hadn’t bothered asking for the name of his pet Tiefling Maid because quite frankly, he was pretty sure she got off on knowing that he hadn’t asked. Sure he could have learned it other ways without asking her outright, but what would even be the point? Still, he should at least get to know SOME of his coworkers, he figured.
“Oh! Brother Adam wishes to know this lowly sister’s name? Ah… its Lalatina, Brother. But you can call me Lala if you like! Or skank! Whore! Bitch! Slut! A-Anything you desire…”
As she rambles, Adam tilts his head to the side. Lalatina… why did that sound passingly familiar? Eh, it was probably nothing. Just a coincidence. Either way, Adam holds up the paddle and smirks at the naughty nun kneeling before him.
“Well then. We’re in agreement, you DO deserve to be punished for your transgressions. You can start by getting up and bending over the bed for me.”
Lala the Nun doesn’t hesitate to obey. Hopping up, she positively skips over to the bed, even going a step further and flipping up the back of her habit before planting her hands palm down on the mattress. Adam’s breath hitches as he stares at her massive, plump ass for a long moment, admiring the view briefly before finally stepping forward.
Running his free hand over Lala’s unabused buttocks for a moment, Adam lines up… draws back… and swings. He swings with a curve too, to come up under the substantial cushioning of her bubble butt and instead strike where she’s less protected by her fat ass. This has the additional bonus of striking her directly across her pussy too.
Lala’s cry of pleasure and pain as the first blow lands is like music to his ears if he’s being honest, and he quickly sets about making more of that music. Adam doesn’t mind that the nun is a huge masochist. At the end of the day, he’s not some sadist who gets off on cruelty and hurting people… but if his lovers get off on BEING hurt, who is he to deny them anything, right?
As he swings the paddle again and again, slowly reddening her buttocks and her plump, gushing pussy lips with his strikes, Lalatina moans more and more wantonly, the nun tossing her head back and really getting into her ‘punishment’.
“Yes! HARDER, BROTHER! Don’t stop! I’ve been a naughty, naughty bitch! Oooh, I deserve to be hurt! I deserve to be punished! Nnngh, yes! More! Make me really FEEL it!”
He snorts derisively at that. Oh? She wants to ‘really feel it’? An idea comes to mind and Adam’s eyes twinkle as he grins wickedly while continuing to lay into Lala with the paddle. The blonde nun moans up a storm of course, in between squealing and shrieking under the onslaught he’s delivering to her ass. However, eventually he stops, once her ass is bright red all over, completely discolored by his repeated blows.
Before the nun can even properly registered that he’s quit hitting her, Adam brings out his Tome and heals her up. The lewd moans that come out of Lala’s mouth as the healing energy courses through her are… quite explicit. On top of that, she shudders and even cums from the sensation of her abused ass being restored back to pristine and blemish free.
As pussy juices trickle down her inner thighs from the climax, Adam chuckles darkly and leans over her bent-over form, getting right next to the naughty nun’s ear before whispering to her.
“You should know, Sister, there is a substantial side effect to injuring and then rapidly healing a portion of the body. That being… it becomes incredibly sensitive for a short time afterwards.”
He brings his bare hand down on her ass a moment after saying that, and watches as Lalatina the Nun lets out an even louder and lewder cry than she did previously. She orgasms even more explosively as well, this time squirting all over the floor as Adam rolls his eyes at the mess. At least it wasn’t on his bed though… he’d just make his maid clean it up when she got back from her time with the Mistress. He’d been less concerned about making a mess of his sheets ever since getting his sign-on bonus… given the Tiefling Maid could be utilized as a cleaning service on top of being his live-in fuck toy at any given time.
That said, as Lala shudders in pleasure from her newfound, albeit temporary sensitivity, Adam just chuckles and rolls her over onto her back, having already freed his cock from its confines.
Frankly, fucking her missionary style only feels appreciate given that she’s a nun and keeps calling him ‘Brother’. It also gives him access to that fat rack of hers, though he has to yank her habit up over her head first to get ahold of her tits directly.
With her habit bunched around her head and forcibly locking her arms above her head along with it, her entire body is left writhing before him, ready and available for him to do whatever he wants with. Sure, Adam is missing out on the incredibly lewd faces that Lala is no doubt making as a result… but there’s certainly something hot about essentially putting a bag over the nun’s head as he fucks her.
Pounding into her cunt nonstop, Adam alternates between groping her tits and biting at them. He suckles at her nipples one moment and then gnaws at them the next. He bites her breasts hard enough to even leave marks, and in one case draw blood.
… The masochistic nun loves every last bit of it. He’s beginning to realize that her masochism is actually on the extreme side, because the pain-slut of a ‘sister’ is cumming on his cock nonstop while he abuses her tits, lavishing them with attention. As for Adam himself… yeah he’s doing damage to her, but at the same time…
Tome comes up, healing goes out. Lala’s breasts are soon back to perfect, suddenly pristine once more after he heals them of the bite marks and bleeding he’d caused. Just in time too, because the sensitivity caused by his healing of her ass is finally wearing off. Only for him to heal her tits and then go right back to mauling and kneading them with his mouth and fingers.
Needless to say, the naughty nun loves it. She cums so damn hard she goes limp for a second, and he’s left wondering if she passed out on him. But no, after a moment she comes back to life, even if her arms and face are still caught up in her habit flipped over her head. Adam just chuckles and continues fucking her, loving how responsive she is, loving how deliciously stacked she is.
Don’t get him wrong, he loves his sign-on bonus. His own personal Tiefling Maid makes for a great fuck toy. But variety is the spice of life and he IS working in a Brothel now. It would be rather ridiculous if the only woman he fucked was the pregnant, lactating bitch with a humiliation fetish that the Brothel Madam had all but dumped on him.
Lala was a great palate cleanser, so to speak. As he fucks her hard and fast, he has to admit… he enjoys every last bit of her body. And on top of that… she has the magical tattoo that provides a safer form of birth control, so he has no problem cumming deep inside of her.
After doing so, Adam doesn’t stop there. His libido is roused by this point, and his cock still rock hard. He pulls out of the naughty nun only long enough to flip her over onto her front and lift her hips into the air. Ass up, face down, she finally manages to wiggle her way out of her habit and free herself of it. Wearing only her head-covering now, the beautiful nun looks back over her shoulder at him as she arches her back and moans wantonly.
“Oooh I-mmph!”
Before she can speak, Adam shoves three fingers into the side of her mouth and fish hooks her, cutting her off as he snorts derisively. She really did talk too much… when all he truly wanted from her was to fuck her silly for the next few hours.
That said, he knew what she wanted… so even as he fish hooks her and fucks her from behind, Adam is using his other hand to alternate between slapping her bouncing, dangling tits and spanking her fat, jiggling ass. That appeases the blonde nun as she cums for him over and over again, allowing Adam to get everything he wants from her luscious, submissive body all night long…


Part 4:


The next time Adam sees Madam Urvodi’s accountant, the blonde elf is fully clothed. But frankly, by this point in his time at the brothel, Adam doesn’t really mind all that much. He’s seen MORE than enough naked flesh to satisfy him for a long time to come… outside of his unnatural libido, of course. Besides, the secretary attire that the accountant elf is now wearing is almost sexier than having her be completely naked. As is the way she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose with the heel of her palm while looking over the sheet of parchment in front of her.
“Right then, let’s go down the list. Daily Touch-Up Healing. Regen Casting. On Call Expenses. And of course, your in-depth examinations of every single woman currently working in the Brothel.”
That was the other reason Adam really couldn’t care less that the accountant was fully clothed. After all, this wasn’t about sex. THIS… was payday.
Glancing up at him from over the rim of her glasses, Dala’s accountant scoffs lightly at the big bright grin she sees on his face.
“To be clear, while Madam Urvodi has set it up so that you will be paid out every two weeks, you should NOT expect as substantial a payment as this one to happen again for another three or so months. Pending the Mistress’ decision on how regular the in-depth examinations are needed, of course.”
Adam just nods, reigning in his excitement. His normal ‘paychecks’ so to speak would be much smaller, though still infinitely more livable than just trying to survive on the streets as some Back Alley Healer.
“I understand.”
That said, he was still pretty stoked about today’s payment. How could he not be? He was finally making bank in this world! Finally fitting in where he belonged! His excitement only grows again when the accountant elf reaches down into a chest at the side of her desk and begins pulling out bags of gold. Each one is relatively small, but the fact that they contain purely gold and not silver or copper makes Adam’s eyes light up. Especially when she continually stacks them up in front of him, until there are TEN of the little bags on the desk between them.
Resisting the urge to cackle like a mad man and say something like ‘come to daddy!’, Adam reaches out and stretches his arms around the ten bags of gold, beginning to pull them towards him and-
Stuttering to a halt, Adam blinks as he looks over the top of the small mound of gold pouches to where the accountant elf has taken out a wrapped, tome-sized object and smacked it down on the table.
“Before you leave, there is one other thing.”
The blonde elf SOUNDS almost bored as she pulls open the string on the package’s wrapping and begins to open it up. So then… why does Adam feel a shiver go down his spine? Why does it feel like he’s about to be swindled for everything he just earned?
That feeling only intensifies when the package is revealed to contain a metallically shiny tome, slightly larger but much more visually impressive than his own spell tome.
“In her infinite wisdom, benevolence, and generosity, the Mistress has decided to consider selling you this Spell Tome.”
Adam’s mouth paradoxically goes dry and begins to water at the exact same time as he stares down at the tome. This world operated on a very similar upgrade style to many of the video games from his past world, especially when it came to equipment like spellcasting implements. His initial tome was a simple hard cover and exposed pages.
However, there were better Spell Tomes out there. The kind of Spell Tomes that not only came with better security and better protection for their pages, but also that granted increased access to magic and power and speed of casting. All of that good stuff. Adam was well aware of these other Spell Tomes. He’d seen them in shop windows for instance, all lined up very prettily. His own spell tome could be considered the Basic-Ass Spell Tome for Beginners.
The Spell Tome in front of him was basically the Basic-Ass Spell Tome for Beginners… +1. Even still, it was visually quite impressive, with an enchanted metal cover that would protect the pages from exposure when shut as well as increase his ability to heal through it by a substantial amount. His current spell tome probably had a shelf life of about five years before it became too worn down to use anymore due to his everyday usage of it. But this one? This one could last indefinitely thanks to the enchanted metal cover.
And he couldn’t even have HIS spell tome enchanted in the same way either. Something about the leather not being conducive to taking magical enchantments quite as well. If you wanted to layer magic on top of magic, you needed metal… metal like the cover of this tome right in front of him.
The thing is, Adam wasn’t an idiot. He knew how expensive even the Basic-Ass Spell Tome for Beginners +1 was. It had been well outside of his price range… until now.
Looking down at the mound of gold pouches caressed in his arms, Adam tries to not let out a pitiful little whine. On the one hand… gold. On the other hand, what was the point of money if you didn’t spend it to make life easier on yourself? He wasn’t some dragon trying to create a massive, impressive hoard. Nor was he some RPG player hoarding every last thing he picked up until the final fight of a video game ‘just in case he needed it’.
If he could improve his circumstances right now, he should. But damn it all! He refused to be fleeced!
“How much?”
Despite the thought that just ran through his head, the look on the elf accountant’s face as she presses her glasses up the ridge of her nose again sends another shiver down his spine. Then, she reaches out and begins plucking gold pouches from his mound. Adam opens his mouth to protest but she doesn’t fully take them back. Rather, she drops them onto the table between him and the unwrapped Spell Tome one after another.
A little bit of Adam dies with each one, until in the end… he only has two pouches remaining. Eight have been removed from his arms and put back in the center of the desk, leaving him without the substantial additional payment he was expecting on this very first payday and instead with just the amount he could expect to earn every two weeks.
Now… don’t get him wrong. There was no world in which Adam would suffer for only having TWO pouches filled with gold coins to survive on these next two weeks instead of TEN. Quite frankly, given the fact that he was provided with free room and board as part of his employment at the Brothel, he didn’t actually need ANY money… though he was never going to do this job simply for a bedroom and three meals a day. Not even with the additional sexual benefits on top.
“This might seem like a lot of money, but I assure you that the price is quite fair. This Tome will not only ease your casting and increase the power of your spells, but the biggest advantage of all is that the binding ring on the cover here will allow you to connect the Tome directly to you. With it, you will be able to channel and cast from the Tome, as is your preferred spellcasting method, without it actually being n your hand. So long as its in close proximity to you, you can now have both hands free while using your magic.”
Those were all things he already knew, even the last bit. But… still…
“Perhaps… perhaps we can negotiate the price, Miss…?”
The accountant elf’s glasses flash as she smirks.
“My name is Symia. Symia Parvellia. And you want to haggle? Sure. We can haggle.”
What follows is a slaughter. A professional one, but a slaughter, nonetheless. As he attempts to negotiate Dala’s accountant down on price, she stonewalls him at every turn. His arguments? Eviscerated. His pleas for mercy? Ignored. His appeal to her better nature? Scoffed at.
Symia Parvellia is not a good person, that’s what Adam discovers over the course of the following conversation. Though in the end, he’s forced to acknowledge that her overall point is right. He doesn’t really have any options.
Even if he wanted to be spiteful and go into the city to try and buy this tome… it turns out he couldn’t. According to Symia, the tomes he saw in those shop windows were actually lesser versions. THIS tome could only be found at the Church itself and to buy it from them would require a certain amount of renown and reputation for him to even be considered as a customer.
Basically, he wasn’t just being offered a Basic-Ass Spell Tome for Beginners +1 like he initially thought. No, he was being offered a HOLY Basic-Ass Spell Tome for Beginners +1. And admittedly, that did make a huge difference. Otherwise the Church wouldn’t be so anal about who was supposed to have access to them. Technically, this type of tome was only ever supposed to be assigned to certain agents of the Church to carry out their ‘Divine Will’ in an area beyond their reach or influence.
Or so Symia told him anyways. Technically she could have been lying… but he didn’t believe that. No, why would she lie when the truth was so much more painful to his very limited funds? In the end, it all made sense. After all, Dala had already mentioned to him how the Church had been snooping around in her activities. Apparently, a ‘rogue’ agent had trespassed where they shouldn’t have a while back, been caught, and ultimately the Church had denied any knowledge of said person ever existing in the first place.
Which led Adam to his final argument, though even as he spoke he felt like he was just walking into another trap.
“So this is technically contraband, right? Shouldn’t it get a discount for the risk if nothing else? What’s stopping the Church from pulling the reverse on me and having me arrested and imprisoned for daring to possess their property?”
Pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose again, Symia actually cracks a very small smile at that. She even nods slightly to show that she’s minutely impressed by this latest argument of his. And then she proceeds to rip it to shreds like all of the others. Lifting one finger, she begins to explain.
“First… you are a registered Priest of the Light. You may not want to be affiliated with the Church, but they are affiliated with you all the same. They cannot object to a Holy Priest possessing and using a tome like this. Not without making themselves out to be even more hypocritical than we know they are.”
Lifting a second finger, Symia continues on.
“Second, by buying the tome from the Mistress, there will exist a receipt of the sale and evidence that you managed to negotiate its release from Madam Urvodi’s coffers to be used once again for the sacred purpose it was intended for. Put simply, using this tome will actually increase your standing with the Church and make them less likely to come after you, not more.”
Then she lifts a third finger.
“Finally, once bound to you, separation will be both incredibly difficult and extreme. It would require the sort of unsavory methods that the Church can’t allow itself to even be SUSPECTED of dabbling in. Especially for a small fry like you.”
Ouch. That last comment made it clear to him that Symia was done negotiating. Adam could tell that while she approved of his last attempt at getting a discount… she also wasn’t going to let him continue wasting her time. In the end… in the end there was nothing for it. Adam lets out a sigh and nods, pulling his two remaining gold pouches into his lap fully.
“Alright. Deal.”
Nodding sharply, Symia takes the eight remaining bags and puts them back in the chest. Then, she slides the tome across the table to him. Pressing his ring finger onto the cover where the binding ring is, Adam waits a moment… only to feel a prick of pain before the ring shoots up onto his finger.
His eyes blink rapidly before a field of white overtakes his vision and he loses a few moments as his mind expands with readily available knowledge of Light Spells that he hasn’t been using regularly before now. On top of that, he can feel the connection forming between him and the tome. Basically, the ring around his finger now makes it possible for him to cast through the tome without having to hold it. Hell, he might even be able to get away with keeping this tome in his room while he went about his daily duties.
It was very much an ‘I know Kung Fu’ moment and Adam just sits back in the afterglow for a moment, legitimately having to spend a little while recovering as his vision slowly returns to him.
By the time he’s finally become aware of his surroundings again, Symia has returned to her work and is ignoring him, an ink-dipped quill scratching back and forth across the parchment in front of her. Without even looking up from whatever new accounting she’s doing, the blonde elf dismisses him.
“That will be all. You may go.”
Clearing his throat, Adam nods as he gathers up his new metal-covered tome and his two remaining pouches of gold. Connecting all three to his belt, he clears his throat as he gives Symia a bow.
“Err. Thank you for your-!”
Before he can finish the sentence, Adam cuts himself off by noticing something. Something that he actually recognizes from his past life. The twitching, flexing motion of Symia’s hand is a clear case of early carpal tunnel or maybe a repetitive stress injury. The sort of thing that anyone who has ever had to write too much knows full well the pain of.
Well… no reason not to test out his new toy, right? Leaving his tome behind in the chair he’d just been sat in, Adam walks around the desk, causing Symia to stiffen and look at him with a furrowed brow. But rather than explain himself, he just shows her what he can do, reaching out and tapping on her cramping hand. Using his new ring as a spellcasting focus, he heals her with a single touch.
A sigh of relief immediately expels from Symia’s lips and she flexes the hand much more smoothly as she stares down at it for a moment. Meanwhile, having made contact with her now, Adam can easily examine what else is hurting. On top of the cramping hand, she also has a sore back, likely from being hunched over this desk for long periods of time while balancing the books as a result of the changes made to the staff’s availabilities. Changes that were his fault, in fact.
Moving from her side to behind her, Adam brings not one but BOTH hands down on the blond elf’s back.
“What do you think you’re-oooooh~”
This time it’s Symia who doesn’t manage to finish her sentence as his fingers make contact and a wanton moan of pleasure emits from her throat.
“W-Wait… s-stop… you don’t… you don’t u-understand…”
Maybe he’s feeling a LITTLE spiteful after how she took him to the cleaners during negotiations. Or maybe he just doesn’t see any reason to stop what he’s doing when all he’s doing is helping her. As she bends more and more over her desk, she comes out of her chair entirely and Adam moves into position between her and it. His fingers continue gliding down her back as he seeks to take care of that last bit of soreness in her body.
It should be said… he’s not trying to do anything sexual here, no matter how it might look. He really is just trying to heal her. But of course, the best intentions of mice and men and all that nonsense. Just as Adam is sure he’s finally managed to do it… Symia’s form ripples and he’s suddenly aware of a much LARGER ass than before pressing against his crotch.
Looking down reveals that Symia Parvellia has a serious case of Hartman Hips. The rest of her body remains unchanged even after the transformation magic is dispelled though. The ONLY thing she was trying to hide is her absolutely massive dump truck of an ass.
“Y-You b-bastard! I can’t believe you! Do you just go around and infusing every woman you see with Light Magic?! Huh?! S-Some of us practice Illusion Magic, y-you jerk! And for good reason at that!”
Now, perhaps the right thing to do would have been to back off and apologize. Certainly, if not for being exposed to the atmosphere of the Brothel for weeks now, plus Symia’s earlier negotiation tactics, that’s exactly what Adam would have done. But as it is… the intrusive thoughts win.
His hands come down on Symia’s ass and he begins to grope her massive cheeks with both of them, interrupting her tirade. For a moment, the blonde elf is speechless. And if that moment had lasted any longer, Adam’s brain would have properly caught up with his actions and he would have been horrifically embarrassed. But the moment passes and Dala’s accountant ultimately responds by shoving her ass backwards into him, a move that knocks him back into her own chair.
Before Adam can get up, or even begin apologizing for his actions, Symia presses her ass against his crotch and looks back over her shoulder at him as she grinds all over his engorged dick like… well, like a wanton whore. And yet…
“I am not a whore, prostitute, or slut. I am the Mistress’ accountant and I am not expected to cater to the whims of every pervert who steps into these halls. But… if sex is the only language you understand, than I shall make myself readily apparent.”
Once again, Adam doesn’t even have a chance to muster a response as Symia stands up, opens a drawer in her desk, and tosses him a bottle.
That one word explanation is all he gets as she works to shimmy out of her leggings. But then, it’s all he really needs isn’t it? Of course the uptight, big butt elf would be into anal sex. OF COURSE she would. Quickly, Adam frees his cock from its confines and begins applying the lube to it, getting his erect member nice and glistening in the room’s magical torchlight. Then, when she thrusts her anus back towards him, her makes sure to apply the lube to her asshole as well, even as her butt cheeks sway back and forth.
Finally deciding she’s ready, Symia pushes his hand away and brings her ass down upon his throbbing member. As she does so, the blonde elf looks back over her shoulder at him with a gimlet eye.
“I warn you now, human. If that dick of yours goes anywhere else, there will be significant consequences later. Am I understood?”
“Err… yes.”
With that, she proceeds to impale herself upon his cock and- OH FUCK IS SHE TIGHT! Adam’s eyes widen as his dick goes into her ass and his entire body spasms for a moment, his hips bucking upwards while she pushes herself further down his shaft. Inch after inch sink into her incredibly plush derriere as Symia lets out a shuddering breath that might have been a moan or might have been a sigh.
Either way, she doesn’t stop until she’s fully impaled herself on his cock. And then… then she begins to bounce. For a little while, Adam honestly can’t do anything but cling to the arms of her chair as she fucks herself anally upon his length. She’s just too damn tight… the tightest fucking asshole he’s ever been in, that’s for sure.
But that doesn’t last forever. He’s nothing if not… adaptable really. In fact, when it comes to sex, Adam has become very, very good in a short amount of time. When Symia escalates, he finally acts.
The blond elven accountant lifts her feet up and slaps them down on the edge of her desk, getting into a better position with which to fuck herself down upon his cock. That’s when Adam reaches up and around, grabbing hold of her breasts from behind and giving them a good hard squeeze. She’s not particularly well-endowed in that region. Her tits are less than a handful each in fact. Or at least, less than a human handful each.
But then, Adam remembers reading somewhere that smaller tits tended to be more sensitive than bigger ones. Something about the nerve endings being more packed together? That might have been bullshit. It could have just been the after effects of his healing making her more sensitive. Either way, Symia squeals and her anal passage clenches down onto his cock with a whole new level of tightness as he squeezes her small titties in both hands.
He doesn’t let that stop him though. His fingers move to her nipples, pinching and rolling them between the pads of his digits as the blonde throws back her head onto his shoulder and moans. He fucks her hard and fast at that point, taking some semblance of control over the situation. He even slides one hand down to her crotch after a few moments, justifying it because she only said his DICK couldn’t go anywhere but her ass.
She never said ANYTHING about his hands. With one hand remaining on her breast to play with her nipple, the other goes to her clit and slit. He frigs her clit for a few moments before her hips buck and shake as she cums all over the floor beneath her desk. Then, he sticks a couple of fingers up into her cunt, smirking at just how wet she is as he continues to bounce her up and down on his cock.
Symia gurgles and moans her way through a multitude of anal orgasms as she’s treated to the full court press that he’s now capable of thanks to that little regeneration mishap. He needs this obviously… but Adam likes to think that she needs it too. Even if he probably can’t actually dislodge the stick up Symia Parvellia’s ass in one session, he can certainly replace it with his cock for a little while and make her loosen up just a teensy bit.
And indeed, both physically and emotionally, Symia does loosen up over the next short while. As he fucks her, her asshole slowly molds to fit his cock, becoming the perfect sheath for his big fat throbbing dick. Meanwhile, her moans become louder and louder as she cums again and again, squirting her pussy juices all over the floor.
Finally though, as with all good things, it comes to an end. His cock throbs, his balls churn… and with a loud groan, Adam proceeds to fill Symia’s backdoor with his seed. He paints her bowels white, something that the blonde accountant clearly enjoys based on her gurgling moans. And finally, he pushes her off of him, letting her fall forward onto her desk again, bent over it with her massive derriere up in the air.
In a moment of post-nut clarity, Adam wonders if he might be fucking dead. Had he just forced himself on Symia? Sure she’d gone for it, but he’d been a bit… rape-y at the start there. And if he and Symia made Dala choose between the two of them, who was the Dark Elf Madam likely to go with? Him or her accountant? It said a lot about how a good numbers man… or in this case, numbers woman, could make or break your business.
But just as he’s wondering if he ruined anything with this particular sexual escapade, Symia pushes off of her desk… and reaches down into the chest next to it, pulling out one of those small gold pouches from earlier. Then, she tosses it into his chest as she turns around and leans back against her desk for support. Looking him in the eye, the haughty blonde sniffs.
“I will reiterate. I am not a whore, prostitute, or slut. You may leave now.”
Blinking rapidly, Adam looks down at the gold pouch. Wait… if she wasn’t the whore… then HE was? Huh. Honestly… he didn’t really mind that too much. With a shrug, he rises from her chair and ties the third gold pouch to his belt right alongside the other two. Then, he gives Symia’s hips one last appreciative look, knowing that she would likely hide them again before he saw her next.
“Pleasure to properly be introduced, Miss Parvellia. If you ever have need of my services in the future… just ask.”
Symia just scoffs, crossing her arms over her small chest as she watches him go. Right before Adam leaves the room, he thinks he hears her muttering about how much she hates her Mistress for trapping her with a figure like that… and how much she hates herself for how much she enjoys it.
Adam just shrugs and goes on his merry way. All in a day’s work as a Brothel’s resident healer, really.


Part 5:


Adam had to give it to Dala, aka Mistress Urvodi. She truly understood those that worked under her to a far better degree than the vast majority of her race. In a lot of ways, she was similar to most Drow. She was domineering, controlling, and all around in-charge in a way most Drow Women were. However, most of her kind would never even consider rewarding their workers or slaves for performing their duties to the best of their abilities. Beyond, of course, the fact that they wouldn’t be punished for failure.
Dala was different though, Adam finds himself reflecting as he basks in the pleasurable sensation of fingers shampooing, massaging his scalp, and roaming over his head. He could honestly understand how humanity was able to domesticate canines and felines so easily with this one simple trick of ‘petting’. Though of course, that was nothing compared to THIS.
Leaning back into the pillowy tits of one of the Spa Attendants taking care of him, Adam smiles contently, his eyes shut as he enjoys the feminine giggling coming from all around him as the rest work to not just clean him up, but to also manicure, pedicure, and whatever-cure the rest of his body at the same time.
Spa Day. Apparently, it was a highly coveted reward for the staff of the Brothel, and not just limited to the actual sex workers either. It occurred a few days after every payday and was only gifted to a handful of employees chosen by Mistress Urvodi, the number of which was based on the latest round of profits. This in turn not only incentivized people to do well so that Dala would choose them for the Spa Day Group, but also incentivized them to make her more money, because the more dough the Brothel made, the more people she would send over to the Spa.
Case in point, Adam’s addition to the group, while all but expected among the other Brothel Staff due to his impact on the business, hadn’t even pushed another out. Instead, the increase in revenue from his mere presence in the Brothel had allowed for an expansion of the group, something that apparently did not happen often.
Of course, he barely knew any of the Spa Group, but that was okay. He’d technically met most of them, though only in passing and only in the process of discharging his duties to Mistress Urvodi. Ultimately most of them already knew what they wanted and had split off from him shortly after arriving. Adam had let them all go without a second glance, too interested in what the Spa had to offer him to be worried about them.
Save for the one exception to that statement. There had been a tanned, athletic elf in the group with tribal vine tattoos going up and down her body, and his eyes had constantly traced them until he’d realized the tattoos originated from her groin, leaving him to imagine what she probably looked like without any clothes on.
All in all though, Adam was focused on his own pleasure at the moment. Today was supposed to be about him, and so he would let it be about him.
Warm water suddenly but slowly pours onto his forehead and then back through his hair, he lets out a shuddering breath of enjoyment. His thoughts flow and drift as they often did when he took a prolonged shower or bath in life. However, this time around he’s not alone. With the added pleasure and distraction of the female attendants taking care of him, it made it hard for his thoughts to stay on any one subject for long. Especially when his pleasure could suddenly spike at any moment from their actions.
A sudden POP sounds out through the room, coming from his hand, and Adam groans as he feels relief he hadn’t known he could feel. Stiffness that he didn’t even know had been building up in his hand flows away as the pop is followed by the sensation of fingers stroking and massaging his digits.
Of course, he didn’t really even have time to focus on the one attending to his hand. He couldn’t even get a word of thanks out before more water was poured down over his head, fingers straining through his hair. Then, those hands in his hair move down further, shifting along his shoulders and gliding over them.
Adam instinctively leans forward as expert fingers rub and press in various patterns at his shoulders, forcing them to tense to the point of mild discomfort before then relaxing them in lengthening cycles of him getting used to the sensation. Meanwhile, his every inhale takes in more and more of the medicinally scented water he’s currently being bathed in.
A spot on his shoulders POPS just like his hand did and he releases a harsh breath of relieved pleasure from the sensation. Truth be told, Adam had had no idea that his new body had built up such tension in the short period of time since arriving in this world. Then again, it made sense didn’t it? First he died. Then, he was thrown into what was apparently purgatory and immediately found himself contending with soft handed attempts to mind control him into a ‘better person’.
From there, he’d scrambled to find an answer that would allow him to avoid the two extremes of either being brainwashed by the Church or stuck living out of a box in some filthy alleyway. And eventually, he’d stumbled upon the Brothel and made that work for himself. But that didn’t necessarily mean the stress or anxiety was over. For all that he’d gotten certain perks since starting his work at Mistress Urvodi’s Brothel, he’d still been quite tense these past two weeks, wanting to show his worth and hoping against hope that he was right about how valuable he would be to the business in the long term.
Only now, as he finds himself finally relaxing and letting go, does Adam realize he’s done it. He’s in the clear. His work these past two weeks has been enough to make the Brothel so much more profitable than it ever was before that Adam has been invited to this Spa Day. This moment… it’s effectively the culmination of everything. From this point on, Adam fully believes that he will be indispensable to Dala and her establishment so long as he doesn’t let his ego get too big and so long as he doesn’t fuck around with the Drow Woman.
As he relaxes even further into the constant touching of the Spa Attendants, Adam wonders if Mistress Urvodi has any further arrangement with the Spa Staff aside from these biweekly trips. If not, he would have to suggest it when he got back. Sure, his healing was good for keeping the sex workers at the Brothel all in tip top shape, but imagine how much better they could do if he had a dedicated masseuse working alongside him…
POP! POP! POP! A number of further POPS sounds out as hands press into his back and push. Like bubble wrap being twisted to the point of going off like popcorn kernels, the tension in his frame is released in dramatic fashion. His body pushes up with a gasp and Adam mumbles out some sort of thanks before sagging back down with only the armrests on the sides of the tub and the attendant laying under him preventing him from sliding into the water. Boneless heap of gooified relief and pleasure that he currently is, he might have drowned if not for those things. And happily at that.
As he feels his head being pulled back to nestle between those bountiful, buoyant breasts again, his body drifts in the tub and his mind follows.
Drifting was one thing. Drifting off was another entirely. Adam hadn’t even realized he’d fallen asleep until he woke up from his surprise nap, still in the warm water of the tub. He stiffens for a moment at the absence of tits against his head, but there’s a normal pillow in their place at least. His arms remain on the armrests of the specially designed tub, but the absence of touching on his flesh still reveals that the Spa Attendants have all left.
And yet, he can’t bring himself to be too upset by that fact. He’s waking up feeling somewhat similar to the day after a bad cold or flu, where one comes awake suddenly feeling well and healthy. Just… he hadn’t even known he was ‘sick’ before. But he feels too good to ignore it now.
Considering the circumstances that led to his hopefully short nap, Adam does feel a spike of worthy that maybe this Spa wasn’t as trustworthy as Mistress Urvodi thought. But no, a quick glance at his hand shows that the ring is still there and focusing on his connection to his new tome through the ring tells him that it’s still where he tucked it away in the room.
Speaking of which… as he finally lifts himself up a few inches and checks out the room itself, Adam quickly lays eyes on a robed and hooded Spa Attendant with her back to him, doing something at a nearby table. The hood conceals her identity, but she’s very obviously quite voluptuous and curvaceous, with the robe doing nothing to hide her beautiful body.
Seeing her, Adam calms down the rest of the way. At least they hadn’t left him completely alone to potentially drown in the tub or something. Chuckling softly, he calls out to the Spa Attendant.
“Sorry. I must have nodded off thanks to the skilled efforts of your staff. Apologies if I’ve kept you for too long.”
The Spa Attendant doesn’t turn towards him as she responds, but that doesn’t stop Adam from stiffening up.
“Oh, it’s no trouble. In fact, you’re waking just right on time for the rest of your private session.”
The familiar voice as well as the diction has him tensing up. As does the way she pulls back her hood to reveal white hair and pointed black elven ears. Even before she fully turns around to reveal herself to him, Adam is already uttering her name, recognizing her right off the bat.
“Mistress Urvodi.”
His voice carries a note of surprise at her being there. After all, from what he’d been told, Dala had never actually attended a Spa Day herself. There were rumors that she just went on her own whenever she felt like it, but ultimately she always sent off the ‘Spa Group’ with her blessing, having arranged payment with the Spa in question ahead of time.
So, needless to say, Adam wasn’t expecting the Brothel Madam to be here today. He certainly wasn’t expecting her to be here, in his room, wearing an open robe that exposed most of her naked body to him.
His mind rapidly becomes fully alert as a mixed surge of adrenaline and lust rush through him at the sight of her exposed body. Smiling a thin smile, Dala struts forward, crossing the distance between them with her voluptuous figure bouncing and jiggling in all the right ways with every step she takes. Her… assuredness is on full display as he stares at her.
Adam blames the sudden loss of blood flowing from his brain to his ‘lower head’ as his cock rapidly rises to full mast, that she’s able to get into the tub across from him before the puzzle pieces finally align into a rough image. Frowning slightly, he shoots her a slightly accusatory look.
“You set this all up.”
Dala’s response is an evil Mona Lisa type smile that seems to express ‘Go ahead. I will indulge you with my time and allow you to explain your thought process’. Frowning a bit more, he gestures around them.
“You wanted us alone for some reason… but without anyone else at the Brothel knowing about it.”
In response, Dala doesn’t speak… but instead slides one of her feet over his cock beneath the water. A low groan leaves Adam’s lips as he discovers that the Brothel Madam has FAR more skill with those toes of hers than she has any right to. Oh sure, she’s certainly had centuries to work on it, but even still… there should be limits to what toes should be capable of. Dala doesn’t seem to accept that.
Though after a moment, she does pause the foot job and finally speak.
“Oh, do go on. I do love hearing a good story. Especially when it’s about me.”
Gritting his teeth, Adam clutches at the bath’s armrests for support.
“… You’ve never come to a Spa Day before. That’s what everyone told me. And by all rights, you should be back at the Brothel, preparing for the night ahead. And normally… normally you wouldn’t come to a place like this. You wouldn’t allow yourself to be placed in such an exposed state given your centuries of experience.”
The foot job resumes as he’s talking, with sensitive spots getting strokes whenever he makes a good point. He gasps and grunts, breathing out as her actions slow his explanation but do not stop him entirely.
“… I’m sure you know plenty of peers who have been slain in a place like this because they let their guard down, don’t you?”
Dala’s grin widens at that and she tilts her head in acknowledgment. But that just leaves Adam with one major question.
“… Why then? Why are you here, Mistress Urvodi?”
Dala hums for a moment before shrugging her shoulders in a way that causes her soaked robe to slowly but surely dribble off them, almost like it itself has become liquid. As her body is further exposed to his eyes, the Brothel Madam smirks.
“There’s one member of the Brothel Staff that you haven’t examined yet, my dear Adam.”
That causes him to blink and even panic for a moment. Had he fucked up and Dala was using this as an excuse to punish him under the guise of this ‘reward’. But then, who could he have missed? His mind goes over everyone he’s seen to in the past two weeks. From the sex workers to the day staff… even her secretary. Who could she possibly be talking abo- oh. Duh. The answer was staring him right in the face. Literally.
Feeling a little more agitated and irritated than before now that he understands why and how Dala is fucking with him, Adam sighs as he stares across the bathtub at the one ‘staff member’ of the Brothel he hasn’t examined yet. Mistress Urvodi herself.
“You know… you could have just summoned me to your office at any time and asked for an examination, Mistress.”
To his surprise, which has her throwing her head back and releasing a throaty laugh of mirth that has her dark chest distractedly shaking up and down in amusement at his statement. So distracting in fact, that one moment she’s across from him laughing… and the next she’s on top of him, her arms draped over his shoulders and her breath tickling his ear as she pins him down in the tub and rubs herself against him.
“Consider this a lesson in paranoia, dear healer. For all that you expressed concerns over the Church coming for you because of your recent purchase from my pet, you immediately lowered your guard down upon your first outing from the Brothel. You thought just because this was where I always sent my girls for Spa Day, that you were safe… and now you find yourself at a disadvantage. You’re lucky that it was me who took advantage of your weakness, instead of anyone else.”
That… was fair. Adam’s jaw clenches as he recognizes how easy it would have been for anyone to take him out, if they really wanted to. Privately, he didn’t think he HAD any enemies in this world… but you never knew. Dala was right about that much at least.
“In this world, one doesn’t simply go asking for help either. I could have called you to my office and had you examine me. I could have even paid you for it. But gold, I find, is less valuable to people like us.”
People like them? Was she comparing the two of them? That was actually rather flattering, Adam couldn’t help but admit. Though at the same time…
“People like us? And less valuable than what?”
Dala just grins down at him.
“Yes, people like us. People who want to be free. Money makes the world go round… but once you have enough of it, you’re set. However, experience… experience is the most valuable trade of all.”
Bringing up a hand, the Brothel Madam gently wraps it around Adam’s neck for a moment, one finger falling upon his exposed throat after the other. And then just as quickly, she draws her hand away.
“You have learned a valuable lesson today, Adam. Wouldn’t you agree?”
He considers her words for a moment, as well as the lingering touch of her fingers across his throat. She’d barely held his neck… but the message is clear all the same. If she hadn’t set this up, maybe nothing would have happened this time. But that would have just meant that Adam’s guard was even further lowered for the next time. And the longer he existed in this world, the more likely he was to have enemies who might go after him.
In the end… she was right. This lesson she was giving him… it was more valuable than his entire payday. More valuable than even the tome that her secretary had sold him. He opens his mouth to tell her as much, but a groan leaves his lips instead as she grinds herself against his cock in a way that sends a spike of pleasure through him. Dala just grins, not seeming bothered by his lack of a response.
“For my part, being away from my own kind for so long always has the potential to dull what has kept me alive all this time. Especially when my self-proclaimed ‘opponents’ are less skilled than a Drow Child. Occasionally, I have to set up some practice of my own in order to keep certain skills sharp and ready.”
Here, Dala flashes him a wider grin.
“And of course, finally… there’s the sheer pleasure of what’s about to happen between the two of us. And how I will have you all to myself here until I deign to release you.”
And then, without further ado, without waiting for his response or anything like that… the Brothel Madam lifts herself up and impales herself upon his cock. A loud groan erupts from Adam’s throat as he quickly discovers how skilled she is with her cunt. Her pussy walls tighten and grip and squeeze at his member, almost seeming to have a mind of their own as they work up and down his shaft.  Advantages of a long lifespan, he imagines.
It feels amazing, of course… but Adam focuses on the task at hand. For all the sensual, seductive nature of Dala’s words and tone, for all that the Brothel Madam was making this all about sex… there was still the kernel of what this encounter was REALLY about. Specifically, she didn’t just want to fuck him. She wanted an examination. And Adam could well imagine that he would be in for a world of hurt if he didn’t give her what she wanted in full by the time their encounter was done.
Obviously, it would be so very easy to get lost in this pleasure. To let Mistress Urvodi do whatever she wanted with him. But Adam could not and would not succumb. He was no beast. He was a man with a man’s intelligence and a man’s willpower.
That said, he brings up his hand and activates his ring, beginning a diagnostic spell first to get a good reading of the Brothel Madam currently impaled upon his cock. The information he gets back is… shocking, to say the least. Beneath her seemingly perfect skin, Dalamirn Urvodi’s body was a tapestry of what it must have taken to survive Dark Elf Culture and Politics. Frankly, that she’s doing as well as she currently is… is a testament to her willpower and inner strength.
Even then, her body is functioning at about roughly seventy percent of what it could be. The other thirty percent is damaged in some way or form from old injuries. Her lungs are scarred, her muscles have been torn so many times that some of them aren’t even healing naturally anymore, there are isolated flesh pockets that must have been the aftermath of poisoning attempts, and much of her nerves are damaged or atrophied.
None of the injuries are massive. None of them are debilitating in a way that’s visible. It’s obvious Dala has made sure to avoid that. Even still…
Humming, clearly aware of the spell he’s cast on her, the Brothel Madam’s hands go to his wrists and guide his hands down to her hips. Adam grunts as he feels exactly what she wants him to feel there, the pinched and damaged nerves already starting to act up as she slowly rides him. Bouncing up and down on his cock… it wouldn’t be long before she would lose feeling in her limbs, followed by a likely painful recovery time.
She quite literally couldn’t have enjoyable sex for very long with her current injuries. With that in mind… Adam knows what she wants him to heal first. And so he focuses his magic on her lower body, on her hips and thighs and crotch. He heals up everything from her belly button down to her thighs and watches as Dala lets out a shuddering gasp before redoubling her efforts.
He’d thought it was amazing before, how experienced her cunt walls felt around his cock. But after he’s done healing her, Adam quickly learns that that was merely what Dala was capable of while damaged. Her TRUE capacity is… much more enjoyable. Adam groans as she begins to ride his dick all the more sensually now that her hips are no longer giving her trouble. Without the pinched nerves to fuck up her ability to feel what was going on down there, she’s suddenly ten times better.
Adam can’t help but spill his seed inside of her as she bounces up and down on his cock, but given his little regen perk, he doesn’t even go soft as he fills her with his jizz. Meanwhile, the Brothel Madam doesn’t comment on it. She simply groans as she continues to bounce up and down on his dick, driving him absolutely wild. But… his job isn’t done yet, so Adam focuses on the rest of it. Her body is still a mess, even if she’s managed to masterfully hide the injuries underneath a beautiful, gorgeous exterior.
But then, outward scarring would only make her look weak in Drow Society. Because it wouldn’t look ‘badass’ or ‘cool’ or make her seem like a ‘survivor’. No, it would only make her seem too weak and poor to heal her scars. More than that, rather than each scar being like a bad of honor as it would be in human society, Dark Elves viewed scars as evidence that someone had gotten the better of you.
It was impossible to win all the time. It was impossible to come out of every attempt on one’s life unscathed. But it was NOT impossible to give the APPEARANCE that you were untouchable. That you were undefeatable. And that you were unstoppable. That was the tale that Dalamirn Urvodi’s body told as Adam went about healing up as much as he possibly could.
As he brings her from seventy percent all the way to ninety percent, he can see how she relaxes just a fraction of an inch. He can see how she finds herself feeling sensations she hasn’t felt in ages in places she hadn’t even known she was missing them. And… he finds himself wondering if this is the end for him, even as he finishes doing all that he can for her.
Hands back on her hips as she bounces up and down on his dick, Adam looks up into the Brothel Madam’s eyes… and goes for broke.
“Are you going to kill me now, Dala?”
His familiarity alone causes her eyes to flash, but then to be fair… how can he not be familiar with her when he knows her biblically now? How can he call her ‘Mistress Urvodi’ when they are intimately involved with each other in this very moment? Inhaling sharply, Dalamirn grabs him by the back of the neck, her nails digging into his flesh ever so slightly as she continues to pin him down in the bathtub.
“Hmph. For that impudence alone, I probably should. But no… it was not my intention to kill you. Why do you ask?”
Adam tilts his head to the side, uncaring of her actions. Technically she has him at her mercy… and she can definitely kill him at any moment. And yet, knowing that… makes it much easier to speak his mind.
“I’m the only one who knows how vulnerable you truly are now. I would expect you to want to keep that information under wraps.”
She doesn’t immediately answer that. Instead, she leans in and her nostrils flare as she breathes in his scent while riding him all the more aggressively. Her bouncing is causing water to splash out of the tub in greater and greater quantities, and the force of it is probably going to leave bruises on his hips. But Adam doesn’t care about all of that. The pleasure is still far more than the pain… and quite frankly if this WAS how he was going to go out, with a yandere Dark Elf on top of him… then sure, why not right?
“Mmm… tis true that two can keep a secret if one is dead. But my dear Adam… you misspeak. You’re the only one who knows how vulnerable I WAS. Already, I feel like I’m a hundred years younger. And you’re not entirely right. Plenty of my enemies know of SOME of the damage that I took in the past. Only you know the complete map of that damage. And only you know that plenty of that damage has suddenly… been healed.”
An advantage, to say the least. If anyone who came after her before came after her again thinking to take advantage of this or that weakness, they would be in for a nasty surprise, wouldn’t they? Adam can see her logic… save for the part where she says she isn’t going to kill him.
Dala laughs at the doubtful look on his face and reaches up, taking hold of his cheeks in a half-caress as her nails rake down across his flesh lightly.
“You, my dear healer… are not going to die this day. Because you are MINE. And I take care of my things. So long as you do not bite the hand that feeds you, you will have nothing to fear from me. I am not like so many of my kin, who would try and nip a potential problem in the bud before it can even become a problem. I have seen too many of my peers try to do exactly that, only to turn the potential problem into the very harbinger of their downfall.”
That was fair. He’d been thinking about it from a purely pragmatic, moral-less point of view… but clearly Dalamirn Urvodi was unique among her kind as a woman who actually HAD morals. Or at least, she was savvy enough to recognize what an unforced error was.
“We will go far together, Adam. I’ve taken you into my confidence, tis true. Refrain from betraying me… and we will see just how far we can reach.”
More than fair, to be honest. Looking up into her eyes, Adam can’t help it. He smirks just a little bit.
“You’ve got a deal, Dala.”
That provokes a growl from the Brothel Madam. Her cunt walls clench down around his cock, her thighs clenching down around his hips. She slides her hands to his shoulders and begins to really pound down onto his prick.
“You grow arrogant, healer. It seems I’ll have to teach you a lesson about just who your Mistress truly is.”
But far from sounding truly angry, she sounds amused more than anything. And she actually lets out a cackle when Adam responds by grabbing hold of her hips… and answering her bouncing with upward thrusts of his own. He might not be a fighter… but his healing magic makes him the perfect lover. And if Dala thinks she’s going to be able to dominate him in bed just because she has centuries of skill on him, she’s got another thing coming.
Because what Adam lacks in experience compared to her, he more than makes up for with enthusiasm and stamina. He can go for as long as she likes.
Though he has to admit, he likes the sound of what she was talking about before. About seeing how far they can go together. Even as they fuck one another, eventually moving from the tub to a nearby massage table and utterly demolishing that through their passionate copulation, Adam finds himself envisioning the future.
Will it be just the Brothel that she intends to grow and grow? Or does Dala have further plans for expansion? More Brothels? Or something beyond even that? Either way, Adam knows that she actually had two lessons to teach him today. The first, to never let his guard down. The second? That sometimes in order to get what you wanted, you had to extend the slightest bit of trust.
Before today, Dalamirn Urvodi was ‘retired’, so to speak. She was far from out of the game, but there was no denying that she’d… begun to fall behind. But after today? With his help now and in the future? She was back on top. And no one even knew it yet.
The things they would do together… Adam had to admit, he could hardly wait.


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