Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Survival of the Fittest (Misc Manga)

Survival of the Fittest (Misc Manga)


Themes: Double NTR, Failed Revenge, Extreme Misogyny

Summary: In which an NTR bastard finds out that the boyfriend of the girl he's currently NTRing has found out and told HIS girlfriend, leading to them developing a revenge scheme. But he can't have that, no sir.

A/N: Based on 


Part 1:


It’s rare that he’s this angry. In fact, Tetsuya Kamokura would even go so far as to say he has something of a reputation for a cool, levelheaded personality. He’s not the type of guy to let anything get to him, nor the type to ever blow his gasket. Or at least, that’s the persona he does his best to present to the unwashed masses who, if they caught even a whiff of weakness from his direction, would do everything in their power to tear him down.
Moving down the hallway with purpose, the tall, handsome blond comes to a stop at his ultimate destination, reaching up and curling his fingers into a fist as he slams it against the door.
His ‘knocking’ if it can be called that is answered in short order, the door pulled open by the apartment’s inhabitant. Peeking out, Karen Mitsumoto looks at him with somewhat wide eyes, seemingly surprised by his impromptu visit.
Smiling thinly, Kamokura puts his hand on her door and pushes. Karen squeaks as she’s forced to take a step back, allowing the door to swing open and him to enter her apartment. Without missing a beat, he wraps one hand around the cute blonde’s throat while reaching back with the other, catching the edge of the door and slamming it shut behind him as he stares Karen down.
Squeaking, the blonde tries to back away from him, but he just tightens his grip on her neck and pushes her up against the wall. Pinning her in place with his body, Kamokura wastes absolutely no time. His lips find hers and he’s kissing her a moment later.
See… the thing about Karen Mitsumoto is that she has this cutesy ‘girl-next-door’ vibe going on. The little blonde bitch even still wears clips in her hair, on top of these frilly fucking blouses and cutesy fucking skirts. Her whole persona is built around being the perfect girlfriend for her childhood friend who she’s known all her life. But it’s all one big scam. Kamokura should know. After all, he’s the big dicked bastard who NTR’d her from her shit-heel of a boyfriend in the first place.
As he comes up for air, Karen gasps, her lips already puffy from the rough treatment he gave them, her eyes slightly watery as well. She pouts at him.
“K-Kamokura, you’re being so-eep!”
She doesn’t even get the word ‘rough’ out before he spins her around and pushes her face first into her apartment wall.
“Shut up, bitch.”
A whine leaves Karen’s throat, but before she can gather herself to respond, he’s already hiked up her cutesy little skirt and yanked down her panties. At the same time, he’s pulling his cock out… Aaaand in just a few seconds, he’s inside of her. Karen yelps as she finds herself pushed up onto her tiptoes by the intrusion. She squeals as he fills her with his cock and begins to fuck her right then and there against the wall.
Growling, he wraps one hand around to the front of her neck again, clasping it tightly.
“Call me ‘Master’. I don’t want to hear my name out of your mouth anymore. You know who you belong to. Act like it.”
A quiver goes through Karen and for a moment he thinks she might refuse him. That wouldn’t have gone well for her. Fortunately… she’s not that stupid.
“… Y-Yes Master… s-sorry… did I… did I do something to displease you, Master?”
He considers that for a moment, before grunting and yanking her off of the wall. Still holding her by the neck, still pounding into her cunt from behind, he also reaches up and yanks down her frilly top so he can grab one of her tits, making her squeak in protest as he squeezes and fondles her breast to his heart’s content.
“… No. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve just decided it’s past time I took our relationship to the next level.”
Karen would probably have questioned him further on that, but Kamokura doesn’t give her the chance. Instead, he begins thrusting, fucking her forward so that she’s forced to walk on her tip toes all the way through her apartment, down the hallway, and into her bedroom. There and only there does he show her one iota of mercy, finally slamming her face first down onto her bed and mounting her from above so he can continue fucking her silly.
… Yeah, he’s the other guy. He’s the NTR bastard. He’s the real man who took this cutesy little bitch, this shitty excuse for a girl-next-door and stole her from her idiot boyfriend. It was just the way the world worked. Survival of the Fittest, you know? Except there was just one problem… the little bastard had gone and found out what he and Karen were up to.
Isshiki Yuu, Karen Mitsumoto’s boyfriend, knew that she and Kamokura were fucking behind his back. Truth be told, that in and of itself didn’t matter. Frankly, Kamokura didn’t care that the little bastard knew. He didn’t care that they’d been found out. What he cared about… was what Isshiki had done afterwards. Rather than confront either of them, or just jerk himself off to sleep crying every night… the little bastard had gone and done something that really pissed Kamokura off.
He'd gone and told Kamokura’s girlfriend.
Yeah, he had a girlfriend. Of course he fucking did. He was a goddamn man after all, and more than that, his pedigree, family connections, and university scores meant that he had a very bright future ahead of him. The only thing he’d been missing, and thus had gone ahead and procured along the way, was the perfect woman to share it all with.
Touko Sakurajima was that woman. A beautiful, brilliant girl, she carried herself with much more maturity and grace than someone like Karen who had to rely on her girl-next-door vibe. She was the top female student in their entire University and had an equally bright future ahead of her. It only made sense that Touko and Kamokura would pair up, so when he’d asked her out, she’d been smart enough to say yes. Well, after rejecting him a few times first before agreeing, but Kamokura was persistent if nothing else. He knew his worth after all.
However, for the entire time they’d been boyfriend and girlfriend, Touko had been a pain in his fucking ass. The bitch was frigid, at least where he was concerned. Every effort he made to get into her panties had been for naught so far. It was honestly getting to the point where Kamokura would have dropped her ass if she was anyone else… but no. She was literally his best prospect in the entire damn school.
Unfortunately, she was also now aware that Kamokura was cheating on her. Not that he considered it cheating, mind you. Scoffing, the blond man looks down at the bitch beneath him. Between her wanton moans and squealing cries, Karen is sniffling now. Her exposed ass is also getting redder and redder with the impacts of his crotch against her posterior.
He’s fucking her relentlessly… really giving it to her nonstop. What’s the point after all? What does it matter if he strings her along or not anymore? Her boyfriend knows she’s cheating on him. That means there’s no reason for Kamokura to hold back anymore. He’s going to teach Karen her place right fucking now. She’s not the first, after all. He’s actually fucking another of the seniors as well, though neither Isshiki nor Youko know about that one. He’s done this song and dance before.
A true man like Kamokura needed release. He needed a bitch to blow a few loads in whenever he’s feeling pent-up. And with Touko not taking care of him, he’d had to seek out… other opportunities. Frankly, it wasn’t even personal, taking Karen off of Isshiki. She was just an easy target. He could sniff a needy, horny bitch from a mile away and she… she was precisely that underneath the surface.
“… f-fuck… you’re being… a-ah… you’re g-going so f-fast, Master…”
Snorting derisively, Kamokura winds up and brings a palm down HARD on Karen’s already reddened ass cheek. The cutesy blonde squeals as her bubble butt jiggles from the harsh impact.
“You love it, cunt. You love having my big fat cock drilling your sloppy, sopping wet pussy. You love having a real man inside of you. Admit it.”
Karen just moans at first… until Kamokura reaches up, grabs her by her hair, and yanks her head back, forcing her spine to arch and a squeal from her throat.
“I said, admit it, bitch!”
“Y-Yes! Yes Master, I love having a real man inside of me! I love having your big fat cock drilling my sloppy, sopping wet p-pussy!”
Kamokura just snorts and lets go of her hair, letting her head fall back onto the bed as he continues fucking her hard and fast. Yeah… he wasn’t going to have any problems breaking Karen in the rest of the way. He’d collar her just like the other girl before the night was through.
However, where he found himself somewhat at a loss for what to do… was with the other side of the equation. His girlfriend and Karen’s boyfriend were in fucking cahoots. Kamokura could hardly believe it. A bastard like Isshiki Yuu thought that he could pull one over on him? He thought that he could just get away with this shit and Kamokura wouldn’t find out?
… Luckily, he had found out. He knew all about Touko and Isshiki’s plan. How? Simple… he wasn’t a fucking idiot. He’d even explained all of this once upon a time. In order to pass down superior genes, the males of a species pursued the females, and the females chose the best from among them. Survival of the Fittest. Humans weren’t really any different, not at their basest instincts and at the end of the day, that was all that mattered.
Did they think that his philosophy only went one way? That he didn’t acknowledge that a conniving little bastard like Isshiki Yuu COULD come along and try and steal his girl if Kamokura wasn’t careful? No, he’d planned for this a long time ago. Shortly after he and Touko had started dating in fact, Kamokura had gone ahead and downloaded a minor hidden program into her phone. It didn’t do much… merely cloned every message and recorded every call she took part in, sending everything she did on the device to a dedicated computer.
A violation of privacy? A breach of common decency, morals, and ethics? Hah! Kamokura didn’t give two flying shits about all of that. There was no privacy in the modern era. And his girlfriend wasn’t entitled to hers, not where he was concerned. She wasn’t allowed to keep secrets from him, full stop. And this was precisely the reason why.
Reading their conversations and listening to their phone calls, Kamokura had already put together that Isshiki must have approached Touko in person first, and then from there they’d moved things to the digital space. There was no big reveal in the data that he’d pilfered from his girlfriend’s phone. Just the two of them discussing their revenge. How they were going to get back at him.
… Yeah, like Kamokura was going to let that happen. Not in a million fucking years, no sir. Sneering as he continues to pound Karen like the fucking onahole she truly is, he considers how he’s going to handle her pathetic boyfriend and his treacherous girlfriend. He’s the goddamn NTR bastard here. He doesn’t get cheated on. He doesn’t get betrayed. Which means… he NEEDS to act.
A plan is already forming in his mind’s eye, truth be told. A plan that Kamokura is liking more and more as it comes together in his head. At the same time, he’s getting close now… and Karen is making noises again, forming coherent sentences.
“M-Master… p-please… remember not to, a-ah, cum inside… I’m not… I’m not on the pill…”
Snorting derisively, Kamokura slows his thrusts for a second and reaches out, grabbing Karen by her hair again and pulling her head back once more.
“Tell me, pet. What should the fate of a woman who strays from her man be, do you think?”
Karen freezes at that, and it takes him a moment to realize how she took that question. He lets out a nasty laugh and delivers another spanking to her red buttocks.
“Idiot. I’m not talking about you and your shit heel of a boyfriend. You’re not his woman anymore. You’re mine, aren’t you?”
Shuddering under him, Karen moans as he turns his spanking into a groping, rubbing her poor ass cheeks soothingly in a way that makes her arch her back and push her buttocks into his hand as his cock remains impaled within her pussy.
“A-Ah, um… y-yes Master. I’m your woman…”
Lovely. Smirking, Kamokura tightens his grip on her hair.
“Then answer the question, bitch.”
It takes her a few seconds, but Karen finally speaks.
“You… punish her?”
Grinning wickedly now, Kamokura nods though Karen can’t see it.
“Good. How would such a punishment unfold, do you imagine?”
Shivering now under him, Karen is silent again for a time before responding at long last.
“You… break-up with her, Master?”
The hope in her voice is so depressingly transparent it circles back around to being funny. So funny that Kamokura lets out a bark of laughter at Karen’s expense.
“Cute, bitch. Really cute. But no… no, that’s too good for a treacherous cunt. A break up? Pah. That’s what she’d want, more than likely. No… I’m envisioning something else…”
Karen swallows thickly and opens her mouth to speak, but before she can, Kamokura shoves her face back into the bed.
“Shut up. I’m not interested in hearing your opinion anymore. All I want to hear is you squeal as a real man puts you in your place.”

And squeal Karen does, all night long. And Kamokura, when he finally does cum… does it inside. Because why fucking shouldn’t he? She’s his bitch. She belongs to him. Just like Touko fucking does. Karen understands that. Now it’s time he made sure his actual girlfriend learns her place as well…
By the next weekend, Kamokura’s plan is ready for action. It started with breaking Karen on his cock once and for all, leaving her a moaning mess of a woman who could no longer so much as think a coherent thought without his say so. But that was only Stage One.
Next up? Kamokura had gone ahead and invited Touko to dinner at his place. His brother was out-of-town for the next several days, so he and his unfaithful girlfriend would have the place all to themselves. It worked perfectly with what Touko and Isshiki had been planning too, since despite Isshiki’s initial attempts to convince Touko to have an affair with him, she had ultimately pivoted away from that.
The blue-haired beauty wanted her revenge… but Kamokura found it particularly telling that that revenge didn’t actually include shacking up with Isshiki Yuu as the other boy had initially wanted. No, instead Touko’s plan was an elaborate and convoluted mess of a thing… exactly what he would have expected from a genius beauty with poor social skills like her.
Rather than just fucking Isshiki to get back at him and Karen for cheating on them, Touko’s scheme was to make Kamokura and Karen fall in love with their respective partners once more. Her thought process was that she and Isshiki could bring Kamokura and Karen back around, make them truly head-over-heels for them… and then the two of them would brutally dump him and Karen at the University Christmas Party.
All in all, it wasn’t a bad plan… save for the simple fact that it never would have worked. If Isshiki was capable of such a thing, then Karen wouldn’t have cheated on him in the first place. Kamokura was simply the better man, full stop. Meanwhile, Touko… well, she clearly underestimated him if she thought that such a braindead scheme was going to pan out in her favor.
Luckily, their stupid, idiotic idea played right into Kamokura’s hands. Since Touko’s plan depended on her making him fall madly in love with her before she dumped him, Kamokura could invite her to dinner and Touko would have no choice but to accept. After all, it would not only be suspicious if she refused, but also run counter to her entire scheme, wouldn’t it?
Of course, Kamokura hadn’t just stopped there. This dinner was only ever going to end one way… so he’d gone ahead and pulled out all the stops. Using the knowledge he gets from having constant backdoor access to her phone, he waited until she was only five minutes away from his front door to go ahead and send a set of spoofed messages to her… from her accomplice.
The messages were simple. Isshiki Yuu had suddenly caught a bad case of the nerves and was texting Touko to let her know he was backing out. He could no longer go through with it, and that whatever she wanted to do… she would be on her own.
Of course, Touko wasn’t one to take this lying down. The instant she’d read those messages, she’d tried to reply, tried to even call Isshiki. But thanks to Kamokura’s backdoor access, the replies remain unanswered and the call just doesn’t go through.
In the end, by the time Touko arrives at his door, she’s already a little off-center and isolated… but to his mild surprise, she still as this look of determination in her eyes that makes it clear to him that she’s more than willing to go it alone. Which is fine by him...
The dinner that ensues is a surprisingly nice one, actually. Mostly because Touko is showing a proper interest in him, pretending to hang off of his every word and acting like she actually cares what he has to say. Their relationship before all of this wasn’t too icy to be fair, but it was also lacking a certain element of… feminine affection on Touko’s part that strained things a fair bit.
Now, all of the sudden, she’s done a one-eighty and is acting exactly like she should have all this time they’ve been together. Too bad it’s all a damn lie. But Kamokura doesn’t care. Because at the end of the day, he always gets what he wants. No matter what.
“The food is good, Kamokura. I didn’t know you could cook this well…”
Smirking evilly, letting the backhanded compliment wash right over him, Kamokura chuckles and shakes his head at his mature beauty of a girlfriend.
“I can’t. One might say I hired a personal chef for the evening.”
Touko’s eyes narrow at that as she chews and swallows her latest bite. She’s positively devoured her meal by this point and had a couple of glasses of wine. By comparison, Kamokura has eaten a little slower… though even he has to admit the food really is delicious. Still, he won’t deny that he’s far more focused on his treacherous girlfriend than he is his appetite.
Slowly but surely, the effects are starting to show. Touko’s face is growing redder and redder. She’s starting to look distinctly… flushed. Meanwhile, beneath her clothing, he imagines she’s starting to get really hot and bothered. Her nipples are no doubt giving her trouble, and he’s caught her surreptitiously rubbing her thighs together beneath the table more than once.
“A personal chef? Really? What’s the occasion?”
She’s not panting quite yet but give it time. Kamokura hums, leaning back in his chair and shrugging.
“Do I need one to treat my girlfriend to a lovely meal?”
Something in his tone must tip her off, because she only grows more suspicious at that response. Her eyes narrow as she looks at him, clearly trying to figure out what his game is. Ah, but then, Touko is the smartest girl in their university. So he supposes he really shouldn’t be all that shocked when her eyes suddenly snap wide open in realization.
“You know, don’t you? You know that I know.”
So very clever. So very… quick on the uptake. Too bad it’s already far too late for her. Her plate might now lie forgotten, but it’s already mostly cleaned. And she’s had so, so much of the wine…
“Know what, darling? I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific, my dear Touko.”

With a snarl, Touko grabs the napkin from her lap and tosses it on the table as she abruptly stands up. Of course, what she probably intends to be an intimidating move that lets her loom over her immediately backfires on her. The sudden movement, rising to her feet… Kamokura can see just how it makes her head spin, her eyes widening for a moment as she sways on her feet.
At the same time, her thighs visibly clench together and her tits, bouncing and jiggling from the abrupt movement as they are, no doubt give her no end of trouble. A breathless, involuntary, confused moan forces its way free of Touko’s lips as she nearly doubles over from the sudden explosion of sensations that she’s just experienced.
“You… y-you…”
Slowly, Kamokura rises from his seat as well. Tossing his own napkin to the side, he smiles down at Touko as she has to plant her hands on the table in front of her just to keep her suddenly shaky legs from collapsing.
“Me. Yes, Touko. I know what you and Isshiki Yuu have been discussing. I know all about your little schemes. Did you really think I would just let it happen? Even if you were smart enough not to sleep with that little bastard, did you really think I was just going to let you humiliate me at the party like that? Not on your life, bitch.”
His girlfriend is gasping for breath now. Her face has become as red as a tomato, and she’s panting even louder than before.
“W-Wha… what did you do… t-to Yuu?”
Oh? Ah… she still doesn’t realize the back door he has into her phone and thus her entire personal life. Instead, she thinks that he confronted Isshiki personally and… maybe beat him up or something to make him send those texts she got right before the meal. Heh, how… positively barbaric. No, this was the modern era. Kamokura had no need to get his hands dirty in the physical world when the digital world allowed him so much… control.
Still, he was all too happy to let her continue laboring under her misconceptions. In fact, he had no problem whatsoever lying to her.
“What did I do to that idiot? I just taught him a lesson in what the world is really like, Touko. I helped him to realize that… at the end of the day, I’m just the better man. And in the end, he agreed with me. He agreed that he wasn’t man enough to keep his girlfriend. And he agreed that he wasn’t man enough to get with you either.”
Touko’s eyes are half-glazed over now, and she growls as she shakes her head.
But Kamokura can tell she believes him all the same, deep down inside. The text messages he spoofed from Yuu were pretty damning after all. The perfect ‘evidence’ of his words. She was well and truly all alone right now.
“Of course, now it’s time for me to teach you the same things, Touko. Man, you’re really feeling it now, aren’t you? You’re like a bitch in heat, aching for my cock.”
Touko’s head snaps up from where it’d fallen forward for a moment, and she looks at him with wide eyes as Kamokura just grins back at her. Yeah, he wasn’t leaving this shit to chance. Breaking in a bitch like Karen was one thing. But breaking in a cunt like Touko? Clearly it was going to take a lot of fucking work. Kamokura was good at sex. He was very good at sex. He knew exactly how to fuck a woman, how to make them squeal, how to make them SCREAM.
But he couldn’t very well show Touko that if the bitch was so frigid she was completely unresponsive to him. So… he’d gotten some supplements. And he’d liberally dosed her meal and drinks with them. Unbeknownst to Touko, she’d just consumed a metric fuck ton of a drug cocktail where the aphrodisiacs were just the foundation.
And that drug cocktail? It’s finally kicked in in earnest.
“W-What… what have you done to me?!”
Affecting a surprised face, Kamokura places a hand on his chest as if hurt.
“Me? I haven’t done anything, my dear. Ah… but let’s pay our compliments to the chef now, shall we?”
Clapping his hands together twice, Kamokura’s smug, satisfied grin only grows as the door to the kitchen opens up. At first, it looks like no one comes through. But then, from around the counter crawls Karen Mitsumoto. The tasty little bitch is on all fours, completely naked save for a dog collar around her neck. With her tits swinging as she crawls, her hips swaying side to side… she looks nothing like the cutesy girl-next-door she once portrayed herself to be.
As Touko stares on in shock at the state of the other girl, Kamokura holds out a hand and Karen hurries to his side, nuzzling into his palm. Smirking wickedly, the handsome evil bastard just shrugs.
“Karen here is the one who cooked our delicious dinner. It’s good to see that she has SOME skills beyond squealing like a pig as I fuck her silly.”
Karen mewls at that, while Touko just gapes. Kamokura continues on unabated, a vicious sense of satisfaction filling his every pore.
“She’s the one who went ahead and drugged you for me. Are you enjoying the feeling? You certainly enjoyed the taste. My oh my, you positively devoured dinner. I’m sure by now… you can’t wait to fuck me.”
His words have a pronounced effect on his traitor girlfriend. Touko’s eyes involuntary dart down to Kamokura’s crotch, letting him know that he’s definitely hit the nail on the head. But… to her credit, she doesn’t instantly succumb. No, instead the poor dear grabs up her phone, backing away from both him and the table as she hurries to place a call.
“S-Stay away from me you b-bastard! I’m not… I’m not going to do anything with you! I’m not!”
Kamokura watches as her back hits the wall and she has to lean against it for support. He watches as she tries to place call after call… but no one picks up. Not even emergency services, heh. All of them ignore her, or so it would appear from her end. As Touko whimpers, staring at her unhelpful device in disbelief, Kamokura removes his hand from Karen’s hair, glancing down at the collared bitch.
“Sit. Stay. Watch.”
Karen bites her lower lip but wordlessly nods her head, knowing better than to disobey her master. Kamokura had drilled that through her skull when he’d stopped holding back with her.
Leaving her behind, he stalks across the room to where Touko is trembling… positively shaking with need now. She holds the phone up between them as if it were some sort of talisman to ward him off… but Kamokura just laughs and wrenches it from her grasp. Even that brief contact between their fingers is enough to make her gasp in pleasure.
Meanwhile, he pockets her phone with one hand and places the other on the wall next to her head, leaning in close and looming over her.
“No one’s coming for you, Touko. No one wants to help you. You’re all alone… and I’m the only one who can give you what you need.”
It’s impressive that she hasn’t broken yet. But Kamokura knows it’s only a matter of time. Moving the hand from the wall to her shoulder, he gives her a firm downward push… and Touko collapses, the blue-haired beauty dropping to her knees with a cry as her legs give out under her. Suddenly, she’s face-to-face with his crotch… and his distinctive bulge. Seeing her like this, seeing her slowly breaking down… yeah, Kamokura is rock hard right now.
With a rough growl, he grabs Touko by her hair and shoves her face into his crotch, rubbing his bulge against her features as she cries out in response.
“Take it out, bitch. Take out my cock and just maybe I’ll let you play with it.”
There’s a reason he’s being so rough. A reason he’s being so… unkind with her. It’s a necessary element to this whole song and dance. To making her his bitch now and forever after.
See, on top of the aphrodisiacs flowing through her veins, there’s also the other things in the drug cocktail. Designer drugs that heighten her suggestibility, for one. Whatever he does to her today, she’s going to remember it as the best sex of her entire life. The best thing that’s ever been done to her. Which means he doesn’t have to hold back. He doesn’t have to be nice. Because right now she’s like misshapen clay… just waiting to be molded.
Kamokura watches as the defiance in Touko’s eyes finally diminishes to the point of no return. He watches as she whimpers… and finally reaches up. He lets the incredibly aroused young woman unbuckle his belt, unbutton and unzip his pants, and pull out his cock. As it slaps down onto Touko’s face, he grins at the sight of her gasping and going cross-eyed just trying to look at it.
The smartest girl in their university, and she’d so easily reduced to nothing more than a bitch in heat. He doesn’t even have to give her another order. Once his dick is out, she just can’t help herself anymore. The woman who had been planning to humiliate him by viciously dumping him at the University Christmas Party, who had never so much as deigned to touch his cock before today… takes his dick in her mouth.
Kamokura groans in enjoyment as Touko opens wide and sucks him right past her lips. He tilts his head back, his throbbing member suddenly swallowed by her inexperienced, gaping maw. But for all that she’s never given head before, she definitely wants to. She wants to suck him off, the nasty little bitch. Her arousal won’t allow her to do anything else.
Grabbing her tightly by the hair, Kamokura glares down into his girlfriend’s eyes.
“That’s it, bitch. Suck me. Blow my fucking cock. Give me the best damn head of your life and I might just fuck that slutty pussy of yours afterwards.”

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
It’s a testament to how well the drugs are working that Touko doesn’t hold back even slightly. She all but inhales his dick, choking and gagging herself on his member in no time at all. Her hands even slide around to behind him, grabbing hold of his ass for good measure so she can properly give him the sloppiest toppy he’s ever received.
Her tongue swirls this way and that, her lips suction down on his cock, and her cheeks sink in as she acts like a human vacuum cleaner. Her eyes remain wide, but her pupils have shrunk to pinpricks. Looking down at her, Kamokura isn’t even sure there’s anything going on upstairs anymore. She’s completely focused on the moment… on giving him pleasure so that he’ll fuck her. In this instant, despite her cold attitude, despite her genius intellect, despite her bright future… the only thing that matters to Touko Sakurajima is his pleasure.
Gripping down more tightly upon her hair, Kamokura groans and throws his head back as he begins to thrust forward, properly skull fucking his bitch of a girlfriend.
He positively ravages her throat, giving her no rest, showing her no mercy. Drool and saliva dribble down her front, coating and staining her top which strains to contain her actively bouncing breasts. Until finally… finally, Kamokura can hold back no longer. And frankly, why the fuck should he? He’s finally got his girlfriend right where he wants her. Time to put her in her place properly.
With another loud groan, he proceeds to cum right down Touko’s throat. Of course, inexperienced as she is, the bitch barely manages to swallow even a small portion of his load. The vast majority of his thick, viscous seed ends up exploding out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, making a complete mess of her and ruining her makeup and her face even more than the prior rough treatment he’d given her had.
When he’s finally done emptying his balls, Touko looks… fucking blasted, to be honest. It’s a beautiful sight and it makes for great fodder, keeping him rock hard as he yanks her back off of his cock and looks at her for a long moment in pure and utter satisfaction.
Then, as she’s still blowing cum bubbles and trying to recover, her eyes rolling around in her head, he goes ahead and yanks her up to her feet and over towards a nearby couch. She hadn’t earned an actual bed for her first time as far as he was concerned. Frankly, the only reason he wasn’t fucking her on the floor like a bitch like her deserved was to spare his OWN knees.
Regardless, once they’re next to the couch, Kamokura wastes no time in stripping Touko naked. The cum-drunk, lust-drunk, drugged young woman doesn’t try to fight him either. She’s all moans and wiggling, writhing like the whorish slut she’s become. Seeing her like this is such a treat, and Kamokura’s cock twitches in anticipation as he all but rips her shirt and skirt off before following suit with her bra and panties.
As her fat tits come bouncing free, her nipples as hard as diamonds, Kamokura takes a moment to grab hold of her jugs and give them a good, harsh mauling. This prompts a loud, animalistic squeal from Touko… but she also pushes her chest into his grasp, needing his touch, all but begging for it.
Finally, he shoves her face first onto the couch. Forcing her to crawl up onto it, he crawls up into position as well, kneeling behind her. One hand remains in her hair, forcing her head into a couch cushion. The other yanks her hips high into the air. Just like that, he’s got his cockhead pressed against her virgin slit. By now, Touko is positively gushing with wetness. She’s so aroused it’s not even funny.
Snorting derisively, Kamokura yanks her head up for a moment.
“Heh. Bet you’re wishing you’d let me fuck you earlier now, aren’t you bitch?”
Moaning throatily, Touko doesn’t manage to formulate a coherent answer… so he spanks her.
The result is as surprising as it is gratifying… as Touko immediately climaxes, her pussy lips flexing around the tip of his cock as she squeals and cums all over the place, squirting on the couch. Kamokura laughs, even as he shakes his head.
“Look at this mess, bitch!”
Growling, he leans forward and gets right next to her ear.
“Beg for it, Touko. Beg me to fuck you. Or… I won’t.”
An ultimatum. One that Touko should have had no problems ignoring… if she were in her right mind. After all, she didn’t WANT him to fuck her… right?
Except, after only a few moments of whimpering and mewling and moaning into the couch… she finally speaks. And her words are music to his ears.
“P-Please… please…”
Close, but not quite.
“Please what, bitch?”
Another pause… she’s fighting it. Whatever remains of her defiance, she’s holding onto it for dear life. Until suddenly, she isn’t. There’s a slow exhale as the last bits of fight go out of her, and then…
“Please… fuck me…”
Kamokura doesn’t hesitate to give her what she wants. He’s been waiting for this for their entire relationship, after all. This frigid bitch has fought him every step of the way, making him work for even the simple shit like kissing with tongue for fuck’s sake. And now… now he’s buried ball’s deep inside of her, fucking her from behind on the couch.
Her virginity tears and Touko cries out at the loss, but that momentary cry of pain is quickly drowned out in turn by lustful cries of passion and pleasure. As he begins to fuck her, the aphrodisiacs coursing through her system completely swamp any potential discomfort. She’s just too wet at this point to have a bad first time… no matter how rough he decides to be with her.
Fucking her hard and fast, plowing into her cunt with all his might, Kamokura luxuriates in finally claiming his bitch of a girlfriend. The damn cunt had literally played harder to get than the women he WASN’T dating. And frankly, if she hadn’t been so cold to him in the first place, he wouldn’t have had to turn to bitches like Karen to satisfy his needs!
Not that he was going to stop fucking her or any of his other side pieces now or in the future. Touko could be his wife still… on paper. She was pretty good spouse material, coming from a family as well-off as his and with her relative smarts. But once he was done with her, she would know him as Master, just as Karen now did. And she would accept that her true place was at his feet.
For now though, Kamokura really leans into fucking Touko silly. He pounds away at her pussy with all his might, railing her like there’s no tomorrow. But there will be a tomorrow. This is only the beginning, and he fully intends to make use of every bit of this… time he has with her. While she’s so impressionable, Kamokura is going to teach Touko what sex really is.
Slamming into her cunt some more, he grunts as he feels her spasming and shaking beneath him, experiencing orgasm after mind-blowing orgasm upon his cock. Her body twitches and shudders, quivering and trembling as she squeals into the couch cushion. After a moment, he reaches down under her, grabbing hold of a tit with one hand while the other goes to her clit.
He’s not gentle in his treatment of either, going out of his way to maul her breast some more until it’s nice and red, while pulling and twisting her clit as he fucks her. It doesn’t matter how cruel he is though, because Touko just can’t stop cumming. And no matter how much she might not want this, no matter how much she might want to fight it… she can’t deny the pleasure she’s experiencing. She can’t deny that he’s claiming her, mind, body, and soul… bit by bit.
Grinning ferally, Kamokura grunts as he thrusts his way into her constantly convulsing cunt. She’s orgasming practically nonstop now, and he can feel her inner walls milking him of his release. Heh, it would be just what she deserved if he knocked her up and she had to drop out of university before graduating, wouldn’t it?
An image of her barefoot and pregnant side by side with Karen, both of them waiting for him to come home, momentarily flits through his mind’s eye. It’s all he needs in the end.
With a hoarse groan, Kamokura cums deep inside of Touko’s cunt. He fills her womb with his seed, plastering her insides with his jizz. He paints her inner walls and stuffs her to the brim, and only when his balls are once again empty does he pull out of her.
Sitting back on the couch, he catches his breath for a moment… only to watch in amusement and satisfaction as Touko, completely of her own volition, slowly pulls herself up and crawls around to him. Kneeling there on the couch, she lowers her mouth to his cock… and begins licking it clean. She starts off slow at first, slow and hesitant… but the more she licks, the more she speeds up as the lust driving her onward once again erases any reluctance or defiance she might be feeling.
The drug cocktail is working wonders. But it’s up to Kamokura to make sure to utilize it to its fullest potential.
“That’s it, bitch. That’s a good girl.”
He grins wickedly, as Touko’s eyes flicker to his for all of a moment before she averts her gaze in humiliated submission. Heh, they were off to a great start…
A week later, Kamokura rests back in a chair, eyes drifting shut when a faint beeping pulls him from his meditation. Slowly opening his eyes, he looks down at his crotch first. There, both Karen and Touko are knelt between his legs, each of them wearing nothing but their collars. His two pets, his loyal and adoring fuck toys. By now, Touko is completely broken in. She can’t help but show his cock all of the love and affection she hadn’t shown it for the entirety of their relationship together.
She belongs to him now, and she knows it. As does Karen. Both of them know that they’re his women… that no other man will ever get to touch them again.
Slowly, his gaze slides over to the source of the beeping. Touko’s phone, which the bitch had forgotten to put on silent. He snorts derisively, making a mental note to punish her for that later. For now, he picks up her phone from the table next to him and looks. Yep, just as expected, Isshiki Yuu is once again trying to get in touch with her.
He’s been trying to get in touch with Touko and Karen all week long… but he’s had no luck. For a moment, Kamokura half-grins, half-sneers at the message alert. Now that he had these two cunts kneeling at his feet and calling him master while servicing his cock… the likes of Yuu just didn’t matter to him. Frankly, Kamokura might have been an NTRing bastard, but it wasn’t the guy’s humiliation he’d ever cared about.
It was just like he’d always said. Survival of the Fittest. But even still… it was over. The little bastard had given it a good try, but he’d lost and Kamokura had won. Maybe it was time to let him know that. Time to drive that point home.
Both Karen and Touko’s eyes flick up to him at that, but when she sees he’s talking about his girlfriend, Karen returns to sucking his cock, sliding her tongue down the side of his length and ultimately moving to suckle at his ball sack as he holds out Touko’s phone to her.
“We’re going to record a little video for this bitch’s ex-boyfriend. You know, the idiot that you were going to try and humiliate me with.”
Touko flushes at the reminder of her treachery, bowing her head in submission. She’s a shell of her former self, but frankly… Kamokura doesn’t care. He likes her better, broken down and submissive.
“Y-Yes Master…”
“Good girl.”
He watches as Touko sets up the video. Then he watches as she leans in, pressing her cheek to his cock as she gets both her and Karen in the shot with his dick.
“S-Sorry Yuu… but it’s time to give up. He’s just a better man than you. Move on.”
Heh, her delivery is a little wooden. With a smirk and a sway of his hips, Kamokura slaps his cock into Touko’s cheek a couple times. The casual smacks cause the genius girl to shudder and moan, going cross-eyed on the spot. She’s a glutton for punishment now. She loves to be hurt, loves to be roughed up. His cruel treatment of her while she was under the effects of those drugs has made Touko into a submissive, masochistic fuckpig.
He gives Yuu a little taste of that new reality by reaching down and grabbing hold of her hair, forcing her lips back onto his cock. The sudden yanking causes Touko’s eyes to roll back in her head and a gurgle from her lips as she shudders in full view of the camera.
Then, he reaches out and plucks it from her hand. Ending and saving the video, he does a couple of quick edits to make the ending a little cleaner… and then sends it off to Isshiki Yuu before blocking his number entirely on Touko’s phone.
He doesn’t honestly care what the little shit’s reaction is. Either he’ll move on, or he won’t. It’s not Kamokura’s problem, not anymore. Survival of the Fittest. And in the end… Kamokura was the fittest of them all. The two collared bitches currently kneeling at his feet worshipping his cock were confirmation of that fact.


Part 2:


Day Two
“Time to wake up, bitch.”
The squeal that comes from the prim and proper Touko Sakurajima’s mouth is like music to Kamokura’s ears as he watches her come alive with a grin. But then to be fair, he HAD just dumped a bucket of water on her. He’d considered making it outright ice water, but ultimately decided he didn’t want to risk damaging the goods, so to speak.
Touko might have been a treacherous cunt of a girlfriend, but she was still his… more now than ever, all things considered. Naked, on the floor of his kitchen, the blue-haired young woman still shivers and shakes a bit, spasming as she comes awake from the sudden feel of water crashing down on her nude body. Whimpering, she opens her eyes to look up at him.
Though, from the way her gaze catches on the OTHER bitch kneeling at his side, she definitely sees Karen first. His blonde pet is knelt right next to him, dutifully leaning against his leg as she watches Touko wake up as well. One of Kamokura’s hands plays with her hair almost unthinkingly, toying with it as he hums to himself and stares down at his bitch of a girlfriend.
“K-Kamokura… you… you…”
Her defiance is ultimately short-lived as her eyes dart from Karen’s face to his face… and then finally land on his cock. That same cock that had fucked her senseless the day before. That same cock that had given the stuck up know it all bitch the best sex of her life. The drugs he’d plied her with should have done their work. Not just aphrodisiacs, but also drugs for suggestibility, to really make her succumb to him.
He could see in her eyes that they did exactly as advertised. She’s staring at his cock unabashedly, clearly remembering the day before and all of the things she enjoyed about it, even if it was fully against her will. Smirking, Kamokura takes his cock in his hand and strokes it, lifting it up and pointing the tip unerringly at Touko’s face.
She immediately arches her back on instinct, tilting her head back. Her lips even open, though she’s not so far gone that she lets her tongue loll out right off the bat. After realizing what she’s doing, his girlfriend freezes in place, horrified by her actions. But he’s not about to let her just… ignore what this is.
“You want this cock, bitch?”
Drawing attention to it causes Touko to jolt. Her face reddens and turns ashamed, and she begins to pant as she slowly pulls her dripping form up onto its knees. Looking at him and then his dick, she shudders.
“… N-No…”

And yet… even as her mouth lies, her body shifts forward. Inch by inch, bit by bit. The blue-haired bitch gets closer and closer to him, until her tongue is finally tracing out, her head moving towards his cock.
Which is when Kamokura turns away from her and promptly sticks his dick in Karen’s mouth instead.
“Mmph! Mmm~”
His broken blonde pet lets out a muffled squeak of surprise, but doesn’t hesitate to begin sucking on his cock, moaning happily at being given a chance to please her Master. Meanwhile, Touko has gone still again, her eyes wide as she stares at where his cock HAD been, realizing how close she’d come to giving in… and how now she was being rejected, of all things.
“You don’t deserve my cock, bitch. Not yet. You haven’t EARNED it.”
A myriad of emotions flash across his bitch of a girlfriend’s face. Touko quivers there on her knees, her hands clawing at the wet kitchen floor, her body trembling in all the best ways. Seriously, her tits, glistening from the water, are positively jiggling with how hard she’s vibrating. Kamokura watches on in amusement as fury wars with pure, lustful NEED.
She wants his cock. She hates that she wants his cock. But she wants it. Maybe he’ll even give it to her. But first…
“I’ve taken the liberties of shooting off a few texts and emails in your name, ‘darling’. Hope you don’t mind…”
His tone if amusement as he suddenly holds up Touko’s phone with his free hand makes it clear he doesn’t care if she minds. Touko, meanwhile, stares at the phone like it’s a poisonous snake.
“But of course… texts and emails only get so far. Due to your exemplary grades, the university is willing to give you a week off for your ‘mental health’… but we both know that old fossil of a Professor that you TA for would never accept a leave of absence via text or email. No… he’ll demand a call.”
Nonchalantly, Kamokura thrusts the phone in Touko’s direction, holding it out to her.
“Here, go ahead. Make the call. Tell him you’ll be out for the week.”
Incredulity fills Touko’s gaze, even as his cock continues to fill Karen’s mouth.
“Why… w-why would I do that?”
Kamokura chuckles and shakes his head.
“Because if you don’t, then I’ll have to let you go… and you’ll never get an inch of this cock, ever again.”
Understanding dawns in the bitch’s eyes. Touko’s gaze slips back down to where Karen is dutifully sucking his dick and her tongue slips out to unconsciously lick her lips at the sight. She wants it. She wants HIM. She can’t imagine a life without him now that he’s blown her mind and broken her on his cock. Those drugs have clearly done a serious number on the prim and proper cunt, because frankly, it shouldn’t be THAT much of a hardship to never get his dick again.
And yet…
“F-Fine… give it to m-me…”
She reaches to take her phone from him, but Kamokura just raises an eyebrow at her.
“Is that any way to ask for something from your Master, cunt?”
Touko scowls furiously… or does her best approximation of a scowl, anyways. In the end, given her wet, naked appearance, the scowl is rather pitiful and ultimately more of a pout. Eventually though, she forces the words out.
“Please let me place the call… M-Master…”
Smirking, Kamokura gives her the phone and watches as she places the call. All the while, he guides Karen up and down his cock none-too-gently, her quiet gagging filling the background.
“Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…”
Touko can’t help giving the other girl a dirty look, especially when the old fart that she TA’s for picks up and they start talking. But it doesn’t matter in the end anyways. Kamokura isn’t a fucking idiot. He isn’t going to risk his freedom, his entire life, on a single phone call.
Rather… Touko clearly didn’t know just how far technology had come these days. Faking her voice? Easy. Faking her Professor’s voice? Also easy. The bitch was talking to a small, preprogrammed chat AI right now. And the Professor she TA’d for had already received a call, seemingly from ‘Touko’ and had given his permission for her to miss classes for the next week.
Kamokura had covered all his bases. Both Touko and Karen were all his for the next week, though in regard to Karen, he had no problem letting her go out on small errands and stuff like that. The blonde bitch was already collared, after all.
Touko though… she was like a half-tamed feral animal. She still had a way to go. This though? This was a test… and one that she’d passed with flying colors. If she’d failed it, then Kamokura would have known he needed to give her another dose of drugs. But as she ends the call, having done exactly as he told her… he knows he doesn’t need to do that. She’s already broken, in the end. All that’s left is to make her see that.
A look of disgust and self-loathing spreads across Touko’s face as she ends the call and all but tosses her phone away, letting it skid across the wet kitchen floor. Kamokura raises an eyebrow at the minor defiance, knowing that it’s all she’s capable of. Her face twists into a rictus of shame and lust as she looks back at him, specifically at where his cock is sliding in and out of Karen’s mouth. Her hands knead at the tile beneath her like a fucking cat as she wiggles in place and whimpers needily.
But Kamokura just smirks at her.
“It’s Karen’s turn right now, bitch. And besides… look at the mess you’ve made. Clean it up.”
Touko’s eyes fill with fresh incredulity as she looks down at the puddle of water around her, at the mess HE made when he woke her. But… she doesn’t argue. Throwing one last longing look towards his dick, she goes and gets some towels to begin cleaning up the floor.
Kamokura takes Karen’s head in both hands and starts to REALLY rail her throat from that point on. All the while, he grins like the cat that caught the canary. This? This was just the start…
Day Five
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Sitting on the couch, sipping from a glass of wine and watching some TV, Kamokura barely pays any mind to the lips wrapped around his cock or the bitch on her knees between his legs. He’s taking a much needed break… and besides, his cunt of a girlfriend, now his fuck toy and slave, was doing a great job of abusing herself on his cock all the same.
As the program he’s watching comes to an end, Kamokura finally deigns to look down into Touko’s empty gaze, the blue-haired bitch’s cheeks sucked in as hard as they can and her lips suctioned down on his cock as she dives all the way down his length, eagerly and greedily choking and gagging herself upon his dick in order to get him to cum for her.
For Touko Sakurajima, sex is violence. Sex is brutal and rough and painful… and that’s what makes it feel so good. His first time with her had reshaped her into the perfect little masochistic cum dump. She got off on when it hurt. Hurt made it feel GOOD for her.
Still, these past few days had been less about hurting her, and more about teaching her that her new place was at his feet. Reinforcement had come in all shapes and sizes, from having her cut herself off from the outside world ‘willingly’ on day two, to other activities such as her begging him to fuck her on day three, and her begging him to fuck her in the ASS on day four.
Now… now she knelt between his legs, choking on his dick, trying desperately to earn his warm seed in her belly. Humming, Kamokura nods to himself and reaches over, picking up a little bell that he then shakes.
The ringing of the bell barely manages to dissipate before Karen shows up. His dutiful blonde bitch had been napping with his permission, but of course she was awake and at his side the moment he called for her.
Running a hand through Karen’s hair, he pulls her up onto the couch and whispers in her ear. With a nod, she eagerly departs to carry out his bidding. At the same time, Kamokura looks down into his former girlfriend’s glazed-over eyes and snorts.
“You’re never going to get me off with that weak technique, bitch. Just use your cunt already.”
Pulling off of his cock with a pop, Touko averts her gaze in shame even as she lifts herself to her feet and turns around.
“Y-Yes Master… thank you, Master… this worthless slave apologizes for disappointing her Master…”
His dick twitches at hearing her subservient tone. Not quite reverent enough yet though, he notes. Kamokura just grunts as she sits back on his cock, his hands going to her hips and bouncing her up and down on his dick. Squelching noises fill the room, along with Touko’s poorly concealed moans. She mewls and whimpers as she rides his cock, her legs together and her hands on his knees. Her head has fallen forward as she gasps and groans, trying to adjust to his size and failing.
Her overly sensitive pussy was perfectly shaped to take his dick… which meant that it was never QUITE stretched enough to handle him. Still, at this point she couldn’t live without him. She especially couldn’t live without the way he took control. Even from his seated position, Kamokura isn’t gentle. He grips down on Touko’s hips hard enough to bruise, digging his fingers into her soft, plush sides just the way he knows she loves it.
Then, he fucks her from down below hard enough to really make her SQUEAL, enjoying how she climaxes on his cock again and again as a result.
In the meantime… Karen returns with what he ordered her to get. She crawls up onto the couch as he pats the cushion next to him and sits patiently, waiting for further instruction. For a time, Kamokura focuses on fucking Touko on his dick, on bouncing her up and down reverse cowgirl. But eventually… eventually he reaches up and grabs her by the neck, wrapping one hand around to the front of her throat and yanking her back against his chest.
She chokes as his other hand coming up to grab and maul one of her tits, making her back instinctively arch to push her breast further into the punishing hold.
“You know… I’ve noticed you staring longingly at your fellow bitch’s collar, ‘darling’. Could it be you’ve been hoping for one of your own?”
Touko freezes at that, going still at his touch. Smirking, he lets go of her throat and reaches out to Karen, who places a second dog collar in his outstretched hand. Lifting it up, he makes sure that Touko can see it, even as she remains impaled on his dick, his fingers continuing to knead and squeeze her titflesh. Her pussy walls clench down HARD the moment the dog collar comes into view, making it clear that he’s timed this perfectly.
“I… I…”
“There’s no trick here, pet. You just have to ask properly and it can be yours…”
A whimper leaves Touko’s lips at that, followed by an almost animalistic whine. There’s no trick… but then there really doesn’t have to be. The ‘trick’ is one they both know about. If she says yes, then she’s really giving in. Not that she hasn’t already given in a thousand different ways in the past few days… but this? This is the BIG one.
And yet… and yet, as he pinches her nipple between his fingers and twists, making Touko cry out in an ugly manner, he already knows what her response is going to be. She cums all over his cock from the painful stimulation of her breast and Kamokura lets her ride out the orgasm until finally she recovers enough to let out a quiet little whisper.
“… p-please…”
Humming, Kamokura chuckles.
“Please… what?”
“Please… please collar me, Master.”
And there it is. The first hint of reverence in her voice as she says the word ‘Master’. She’s finally starting to truly accept her place at his feet. Humming in amusement, Kamokura lets go of her tit and reaches up, pulling her blue hair out of the way. Touko cranes her neck to give him easy access, even as she remains seated on his dick, her pussy walls flexing and spasming up and down the length of his cock.
He wraps the dog collar around her neck and cinches it tight, making her breath hitch as it digs into her skin just a tad. She lets out a wanton moan once he’s done, and Kamokura’s smirk turns into a shit-eating grin as he slides his hands back down to her sides, gripping them harshly once more.
“What do you say, bitch?”
“Thank you… Master.”
“Good girl. Now make me believe it.”
Touko doesn’t hesitate. She immediately begins bouncing on his cock again, giving it her all as he fucks up into her from below and really starts to make her squeal for him. His hands don’t stay on her hips forever, eventually moving all over her body, roaming to their heart’s content. Tugging on the back of her collar to choke her a little bit, mauling her breasts some more until they’re both red and her nipples are protruding and pronounced… he makes sure to enjoy his new pet’s body all night long, knowing full well that this right here is the moment of no return. There’s no going back for Touko anymore. She’s a bitch now. HIS bitch, through and through.
Day Seven
After sending off the video to Yuu, Kamokura focuses back on his two little slut pets. Touko the masochistic fuckpig and Karen the over-eager puppy. Both of them are quite enthusiastic as they wrap their lips around his cock and balls, dutifully sucking at their Master’s dick. As they damn well should be. He’s trained them quite well, hasn’t he?
Setting aside Touko’s phone, Kamokura reaches down and cards his fingers through her and Karen’s hair. He groans and tilts his head back in enjoyment of their tongues and mouths, before forcing Touko further down his cock directly, and pushing Karen to his balls more forcibly.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
As Touko chokes on his cock and Karen slobbers away at his balls, Kamokura reflects on everything that got him to this point. Does he regret any of it? Does he regret turning his girlfriend into a horny little slave for his cock? Does he regret drugging her into a compliant fuck doll? No… no he does not. Not in the slightest.
In fact, just thinking about it is finally enough to tip him over the edge. With a hoarse groan, he proceeds to cum down Touko’s throat. Of course, the blue-haired fuckpig can barely manage to handle his seed. She chokes on it, and some of his jizz winds up exploding out of the sides of her mouth and flowing down onto Karen’s face. She slurps it up of course, dutiful blonde bitch that she is.
When they’re done cleaning him off, Kamokura pulls them both back and just looks at them for a moment. His two collared cunts, kneeling at his feet and looking back at him hopefully. Each of them wants him to fuck them first, of course… but he’s only one man with one dick, and there always has to be a winner and a loser.
Smirking, Kamokura lets go of Touko’s hair and pulls Karen up to her feet as he turns her around and bends her over the chair he was just sitting in. She grasps hold of it by the arms and lifts her hips into the air, going up on her tiptoes as he slides into her quivering quim from behind. As he does so, Karen lets out a heartfelt moan and expresses her gratitude.
“Thank you, Master~”
Kamokura just chuckles, knowing full well that that was as much to rub it in Touko’s face as it was for him. He gives Karen a light spanking in response to remind her of her place, but stays inside of her, fucking the bent over blonde even as he looks over at Touko and tilts his head to the side.
“Do you know why I’m fucking Karen first, cunt?”
His masochistic fuck toy trembles as she slowly shakes her head.
“N-No Master… did I do something wrong?”
Nodding, Kamokura reaches around and grasps one of Karen’s tits, fondling and squeezing it even as he continues to pound into her from behind.
“You think I didn’t notice that your heart wasn’t in our little home video, slut? What? You having second thoughts about being my bitch?”
Touko’s eyes widen, and she more rapidly shakes her head.
“N-No Master! I’m yours… I swear it!”
Kamokura just grunts, clearly unconvinced as he fucks Karen in front of Touko, leaving the blue-haired girl to stew for a few moments. Finally, she speaks up again, her gaze on the floor and her hands in her lap.
“… I’m sorry, Master. I’m yours… I want to be your bitch. I want you to fuck me and hurt me and abuse me as much as you like. I just… don’t see much point in hurting others in the process.”
He lets her words hang in the air for a moment, considering them. Part of him almost agrees with her. After all, hadn’t he already said it to himself? He didn’t care what Yuu’s reaction to the video ended up being, that was why he’d blocked the bastard’s number. It wasn’t about Yuu. It was about Survival of the Fittest. Touko was his. Karen was his. Yuu had lost.
That said, Kamokura reaches out a hand to Touko and watches as she hurriedly crawls over to push her head into his hand, nuzzling it almost like a cat would. Of course, he quickly grabs hold of her hair quite roughly, yanking it back and causing her to mewl in pleasure and pain as he pulls on her scalp.
“The point is to obey me, always. Do you understand, bitch?”
Eyes wide, clearly imagining a world where he no longer gave her harsh, abusive sex every single day, Touko’s lower lip quivers as she nods as best she can in his grasp.
“Y-Yes, Master…”
“Good girl.”
With that, he pounds Karen’s pussy for a few moments more, turning his grasp of Touko’s hair into a more gentle pet… interspersed with a few slaps across her face here and there. She leans into the slapping as much as she leans into the petting, masochistic fuckpig that she is.
Then, finally… he lets out a groan and unloads inside of Karen, filling the blonde with his seed. He creampies her and listens to her wanton moans as her shaking legs spasm rapidly and then collapse under her, causing her to faceplant into the chair he’s bent her over.
Snorting as she droops off of his cock, Kamokura reaches down and gives Karen’s ass one last spanking, more for the hell of it than anything else.
“Take five to recover… and then go get started on dinner, bitch.”
Panting heavily, Karen lifts her head enough to acknowledge his order with a quiet ‘Yes Master’. Kamokura is already turning away though, looking down at an expectant and eager Touko. He considers how he’ll fuck her for a moment… before coming to a decision.
Pushing her on her back none-too-gently, he takes the blue-haired girl’s legs and lifts them into the air, folding them back on her even as he crouches down. Touko squeaks, her hands going back to support her as she finds most of her weight suddenly resting on her neck and shoulders. With her body folded up and her cunt on display, Kamokura has no issues fitting his cock against her pussy lips and thrusting down into her like a jackhammer from above.
Touko’s shrieks of painful pleasured delight fill the air as he fucks his former girlfriend… now his horny masochistic sex slave right there in the living room. Would he keep Touko as his girlfriend for public events and what not? Would he marry her after all of this? Perhaps… perhaps not. Kamokura was still undecided, truth be told.
As he slams down into her, pounding her clenching cunt and fucking her silly, Kamokura reflects that the future is his to mold in the same way Touko was his to mold. With both her and Karen completely and utterly devoted to him at this point, he can really do whatever he wants with them. If he wanted to make them both drop out of university and spend the rest of their lives as his maids, he could do that.
Or, if he was so inclined, he could also knock them both up. Turn them into his broodmares. Make a whole stable of kids.
Hm, that one he wasn’t so sure about. The thought of Touko and Karen both pregnant and barefoot DID appeal to him on a base, instinctive level… but the thought of having to raise the kids that resulted from such a state of being didn’t fill him with quite so much joy.
Not to mention, while Touko was now devoted to him completely and totally… she still had that brilliant mind of hers. A mind that Kamokura could put to work for him, if he decided he wanted to split her time between him and a profession of some sort. Her money would become his money, doubling his income. Karen would be the maid and chef and all the other servant duties if he went that route, and frankly… she’d probably do fine with it.
Frankly, the possibilities were endless. The sky was the limit. Kamokura had won, as was proper. He’d proven himself to be the better man over that little pissant Yuu, not just by claiming the boy’s girlfriend, but also by reclaiming his own girlfriend from the brat after he’d gone crying to her.
He still couldn’t believe how completely moronic the so-called genius Touko’s plan to get back at him had been. Then again… looking down at her face right now, which is a rictus of ecstasy and pain, with her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth as he fucks her from above… maybe he COULD imagine it. Certainly, Touko was more at home as his masochistic fuckpig then she was as some sort of revenge strategist.
Chuckling softly, Kamokura tightens his grip on her legs and redoubles his speed, enjoying how his former girlfriend’s folded up body shudders and jiggles under his relentless onslaught. Until finally, with a grunt, he pulls out and cums all over Touko, covering her from her quivering clit to her flexing abdomen to her jiggling tits and finally her fucked silly face. The bitch makes the most stupid expressions once he’s inside of her. She can’t help herself.
As she twitches under him, Kamokura considers her for a moment… and then reaches down and grabs her by her hair, beginning to drag her across the floor. Karen would take a while longer to finish making dinner, so Kamokura figured he had time. Taking Touko out of the living room and down the hall, he drags the insensate bitch into the bathroom and tosses her in the shower.
The water is cold when it first hits Touko, leaving her to yelp and squeak as she comes back to her senses. Snorting derisively, Kamokura climbs in after her after turning the water warm. They spend a little time cleaning her up… and a lot more time getting dirty again as he fucks her under the hot shower spray.
Touko takes everything he has to dish out and doesn’t raise a single fuss. Because she belongs to him. And whatever the future holds for them… it’ll be HIS decision.


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