Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

An Admiral and her Champion (Final Fantasy 14)

An Admiral and her Champion (Final Fantasy 14)

A/N: An Admiral and her Champion was a Free Write I originally wrote back in August of 2021, during a stint playing FF14. Posting it here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which the Champion of Eorzea and Warrior of Light is a hulking, massive Sea Wolf Roegadyn and Admiral Merlwyb can't get enough of him. Written because I've recently become addicted to FF14.

Themes: Rough Sex, Big Dick, Size Queen


"Admiral. You wanted to see me."

As he enters the Admiral's Office, she looks up and immediately stands from behind her desk.

"That I did, Champion. Please, come in. Everyone else… leave us."

There's a beat of hesitation at the Maelstrom Admiral's order, but no one speaks up. Instead, after that momentary pause passes, everyone else in the room begins to shuffle out. None of them are about to try and argue a direct order from their Admiral, and not even her bodyguards can make an argument for denying her a moment alone with the Warrior of Light and Hero of Eorzea.

Soon enough, it's just the two of them. On one side stands Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn a female Roegadyn of white complexion, white hair color, and even white eyes. The albino Roegadyn is of the Sea Wolf persuasion… as is the Warrior of Light himself stood across from her.

Going by the name of Beckett, the Warrior of Light is one of the largest Roegadyns that Eorzea has ever seen. Certainly, he's the largest that the Admiral has ever laid eyes upon. Not only was he as massive and muscular as could be expected of their race, but he was also even bigger than that, even more of a hulking monster.

Except the Champion of Eorzea was no monster. While he could not necessarily be called a gentle giant, for his ferocity in battle knew no match and neither did his achievements, Beckett was still a kind, heroic soul who had journeyed all over Eorzea the past several months, putting down Primals and rescuing the downtrodden.

His single-minded focus in ferreting out evil and putting an end to their dastardly plots had caught more than just the Admiral's eye… but it was the Admiral who could lay claim to at least a larger portion of his loyalty than many. Indeed, while the Warrior of Light was a member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, he was also a member of HER Grand Company, the Maelstrom. Thus had the ruler of Limsa Lominsa been able to call on Beckett for this meeting in the first place.

As the doors to her office close behind the last of her guards, Admiral Merlwyb circles around to the front of her desk and leans back against it, crossing her arms pointedly under her most bountiful bosom. Already making a habit of showing off her… large tracts of land and a substantial amount of cleavage with the low cut of her black Admiral's Coat, she pushes her chest up even further as she gazes upon the perfect male specimen of a Sea Wolf Roegadyn in front of her.

"I imagine you're wondering why I called you here today, Champion."

Blinking, Beckett… just shrugs, glancing around the empty office for a moment curiously before answering.

"Figured you just had a new mission for me, Admiral. Ready and able, like always."

Merlwyb scoffs at that, the corners of her mouth quirking upwards as she shakes her head.

"As if I have any right to give you orders after everything you've done for Eorzea, Champion. No, I might have abused my authority to call you here, but I approach you as an equal. Nay, even from a place of inferiority. Your importance, what you have done for Eorzea… it can't be denied."

Far from getting a big head over the Admiral's matter-of-fact statements, Eorzea's Hero blinks… and then rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

"Aw shucks… anyone would have done it."

For a moment, Merlwyb looks taken aback. Then, her eyes narrow as she peers at him searchingly. But there's no deception to be found in the hulking Sea Wolf's face. No lie to be seen in his guileless and completely truthful eyes. Indeed, this is just how Beckett is. Humble to a fault. Always working tirelessly to get the job done. Convinced that his contributions aren't as large as everyone says they are.

The Admiral had heard rumors, and honestly, they'd only added to the Warrior of Light's growing legend for her. He was no simple man, but a myth and legend come again. Arriving seemingly from nowhere in Limsa Lominsa, he had taken not just their city, but the whole of Eorzea by storm without a doubt. And yet… he truly didn't think his accomplishments were that great.

Feeling a little faint, Merlwyb arches one of her sculpted brows, crossing her arms a little more tightly, pushing up her bosom a bit higher.

"Anyone, you say. Anyone would have been able to spearhead not one, but two assaults on the Empire during our multi-pronged attack. Anyone would have been able to take down the Empire's greatest weapon and save all of Eorzea from falling under their yoke."

Growing a bit more sheepish, Beckett just shrugs.

"Well… maybe not just anyone, but someone would have stepped up. I didn't do nothin' special, Admiral."

Letting out a low growl, Merlwyb steps forward and half-uncrosses her arms to plant one index finger in the middle of the hulking male's chest.

"No one else stepped up. Only you did. You are indeed something special, and I will not have you underestimating yourself a moment longer."

Baffled, Beckett takes a self-conscious step back.

"Uh… sorry?"

The unfortunate side effect of her albino nature is how hard it can be to hide when she's coloring. Normally, Admiral Merlwyb handles this by simply tempering all emotions and showing very little at any given point in time. But now she finds herself blushing, her gaze fixed on Beckett's massive, broad chest as she bites her lower lip for just a second before pulling back her hand.

"… I have been watching you from afar, Champion. I have watched you ever since you first began to reveal your true strength. At first, I thought you to be nothing more than a particularly useful tool in keeping the people of Limsa Lominsa safe. You proved me wrong though. You're so much more than that, aren't you?"

Eyes wide, Beckett begins to shake his head.

"Admiral, I-!"

But then Merlwyb does something that cannot be misinterpreted. She makes a most blatant move, reaching up and undoing the first button on the top of her dark coat, further unveiling her breasts and revealing more of her cleavage right then and there. Whatever self-deprecation the Warrior of Light might have been about to spout dies on his lips as Merlwyb looks at him, eyes dancing. He hadn't stared at her chest before, no matter how hard she'd… accentuated it. He's staring now though.

"… The Scions of the Seventh Dawn have a number of females in their higher ranks, don't they? Even after the attack, the core group has survived and is made up of some… truly beautiful girls."

What seems like a non-sequitur of sorts clearly throws the Champion of Eorzea for a loop as he blinks dumbly.


Stepping closer to him, the Maelstrom Admiral undoes another button on her coat.

"And yet, I have heard nothing of a relationship between you or any of them. You have not taken a single one of them as your lover. Are they not to your liking? Are they too foolish to see what a catch you are?"

"A-Admiral… there was a bit of a war going on. We uh… didn't have time to talk about that sort of thing."

Bobbing her head up and down, Merlwyb stops just short of invading the hulking male specimen's personal space, her eyes fixed on his chest for a moment before sliding up to meet his gaze.

"And if I were to express my interest, Champion? If I were to… throw my hat in the ring, as it were?"

It's Beckett's turn to blush a little, as his eyes continuously dart between her face and her half-exposed tits. She's practically popping them out at this point, even a bit of her bra can be seen from how many buttons she's popped on her coat. She's very nearly indecent, if she hasn't already reached that point.

"… I have always admired you greatly Admiral. You are a woman I have had great respect for, all my life. I would say… I would say that I have longed to be closer to you."

That's all Merlwyb needs to hear. Stepping forward again, the albino Roegadyn female invades her male counterpart's personal space at last. Her hand goes down to his crotch as she has to crane her head back to look up at him properly. Normally, the Admiral is used to being the tallest person in the room. Oh sure, there are plenty of male Roegadyn's in Limsa Lominsa that are taller than her, but not many in her everyday life. Indeed, she's tall for a female too, an imposing and oppressive presence that always commands the attention of those around her.

But the Warrior of Light is bigger by a head than she is, and Merlwyb's breath hitches as she grinds her palm into his crotch, able to feel his growing bulge through his pants.

"I see that your words ring true…"

Her own tone is faint at this point, her face red and her desire evident. As the female leader of a city, it's not often that the Admiral can… indulge. She must always be seen to be in charge, she must always be seen to be in control. Her partners, therefore, have to be of a certain type… the kind who will submit and who won't spread nasty rumors about her after the fact.

There is no man in all of Limsa Lominsa who could lay claim to her in the way Merlwyb secretly longs for. Not a single one that she would allow… save for the Sea Wolf standing right in front of her. With a lust-filled growl, Merlwyb suddenly drops into a crouch right then and there. The last few buttons of her long coat come undone, and she yanks it apart, revealing her pale torso, her bra-clad tits, and her albino abdomen as she then reaches for his crotch.


He groans as she grabs at his bulge, as she begins to feel out how best to undo his pants and remove his cock from its confines. Merlwyb can't help but smile a little bit, enjoying the tone of lustful pleasure and excitement in her chosen partner's voice.

"Champion. Allow me to be the first to properly thank you for saving Eorzea. Allow me to show you just how far my gratitude… and affection extends. For you… this much is nothing."

Of course, she says that before she manages to get his cock out. Once she does, Merlwyb can't help but gasp at the sheer size of his member. He's massive, directly proportionate with his hulking physique, and while she knows she shouldn't be surprised, the Maelstrom Admiral is still visibly shocked and in awe of him as she strokes him up and down with her gloved hands, having to double fist his cock in both palms to get anywhere with matters.

Beckett groans again at the silken feel of her gloves on his shaft, which in turn grows thicker and larger by the second. Merlwyb, meanwhile, is overtaken with a need for more. She refuses to be stymied here, refuses to be stopped at the starting gate. And so, the Admiral of Limsa Lominsa and the Maelstrom leans forward and opens her mouth as wide as it will go in an attempt to take the hulking Roegadyn male's cock past her full, pillowy lips.

A lesser woman might have chalked it up for a lost cause. A lesser woman might have called the whole thing off out of fear that he might break her with his massive cock. But Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, while many things, was decidedly NOT a lesser woman. Indeed, as she finds herself at first stymied by his size and the seeming limitations of her mouth and jaw, Merlwyb soldiers on all the same, beginning to choke and gag herself as she descends her way inch after inch down his length.

Beckett can only stare down into her glowing white eyes as they begin to water, as she starts to gurgle on his cock. To have the Admiral of the Maelstrom crouching in front of him looking like that… it's just too much.

"Admiral, it feels too good!"

That's exactly what Merlwyb wants to hear. It's exactly what she needs to force herself another few inches. But alas, about halfway is all that she can get down Beckett's length. The prodigiously large Sea Wolf's cock lodges in her throat and though she tries for more, that's all she can manage. And so, she bobs up and down on that first half of the Champion's cock like a woman possessed, and indeed seems quite obsessed with pleasuring him with her mouth.

Of course, it's not all about him. She's still a woman with her own needs, after all. As Merlwyb chokes down Beckett's massive Roegadyn shaft, her hands are also wandering all across her own body. One has unbuttoned and opened up her trousers and stuck itself down her pants and undergarments, her fingers dancing eagerly across her slit as it grows wetter and wetter, needier and needier.

The other glides over her tits, groping and squeezing each of them through the bra at first, before eventually pulling the bra down entirely, letting her massive pale breasts bounce free of their confines so she can molest each of them directly, her hand toying with her nipples until they're both rock hard.

All the while, she's bobbing up and down on Beckett's cock. All the while, she's pleasuring him with her mouth and throat. But… even that's not enough, she can tell. While he's making all the appropriate noises of enjoying her lips wrapped around his member, the fact that she can only take half of him into her gaping maw is clearly making it hard for him to reach climax. Indeed, with over half of his cock not receiving any stimulation, the likelihood of her getting him off with just her mouth seems to be vanishingly low.

But that's okay. In fact, in Merlwyb's eyes, that's absolutely perfect. Pulling back off of his cock with a pop, the Maelstrom Admiral straightens back up out of her crouch. As Beckett blinks in surprise, coming back to his senses now that she's no longer throating his dick, Merlwyb is not idle. Stepping back, she shucks off her coat entirely, and then does the same with her bra. Her already unbuttoned pants go next, sliding down her thicc, toned thighs, followed shortly after by her underwear.

And just like that, she's entirely naked, standing there between her desk and the Champion of Eorzea, her gorgeous albino body on full display for him. Running her hands up and down her naked form, Merlwyb lets out a low purr.

"How would you have me, Champion? Take me across my desk, if it pleases you. Or up against the wall. Perhaps on the floor? Pin me down. Ravish me. Use me to slake your own no doubt built up lusts. Our fights are over for the time being. A period of peace is to be expected. So, relax… and take my body as reward for all that you have done for our world."

She makes it sound like she's giving him something, to be sure… but in truth, Merlwyb wants this so badly she's willing to do almost anything to get it. Indeed, she's had her eyes on the Hero of Eorzea since long before he actually became the Hero of Eorzea. She'd even spent more than one night alone fantasizing about him.

Initially, the Admiral had never believed she could actually indulge in her desires, if only because she had her reputation to consider. But no longer. No longer did Merlwyb care about such things. Not when this hulking beast of a Roegadyn before her had all but saved their entire way of life. If anyone wanted to spread rumors about her and the Warrior of Light… let them. She would be happy to be called his whore, either behind her back or to her face as the pirates under her command were wont to do.

In the end, Beckett can't help himself. He is but a male, after all, and a mighty fine specimen of masculinity at that. Surging forward, the hulking man grabs her by her hips and yanks her up into the air. The Maelstrom Admiral is plopped down on the edge of her desk a moment later, letting out a wanton moan as she splays her legs apart for him.

But he surprises her, because rather than simply letting her legs dangle, Beckett reaches down and grabs her by the ankles, yanking those long, toned, pale legs up into the air and tilting her back so she's laid out on her desk. Merlwyb gasps as he folds her into a mating press, his impressive weight bearing down upon her.

Luckily, her desk is reinforced with metal, because she's quite sure that normal wood would not survive what's about to happen. Beckett's throbbing erection, covered in her saliva, slaps down upon her glistening wet slit, rubbing against her pussy lips for a moment as he humps back and forth to find purchase. Eventually though, the head of his fat, bulbous Roegadyn cock rests just inside her entrance and he's ready to take her, ready to ruin her and ravish her.

And yet, even in the throes of lust, he proves himself a good man and a hero, pausing to give her one last look of concern.

"You sure about this, Admiral?"

Folded up as she is, having already thrown aside her pride for this, Merlwyb lets out a throaty laugh and graces the Champion with a savage grin.

"Surer than I've been of anything. Wreck me, Hero! Dash me across the rocks! Prove yourself the superior captain and take me as your rightful plunder!"

She'd tried, but in the end the naval analogies had still managed to get through. Still, far from put off by them, the Sea Wolf Roegadyn above her grunts… and thrusts forward, punching right into her cunt with more than half of his impressively large cock in one go. Merlwyb chokes for a moment, feeling like the wind has been driven out of her lungs. Then the pleasure follows, and her eyes widen before going crossed as she lets out a truly throaty, exquisitely wanton moan.

Shuddering orgasmically, the leader of an entire Grand Company shows her feminine side as her feet kick up in the air on either side of Beckett's hulking form, his cock pounding into her clenching quim with a ferocity that could not be matched by a non-Roegadyn. Indeed, this sort of pleasure is something that Admiral Merlwyb has not gotten to experience in a very long time. The feeling of completely submitting to a male, of just giving in and letting go.

Is it any wonder then that her squealing cries of ecstasy and bliss soon fill the thankfully soundproofed office? As he pounds her against her reinforced desk, Merlwyb's eyes begin to roll back in her head, her tongue starts to loll out of her mouth. It doesn't get very far though, because Beckett is something of a romantic at heart… as he proves when he suddenly leans forward and, pressing his weight down upon her body in a truly satisfying way, captures Merlwyb's lips with his own.

The Admiral's eyes roll forward again and go wide as she's passionately kissed by the Champion of Eorzea. With a muffled, wanton moan, she reaches up and wraps her arms around his thick neck, kissing him back just as hungrily in return. A moment later, and she's up in the air as Beckett pulls back with her now in his arms, his hands sliding down to her pale buttocks and gripping tightly as she in turn claws at his back to hold on for dear life.

She's not free floating on his cock for long though, because the male Roegadyn immediately takes a few steps to the right and with his long stride, slams the female Roegadyn up against the nearby wall. Merlwyb cries out as she's fucked soundly against her own wall, her arms and legs both gripping Beckett for all they're worth. As she clings to him, being made to feel small for the first time in a long time and liking it very much indeed.

In fact, the Admiral likes it so much that she starts cumming and simply can't stop. Her inner walls tighten up around Beckett's cock, making it even more pleasurable for him to jackhammer in and out of her. Orgasming again and again around his member, Merlwyb's eyes once more roll back in her head, not even his tongue in her mouth keeping her coherent and cognizant of what's happening around her at this point.

Instead, the albino Roegadyn female is rammed up against the wall of her office again and again, until finally with a hoarse shout, Beckett begins to cum. He seeds her, not even seeming to stop to consider whether or not he should cum inside. But honestly, she can't bring herself to care. In fact, she quite likes him taking such liberties with her.

Still clinging to him for dear life, Admiral Merlwyb tightens her grip on his body, even as the hulking male pulls away from the wall. As their lips disengage, she looks at him with pure avarice and lust in her eyes, licking her lips suggestively.

"I hope you're not done yet, Champion. Because I can keep going all night long~"

Needless to say, the Admiral is very pleased when Beckett takes her up on that challenge. VERY pleased, indeed.


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