Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Need for Manga (TenSura)

The Need for Manga (TenSura)

A/N: The Need for Manga was a commissioned one shot originally written back in August of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Ramiris NEEDS more of her favorite manga. And she'll do ANYTHING to find out what happens next.

Themes: Mind Break, Fucked Silly, Size Difference


Ramiris was one of the first generation of Demon Lords, the third seat of the Octagram and the manager of the labyrinth. As well, she was the Hero's Guide, and it was said that it was her divine right to bestow protection on heroes. Some even went as far as to say she preserved the balance of the entire world.

She was also a flat-chested pixie small enough to sit on a normal-sized flower, with her blonde hair done up in pig-tails. But one could not allow themselves to be fooled by her diminutive appearance, nor even her pleasant demeanor. Sure, those who interacted with her wouldn't be able to tell she was a Demon Lord unless they pissed her off, but that was still no reason to threaten one's own existence by indeed pissing her off. She was super strong and quite capable, and eons old when one took into account all of her past lives.

But she also had one major character flaw, something she was rather new to despite being an immortal being. That is… she was addicted to manga.

Manga was a relatively new concept to her world, one that Ramiris had taken to with an excitement bordering in mania. She'd consumed every last bit of manga that her friend Rimuru had been able to provide her, going absolutely crazy as she happily sped her way through entire stories in mere weeks. All those fun ideas, all those fictional settings, she just couldn't get enough of them.

But then Ramiris had run into a problem. The reincarnated Fairy Queen had discovered something horrifying. Some manga… were unfinished! Say it ain't so! Surely it wasn't possible! It had taken her some time, since lots of the manga had thousands of chapters, but finally she'd reached the end… only to find it wasn't the end at all!

Her favorite manga… was currently on a cliffhanger, and that just wouldn't do! So Ramiris did the only thing she could do… she'd gone to Rimuru and demanded more! Unfortunately, bugging the slime didn't deliver the results it normally did. As it turned out, Rimuru hadn't made the manga, only memorized it. With the abilities of a slime, Ramiris' darling friend was able to reproduce any manga he'd memorized, so long as he had an appropriate amount of paper.

Truly it was an amazing and exciting skill, beyond a shadow of a doubt… but it didn't solve Ramiris' problem. She wasn't sure she could survive on such a cliffhanger! No, this had to be remedied somehow. Luckily, a bit more interrogation of Rimuru had uncovered the truth of things… the manga in question was made by someone else, a mangaka Otherworlder as Rimuru had calmly explained it.

Only that mangaka, the term for artist or creator of manga as Ramiris was given to understand, could possibly create more of her most favorite, most precious manga. But she had responsibilities as a Demon Lord! What was Ramiris supposed to do?!

In the end, there'd only been one answer. And sure, the pixie-like Demon Lord had taken half a second to consider it, contemplating whether it was a good idea or not for her, who was in charge of preserving the balance of the entire world, to shirk her duties in search of more manga. In the end though, the reincarnated Fairy Queen had decided that yes, it was indeed a good idea.

No! It wasn't a good idea; it was a GREAT idea! Manga… manga was worth it! Manga was worth ANYTHING!

And so, with a zip of speed that showcased her immense power despite her small frame, while focusing on the amazing skill and work that had gone into her favorite manga, Ramiris had flown across Rimuru's kingdom and arrived in a nondescript and rather rundown looking house, in front of a man with dark shaggy hair wearing glasses and currently laboring over what looked to be some sort of paper.

Of course, he jolts back at the sight of her appearing in front of him, eyes going wide as he all but pinwheels backwards.

"W-Whoa! Spirit Queen Ramiris?!"

Beaming, Ramiris flutters up into the air, pointing a finger at him.

"You! You're the one that made THIS, right?"

In one hand, she holds the entire final book of her favorite manga, which looks positively ridiculous given the manga book itself is easily twice her size. Still, it showcases just a smidgen of the so-called weakest Demon Lord's strength, as the bespectacled man blinks slowly and then focuses on what she's holding up for him.

"U-Uh… yeah? You… where did you get that?"

Beaming, excited now that she's found the mangaka she's looking for, Ramiris doesn't even pause in answering.

"My friend Rimuru made it for me! Rimuru is a slime! But… I need more! You have more for me, right?"

Blinking rapidly now, processing her words and trying to keep up, the mangaka eventually scratches the back of his head rather sheepishly.

"Actually, hit a bit of writer's block with that one. I've been working on other projects for a little while to try and get my brain juices flowing again. That's currently all there is…"

Gasping in shock and horror, Ramiris hugs the comically large (in comparison to her) manga book to her chest.

"N-No! This can't be all there is! It can't end like this! Y-You have to make more!"

Holding up his hands defensively, the mangaka groans.

"Jeez, you sound like my old editor! I know it's my most popular series, but it's only so popular because I don't rush it! I'll make more eventually, but it won't be ready for a long time! I've got SOME ideas, but you don't really know what will work and what won't, okay? I've still got a lot of work to do!"

His excuses are sound, truly they are. But Ramiris, being who and what she is, only focuses on one part of what the mangaka has just said to her. Her eyes sparkling, she drops the manga book in her hands and zips forward, grabbing the human man by his cheeks all of the sudden and squishing them together as she gets within centimeters of his face.

"You've got ideas! Great, that means you can tell me what happens next! Tell me! Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

Eyes widening slightly as he tries to pull away from her and realizes he can't, beginning to recognize just how strong she is, the young human man nevertheless manages to get out his response… and it's not what Ramiris wants to hear.

"I… can't!"

Letting go of him, pouting mightily, Ramiris crosses her arms over her flat chest and scowls.

"W-Why not?!"

Rubbing his jaw, looking at the small pixie a bit more warily now, the mangaka nevertheless stands his ground in a way that makes Ramiris want to cry in frustration.

"Because I haven't fully decided on how I'm going to resolve things yet!"

"Then do it! Decide! Right now!"

"It doesn't work like that! You can't just bully an artist into working, that's how you get crap! Do you want crap, or do you want good manga?!"

Flushing, realizing he was right, Ramiris' shoulders slump and she hangs her head as she floats there sadly in front of him.

"Good manga…"

"Then there's your answer. Just wait patiently. Everyone has to."

But Ramiris wasn't like everyone else. And while he was right that bullying and threatening him would probably produce shoddy results, there had to be SOMETHING she could do. Looking around the room, Ramiris tries to think of what that something might be… and begins to realize just how dirty and messy the room is. This mangaka… he was like her, a total NEET. And Ramiris… Ramiris knew what a NEET like him would like!

"Mou… I don't mean to pressure you Mister Mangaka… but maybe I can help relax you instead? Maybe, if I help you out… you can figure things out and get around your writer's block faster?"

Looking at her suspiciously, the mangaka presses his glasses up the bridge of his nose with a frown.

"My name is Haru… and what's that supposed to mean?"

Darting down, Ramiris lands gently right on his crotch, making him gape at her as she begins to use her very small toes to fondle his junk through his shorts.

"I can't help but notice my arrival has left you a little aroused~ Does something about my appearance entice you, Haru?"

At that, he blushes hard and Ramiris knows she has him. Smiling like a wolf who's caught her prey, the reincarnated Fairy Queen giggles in excitement.

"How about I show you how good I can make you feel… and in return, maybe you can finally make a decision on what happens next in my favorite manga!"

His breath hitching, his voice already faint, Haru just stares at her for a second before swallowing thickly.

"F-Fine… IF you can make me feel good…"

If?! IF?! Scoffing, Ramiris rolls her eyes at the Otherworlder's audacity. Honestly, who did he think he was? He-

While she'd been thinking that, she'd slowly floated down a bit more and grabbed the waistband of his shorts in her small hands. With her strength, pulling his shorts down was child's play… but the result was that his cock sprung out right in the Demon Lord's face. His big, fat, Otherworlder cock… which was easily bigger than her entire body.

She didn't know what she was expecting, but uh, it wasn't this? Blushing up a storm now despite her advanced age, Ramiris squirms for a moment before her gaze firms up and her resolve hardens. She was too determined to back down now! Luckily, his sheer size as his throbbing erection stood straight up had hidden her panicked face long enough for her to recover.

"H-Haha! This ole thing? P-Piece of cake!"


Haru doesn't seem too sure, by his tone. Well, Ramiris would show this Otherworlder Mangaka! She would! Puffing out her cheeks indignantly, the Fairy Queen leaps forward and practically latches onto the cock in front of her. It's like a big large pillar (by her standards) but instead of being made of carved stone, it's a slab of man meat, solid all the way through.

Ramiris' breath hitches as she rubs herself up against his cock, trying her best to pleasure the Otherworlder despite the incredibly size difference between them. As she goes, she tries to also incorporate dirty talk, knowing full well that that was an important part of any encounter.

"Y-You like that? I b-bet you do, you f-filthy mangaka!"

"Actually… your dress is getting in the way of appropriate skinship, and your shoes are a little too pointy…"

He sounds almost bored with her. Ramiris' cheeks puff out again, but she's forced to acknowledge his points. Fluttering back, the pixie-sized Demon Lord, powerful enough to wipe this human off of the face of the planet if she wanted to, nevertheless shucks her dress over her head, and kicks off her shoes and socks as well, completely exposing her nubile fairy body.

Haru's eyes soak in her appearance and he gives an approving nod as Ramiris blushes just a little bit, but proudly plants her hands on her hips and forces a smile all the same. D-Damn right she was worth being approving of! Hmph, this Otherworlder wasn't going to know what h-hit him!

Lunging forward again, the Demon Lord goes back to rubbing herself against Haru's pillar of cock flesh. But this time, with them practicing some truly debauched 'skinship', she was feeling it… she was really starting to feel it. The heat of his length against not just her tiny slit but also the rest of her naked body was amazing. It was really making her heat up too.

Panting, moaning, mewling, Ramiris figures she has to be making some decent progress at this point, only for such hopes to be shot down by the next words out of the mangaka's mouth.

"I'm not sure that's ever going to work, what you're doing now. It feels alright, but as far as pleasure goes, it's barely keeping me hard…"

Pouting yet again, Ramiris flits back and whines.

"W-Well why don't you just use me like your own personal onahole then, if you think you know b-better!"

Something sharp and considering appears in Haru's eyes at that, as he once again pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Could you handle that, pixie?"

Scoffing, Ramiris puffs out her nonexistent chest.

"I'll have you know I'm actually a Demon Lord, and the Fairy Queen besides! I can handle anything you pathetic Otherworlders can throw at me!"

"Well… if you say so!"

Without hesitation, Haru reaches out and grabs her around the waist, dragging her closer. The sheer audacity keeps Ramiris from fighting back, but it's obvious he has no idea just how powerful she really is. Still, he seems willing to believe her… and Ramiris is willing to do anything for her manga! Y-Yes, she certainly isn't ENJOYING being so close to the mangaka's genitalia.

Regardless, looking down, the weakest Demon Lord can only watch as he uses his other hand to fit his cock against her insanely small lips. Then, with a furrowed brow, Haru begins to push forward while pulling her down at the same time.

They were so obviously not made for each other that it wasn't even funny. The size difference was ridiculous. And yet… he manages to fit his cockhead into her pussy, as Ramiris' eyes bulge from the way her legs have to spread insanely wide. If she was a normal pixie, she'd probably die from this. But even as the 'weakest' Demon Lord, she's still insanely powerful. Her body isn't so easily torn asunder. It's not so easy to break her.

Or so she thinks. While it's true that she's fine physically, the further Haru gets inside of her cunt with his gargantuan dick, the more cracks begin to appear in Ramiris' psyche. She doesn't even notice them at first… until the pleasure starts to hit. Eyes wide, pupils shrunk to pinpricks, the Fairy Queen gurgles as she's slid further and further down Haru's dick. Her body, while easily able to withstand the abuse, is soon stretched wider and wider, until it starts to lose definition to it.

She didn't have tits in the first place, but her tiny compact chest is beginning to expand outwards from the bulge of Haru's cock reaching her neck. The rest of her organs have been rearranged at this point, in a way that Ramiris has to admit… feelings AMAZING.

As Haru bottoms out inside of her, with bottoming out here meaning he's practically pushing up against her esophagus THROUGH the stretched membrane of her womb, a look of worry spreads across the mangaka's face.

"S-Shit, you're not dead, are you?"

Ramiris finds that in her current state, she can't even speak, but only gurgle. Still, as insane as this is, she's still very much alive, and even mostly cognizant. And so, one of her small arms lifts from the round cylinder-like cocksleeve her body has been transformed into, and she gives Haru the tiniest of thumbs up, causing him to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Guess you could handle it then. Well, no point in you just being a cock-cozy, is there? Fuck, I can't believe this is happening. Did I pass out at my workstation again, and this is all just a dream?"

That last part is muttered to himself, even as he grips Ramiris around her middle and begins to slide her up and down his cock. The constant rearranging of her insides and organs around his dick causes the Fairy Queen to sputter as her eyes roll around in her head before eventually settling for a crossed position they might never come out of.

The sheer size difference makes it impossible for the diminutive Demon Lord to even consider adjusting to him. Rather, every thrust is a whole new experience in getting her innards bounced around by his unforgiving cock as it stretches out her womb to the thinnest possible membrane again and again. He slams home into her soft, squishy pixie body like there's no going back, and really… there isn't. One you turn the Fairy Queen herself into your personal onahole, you're sort of stuck, aren't you?

With a growl, Haru picks up the pace and Ramiris… Ramiris spasms and begins to cum. It just feels sooooo good. She wasn't expecting it! She'd never tried size play like this before, admittedly. She'd never even thought to try it. But here she was, getting treated like this Otherworlder's plaything. Which to be fair, if the mangaka could just continue her favorite manga, she would be happy to be his plaything.

Except… the more he fucks her like this, the less that seems as important anymore. Maybe it's the pleasure, maybe it's the mind breaking ecstasy brought on by the endlessly unique rearranging of her internal organs as he fucks her on his cock like the living onahole she's been turned into. But honestly, this feels too good for her to care all that much about the manga. Oh sure, she's still excited to eventually find out what happens next… but the more he fucks her silly, the more he uses her as his own personal sex toy, the less Ramiris needs it right that moment.

Rather than pleasuring him to the point where he can make a decision, Ramiris finds herself pleasured to the point that she doesn't need it as urgently anymore. Instead, it might be f-fun to stick around for a little while longer. It might be nice to hang out and maybe get fucked some more like this. She could be his cock cozy while he worked, his cocksleeve while he slept, and his personal onahole whenever he was feeling particularly horny.

A life impaled on this man's dick… wouldn't be so bad.

That's the last thought that passes through Ramiris' head before the pleasure completely overwhelms her, her eyes rolling back in her tiny little skull and her tongue lolling out of her mouth. A moment later, her clenching cunt (and the rest of her stretched body) manages to bring Haru off and he groans as he begins to blast his seed into her. This, of course, pops her off of his cock like a bottle rocket, sending her into the paper he'd been working on, the storyboard he'd had set up. His cum ends up soaking the paper and Ramiris both, painting the whole canvas white and ruining the small amount of work he'd done so far.

But Haru can't bring himself to care. He wasn't that far along anyways, and as the mangaka stares at the twitching little pixie on his storyboard, he can't help but grin shamelessly, stroking his cock so that the last few spurts of cum land on her naked body.

Moaning, Ramiris comes back to herself rather quickly and begins to rub his cum into her body, slurping up entire dollops off of her tiny hands as she looks at herself with glazed eyes. Chuckling, Haru sighs.

"I suppose you'll want me to figure out how to continue that manga for you now."

Ramiris pauses for a moment… and then much to his surprise, shakes her head as she continues to lick herself clean.

"Mm, nah. No rush. After all, you shouldn't rush perfection~ But I will be sticking around for the foreseeable future until you do. Don't worry about it too much… you won't notice I'm here unless you want to, tee-hee~"

His cock surges back to life at that and Haru swallows thickly as a hunger begins to grow within him again. He begins to reach for Ramiris all over again, and the giggling pixie doesn't stop him from picking her up and depositing her back on his cock.

Man… this would make an excellent manga, wouldn't it?


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