Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Another Route (Frozen)

Another Route (Frozen)


Themes: F/F, Temperature Play, Magical Sex

Summary: An AU where the trolls' memory modification doesn't take and Anna doesn't forget Elsa's powers. Everything works out all the better because of this.


Elsa moans softly as she slowly begins to wake up. However, the dream she’s currently having is very pleasant, so the newly crowned Queen of Arendelle tries to hold onto it, basking in the pleasurable haze for as long as possible. Alas, eventually she can ignore the call no longer and she rouses from her sleep, the dream coming to a delightful close.
… Or so she expects. As it turns out, the dream follows Elsa into the waking world, a pair of firm but gentle hands on her thighs spreading her legs apart, and an inquisitive, enthusiastic tongue working its way in and out of her folds. Shuddering in orgasmic bliss, Elsa lets out a much more wanton moan as she bucks her hips and proceeds to climax all over a face beneath her blankets.
Arendelle was a cold kingdom and its monarch was expected to always be warm even on the most frigid of nights. Even though the cold had never actually bothered Elsa, she still had heavy blankets and bedding to weigh her down as she slept. She preferred it that way truth be told. It was comfortable, to be pushed down by the weight of such warmth and bliss.
Regardless, the result is that looking down, she barely even sees the tell-tale lump under her blankets. It shifts back and forth, supping of her sweet nectar for a moment… before returning to eating her out with a vengeance. Elsa groans, tossing her head back and arching her spine for a moment as her thighs clench around the head of the person betwixt them.
Then, slowly, she begins the process of pulling back her bedding, one blanket at a time. As she does so, the lump between her legs becomes more and more pronounced, starting to look like a real person with every layer removed from atop it. More specifically… it starts to look like a real young woman. Until finally, at long last, Elsa removes the last of her blankets and reveals her sister Anna’s face… as well as Anna’s completely naked body.
The strawberry-blonde girl’s turquoise eyes flick up to her, even as Elsa pants, her face flushed and likely quite red as her own body is also revealed to open air. Her nipples are rock hard, though not from the cold but from arousal. And down between her legs, her pussy is quite wet due to Anna’s ministrations. Said ministrations don’t come to an end with the reveal either. The Princess of Arendelle endeavors to continue munching away at Elsa’s cunt without hesitation and without stopping.
Though, the reveal of her naked body does cause Anna to start shivering, until Elsa finally reaches down and cards her hands through her sister’s hair, running her fingers through those strawberry-blonde locks. After a moment, Anna’s shivering stops as Elsa confers some of her resistance to the cold to her younger sister. Not all of it, of course… but the Queen of Arendelle would be a poor Queen indeed if she didn’t have control over her powers, now wouldn’t she be?
It was funny to imagine how life might have gone if things had gone a little differently, Elsa supposed. Back when there were children, there had been an incident that had damn-near led to Elsa cutting Anna out of her life entirely. She’d very well nearly isolated herself from the world out of fear of her powers. All because she’d hurt Anna and nearly killed her little sister.
She probably would have succeeded in completely and totally cutting herself off from Anna and the rest of the outside world if not for one thing… the trolls and their memory magic had failed. They’d said they were going to remove Anna’s memory of Elsa’s powers, but within a week the other girl remembered everything. And after that week of not being able to even SEE Elsa… Anna had taken matters into her own hands.
Her little sister was stubborn in the extreme, and ultimately hadn’t let Elsa lock herself away. She hadn’t let their parents help her isolate herself either. Anna had forced herself back into Elsa’s live, and made Elsa understand that she forgave her… and more importantly, that she wasn’t going anywhere. That was the catalyst the young Queen of Arendelle needed in order to realize she couldn’t just live in fear forever. That it was a losing proposition.
It was Anna who had helped Elsa figure out what the trolls really meant too. They hadn’t wanted her to hide her powers, but rather, the advice they’d offered was to learn to use them safely, not keep them locked tightly away. Thanks to Anna, Elsa had worked harder than ever to try and learn how to properly control her magical abilities. And thanks to Anna, now all this time later, she was stronger than ever… and all the more confident for it as well.
Of course, that wasn’t to say their lives weren’t still without hardship and heartache. It had been over three years since their parents had been lost to them. Their ship lost at sea, Arendelle had been left without its King and Queen. But not without an heir to the throne, at least. Elsa, with Anna’s support, had stepped up and become Princess Elect. She had done everything necessary to keep Arendelle stable and maintain her family’s rule over the Kingdom.
Thanks to her powers, she was able to truly help Arendelle in a way no monarch before her had been able to. By the time she was finally coronated as Queen, the people of Arendelle loved her in a way that still took Elsa aback and made her a little confused. Sometimes she even wondered if she was truly deserving of their love.
But that was what she had Anna for. Anna’s love for her big sister was greater still than even the people’s love. And, privately, Elsa felt it was far more important to her than the people’s love. She’d never say that out loud of course, but the fact was… Anna had been Elsa’s rock after their parents’ death. And one thing had led to another and they’d wound up… well, like this.
Moaning again as Anna’s tongue insistently dives in and out of her cunt, Elsa’s eyes flutter in pleasure as she thinks she might be closing in on another orgasm. However, before that can happen, Anna suddenly rears back… and then chomps down on her clit, the little menace!
Elsa’s indignant squawk as Anna gnaws on her clit for a moment is met with blazing eyes. It doesn’t REALLY hurt necessarily, but it’s definitely a shock to the system that has her whimpering as tears well up in her eyes momentarily. But when she looks down at her sister, Anna looks right back at her pointedly, before returning to eating her out. No… not just eating her out.
Slowly, Elsa realizes what Anna has been trying to do and what Elsa, in all of her reminiscing and inner monologuing, has been completely missing. Namely, Anna has been trying to spell out words with her tongue in Elsa’s cunt.
A low groan leaves Elsa’s lips as the Queen of Arendelle tosses back her head.
“I should never have taught you how to write out the alphabet with your tongue you minx. You use that power for bad much too often!”
Anna stabs her tongue pointedly into Elsa’s cunt in response, causing the blonde monarch to let out a trembling sigh.
“V-Very well… I’m paying attention now…”
Slowly, Anna etches out the letters again, ‘writing’ a phrase in the lewdest most ridiculous way possible. Especially when one considered that she COULD have simply pulled back from Elsa’s mound for just a moment and SAID what she wanted to say out loud, the menace. Still…
Blinking rapidly as she finally parses the meaning of Anna’s purposeful tongue movements, Elsa looks down at Anna with an exasperated gaze.
“… You’re ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.”
Anna just looks back up at her, and knowing her sister, the Princess is mere moments away from biting Elsa’s clit again if she doesn’t get what she wants. With a sigh and a roll of her eyes, Elsa lifts one hand into the air and twirls her finger. Magical little snowflakes spin off of the digit and through the air, coming to land on the ground next to her bed. Then, they swirl to life, rising up and up and up from the ground as snow manifests itself and then compacts into a proper form.
Once upon a time, during the same incident that had very nearly led to Elsa shutting herself off from the entire world, Anna had had her make a snowman. They’d named him Olaf, and it had been quite fun up until the moment where Elsa had feared she’d killed her sister.
However, it wasn’t until later on that Elsa had learned she could do so much more than simply create snowmen. She could go a step beyond… and imbue said snowmen with life. In the later years when they were still children and Anna’s stubbornness had forced Elsa to keep training her powers so she could never hurt her sister ever again, Olaf had become a very real third friend to them, a playmate that they had gone on oh so many adventures with.
Of course, as they grew up, he had to grow up as well. It started with longer and stronger limbs so he could both keep up with them and carry the things they could carry, and then extended from there until… Olaf wasn’t just your average dumpy looking snowman anymore. He might have started life as three distinct lumps of snow piled on top of one another, with sticks for arms and rocks for eyes and buttons, and a carrot nose… but no longer.
As their trusted companion materialized at Elsa’s bedside, Olaf is more MAN than snowman at this point. He’s still made of snow of course, but he’s got a proper body, with a proper head upon broad shoulders attached to a broad chest with long legs and strong arms coming off of it. Elsa and Anna have spent long nights working on every aspect of his form… especially after they grew old enough to properly gain an appreciation for the male form.
Some of his earlier work was based on their father, the only man who they had in their life at all times, but as time had gone on and Olaf’s… position with them had changed, so too had his inspiration. Anna and Elsa had even snuck out of the castle a few times and gone down to the village just to people-watch. Neither of them were adventurous enough to actually want to make a village boy home with them… but thankfully they didn’t have to. Olaf could embody all of the best physical traits of those strapping young lads they’d ogled for them!
And indeed he did, his chiseled jaw shifting into a bright grin as the snow-MAN looks at both of them, chuckling heartily at the sight.
“Well, ladies. It seems that I’ve been invited late to the party yet again. Why is it that I’m only brought out after you both have gotten started, huh?”
Olaf’s personality had also come a long way over the years. At the start, when Elsa had first granted him sentience, her and Anna had still been children. But as they’d grown up and he’d come out more and more to play with them, he’d gathered life experiences and grown up more and more as well. Sometimes Elsa wondered if it was her own subconscious influencing him into being what she wanted him to be, but he assured her that wasn’t the case. Likewise, letting him dissipate wasn’t harmful to him… he still had all of his memories when she resummoned him, and he likened it to taking a quick nap. He didn’t feel anything while he was under, which was a relief.
That all said… Elsa just gives Olaf a wan smile, even as Anna lifts her hips into the air, continuing to eat out her big sister while waving her ass back and forth enticingly.
“You know how Anna is, Olaf. She can’t help herself. She started the party without ME too.”
Olaf raises a very carefully sculpted eyebrow at that, glancing down at the two of them again for a moment before nodding.
“She snuck into your room and under the bedding while you slept again, didn’t she?”
Snickering, Elsa nods.
Humming to himself, Olaf climbs onto the bed as Anna’s hip wiggling gets more and more… insistent. He lets out a sigh as he runs an icy hand over her body, making her shiver. Elsa could convey SOME of her resistance to the cold to her sister, but not all of it unfortunately. Or perhaps the right word there was actually ‘fortunately’… because in the end, it turned out to all work out for the best.
See, her sister was a little kinky. And sometimes Elsa wondered if that was her fault, because Anna’s biggest kink… was temperature play. Specifically, Anna loved being cold. She liked it a little too much in Elsa’s opinion. If it wasn’t for Elsa’s powers, Anna would have probably died from exposure years ago. Especially seeing how the little menace liked to sometimes go frolicking through the snow wearing nothing but her birthday suit!
But then, she hadn’t started doing that until Elsa learned to control her powers enough to convey some of her cold resistance to her sister. So maybe it was Elsa’s fault. Certainly, she sometimes worried that it was.
All the same, what cold resistance she COULD give Anna had allowed for their… playtime with Olaf to develop along a very specific line. As he grabs her sister by the hips with his icy hands, Anna jolts and then lets out a loud, wanton, reverberating moan that echoes up into Elsa’s cunt, making the Queen of Arendelle moan as well and shudder in pleasure.
Then, Olaf thrusts in. Yes, he’s anatomically correct. Earlier versions of him weren’t of course. Elsa hadn’t even thought about adding such… equipment to the snowman until Anna brought up the idea. Of course, neither of them REALLY knew what a man’s dick looked like at first. Some… spying on the village boys in the bath had given them that knowledge, however.
And so Olaf had a nice, thick ice dick to thrust into her little sister’s tight, sopping wet cunt. If not for Elsa’s powers, said ice dick would likely get stuck inside of Anna in short order, but thankfully, Elsa was able to… modulate the experience and temper it so that her sister couldn’t get hurt by her frankly dangerous fetish.
In the end, that was sort of the basis for their entire relationship. Anna was a minx who loved to get into trouble, and Elsa was the one who had to pull her back out again. Quite frankly, it had left Elsa in a strange position. She was sort of dominant over her sister in a way, because it was her powers that would satisfy Anna’s desires. But as dominant as Elsa was, calling Anna ‘submissive’ didn’t really work very well. She was just too free spirited for such a label and while Elsa could have broken her in like some horse or something, she would never do that to her sister. Not in a million years.
Of course, that doesn’t stop Olaf from giving it to Anna just how she likes it. Pounding into her cunt from behind, the snowman, emphasis on MAN, smiles at Elsa as Anna squeals and shudders in her position trapped between them. Roughly fucking Anna with every inch of his magical ice cock, he makes her positively SCREAM for him… which in turn causes Elsa to moan.
Eventually, both sisters tip over the edge at the same time, prompting a climactic dual orgasm that leaves Elsa shuddering and squirting all over Anna’s face and tongue while Anna climaxes all over Olaf’s cock. At which point the magical snowman slows down for a moment, modulating his thrusting a bit before grunting and gripping down harder on Anna’s hips.
Suddenly, their magical sentient ice playmate lifts Anna into the air, using some of that physical strength Elsa had imbued into him more and more over the years. Finally disengaged from her big sister’s cunt, Anna lets out a squeal of surprise that’s also half-laughter. She wiggles and struggles in his grasp, but to no avail as Olaf, his dick still impaled on her cunt, shuffles forward on his knees across the bed.
The end result is that he deposits Anna right on top of her sister, literally leaving their faces mere inches apart as their bosoms press against one another, their nipples rubbing against each other as they stare. Elsa is the first to break the strange tableau by smiling at her younger sister indulgently.
“Good morning, Anna.”
Blushing at the slightly chiding tone that Elsa has taken, still trapped between her sister and Olaf, Anna wiggles for a moment before giving Elsa a big, cheery grin.
“Good morning, Elsa!”
Then, that cheery grin is replaced by an o-shape as Anna’s face contorts in pleasure, a tell-tale sign that Olaf is starting to play… dirty. After all, he’s magical, sentient snow and ice. He might have the appearance of a chisel jawed manly man, but he’s still a snowman at the end of the day. Which in this case means he DOESN’T have to actually hold to any specific form of… dick.
Elsa watches as Anna shudders in orgasmic delight despite Olaf seemingly not moving a muscle. But then, while Olaf is very much his own person, he’s still an extension of Elsa’s power. Which means she can feel how he’s morphed his ice cock into an ice tentacle, allowing him to wriggle and writhe it around inside of Anna’s cunt without having to actually move his hips at all.
She also feels it more directly when the snowman forms a second icy appendage beneath his first and places it against Elsa’s lower lips. A low moan leaves her mouth as Olaf penetrates her just the same as he’s penetrating Anna. Both sisters can do nothing but cling to each other as he starts to properly fuck them with his icy tentacles.
Of course, Elsa isn’t just resistant to the cold… she’s all but immune. Cold has never bothered her, and Olaf’s ice tentacles are no different. At times she wonders what it must be like, because even if she DID have a temperature kink like her sister, she wouldn’t know it. She could get hot, and she knew she didn’t really like that, but she couldn’t get cold. Not truly.
As such, Olaf’s ice tentacle feels completely normal to Elsa. Which is to say, it still feels very good, having him fuck her pussy while her sister lay atop her, sandwiched between them both. Moaning up a storm, the two young women can only shudder and hold on for dear life as Olaf goes to town on them. But Elsa is still supposed to be the big sister. She’s supposed to be in charge. So she rallies herself as best she can and pulls Anna into a kiss.
Her sister’s turquoise eyes widen in surprise at that, before slowly growing lidded as she moans into Elsa’s mouth and wiggles in her grasp. The two of them make out for what feels like an eternity while basking in the pleasure of Olaf’s dual appendages. Anna’s nipples are as hard as diamonds against Elsa’s own, rubbing back and forth as their bodies writhe in ecstasy and bliss.
But alas, all good things must eventually come to an end and this morning of fun is no different. After what feels like a dozen orgasms apiece, Anna and Elsa are both tired and Olaf, able to sense as much, slowly withdraws from them.
As Anna pants heavily, laying her head on Elsa’s chest, the Queen of Arendelle makes eye contact with the snowman over the top of her younger sister’s head. Olaf tilts his head to the side and raises an eyebrow again.
“Shall I draw a bath, your Majesty?”
Elsa smiles and nods.
“That would be wonderful, Olaf.”

Anna was shivering against her chest, after all. Despite Elsa’s best efforts, despite her absolute control over her powers, Anna still pushed her to her limits every damn time. The girl loved the cold way too much, even when it really wasn’t healthy for her. It fell to Elsa to make sure Anna didn’t go too far. She was the big sister after all. And the Queen as well.
Ten minutes later and Olaf has prepared the bath for them. He can’t join them of course, given how hot the bath is, but he stands diligently aside while Elsa uses her magic to keep the steam in the room from melting him. Meanwhile, she herself carries her sister into the bath, forcing her to heat up a little bit even as Anna groans in protest.
But Elsa just shakes her head and hugs her darling little sister tight.
“Let it go, Anna. Let the cold go for now.”
Slowly, Anna relaxes and lets her body recover some much needed warmth. Theirs might not be the most conventional sibling relationship… but Elsa wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. She loves her sister with all her heart… and she’s so very glad Anna didn’t let her shut herself away like she’d wanted to, all those years ago.


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