Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Hand of the Emperor (Star Wars)

Hand of the Emperor (Star Wars)

Commission (Parts 1-3)

Themes: Master/Slave, Dom/Sub, Breeding

Summary: Mara Jade returns to her Master after a successful mission and reaps her Just Reward. Her Master being Luke Skywalker, Emperor of the Galaxy that is.


Part 1:


A red head dressed all in black makes her way down the main corridor of the Imperial Palace, confidence and surety in her every step. She passes by pair after pair of crimson robed Imperial Guards, but none of them make any move to stop her or impede her progress. Eventually, Mara Jade, the Emperor’s Hand, arrives at the end of the hallway, just in time for the doors to the Imperial Throne Room to open for her.
Stepping into the throne room, Mara stops and glances at the guards on either side of her, before looking forward to the throne at the other end of the room.
“Your Majesty.”
“Mara… leave us.”
To their credit, the Imperial Guards don’t hesitate to obey their Emperor. Whether they have their own thoughts about leaving their Master alone with Mara Jade or not, it matters little. The Emperor’s Will is absolute, and so they obey instantly, turning and departing through the door behind her.
Once they’re gone, Mara licks her lips… and begins to strip as she walks forward. Pulling down zippers, unbuttoning buttons, and shucking off her black clothing piece by piece, the gorgeous, lithe red head strips down to her birthday suit, removing every stitch of clothing from her body until she has absolutely nothing on but what she was born with.
She hits the bottom of the stairs leading up to her Master’s dais just as she’s removing her last boot, and happily drops to her hands and knees, crawling the rest of the way to the Emperor and his throne. Green eyes glittering with lust and delight, she kneels between his legs and bows her head in submission.

After a moment, the Emperor reaches down and tucks two fingers under her chin, lifting her face so he can look her in the eye. Mara looks right back, staring into the malevolent Sith Yellow eyes of her Master and Emperor of the Galaxy… Luke Skywalker.
Luke’s Dark Side-corrupted gaze soaks in her nudity for a moment, Mara thrusting her chest out for him, trying to give him her best angle as she kneels silently before him. Finally though, he lets out a soft chuckle and shakes his head.
“Sometimes I wonder why I married you Mara, seeing how you prefer to prance around as my slave rather than my wife.”
Taking his humor as the permission it is, Mara Jade reaches out and slips her hands into Luke’s robes, rapidly pulling his cock from the confines of his pants. As she exposes it to open air and begins stroking him to full mast, the red head smiles up at her master, her emperor, and… yes, her husband.
“Before I am anything to anyone else, I am your wife. But before I am your wife… I am your Hand, your Majesty. I am your tool, your weapon… and yes, your slave. This humble servant lives to carry out your will in all things, Master.”
Luke sighs, leaning back on his throne, his fingers leaving her chin as he regards her silently. But even though he doesn’t dignify her words with a response, Mara knows she’s pleased him. There will always be a part of him that loves her. The part that loved her enough to marry her in fact. But there’s no changing that he is a Sith Lord. That he is THE Sith Master now. He has yet to take an apprentice, but there’s no disputing his power. He’s the Emperor of the Galactic Empire, after all.
Leaning forward, Mara takes Luke in her mouth at long last, her eyes drifting shut in happiness as she moans around his cock, sending vocal reverberations up his length while bobbing up and down it. In response, Luke’s breathing deepens, and his Force Presence swells throughout the room. It’s like a heavy blanket on the senses… at least for her.
But then, she knows he’s taking it easy on her. Sliding her tongue along the underside of his cock, wrapping her lips lovingly, tenderly, and adoringly around his shaft, Mara moves up and down her beloved Master’s member with a single-minded focus, unafraid of his power, unconcerned by his overwhelming connection to the Force.
Oh, don’t get her wrong. She knows full well that he could kill her in a second with nothing but his presence. Luke Skywalker is not your average human being. He is the son of the so-called Chosen One, and his connection to the Force is just as powerful as his father’s was before him… even more so, perhaps. There’s a reason that she’s kneeling before him on his throne, orally servicing HIM as Emperor right now after all. There’s a reason Luke rules the galaxy… rather than this predecessor, Sheev Palpatine.
In a way, Palpatine was the catalyst for all of this. The monstrous man who brought them both together. Heh, Mara hadn’t started out so… mm, submissive and docile before Luke. Rather, their relationship had been somewhat acrimonious at first.
To hear Luke tell it, it had started when Luke went against his Uncle and Aunt’s wishes and signed up for the Imperial Academy to become a Tie Fighter Pilot. Perhaps if his relatives had been honest with him, he wouldn’t have made the fairly simple mistake of doing so under his true identity, Luke Skywalker. But then, they didn’t bother telling him who his father truly was. The idiots.
Needless to say, the name Luke Skywalker got up the chain rather quickly. By some small amount of luck and no small amount of subterfuge and treachery, the information about Luke’s existence got to the Emperor instead of his apprentice first. And so it was Mara’s first Master that got his hands on her second, long before Darth Vader ever found out about him.
For a time, Luke had been trained right alongside her, as an Emperor’s Hand. That was where their relationship had begun. Where they had started as rivals, as enemies, as competition for one another. Except… it wasn’t even fair. Luke was a teenager when he fell into the Emperor’s control. Mara had been just a child when she was taken. She had YEARS more training and experience then Luke did, and dozens upon dozens of finely honed skills.
It should never have been a contest really. And it wasn’t… just not in the way Mara had originally assumed. In the span of months, Luke had surpassed her in every way. Not just in his connection to the Force, though his overwhelming power certainly helped. But also in every other fashion. The boy was from a backwater planet with little in the way of education… and yet, he soaked up the Emperor’s knowledge like a sponge. He took everything Palpatine had to offer, which was a lot, and assimilated it faster than Mara could even blink.
For a time, she’d thought she was going to be replaced. She was supposed to be the Emperor’s Hand after all, and suddenly this newer, better model had come along and looked to be edging her out in every possible way. It wasn’t until later that Mara learned there was more than one Emperor’s Hand, so it stood to reason that her days were numbered.
And then it happened. Darth Vader found out about Luke’s existence. A confrontation between Luke, his father, and their Sith Master took place in this very throne room. Only Luke walked away. Suddenly, he was her Emperor. Her Master. He’d taken the mental conditioning that Emperor Palpatine had carefully constructed around her mind and ripped it away, repurposing some of it to make sure she would not act against him, but overall giving her more freedom then Mara had ever had before… freedom she hadn’t even known she was missing out on.
Was it any wonder that she fell in love with him after that? Was it any wonder that she became his? Not just his Hand… but his woman as well.
Deciding she’s done enough in terms of foreplay; Mara slowly pulls back off of Luke’s cock and then looks up into the Sith Emperor’s yellow eyes. After a moment, Luke nods, giving her his permission to escalate. Licking her lips, she rises to her feet and then crawls into his lap. Straddling him, the naked red head impales herself upon his cock, crying out lewdly and moaning wantonly as she fills herself with her Master’s spit-polished dick.
After the fact, when they got a lot closer, Luke confided what had happened in that throne room to her. The Emperor had ordered Luke to kill his father. And he had. Darth Vader might have been the man who contributed to his birth, but he was also a monster who was more machine than human at this point. More than that, Luke blamed Vader for his mother’s death, and apparently Vader blamed himself as well.
It was only afterwards that Palpatine had gone a step too far, however. Mara still struggled to wrap her head around it, around what Luke had told her… but she knew her Master wasn’t lying. And she knew her former Master definitely would have ordered it. Essentially… the Emperor had told Luke that with his father dead, he only had one attachment left to sever. That once he killed Mara, he would become Palpatine’s new apprentice and they would rule the galaxy together, side by side.
Mara, who hadn’t even realized she WAS an attachment for Luke at the time… was the sole reason that Luke Skywalker killed Sheev Palpatine and ascended to the Imperial Throne. She was the reason that he became Emperor of the Galaxy, slaying their Master and usurping his position as Sith Lord.
How could she not wish to serve Luke with every fiber of her being after learning that? Moaning, she arches her back and continues to ride the Emperor. Her breasts push close to his face, and she lets out a positively guttural cry when he finally takes her up on her unspoken offer. Her Master’s hands finally leave the sides of his throne, and grasp at her body. His fingers dig into her hips, her ass, her sides as he runs them up and down her lithe form.
Meanwhile, his mouth moves to her breasts. One nipple and then the other comes under assault as the Sith Emperor lavishes attention upon them. All the while, his presence continues to wash over her. To anyone else, it would probably be suffocating. He’s very, very powerful after all. If Palpatine was a Shadow cast over the length of the Galaxy, then Luke is a Black Hole, threatening to suck everything in.
The only reason he doesn’t… is because he doesn’t want to. His control is ironclad, his power his to command. He is the Master here, both of her… and himself. The Force does not control him, HE controls it, and as the Sith Master, he can do whatever he want. Right now… what he wants is to enjoy her body to the fullest it would seem, and Mara has to admit, she wants the exact same thing.
Letting out a happy little gurgle, the red-haired Emperor’s Hand cums upon her Master’s cock, eyes half-rolling back in her head as she bounces up and down on his dick throughout the resulting climax. She pounds herself down his length so hard and so fast that Luke doesn’t even have to thrust up into her from below. He can let her do all of that, while he focuses on slaking his dark and unfathomable lust upon her body.
It belongs to him after all. SHE belongs to him. And Mara wouldn’t have it any other way. Unfortunately, this can’t go on forever. Mara’s moans quiet down as she forcibly reins herself in, before slowly looking down into Luke’s yellow eyes. The Galactic Emperor gazes back up at her, raising an eyebrow as she continues to bounce up and down on his cock. Finally, Luke releases her nipple from between his teeth and gazes at her knowingly.
“Are you finally done hiding your thoughts from me, Mara?”
A shiver runs through her body. Obviously he’d known she was purposefully shielding her mind from him. He also could have pushed in and knocked away that shield at any time if he wanted to. That he hadn’t was both a sign of his extreme trust in her, as well as supreme confidence in his own abilities. Regardless, Mara bites her lower lip as she shakily nods.
“… It’s good news, Master. Very good news~”
She knew she’d been a little naughty, letting things get this far before she told him. Still, as she lays her mind bare for him, as she lets Luke plumb the depths of her mind, she can’t help but enjoy the feel of his cock buried in her cunt, her inner walls clenching tightly around his member.
It’s clear the exact moment that he finds out what news she has for him. Luke’s entire body goes still for a moment as Mara waits to see his response. He might be angry at her, for not immediately informing him. But no. Instead, he lets out a startled, gleeful laugh… and proceeds to slide a hand through her voluminous red locks, pulling her into a deep, tongue-filled, soul-searing kiss.
Mara’s eyes widen for a moment before she relaxes into the kiss, moaning into Luke’s mouth as he has his way with her in more ways than one. His very Force Presence is suffusing hers right now, and she shudders as she feels him… doing something.
When they pull apart for air, Luke has a gleeful grin on his face.
“Very good Mara. Very well done. And for this… I think you deserve a reward.”
That’s all the warning she gets before he begins to cum. But it’s not just him cumming inside of her. It’s more than that. Sharing his perception with her, Luke shows Mara what he’s doing. It was something that Palpatine’s Master was said to be able to do. To influence the midochlorians to create life directly. Luke isn’t quite doing that… but he’s certainly super-charging his seed while jumpstarting her cycle.
As he fills her womb with his cum, Mara knows beyond a shadow of a doubt… that he’s just gotten her pregnant. He’s just knocked her up and bred her. A shuddering moan leaves her lips and she quivers her way through one last orgasm before it’s over and he’s pulling her off of his cock.
The Emperor stands from his throne, pulling her to his side and giving her another searing kiss as she leans against him for support. He also infuses her with a small amount of energy, leaving Mara suddenly feeling energized and ready to take on the world, rather than sore and shaky, almost unable to stand on her own.
As he pulls away from her, Mara can’t help but smile, following after him and gathering her clothing as they go. Luke is clearly excited… but then, to be fair, he had every right to be.
The information that she’d been shielding and that he’d pulled from her mind just now pertained to the last of the Rebellion’s leaders. There were just two left after all this time. Two who were still fighting. A woman named Winter Celchu… and Luke’s own twin sister, Leia Organa.
But they weren’t fighting anymore, because before Mara had come to Luke in his throne room today, she’d finished securing the pair in the holding cells down below. The Rebellion’s last major leaders had been captured. It was over. And now Luke… Luke would get to decide exactly what he wanted to do with them.
A shiver runs down Mara’s spine as Luke stops and turns back to her, his yellow eyes filled with avarice and malice.
“Quickly now, Mara. I’ll need your help with Leia’s little friend, Winter. And then, once I’m done with Winter… she’ll be helping me with Leia.”
Mara’s eyes widen and then she matches his malicious grin with one of her own. Now she knows exactly what he plans to do with the pair of rebellious, defiant women. And frankly… she very much approves.


Part 2:


She had been tortured before. In her line of work, you didn’t tend to get away unscathed forever. Eventually the bill came due and the debt had to be paid. You could escape on ten jobs but the eleventh would wind up with you captured and in some dank, dark basement somewhere. From there, it was your ability to keep a level head in a shitty situation that separated you from those who wound up dead at the end of such experiences.
Of course… this wasn’t a dank dark basement. And Winter could admit, they were really in the shit this time.
Born the only child of Sheltay Retrac, one of the late Bail Organa’s best agents in the last days of the Clone Wars, Winter had spent her entire life as companion and sister to Bail’s daughter, Princess Leia Organa. They’d essentially been raised together during the dark years that came after the rise of the Galactic Empire. However, when they were both grown and the time came for them to do their parts, Leia had stepped up and into the light, taking on the role of Senator for Alderaan. In comparison, Winter had stepped back and into the dark, taking up the title of spy and becoming one of the Rebel Alliance’s best operatives.
Unfortunately… Winter couldn’t say how much her efforts had helped. One could look back on her storied career as an Operative for Alliance Intelligence and recognize that she’d completed nine out of ten missions, that she’d succeeded at almost every task set for her, and that ultimately she was one of their best, bar none.
But did that really matter… if the Rebel Alliance as a whole had failed?
They were doing well for a while there. Too well, Winter now understood. It was only with the benefit of hindsight as well as a plethora of information that being a spy gave her that Winter now knew what had happened. From the very beginning… the Emperor knew. Maybe not everything, but enough. After all, he was a Sith Lord. Emperor Palpatine, formerly Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, was not some doddering old tyrant drunk off of his power.
No, he was an extremely powerful Force User who had allowed the Rebel Alliance to form… because by letting them oppose him, HE grew stronger. Even as his tyrannical Empire shrouded the galaxy in darkness, they played the role of foil for him, allowing him to constantly feed off of their defiance, off of the negativity that was left behind in their wake.
To be clear, this did not mean they were wrong to oppose him. Someone had to. But… it did sting, knowing now what she wished they’d all known then. That the Emperor wanted a rebellion. That he thrived in its existence. And that that was only made obvious AFTER he was dead and his predecessor had no similar use for such a thing.
Speak of the Devil and he shall Appear. Winter’s lips thin out as the door to her cell opens up and a figure in a dark cloak steps inside… followed by his Hand, Mara Jade. The red-head smirks at her, even as Winter glares right back. The bitch might have captured her and Leia… but damn it all, she wasn’t going to give them an inch. Even if this was the end. Even if there was no way out this time around.
Because while Winter had escaped situations like this before… she’d never been quite so helpless or trapped. More than that… her and Leia were the end. The last burning embers of a flagging rebellion. Ever since the first Emperor’s death, his predecessor had hunted them to the ends of the galaxy, stamping them out with MUCH more efficiency and strength then Palpatine had. It was what made it so obvious that Palpatine had been… playing with them all along.
As she glares at Mara, the robed figure pulls back his hood, revealing the features of the new Emperor. Young and handsome… but with yellow eyes all the same. Luke Skywalker gives Winter a crooked smile.
“Hello there. Winter, I’m told?”
His voice is deceptively charming but Winter just sneers at him, causing the Sith to chuckle and shakes his head as he approaches.
“I’m told you’ve been like a sister to my sister, Leia Organa. I appreciate that, you know. It’s why I’m not going to kill you. You and Leia… I want you both to live. I want you to submit.”
He says it so casually. Has this… boy Emperor ever done a single interrogation in his life? Winter shoots Mara Jade an incredulous look, wondering what the Emperor’s Hand thinks of this, only to find that she’s amused more than anything. Finally, she looks back at Luke and scowls.
“I will never submit to you. And neither will your sister.”
Tilting his head to the side, the Emperor hums.
“I wouldn’t be so sure. I imagine your confidence stems from that eidetic memory of yours, yes? You don’t think you’ll break because you won’t ever forget what you’re fighting for. You literally can’t forget what you’re fighting for.”
Winter stiffens and flares her nostrils, not dignifying that with a verbal response. Though… he’s right. She remembers every atrocity, every torture, every torment. She remembers everything the Emperor has ever done, from the destruction of Alderaan to the massacres and slaughters she was directly present for. Her perfect memory means that Winter will never forget these things. As much a curse as it is a blessing.
But in her inability to forget… Winter knows beyond a shadow of a doubt how EVIL the Empire is. She knows how monstrous the man before her is and what sort of darkness he represents. And no matter how hopeless things might seem, she has already committed to fighting that darkness until her dying breath.
“Do your worst, monster.”
Luke’s smile grows into a wide grin at that, frightening when it goes along with his Sith-Yellow eyes. Then, he gestures to Mara. Winter tenses up as the Emperor’s Hand approaches, expecting the pain to begin any second. Which is why she jolts when instead… Mara begins to touch her almost gently. Tenderly, even. And above all… sensually.
“What… w-what are you doing?!”
“As my Master wills, of course.”
Winter just squawks as she’s slowly stripped out of her jumpsuit by Mara’s soft, exploratory hands. She struggles as best she can, but whenever she makes any headway, she feels herself locked down by the Force. Not by Mara, but by Luke. Mara… Mara never so much as lays a violent finger on her. Every touch from the red head is gentle and slow and caring.
A full-body flinch runs through the white-haired rebel spy as she’s reminded of far too many late nights with Leia. How they took comfort in one another’s arms even as everything they’d worked for burnt down around them. She shivers in disgust at both herself and what’s happening right now, pulling on her feelings of hatred, focusing on her perfect recall of the Empire’s atrocities above all else.
“That’s enough of that, Winter.”
Suddenly, the Emperor is right in front of her and before Winter can react, Luke’s hands are on her head. The rebel spy’s eyes widen as she feels him pushing into her mind all while Mara continues to fondle and grope her body, casually and tenderly molesting her naked form.
Winter herself might not be force sensitive… but she IS trained to resist mental intrusions. She’s trained to resist all forms of torture, including those that utilize the Force. And yet… against Luke’s might, it doesn’t even matter. He so easily batters down her resistance. He pushes away her mental fortifications with a casual sweep of his metaphysical hand. And he… he’s in her mind.
“Oh yes. That pesky perfect memory of yours, Winter… it’s plagued you long enough don’t you think? Perhaps you can’t forget on your own… but that doesn’t mean you can’t be made to forget. Wouldn’t it be so much nicer if life was… easier?”
She tries to fight it. But the Emperor’s power is such that he’s able to hold her body in place for Mara to molest while also rifling through her mind. Winter shudders as this happens, recognizing that she’s starting to… lose things. Specifically the horrors she’s witnessed throughout her life as a rebel spy. There have been so many… and they’re vanishing like stars in a night sky.
The rest remains. Her loyalty to Leia. The good times on Alderaan. And she knows Alderaan was destroyed by the Empire. She still KNOWS that. But… the memories of finding out her home planet was gone along with everyone on it… the emotions tied to those memories… they slip through Winter’s mental grasp like sand through fingers.
Gasping now, Winter whimpers and whines as Mara’s hands get more insistent. She’s fingering her now with one hand while playing with a nipple with the other. Winter’s back arches as the loss of those terrible memories makes the pleasure she’s feeling all the greater.
The worst part is… she knows exactly what Luke is doing. And yet, knowing isn’t even half the battle. Knowing certainly isn’t helping her win the war. Bit by bit, he prunes her memory like a damn tree, getting rid of the gnarled and twisted branches that represent her hatred and disgust for the empire.
It gets to the point where… Winter doesn’t even really know what she’s missing anymore. She knows she’s supposed to be upset. She knows she should fear this yellow-eyed monster in front of her. And yet, the red head playing with her body is doing so with such expertise that Winter can’t help but wantonly moan and squirm in Mara’s grasp.
Suddenly… there’s a cock in front of her. Luke’s cock. Winter finds herself staring at it. Sniffing it. Licking her lips at the sight of it. She’s so turned on right now. Why is that? What’s going on? She’s… she’s been captured. She’s sure of that bit. So she probably… probably shouldn’t give her captors what they want. But wait, are these her captors? Or fellow prisoners? Does it… does it even really matter?
Winter sucks in Luke’s cock without much further thought, beginning to bob up and down on his member as his hands remain carded through her hair, caressing her scalp. As she fellates him, he smiles down at her almost fondly, his fingers continuing to massage away at her skull.
“Good girl. That’s much better isn’t it? So much more… relaxed.”
Yesss… he’s right, she knows. She feels so much better now, weirdly enough. She should be horrified, probably. Her perfect memory… has collapsed in on itself. She still remembers a lot… all the good things really. But the bad things… they’ve been stripped away.
Except deep down inside, Winter knows that the bad things made her who she was as much as the good things did. She may not remember the version of her that existed mere moments ago, but she knew they were important. And yet… and yet she keeps sucking on Luke’s cock. She keeps fellating the Emperor of the Galaxy. Because it feels good. Because the Emperor’s Hand is continuing to finger her towards an orgasm and Winter finds herself wanting to return the favor.
Her climax takes her quite suddenly, making her moan up and down the length of the dick in her mouth. She shudders as she cums all over Mara Jade’s fingers, until finally she’s done with her release and slowly comes down from the pleasure high.
With a simple click, the binders on her wrists and ankles come open. Winter is suddenly free to move around. Of course, she doesn’t try to fight back. She doesn’t try to escape. Instead, she lets Mara turn her around to face her. The red head pulls Winter down into a tongue-filled kiss that the rebel operative finds herself returning quite eagerly. Then, she pulls her further down to her hands and knees… and guides Winter’s mouth between her thighs.
There, Winter begins to eat Mara out, tonguing the Emperor’s Hand just like she’d tongued Leia all those nights. Of course, normally the two women preferred to sixty-nine… but that isn’t necessary this time around, because even as Winter is eating out Mara Jade, she feels a pair of masculine hands on her hips… and the Emperor’s cock spearing into her gushing wet slit.
Winter lets out a muffled cry into Mara’s quim as she’s split open by Luke from behind. Spit-roasted between the two of them, the rebel spy’s eyes roll back in her head, her tongue writhing and wiggling like mad around inside of the folds in front of her. It feels so good being fucked by Luke. It feels so good eating out Mara.
It feels so good… to submit.
A small, distant part of Winter screams in outrage at this. She would never submit… except here she was, doing exactly that. She couldn’t remember why she wanted to fight so badly anymore; truth be told? Her eidetic memory was still there. She could remember all the good times. She could remember Leia… her beloved companion Leia. But there was a lot missing.
Winter knew this… but found it altogether too hard to care as she’s fucked from behind and pushed deeper into Mara’s cunt. The pulsing, throbbing cock inside of her twat makes Winter feel so good that she cums several more times for the Emperor, even as her wanton moans reverberate into Mara’s pussy, bringing the red head to a couple climaxes of her own.
Finally though… Luke himself lets out a grunt and fills Winter with his seed. He pumps a nice, thick load right into Winter’s womb, causing the rebel spy’s eyes to flutter and roll back in her head from the mind-numbing pleasure. This… this was so much better than fighting. Winter honestly didn’t know why she’d been struggling so hard against the Emperor and his Empire anymore. She didn’t know why… and she didn’t care either.
Luke’s silken tone reaches Winter’s ear and this time his charming voice makes her smile as she turns to look up into the handsome young Emperor’s yellow eyes.
“You see now, don’t you? You see how good it is to submit.”
He pulls out of her and she turns around, sucking his cock clean for a moment before nodding at him with a smile.
“Yes Master.”
Sliding his hand back through her stark-white hair, Luke hums for a moment before chuckling.
“Good. Then you’re ready to help me convince my sister as well. Leia… she doesn’t understand yet. She doesn’t know how happy we can all be together. But you and I… we’re going to show her, alright?”
Winter’s eyes widen at that. For a brief moment, some tiny, miniscule part of her rails at the injustice of it all. But that part is subsequently flattened by how overjoyed she is at the thought of getting to show Leia how happy they can all be together at Luke’s side. She eagerly nods her head up and down in easy agreement with the Emperor, before accepting his hand as he helps her to her feet.
Then, naked as the day she was born, Winter follows Luke out of her cell, completely docile and broken as he takes her to where his sister, her companion, is being kept.
She can’t wait to help Leia see the truth.


Part 3:


A shiver runs down Leia Organa’s spine as she feels him approaching her cell at long last. She’s never actually been trained in the ways of the Force, mostly because to open oneself up to the Force was to open oneself up to the Darkness that pervaded the entire galaxy. If she’d been trained, the Sith would have been able to find her all the easier. Darth Vader and the Emperor would have known her for what she was the moment she set foot in the Senate.
Or so she’d been told. Part of her had to wonder, especially in times like these, if her lack of training was more of a detriment than a boon. Sure, this wasn’t the worst set of circumstances she’d found herself in… her stay on the Death Star came to mind. But at the same time, there was something much more… Final about this imprisonment. More final than even the destruction of her planet and her being slated to be executed.
Before she can think on that feeling any longer, the door to her cell slides open. Leia lifts herself up off of the uncomfortable slab of a bed and stands tall, even as Luke steps in with a smile on his face… and burning embers in his yellow Sith Eyes.
His smile widens ever so slightly at that.
“Leia… sister. Reunited at last.”
Stiffening, Leia’s lips thin out. She wants to ask after Winter. To find out what he’s done to the woman who Leia considers to be her ACTUAL sibling in all but blood. But she’s afraid that will provoke him. She’s also afraid of what he might tell her, truth be told…
Stepping forward, the Emperor… her brother reaches out, causing Leia to flinch and him to pause as he tilts his head to the side and lets out a soft sigh.
“You’re afraid of me. Even now.”
Feeling a little indignant, Leia can’t help but scowl.
“Especially now, ‘brother’. You are the Emperor of an Empire I’ve spent my entire life trying to topple. And I am your prisoner. Are you saying I should not be frightened? Are you trying to convince me that you only have my best intentions at heart?”
Luke, to Leia’s surprise, beams at her.
“Of course. I’ve always had your best intentions at heart. That’s why I’ve had you… brought to me. That’s why I’ve come before you now. Leia… I want to offer you your heart’s desire.”
Leia’s heart pangs at that, her first thought of home. Of Alderaan. Gone now. Destroyed. Her parents, for all that they were adoptive, dead. He couldn’t give her what her heart truly desired. Which meant…
“That’s right, Leia. I want to make you Supreme Chancellor… of a reformed and reinstated Galactic Senate.”
Shooting her brother a look at that, Leia grits her teeth.
“First of all… stay out of my head. Second of all… bullshit. Sith don’t give up power. Not under any circumstances.”
That gets a sigh from her brother, who shakes his head and runs a hand through his sandy blonde hair. Then, he throws her a roguish sort of grin.
“Careful now, Leia. Only Sith deal in absolutes. You and I might be closer than you think. Still, you’re not wrong… the Empire wouldn’t be going away, obviously. Neither would my position as Emperor. But… I’m not nearly as interested in the micromanaging of my predecessor. Palpatine went out of his way to make the galaxy a darker place on both a macro and micro level. He spread as much pain and suffering as he needed to in order to increase his own power, the old fart.”
That made a worrying amount of sense. The parts about Palpatine anyways. The Empire was so poorly ran it felt like it had always had a sort of… design behind its mismanagement. But then, by that same token…
“And you don’t, Luke? You don’t want to make the galaxy a darker place to increase your power like he did? I find that hard to believe.”
At that… at that, her cell gets darker. Leia shudders as power cascades over her, forcing her to stumble back and take a heavy seat on the edge of the slab behind her. A sinister chuckle comes from the young Emperor’s lips.
“Believe what you like, sister. But believe this… I have no need for Palpatine’s paltry and pathetic methods of gaining power. I’m already as powerful as I need to be.”
She believes that truth be told. She can FEEL it after all. Though, just when it’s beginning to truly get overwhelming, Luke pulls back his presence, leaving Leia to gasp as she catches her breath.
“The offer is genuine, Leia. Accept and you will be named Supreme Chancellor of a new Galactic Senate. You will have the full backing of the Empire in whatever initiative you deem fit. You can even change things back to the way they were before our birth if you like. Bring back the Republic in all but name. Get rid of slavery. Get rid of all of the racism, all of the prejudice, all of the discrimination. Agree to be my Supreme Chancellor and you will have my support in whatever you decide to do.”
It sounded too good to be true. Which meant it almost certainly was. Luke might be her brother, but he was also a Sith. She knew she couldn’t trust him. At the same time… she saw no reason to beat around the bush.
“What’s the catch, Luke? There’s always a catch.”
The Sith Emperor is silent for a moment… before sighing out a single word that fills the room and fills Leia’s mind.
A shiver runs down Leia’s back and the corner of Luke’s mouth quirks up.
“Don’t make your choice just yet, Leia. Let me show you the cost, I suppose. But in the end… I think you’ll find that it’s a small price to pay for happiness.”
With that, the door to her cell slides open once more, admitting two more women to the increasingly cramped space. Leia stiffens as Mara Jade, the woman who caught her and Winter in the first place, steps inside. Dressed in black leather straps that leave little to the imagination and bare her breasts and crotch in their entirety, the beautiful red head gives Leia a wolfish grin as she steps up to Luke’s right-hand side, posing herself next to him.
However, Leia barely has time to react to Mara’s presence before she registers who the second woman is. Winter, dressed in lacy white lingerie that stands in stark contrast to Mara’s black leathers in both color and aesthetic, strides up onto Luke’s left side, giving Leia a wanton and eager grin as she also poses herself by the Emperor. The Emperor and his two women… except that shouldn’t have been possible. Winter was tougher than Leia herself. Always had been.
“Winter… what have you done to her?”
Before Luke can answer, Winter leans forward and pipes up.
“He showed me the Truth, Leia. He showed me how good it feels to submit. And most importantly of all… he showed me how deeply unhappy I was. And how unhappy you are too.”
Winter’s smile broadens and she reaches up and runs her hands up and down her own body in a way that makes Leia blush profusely. Winter… Leia couldn’t lie and say they hadn’t ever experimented. But that didn’t change how horrifying this situation was.
Tears well up in Leia’s eyes as she glares at Luke, feeling angrier than she’s ever felt in her entire life. Which is saying something because… once again, the Death Star and Alderaan had been a thing. But as terrible as that all was, as much as that had made her hate the Empire all the more… Winter had been one of the small bright spots that had pulled her through it. And Luke… Luke might have been a Sith, but he was still her brother. She’d still held hope he could be redeemed. Now though?
“… Monster. How could you ever think I would agree to anything, when you’ve done this to Winter? You’ve stripped her of her free will and I’m just supposed to accept that?!”
His yellow eyes still blazing yellow, Luke smiles and shakes his head.
“I haven’t taken her Free Will away from her, Leia. I’ve merely opened her mind to reality. She truly is happier now. Not because I’m forcing her to be happy, but because she’s no longer burdened as she once was. And you don’t have to worry… because I fully intend to relieve you of your burdens as well.”
Leia’s eyes widen at that, but before she can react, Luke already has her in his grasp. First, he catches her with the Force, stopping her in her tracks and completely immobilizing her. Then, he steps forward and places his hands on her head directly, splaying gloved fingers across her brow and temple and through her hair.
She tries to fight it as best she can. The one thing she knows how to do, just barely, is defend. She brings up as many walls as she can… but to no avail.
“Still so raw, Leia. Untrained. They were fools to utilize you the way they did… but I suppose in the end, it’s a good thing. Less bad habits to unlearn.”
He worms his way past her walls like they aren’t even there. His Darkness pervades every last bit of her mind just as it had pervaded the cell earlier. But this time, Luke doesn’t stop. He doesn’t pull back. They’re connected and Leia shudders as she feels him reaching in, grasping deep. A single tear leaves her eye as she closes them tightly shut, anticipating the manipulation of her mind, the loss of her sense of self.
Except… it never comes. Instead… instead Luke pulls up HER Force Sense. He opens it wide, like a dam breaking. Leia gasps as she feels… everything for the first time. The Force is beautiful… and so gloriously Dark.
Except, the Dark doesn’t have to be a bad thing, Leia quickly realizes. She feels Luke… but she also feels Mara and Winter. Mara’s love for her Master… and for her husband, is so intense. Leia hadn’t even known the Emperor and his Hand were married. But she can sense it between them, just like she can feel that Mara’s devotion and adoration extend so far beyond marriage it’s not even funny.
And then there’s Winter. She IS happy, to Leia’s shock. Of course, given Leia’s lack of training, she can’t tell what Luke has actually done. All she knows is that Winter’s mind is technically her own… and the white-haired woman is so very, very happy to submit. She’s even happier to be with Leia. To love Leia. To… to care for Leia.
“Oh… o-oh…”
More tears stream down Leia’s cheeks now, but they’re tears of joy… or ecstasy. The brunette whimpers as she feels Luke’s Force Touch begin steadily removing her clothing. His hands remain on her head while he strips her naked. Meanwhile, Mara and Winter step up and use their physical hands to strip HIM naked as well. Until eventually, they’re both bared before each other, Luke’s cock twitching with anticipation.
“Do you see now, Leia? Do you see how wonderful life can be when you just submit? Give in, sister. Kneel at my feet and not only will you be with Winter once more, not only will you become Supreme Chancellor and have all of my power at your fingertips… but we’ll finally be together. As one. As we were always meant to be.”
“… Yesssss…”
She doesn’t actually kneel. But she does give in. The Dark is too glorious not to. LUKE is too glorious not to. Leia can only moan as she feels Winter and Mara move to her sides. The two other women press themselves against her, acting as a pair of horizontal ‘beds’ as they lift her up into the air and let her lean back against their busts, their arms roaming across her body.
Meanwhile, Leia’s legs wrap around Luke’s waist. Her arms wrap around her Emperor’s neck. And as he enters her, she moans throatily and wantonly.
“That’s it, Leia. Take it. Take Master’s cock.”
Winter’s voice whispers into her ear and Leia shudders as she does exactly that, taking Luke’s cock nice and deep.
“Mm… you gave him quite a lot of trouble, rebel. Time to start making up for it. Submit. Submit to your Emperor.”
Of course, Mara’s voice is a little rougher, and so is her treatment as she leans in to nibble at Leia’s other ear after whispering her own words into it.
She does that too. She submits. Luke’s blazing eyes stare down at her and his smile is almost boyish in its joy as he fucks her right there in the cell. This was it… in the end, this was their destiny wasn’t it? Just as Luke had said, they were meant to be together. Twins born at the death of a Republic and the birth of an Empire. Was it any wonder this was where they’d wound up?
And in a way… had they not won in the end? Leia moans as she cums for her brother… for her Emperor. She cries out as his cock splits her open, stretching her wide, burying itself deep inside of her time and time again.
The old Sith were gone. Palpatine and Vader both. Now it was her brother and his wife… and Leia and Winter. And though Leia’s connection to the Force was still raw, unfiltered, and unrefined… she could feel the love between all four of them. She could feel the passion, the adoration, the devotion. Winter and Mara worshipped the very ground that she and Luke walked upon. How could Leia not do the same? How could she not exult in her brother’s immense darkness?
If this was wrong… Leia wasn’t sure she wanted to be right anymore. And as she cries out yet again from another orgasm ripping its way through her shuddering, quivering body… she knows that there’s no going back. The Dark Side swims through her, held only at bay by Luke’s iron will. Without him, she’s sure she would be swept away by the tide in an instant, and drowned out in an ocean of hatred, anger, and despair.
But with Luke’s help… she feels so free. She feels so ALIVE.
Looking into her brother’s eyes, she sees Luke smiling down at her.
“Through victory, our chains are broken, Leia. The Force… it frees us.”
And she knows… she knows he’s right. This is victory. This is triumph. Shuddering, Leia lets her eyes roll back in her head and allows herself to be lost in the pleasure Luke, Mara, and Winter all want to show her.
… She’ll take Luke up on that offer eventually, of course. As Supreme Chancellor, there’s a lot of things Leia could do. A lot of wrongs she could right.
But first… she basks in the realization that she’s finally, truly home. Because home is where the heart is… and her heart belongs to her Emperor.


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