Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Best Reward Ever (Metroid)

Best Reward Ever (Metroid)


Themes: F/F, Rough Sex, Robot Sex

Summary: In which Samus saves a random alien from some raiders, only to be gifted something of an awkward gift by the grateful merchant. At first she doesn't use it, but when things get desperate...


“Great Hunter! You have saved me from both physical harm and financial ruin! Please, I beg of you, allow me to reward you justly for your heroism!”
Samus Aran, Galaxy Renowned Bounty Hunter, is never more grateful for her fully enclosed spacesuit than in moments like this. With her face hidden, she doesn’t have to feign a smile. In fact, she’s pretty sure the expression currently across her face is one of pure exasperation, given what she’s currently dealing with.
“That… really isn’t necessary.”
It wasn’t like she’d stopped to save the random alien because she was expecting a reward or anything like that. Sure, getting some credits from a grateful spacer and another notch on her belt when it came to her galactic reputation was always appreciated, but it really wasn’t necessary. And in fact… this particular alien merchant didn’t have credits to spare anyways.
“I insist! As I already told you, all of my credits are sunk into this product! If those raiders had managed to get on board, they could have ended up destroying or even stealing my goods in order to sell them themselves! To say nothing of what they would have done to ME in the face of my defiance! Only your timely arrival saved me from certain doom, Great Hunter!”
Samus grimaces as the alien spacer waves his inhuman appendages around wildly. He’s right, of course. And to be fair, Samus is no stranger to sometimes taking on goods instead of credits for services rendered. It’s just that this guy’s product is, by and large…
“This one! This one is top of the line, Great Hunter! Please, I beg of you, take her off my hands and make good use of her!”
… sexbots. Samus stares into the deadened face of a very life-like female sex robot and lets out an explosive sigh that does NOT leave her suit’s communications systems. When she’d first seen the alien’s ‘products’ all lined up neatly in his cargohold, each in their own box, Samus had very nearly flipped out. Had she accidentally saved a slaver? But no, luckily she’d taken a closer second glance before doing anything rash.

These were life-like, but they were not alive. They had segmented limbs if one looked closer, and their eyes were clearly mechanical. Their flesh was synthetic as well, if one knew what to look for. Hence, sex robots. Kind of gross still, but nothing as horrific as slavery, and not truly all that morally repugnant.
Unfortunately, the sexbots were the only thing that the alien had on board. He’d explained to her that he’d sunk every credit he had into this shipment, buying them straight from the manufacturer and then going off across the stars to sell them at a premium. Like some sort of wandering sexbot salesman. It seemed ludicrous, but to be fair, he was set to make quite a lot of credits back off of his investment… if all went to plan.
Needless to say, things had almost not gone to plan, but Samus had shown up and saved him. And now? Now he wanted to pay her back. Staring at the sexbot he’s chosen for her… she has to admit, the lifeless thing is at least a little cute. And he’s already brushed aside her nicer ways of saying no. She didn’t want to be rude and have this positive interaction turn into a negative one. At the end of the day, a Bounty Hunter’s reputation was their lifeblood.
“… Very well, I’ll take it.”
“Wonderful! Simply wonderful! Thank you Great Hunter! And please, if you enjoy the product, be sure to let everyone know where you got it from!”
Samus snorts derisively at that, once again keeping the noise from leaving her suit as she instead silently stomps forward, picks up the box with one arm, and begins making her way back to her ship. Of course the alien was trying to turn her into a walking advertisement for his sexbots. Nothing in this universe was ever done without ulterior motives.
Unfortunately for him, Samus had no intention of using the damn thing. She was just taking it to be polite. Once back on her ship, she sets the box down in a dark corner of her own much smaller cargo hold and promptly forgets about it. With the interaction over, the Bounty Hunter continues on with her day, her week, hell, her whole month. She goes back to doing what she does best… kicking ass and taking the galaxy by storm.
“Ugh. So fucking bored.”
It’s several weeks later and Samus is leaned back in her pilot’s chair. Dressed down to just her Zero Suit, the Blonde frowns as she stares up at the ceiling, just waiting for something interesting to happen. Unfortunately, nothing was. She hadn’t gotten a gig in over two weeks, and no distress calls were coming in either.
This was the cost of being as famous and successful as she was, she supposed. Ultimately, she was bored enough that she might have been willing to take a lower paying hunting job just to have something to do. However, no one was going to offer her one of those because of her reputation. You didn’t hire Samus Aran for small potatoes. Not if you wanted to be able to hire her in the future for something that REALLY mattered.
And she couldn’t even go to the bounty boards anymore and pick up a job herself. She was too big of a fucking deal for that, her reputation would quite literally take a hit no matter what if she was seen actually searching for jobs, whether she successfully managed to complete them or not. Utterly ridiculous, but that was just how it worked when you were at the top, she supposed.
… Well, if no one was going to cry out for help, either officially through the proper channels or unofficially through her comms system picking up a distress call, Samus supposed she had time to kill, didn’t she? And what better way to do that then to play with herself~
She was a healthy, beautiful woman. She had needs just like any other sapient lifeform. And, as previously mentioned, she was oh so bored. Hands come up and begin to run over her body, moving across her Zero Suit as Samus grunts, not quite moaning just yet. It’s just some light touching after all. She moves from her breasts to her crotch, engaging in some over-the-suit fondling for what feels like a good little while.
Eventually though, she’s beginning to get all hot and bothered. Eventually, Samus is ready for the next phase. One hand goes down to her crotch, finds the hidden zipper on her Zero Suit, and slowly pulls it open. Almost teasing herself, Samus reveals her own pussy inch by inch. She’s moist but not quite wet just yet, even as she runs her digits along her slit.
Her other hand, meanwhile, goes off to the side, yanking open one of the compartments in her cockpit. From within it, she pulls out a common human sex toy… the vibrator. Specifically a high-end vibrating wand. Licking her lips in anticipation, Samus flicks the vibrator on, turning it to max power. What could she say? She was a girl with needs, and more importantly than that she was a woman who knew what she liked.
The vibrating wand buzzes harshly in her hand as she brings it down to her slit, running it along her pussy lips. A gasp leaves Samus’ mouth, followed at long last by a moan. It’s not long before she’s fallen into her usual routine with the vibrator. Sliding it up and down her increasingly slippery slit, before grinding it into her clit at the top of her pussy mound.
Bucking her hips up into the air, the greatest Bounty Hunter in the galaxy begins to lose herself to the throes of passion, moaning up a storm. If anyone could see her, if anyone could hear her… her reputation would certainly take a hit. But as it is, it’s just her and the void of space. No one is around… to hear her cream.
Unfortunately for Samus, she doesn’t get to hear herself cream either. Mostly because mere moments before she’s sure she’s about to tip over the edge, the vibrator suddenly fizzes and shorts out. Samus’ eyes snap open as the sex toy dies on her, her gaze sliding down her shuddering, heaving form in disbelief. What the fuck? She’d only gotten the damn toy six months ago! It was supposed to last TEN fucking YEARS!
Samus lets out a frustrated growl and tosses the vibrating wand onto her cockpit dash, before trying to frantically finish herself off with her fingers. Unfortunately, it’s too late for that. The orgasm is thoroughly ruined, and while she’s incredibly aroused… she’s not going to cum from just her digits. There’s a reason Samus bought the vibrator in the first place. Her own hands just aren’t good enough for her ever since… well, it doesn’t matter. The point is, she needs assistance in order to cum. Assistance that just gave up the damn ghost on her!
For a moment, the bounty hunter stews in her chair… then, her mind flicks over to the box in her cargohold. She’d honestly completely forgotten about it until this moment. It… and its contents. The blonde hadn’t ever had any intention of unboxing the sexbot and actually using it. But desperate times called for desperate measures.
A few seconds later, Samus is standing in front of the box, her Zero Suit not even properly zipped up. Her nipples are so fucking hard they’re poking out of the skintight blue suit, and her puffy, dripping pussy lips are still on display as she pauses for a moment, asking herself if she’s really going to do this. In the end, she decides that yes she fucking is.
Opening the box is easy. Surprisingly, the instructions for turning on the sexbot are pretty clear too. The thing even comes with its own already charged battery, which is a pretty nice little perk. Most electronics straight out of the box, you would have to charge them first before using them.
But no, within minutes, Samus is watching as her new sexbot’s eyes light up and the feminine robot turns on and looks at her.
“Greetings Designation: Meat Bag. This Unit requires a name. Please provide this Unit with a name.”
Samus blinks. Excuse her?
“Meat Bag?”
The sexbot’s eyes flicker at that.
“This Unit requests a different name. Designation: Meat Bag is your name, Meat Bag.”
… The manufacturer that spacer had bought these from had totally screwed him over, hadn’t they? More than that, now she was wondering if they’d sent those raiders she foiled to take back their product as well. Either way, it was so far from being Samus’ problem at this point.
“Don’t call me that. Call me Mistress. As for your name… Tress Elief. You’ll be Tress from now on.”
The sexbot’s eyes flicker again, but ultimately it does not emote in any meaningful way as it takes its first steps out of its box.
“Very well, Mistress. You are clearly quite clever, Mistress. This Unit, Designation: Tress Elief, is at your disposal.”
The robot was perfect for deadpan, Samus reflects. She couldn’t hear the sarcasm, but it still felt like it was front and center. And so what if Samus had named the damn thing ‘Stress Relief’ without the S and R? You try being put on the spot with naming something and see how well you do.
Shaking her head, still modestly aroused by this point and honestly simmering even more so because of the literal sexbot in front of her, Samus snaps her fingers and turns to make her way back to the cockpit.
“Come along, Tress. Time to get to work.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Moments later, Samus is back in her chair, turned to face the cockpit’s entrance as Tress steps through it. Spreading her legs wide, she gestures to her cunt.
Tress, thankfully, doesn’t need to be told twice and is apparently clever enough to understand implied commands. The sexbot drops to her hands and knees and crawls the rest of the way across the cockpit in what Samus has to admit is kind of a sexy manner. Finally, Tress reaches her and leans up, placing hands on Samus’ thighs. Her grip isn’t cold, but it does have a somewhat mechanical tinge to it, even as Tress, never breaking eye contact, lowers her mouth to Samus’ waiting quim.
Samus bites her lip in anticipation, her hands going up to her breasts as she waits to see what the sexbot can do. Then, Tress opens her mouth and her tongue slides out of her waiting maw. Not a human tongue, of course… very much a sexbot’s tongue, a full-blown appendage that slides up into Samus, begins to writhe around… and then starts to vibrate for good measure.
Eyes widening, back arching, Samus groans in appreciation, her hands starting to frantically play with her tits as wanton moaning forcibly expels from her lips. Tress’ vibrating tongue feels quite good inside of her, and she’s soon pinching and tugging on her nipples through her Zero Suit as she enjoys the sexbot’s technique to great effect.
Of course, giving Tress an… open-ended command might not have been the wisest move. She hadn’t actually ordered the sexbot to do anything, which would explain why Tress felt it was within her purview to suddenly shove a vibrating pair of fingers up Samus’ ass as well.
Eyes widening for a moment, the blonde shudders as her cunt and anus are both assaulted by her newest sex toy. Normally, Samus wasn’t a fan of having things up her ass. But in this moment, she could deal with it. More than that, she could even enjoy it. Tress was good… very good in fact. To think, Samus had gotten her for free~
Gurgling, Samus loses track of the time for a little bit. She loses track of everything that isn’t her own pleasure. It could have been hours… or more likely, minutes, before finally, Samus came all over Tress’ tongue, lips, and chin. The blonde Bounty Hunter squirts and squirts as she bucks her hips, experiencing one of the most explosive orgasms she’s had in a long, long time.
Too long, Samus can’t help thinking as she collapses back into her pilot’s chair, eyes heavily lidded. However, they snap fully open when she looks down at Tress and sees that the sexbot clearly has unknown features. Tress has pulled back from her cunt and is now sat back on her heels as she licks her lips clean and awaits further commands.
However, the sexbot she originally booted up and the sexbot before her now are two very different things. While Samus was enjoying Tress’ attentions, the female robot had apparently taken it upon herself to… match Samus’ body type. Her breasts and ass have both grown, while her stomach has taken on definition and abs.
From the neck down, she looks like a decent approximation of Samus Aran… if Samus Aran were also a robot with segmented limbs and other obviously mechanical bits to her. Still, looking at Tress, Samus whistles.
“Looking good, Tress.”
“Thank you, Mistress. Did you enjoy yourself?”
Snorting in amusement, Samus nods lazily.
“Yeah… yes, I did.”
“Very good, Mistress. Would you be interested in exploring more of what this Unit has to offer?”
She can’t lie, she’s curious what that even means. So, with a brow raised, Samus shrugs.
Suddenly, Tress is reaching past her… way past her. The sexbot’s arm elongates so that it can move all the way around Samus’ chair to her cockpit’s dashboard. For a moment, the bounty hunter stiffens, expecting treachery… but then Tress pulls back her hand to reveal the vibrating wand Samus had tossed aside before.
“Oh, Tress. That thing is-!”
But before Samus can explain that the vibrator is broken, Tress has taken it… and placed it against her crotch. The blonde watches with wide eyes as her sex robot seems to assimilate the sex toy directly, absorbing the broken wand into herself and after a moment… creating a large, thick, faux phallus with the thing, protruding directly from her crotch.
Abruptly, Tress stands up and is suddenly looming over her. Samus has to swallow the ‘eep!’ that threatens to escape her lips as the sexbot suddenly and quite aggressively plants her hands on the arms of the chair, her new strap-on dildo abruptly pressing against the slit of Samus’ cunt. However, just as quickly as she moves into position, Tress goes still. Waiting.
“Shall I, Mistress?”
Samus’ heart is racing in her chest now. She can’t quite explain it. But in the end, she doesn’t really need to, does she?
“… Yes.”
That’s all Tress needs to hear. A moment later and the sexbot slams her new fake dick into Samus’ cunt. The reformed vibrating wand, turned into a vibrator strap-on, buzzes away inside of Samus, going deeper into her than any sex toy ever has before. A gurgling moan leaves the blonde’s throat as her sexbot begins to rail her, pounding in and out of her cunt with every last inch of the fake phallus she’s now sporting.
Samus has to admit, there’s something to be said about getting fucked like this. Pounded into her pilot’s chair, treated like a piece of meat. She’s a strong, independent woman and she’s had to fend off terrible sorts before. None of the males who have tried to get with her have managed to get very far. She can tell that they’re all scum, after all.
Unfortunately, that means she’s never gotten it as rough as this before. And rough is exactly what Samus needs. After everything she’s been through, she’s not nearly as sensitive as she used to be. Gentle, soft, tender? These aren’t things that do it for the blonde anymore. She needs it hard. She needs it rough. More than that though, as Samus is now realizing… she needs it DEEP!
Tress’ new cock drills deeper into her by the moment. Just when she thinks that the sexbot has finally shoved every last inch of the strap-on into her, she drives even further in on her next thrust. Samus gasps and groans. She moans and mewls. She can’t get enough of the way the sexbot is fucking her. And it’s all so perfect, because Tress is just a toy. She’s life-like, but not actually alive.
Samus feels more free to do whatever she wants, and what she wants in that moment is to get fucked hard and fast by her strap-on wielding sex robot. That’s exactly what she gets, until at long last Tress hits the entrance of her womb, the vibrating tip of her dildo reaching Samus’ cervix.
That pressure, that vibration against such a deep, intimate part of her… the blonde bounty hunter cries out and cums again, orgasming explosively once more. This time it’s all over Tress’ faux cock instead of her elongated tongue. This time, Samus actually whites-out for a moment, seeing stars as she shudders in delirious pleasure.
By the time she recovers, she’s been repositioned. Apparently, her previous consent is all Tress needs to keep going. Samus finds herself clinging to the back of her pilot’s chair, now kneeling in it instead of being sprawled out across it. Meanwhile, her ass cheeks are pulled apart, and the tip of the messy vibrating strap-on is pressed against her anus.
No, not there- but it’s too late. Samus recovers just in time to open her mouth and tell Tress not to fuck her in that hole, but the words never actually manage to make their way past her lips. The next thing she knows, Tress has filled her back door with fake dick. Not just fake dick, but fake VIBRATING dick.
Samus shudders under the sudden onslaught of sensations. It’s not as painful as she’s expecting. Tress’ earlier assault on her back door has loosened her asshole. On top of that, the amount of fluids Samus had unthinkingly squirted all across the sexbot’s faux cock has lubed it up enough for passage to be… not quite easy, but also not quite difficult either.
Choking on her own spit, Samus can do nothing but cling to her pilot’s chair as Tress proceeds to take her for quite the ride. Pounding into her ass just like she did her pussy, but now from behind while holding her backside in those mechanical hands of hers. Shuddering, Samus can’t help the moans that eventually spill from her lips.
She’s not… she’s not some kind of anal slut or anything like that. Really. But there’s no denying that it feels good. And so, even when she recovers enough to speak up and tell Tress to stop, Samus doesn’t do so. The blonde lets the butt fucking continue on, her entire body shaking and shuddering with every jarring thrust that the sexbot delivers to her asshole.
Samus has to admit, it’s actually starting to feel quite good. So good, in fact, that her hands move back to her breasts. She finally pulls down the zipper on her Zero Suit, freeing her confined mammaries from their prison. Truth be told, the bounty hunter just can’t stand it anymore. Her rock hard nipples, grinding against the inside of her skintight Zero Suit, have become a source of discomfort instead of pleasure for her.
At long last freed to open air, Samus moans even louder as she pinches her nipples between her fingers, groping her own tits while Tress continues to pound into her ass with all the might that the sex toy can muster. The robot fucks her in the ass for what feels like an eternity, until Samus begins to doubt whether she can keep her own sanity.
When Tress keeps fucking her in the ass even after Samus reaches climax, the blonde takes note. And she realizes… she’s losing control. Technically, that’s impossible. At any time she can shut Tress off and force the sex bot to depower itself. However, it doesn’t stop her from feeling like she’s being taken for something of a ride here.
Shutting Tress off would be akin to giving up though. It would be akin to admitting defeat. Samus refuses to do that. Instead, she bucks her hips back against Tress’ thrusts hard enough that she sends the sex bot stumbling back… only to fall flat on her ass. Grinning wickedly, Samus is quick to leap from her pilot’s chair and pin the sexbot down as well.
Tapping Tress on her ‘strap-on’, Samus gives the robot a single word command.
To her credit, Tress immediately obeys. The strap-on she’d made out of Samus’ broken piece of shit vibrator flows away from her crotch, transforming back into a pair of pussy lips. Samus doesn’t waste any time. She sets up shop on the floor of the cockpit and slams her own cunt lips into Tress’ right there on the spot. Scissoring, that’s what it’s called. Samus’ human cunt… up against Tress’ synthetic slit.
The sexbot instant comprehends. But then, of course she does, this is literally her entire point. As Samus grinds her pussy into Tress’ pussy, Tress in turn begins grinding back. And so they scissor with one another quite roughly, a competition that Samus is determined to win. Here, neither of them is in control. Here, they can fight for supremacy as they both rub and grind against one another.
… There’s really only one problem with Samus’ whole plan. Tress is not an actual living creature. It’s a sexbot, but it can’t actually feel pleasure. It’s made to bring pleasure to others, not experience pleasure itself. In the end, she’s set herself up for failure.
The blonde climaxes once from the scissoring, crying out as she coats both of their crotches in pussy juices. However, she doesn’t quite realize yet that she literally cannot win this self-imposed challenge. It’s only as the fifth orgasm arrives sometime later, Samus’ entire body covered in sweat, that she realizes what a fool she’s been.
With a gasping moan, her back arching, Samus cums all over Tress for the fifth time in who knew how long. An hour? Longer, possibly? Either way, she knows one thing for certain… the sexbot isn’t winded. It’s not CAPABLE of being winded. Its battery is going to last a lot longer than Samus’ stamina. She’d gotten all caught up in the idea of besting the thing, but that was stupid. It was like trying to best her vibrator. Literally no point.
“Shut… shut off, Tress Elief.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Immediately, the sexbot’s movements stop. Her eyes go dark as Samus pulls away from her with a panting sigh.
“Store yourself.”
In ‘off-mode’, the sexbot is much more mechanical and a lot less lifelike. Rising to its feet, Tress leaves Samus on the floor of her cockpit and moves back to her box, storing herself until the blonde calls for her later.
Samus, meanwhile, crawls back up into her pilot’s chair and lets out a soft chuckle. That had been fun, for all that she’d gotten into her own head a little bit about it. She could already hardly wait for next time.


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