Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Iono Zone: After Dark Edition (Pokemon)

Iono Zone: After Dark Edition (Pokemon)


Themes: Pokemon Sex, Rough Sex, Breeding

Summary: Iono's After Dark Stream is a zinger this time around, as she allows her viewers to vote on which Pokemon is going to fuck her silly.


The stream starts up as it always does, even as an undercurrent of excitement goes through its viewers. After all, this wasn’t your average stream from this particular creator. This was a special stream.
Abruptly, their streamer is on screen, cackling madly like always, and dancing about in her too-big jacket, her magnemite-esque hair clips bouncing too and fro with her movement.
“Your eyeballs are MINE! Caught in my electroweb! Whosawhatsit? Iono! ‘Ello, ‘ello, hola! Ciao and bonjour! It’s time… for the Iono Zone: After Dark Edition!”
Her intro is as crazy and untamed as ever, but it’s the last bit that has chat going wild. Iono’s ‘After Dark’ streams have become incredibly popular among her audience… so popular in fact that despite the After Dark streams only being for paying subscribers, they still somehow managed to get a bigger crowd than her average daily streams.
If this bothered the Gym Leader from Levincia, she certainly wasn’t willing to show it, grinning happily and tossing her arms this way and that.
“Today’s After Dark stream is a special one… it’s time for another Pokephilia Party everyone! And, as always, the Pokemon that will be fucking me this evening has been chosen by you guys, my viewers! Let’s find out what it is!”
Behind Iono, a large monitor turns on, showing a massive spin wheel filled with the names of Pokemon. Of course, there was no random chance, the chat had already voted on what Pokemon would be plowing Iono silly this fine evening, and the majority ruled when it came to these sorts of things. In the end, the wheel was just there to build suspense and let Iono know what they’d picked.
As it begins to spin, Iono hops up and down, bouncing on the balls of her feet and all around looking like an excitable yamper in that moment. Finally, the wheel starts to slow down, and even she stops moving, perfectly mirroring the bated breath of all of her viewers as the choice is finally made clear to them. The wheel barely has time to land on the winning option, before it’s displayed across the screen in big bold letters.
“There you have it everyone! Today, I’ll be getting fucked by a Zebstrika!”
Chat, of course, goes absolutely wild. Seeing as the majority voted for Zebstrika, it’s not too much of a surprise to most. However, because the voting was kept hidden until now, no one really knew what would win or if their choice was the majority or not. And even though Zebstrika DID get most of the votes, there had been plenty of other frontrunners that people in Iono’s community had tried to push on their social media, attempting to drive this or that choice to the forefront.
In the end, chat has opinions, like they always do. Iono just giggles as she sees some of the comments. A good portion of the chat is outright afraid for her, even asking if this is just a joke. But the vast majority are losing their minds and excited beyond measure for what’s about to happen.
The Zebstrika is soon brought in. The Thunderbolt Pokemon is huge, of course. Especially compared to the comparatively tiny Iono, standing at only five feet and four inches tall in heels. In fact, the short streamer barely even has to bend down to get under the Zebstrika’s massive frame, though she nevertheless drops to her knees to crawl under it.
She has plenty of head room, chat is quick to note, even as the camera follows her. Finally, the ‘After Dark’ portion of the stream is truly beginning. Everyone gets to watch as Iono rubs Zebstrika’s cock-sheathe with her sleeve-covered hands, until eventually the large four-legged Pokemon’s massive flared dick is beginning to explode outwards.
As soon as that happens, Iono is quick to lean in and begin licking at the tip of his penis, slurping away at it and stroking it up and down as the Zebstrika’s shaft hardens to full mast over the next several minutes. Her soft moans, lewd licking, and shuffling of her sleeve-covered hands are the only noises that the stream’s viewers hear during that time… until finally, Iono deems the Zebstrika ready to fuck her and pulls back, giving the camera a truly messy grin.
“Wow! This Pokemon might just be the biggest you guys have ever had me take! Hehe, if I didn’t know any better, I’d argue you were all trying to KILL me or something!”
As she fondles the Zebstrika’s cock and balls, while kneeling alongside it, chat gets its first view of what Iono is going to be handling in just a few moments. The Zebstrika’s cock is literally longer than her entire torso, and thicker than her arm! Though, that’s not immediately apparent given how her spindly arms are hidden in her ridiculously large jacket.
The section of Iono’s viewers who had raised concerns over whether their streamer could handle this Pokemon or not gain increasing traction after that carefree comment from the Electric-Type Gym Leader. Suddenly, they’re threatening to overtake the chat. What if Iono does die?! Do their fellow fans really want to see their streamer take part in what might end up becoming the most infamous snuff film in all of Paldea?!
Of course, there are plenty of others in chat who clap back against this naysaying, pointing out that Iono never would have let Zebstrika be a choice if she was really afraid, and that she could have easily picked a smaller specimen if she didn’t think she could handle this one.
Iono lets this go on for a few moments before letting out another cackle.
“Don’t you worry, everyone! I’m a professional! I’m specially trained to handle things like this, so really… you shouldn’t be afraid for me! Instead, just enjoy the show!”
With that, Iono stands up. Some of her signature music begins playing in the background, a steady beat that she begins to do a little dance to. With the massive frame and humungous hard-on of the Zebstrika as her backdrop, their streamer engages in a saucy little strip dance, tossing away her clothing, including her big jacket, until finally her small frame is on full display.
In the end, the only things left on Iono’s body are her hair accessories and her heels. The rest is gone, leaving her pale body fully exposed to her viewers, all of whom are going wild in excitement.
Then, she turns and the camera follows her as she bends over a breeding bench that was brought in off-screen while she was prepping the Zebstrika for the fun. Wiggling her hips, Iono giggles as she looks back over her shoulder at the erect Pokemon.
“C’mon big boy! Come and get it~”
The Zebstrika doesn’t need to be told twice. There’s a breeding bench and a willing female in front of it. More than that, Pokemon are way more intelligent than most people give them credit for. Snorting in wry amusement, the Thunderbolt Pokemon mounts the bench and in one smooth motion, penetrates Iono from behind.
You’d think it wouldn’t work. You’d think that the Zebstrika’s flared cockhead would NEVER fit inside of Iono’s positively tiny body. And yet… it goes right in. Her pussy stretches to obscene lengths to handle his massive cock, and her entire body shakes and spasms… but it goes in. Her stomach is soon stretched to an insane degree as well, even as Iono squeals in glee. To everyone’s shock however, the streamer doesn’t become unintelligible as the Zebstrika starts fucking her. No, rather… she keeps up a running commentary the entire time!
“Y-You, a-ah… might not all k-know this… but while mating, a Z-Zebstrika constantly emits an electrical current through its c-cock. Feels… nnngh, f-feels pretty good, won’t l-lie, teehee!”
Chat can see what Iono means, once she mentions it. Her body is twitching and thrumming as the electrical current from the Zebstrika’s dick sends shocks up through her pussy, making her convulse and stimulating her receptors to seemingly leave her in a perpetual state of orgasm or near-orgasm. It’s hard to tell, because she’s not squirting explosively or anything like that, but she IS leaking out a constant stream of pussy juices mixed with the Zebstrika’s precum, all of which is forming a puddle between her twitching thighs.
Watching their streamer handle the Zebstrika’s dick like a champ, all of the naysayers are quickly chased out of chat. It’s obvious to everyone watching now that Iono can handle things most normal women wouldn’t be able to. Their streamer truly is a beast of a girl, despite her diminutive size. She’s making even getting fucked by a Zebstrika look EASY.
Everyone settles in with only one hand on their keyboard to watch Iono get plowed silly by the Zebstrika, all while the spasming Gym Leader gives running commentary on what’s happening to her and what sort of interesting facts she knows about how the Zebstrika fucks a mate. That is… until she describes what’s about to come next.
“T-This Zebstrika is, mm, g-getting close now! Y-You’re, oooh, all in for a t-treat! When a Zebstrika cums, it also delivers a m-massive ten-thousand volt electric shock into its partner’s womb!”
Wait, what? Those watching the stream barely have a chance to process this new information. Even the staunchest of Iono’s supporters from the first miniature chat war are suddenly expressing concern, while those who had been against the Zebstrika from the start are coming back with a vengeance to say ‘I told you so!’.
However, before things can really get all that heated again, it happens. The thing that shocks the viewers of Iono’s After Dark stream SO much, chat itself goes quiet. Despite there being tens of thousands of paying subscribers tuned in to watch Iono get fucked by a Pokemon, not a single message is sent for several minutes.
This is because after a nice, long, heavy bitch-breaking, the Zebstrika cums inside of Iono’s pussy at long last. Just as the Gym Leader had described, the ejaculation comes with a huge shock right into her deepest recesses, hitting Iono hard enough that she immediately begins to convulse far more violently than before. Her eyes roll back in her head and she foams at the mouth quite heavily.
Meanwhile, down below, her already stretched stomach doubles in size as her womb is inflated to a positively insane degree by the sheer amount of electrically-charged semen being pumped into it. Everyone watching can only stare in gobsmacked shock, whether they’re watching the stream from home or are in person as part of Iono’s behind-the-scenes crew.
The Zebstrika is, truth be told, the only one of them with a lick of sense in that moment. The Pokemon pulls back with a whinny and jerks its massive cock out of Iono, causing her to immediately hit the deck as its dick stops holding her up. The electric shocks going through her small frame keep her from being able to catch herself, and she ends up face down in the puddle of her own juices mixed with the Zebstrika’s precum.
Of course, it rapidly becomes more cum than precum as his electrified seed sops out of her in big globs, coating the floor while the camera manages to faithfully track Iono’s journey to the floor, watching her as she continues to foam at the mouth and spasms all over the place.
At long last, chat begins to react again, people begging for her to get help, demanding to know if she’s okay. There are a few who are egging it on, talking about how amazing it is, but most of THOSE sick fucks are smart enough not to actually say anything in chat right now, and just enjoy the scene of Iono seizing up and flopping around in the messy puddle as they jack off to the sight.
It lasts for several minutes afterwards, mostly because Iono had actually told her crew what would happen ahead of time, and also told them not to interfere, no matter what. Still, hearing it was one thing. Seeing truly was believing. Eventually though… eventually, the convulsions finally start to lessen. Everyone on the ‘set’ lets out a sigh of relief as they watch Iono’s eyes slowly roll back around to the front of her head.
Still twitching a bit from the electrically-charged semen in her womb continuing to shock her, Iono nevertheless directs a lazy grin at the camera in front of her.
“J-Just… nngh, s-so you all know… the shock f-from a Zebstrika’s ejaculation is said to b-be so strong that they’ve literally f-fried people’s brains and caused brain damage… so don’t try this at home, hehe!”
Chat, of course, goes absolutely wild yet AGAIN at this. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, this has been the best or worst After Dark stream from their streamer that they’ve ever had. You either loved it or hated it, except that wasn’t quite true because for some, they’d both loved and hated it at different points in equal measure.
Still, Iono is rapidly recovering right before their eyes, and indeed, it’s not long before the incredibly messy, naked Gym Leader rises to her feet with a serious look on her face.
“Not to worry though! I’m a trained professional like I said, and I’ve built up a resistance to electric shocks from being an Electric-Type Trainer. That said, nothing you see here today should ever be attempted by amateurs!”

After that disclaimer, it’s like a switch is flicked because she immediately goes back to happy, energetic Iono, giggling as she gives the camera cheery smile.
“Don’t forget to tune into my birthing stream later this week, everyone! And the auction for the egg will be held sometime after that, to be disclosed at a later date!”
Her eyes twinkling, making it clear she knows EXACTLY what sort of shit-storm she ignited with her actions tonight, Iono does a twirl. It’s a common move for her, but not one she usually does while naked. Spinning around, letting everyone get a good long look at her nude, messy form, the Gym Leader strikes a pose with a peace sign and her other hand on her hip.
“If this stream was… shocking for you, make sure to go and smash that SUBSCRIBE button so you can catch more After Dark streams in the future!”

Then, she begins her outro, same as her intro.
“Your eyeballs are MINE! Caught in my electroweb! The Supercharged Streamer! Whosaswhatsit? Iono, signing off! See ya!”
With that, the stream comes to an end. Everyone watching admittedly has to take a moment to calm their rapidly beating hearts. Iono Zone’s After Dark Edition streams were always pretty wild compared to the normal Iono Zone streams, and those in turn were also pretty energetic and rambunctious. But this one? This one was a roller coaster from start to finish.
There’s half a beat… and then everyone is on social media, giving their two cents on everything that just happened.


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