Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The AutoSuit (Metroid)

The AutoSuit (Metroid)


Themes: Bondage, Master/Slave, Mind Break

Summary: In which Samus catches wind of something called the 'AutoSuit' which will increase her capabilities by at least twofold. So she seeks it out. But be careful what you wish for...


The cargo hold is quiet as everyone moves into position. The sound of raiders in makeshift body armor clanking about is the only thing that anyone hears. That and the priming of weapons as they all get set up behind hastily crafted barricades made out of large crates. As they all take cover, they point their rifles at the large sealed doors at the end of the cargo hold and settle in to wait.
Of course, these aren’t professional soldiers. They don’t have the training and discipline to sit there in silence until the enemy finally arrives. There are murmurs of conversation all throughout the cargo hold as they await combat. Meanwhile, if one listens closely, one can hear the tell-tale signs of distant destruction taking place throughout the rest of the facility.
“… Heard it was the Hunter. Any truth to that?”
“Aye, that’s what I heard to. If it is her, then we’re fucking screwed.”
“Her? Wait, you’re telling me that the greatest bounty hunter in the entire galaxy is a girl? Nah, I don’t believe you.”
“I’m telling you man; the Hunter is a woman. A blonde.”
“Ridiculous, I-!”
All chatter ceases, as the doors to the cargohold suddenly bend inward from the force of an explosion on the other side. The raiders all tense up, jaws clenching. For a moment, hope fills their hearts. Maybe the blast doors will hold?
But no. The second set of explosions blows a hole through the blast doors, sending one large metal door spinning away entirely and slamming into the back wall of the cargo hold. Luckily it goes flying over all of their heads, or else they’d be dead. As it is, everyone points their rifles at the opening, ready to fire.
Only… what walks into the cargohold catches them all off guard and takes the group of raiders by surprise. No one seems to know how to react.
“The… fuck?”
Even the raider who was convinced that the Hunter was a blonde woman is struck dumb by the enemy’s appearance. After all, it was one thing to talk about the Hunter as a woman. It was another entirely to see her in such a compromising position.
Her long blonde locks certainly aren’t in doubt right now, given that they’re done up in a high-top ponytail and flowing in the air behind her as she stomps into the cargohold. Of course, most of the raiders aren’t looking at her hair… not when the rest of her is so shockingly exposed. The Hunter, if it even is her, currently has her tits out, as well as her whole-ass crotch.
In fact… the Hunter is in bondage, most of the men begin to realize. There’s a large red ball gag in between her teeth as drool dribbles down her chin. Meanwhile, her arms are restrained behind her back as part of a crazy orange set up that goes from her neck to just under her naked, exposed tits. A pair of dangerous-looking cannons can be seen peeking out from either side of her mostly naked body, but nobody is paying them any mind at the moment.
Even her legs… aren’t really her legs, they realize shortly. What look like a pair of armored greaves are actually prosthetics, with the Hunter’s actual legs folded up inside of them and properly restrained at the thigh and shin to completely restrict all of her movement.

And to top it all off? She’s got a pair of dongles dangling from her pierced nipples, jingling as her breasts bounce back and forth with every step she takes into the cargo hold.
There’s a long pause… and then the commander of this particular group of malcontents sneers as he stands up from cover.
“Seriously? That’s not the Hunter! That’s just some bitch! Is this a joke?! Fucking shoo-!”
The commander is cut off mid-word as one of the ignored cannons peeking out from behind her waist fires a beam that takes the top of his skull off, leaving him with nothing but his jaw, lower set of teeth, and tongue. He falls back, dead as a doornail right then and there. Silence falls once more for a beat, before the raiders react expectedly.
“Holy fuck! Kill her! Fucking shoot her!”
From behind cover, the raiders begin to fire on the seemingly defenseless form of Samus Aran, all trussed up and presented like a pig for the slaughter. One would imagine that there was no way for her to survive the ensuing onslaught of weapon fire directed her way, especially with how exposed she SEEMED to be. However, just as the lasers from the raider’s rifles strike into the most obvious target, i.e. her tits… there’s a golden flash.
The Hunter squeals through her ball gag, but otherwise doesn’t seem to take any real damage. Or rather, she definitely feels it… but the damage is converted into both energy to power her ‘suit’ as well as pleasure. As the legs of her suit stomp forward, the dual cannons begin to glow with power. Instead of beams, they quickly assemble missiles out of nanotech using the energy that her breasts are absorbing for them, until finally… a pair of missiles streaks forward.
The cover for those poor unfortunate souls in the cargo hold doesn’t really matter when it’s struck by missiles. The hastily constructed barricades are blasted apart, and so are the raiders hiding behind them. As those who survive are abruptly exposed, the autotargeting systems of the dual cannons go wild, firing beam after beam and killing enemy after enemy.
All the while, Samus Aran is forced to take any of the return fire that manages to make it her way. She squeals and shivers, even climaxing explosively from one particular strafing strike across her tits. Until finally… it’s over.
The suit walks the Hunter forward, with no one else in the cargohold left alive to see her shaking, shivering, and trembling as she’s brought to a particular crate in the back, where the suit itself forms an appendage and pulls open the crate, retrieving its contents. Then, without any input from Samus herself, the suit turns and begins to leave the cargo hold and indeed the entire smoking husk of a facility behind. Its mission is complete, after all.
The AutoSuit. When she’d first heard of it, Samus had been modestly intrigued at best. Truth be told, she’d only really gone looking for it out of sheer boredom. It was said to be ancient alien technology, and was supposed to be able to enhance her Bounty Hunting capabilities by twofold.
Well… technically, that last part wasn’t a lie. She was even more of a killing machine now than she’d been in her old power suit. Do to her dual cannons, she had twice the beams and twice the missiles. On top of that, her defenses were FAR stronger than they’d been before, despite being much more lightweight and in some cases APPEARING to be nonexistent.
This was because the AutoSuit was inside of her as much as it was ON her. It had turned her body into the armor, had adjusted her biology so she quite literally absorbed energy attacks and turned them into energy for the AutoSuit. This alone would be mighty impressive… if not for the fact that it also took all control away from her, reducing her to little more than a toy… for her new Master.
“Ah! You’re back! Did you get what I wanted?”
Unable to articulate her hatred, or even avoid walking over to him, Samus can only squirm as she’s brought over to the alien mad scientist’s bench by the AutoSuit’s Varia Legs. The ‘legs’ of the suit controlled where she went these days, her own legs bent at the knee and bound at the thigh and shin so she couldn’t escape. She was trapped. Helpless. And worst of all… the AutoSuit made it so that it felt good.
The AutoSuit produces the item that her new Master wanted, Samus watching as he takes the innocuous computer part from the appendage.
“Good! Very good! Well done, pet, well done indeed!”
The worst part is, he’s grinning at HER. As though it was her doing. As though she controlled anything that was happening to or around her. In the end, she was just a passenger at this point. She was along for the ride, and he knew that just as well as she did. After all, HE was the one who created the AutoSuit in the first place!
Ancient technology Samus’ ass! The damn AutoSuit was designed specifically to entrap her. She’d gone looking for it on a whim, to pass the time… only to end up caught in the damn thing and unable to get it off. Once it was done properly restraining her and adapting her biology to its particular set of abilities, it had walked her all the way back here, bringing her to its creator… her new Master.
Grinning wickedly, the alien mad scientist reaches up and plays with her pierced tits, giving them both a good solid grope with his fleshy appendages. He technically had hands at first glance, but instead of them having bones, his hands were like octopus limbs, all slimy and elongated… perfect for all sorts of tinkering, she supposed.
Samus can only grimace, as he fondles her breasts for his own amusement. If she could, she would kill him on the spot. If she could, she would at the very least give him a piece of her mind. But the ball gag in her mouth stopped that from happening, and the rest of it kept her from doing anything but enduring.
“Good girls who do as they’re told deserve a reward~”
… This bastard. They both knew she hadn’t DONE anything. She hadn’t been a ‘good girl’, she was just a prisoner! And yet… and yet, even hearing the word ‘reward’ from this alien fuck is enough to make the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy damn near cream herself in anticipation. Her pussy gets extremely wet as her Master rises from his seat, freeing his large, alien cock from its confines.
Under normal circumstances, Samus wouldn’t be caught dead fucking this creature. His dick had fucking SUCKERS on it, for fuck’s sake! But these weren’t normal circumstances. She didn’t have a choice. In the end… she was helpless to do anything but let him have his way with her.
“Bend over, please.”
Samus whimpers through the ball gag, even as she does as she’s told. In this case, it really is her doing as she’s told. The Varia Legs of the AutoSuit move her over to the table, but it’s Samus herself who bends her body forward, the most movement she’s actually allowed to make in her current state of bondage.
And sure, one might argue that that was giving in… but she’d tried to be defiant on this point before, and it hadn’t gone well for her. Her Master didn’t even have to do anything… the AutoSuit was fully capable of punishing her for ignoring or disobeying his orders all on its own.
Bending her, she inadvertently thrusts out her ass in the process, her dripping pussy clenching and unclenching in anticipation down betwixt her thighs. As her Master’s slimy finger-like appendages land on Samus’ hips, she shudders, closing her eyes while his alien cock slides up under her and presses against her slit.
There’s nothing the blonde can do but endure. There’s-
Oooooh fuck~

Samus squeals through her ball gag, cumming immediately upon entry. Her closed eyes snap open as her Master penetrates her from behind, his cock sliding DEEP into her pussy. Then, her big blue eyes roll fully up in her skull a moment later when he starts to properly fuck her, bent over his workbench as she is, helpless to stop him or do anything but get fucked silly by him.
It's not her fault. A small part of Samus whispers this in the back recesses of her mind as the rest of her thoughts are consumed by pleasure. It’s not her fault that part of the AutoSuit’s restructuring of her biology had to do with making her the perfect fuck toy for her new Master. Her entire body was primed to ‘enjoy’ his cock, especially after a job well done. Whenever he ‘rewarded’ her for another successful mission, Samus could do nothing but enjoy it immensely. The AutoSuit made sure of that.
This time was no different. As her Master fucks her hard and fast from behind, Samus screams and creams herself, crying out through the ball gag, moaning up a storm, and screeching like a wanton whore being properly fucked for the first time in far too long.

The pleasure from being shot was nice and all, the energy blasts hitting her tits producing both a satisfying sting and a growing warmth down in her core. But it was nothing compared to actually being fucked by the alien mad scientist who had captured her. No matter how much she hated him, no matter how much she wanted to be free… Samus Aran LOVED his dick. Even knowing it was all because of the damn AutoSuit didn’t stop her from being completely obsessed with being fucked by her Master’s big fat suckered alien cock.
As his dick pulls on her insides with every thrust, all Samus can do is shudder and quiver, resting her face and tits against the cool metal of the work bench in front of her. The juxtaposition between that nice chill and the heat suffusing the rest of her body as her Master fucks her to completion after completion is… it feels very good.
Samus knows, deep down inside, that every time she cums for her Master, she breaks a little further. Every mission she goes on for him, even though she’s not even taking part in it truly, she drowns a little bit more. Her true self is still there, but it’s buried under more and more pleasure. She likes being Master’s Good Girl. She likes being rewarded for a job well done.
More than anything though, she was tired of fighting. She was growing more and more weary of all of this. It would be easier… to just accept her place as her Master’s toy and-
… N-No! No, she had to keep fighting! Samus whimpers through the ball gag, even as her Master continues to fuck her. She rallies herself, pushing all of those invasive thoughts away as she struggles to keep her mind intact. A chance to escape WOULD present itself. She just had to… she just had to wait for the right opportunity. There was no way this was how the great Samus Aran’s story ended. There was no way that this was the way the Protector of the Galaxy spent the rest of her days.
As if in answer to her internal plea, her Master cums inside of her and Samus gurgles, her eyes rolling back in her skull once more as her brain empties out of anything but the pleasure being foisted upon her.
… She’d look for a chance to escape tomorrow. Today… today she’d let herself relax and enjoy the reward for a job well done…


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