Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Biological Compatibility (Marvel)

Biological Compatibility (Marvel)

Poll Winner (Originally written Aug. 2021)

Themes: Monster Sex, Breeding, Fucked Silly

Summary: In an Earth-65 AU where Peter became the Lizard, he doesn’t go on a rage fueled rampage and is able to keep his mind least until Spider Gwen steps in believing him to be another threat.


“This power… it’s incredible.”
He could hardly believe it. It had actually worked! Sure, there was the little matter of his monstrous transformation, but honestly? Peter Parker couldn’t bring himself to care all that much. So what if he was now a massive, hulking Lizard? He now had the strength to make sure no one ever picked on him, ever again. He now had the capacity to be one of New York’s Heroes, right alongside his idol, Spider-Woman!
Of course… he probably needed to get out of here first. The first time he’d transformed had been in private, after he utilized a formula stolen from Dr. Connors to make himself stronger and more powerful. He’d needed the ability to finally fight back after years upon years of abuse. But it hadn’t been stable that first time he’d transformed. He’d gone on a bit of a rampage, though thankfully not much of one.
Now though… now he was able to keep his wits about him. The only problem was, he’d still transformed as a result of further bullying from the students at the school Prom. They’d been bad enough, but he’d managed to get away from them… only to see Harry, his best friend, asking Gwen to be his girlfriend. Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy were the two most important people in his life. Harry was his childhood friend, and Gwen… Gwen was his world.
But it was fine. It was… it was all fine now. He would NOT go on a rampage through the school. He would NOT make it easier for them to label him as a monster. Peter Parker was a smart guy and was confident that they would try to use his appearance in his Lizard form against him. But he refused to let them do that. He needed… he needed to plot out his first appearance as The Lizard. He needed to go to ground and… and start making plans.
Very conscious of the fact that he was now a hulking Lizardman of at least nine to ten feet, Peter looks this way and that, and then quickly scurries off into the night, eager to get away from the school before anyone could actually see him and raise the alarm.
However, he wasn’t quite as successful as he might have hoped in this endeavor. One person DID see him, or at least she saw his massive lizard tail going around a corner. After making her excuses, that person quickly gave chase, for fear of The Lizard going on another rampage in her school.
Eventually he finds an abandoned subway line, managing to avoid spending too much time in the sewers. Instead, he gets ready to set up shop in the old subway station. He’d need some generators, he’d need some creature comforts, but most of all he would need some sort of costume. He couldn’t… he couldn’t just go around in his torn shirt and jeans now, could he? And he wasn’t sure when he would turn back this time. He might not ever turn back. This might be permanent.
In Peter’s eyes, that was fine. It was better than fine; it was honestly preferable. No more having to pretend to be poor, wimpy Peter Parker. No more being the but of everyone’s jokes. Let Peter die and the Lizard rise, in his humble op- GAH!
Out of seemingly nowhere, two boots collide with the side of his reptilian head as someone swings in and throws their entire body weight behind the double kick to the face. Letting out a cry of anger and fear, Peter swipes at his assailant but to no avail. Thankfully, as the case turns out to be, because his claws are very long and very sharp now, and when he finally finishes stumbling from the blow and rights himself, he goes still seeing who it is.
Spider-Woman crouches before him in a three-point pose, the eyes of the hooded heroine’s mask narrowing along with her actual eyes no doubt as she stares at him.
“I don’t know what you are… or who you were, but if you can understand me, stand down. I’m not going to let you hurt any more innocents. I’m not going to let you go on another rampage.”
Eyes widening, Peter is quick to shake his large lizard head back and forth as he holds out his massive clawed hands in what’s SUPPOSED to be a placating gesture.
“S-Spider-Woman! Wait, we don’t have to fight! I’m trying to be a hero, l-like you!”
That clearly brings the female vigilante up short as she blinks owlishly at him before slowly looking him up and down. Straightening out of her superhero pose, she kind of just stares for a while before finally responding.
“… Seriously?”
Peter shuffles, even as something in her posture and her tone is painfully familiar to him. Nodding hurriedly, he swallows thickly.
“W-Well… yes. I uh… I did this to myself, b-but only so I could be a hero! So that I could help people, like you help people! I didn’t… I couldn’t control it the first time around, but now as you can surely see, I have complete control! I’m not a danger to anyone who doesn’t deserve it!”
Spider-Woman assimilates this, processing his words before crossing her arms over her chest in another painfully familiar motion, tapping her foot on the ground in front of her.
“And who exactly deserves it?”
It’s his turn to blink owlishly as he furrows his brow.
“Uh… bad guys, right? C-Criminals? Bullies?”
Before he can stop himself, Peter rushes to assuage Spider-Woman’s worries, wanting, no, NEEDING her to see him in a good light.
“P-Please… I’ve been such a huge fan of you, ever since you first showed up. Your biggest fan, i-in fact! I love how you always save the day! I admire you wholeheartedly, and… I guess I’ve always wanted the chance to stand beside you. N-Now I can! I can be your sidekick, if you want! I can be the muscle! I’ll do whatever you say, take whatever orders you give me! I’ll-!”
“… Peter?”

The soft question breaks through his flow like nothing else, cutting him off completely as Peter goes stock still. For a moment, he’s baffled. How could she know who he is? And then it hits him as all the other clues come together in a split second and the truth crystallizes before him.
“… Gwen?”
Slowly reaching up, Spider-Woman pulls back her hood… and removes her mask. Peter’s eyes go wide at the face of Gwendolyn Stacy, his longtime crush and the object of at least half of his teenage fantasies. The other half had all been Spider-Woman to be clear, so in actuality, she was the subject of ALL of his teenage fantasies. Swallowing thickly, Peter just stares at her and Gwen stares back at him.
Of course, unbeknownst to both of them, there were other unknown side effects to the formula Peter had used. Namely, he was giving off pheromones like a motherfucker. Nothing too nasty, certainly nothing that could force anyone to do anything they didn’t already secretly want to do, deep down inside. But… Gwen had been protected from them when she’d still had her mask on. She definitely wasn’t now.
Taking a stuttering step forward, Gwen’s mouth opens and closes as she looks upon her best friend transformed into… into a monster.
“P-Peter… what have you done to yourself?”
Flinching a little, Peter nevertheless steels his spine and rumbles deep in his throat.
“What I had to, Gwen. What I had to… in order to escape the bullying, the harassment, the… the everything.”
Arriving within his personal space, Gwen reaches out and places a hand on his chest, running her fingers along his massive reptilian torso. Peter can’t help but let out another low rumble, this one of appreciation as she dances her digits all over his scales, clearly admiring him in a very… intimate way.
“You’re huge…”
Gwen blushes even harder a moment later, once she realizes what she’s just said. But Peter just chuckles, a deep baritone of a chuckle and cranes his head down as he looks at her with a wicked lizard grin.
“Or maybe you’re just tiny, Gwendolyn.”
That gets an indignant look from the blonde crime fighter, her cheeks puffing out in irritation as she scowls at him cutely. Peter, unable to help himself, reaches out and scoops Gwen off the ground with one arm, lifting her up into the air so they’re properly face to face. Beyond making a noise of surprise, Gwen doesn’t resist, and in fact seems to like the close contact from the way she’s panting and mewling.
“P-Peter… I don’t know what’s coming over me, but I guess it’s the t-time for honesty. I’ve always… I’ve always admired you too. You’re a smart guy, you’ve always been a genius. I think… I think you’d be wasted as my sidekick or my muscle.”
Peter’s heart drops for a moment, before Gwen continues on with a watery smile.
“But I think you’d make an excellent hero… if you wanted to be p-partners.”
At those words, his heart soars and he lets out a pleased crooning noise. As it turns out though, that proves to be Gwen’s breaking point. Mewling, the cute vigilante begins to nuzzle into his neck and rub herself against his chest. Her desire is obvious, and the amount of arousal he’s smelling off of her… makes it impossible for Peter to hold back any longer himself.
“G-Gwen… fuck I want you so badly, Gwen.”
“S-Same! I don’t care that you’re a fucking lizard now! G-Give it to me! Fucking take me!”
Spider-Woman’s legs splay out in invitation and the Lizard rumbles in satisfaction as he takes her up on her offer. Pulling her up with one massive clawed hand around her waist, he uses the other to slice open her suit. His claws are indeed very sharp, but he could never hurt his lover and so he’s exceedingly careful even as he cuts open her outfit from the neck all the way to the navel.
Peeling it off, he reveals Gwen’s nubile young body in all of its glory, and without further ado, begins to lavish her small supple breasts with praise. As his tongue swirls around one tit and then the other, Gwen isn’t idle either. Reaching down, she yanks at his torn, half-shredded pants and finally gets his cock free. His big, fat, half-reptilian, half-human cock is soon in Gwen’s hands, and he can’t help but groan and quiver at the feel of her tough.
Of course, almost immediately after getting it in her hands, Gwen is working to fit it against her naked slit and get it inside of her. Peter lets her do so, wanting it just as badly as she does… well, almost as badly. Gwen is hopelessly aroused by this point, incredibly turned on. Her inhibitions have been stripped away and the young webslinger is finally going to get what she wants… Peter Parker in all of his lizard-like glory.
Never in a million years could either of the two young people have seen this coming. Peter had thought he ultimately had no chance with Gwen, especially after seeing Harry ask her to be his girlfriend earlier that night. But what he hadn’t stuck around for was Gwen’s rejection of Harry. Because truth be told, Gwen had ALWAYS loved Peter.

Still, even she hadn’t thought that their first time together would be with her revealing her secret identity and him being a massive hulking lizard monster. But she can’t bring herself to mind, even as she struggles to fit the tip of his huge lizard dick inside of her sopping wet pussy.
“F-Fuck… Peter, help me out here!”
Groaning, Peter shakes his head.
“H-How? You’re so tight!”
“Just slam me down! I can take it! Don’t hold back, you fucking lizard b-bastard!”
Right… right, fuck, alright! Grabbing Gwen by her waist with both hands, Peter takes in a deep breath… and then slams her down onto his dick. She squeals as he enters her, her eyes going crossed and her tongue sticking straight out of her mouth. For a moment, he’s afraid he’s damaged her… but when he pulls back, she just clings to him and begs for more.
“D-Do it again! F-Fuck! Harder t-this time!”
And so, Peter keeps doing it. He keeps slamming Gwendolyn Stacy, aka Spider-Woman, down onto his big fat monster dick. And she keeps loving it, much to his surprise and happiness. She loves his lizard cock, she loves him. Peter couldn’t believe it, and part of him still worried this was a hallucination. Perhaps he didn’t have the control he thought he did, and he was actually in the middle of a murderous rampage back at Prom after all.
But no… no, this was really happening. This was truly how things had turned out. So much better than Peter ever could have hoped for, so much better than he ever could have imagined. Not only was he now heroic partners with THE Spider-Woman, but she’d also turned out to be his best friend who he’d been crushing on for years, and more than that, they were actually having sex.
Best of all, Peter’s new body… he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t afraid of Gwen hating him on sight. But now he had irrevocable evidence that that wasn’t the case. He was still desirable to the one woman in his life who mattered to him. He could still be there for Gwen in every possible way.
To say Peter was overjoyed as he and Gwen fucked like rabbits in heat would be an understatement. He was beyond thrilled, and it felt like the two of them fucked for an eternity together. In truth, it wasn’t nearly that long before, having orgasmed along his massive cock multiple times, Gwen managed to milk him of his first load.
With a hoarse groan, Peter fills her womb with his seed, causing Gwen’s eyes to roll around in her head as she explosively orgasms right alongside him. Unbeknownst to either of them in the moment however, his seed does more than just fill her womb… it inseminates her on the spot, his cum supercharged by his transformation and making it all but impossible to avoid conception in a fertile womb like Gwen’s.
But that’s something they’ll learn about later, not that either will be all that upset about it. Indeed, as Gwen collapses into Peter’s massive, broad chest and he in turn hugs her tightly to him, the two lovebirds couldn’t be happier with the state of affairs. They’re with each other finally, after all this time beating around the bush.
There’s not a single place either of them feels they’d rather be. No… they’re right where they belong.


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