Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Production (Marvel)

The Production (Marvel)

Commission (Parts 1-6)

Themes: Rough Sex, Exhibitionism, Public Sex

Summary: In which Mary Jane is starring in a movie as the red-haired warrior woman, Red Sonja. This is her big break. She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she has to seize hold of it with both hands. No matter what happens.


Part 1:


“… While I may not be able to pay you for information on the evil Kulan Gath… there might be other ways in which I can relax your tongue.”
Eyes roam up and down Mary Jane Watson’s body, clad as it currently is in a metal bikini. In response, she thrusts out her chest, accentuating her curves until at long last, Luke Cage gives her a grin full of pearly white teeth and nods.
“You know what… I think we can make something work, sweetheart.”
MJ shivers at the deepness of Luke’s voice, a tremble that she barely manages to contain as-
“Aaaand SCENE! Good job you two, that was perfect! Let’s get a move on and get indoors, the next scene will need to take place in a bedroom and we only have this Airbnb for the next two hours!”
In a moment, Luke Cage’s attention is off of her, the large unbreakable black man nodding as he moves to help their director with his equipment. MJ, meanwhile, lets out an explosive sigh, glancing down at herself for a moment and blushing as she shivers in the cold night air of New York City.
Not that she would rather be anywhere else right now! This was where she belonged… she was finally, at long last, going to get to be a STAR!
Oh yes, the beautiful red haired model had finally caught her big break. She’d landed the leading role for a ‘Red Sonja in New York’ mini-series. As one of the few paid actors in the high budget, experimental indie project, she was set to get paid a metric fuck ton of money in royalties if it succeeded, and almost nothing if it failed… so needless to say, she was really invested in making sure everything went well.
That was why she hadn’t raised a single complaint when she found out who the director and showrunner for the mini-series was. After all, she knew who Quentin Beck REALLY was. Mysterio had long been a nuisance for her ex-boyfriend, Peter Parker in his nighttime activities as Spider-Man. But it was fine. Quentin wasn’t about that life anymore and frankly? Neither was MJ.
This wasn’t some big plan for Mysterio to get back at Spider-Man, MJ had checked. Rather, Quentin had hung up the cape and the big glass ball filled with smoke for good. He was turning over a new leaf, and MJ was actually quite happy to support him in any way that she could. It just so happened that the way she got to support him also promised to make her millions of dollars if they succeeded!
And really, if this WAS all some scheme to get to Peter through her, it was too late anyways. They’d broken up after Gwen was resurrected from the dead and MJ caught the two of them kissing one another. Look, no one was happier than Mary Jane that Gwen was alive again (save for perhaps Peter himself) but she didn’t really want to play second fiddle, and she hated knowing that she was what Peter settled for after Gwen first died.
A clean break was in order, and that was precisely what MJ had done. Now here she was following behind Luke as Quentin led them both into the rented Airbnb, with Peter and Gwen as far from her mind as possible. In fact, she had… other things on her mind, if she was being perfectly honest.
“Um, Quentin… are you absolutely certain that the innuendo at the end of the last scene wasn’t enough? Perhaps it would be better to just fade to black from there, and then continue with the next scene on the docket?”
Looking back at her, Quentin blinks and then scowls as he rapidly shakes his head back and forth.
“No, no, no! This sex scene is absolutely critical to the plot, Mary Jane. You, as Red Sonja, are the epitome of the femme fatale! But part of that femme fatale is the femme! You have to be seen in all of your sexual glory! You have to use your feminine wiles to get what you want, and it has to be seen BY the audience, or they’ll start to feel like none of this is even real!”
… Right. On the one hand, Mary Jane appreciated that Quentin was this type of director. He’d originally gotten the role because he claimed his tech would let him film on the streets of New York with perfect lighting and CG, while also having almost no budget. In fact, most of the budget was going towards Luke’s guest spot in this first episode.
They’d just gotten done filming Luke’s first appearance in fact. Where MJ as ‘Red Sonja’ ran into the dark-skinned mercenary, who had in turn been promised a literal ton of gold in order to hold her at bay and keep her distracted. As Red Sonja, MJ had gone through a carefully choreographed fight scene in which she managed to subdue Luke with her ‘superior’ combat skills.
However, due to his Unbreakable Nature, she couldn’t get any information on Kulan Gath, Red Sonja’s ultimate goal by force. And because she was in a fish out of water situation where she had no money, she couldn’t afford to pay him off either. The end result was that Red Sonja would have to use the only thing she DID have to convince Luke to give in… her body.
Honestly, when it was all explained to her like that, it DID make plenty of sense. Red Sonja was the type of woman who didn’t hold anything back. Not in words, not in battle… and not even in the bedroom. MJ could fully get behind her character seducing and fucking Luke for information. However, it was a lot harder for her to get behind having to actually act out the sex scene like this was some sort of cheap porno.
Even if Luke WAS cute, MJ just wasn’t sure she wanted her debut to be so… debauched. Perhaps seeing this on her unhappy face, Quentin walks over and takes her hands in his.
“I understand your concerns, sweetheart, really I do. But you don’t need to worry. With my tech, I’m going to make it as tasteful as possible. It’ll have to be sanitized anyways for TV, right? So you don’t need to fret, you’ll see how amazing I make you look. How spectacular it comes out.”
MJ bites her lower lip… before slowly nodding. She needed this to succeed. And frankly, so did Quentin. He was a Tarantino-esque perfectionist who was doing like ten jobs at once on top of micromanaging everything. She needed to support him in the same way he was supporting her. This project had all of the chances in the world to succeed… so long as they were both willing to seize hold of those chances and refuse to let go.
“A-Alright, let’s do this.”
In an instant, Quentin is away from her, checking over his equipment. MJ, meanwhile, can only blush a bit as she moves over to the bedside where Luke is standing waiting for her. The tall black man gives her a raised brow and a slight grin.
“You good?”
She nods hesitantly for a moment… before remembering she’s supposed to get into character. Quentin is ALWAYS filming, so there’s no need to wait for him to tell them to start. Dropping into her persona, Mary Jane scoffs and plants a hand on Luke’s chest.
“I am Red Sonja, and you will tell me all you know once we are done here.”

Then, she tries to give Luke a hard push, intending to get him on his back and at least control the pace of things. However, Luke is much stronger than her in actuality, and doesn’t move an inch as she pushes against him with all her meager might. Grinning at her, he just shakes his head, playing his own role to the hilt.
“That’s not how this goes, babe. You want my information… you’ll earn it on your back.”
Before MJ can blink, he reaches down and rips off her chain bikini top, freeing her tits from their confines. Then, he does the same with her bottoms. In an instant, ‘Red Sonja’ had been stripped naked. But she doesn’t even get the chance to gasp and cover herself before Luke Cage grabs her by her waist and lifts her up into the air.
A moment later and she’s on her back on the bed, the air driven out of her lungs and the largest man she’s ever been with on top of her. And she means that in more ways than one. Luke is very tall and very strong and very big… and also, down below, his cock is huge, pressing against her slit. He does pause for a second, asking with his eyes rather than his words whether she’s really okay with this. But MJ just nods, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He's inside of her a moment later, slamming home into her cunt in a way that makes MJ let out an involuntary wailing cry. At first, she freezes up, afraid that her breaking of character will piss Quentin off. But instead, she hears the director’s voice call out to her from off to the side.
“Yes! Just like that! Red Sonja has just been filled with the dick of the Unbreakable Man! She’s not had any sex since arriving in New York! This world is strange to her… but being on her back getting railed by a fat cock is familiar territory!”
Honestly, she’s just glad the cameras can’t see her face right now. Of course, the moment MJ thinks that thought, she sees one of Quentin’s drones zips into view out of the corner of her eye. It takes every bit of her skill as an actress and her professionalism to keep from glancing at it and ruining the scene. Instead, all she can do is focus on Luke as he grunts, pounding into her.
Of course, she also can’t ignore Quentin’s voice constantly carrying to her ears, the director throwing out ‘helpful’ tidbits damn near nonstop.
“Get her ankles back behind her head, Luke! And MJ, don’t just lay there like a dead fish! You’re Red Sonja, warrior woman! You need to SELL this scene with every fiber of your being!”
R-Right. Even as Luke grunts and pulls back to grab her ankles and fold her into a pretzel, Mary Jane wonders what the hell she’s supposed to do to sell it when she’s in such a disadvantaged position. In the end, she goes for puckering her lips and moaning in an exaggerated fashion, while thrusting out her chest to catch Luke Cage’s attention. That seems to do the trick at least, because he’s soon all over her tits, even as he continues railing into her with all his might.
“Yes! Harder Luke! Good! Red Sonja is a true warrior! She should be able to take everything the Unbreakable Man can throw at her and more! And ignore those jeering fools. They don’t understand the VISION that we’re producing here!”
Jeering fools? MJ blinks, not having even realized what was happening before. This Airbnb they were in had a first floor balcony… and the door to that balcony was currently open, wasn’t it? Even as Luke continues to plow her silly, her legs tucked behind her shoulders, Mary Jane starts to hear the hollering from outside. People are catcalling them for being too loud… they’re catcalling HER for being too loud.
Blushing in mortification, MJ tries to clamp down on all of the lewd noises she’s making, but of course, Quentin doesn’t appreciate that.
“No! Don’t go quiet now sweetheart, you’ll ruin the whole scene! Red Sonja wouldn’t care what others she didn’t even know thought of her! She would wear her sexual nature like a badge of pride! She would scream her orgasmic ecstasy to the rooftops!”
Truth be told, it’s not necessarily Quentin’s peptalk that sees MJ squealing again in short order. More, it’s the fact that Luke has fucked her right into a climax, much to her shame and humiliation, and she simply can’t contain her voice after that. As she cums under him, Luke grunts and picks up the pace even more, until finally… the bed can’t take it any longer.
With a loud breaking noise, the bed gives up under them and they both drop a couple feet to the floor, the air knocked from MJ’s lungs. At the same time, Luke grunts and pulls out, before promptly cumming all over her. From her face to her tits, all the way down to her navel, he covers her in more jizz than she’s ever seen one man produce in his life.
In the aftermath, MJ’s heart is beating so fast in her chest she’s afraid it’ll explode out of her body and go for a run without her. Still, she slowly begins to calm down, and Luke, the gentleman that he is, even goes to help her clean up. At least it was over… at least they were done with the sex scene and could move on to filming the-
Blinking, MJ stops and looks over to see Quentin looking at one of his advanced, futuristic screens. Biting his thumb, the man growls for a moment before repeating the expletive.
“Quentin? What is it?”
Taking a deep breath, Quentin lets out a sigh.
“… We’re going to have to do this scene again. My tech wasn’t designed to account for all the voyeurs with flash photography!”
Wait, what? MJ’s eyes widen as she looks to the open balcony just in time to get damn near blinded by someone taking a picture of her laid out on the bed and naked. Cursing, Luke goes over and finally closes the balcony doors and curtains.
Quentin, meanwhile, just sighs and shrugs his shoulders.
“Ugh, that completely changes the lighting, but I suppose there’d be no point in running the scene again if they could just mess it up again. Improvise, adapt, overcome. That’s showbiz, right?”
He gives them both a bright smile before returning to his equipment to recalibrate it.
… R-Right. This was all just… showbiz.


Part 2:


“Remember! You’re Red Sonja and you’ve just gotten the location of the evil Wizard out of his servant! Now you’re on your way there!”
Of course, it’s not a normal set. Not a normal production at all. MJ tries her best to focus on the path in front of her though. She tries hard not to think too much about how good it had felt to get pinned down and plowed silly by Luke Cage so many times. And she tries REALLY hard not to think about how all of those amateur voyeurs were taking pictures of her with their cameras the entire time.
It was best to just… keep her eye on the prize. She wasn’t Mary Jane Watson right now, after all. She was Red Sonja, Warrior Woman! Running down the streets of New York in a chainmail bikini with a bunch of floating camera drones following after her, MJ does her best to keep her eye on the prize and stay in character. She’s doing a good job of it too, putting her all into focusing on being the best Red Sonja she can be… only to find her flow once again interrupted.
“Ho there! What’s all this then?”
Skidding to a halt, MJ blanches as she comes face to face with a pair of New York Police Officers on Horseback. Now, she’s white and pretty… but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything when she’s dressed as she is. Superpowered people were treated as though they were all armed and deadly as well as incredibly dangerous, because if the police didn’t do so, they were liable to get their heads blown off by a simple gesture.
With that in mind, MJ immediately lifts her hands in open surrender.
“J-Just a movie production, officers! I’m not actually superpowered!”
They both flash their flashlights in her face, before pulling them back enough that she can get an idea of who she’s dealing with. One of them has the look of a grizzled veteran to him, likely having been military at one point in time. The other is undeniably baby-faced however, a naïve-looking kid who can’t help but blush as he stares at her scantily clad form.
MJ lets out a sigh of relief as they look at her perplexed but not with hostility, only for the tension to ratchet back up when Quentin finally catches up to her again.
“No! Mary Jane, c’mon! You should have stayed in character! Red Sonja wouldn’t have surrendered to unknown men like that! Seriously?!”
Shooting Quentin a look, MJ scowls, feeling a beat of righteous anger well up inside of her.
“They aren’t part of the scene, Quentin.”
“It’s called improvisation! Ever heard of it?!”
Before MJ can get any angrier, her cheeks puffing up indignantly, the grizzled Police Officer speaks up.
“Good evening ma’am, sir. I’m Officer Richards and this here is Officer Johnson. What’s all this about a movie production then?”
Shooting her one last aggrieved look, Quentin rolls his eyes and moves forward towards the mounted officers.
“I assure you, Officer Richards, I have all of the permits right here. We’re shooting a movie here in the city, and with my technology, we don’t need to worry about sets or anything like that. Everything is perfectly safe, and more importantly, it’s above board and legal.”
Quentin stresses that last word, and MJ nods right alongside him. However, when the illusionist goes to hold out their permit for filming, Officer Richards stops him with a held out hand.
“Before you show me that, I figure I should ask… you’ve got the permits for live sex scenes as well, right?”
MJ’s face goes as red as her hair as she jolts in place and suddenly realizes just WHY Officer Johnson is being so quiet and is as red as a tomato. The two Policemen… they’d already seen her online, hadn’t they? A feeling of quiet horror flows over her as she shudders in realization of just how fast her… dalliance with Luke Cage had spread. Stepping forward, MJ tugs on Quentin’s sleeve.
“Quentin… Quentin, it’s all over the internet! I’M all over the internet!”
Looking back at her, he looks confused for a second before blinking as realization hits him as well. However, far from horrified, he relaxes after only a moment.
“Nothing your loyal fanbase wasn’t going to see when the movie properly released, MJ. It’s just free publicity. Previews, if you will. A sneak peek of sorts.”
That… MJ supposed in a twisted sort of way that made sense. Except, Quentin had assured her that the angles would make her sex scene with Luke look tasteful and aesthetically pleasing. How could they be so sure that the angles those amateur photographers had gotten were the same?
“So then, I assume since you know what we’re talking about, you’ve got the permits for live sex scenes as well as filming Ms. Watson here?”
Officer Richards cuts back in then, looking deceptively mild as he raises an eyebrow questioningly. Mary Jane just waits for Quentin to produce the necessary permits, her arms crossed over her chest as she reckons with what’s probably being said about her on the internet right now. Not that it was anything new to someone like her. People always said things about pretty girls who put themselves out there.
“… Why don’t we step over to the side to discuss this more privately, Officers.”

Wait, what? MJ shoots Quentin a shocked look. He didn’t have the permits? It certainly sounded like he didn’t have the permits!
“Sure, let’s do that.”
“Don’t worry, Johnson. Mr. Beck is a reformed citizen. Besides, the department already knows we’re out here.”
As the two Police Officers dismount and move their horses aside, MJ looks askance at Quentin. Surely Officer Richards is right. Surely, Quentin doesn’t intend to attack two officers of the law… right?
The man is all smiles, even as he uses his drones to create a privacy screen for the four of them. Then, he nods his head amicably to Officer Richards.
“Look, sir… from what I understand, the problem is Mary Jane’s bout of unscripted and wholly consensual sex with Luke Cage, right?”
Unscripted?! What was he talking about?
“That’s right. Are you saying it wasn’t part of the plan, Mr. Beck?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying, Officer! Red Sonja is a feminist icon, after all! Any sex that happens in the movie is COMPLETELY improvised. I’m sure MJ is more than willing to prove it to you right here and right now!”
All three men look at her then, and MJ freezes, feeling trapped like a deer caught in headlights. But in the end…
“Y-Yes! I am!”
She doesn’t fully understand what she’s agreed to until Officer Richards steps forward with a grin.
“Oh yeah? Bit of an… improvised encounter with the Police then? Heh, very well.”
The grizzled, older Police Officer’s hands come down on her body then, and MJ damn near jumps out of her skin. But before she can properly react, he’s spun her around and made her put her hands on the wall as he frisked her scantily, chainmail-clad body. Squeaking, MJ doesn’t fight it. She’s too caught off guard to fight it. And… she’s beginning to realize what’s happening here.
“You’re doing great, MJ! Just do what comes naturally to you! Remember, improvise, adapt, overcome! And no matter what… stay in character!”
Stay in character. But then, why would Red Sonja, Warrior Woman, allow a couple of police officers to frisk her? In the end, it takes MJ a moment to come up with something. As Officer Richards pulls his hands back, she spins around and directs an in-character glare at the two uniformed men.
“So then… we are in agreement, yes? If I allow you unrestricted access to my body, you will allow me to use one of your fine steeds to make it through this city faster so I can end the threat posed by the Evil Wizard all the sooner?”
Officer Richards and Officer Johnson share a look at that. Johnson looks baffled, but Richards… Richards is grinning like the cat that caught the canary. Giving his younger partner a sharp nod, Richards looks back to MJ and chuckles.
“That sounds like something that can definitely be arranged, sweetheart. After all, can’t have any Evil Wizards running around New York, now can we? Right, Johnson?”
“U-Uh… right, sir!”
And so MJ finds herself watching as the two Police Officers begin unbuckling their belts and unzipping their pants. She watches as they pull out their cocks. And she stops watching then, deciding she’d better make the first move if she wants to control the pace of this in any way. Stepping towards Officer Johnson, she goes to drop to her knees in front of him, hoping to suck him off and maybe even finish the transaction right then and there.
Of course, she should have known better. Officer Richards wasn’t about to be left out. No sooner has MJ wrapped her lips around Johnson’s… johnson then the older man makes his presence known… by grabbing her hips and yanking her lower half up into the air.
Pulled to her feet, MJ can only gurgle in surprise as she’s bent over right there off to the side of the street. Her hands latch onto Officer Johnson’s pants for support, while her chainmail bikini bottoms are yanked to the side to make room for Officer Richards’ cock to press into her from behind. His dark chuckle lets Mary Jane know he definitely caught what she tried to do.
“Hope you didn’t think you were getting off that easily, warrior gal. If you want to ride a mount reserved for New York’s Finest, you’d best be ready to be ridden by New York’s Finest.”
MJ flushes at the crass, tasteless joke. But there’s nothing she can do or say. She’s stuck between the two Police Officers and their throbbing, rock hard cocks. In the end… all she can do is what comes naturally to her. That is, choking on the dick in front of her, gurgling as it rails her throat, while taking Richards’ big fat richard right up her increasingly wet cunt.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Officer Johnson groans at her somewhat interspersed technique, throwing his head back in visible enjoyment of her throat, mouth, and tongue. MJ doesn’t skimp out on the tongue either. It’s not really the young Police Officer’s fault that she’s choking and gagging on his cock, after all. No, the fault lies with Officer Richards. The older veteran officer is pounding into MJ from behind with such force and gusto that his thrusting is jolting her forward deeper onto Officer Johnson’s cock.
She really is trapped between them as they… as they spit roast her like a piece of meat, their sizable peckers pushing into either end of her and pinning her in place. All MJ can do in response is gurgle. All she can do is hold onto Officer Johnson’s pants for dear life, while Officer Richards gropes and squeezes her fat ass, digging his fingers into her plump, pillowy behind just like Luke Cage had been doing less than an hour previous.
Eyes rolling around in her head, MJ loses track of most everything except for the dicks, until finally… they let loose. To his credit, Officer Richards doesn’t dare cum inside of her. She’s on the pill, but he has no way of knowing that. Instead, he pulls out and jizzes all over her backside and back, groaning as his ropy seed reaches all the way up to the nape of her neck.
Meanwhile, Officer Johnson clearly doesn’t see his own release coming, because he lets out a sudden throaty groan, throwing his head back one last time… and then begins to cum without warning, just as caught off guard as she is. MJ sputters as his seed explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, her eyes swirling in her head.
When the two men pull out of her, she’s left to drop to her knees, coughing and hacking as she tries to process what just happened in a daze. Very distantly, she hears the two Officers conversing with Quentin.
“… Yeah, I’d say there’s nothing wrong going on here, wouldn’t you Johnson? That felt very improvised. Very unscripted, I’d say.”
“U-Uh… yes. Very unscripted, s-sir. Very… very natural.”
Officer Johnson’s eyes dip down to her at that, and MJ doesn’t meet them, blushing profusely under the cum dribbling down from her nose and chin.
“We can’t give you one of our horses unfortunately, but we’ll call in and get our buddies down at the station to bring out a horse for you for a few scenes. Don’t make us regret it, alright? Better take care of that animal or else.”
“Of course! What do you take me for?! I will treat the horse like it was one of my movie stars! It will be given the best case imaginable!”
Officer Richards throws a pointed glance at Mary Jane at that, one the red head fails to catch. But in the end, the Police Officer doesn’t actually say anything and they leave it at that.
“Wonderfully done, Mary Jane! Wonderfully done! You acted out that scene perfectly… this movie is coming together as we speak!”
MJ just flushes, biting down on the urge to point out that that wasn’t even IN the original script. Along with the fact that Quentin didn’t even apparently have all of the proper permits to protect her from potential legal repercussions. But no… no, she was in too deep to back out now. She’d had too much on the damn line! She couldn’t let this project fail… and so she had to endure. It was as simple as that.
Within half an hour, the Police Department is true to their word and MJ finds herself riding across the city on a horse towards her next destination. At least this should cut down on a lot of the voyeurs and maybe get her across the city quicker…


Part 3:


Riding on horseback through the streets of New York City might be a little bumpy, but it’s a thousand times better than running through the streets of the city, especially while wearing a chainmail bikini. As Mary Jane and her new steed move along, Quintin and his drones easily keep up, getting all sorts of angles of her as the Director follows after her on a repurposed drone turned into a platform.
Of course, that did bring to question why he hadn’t just given HER a repurposed drone in the first place and then used his amazing and spectacular illusion technology to make it LOOK as though she were riding a horse. However, when she’d asked him about that, Quintin had explained that was always his intention. They just had to get some footage of her on foot first, and then they were going to transition to illusionary horseback.
However, then the mess with the cops had happened before he could do so, and ultimately everything had… worked out the way it was going to work out. MJ supposed she couldn’t exactly argue with that either. It had all worked out in the end, hadn’t it? Though she would have preferred having to do less sexual favors for police officers in order to make sure it did if she was being fully honest…
Regardless, they soon arrive at the next filming location. Quintin clears his throat as they stand in a rundown warehouse district.
“Alright, the other actors have already been informed of their role here and paid accordingly. You just need to play your part, Mary Jane. Remember, you’re Red Sonja and you’re here hunting for the Dark Wizard. But not all of the Dark Wizard’s minions need to be taken down with martial prowess… or your other assets. Some can be handled with words. Now… go get em!”
She liked the sound of that. It sounded like a lot less sex and a lot more acting, which was what MJ was here for in the first place! Rolling her shoulders, ‘Red Sonja’ strides forth into the warehouse district, quickly arriving at a crossroads where she finds her ‘quarry’. There, a bunch of hoodlums can be seen spray painting all over the buildings around them.
Normally, this wouldn’t seem like part of the movie to her… but it’s WHAT their spray painting that tips her off. Rather than your usual expressive graffiti art, the whole lot of them are drawing their own approximations of what they think crude devil summoning spells might look like. And one of them is holding this big ole tome that’s clearly meant to look like some sort of spell book. The only thing is… they’re holding it upside down.
MJ waits a beat for Quintin to notice and yell cut, but he doesn’t say anything… and she’s not going to say anything either, because that would mean breaking character. And so the moment passes, and she calls out.
“Halt! You must cease your activities at once! The dark wizard has ensorcelled you, but if you focus your will, you can fight through his control!”
The gang of graffiti artists all stop and look at her and then each other, before pulling back and forming up behind their obvious leader. Said leader lifts an eyebrow at her, his gaze hungrily sweeping up and down her body for a moment before he remembers himself.
“Uh… we’re not ensorcelled. The dude paid us a gold bar each if we would paint out the magic symbols in this book.”
MJ nods sharply, taking in this information as she stomps forward. But she remembers Quintin said this was neither supposed to be a fight scene or a sex scene. She could talk her way through this. She had to believe that.
“The man who recruited you for this job is an evil man! A dark wizard who seeks to bring about the apocalypse in your world! You must cease and desist at once, please!”
The leader’s eyes narrow, and he frowns ‘thoughtfully’ as he looks between her and the book. It’s not Grade A acting or anything like that, but it’s good enough. MJ figures Quintin would either edit it in post or tell them to redo it afterwards. She wasn’t the Director here, that was Beck’s job.
“Hmm… I dunno. We DID already get paid… but we can’t be known for skimping out on jobs… our reputation will take a massive hit.”
MJ as Red Sonja swipes a hand through the air.
“Your WORLD will take a massive ‘hit’ if you do not desist at once! Do you truly want to summon demons from the pits of hell that will tear you and your loved ones limb from limb?!”
There’s a pause before the graffiti artists all huddle up with one another to talk that over out of her earshot. Finally, the leader comes back out and gives her a nod.
“Look, lady. It’s not that we don’t trust ya… but we don’t trust ya. Don’t know you either. The only way we can really listen to what you have to say… is if you prove you’re on the up and up by joining the crew. And to do that, you need to show you have what it takes by painting a nice big piece for us.”
He shakes a spray can to make it clear what he means, and MJ gets it both as Red Sonja and as herself. This is how she ingratiates herself with the crew. It would definitely make for a good scene in the movie. The sexy, barbaric, and completely out of her depth Red Sonja, making a piece of graffiti art in New York City. Yeah, it’s a total fish out of water moment. It’s perfect.
“Very well! I shall ‘join’ your crew!”
And the best part was… no sex in sight! MJ was feeling much better about all of this!
… Ten minutes into her vandalism effort, and of course things go wrong. MJ is in the middle of trying to spray paint a nice big piece of graffiti on the wall amidst all of the crude demonic-looking summoning symbols that the others were making. Everyone is watching her with their arms crossed assessingly… right up until one of them lets out a cry as a costumed vigilante drops down from overhead.
“Well now, this doesn’t look like anything good’s going on here! Let’s cut out the demonic shit, guys!”
MJ’s eyes widen as she whips around to see Silk, one of New York City’s MANY webcrawlers, starting to smack around the poor graffiti artists that Quintin had recruited for this scene. She’s very confident that this is NOT in the script, especially with how violent Silk is being.
“W-Wait! You don’t understand!”
Dropping her spray can, MJ rushes forward, though not before half of the crew is laid out on the ground, groaning from what will undoubtedly be bruises at the very least by tomorrow morning. Silk turns to her and the dark-haired vigilante’s eyes narrow in surprise.
“Red Sonja? I thought you were fictional…”
“I am! I mean, SHE is! This isn’t what it looks like!”
Of course, before she can explain, there’s a snarl from the leader of the graffiti artists.
“Get her!”
And with that, the other half of the gang is throwing themselves at Silk to avenge their fallen comrades and assuage their wounded pride. Which obviously doesn’t go well, seeing as one side has superpowers and the other side, no matter their numbers, does not.
MJ watches the fighting for a moment before panicking. She doesn’t want anyone to get hurt, but no one’s listening to her. Seems this is going to be a physical scene after all.
Leaping forward, ‘Red Sonja’ grabs at Silk from behind, somehow surprising the spider-themed heroine as she grapples her into a shoddy, makeshift submission hold. It only really works out because Silk is already a little tired from everything else, but even still… MJ has to admit, she feels more like Red Sonja than ever before as her muscles bulge a bit and she locks the vigilante down.
Her words are finally heard, now that she’s got the main problem grappled. The graffiti artists still standing all look like they want to get their licks in, but MJ gives them a glaring look, making it clear she’s not going to allow that. Meanwhile, Silk freezes in place as well.
“Listen to me, Silk! This is for a fucking movie! A Red Sonja movie! I’m a fucking actress! It’s me, Mary Jane Watson! Jesus fucking Christ, just calm down!”
The vigilante in her grasp twists at that, and finally gets a proper, good look at MJ’s face.
“… Huh, well I’ll be damned. You are Mary Jane Watson.”
That’s right. MJ isn’t sure WHY she’s only recognizing that now, other than maybe she was really into character or something and that paid off in an unexpected and undesirable way? Regardless…
“Yes. I’m Mary Jane. All of these guys are paid actors. You’re beating up a bunch of theater nerds.”
MJ just waves off the offended leader of the graffiti crew, even as Silk finally slumps in her hold.
“… Sorry.”
Sighing, MJ lets her go.
“It’s fine. Just… just leave us to it, alright? We’ve still got scenes to film.”
“Uh… sure. Yeah.”
The both of them get up off the ground, and so do the crew of graffiti artists that Silk had been beating on. However, the young men look rather mulish now, their angry gazes alternating between Silk and MJ. Finally, the leader steps forward.
“We didn’t sign up for this shit. If you’re gonna want us to continue, you need to sweeten the pot a bit, ‘Red Sonja’. Like you did with Luke Cage.”
MJ stiffens, blushing furiously as she realizes exactly what he means. For a moment she bristles… before nodding reluctantly.
“Fine, but I’m on a time crunch. So only the mouth.”
“… We can agree to that.”
Silk watches from the sidelines in blatant confusion as MJ stalks forward, being the brave soldier once more. Anything… anything for the production. Of course, the vigilante squawks in disbelief when MJ drops to her knees in front of the crew of graffiti artists right as they’re all pulling their dicks out.
“W-What the fuck?!”
Wincing, MJ looks back at Silk.
“Nothing to worry about. Just… head on your way. The movie uh… earns its rating, is all I’ll say. We’re making art here, you know?”
She’s babbling. Throwing out lines that Quintin would have said to HER if she complained. Wanting nothing more than to bury her head in sand, MJ instead does the next best thing. She turns and buries a cock in her throat, while grabbing hold of two more dicks as she jacks off two of the young men while throating the first.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Of course, there’s many more men then just three for her to handle. She does her best all the same, even as the crew slowly begins to encircle her, their original half-circle closing in around her from all sides. However… just as they’re about to fully close up the circle, there’s a yelp as someone slips into the mix, kneeling behind her.
MJ glances over her shoulder in shock to see Silk has dropped to her knees right next to her and has shifted the red facemask she’s wearing so that the bottom part is flapping up. It doesn’t QUITE reveal her identity… but it does allow her to slip a cock under it, which is what she does, kissing one of the crew’s dick tips even as she whispers only loud enough for MJ to hear.
“… Not about to let you pay for my mistakes, girl. Not alone, anyways.”
MJ’s heart soars with a strange feeling of camaraderie… even as both their worlds are shortly thereafter filled with cocks, cocks, and more cocks.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
“Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!”
The blowbang is relentless, to say the least. Especially with Silk deciding to ‘help’ as it were. Now, the young men she just got done beating the shit out of all get their chance to get their own back from the kneeling vigilante anyways. Luckily, none of them are stupid enough to try and go for her identity as far as MJ can tell. Silk’s mask stays on, acting like a veil more than a mask as it covers up her mouth as well as the cock currently stuffed past her lips.
Still, the vigilante gives as good as MJ does. Between the two of them, they jerk off and suck off every last dick presented their way. Which of course, eventually means that the young men begin to cum. And that means she and Silk get messy FAST. It’s not long before MJ is covered in hot, sticky seed from her hair down to her lap, and Silk doesn’t get off any easier. For every load they swallow, two more end up on their bodies after all, until the entire crew is finally satisfied and they’re finally done.
Just as the graffiti artists are backing away, MJ turns to Silk, who looks at her rather tiredly. Words of thanks are on MJ’s tongue, but before she can say anything-
“Aaaand that’s a wrap! Wonderful work! I’ll have to cut around the ‘this is a movie’ bits, but everything else is superb!”
As Quintin finally shows himself, the Director hovering in on his drone platform with his drones all around him, Silk stiffens and hurriedly stands up.
MJ blinks, even as Quintin does the same.
“No? What do you mean no?”
“I do not consent to you using any footage of me performing sexual acts. You can… use the fight footage if you want, but if my… reparations make it into your final film, there will be consequences. And not just the legal kind.”
Quintin bristles, and MJ bites her lower lip, wondering if she should step in.
“But you’re literally in all of the shots of the blowbang! Even if I edited you out, there would be this empty space and some of the artists would be getting pleasured by an invisible woman! I would have to scrap the entire scene!”
And just like that, MJ doesn’t want to step in. Or at least, she doesn’t want to step in on Quintin’s side of things. Standing up, she coughs lightly.
“Isn’t that alright? This was never supposed to have a sex scene in the first place, Director. So… isn’t it fine if we just use only the fight scene and say Red Sonja managing to convince Silk to back off was enough for her to gain the crew’s respect?”
Quintin doesn’t look happy about it… but with Silk standing there drenched in cum but also not even remotely willing to back off… he sighs and finally nods.
And with that, it’s done. And thanks to Silk, MJ has managed to avoid another sex scene in a movie she’s already sure will be chockfull of them. Thank god…


Part 4:


“C’mon ‘Red Sonja’, the next scene is just down the street.”
They’ve left the warehouse district behind, and MJ is once again on horseback as she makes her way through the streets of New York City. Ever since the end of the last scene, Quintin has taken to calling her Red Sonja only, teasing her about her show of force against Silk. It was pretty wild how she’d managed to take down a full-blown superhero, even if she DID catch the other woman more than a little off-guard.
Still, that was behind them. Next up was what was supposed to be an ACTUAL fight scene, which meant that Quintin had actually given her some real information on what she was supposed to be doing this time. Turned out, the graffiti boys she’d left behind were right to be insulted when she’d called them theater kids.
The ACTUAL theater kids were at the next ‘set, occupying a run-down church that was currently set for demolition in the next few days. As a result of the church’s impending destruction, Quintin had apparently gotten a pretty sweet deal allowing them to film on and in the premises. As Red Sonja, MJ would be riding up and infiltrating the last. From there, she’s supposed to have a brawl with some goth chick and her theater kid cultists, who will pretend to want to sacrifice her on an altar or something before she’s able to overpower them.
Seems pretty clear cut. MJ’s only concern is whether she can properly fake the fight scene. Normally, this type of thing would be handled by professional stuntpeople, but obviously this film doesn’t have the budget for THAT. Instead, she’s going to have to fake it until she makes it, and after Silk allowed Quintin the use of their very real battle down in the warehouse district, MJ couldn’t deny that she was a little worried this next bit wouldn’t live up to that.
Regardless, they soon arrive in front of the church. To Mary Jane’s surprise, the place looks delightfully foreboding. There’s even a dim red glow coming from the windows, making the whole rundown building like frightfully possessed.
“Alright, this is it. Huh, that lighting wasn’t my idea… but we’ll give it a shot! Hopefully it doesn’t drown out your hair color too much… it’s Red Sonja’s most distinctive feature!”
MJ snorts at that, even as she dismounts from her trusty steed and carefully ties him off to a nearby fence pole. Quintin is probably right about that, but at the same time, she can’t help but feel like the chain bikini and the incredibly hot body are also defining features for her character. Still, the red hair will certainly stand out in the movie, probably.
Regardless, they have a fight scene to film. And while MJ is still feeling nervous about how all of this is going to go, she nevertheless forges forward. The show must go on! Making her way to the church’s front door, she carefully pushes her way in. She’s expecting to at least make it partway into the church before someone ‘notices’ her or something and she’s ambushed. She’s expecting to have to pretend-beat up a lot of theater nerds.
She’s not expecting the overwhelming scent of sex to hit her nostrils the moment she enters the church. The smell of cum is honestly overpowering, and Mary Jane wrinkles her nose as she draws back in mild disgust. A little cum was fine… not bad at all, really. But this was a stench, and it smelt like someone, or a group of someones… had cum buckets in this place. In a church, of all spots!
Likewise, she does NOT go undiscovered for any length of time. Standing in the middle of the church, grinning wickedly at her having clocked her from the moment MJ stepped inside… is the goth girl that Quintin had mentioned. However, there’s something weird about her. Like she’s got literal shadows flickering off of her.
Must just be a trick of the light, really… even still, MJ looks around some more to see that all of the would-be cultists she was supposed to be fighting… had clearly spent the entire time waiting for her fucking instead. They’re all covered in their own cum, and look as though they’ve been positively wrung dry. A frown spreads across MJ’s face. Quintin was going to be upset about this, almost certainly. But before the Director can say anything, the goth girl speaks up.
“Intruders. More lambs to the slaughter.”
Whoa, what was that? The goth chick’s voice reverberates through the room, almost seeming to double-up. Likewise, her eyes start glowing purple! MJ’s own eyes widen as she realizes Quintin must have hired either a mutant or a small time witch for this job. Did HE know that?! Glancing over at the Director, he looks a little bewildered… but upon seeing her looking to him for direction, he gestures frantically for her to get back on task.
… So he wasn’t going to yell ‘cut’ and lay into this group for all lying around on the job save for their leader? This was supposed to be Red Sonja versus Cultists, he’d been very clear about that. Now all of the sudden it was Red Sonja versus Possessed Chick while surrounded by fucked silly Cultists. Well… MJ supposed she knew a while ago what sort of movie this was turning out to be… ah well.
Straightening her back, she brandishes her weapon at the goth chick pretending to be possessed.
“I am Red Sonja, and I will have the location of your master, villainess! I will stop the dark wizard from enacting his terrible plans for this world!”
The goth girl’s eyes glow an even harsher purple as she tilts her head to the side at that. Then, her lips curl back into an almost impossibly wide grin. Must be a trick of the light.
“No trespassers are allowed into the master’s lair. Master left me behind to protect his secrets. And protect them I shall.”
With that, the goth girl begins walking forward. MJ does the same. She could do this. Hell, a one-on-one fight scene would be much easier to fake than a one-on-several at least. As they get within striking distance, MJ goes to thrust out with her sword, choreographing the blow incredibly well if she did say so herself. Yes, this was going to-
W-What the fuck just happened?! Pulling herself out of the church pew she just broke beneath her back, MJ groans. In one instant, the goth chick had slapped aside her sword with one hand, backhanded her with the other, and sent her flying across the room! For a second, MJ has to check to make sure nothing is broken! But luckily, nothing is! Growling, she gets to her feet.
“Hey! Not cool! You-!”
But before she can finish berating the other would-be actress for using super-strength in a damn fight scene, the goth girl gets in her face again and all MJ can do is lift her arms in a cross in front of herself to block. Yelping, she finds herself being thrown this way and that, pummeled and struck again and again by the goth chick. And really, the bitch is NOT holding her punches.
Before long, MJ has been flung atop an altar… ah, just like the altar Quintin said they would try to sacrifice her upon. Maybe this was the turn then? Maybe this was-
MJ’s eyes widen, as the goth girl comes into view. She’d been rather underdressed before to be clear, but Mary Jane had been trying to ignore that fact and attempt to film the scene with some degree of professionalism, even if no one else seemed to want to. But now she can’t help noticing the wicked-looking strap-on that the other woman is sporting. Grinning wickedly, she grabs MJ by the throat, choking her as she pins her in place and places the head of the fake cock against MJ’s suddenly exposed cunt.
“Barbed for your pleasure~”
Barbed?! Didn’t she mean ribbed?!
But no, she definitely meant barbed. The strap-on is inside of her a moment later, but while the initial penetration is fine… it hurts when the goth girl pulls it out, only to thrust in again. MJ cries out, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. This… this bitch! S-Surely this wasn’t part of the script?! Surely Quintin would step in and put a stop to this already!
But no, the Director doesn’t say a word, continuing to silently film in the background as MJ’s legs kick fruitlessly, her hands clawing at the goth chick to no effect. The mutant or witch girl, whichever she is, is doing an excellent job of pretending to be possessed, leaning in close and chuckling as wisps of shadow come off of her skin.
“The master was very clear that no intruders could be allowed in his lair. So I shall break you and have you swear yourself to me as these others did. Then, you will no longer be an intruder.”
That was definitely the sort of sick, twisted logic of a demon. And this was probably the moment when Red Sonja was supposed to find a way to fight back, scramble her way out of this predicament, and win the day. After all, everyone knew that Red Sonja wasn’t ever truly defeated. She just encountered… setbacks sometimes. But she ALWAYS came out on top in the end! She always managed to reverse her fortunes!
Except, as the goth chick continues to fuck her with the barbed strap-on, holding her down with impressive super-strength, MJ is forced to recognize that she is not actually Red Sonja. And she’s on the verge of climaxing, ready to just give in if that will make the bitch stop and force Quintin to reset the scene. After all, it’ll ruin things if she gives in, right? Quintin will have to call ‘cut’ then and force them to do it all over, and maybe MJ will be able to give some damn notes about this bitch’s ‘performance’ so far. As far as method-acting goes, the goth chick was phenomenal… but frankly, MJ could stand for a little less method-acting at this point.
Just as she’s opening her mouth to submit and ruin the scene however, a voice suddenly rings in her ears. She doesn’t know how she knows, but instinctively she recognizes the voice of Scathach, the Celtic Goddess who granted Red Sonja her blessing in the first place.
“No one is allowed to beat my Champion, even one who is only a cheap knock-off. Especially not another woman!”
In an instant, unseen by MJ herself but definitely seen by everyone else, light flares up in the red head’s eyes. Suddenly, that feeling of strength she’d been leaning on as she got more and more into the character of Red Sonja becomes very, VERY real. Suddenly, she feels like she could bench press a truck and have zero difficulty with it.
With a roar, she pushes the goth chick off of her, even as the other woman lets out a surprised squeal. The barbed strap-on pops out of her cunt, but before it can leave her reach, MJ reaches down and grabs it, arresting the other woman’s motion as she looks ready to fall back on her ass.
Contemptuously, MJ tears the strap-on off of the goth girl’s crotch and then puts her in an armbar. While one arm, now bulging with a surprising amount of muscle proceeds to choke her out, the other goes around… and MJ stuffs an entire fist up into the goth chick’s cunt to teach her a lesson about nonconsensual penetration.
“W-WHAT?! YOU-!”
“No one beats Red Sonja, bitch!”
The goth chick squeals as she squirms ineffectually in MJ’s ironclad hold, bucking her hips but to no avail as MJ fists her to fucking kingdom cum. In the end, it’s not she who submits to the goth bitch… but the goth bitch who submits to her as Mary Jane chokes her into unconsciousness. However, that’s when things get even weirder if she’s being honest.
Scathach was one thing. But the literal shadowy demon monster that pours out of the goth girl’s mouth after MJ fists her silly is… very disturbing as it screeches and then flies up through the ceiling of the church, fleeing to who knows where.
Blinking dumbly, Mary Jane slowly pulls her fist out of the now-unconscious girl’s cunt. The shadows are no longer wisping off of her nearly as much. In fact, she looks like… your average theater nerd now, albeit leaning a bit more gothic than the rest of the theater nerds passed out around them. Still, before she’d looked downright dangerous in her sex appeal. She’d been gorgeous, but also deadly. Now? Now she looks all too human as MJ slowly lays her down on the only available surface that isn’t the sticky floor, the altar.
Frowning down at the unconscious girl, Mary Jane glances over at Quintin, surprised he hasn’t called the scene to a close just yet. Only… he’s looking absolutely baffled by everything. The cameras are still rolling, but he’s more puzzled than anything. As MJ looks down at her hands, clenching them into fists and feeling the strength of Scathach’s Blessing running through them, an inkling that something is wrong enters her mind.
Still, she tries to cling to normalcy for at least a moment longer. After all, there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this…
“Quintin… that was you, right? All of that? The girl seeming actually possessed, the demon leaving her body, Scathach whispering in my ear to suddenly stand and fight? That was… you, right?”
After all, Quintin Beck was also Mysterio. Special Effects was literally his thing and why MJ even thought this shoestring budget of a movie might make it big. Sure, they were just two people with a bunch of extras hired on for chump change, but Quintin’s proprietary tech would carry the day. Just like it’d carried this scene… right?
“… No. None of that was my illusions.”
Shit. Deep down, MJ had already known that of course. The strength and power of Red Sonja coursing through her even now told her that it hadn’t been Quintin who had whispered in her ear as a Celtic Goddess. But she’d held out hope that it was just some sort of… placebo effect or something. That she wasn’t actually any stronger, she just thought she was for a moment. But no…
“I think we need to investigate this further, Quintin. I think your theater nerds stumbled upon something actually happening in this church…”
Quintin grimaces, scratching the back of his head in thought before finally slowly nodding.
“Sure… but we keep the cameras rolling!”
That’s easy enough for her to agree to. Documentation is important after all. Regardless, they move into the church’s backrooms, where things get even more freaky. There’s tomes that just scream occultism all over the place, and even a spy-like map chart with strings and notes on it.
At the center of that map chart is a building in Greenwich Village… apparently called the Sanctum Santorum.


Part 5:


Making it over to Greenwich Village with her police horse and Quintin racing along behind her with all of his drones is the work of maybe fifteen to thirty minutes. Truth be told, Mary Jane isn’t sure what to expect when they arrive. She’s actually a little surprised that she’s not chafing from all of this horseback riding, given what she’s currently wearing.
Ever since that weird vision she’d had, she’s felt… good. Better than good, she feels powerful. Strong. Heroic, even.
Jaw clenched with resolve and eyes blazing with determination, the red head swings her horse around the corner, finally arriving on the proper street. What she and Quintin discover there, however, brings them both up short.
The doors of what must be the Sanctum Santorum have been blasted open, and there’s battle being done out on the street. Dr. Stephen Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, is fighting a veritable horde of devils and people who look just as possessed as the goth chick back in the Church did. Eyes glowing with purple malice, they’re all trying to get to him, trying to take him down.
MJ only knows Dr. Strange in passing, of course. Actually, she’s never met the man before tonight. But she knows enough to recognize him from Peter’s description of the Sorcerer, and to realize that this is WAY above her paygrade. And yet… it’s so obviously clear that something fucked up is happening. Not only that, but it’s also clear, at least to Mary Jane, that Dr. Strange is losing.
Somehow he’s been ambushed, and that’s left him without back-up of any kind. Despite his impressive magical prowess, he’s clearly being overwhelmed more and more by the moment. If no one steps in… then he might actually be defeated.
But then, what is someone like her supposed to do? Mary Jane clenches her hand around the hilt of her sword, only to startle as she realizes that she’s holding it at her side. She doesn’t remember drawing her sword, and yet there it is. The cheap, fake thing couldn’t cut through a damn piece of paper, but it’s not entirely useless. More metal than plastic, at least.
… She wants to help. She wants to go in there and fight. But surely not. Surely she should just stay back and let the professionals handle this, right?
“Alright. Shit. I don’t suppose backing away slowly and pretending like we didn’t see anything is a possibility at this point, is it?”
MJ blinks and glances at Quintin, surprised by the serious expression on the Producer’s face. He’s not looking at her though, he’s looking at the battle… and when she follows his gaze, she realizes he’s really looking at some of the chittering devils on the outskirts of the battle, who have turned and noticed their arrival and began slinking towards them.
In a split second, Quintin the Producer is gone and Mysterio has taken his place. More drones than MJ had even realized the Illusionist had come pouring out and he glances over at her, tilting his fishbowl helmet in her direction.
“Go. Start swinging and I’ll have your back.”
A sense of purpose fills Mary Jane. This is what she needed to do. This was where she belonged. Never in a million years would she have thought it possible for her to be about to go into battle with Mysterio of all people at her side… and yet, she gives Quintin a single solid nod and grits her teeth, gripping her steed’s reins in one hand and holding her prop sword aloft in the other.
Letting out an incoherent yell, she has the police horse charge forward, taking even the devils that were beginning to make their way towards her by surprise. Obviously, they weren’t expecting actual resistance… which is why it’s so easy for MJ to swing her sword into the first devil she runs into, slamming the hellish creature into the ground.
As mentioned previously, her sword is not a real sword. It is a fake, but it’s still made of metal, which is all that matters. Well, there’s one other thing that matters as well. MJ’s super strength from before is still in effect. She’s much stronger than she should be, turning her fake sword into a metal bat of sorts that she has no issue swinging clear through the devils who try to impede her path.
Meanwhile, Mysterio does in fact have her back. Behind her, Quintin’s drones dart forward, most of them invisible as they rush and catch the devils and the possessed humans Dr. Strange is fighting by surprise. The Sorcerer Supreme ALSO looks surprised, especially when he sees who’s come to back him up, but if nothing else, Strange is adaptable and knows how to take advantage of a situation.
As Mary Jane starts to smash people into walls while Mysterio’s invisible drone support keeps her from being swarmed, Dr. Strange finally has some breathing room, allowing him to begin preparing a spell. Obviously, MJ has no idea what said spell can do… but she’s not about to question the sorcerer, not right now.
Instead, she does what she apparently does best now. She knocks people the fuck out and kills devils until finally, at long last, Dr. Strange lets out a loud shout in another language and the purple malevolent light in the possessed people’s eyes fades away. They blink in confusion for a moment, before all collapsing to the ground, passing out from the exertion.
Meanwhile, the rest of the devils should be easy enough to clean up, Mary Jane figures. She just-
The red head has no warning. One moment she’s on her borrowed police horse’s back, the next she’s in the air, dangling from a tentacle that has plucked her from her steed. In response to losing its rider, the horse promptly bolts, disappearing down the street. To her credit, MJ immediately starts swinging, but her sword has no effect on the tentacle monster that has her in its clutches.
Likewise, when she looks to her allies, Dr. Strange and Quintin are both frozen in place, a shimmer around them showing that some magical spell has caught them in a time stop. Finally… there’s the clapping.
“Bravo. Bravo. Though I must ask Ms. Watson… what the FUCK are you doing here?!”
Out of the blown-open doors of the Sanctum Santorum steps the Devil himself. Or at least, that’s Mary Jane’s first impression. He’s big and red and decidedly devil-ish, but she has no idea who he is or how he knows who SHE is. Still, a growl wells up in her throat and she glares daggers at him from her dangling position.
“I live here, asshole! New York is my home and I won’t let you have it!”
The devil laughs, though there’s an undercurrent of anger to his tone.
“My name, dear, is Mephisto. Do try and remember it for the little time you have left on this mortal plane, because once I drag your soul with me to hell, you’re going to be screaming it as you beg me for mercy for the next several HUNDRED years. But yes, I’m well aware you live in New York, Ms. Watson. What I mean is how the fuck did you get HERE?! How in the hell did you somehow manage to stumble right into one of my schemes? Especially after everything I’ve done to ruin you!”
… Wait, what? Mary Jane blinks owlishly at that, staring at the now-named Mephisto in disbelief.
“What… what are you talking about?! Ruin me?! I don’t even know who you are!”
That causes Mephisto to pause and he looks at her for a long moment before letting out another bark of laughter.
“No, you really don’t. And that makes this all the more baffling. You don’t know who I am. You don’t know that the seemingly resurrected ‘Gwen Stacey’ was actually a succubus conjured up by yours truly in order to capture Peter’s heart and facilitate yours and his little break-up. You don’t know that I’m the one who’s anonymously financed Quintin Beck’s little movie through half a dozen different investment firms, solely to keep you tied up in dead-end get-famous schemes. And yet… here you are all the same. Ridiculous.”
He… what? Gwen was a SUCCUBUS?! Mary Jane’s mouth opens and closes wordlessly for a few moments as Mephisto just smiles and nods, soaking in her abject confusion and shock over what he’s just told her. He’s clearly taking great satisfaction in her heartbreak and bewilderment. Finally, she manages to ask the obvious.
“WHY?! Why would you do all of that to me?!”
Mephisto snorts and flicks a clawed red hand in the air almost dismissively.
“Simple, really. If I keep you and Peter apart, then you can never give birth to your daughter May Parker. Still, I never expected a ditzy model and failed theater actress to somehow stumble into this scheme of mine. Honestly, this whole thing with the Sorcerer Supreme is entirely unrelated to you. But… I suppose now is as good a time as any to drop the elaborate plots and just drag everyone down to hell. Starting with you, darling.”
MJ’s eyes widen as he snaps his fingers and the tentacle monster holding her up comes crawling out of the Sanctum Santorum. Moving under her, it opens its maw and dangles her over a thousand whirling teeth. Mary Jane is still trying to come to terms with the bit about her having a DAUGHTER, but this suddenly takes much greater priority. She’s about to be fucking vored by a goddamn tentacle monster, and she has no desire for that to happen.
Yelling, shouting, growling, she fights with all her might. No… she fights with all of Red Sonja’s might. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be enough. It seems she’s really going to end up swallowed by this thing and there’s nothing she can-
“Coming through!”
At the last possible second, a webcrawler in a red and black costume comes swinging in and snatches MJ right from the Tentacle Monster’s clutches, taking her to safety. Blinking, MJ looks up for a second, thinking that Peter has saved her at the last second. But no, it’s not Peter… it’s Miles, one of Peter’s fellow spider-people and a protégé of sorts from time to time.
“Er, hello ma’am! Good to see you again! Sorry about the last minute rescue, but hey… better late than never, right?!”
Still reeling from everything she’s been told, MJ can only nod… only to hear a howl from where Mephisto was. Looking over, her heart leaps in her throat as she sees the familiar red and blue of Spider-Man, alongside Silk. The two have ambushed Mephisto in the same moment that Miles saved her, tag-teaming the red-skinned devil and kicking him off his feet.
This has the additional effect of freeing Dr. Strange and Quintin from Mephisto’s time stop, as his concentration has been thoroughly broken from the sneak attack. MJ bites her lower lip as she watches her Peter let out an incoherent shout of rage, all but wailing on Mephisto for what he’s done.
It would seem that at the same time MJ was being told by the mastermind himself what was going on, Peter and his fellow spider-people had likely sussed out Gwen’s true nature as a Succubus and put two and two together, leading to them showing up in the nick of time to save the day.
As Mephisto receives a decidedly one-sided beatdown… MJ can’t help but feel a little choked up at seeing the raw emotion and fury in every fiber of her ex’s body. Pulling free of Miles’ grasp, she moves forward across the battlefield… and grabs Peter by the wrist as he does his best to pummel Mephisto’s face in.
Looking back at her, the eyes of Spider-Man’s mask widen. A moment later and he’s pulled it off, looking at her with his true face. There’s nothing but horrified apology in his gaze as he looks at her, clearly distraught.
“MJ, I…”
But Mary Jane just smiles and places a hand on Peter’s chiseled jaw.
“I know, Peter.”
Then, she pulls him away from Mephisto… and steps forward. The beaten devil just laughs at them both.
“Pathetic heroes. Always confined by your morality, always-!”
MJ doesn’t hesitate to put her booted heel through the devil’s face, very literally ‘kicking his teeth in’ as she removes his ability to speak. Smirking down at the now-gurgling devil who’d tried to ruin her life and steal her future from her, Mary Jane Watson chuckles darkly.
“Red Sonja is a very different kind of hero.”
Then, she spins around and throws herself at Peter, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him soundly on the lips. As he takes hold of her right back, returning the kiss with just as must urgency and need to make up for lost time… MJ knows that everything is going to be alright.
Maybe they can’t go back to normal. Maybe there’s going to be an adjustment period. But in the end… things are going to work out. She can feel it in her bones.


Part 6:


Red Sonja… Will Return.
As the words play across the television screen at the end of the credits, Mary Jane Watson finds herself sitting stock still on the couch, nestled into her boyfriend’s side and waiting with bated breath to hear his reaction.
It was one thing to feel like you’d done a good job. It was one thing to already know the early reviews from the critics and to also know just how well the movie was doing on its streaming service. But there was nothing quite like the approval… or lack thereof, of your loved ones.
“Wow… that was really, really good.”
MJ brightens up immediately at Peter’s words, looking up at her boyfriend just in time to see him blanch a little as he looks down at her.
“N-Not that I didn’t think it was going to be amazing, Mary Jane! Rather… I knew YOU were going to be amazing, of course. I just had my doubts about Mysterio, you know?”
Smirking, Mary Jane punches Peter in the shoulder hard on her producer’s behalf, which in turn makes him wince and hiss as he rubs his shoulder where she hit him. Rolling her eyes, the red head gives her boyfriend a pointed look.
“Quentin put a lot of his heart and soul into this project from start to finish, Peter. You underestimate him.”
The emphasis MJ puts on ‘Quentin’ reminds Peter that the man was trying his best to move away from his villainous past. Yes, Quentin Beck had once been the supervillain known as Mysterio. Yes, he’d used his incredibly advanced technology to make himself appear as a Master of Illusions and proved to be no small pain in Spider-Man’s ass for a time.
But that was in the past. Quentin had done his time and paid his debt to society. He was just trying to make his way in the world now, and it wasn’t fair to have his mistakes brought up at every twist and turn.
Giving MJ an apologetic look, Peter nods amicably, even as he more snugly wraps his arm around her shoulders.
“You’re right, of course. Still… you and Quentin really made something amazing. Like creating a brand new renewable energy in a cave with a box of scraps or something, you know? Simply incredible.”
Brushing aside Peter’s rather odd analogy, MJ does a little shimmy, letting the pride well up in her chest at her boyfriend’s praise. Obviously SHE knew from beginning to end that they had a banger of a movie on their hands… but she had to admit, there’d been moments where she had her doubts.
Even still, Quentin had been so appalled that his art was seen as just a cheap joke to some devil that he’d gone ahead and edited the film into something even Mary Jane hadn’t expected. He’d made the movie into a proper Red Sonja Isekai using his super-realistic VR technology and some masterclass editing. He’d even removed some of the sleazier scenes, like MJ’s ‘negotiations’ with New York’s Finest, and turned the rest of the sex scenes into something tasteful and critically acclaimed.
‘Red Sonja: Devilish Fate’ was THE number one film on streaming for the week, across every platform. That was… honestly insane. Sure, it wasn’t some massive blockbuster that had made a billion dollars or anything, but it felt like the project really had legs to it, and MJ had to admit, she was excited to continue playing the role of Red Sonja in any number of properties to come. Especially after the payday she’d gotten.
Meanwhile, she and Peter had reconciled and were back together, of course. Finding out you were broken up by a damn devil and his pet succubus was more than enough to make the stubborn couple find a way to make things work. Peter had promised to stop looking to the past and instead treasure the present he had with MJ, while MJ had forgiven him for falling for that blasted succubus in a Gwen-suit in the first place.
Though Peter still insisted that pheromones and mind control were involved. MJ had decided to let him have that particular argument in the end.
Peter was also happy, to MJ’s surprise, to get the unedited footage of the film shoot. She’d been incredibly embarrassed by all of it, but Peter just claimed that it showed a very different side of his beautiful girlfriend that he’d always treated like a delicate flower, and that seeing her let her hair down like that was actually pretty hot.
Privately, MJ wondered if Peter would feel the same way if any of the men she’d wound up having sex with had been better endowed than him. She’d noticed just how smug he was when he nonchalantly noted that he actually had a bigger dick than even Luke Cage, something that had MJ rolling her eyes.
“Mm, so incredible in fact that I feel the need to worship my beautiful warrior goddess some more~”
MJ blushes as Peter’s free hand suddenly moves between her legs. She moans as he begins touching her, only for said moans to be swallowed up by his lips on her lips. Their tongues wrestle with one another and the two swap spit for a moment before Peter pulls away and slips off the couch entirely to kneel between her thighs.
Gasping as he yanks her legs out further, leaving her ass on the edge of the couch cushion and her feet on the coffee table behind his head, Mary Jane Watson watches as her boyfriend dives down betwixt her creamy thighs and begins going to town on her pussy right there on the spot.
She immediately clamps down in response, causing Peter to have to tap her leg with a hand until she relents, but then he’s all tongue action, and MJ is moaning up a storm as she reaches down and cards her fingers through his short brown hair.
… Yeah, she kept the superhuman strength for some reason. For all intents and purposes, she was actually Red Sonja in this world now, on top of PLAYING Red Sonja on a screen. It was a little weird, but also… kind of awesome? For the longest time, MJ and Peter’s biggest relationship issue was his need to be Spider-Man. The powers he had came with a responsibility to use them, or so he’d always said.
Mary Jane had never really been able to accept that. Moreover, she’d never really been able to understand it if she was being honest. It was a combination of wanting Peter to be safe and wishing she could be by his side to MAKE him safe. But… that wasn’t really an issue anymore, was it?
MJ wasn’t the delicate little flower she’d once been. The beautiful red-haired supermodel suddenly had power, superstrength and super-durability in line with Peter’s own. They were finally, for the first time in their whole relationship, on an even playing field.
Him wincing after she punched him in the shoulder earlier wasn’t an act. Him having to tap her when she clenched her thighs around his head hard enough to pop a normal human’s skull like a watermelon wasn’t an act. She really was as strong as Red Sonja, and while that probably didn’t make her QUITE as strong as Spider-Man… it was close enough for her purposes.
Letting out a mewling cry, Mary Jane arches her back as Peter’s tongue finds the deepest parts of her. She moans as he eats her out slavishly, worshipping and lavishing attention upon her beyond her wildest expectations. Finally, she cums, squirting her pussy juices into Peter’s mouth, which he has no issue swallowing.
Then, he pulls back, a wide and messy grin on his face as he looks down at her. His boxer shorts are tented with his massive cock, and as MJ lays there, she bites her lower lip while staring at it, before finally looking up into his face.
“Take me to bed, tiger. And don’t hold back~”
Letting out a lustful growl, Peter doesn’t have to be told twice. He reaches down and scoops MJ up quick as a flash, causing her to squeal in excitement as he carries her over his shoulder like a barbarian carrying his conquest. Before, he might have insisted on a bridal carry… but now they both know a lot more about each other, don’t they? Specifically, Peter knows what MJ likes and what sort of woman she is now.
Reaching the bedroom, he tosses her down onto the bed, where MJ quickly shucks off her pajama bottoms and top, stripping naked in record time as Peter discards his boxers and leaps on top of her. His hands go to her ankles, lifting her legs high into the air on either side of them before sliding down to her thicc, creamy, powerfully built thighs.
His fingers dig into her toned inner thighs as he places the massive head of his cock against her dripping and drooling pussy… and then thrusts in. Mary Jane groans as Peter fills her with his member in one fell swoop. Before everything that happened, their sex life had been so much tamer. It’d had to be, given she was a normal human woman and he was enhanced the way he was.
But now? Now she can take it. She can take a pounding more than ever before, and Peter doesn’t have to hold back one ounce of his super-strength anymore. He’s still stronger than her, which MJ likes because she honestly loves being manhandled by a man she trusts… but she’s tough enough to take what he can dish out and come back begging for more just a few seconds later.
As flesh slaps against flesh, as Peter fucks her with relentless and unending force, Mary Jane moans, tossing her head back, reaching above herself to clutch at the bedding. He fucks her like an animal… like a beast. And she loves every last bit of it.
Fortunately, while the bed does rock and jolt underneath them, they’d already taken care of that particular issue after the first time they’d had sex upon getting back together. Namely, when Peter had realized he didn’t have to hold back for HER sake anymore, he’d fucked her so hard that they’d not only destroyed their bedframe, but they’d also done structural damage to the wall of the building that the bed was pushed up against.
After that, they’d both reached out to their respective ‘contacts’ and gotten things taken care of. Peter had managed to get Tony Stark of all people to build him an indestructible bed frame, while MJ had been able to talk Quentin into helping her repair the building’s structural damage on the downlow, as well as reinforce that wall so it could take… repeated impacts going forward.
In the end, there’s nothing stopping them from going all out, and Mary Jane lets out a lewd cry as her boyfriend rails her into the bed, slamming home into her gushing cunt again and again and again.
She clings to him, her arms wrapped around his neck and pulling him down into another tongue-filled kiss. As they makeout, her legs stay raised high into the air, her feet knocking back and forth while his cock pistons in and out of her. He’s right about one thing… he IS the biggest man she’s ever been with. That hadn’t meant much before. Size wasn’t everything and the fact that Peter couldn’t bring his full size or power to bear without hurting the original her had been a… limiting factor in their relationship.
But now? As she cries out and cums on Peter’s cock again and again, MJ begins to wonder if her new powers are making her something of a Size Queen. It seems silly to think this about your boyfriend… but she’s beginning to suspect Peter might soon ruin her for other men. Which is good, right? Though it does depend on what Quentin wants to do with Red Sonja going forward, Mary Jane supposes.
Ah, but that’s all in the future. For now, she lets herself be washed away in the pleasure and ecstasy of the moment. She lets herself lose control and enjoys the way her boyfriend pins her down and makes her his woman with his big fat cock and his super-strength.
Bed creaking and shaking under their rough coitus, MJ’s moans and Peter’s groans filling each other’s mouths… they fuck well into morning. And hey, maybe MJ has found another way to keep Peter occupied as well, because so long as he’s fucking her all night long, he’s not out being Spider-Man and risking life and limb, now is he?


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