Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Broken Widow (Overwatch)

Broken Widow (Overwatch)


Themes: Mind Break, Rough Sex, Master/Slave

Summary: In which Widowmaker is sent on a mission by Talon after a string of failures. She just needs a win... but she's not going to get it here.


As she steps into the lounge, filled to the brim with the affluent and powerful, Widowmaker has scarcely felt more naked. She’s not actually naked, of course. But she might as well be. Wearing an elegant dress that shows off more of her cold blue skin than she would have liked, Widowmaker doesn’t let her consternation show on her face. She is, after all, nominally unarmed.
The dress is the only thing she was allowed to wear for this mission, even the small purse in her hands didn’t have anything too useful in it. She herself was a weapon of the highest caliber of course, but it still felt strange to be bereft of all of the tools of her trade. All of the pieces of equipment that made her who she was had to be left behind in order to sell the act.
Amelie Lacroix had been gone for a long, long time now, and yet it was Amelie who she had to embody once more on this evening. Because Widowmaker… had proven to be a failure recently. Her fingers grip a bit more tightly at her purse as she makes her way across the lounge towards her target.
The last few missions have been crapshoots. To say she was upset with her own performance would be an understatement. But she wasn’t nearly as upset as Talon was. The organization that had made her what she was in the first place held only a loose leash over their creation, but even still, she relied upon them for… everything.
Ever since they’d kidnapped her in the middle of the night and turned her into a sleeper agent, Widowmaker had been their creature. Even though it was her choice to go back to them after their commands made her kill her husband in his sleep, there was really no choice at all. She’d been on the run back then, after assassinating Gerard. Both Overwatch and the police had hunted her like a dog.
With no other options remaining, Amelie had returned to Talon and become Widowmaker in truth. Their experiments had turned her into the proper, cold, heartless killer she was now.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t perfect. As previously mentioned, she’d failed on her last few missions. Talon was upset about this, and Widowmaker was well aware of what they did with agents they deemed… valueless. Technically, she could have run. She could have gone to ground and been hunted by Talon, Overwatch, and the world’s authorities alike. But it wasn’t quite that bad yet, or so she felt.
Instead, she’d been given a mission that would see her… out of the field for a while. It was why she was here, in this gentleman’s club lounge, wearing nothing but a dress and bereft of her gear. She was not here to kill anyone… yet. Her job tonight was to seduce a man who Talon would then tell her to kill in the future. Weeks? Months? Years even? They’d told her to prepare for the long haul.
Under normal circumstances, Widowmaker would have declined such a mission. But given her recent string of failures, she had no choice but to accept. And now here she was…
“Mademoiselle! You must be Amelie!”
The man is American, his accent is atrocious. Still, he stands up as he approaches, and takes her hand to kiss the back of it when she offers it out. If he’s bothered by the natural coldness of her skin, he makes no indication of that.
“Bonjour, Mister Abrams.”
Turning the kiss into an excuse to take her hand entirely in his own and lead her back to the couch he was sat on, Joseph Abrams, a wealthy businessman, sits down and guides her to sit right beside him. She lets him take such liberties with her, knowing she needs to get in close. To be fair, Widowmaker is well-versed in seduction techniques. She usually kills from afar, but more than once she’s had to use her beauty to get nice and close so she can deliver the killing blow.
However, normally seduction is the work of seconds for her before she can move on to assassinating her target. Never more than minutes, really. She prefers to kill over fuck, that much is a certainty. In fact, the only time she’s truly feeling alive is when she’s killing. Sex holds no joy for her any longer. She cannot get aroused, not by the normal methods. The only time she feels aroused now is when she puts a bullet through someone’s head, or a knife through their neck.
Watching the blood pour out of them and- Ah, but she’s allowing herself to get distracted. She needs to keep her eye on the prize. Likely, she will be expected to fuck Joseph Abrams tonight and every night for the foreseeable future until Talon gives the order to kill him. It’s not something Widowmaker is looking forward to, but it’s what she has to do.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of getting you a drink while I waited. Please, enjoy.”
Eyeing the cocktail he gestures at, Widowmaker very carefully contains her urge to sigh, shooting him a faux smile instead. She might not have any of her gear, but she was a living weapon thanks to the efforts of Talon’s geneticist, Moira O’Deorain. Not only had she given Widowmaker all the tools she needed to be the world’s best assassin, but she’d also made her immune to poisons and drugs.
And so, Widowmaker doesn’t even hesitate to pick up the glass and sip from it. The alcohol barely even affects her, though she pretends as though she enjoys it greatly as Joseph Abrams grins at her with what he probably thinks is a winning smile. Heh, he looks like a shark, circling blood in the water. Unfortunately for him, Widowmaker is not the prey here, he is.
… Yes, this would certainly be a pain to be sure. She wasn’t looking forward to this mission. However long this took, it was sure to be a slog. But she needed the win more than anything. She needed to show Talon that she could still show them results, that she wasn’t suddenly more trouble than she was worth. Joseph Abrams would be tedious but easy enough to handle. That much, Widowmaker was sure of.
“M-Merci! Plus fort! Oui! Oui! Oui!”
The sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the air as the woman known to certain elements of the world as Widowmaker cries out, begging for more in French. An uneducated boor might think that she was begging for mercy, but Joseph knew enough French to know that the sexy tart was actually thanking him for his dick, begging him to go harder, and shouting ‘yes! Yes! Yes’ at the top of her lungs as he fucked her into the bed.
He also knew she was Widowmaker, of course. He was part of those certain elements after all, even if she didn’t know it. A grin spreads across his face and Joseph leans forward, grabbing ‘Amelie’ by her hair, yanking her head back and running his tongue along her shivering body, across her neck and jawline. She’s very cold… but that’s alright. He’d been told to expect that.
“You like that, Amelie? Like my big fat cock stretching out your frigid insides?”
Eyes glazed over with abject lust, the world-renowned assassin moans throatily as she nods best she can in his hold.
“Oui! Oui! Suite! S'il vous plait-mmph!”
Cutting her off with his mouth, Joseph kisses her deeply, dominating the assassin with his lips and tongue. Needless to say, he’s only doing so because he knows he has her right where he wants her. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t touch this bitch with a ten foot pole. Not without some serious restraints that would keep her entirely locked down. And even then, he wouldn’t put any of his body parts anywhere near her mouth without a properly reinforced O-ring gag designed to keep her from chomping down.
… These are not normal circumstances. A week ago, Joseph had been a part of a private silent auction held by none other than this bitch’s parent organization. Talon had been selling a number of different things. Services, technology, you name it, they sold it. Joseph had been there to get some interesting medical tech for his own personal use in order to extend his life and increase his health in a number of different ways.
But when he’d seen their last item for the evening, the businessman had known… he had to have her. Widowmaker herself was the final item Talon sold at that auction, and Joseph had picked her up for a cool ten million dollars. Twice what he’d paid for the technology to extend his lifespan and enhance his physique to peak human, but nevertheless a complete steal all the same.
Talon had even helped him with handling her. Apparently, she’d failed them one too many times, and rather than just dispose of her completely, they’d decided it was better if they repurposed her. Needless to say, Joseph had been on board with that. Purchasing her in the first place had been an impulse buy. Handling her without Talon’s assistance would have been hard. Or rather, almost impossible.
The criminal organization had provided Joseph with a special cocktail of drugs he’d had the bartender put in every single one of the femme fatale’s drinks over the course of their evening together. Aphrodisiacs that would work even with Widowmaker’s inhuman physiology. Not just work… rather, they would work BETTER on her than any other woman in the world, because they were tailormade for her.
And work they had. Even as he fucks her cold, naked body, Joseph can feel her already starting to heat up a little bit beneath him. Meanwhile, he knows her previously dulled emotions are a roiling tempest of desire, need, and wanton lust right now. She can’t help it. She can’t control it. She’s his bitch already, she just doesn’t know it yet.
Though he’s probably played with fire long enough at this time. Getting her aroused out of her mind and bringing her back here to fuck her without using any of the trigger words Talon gave him was the height of risk, but Joseph was a bit of a daredevil. He’d always enjoyed living on the edge.
Pulling his hand back from Widowmaker’s mouth, he looks down at the blue-skinned she-devil as he continues to drive his cock deep inside of her.
“No more French, sweetheart. You’ll speak English from here on out.”
Widowmaker’s eyes flash at that, and she looks angry at him. It’s gone in a second, hidden behind a carefully constructed mask, but that mask is fractured by the very real pleasure she’s currently experiencing. She can’t keep up the façade, not when she’s feeling every last one of his thrusts. Still, she tries.
“Of course, Mister Abrams~”
Her delicious French accent does wonders for him, but Joseph just grins and presses a thumb to her cold forehead.
“Red Truck. Brown Dog. Black Ant.”
They’re nonsensical, the trigger words. But then they’re designed to be so that she would never hear them in the correct order just by happenstance out in the world. Widowmaker’s eyes go wide at the first words, and then she shakes on the second. By the third, she’s rapidly seizing up beneath him and Joseph is pretty sure only his recent increase in strength and vitality allows him to hold down the assassin as she has a seizure.
He grunts as he pins her down with both his dick and his free hand, keeping his thumb pressed against her forehead the entire while. It’s like a fingerprint scanner, or so he’d been told. Though, he’d feel very, very silly if this didn’t work out.
“Blue Island! Green Plane! Red Tree!”
The second set of trigger words has an additional effect on Widowmaker… they settle her down, thankfully. He’s not sure what he would have done if the seizure got worse. Still, as she slowly comes to a still, her eyelids are fluttering madly, her eyes rolled back in her head. One more set to go.
“Purple Tango! Orange Foxtrot! Pink Alpha!”
Widowmaker’s back arches… her eyes going even wilder in her head… and then she falls still. Joseph finds himself panting, a little out of breath even though all he did was shout some words. Still, those words had just reprogrammed the greatest assassin the world had ever seen… into HIS slave.
Slowly, her eyes flicker open and when she sees his face, Widowmaker gives him a true smile. The arousal is still there, but the façade is completely gone now. She moans beneath him, her pussy walls flexing around his cock.
There it is. Confirmation. Of course, it could still all be a lie. A long con. But Joseph doesn’t think so. Not only did he pay fifteen million dollars in total for both the medical technology and Widowmaker herself, but he had a great working relationship with Talon in general. So far as he knew, he hadn’t run afoul of them in any way. Not like Widowmaker had with her constant failures. And seeing what they did with one of their greatest assets, Joseph didn’t intend to fuck up any time soon.
Smirking, Joseph removes his thumb from his new sex slave’s forehead, sliding it down to her mouth. She eagerly opens her lips and sucks on his digit, staring up at him devotedly while he begins to thrust into her again, fucking her once more. She lifts her legs up in response, grabbing hold of her ankles and pulling them back. It’s both a display of her own flexibility and a show for him as she moves into a position that’s even more pleasurable for him to fuck her in.

Grunting, Joseph picks up the pace, even as he nods.
“That’s right bitch. I’m your Master now. You belong to me. I own you.”
Far from being upset by these words, the reprogrammed assassin moans beneath him. Despite the rest of her body being cold, the drug cocktail he’d been given to ply her with and lower her defenses has done its job. Her cunt, for one, is extremely hot and slippery, wrapped around his cock and gripping his dick. As Joseph had been told, the drugs he’d fed her had reversed the suppression of her emotions and increased her arousal tenfold.
“Yes, Master! Harder Master! Please, don’t stop fucking me! Use me! I’m your bitch! I belong to you!”
However, they would eventually wear off. His control of her wouldn’t, but she would eventually become an emotionless robot. Joseph might enjoy that sometimes, but most of the time he would be feeding her more of the drugs… drugs he would be buying from Talon for the rest of his pet’s life, it seemed. But that was fine. It was another reason for Talon to not kill him, seeing as he would always be a paying customer. In the end, it was little more than buying pet food for a pet, he figured. Even if it cost much more than any normal pet would.
But then, Widowmaker was worth more than any normal pet could be worth. She was sensuality manifest. She was sexy in a way Joseph couldn’t get with any other woman. Oh sure, there were other people in the world who had blue skin. It actually wasn’t that unusual these days. But Joseph didn’t know of any other blue skinned woman as exotic and dangerous as the bitch he currently had impaled upon his cock.
Widowmaker’s eyes roll back in her head, and her tongue lolls out of her mouth when he pulls his thumb free and moves his hands to her tits instead. Giving them a good hard squeeze, Joseph growls, loving the sound of her accented voice begging him for more. It’s so fucking erotic.
“Keep it up. Beg me for more and I just might give it to you.”
She doesn’t need to be told twice. The moment she hears his command, her eyes roll forward again, her tongue pulling back. Her need to obey him as her new Master completely overrides even her own pleasure.
“Please… please Master. Please fuck me more. Please use your bitch. Please take me however you like.”

Joseph grins, before deciding he likes the sound of that. Particularly the last bit. Pulling out for only a second, he grabs her by her hips and spins her over onto her front. Widowmaker lets out a confused noise when he pulls out of her, only to yelp as he flips her over. Still, she’s quick on the uptake if nothing else. Soon enough, the most dangerous woman in the world is on her hands and knees with Joseph behind her, lined up… and with a grunt, thrusting into her from behind.
Still hopped up on those aphrodisiacs, the gorgeous femme fatale squeals and cums immediately as he punches into her cunt with all his might. Joseph just grins, his throbbing cock thrusting away inside of her without hesitation. At the same time, he reaches forward. One hand gathers up her loose hair into a makeshift ponytail like she’s known for having and pulls her head back. As her spine arches, he reaches around to her front with his other hand and grabs her tits, groping and squeezing them one by one and pinching at her nipples.
In response, Widowmaker can’t stop cumming for him. Her pussy walls clench and squeeze along his shaft as she climaxes over and over again.
“Yes! More! Mooooore~”
Her wanton moaning is filled with begging for more, until eventually she can’t even speak, her words turning unintelligible, overtaken by her lustful cries. Joseph fucks her until he can hold back no more, and then he finally cums. He cums and cums, his newly enhanced, rejuvenated body apparently packing quite the load. Certainly more than he ever had before.
And yet, even after he’s done dropping the biggest load of seed in his life… his cock is still rock hard. He’s still ready for more. A satisfied sort of grin spreads across the businessman’s face as he continues to drive himself into his new toy’s freshly creampied quim. He’s just getting started, and they’ve got all the time in the world together from here on out…
Sitting by the fire in an armchair, Joseph Abrams hums as he looks over a tablet filled with the morning news. Flicking from story to story, he pauses for a moment as he finds something actually worth his time. Then and only then does he ring the bell by his side as he begins to read. The bell is fashioned to look like an old sort of thing, but in reality, it has a bit of technology built into it. The sound is as it should be, but on top of that it sends an alert to the collar of his maid slave, no matter where she is in the mansion.
Within a minute, the door opens and his slave enters. It’s been a few weeks since Joseph successfully acquired Widowmaker for himself, remaking her world so it revolved around him as her Master. In that time, he’s greatly enjoyed his new toy in all sorts of ways. Right now, she’s dressed in an incredibly skimpy maid outfit. Really, only the frills, poofy sleeves, color scheme, and hairpiece make it clear that it’s styled after a French maid uniform.
The thing is almost more of a bikini then a maid outfit, with the top being shrunken to show off several inches of her smooth, blue abdomen, while the skirt is a mini skirt so small that it does nothing to hide her ass cheeks or even her pussy lips if she moves too fast or turns the wrong way.
Still, she’s his slutty little maid, with her high heeled shoes completing the ensemble. As she walks over to him with a tray containing his breakfast and morning tea, Joseph looks her up and down, appreciating her beauty. He grins when he sees the blush that spreads across her blue cheeks, the hungry look of arousal in her eyes.
He kept her on a steady diet of the drug cocktail that undid the suppression of her emotions and made her into a needy, aroused bitch hungry for his cock. Usually it was one dose before bed and one dose in the morning. She would become less and less capable of feeling emotion throughout the day, but that was fine since he was usually quite busy most days, and if he ever did want her, he could either have her as a robotic, emotionless fuck doll, or give her a small dose to make her more… responsive.

Regardless, right now she’s exactly as she should be. Aroused as all hell and jonesing for a hit of her favorite addiction in the whole wide world… his dick. In fact, he can see the cock-hungry look in her eyes, and the cock-drunk smile on her sensual plump lips as she licks them surreptitiously. Or at least, she thinks she’s being subtle.
Setting down the tray on the table next to him, Widowmaker takes a single step back, standing there with her hands clasped in front of her in a way that frames and accentuates her chest while also drawing the eye down to her poorly concealed pussy.
“Does Master require anything else.”
Pretending to consider the question for a moment as he ‘ignores’ her in favor of the article he’s reading, Joseph grunts.
“Feed me.”
“Of course, Master!”
She moves forward fast, but with a sort of grace that cannot be matched by anyone else in such a rush. Within moments, she’s delivering bite after bite of delicious food to his mouth. Joseph eats slowly, chewing each bite all while continuing to act like he’s ignoring her. His attention remains on the article until he finishes it, at which point he finds a new one.
Eventually, four articles and one breakfast later, the food is gone and Joseph hums before finally deigning to look Widowmaker in the eye.
“Is there something you would ask of me, pet?”
Blushing, the ex-assassin, once the most dangerous woman he could think of and now his slave, bows her head submissively.
“O-Only that you allow me to serve you, Master… in ALL the ways I’m best at.”
Joseph grins wickedly at that. Reduced from her previous strength to this… it was quite funny to someone like him. To see a strong woman made into a pet, to have a powerful femme fatale brought so low… he couldn’t help but be happy with the results of his purchase. Widowmaker was his now. His slave. His toy. His property.
“… Very well, go ahead.”
Her eyes light up at that, and once more she wastes no time in moving forward and getting into position. Dropping down to her knees between his legs, she spreads them apart and reaches for his crotch. Just as she’s touching his fly, Joseph speaks up again.
“Top off.”
Pouting a bit, knowing full well that he waited until she was so close before giving the order, Widowmaker nevertheless obeys. The cock-hungry femme fatale strips out of the bikini top of her sexy maid uniform, letting her beautiful blue breasts bounce free. Then and only then does his slutty maid release his cock from its confines. Licking her lips, she hurries to wrap her tits around his member, knowing full well that he wouldn’t order her to expose her chest unless he wanted her to make use of it.
As his shaft is subjected to an eager, enthusiastic titjob from a perfectly soft pair of breasts despite their cold nature, his slave also leans forward and captures the head of his cock in between her lips. Moaning all the while, she sends reverberations up his length as Joseph sits there, watching her service him eagerly and greedily.
Leaning back in his chair, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the cold of his sex toy and slutty maid, Joseph grins a wicked grin.
Best purchase ever.


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