Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Breeder (Original Modern)

The Breeder (Original Modern)

Poll Winner (Parts 1-2)

Themes: Rough Sex, Breeding, Fucked Silly

Summary: Adam is a Breeder, a man hired on the down low by women to provide them with a very specific experience. Essentially, he does his best to knock them up.


Part 1:


“Thank you everyone for the wonderful show! I’ll be here all month!”
The raucous cheering reaches nearly deafening levels as Adam stands up and slips out the back of the venue the moment that Elise Starscape walks off stage. While the popstar isn’t necessarily a bad singer by any stretch of the imagination, she’s not exactly to his musical tastes. One might wonder why someone like him was at her concert then, but in the end, it was really just business.
Adam played a very special role in the modern day’s society. A role that had arisen from the way things were changing at too rapid of a pace for people to keep up with. Virility was on the downturn. More and more men were shooting blanks instead of fielding some real swimmers. Meanwhile, more and more women were eschewing modern technology for one reason or another.
That left room for someone like him to step in and do his part for society. All on the downlow, of course. No one knew who he was or what he really did for a living. He had some friends, but he hadn’t spoken to any of his family in years. Not that he’d ever been close to them to begin with, but Adam knew… none of them would understand.
One might suspect, given that sort of thing, that Adam was a pornstar or something. Close, but not quite right. No, rather, Adam’s role in society was much more integral and critical then simply creating masturbatory fantasies for people to jack off to. His official job title was Breeder, and it was exactly what it sounded like.
When a woman wanted a baby and couldn’t get one through either conventional or scientific means, he was called in. There was usually a common theme to the stories, but each and every client was unique in their own way. Tonight, for instance, Adam had been tasked with performing something that could be called criminal. It would be criminal, if the popstar in question hadn’t paid a million dollars for the right to his virile seed and recorded a confession video explaining exactly what she wanted from him.
Thankfully, Adam wasn’t in charge of all that rigmarole. Oh sure, one might assume that he could make more money by going freelance or something, but how the hell would he even find the women who wanted him to breed them in the first place? No, better to let the Company that he was employed by do all the heavy lifting. He, as the talent, was simply expected to show up and perform at the end of the day.
In a way, tonight’s client and he weren’t even that different. Elise Starscape, however, wasn’t nearly as skilled at contract negotiation from the sound of things. The blonde popstar was stuck in an unforgiving contract bordering on indentured servitude to her agent. After all, how else did one explain the fact that he could control whether or not she had a kid? The man was apparently refusing to let her have a child and ‘lose her star appeal’.
That was where Adam came in. Putting the balaclava over his head and masking himself, Adam makes his way into the back. Normally, Elise would be well-guarded by a dozen security guards. But given she was in on what was happening tonight, Adam wasn’t in the least bit surprised to see the young popstar standing out back, holding an unlit cigarette between two fingers.
She keeps glancing around, like she’s going to be able to see his approach. But Adam has been doing this for a while, and he knows how to get close without being noticed. Coming in from her blind spot, he’s upon her before she can so much as notice him, one hand wrapping around her mouth to keep her aborted scream from getting anywhere, while the other snatches the unlit cigarette from her hand and tosses it away.
He’s glad she’s not an actual smoker, there was nothing less appealing then the smell of cigarette ash in the air. Meanwhile, Elise freezes up in his arms, part of her knowing what this was, but some part of her also worrying that he might not be who she’s expecting. So, aiming to put her at some level of ease, Adam leans in close and whispers in her ear as he casually gropes one of her tits.
“Have you been taking your fertility medicine?”
Shivering, the young, nubile popstar’s reaction is a fun juxtaposition between relaxing and tensing up even further as she shakily nods. Slowly releasing her mouth now that she knows who he is and he knows she won’t try to scream or run, Adam spins her around and pushes her up against the nearby wall, letting his eyes trail up and down her body. Her costume is blatantly pleasing to the eye, meant to be sexy and alluring to a massive crowd of people like the sold-out concert they’d both just come from.
Up close and personal, it’s a little ridiculous and the glamorous effect somewhat falls apart when he’s less than a handful of inches away from her. Still, Elise herself is a total cutie, and Adam can already tell he’s going to enjoy this very much.
“Y-You sure you c-can do this? K-Knock me up in one go? A-After this, my agent isn’t going to l-let me out of his sight…”
Adam chuckles, inclining his head in acknowledgment of what she’s not saying. ‘This’ being her sexual assault. To everyone else, Elise Starscape would have suffered a truly terrible attack. But the two of them would know the truth, that she wanted this, all of this. Still, best to sell the image. Adam reaches out and grabs her by the neck, not hard enough to actually choke her, but just hard enough to start forming bruises on her pretty, smooth flesh. Elise stiffens all the same, but she’s not afraid of him, not even remotely.
“I-I paid good money for the best Breeder that your c-company had on offer. T-That’s you, right?”
Rather than answer verbally, Adam merely inclines his head again, while at the same time bringing up his other hand to grab the front of her silly costume and pull, HARD.
As he’d expected, it tears easily. The material her outfit is made out of is clearly made to be flashy, not functional. It’s the sort of shit she only had to wear a handful of times, so they didn’t need to make it so it could withstand wear and tear. Rather, it tears away and reveals her gorgeous body underneath so easily that Adam can’t help but grunt, impressed.
Elise’s tits bounce free and her abdomen ripples with a shiver as she bites her lower lip, caught off guard by his forwardness. She recovers her confident quickly enough, however.
“You b-better be what I paid for. You better breed me… breed me HARD.”
The lust in the starlet’s eyes is obvious, the NEED ever-present. If that’s the way she wanted it, then Adam would be sure to give it to her. It was, after all, why he was paid the big bucks. Reaching down, he frees his cock from the confines of his pants, letting it flop out even as it grows hard on demand. Elise’s eyes flicker down and go wide at his size and the way he rapidly inflates to fully erect.
Adam was in the Ninety-Ninth Percentile of cocks that his Company… traded in. Those stats weren’t just measured by size, of course. In fact, while he was bigger than average, he wasn’t gargantuan or anything like that. Not every woman was a size queen, no matter what modern pornography would have you believe. He was big enough… but it was in terms of his genetics and his virility where he truly shined.
In a world where sperm count was falling off a cliff for your average man, Adam’s was through the roof. To the extent that, when combined with the fertility medicine that the Company provided its clients with, he could practically guaranteed impregnation after the first creampie.
And so, confident as ever, he pushes Elise to the ground in that back alley, causing the popstar to gasp as he follows her down. She opens her mouth to say something else, but he’s not interested. With only her platform thigh-high boots left on, her body is free for him to go at… and go at it he does.
Taking up the proper position to maximize the speed and depth of his thrusts, Adam spreads Elise’s legs wide, forces them back, and then slams his cock down into her waiting snatch with all due force. She’s wet, of course, so very wet for him, and as he plows into her, he has to cover her mouth again to contain her loud squeal.
Her cunt clings to him, though Adam notes that there’s no hymen. The dossier he’d been given on Elise didn’t say she had a boyfriend or even a lover, but it looked like the blonde popstar wasn’t quite as pure as her current girl next door persona claimed. Adam wasn’t all that surprised by that though, there were countless stories of popstars with outward facing positive personas, who were completely off the rails behind the scenes. Plenty of those stories ended with their behind-the-scenes stuff becoming public too.
Still, Elise wasn’t a drug user, at the very least. As she’d mentioned, he was the best that the Company had to offer, and that meant Adam got to make his own rules. One of them was that any woman he bred had to be COMPLETELY clean. Not just free of STDs, which was a bog-standard company rule anyways, but clean of any hard drug use.
So, trusting that his company had done their homework, and also going off of what he was seeing in front of himself right now, Adam was confident that Elise was drug free. And she was also incredibly tight. Eyes going crossed, tongue sticking out of her mouth and licking at his hand, Elise shudders beneath him, her tits all a-jiggle as her pussy walls clench down HARD around his cock.
Unable to help himself, Adam reaches for those tits, grabbing them and giving them a good squeeze as he continues to fuck down into her. His cock, throbbing and rock hard, swoops directly into her cunt, gliding deep inside of her and ramming up against the entrance to her womb itself. And that, if nothing else, drives Elise absolutely wild.
“Y-Yessssss! Just like that! F-Fill me up! Oh god, oh fuck, you’re so BIG!”
He was decently sized. But Adam was well aware that in the heat of the moment, his technique could make it feel like he was double what he actually was. Being GOOD at sex was what made him the best his company had to offer. Knowing exactly what to give each client, knowing what the women who hired his services wanted… that was why he made the big bucks.
Elise Starscape might have put on a pretty princess sort of act, but from just their small interaction, Adam had been able to pin down exactly what sort of girl she really was, under all that glamour and glitter and makeup. She was a girl who LIKED to get down and dirty, who liked to get rough with it. She was a girl who wanted to be taken, who probably had a fetish for this sort of play even outside of using this to get around her draconian contract and have a baby.
Adam, meanwhile, is just here to do a job. Still, nothing says he can’t enjoy himself. And you know what they say, do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life. Leaning forward, he sucks on one of Elise’s titties, slurping away at the blonde’s nipples one after the other as she squeals and spasms beneath him. He pounds her into the ground without hesitation and without mercy, watching as her eyes eventually roll back in her head entirely.
He’s making a believer out of her, one thrust at a time. He can tell, because the next words out of her mouth don’t have a trace of doubt left in them.
“Y-You’re making me cum! Oh f-fuck, you’re going to knock me up! You’re going to get me pregnant!!!”
Damn straight he was. That was why he was here, after all, and he’d be a pretty god-awful Breeder if he didn’t manage to get this tight little starlet pregnant from the creampie he could feel building inside of him. With a lust-filled growl, Adam picks up the pace and milks himself fully on Elise’s clenching quim. Reaching his release, he doesn’t give her any warning as he begins to cum inside of her, pumping directly into her womb.
Elise’s eyes go wide and then roll back in her head as she chokes on her own spit from the sensation, which seems to send her over the edge into an orgasm of her own. Not every client cums with him when he cums inside of them, marking the blonde popstar in yet another way that makes her out to be a true, horny slut.
Still, Adam isn’t there to judge. He was there to breed her, and that he’s quite confident he’s managed to do. He lets her tight cunt wring him of every last drop of his load, and then he pulls out and stands up, admiring the way her slightly agape pussy breathes as she lays there sprawled across the ground. Mission accomplished and all that jazz, and so Adam tucks his softening cock away into his pants and zips up, rolling his shoulders and stretching a bit to make sure he’s still nice and limber.
Blinking, the masked Breeder looks back down at Elise, to see her looking worried about something.
“What if… w-what if my agent tries to make me have an abortion?”
Adam raises an eyebrow at that. He wasn’t sure why she was asking him, though obviously he’d be liable to kill a man that had one of HIS kids aborted, even if this was just a job. But Adam didn’t have to worry about that, and neither did Elise.
“You can rely on the company to help with that sort of thing. After all, that’s why they set you up for this gig in this state, right? The laws are so strict here that once it’s found out you’re pregnant, your agent won’t be able to do anything. All you have to do is avoid taking the morning after pill he’s likely to try to shove down your throat.”
Elise shakily nods at that, and Adam stares at her for a moment longer before waving goodbye.
“See ya, I guess.”
And with that, he leaves. He’s just getting out of earshot when he starts hearing her wailing for ‘someone to please help her’. Snorting in amusement, Adam pulls off the balaclava and heads on his way. His job is done, after all, and while he wishes Elise the best with her future, it’s out of his hands now. She and the Company will square things away. Meanwhile, he’s onto his next client.
A Breeder’s work is never done, after all.


Part 2: 


If there was one thing that being a high paid breeder had taught Adam, it was the fact that women came in all shapes and sizes… and all sorts of flavors as well. His work meant he was traveling a lot, all over the world in fact, satisfying those ladies who were rich enough to pay for his services. Not everyone could afford it, but the company that he contracted with had certain payment plans that allowed for breeding to be within almost anyone’s means.
That all said, there were so many different types of women who called upon him for his services. He specifically had quite a lot of clients, quite a lot of fans, mostly because he was damn good at what he did while being the consummate professional at all times. Not to mention his virility meant that so long as the clients were taking their fertility pills and weren’t completely barren, they were all but guaranteed to get knocked up off of his seed.
Of course, that didn’t stop a few barren clients from sneaking past the company auditors anyways and then blame him for not being able to impregnate him, but those were few and far in between. Still, it had happened before, which is why Adam’s next job was one of his favorite ones. Namely, he was being called upon to do a bit of a repeat.
It didn’t happen very often, to be fair. Most women in the position to purchase his services only needed one baby and were happy once he’d knocked them up. Only very rarely did some sort of complication arise that resulted in something horrible like a miscarriage happening, at which point Adam actually had a standing clause in his contract that said he would go back and do a repeat for the client if need be.
Not every client took him up on that offer for obvious reasons, but it was the most he could do for them, at the end of the day.
Meanwhile, there were other clients who were just… well, in love with being pregnant. Adam had to be careful with these types, because they tended to overlap a fair bit with the much worse type of client… the sort who fell in love with HIM instead. He wasn’t looking for love or romance, he was a professional there to do a job.
That said, sometimes a woman with the means to make it happen decided she wanted to have multiple babies by the same Breeder. And Adam, being the extremely successful Breeder that he was, had had that exact situation happen a handful of times over the course of his career. This next job was no different, and he suspected that he’d be having a long-term business relationship with this particular woman for some time to come.
He'd only given Samantha McNair one baby so far, but within two months of what her previous due date should be, she was contacting the company and specifically requesting him to come back and do it again. It wasn’t something Adam was against, obviously. So long as the clients understood that he would never be a part of their children’s lives, he was willing to help them have as many babies as they wanted.
And so, here he was stood outside of the hotel room where Samantha was waiting for him. Just as he’s raising his fist to knock on the door, it suddenly swings open, revealing the brand new MILF in all of her VERY MILF-y glory.
To be fair, Sam had been a voluptuous woman the first time that he’d knocked her up as well. But as she leans forward, all smiles, Adam can’t help but admire her new stature and just what motherhood has done for her. Her tits alone must be another size bigger, and her hips… her hips are definitely wider than they were before, as is her ass.
“Oh, you’re here! I’m so glad you could make it!”
Giving her a professional smile, Adam just nods. No need for any sort of equipment this time around, this wasn’t an assault scenario like some of his clients requested. Indeed, as Samantha looks him up and down, the gorgeous MILF makes no secret of how horny she is, her tongue tracing out to lick at her ruby red lips for a moment before she continues to try and ply him with social nicetities.
“Was the drive over okay? Do you want something to eat? Drink?”
Chuckling, Adam just shakes his head.
“I’m fine, Ms. McNair. Let’s get down to business, shall we. Have you taken your pills?”
“A-Ah right! We can get right to the fun bits then! Yes, I’ve taken the fertility medication!”
Finally pulling back, the voluptuous and bespectacled woman bites her lower lip as Adam strides past her into the hotel room. Perhaps it’s a little unprofessional, but he can’t help himself. He grazes her tits as he passes her by, able to feel her rock hard nipples through her blouse against his arm. Her breath hitches and she lets out the cutest little moan, even as Adam pretends like nothing happened.
“I-I hope you don’t mind if we go a little late… I want to REALLY enjoy this breeding session, i-if that’s alright…”
Cocking an eyebrow, Adam stops at the bed and turns around to sit down, facing her and looking at her carefully. She’s giving off a couple of red flags… but damn it all if she also isn’t smoking hot. Adam won’t lie, he’s a bit shallow and he’s quite aware of that fact. He’s willing to overlook a lot for a beautiful woman, admittedly.
Giving her a brief smile, he shrugs his shoulders and leans back.
“Sure, you’re the one paying for my time. How do you want to begin then?”
Without missing a beat, the gorgeous MILF drops to her hands and knees right there on the floor of the hotel room. Her prodigious breasts very nearly pop out of her top then and there, barely staying constrained to her blouse… not that it matters when her very next move is to reach up and unbutton her blouse, letting her massive milk jugs bounce free of their confines and spill out.
And milk jugs is right. Adam’s excellent eye sight catches a glint of white liquid coming from her teats as she slowly begins to crawl forward like a particularly voluptuous and curvaceous big cat, her wide hips and huge ass swinging back and forth. She’s still lactating from the look of it, and he has to admit, that’s a bit of a turn on for him. Actually, all of this is…
“I was thinking I could start by taking your big fat cock in my naughty little mouth to get you all warmed up. I know you prefer to get right down to it… but it would be so hot if you’d paint my face and tits with your seed first, and then breed me loooong and hard~”
Adam hums and nods slowly, showing he has no issues with any of that as he sits there on the edge of the bed, letting her complete her approach. Eyes lighting up behind her glasses, Samantha reaches out and deftly unbuckles his belt and unbuttons his pants, hurriedly removing his cock from its confines and letting his erection slap down atop her truly impressive rack.
Cooing down at it, she moans as she begins to stroke his dick through the cleavage of her tits, her leaking teats providing enough lubrication to make the passage quite slick and wet for them in mere moments.
“Oooh, there it is. There’s the big fat SCHLONG I remember. Yesss, come to mama~”
Adam just snorts in amusement, even as she lowers her head and slowly slides her ruby red lips down his dick. The unnaturally red color of her mouth is obviously artificial, so he’s not at all surprised when her lipstick smears across his length, leaving his shaft looking a bit redder too the further down his cock she gets.
Beginning to bob up and down his huge meat pole, Samantha’s eyes flicker up to meet his face and she doesn’t take her gaze off of him again, even as she gets more and more enthusiastic. Slurping and sucking like a sex-crazed fiend, the gorgeous MILF’s glasses soon come askew, making her look rather silly for a moment before she all but rips them off her face and tosses them aside.
They don’t break, but Adam does make note of where they fall so he doesn’t step on them later. Might not necessarily be his problem, but common courtesy dictates that he make the effort all the same. Right now though, his attention is fully on Samantha McNair, her massive leaking tits, and her mouth wrapped around his member.
She’s clearly been practicing on toys or potentially vegetables. Either that or she’s a natural, because she’s right, they didn’t do this last time. Last time, he fucked her, bred her, and left her. This time, she’s definitely dragging things out… and Adam can’t bring himself to mind one bit.
He might be a Breeder by trade, but he’s also still a man at the end of the day. Having the affections of a truly beautiful woman like Sam here is a treat that he’s not really willing to pass up. Indeed, it’s not long before her efforts are rewarded, Adam’s groan filling the room as he gets closer and closer.
“Here it comes, Ms. McNair…”
Popping back off of his cock, Samantha licks her lips and directs a winning smile up at him as she slides her breasts up and down his shaft all the faster and harder.
“Please, Ms. McNair was my mother. Call me Sam. Or bitch. Or fuck toy. Cum dump, if it pleases you. Call me whatever you want, Stud. I’m nothing more than your hot and horny ready to fuck broodmare tonight~”
Her words send him right over the edge and a moment later he’s cumming all over her face and tits, just like she wanted. It’s not often that one of Adam’s loads sees the outside of a womb. His cum is quite literally a valuable commodity. Still, as previously stated, he’s willing to do a lot for a beautiful woman like Sam.
And so a truly prodigious amount of seed ends up all over the gorgeous mother’s face, his cum staining her features and her tits until finally, the release abates and he finishes cumming all over her.
Panting heavily, Sam blows a cum bubble through the curtain of jizz he’s just layered onto her features. Slowly, she reaches up and wipes his seed out of her eyes, looking up at him with lust and arousal in her gaze.
“That was… incredible.”
A moment later, she’s up off of her knees, yanking her skirt down her legs to reveal she’s not wearing anything under it, and crawling onto the bed past him, reaching back and spreading her pussy lips wide with her fingers as she moans pitifully.
“I need the real thing now! Give it to me, handsome! Fuck me right up, you fucking stud!”
That IS why he’s here, at the end of the day. Crawling up onto the bed after her, Adam grabs hold of her massive ass with both hands, noting the intricate tramp stamp she’d had last time is still on the small of her back.
Mewling pathetically, Sam presses her cum-stained front into the pillow before her as she hugs it, her entire body tensing up in anticipation for what’s about to happen next. Very briefly, he considers teasing her some more… her asshole, for instance, is actually slightly agape and clearly well-lubricated. Did she intend for him to fuck her ass next but just couldn’t wait?
In the end, Adam doesn’t give in to temptation. He’s here to do a job after all, and as inviting as her puckered backdoor might seem, her pussy lips are just as eager for him, breathing as they clench randomly around nothing at all… until he slams home into her, of course. Plowing forward into her tight but also sopping wet snatch, Adam groans as he fills her with his cock.
She’s not as tight as she was previously, but then birth will do that to a woman. He’s more than big enough that she’s still feeling great around his cock, still feeling quite heavenly. As he pounds into her from behind, Samantha McNair squeals like a stuck pig rather than the mother she’s supposed to be. It’s obvious she’s one of those who’s obsessed with getting pregnant over and over again, and Adam foresees the two of them having a long and productive relationship with one another.
“A-Ah! Yes! Cum in me! Cum inside of me and paint the walls of womb white, you sexy fucking Studmuffin! Nnnngh, get me pregnant again, PLEEEEEEASE!!!”
With her begging so nicely, how can Adam do anything other than give it to her hard, fast, and deep? His cock pounds into her from behind while she makes an utter mess of the hotel bed. His cum all over her face and tits, combined with the milk still leaking from her nipples, creates an interesting scent as she transfers most of those bodily fluids from herself to the soon soaked bedding beneath her.
There’s no doubt about it, whoever cleans this room is going to be in for a bad time later. Or maybe they’ll be a pervert and it’ll end up being a good time for them. Adam certainly hopes so, because it’s not like he can stop now. In fact, he’s about to do the exact opposite of that.
With a loud groan, the Breeder thrusts forward one final time and gives Samantha McNair exactly what she wants and precisely what she paid for. His cock plows through her love tunnel, slams up against the entrance of her womb, and then he begins to cum. He cums and cums, his seed pumping deep inside of her most sacred of places, no doubt knocking her up again.
Given she’d had a perfectly normal and completely complication-free pregnancy already and given birth to a perfectly healthy baby once before, Adam knew she could do it again and he knew she would soon be pregnant again. There was no doubt in his mind that he’d gotten the job done.
As he finishes up and pulls out of her freshly creampied womb, Adam smiles down at the satisfied, twitching form of Samantha McNair. Fixing up his clothes and tucking his cock back away into his pants, he stops and picks her glasses up off the floor, setting them on the bedside table next to the insensate MILF.
“Fun time, Sam. See you around, I imagine.”
And then he leaves, because once more his job is done and a woman has been thoroughly bred. What more is there to do?


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