Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Players’ Voice Award (Sonic/Genshin Impact)

Players’ Voice Award (Sonic/Genshin Impact)


Themes: Furry Sex, Rough Sex, Enemies-to-Lovers

Summary: At the Game Awards of 2022, someone accidentally puts two competing nominees in the same Green Room together. Sparks fly.


Whoever thought it was a good idea to have them share the Green Room together was a complete fucking moron.
The tension in the room was so palpable, you could cut it with a knife. By all accounts, it shouldn’t have been. Sure, they were up for the same award. But before tonight, neither of them had ever even met before. They hadn’t come face to face until just this moment. They hadn’t ever even spoken to one another.
And yet, that didn’t change the fact that they’d been at war these past weeks. Ever since the Game Awards announced their ‘Player’s Choice’ category, they’d been at war. Not personally, but rather a proxy war between their two communities. After all, it wasn’t likely that either of them was going to win any other awards tonight. Player’s Choice was the only space where their loyal fans could truly make their voices heard.
But things had gotten out of hand. The vitriol and all around anger between the two communities had become rather overblown. And so here Sonic and Lumine sat, one representing Sonic Frontiers and the other representing Genshin Impact. Neither of them had said so much as a word to each other yet, but at the same time… it felt like they should. Their fans had certainly been exchanging fire across the Internet for days on days now, after all.
To be fair, the two of them might not have interacted at all due to the awkward tension, but the Green Room was stocked with alcohol and the moment that they’d realized they’d be spending hours in here together, they’d both made themselves a drink. A bit of alcohol was all that was really needed to loosen some lips, as it turned out.
“… I suppose it’s already a done deal, isn’t it? Your players will be all too eager to get their bribes for voting for your game over mine.”
Sonic is the first to speak up, the blue Hedgehog disgruntled most of all by that bit in particular. He’d seen a lot surrounding the discourse online the past week, but the bit about Genshin Impact developers just throwing rewards at their players for winning them awards was… well, it didn’t sit well with him. After all, it wasn’t like he could do that. Sonic Frontiers wasn’t that kind of game.
Flinching a bit, Lumine colors for a moment before scowling. The Traveler might be a little drunk, but she nevertheless raises her head high and sniffs at him.
“Well, regardless of who wins, I do hope that this ends the death threats that your fans have been lobbing against mine. No one deserves to feel unsafe just for enjoying a game.”
Immediately, Sonic cringes at that. He wasn’t any happier about that then Lumine was, truth be told. He was sure there were some death threats from the Genshin side of things too, people were awful no matter how you sliced it, but it was his side’s escalation that got publicized in the end. And ultimately, even if he hadn’t done anything wrong…
“I’m sorry about those people. They’re not the kind of players I want playing my games anyways, you know.”
It just feels right to offer an olive branch at this point. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but Sonic doesn’t actually have anything against Lumine at the end of the day. He’s never played her game, being too busy with his own, but she herself doesn’t seem like a bad sort.
Lumine’s eyes widen slightly at his unexpected apology, and then her face softens and the blonde smiles a little bit.
“… Thank you. I suppose, in the end… we can’t really always control the people who pick up our games, can we?”
Shaking his head, Sonic chuckles ruefully.
“No we cannot. But we can control ourselves, right? And I feel like you and I got off on the wrong foot way before we even got the chance to meet.”
Lumine slowly nods along in agreement, and so Sonic hops up from his seat and walks over to her. She blinks at him, as he thrusts out a gloved hand.
“Let’s start over, shall we? I’m Sonic the Hedgehog.”
Looking down at his hand for a moment, Lumine blushes and comes to a decision, taking it and giving it a good shake.
“Lumine the Traveler. A pleasure to meet you.”
Unable to help himself with the alcohol coursing through his system, Sonic turns her hand over and brings it up to his lips, kissing her knuckles chastely.
“The pleasure… is all mine, my lady.”
It’s the cringiest, cheesiest shit you could imagine. And yet… cringy, cheesy shit is what Sonic has become known for, almost beyond his games even. Meanwhile… well, Lumine and Genshin Impact aren’t much better off. One might say that the two of them… are an unexpected match made in heaven.
For a brief moment, they stare into one another’s eyes. The tension grows between them again, thick enough to be cut with a knife once more. However, this time around, the tension is… different. Inexplicably so. But then, you didn’t need to explain attraction, not really. You just had to act on it.
In an instant, Sonic and Lumine are kissing. Their mouths clash together as their tongues begin to do the tango with one another. The two video game characters rapidly escalate to making out, along with some seriously heavy petting. Sonic is already practically naked, he’s a fucking hedgehog after all, but Lumine… Lumine is wearing her signature dress, and while normally she loved it… all of the sudden, it was very much in the way.
When she begins trying to take it off, Sonic notices and moves to help her. There in the Green Room, the two of them hastily strip Lumine naked. Once Sonic is helping, Lumine moves a hand down to his crotch, rubbing at it until his cock begins to protrude from its sheath. Inch after inch of big, fat hedgehog dick starts to protrude out, all the while they continue to make out heatedly, moaning into one another’s mouths, hands roaming across each other’s bodies.
As soon as her panties are out of the way, Lumine breaks the lip lock and leans back on the couch, biting her lower lip as she spreads her legs wide and offers her pussy to him.
“F-Fuck… inside! I need you inside of me right fucking now you fucking bastard!”
Growling, Sonic grabs her by the legs, yanking them up into the air. Holding her by her ankles, he folds Lumine’s body back against itself with a somewhat savage grin as he lines his throbbing hedgehog dick up with her naked cunt lips.
“Yeah bitch? This what you want? You want my big fat fucking cock?”
They’re calling each other names, but there’s no bad blood in it. They know that neither of them mean it by this point. All the same, there’s a thrill in just… fucking it out, so to speak. Talking it out might have been healthier, but this was definitely easier.
“Yes! Give it to me!”
Lumine doesn’t seem to mind her position one bit. Which is good, because the Traveler is in for quite the treat. Lining up properly, Sonic presses his tip into her entrance… and thrusts downward. Lumine gasps, her eyes going crossed as he fills her with every last inch of his hedgehog cock. He’s pretty damn large for his size, his member stretching her out in a most satisfying fashion as the blonde shudders underneath him.
For a brief moment, Sonic just slides in and out of her, painstakingly slow and taking his time as he watches her face contort in pleasure, moans leaving her open lips. Of course, as she gets redder and redder, Lumine realizes what he’s doing. Her eyes narrow as she looks up at him, growling a bit.
“I thought… I thought you were supposed to be FAST.”
The accusation might not have been what Sonic was looking for… rather, he was hoping she would beg. But he realizes that the Traveler isn’t the kind of woman to truly beg. She, like him, was a Main Character through and through. And Main Characters were beyond such NPC-energy. Another lustful growl leaves Sonic’s throat as he decides her challenge must be answered.
From one thrust to the next, the Hedgehog’s entire demeanor changes. He goes from thrusting into her slowly, to picking up speed with blinding quickness. One thrust is slow, the next is normal, and the one after that has Lumine’s eyes going wide as Sonic really starts to give it to her.
He jackhammers down into Lumine’s folded up body with so much speed that the couch underneath her begins to ominously creak. Someone more responsible (and less drunk) than the blue hedgehog might have stopped at that point and changed things up. But Sonic was too far gone to care about some fucking furniture in some shitty Green Room at some B-list awards show. He was too busy answering Lumine’s challenge to stop and question whether or not he should continue.
And so he pounds into the Traveler with all his might, slamming down into her with more and more speed. In response, Lumine squeals and cries out, wide eyes going crossed as they threaten to roll back in her skull altogether. She has the durability to handle his speed, but clearly not the sexual experience.  The couch, on the other hand… does not.
With a rather loud sound that honestly makes them both freeze up, the furniture that Sonic is pounding Lumine into at super speeds finally gives up the ghost and crumbles into nothing. As they each lie there for a moment among the rubble, shocked, there’s a second where they meet each other’s eyes. Then, Lumine breaks his hold on her ankles and proceeds to wrap her legs around his waist, pulling Sonic in.
“Don’t you d-dare fucking stop now.”

Well, with an order like that, how is he supposed to refuse? He had her on the ropes before… he’d get her there again! Returning to pound town in short order, Sonic rails Lumine hard and fast until the blonde Traveler is squealing at the top of her lungs. To be fair, if no one came running at the sound of the couch breaking into a million little pieces, then they certainly weren’t going to hear Lumine crying out in ecstasy.
They were only here for the Players’ Voice Award after all. The lamest, most insignificant award of the night. In hindsight, was it any surprise that they’d been stuck in a Green Room together? They were quite literally an afterthought to the producers in spite of just how rabid and wild their fans had made the news cycle for the past week.
Other more deserving games would win more important and prestigious awards. But neither Sonic nor Lumine cared about that. In that moment, all they cared about was each other. As Sonic fucks Lumine hard and fast, her eyes finally do roll back in her head as she cums upon his cock again and again and again.
However, even as she’s orgasming continuously with a fucked silly expression on her face, her limbs remain wrapped around him. Her legs encircle his waist, her ankles crossed and her thighs clenching down tightly to keep him from escaping. Meanwhile, her arms are around his head, her hands fisting in his spiky hedgehog hair.
In turn, Sonic grabs hold of Lumine’s breasts, giving the Traveler’s tits a good, hard squeeze as the blonde moans in deep and lustful satisfaction. All the while, his cock continues to pound into her pussy, reshaping it to his massive hedgehog dong. They fuck the night away, losing all track of anything outside of each other… but of course, it can’t last forever.
With a grunt, Sonic finishes inside of Lumine, unable to hold back any longer… and also unable to pull out, since the blonde is clinging to him so effectively. She refuses to let him go, so ultimately there’s no place he CAN cum but deep, deep inside of her. As he fills her up, Lumine shudders her way through one last explosive orgasm of her own. They settle down with one another, cuddling, and just in time too…
“Five minutes until the Players’ Voice Award is announced! Five minutes!”
The banging on the door makes them both freeze up, but thankfully whoever’s on the other side doesn’t bother coming in. They’re probably far too overworked to concern themselves with anything beyond letting the both of them know that their award was coming up quickly. For a long moment, Sonic and Lumine just stare into each other’s eyes. Then, they find themselves sharing a laugh, shaking their heads and finally disentangling themselves.
The… destroyed couch is pretty much impossible to hide at this point. What people will assume when they see it, who can say. Instead, the two video game characters get busy making themselves look presentable after their… tumble.
Making their way out of the Green Room, its to find out that Genshin Impact had won the award. As Lumine gets up on stage to accept the Players’ Voice Award, Sonic watches her do so with a smile, despite fully anticipating being extra salty when he lost. He’d always known he was going to lose, after all. There was no way his community could possibly overcome Lumine’s.
But that wasn’t the Traveler’s fault, and really… he didn’t need to compare himself and his games to other characters and other games. Ultimately, he was proud of what they’d accomplished with Sonic Frontiers, whether they won this award or not. It was always about improving, and for the first time in what felt like a long time, his future was looking bright.
Perhaps that was why, after Lumine came down off the stage, he zipped over to her. Technically, most Award Winners were expected to give a bunch of interviews and what not. Make an appearance with their award. But Players’ Voice was pretty much the throwaway category. No one was waiting around to interview her, something that both Sonic and Lumine notice and share a short commiserating glance on.
Still, there was no reason for that to ruin Lumine’s night. In fact, Sonic thought it was all the better that there wasn’t anyone to get in the way of his invitation…
“Congratulations on the award, Lumine. I was wondering if you wanted to go back to my place to celebrate.”
For a brief moment, he fears that she might say no. That he misjudged her and now that she’s gotten what she wanted (a fucking and the award) that she’ll reject him. But no, Lumine’s eyes light up and she quickly nods.
“Sure! I’d like that a lot!”
Sonic, not one to waste time, swoops the Traveler right off her feet and races away before anyone can see them and snap a picture. Making their way back to his place, the two of them have a night of intense crossover fucking.
Whoever thought it was a good idea to have the two of them share a Green Room together a complete fucking genius.


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